• flashX
    "There is no emotion, there is peace

    Peace is everywhere.

    Peace is not a "state" of being, but is lived in every moment, on every breath.

    Peace comes from mindfully attending to the force. In oneness, living the force, one *is* peace.

    There are many that point to events in the world, in others groups, situations and use this as an example that there is no peace.

    There is no conflict, there is simply that which you carry with you. If you see no peace, see conflict "out there" consider that this is merely a reflection of your own inner life.

    If you seek peace for the world,

    Then consider the place to start,

    Is in one's own being,

    In one's own heart.

    If you wish peace, then *BE* peace.

    The natural order of things is simply *what is* happening in that moment. Consider this carefully. The tendency for many is to want to change everything they see as being "wrong" with the world. Tolstoy wrote, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself".

    If you think for a moment, in your own life you will see many situations that you have decided that need changing. Follow the trail of how you come to this conclusion and see that you have a set of beliefs, conceptions, conditionings and ideas about how the world is and should be. You see an occurrence, and evaluate it based on these beliefs and decide that *what is*, should be other than it is. Then based on your belief ridden judgement you create a feeling within yourself; be that frustration, anger, irritation, aggression, etc.

    It is written that everything is perfect, in that moment, exactly as it is.

    Attachment to your beliefs, conditionings, wants and desires are what create your emotions, as well as both your suffering and the suffering of all creation.

    When we attach to our beliefs, we attach to these emotions. There are schools of study in psychology that teach that thinking follows beliefs (i.e., what we tell ourselves), feeling follows what we tell ourselves about what happens. Epictetus, a Roman Stoic, said "Man is not disturbed by things, but by the view which he takes of them". Shakespeare said, "Things are neither good nor bad but thinking makes them so".

    And so, you might be wondering is the point of all this?

    Living the force can only be done mindfully, moment by moment. It is not something that is done in meditation for 20 minutes a few times a day, but in mindfulness on every breath. Breathe in you are the force, breathe out, you are the force. Flowing, mindfully, this is being the force.

    When we are focusing on our emotions, we are living in the past not in the moment. This may seem unimportant to some but it is the key to understanding this precept. If we are focused on judging and evaluating events, based on our beliefs of how things should be (which is all based in the past) then we are living in the past.

    Living and Being the force is done only in the moment, moment by moment. It is being open and honest in this and every moment, moment by moment. It is said that we always feel based on our thinking, act based on our feeling. Where attention goes, action flows. If we are attending to and focused on our emotions, then we will not be living the force, flowing with what is. We will instead be separate, following our own belief ridden, conditioned responses and attempting to force our own egoic conceptions of what should be onto the simply truth of *what is*.

    Living the force we are open and honest with every moment. Whatever arises is met with peace, with equanimity. To continually live in the past, deciding that things should be other than they are based on your beliefs is fighting with *what is*, fighting with the force. Consider that when you are living in this way, you cannot respond to the force. All you can do is react from your own ego desires and conditionings.

    And so, hopefully from this simple talk, you can see the connection to beliefs, attachment to beliefs, the creation of emotion, attachment to one's emotional state, and separation from the force.

    It should be stated, that this precept is not an admonition to suppress emotions. One must practice mindfulness in order to understand this.

    It is living and being the force, in every moment. It is the understanding that *what is* is peace and peace in every moment. This is not some mental understanding, but a deep inner knowing that simply flows forth.

    There is only peace.

    Be peace, in every moment, on every breath. Then you are the manifestation of the living force.