• _Vegeta_
    Ennyi baromsagot reg olvastam. :)

    Osszefoglalom ami itt mar elhangzott parszor:

    A Jedik "vedekezesre es nem tamadasra hasznaljak az erot". A jedi nyugodt es megbekelt magaval. Kb olyan ez mint a valo vilagban a Shaolin szerzetesek (olvass utanna).
    A sithek az ero rossz oldalat hasznaljak. Amikor atal vki a sotet oldalra teljesen elfajzik es mar NEM ONMAGA. Mindentol fel ez ad neki erot.

    Es most a lenyeg (kontra azokra a marhasagokra amit mondtal):
    A sith rossz mert csak a sajat erdekeit tartja szemelott maset nem. A jedi csak massal torodik magaval alig.

  • Mhosah Myth
    Nem tudod letépni a fejét erővel mert az erő egy adott egybefűggő "tárgyra" hat. Ha megnézed embereket el tudsz dobni de külön a fejüket nem tudod letépni ezzel...
  • RaveAir
    Amúgy eszembe jutott valami. Az erőhasználók a tágyak mozgatásán kívül akár mást is mozgathatnának. Pl. az Erő segítségével letépni valakinek a fejét, vagy egyéb belső szervét... Bár ezek elég durva dolgok lettek volna.
  • Serpa
    milyen trükköt?
  • flashX
    Asszép, tudod miért jók? Mert nem ölnek ártatlanokat és segítenek az embereknek, de egy beszűkült sithnek ez is sok.
  • Mhosah Myth
    Obi egyáltalán nem volt gagyi a Dooku elleni harcban!! A könyvben úgy volt egyébként, hogy becsapták Dooku-t :) Mert direkt a régi technikájukkal kezdtek el harcolni ahogyan a 2.-ik részben. Dooku elbízta magát túlságosan lebecsülte őket és ekkor Anakin és Obi-van is harcmodort váltott és közös harcmodorral mentek Dookura. Dooku épphogy tudta hárítani a csapásokat és egy rúgással eltávolítja Anakint Obira meg egy lökést nyom. Ezekután beveri a fejét és elájul. A filmben egyáltalán nem jött le a harc. A könyvben Obi-van is több oldalon keresztül harcol míg a filmben fél percig... :((
  • z3d
    Nekem Maul jött be igazán (olvastam a Darth Maulról szóló künyvet is), Dookut az előbbi egekig magasztalásom ellenére nagyon nem szeretem, valószínű a színész miatt és az előbb említett technikai hiányosságokmiatt, Grievous nagyno stílusos volt, csak kár hoyg köhögött, meg a filmben valahogyan nem jött ki az ő hatalmas ereje (vagy Obi annyival királyabb volt)
    Szóval Darth Maul roxx :)
  • RaveAir
    Egy kicsit aránytalan lett. Eltelt 100 oldal és nem történt semmi... :)
    Ahogy a könyvben le van írva, ahogy Anakin leteszi a Láthatatlan kezet Coruscantra... no comment.

    Amúgy le van írva az, hogy Obi-wan milyen trükköt alkalmaz Anakin ellen a végső csatában. A filmben azt sem veszed észre... :)
  • franco
    Maul, Grevious és Dokou is karaj sztem, kár hogy rossz oldalon állnak :)
  • z3d
    Nos én az EP1 csodálatos párbajai után (Darth Maul azóta is a kedvenc karakterem az SWben) alaposan megnéztem a az EP2 párbajait. Az, hoyg nem volt kidolgozva szerintem azért volt, mert egyszerűen a két színész (illetve a Dookut játszó főleg) egyszerűen nem volt technikailag felkészülve a jelenetre (összehasonlítva pl akár az EP1, akár az EP3 fontosabb párbajjeleneteivel). Valamint azt olvastam, hogy Dooku a jedik között az egyik legjobb kardforgató mester volt, mert olyan technikát használt, amit az új jedik nem annyira ismernek, mivel őket főleg a lézerpisztolyok elleni harcra vannak kiképezve, Dooku meg nagyszerű párbajtechnikát tudott magáénak. És ott nem erőzőtt Dooku, egyszerüen lesebezte fénykarddal. Ez alapján az információ alapján, valamint az EP2 képei alapján én azt mondom, ott legyalázta mind Obit, mind Anakint. (persze nem olvastam az Ep2 könyvet)
    Az EP3 ban már látványosabb volt a párbaj, de Obi ott is hangsúlyozta, hogy ketten támadják meg, ami azt mutatja számomra, hogy érthető okokból tart tőle.
    A filmben azért volt erőhasználat főképp Obi ellen ebben a párbajban, mert így lehetett gyorsan és hatékonyan eltávolítani a jelenetből, mivel ott ugye geyértelműen az Anakin Vs Dooku ellentéten votl a hangsúly.
    Tehát mindkét esetben egyértelűen és nagyban felülmúlta Obi-t Dooku. Ezért mondtam hogy gyalázás. (félreértés ne essék, nem vagyok Kenobi ellenes, sőt, ebben a filmben még ő volt a legnormálisabb a jedik között szóval megszerettem)
  • rezsofiz
    Egyébként azt nem értem hogy amikor kiszabadítják Palpatinet a könyvben az 100 oldal a 300 oldalas könyvből, viszont a könyv vége annyira össze van csapva hogy szornyu.
  • Sheva
    így van Obi van a király... :)
  • franco
    az ep2ben kidolgozatlan volt a párbajuk. de ott sem a technika döntött
    ep3ban az erővel győzött dokou

    nem volt az akkora gyalázás
    viszont rajta kívül talán más jedi nem is tudta volna levágni párbajban
  • franco
    olvasd el mindenképp
  • rezsofiz
    Hát igen amit ott Obi csinált az enyhén irreális volt:) Le tudta volna győzni Grievoust, de legalább használta volna az Erőt rendesen vagy vmi ilyesmi
  • z3d
    Meg ha Obi-van ennyira nagy mester a kardforgatók között, akkor hogy lehet az, hogy Dooku mindkét alkalommal alaposan helybenhagyja . . . ű
    És szegény Grievioust Obi hatalmas fölénnyel gyalázza meg a filmben (amíg kardoznak)
  • z3d
    Azért azt is tegyük hozzá, hogy a Clone Wars rajzfilmben szegény Grievioust Windu nem kicsit roppantotta össze az erő segítségével, nyilván nem segítette, hoyg folyamatosan köhögött. . .
    Ennek ellenére el most már egyre biztosabb vagyok benne, hogy el kell olvasnom a könyvet. Miért is nem tudott Lucas még fél órát hozzátenni a filmhez. . .akor lehet nekem is tetszett volna :(
  • rezsofiz
    Itt nem a félelem számít hanem az hogy a Jedik egy beszűkült mittudoménmik akik félnek használni az igazi Erőt, és csak a hüje kis kodexüknek élnek.

    Érdekes sokan azt hiszik hogy a Jedik a "jok". És mitől jok? mert a köztársaság nézeteit osztják?
  • Mhosah Myth
    "Mielőtt Obi-van elhagyta a Coruscantot, Mace Windu mesélt neki eg Grieviousszal való összecsapásáról, melyet egy maglev vonat tetején vívtak, a tábornok merész rajtaütése közben, amikor itt járt, hogy foglyul ejtse Palpatine-t. Mace elmondta neki, hogy a Grievous agyát rabszolgaként szolgáló komputerek látszólag még Mace halálosan eredeti Vaapad technikáját is kielemezték, és egyetlen pengeváltást követően képes volt hasonlóképpen visszavágni.
    - Minden bizonnyal Dooku gróf tanítványa - magyarázta Mace -, ezért tehát számíthatsz a Makashira is... Figyelembe véve, hány Jedivel küzdött már és hányat ölt meg, készülj fel rá, hogy gyakorlatilag szinte bármely stílusban támadhat, vagy akár egyszerre mindegyikben. Valójában, Obi-van, úgy vélem, hogy az összes élő Jedi közül neked van a legnagyobb esélyed, hogy legyőzd őt.
    Ez a kijelentés igen meghökkentette Obi-vant, és tiltakozni kezdett. Végtére is, az egyetlen stílus, amelyben egyáltalán valóban jártasnak számít, az a Soresu - ez a legáltalánosabb lézerkardtechnikát jelenti a Jedi Rendben. Az alapvető kitérési technikákra alapozva, amit minden padavannak tanítottak - hogy képesek legyenek megvédeni magukat a sugárvetők lövedékeitől - a Soresu igen egyszerűnek számít, és olyannyira visszafogott és védelmiközpontú stílus, hogy szinte már passzívnak lehetne nevezni.
    - De Windu mester - szabadkozott Obi-van -, bizonyos, hogy te a Vaapad erejével, vagy Yoda a tökélyre fejlesztett Ataróval---
    Mace Windu csakhogynem elmosolyodott.
    - AZért alkottam meg a Vaapadot, hogy így kezeljen a gyengeségemet: A vaapad segítségével a saját sötétségemet tudom a fény fegyverébe terelni. Yoda mester Atarója szntén válasz egy sajátos gyengeségre: a termetének és korának köszönhető korlátozott mozgékonyságára és hatósugarára. Azonban te? Milyen gyengeségre válaszol a Soresu?
    Obi-van nagyokat pislogva kénytelen volt beismerni, hogy még sosem gondolt erre ilyen megközelítésben.
    - Ez annyira jellemző rád, Kenobi mester - jegyezte meg a korunio Jedi fejcsóválva. - Engem nagy kardforgatónak tartanak, mert kifejlesztettem egy halálos stílust, azonban mondd, ki a hatalmassabb: egy gyilkos módszer megteremtője, vagy a klasszikus forma mestere?
    - Nagyon hízelgő, hhogy mesternek tartasz, de igazán...
    - Nemcsak egy mesternek... hanem a mesternek! Légy az, aki vagy, és Grievous sosem tud legyőzni téged.
    Így hát most, szembenézve a megsemmisítő energiatornádóval, amit Grievous rohama jelent, Obi-van egyszerűen az, aki."
  • Mhosah Myth
    Ja... És még sokminden mást is... Például, hogy Obi-van miért tudja legyőzni Grievoust amikor Windu nem tudta... Mindjárt beírom azt a részletet a könyvből! :)
  • z3d
    Értem. Akkor ezért sem figyelt Anakinra annyira amikor Sidioust le akarta csapni (azon kívül hoyg koncentrálnia kellet a védekezésre is) mert a spec technikájával belelovvalja magát a harcba érzelmileg is. Kárság hoyg ezeket csak a könyvből lehet megtudni.
  • flashX
    A Jedi Kód és jelentése
  • Punkerwork
    nincs szükség ezekre szerintem itt, inkább linkeld.
  • flashX
    "There is no death, there is the force

    There is a Zen Koan that asks; "Show me your original face before you were born".

    Nisargadatta Maharaj used to ask students; "What were you two hours before you were born"?

    It is interesting to note that people have no fear of before they were born, but greatly fear after they die. People fear death. But what they fear is the death of the ego because they have mistakenly identified themselves as this.

    The question to be answered is, "Who am I?"

    Are you the body or the mind? Are you the contents of the mind (ideas, beliefs, conditionings, concepts)?

    Who are you?

    Some may say, I am a doctor, lawyer, plumber, or even Jedi, but to identify yourself as any of these things is to encapsulate yourself and take you from the truth. Those are roles that you are playing. Who are you? Those things arise and fall away depending on need and situation. Who are you that is independent of those things? Who are you that is eternal, unchanging?

    You are infinite, consciousness, awareness. How could you be a finite thing that comes and goes, arises and falls? The body is here today gone tomorrow. becoming a doctor or plumber arises and falls away. Ideas beliefs and conditionings are finite onesided limiting products of the mind, changing all the time. How could you be those? Yet most people attach themselves to these things and use them to construct for themselves an ego that they call "me" or "I". In this they are mired to duality. They live in the endless realm of likes and dislikes, love and hate, good and bad. They live in the suffering of their own creation.

    And so the question, "Who am I"?

    It is said, that there is no one who is not enlightened? That people do not see it, is because they attach to this manifested form. All the things clung to, your self, your beliefs, your "truths", let it all go, it is all going down with the Titanic anyway. Personal truths, beliefs clung to for security, dreams, your own self, all of it, right down to the bottom of the sea, none of it survives. So if these things are not you, your true nature, what could it be? Why nothing! Even the buddha said he got "no-thing" under the bodhi tree.......

    In the great ocean that is, waves arise and fall. Some waves are large and some are small. Some run a great distance, others a short one. No matter the size, length, or distance a wave is and always was water. So it is with you. You are consciousness that arises as pure awareness, expressed as bliss. You are als the wave that arises out of water for a while, runs it course, and settles back into water. Was there ever a time that the wave was not water? And thus with the force, you arise, flow in the great way, and then settle back into the force. There is no death, this is the force.

    When we are aware of our true nature, mindful, concentrating on the moment, focused on the living force, then we are simply doing and being the great way, flowing in/as/of the force. This is the way of the Jedi.

    Living in the confines of ego, we are asleep to the force. We cannot see our true nature, and we begin to live suffering. The ego must constantly seek and strive. It must try to justify its existence. But it has mistaken the answer for a question. The ego is like the wave shouting , "look at me, look at me, look at me!!!! I am a wave, I am seperate, I am a really important big meaningful wave. Look at me, I am important, look what I can do!!!!"

    So turn your attention away from the arising and falling of the waves. Be Mindful and look to see the force that is eternal, unchanging. It is there always. It is what you have overlooked like a painting on the wall you no longer notice. It is in the gentle background of your awareness right now. So as in our ocean analogy, stop clinging to the waves and look at the water. Instead of trying to bring about an experince of peace, knowledge, serenity or the force, we realize that we see that we are and always were the force in manifestation. Rather than trying to bring about an experience of the force we realize and "know" that we are and always have been this, that this is our true nature.

    Seeing this takes time and training. It is not "knowledge" but realization. It cannot be reasoned to and it cannot be grasped by the mind. It can only be "known" and lived in the moment.


    So instead of trying to know anything, just relax into not knowing. Relax into the force, into your true self, it is there in the background of awareness.

    It is there, in the space between thoughts. Just observe all this, without the need to do, or be, or say anything and there it is.

    In fact spend the day just observing. Just watch the flow of thoughts in the mind. Watch yourself watching. See how thoughts arise and slips. Watch how you react in the ways you always do. Watch how you create your emotions by dipping into memory, using your conclusions about the world and how it should be, forever living in this egoic past, to create your feelings and reactions. Watch how "you" cling to some things, reject others. See it and just watch yourself watching. But don't react, just watch. Make no attempt to change or do anything. Just observe.

    What do you control other than the ego likeing some things and rejecting others? That is its power. The power to create your suffering. To really bake your noodle, if you can watch yourself, then who is it that is observing? Even worse, how could those thoughts and ego that calls itself "you" be real if you can watch it? How can that be you if it comes and goes, arises and falls away, changing, flawed, impermanant, ephemeral?

    Your true nature is there, that gentle background of awareness that all these thoughts arise in. There is no one that is not enlightened. You just have to want to see it. But the price is high and the sword of truth cuts very deep. Didn't Jesus teach that you must die (to self) in order to be resurrected? Didn't I read somewhere that he said you must deny your very self, take up your cross and follow. So you have to ask yourself, do you want to cling to the beliefs in all these things, illusion of your power or do you want to end your suffering.

    After you practice mindfully observing, come back to the question of "who am I". If there is a thought that follows it ask yourself, "In who has this thought arisen". If you think "in me" or any answer ask, "then who am I". You will observe that this continually brings us back to our true nature, to the force. For there is no answer to who am I, the mind cannot grasp it, it cannot be reasoned to, it cannot be spoken of in words. But when you see it, you will know, you will understand.

    I am consciousness, arising as pure awareness in the force.

    Even I am just a thought in the mind of god. "
  • flashX
    "There is no passion; there is serenity.

    Passion is a driving emotion. Passion can be described as a "ruling" emotion, as well as ferver, or zeal. Passion is a strong desire or devotion to an activity, object, feeling or concept. Passion can be an unwavering pursuit of a goal or devotion to a cause.

    In common use, we often talk of passion as a good thing. We talk of people's passions and their pursuit of them as an exercise in free will and "admire" "heroes" such as athletes for their passion.

    In awakening, in living in/as/of the force passion takes us fully into egoic drives and desires and pursues them so fully that one cannot hear the force.

    Your focus determines your reality, where attention is, there you are. If your focus on on zealously pursuing a desire, devoting yourself fully to that activity/object/feeling/concept, then you are far away from being in the moment, far away from the force.

    A Jedi is serene, embodying what the Buddhists call "Upekkha" or Equanimity. Equanimity is one of the four qualities of love. This is not indifference or aloofness. It is an engaged equanimity, a calm serene kindness and caring toward everone with kindness flowing toward all in all situations and relationships. This is serenity that is calm, with kindness, in all situations, but especially under stress; balanced and flowing from the force. "
  • flashX
    "There is no ignorance, there is knowledge

    The terms "ignorance" and "knowledge" are used in a special way here.


    In common use "ignorance" can mean ignorant of "things" as in ignorant of how to treat others, or how to ride a bicycle. This is not the meaing that is meant here by "ignorance".

    Ignorance is the ignorance or not knowing your true nature. Your true nature is nothing. No-Thing. Get it? It is common for people to say, "I am a doctor", or "I am a plumber" or to associate your self with some thing. Never forget that ideas, concepts, beliefs, conditionings are also things; they are products of the mind. The mind is another thing. Your body is another thing. You are not the body, you are not the mind.


    Knowledge is the knowledge of your true nature. It is living in the force, every moment, open and honest with *what is* in every moment. It is not knowledge of any "thing" but abiding in the force in every moment. Then you are your true self, doing and being the force in every breath.

    This is not knowledge that can be "gained", it is a realization.

    Most people live their lives believing themselves to be the body, or the mind. This is the first attachment that we have and often the last to be let go of. As long as you believe yourself to be the body, believe yourself to be the mind (or the contents of mind) you cannot be in/as/of the force. Where there is "you" there is no force, where there is the force, there is no "you". For the you that you have identified with and believe to be real is simply a set of beliefs, experiences, conditioned behaviors, likes, desires, wants and needs. All of these are together called "ego" and it is this ego that is what causes separation. The ego must justify its existance, it must find meaning for itself. It fears death and dissolution and so seeks to protect itself and its ideas even unto death. The fear of ego death is the basis of separation.

    Most people live from a mistaken assumption. They have identified and attached to the body and contents of mind and live in separation rather than in their true nature. This is ignorance. It is said in Buddhism "that there is no one who is not the Buddha nature". Most are asleep to this "knowledge" and instead live in the ego rather than in their true nature, rather than in the force, in the ever present moment of *what is*. Move from the mistake that "you" are real to the knowledge, understanding and realization that your true nature is *what is*, is the force.

    You are not the body, you are not the mind. There is no conflict, there is only peace, there is the force.. There is no birth, no death, there is simply *what is*.

    In the Book, "I AM THAT", Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, he writes:
    "There are no conditions to fulfill. There is nothing to be done, nothing to be given up. Just look and remember, whatever you perceive is not you, nor yours. It is there in the field of consciousness, but you are not the field and its contents, nor even the knower of the field. It is your idea that you have to do things that entangles you in the results of your efforts - the motive, the desire, the failure to achieve, the sense of frustration - all this holds you back. Simply look at whatever happens and know that you are beyond it. "

    This is not knowledge that can be "gained", it is a realization. How is it realized?, that is what the great sages have been pointing to for millenia. Perhaps some suggestions here:

    Admit you know nothing. Anything that you think that you know is simply a belief, or set of beliefs about what happened to you in the past. If you stay focused in the ego, then the best you can do is react to situations. When you are in/as/of the force, open and honest in every moment, then you respond to what is. "
  • flashX
    "There is no emotion, there is peace

    Peace is everywhere.

    Peace is not a "state" of being, but is lived in every moment, on every breath.

    Peace comes from mindfully attending to the force. In oneness, living the force, one *is* peace.

    There are many that point to events in the world, in others groups, situations and use this as an example that there is no peace.

    There is no conflict, there is simply that which you carry with you. If you see no peace, see conflict "out there" consider that this is merely a reflection of your own inner life.

    If you seek peace for the world,

    Then consider the place to start,

    Is in one's own being,

    In one's own heart.

    If you wish peace, then *BE* peace.

    The natural order of things is simply *what is* happening in that moment. Consider this carefully. The tendency for many is to want to change everything they see as being "wrong" with the world. Tolstoy wrote, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself".

    If you think for a moment, in your own life you will see many situations that you have decided that need changing. Follow the trail of how you come to this conclusion and see that you have a set of beliefs, conceptions, conditionings and ideas about how the world is and should be. You see an occurrence, and evaluate it based on these beliefs and decide that *what is*, should be other than it is. Then based on your belief ridden judgement you create a feeling within yourself; be that frustration, anger, irritation, aggression, etc.

    It is written that everything is perfect, in that moment, exactly as it is.

    Attachment to your beliefs, conditionings, wants and desires are what create your emotions, as well as both your suffering and the suffering of all creation.

    When we attach to our beliefs, we attach to these emotions. There are schools of study in psychology that teach that thinking follows beliefs (i.e., what we tell ourselves), feeling follows what we tell ourselves about what happens. Epictetus, a Roman Stoic, said "Man is not disturbed by things, but by the view which he takes of them". Shakespeare said, "Things are neither good nor bad but thinking makes them so".

    And so, you might be wondering is the point of all this?

    Living the force can only be done mindfully, moment by moment. It is not something that is done in meditation for 20 minutes a few times a day, but in mindfulness on every breath. Breathe in you are the force, breathe out, you are the force. Flowing, mindfully, this is being the force.

    When we are focusing on our emotions, we are living in the past not in the moment. This may seem unimportant to some but it is the key to understanding this precept. If we are focused on judging and evaluating events, based on our beliefs of how things should be (which is all based in the past) then we are living in the past.

    Living and Being the force is done only in the moment, moment by moment. It is being open and honest in this and every moment, moment by moment. It is said that we always feel based on our thinking, act based on our feeling. Where attention goes, action flows. If we are attending to and focused on our emotions, then we will not be living the force, flowing with what is. We will instead be separate, following our own belief ridden, conditioned responses and attempting to force our own egoic conceptions of what should be onto the simply truth of *what is*.

    Living the force we are open and honest with every moment. Whatever arises is met with peace, with equanimity. To continually live in the past, deciding that things should be other than they are based on your beliefs is fighting with *what is*, fighting with the force. Consider that when you are living in this way, you cannot respond to the force. All you can do is react from your own ego desires and conditionings.

    And so, hopefully from this simple talk, you can see the connection to beliefs, attachment to beliefs, the creation of emotion, attachment to one's emotional state, and separation from the force.

    It should be stated, that this precept is not an admonition to suppress emotions. One must practice mindfulness in order to understand this.

    It is living and being the force, in every moment. It is the understanding that *what is* is peace and peace in every moment. This is not some mental understanding, but a deep inner knowing that simply flows forth.

    There is only peace.

    Be peace, in every moment, on every breath. Then you are the manifestation of the living force.
  • flashX
    Pont ezért jobb a világos oldal. A szenvedést saját magad szenvedésére értendő.
  • Punkerwork
    ezért győz a sötét oldal, csak az nem fél akinek nincs veszteni valója, ezért nincs a jediknek családja stb, hogy ne legyen veszteni valójuk.
  • flashX
    A sötét oldal: félelem>harag>utálat>szenvedés

    Csak a gyengék félnek.
  • Solid Snake GH
    Shitek bosszúja......hffff....pfffff
    Na ilyenkor tudnám én azokat az idiótákat kinyuvasztani...
  • RaveAir
    Még szerencse, hogy mostanában már nem járok arra... :)
  • Sheva
    ilyen van kitéve tarjánba is.. :)
  • bigapó
    ez valami made in home plakát???
  • Kandurex

  • Police88
    aki a corvinban látta a filmet a premierhéten azoknak ismerősek lehetnek ezek a képek :http://www.corvin.hu/new/starwars/thumbs_d/thumbs_p.html
  • _Vegeta_
    A Jedi oldal meg a higgadtake nem az elmebajosake. :D
  • rezsofiz
    Mit értesz az alatt hogy gyengéké? Inkább ugy mondanám a Sötét Oldal azoké, akik nem félnek használni a bennük rejlő képpeségeket.
  • Johnyy
    ez ien hüje jedi cicamica süket duma
  • rezsofiz