• Lynx_TWL
    áh én nem értem ezt a nem látok a unitoktoól dolgot, kell egy nagy monitor min egy 1024*768as felbontás rezulosön, és akkor még sokat is látok nem keveset....
    nekem sohanem volt bajom ilyen ügyben, mé a kis szar 13'os monitoromon amikor a rendes éppen szervizingelt, akkor is jol láttam mindent :)
    ez biztos az istenlámaság egyik előnye :P
    ja de téllleg 304ben lesz nagoybb lehetöség rushra, teáht a 4v4es 2-2es rush taktik egyik megy másik utána váltogatos izé twlek ugyis tudják miröl vna szó, az mehetne 1000el
  • Ymir
    már nem tudok felmenni a warforge szerverre aszondja nem jo a peccsem ezek szerint mindjá loader is lesz
  • Ymir
    már megvan a cim
  • Ymir
    honnann szeded a cimet amit ide irtál milyen oldalról?
  • Ferro_TwL
    Mindjart lesz 3.04 tamogatas sot azt is csiripelik, hogy lesz ladder... ki tudja.

    Itt egy link a 3.04-hez:

    Loader meg nincs(!) de szerintem mar csak percek
    (esetleg orak) kerdese.
    Ne felejtsetek a server warforge.kicks-ass.net, twl channel.
  • magus
    újézus mi lenne 3v3ben ft-ben... sima war3ban mar nem tudtam kovetni a nagy csatat, de ft-bn ahol keveredni kell nagyon, mi lesz. úúúú, elképzelni is szornyu. johoy nem baldurs gate en nwn sc szintu gyorasaggal...:)
  • Ymir
    FERRO NEM TOM(BOCS) pofátlanság é de ha szügségetek lesz emberre akkor rám számithattok azaz meghivom magam :)))
    de most komolyan,csak ne menjen az egyetem rovására :)
  • Ferro_TwL
    Skacok ha lesz vegre3.04 es ladder a wf-en akkor kene mar AT-ni rendesen mint regen mehetne a fsza kis 4v4-unk meg minden...hu ezt most azert irom mert igy kadder es 3.04 nelkul szar jaccani meg sokkal jobb hangulata van a teamgamenak mint a solonak bar a solo nehezebb meg neha izgibb de mar nagyon hianyzik hogy szidjak mindekit milyen lama es azert kapunk ki
  • Lynx_TWL
    uj server mijafasz build van wfnél mostan ebben a minben, és monták hogy haladnak már pecsben ...
  • ProTech

    Innen letoltheto a PvPGN server. Mas loader kell hozza mint a WarForge-hoz
  • Lynx_TWL
    ja és te láma gyere wfre
  • Lynx_TWL
    ,,Nem azt jelenti, mivel magic damagejuk van. (Egyebkent is a chim csak foldet tamad es foldi egysegek kozul senkinek sincs heavy armorja- talan a spellbreakernek de szerintem annak se lesz, csak ez meg kimaradt)"

    olvasd végig te láma mit irok, ott irtm utána mégsenem :)
  • Ferro_TwL
    Sebzes tipus vs pancel tipus Tablazat:

    Light Medium Heavy Fort Hero Unarmored
    Normal 150% 100% 100% 70%* 100% 100%
    Pierce 75% 100% 200%* 35% 50% 150%
    Siege 50% 100% 100% 150% 50% 150%
    Magic 75%* 200% 100% 35% 50% 100%
    Chaos 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
    Spells 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 100%
    Hero* 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100%

    Ethernal form (eteri alak)
    Keto ilyen van a jatekban:
    1. ha bansiht varaszolsz valakire,
    2. spiritwalker etheri alak
    -Csak magic damage sebzi,
    -Magic damage 200%-ot sebez rajtauk,*
    -Minden varazslat 200%-ot sebez rajtuk.*

    Sebzes tipusok:
    -Normal (legtobb melee (koezlharci) egyseg, footman, knight stb)- a light pancel ellen ad bonus sebzest
    -Piercing (legtobb ranged (lovo) egyseg, archer,rifleman stb.) -a heavy pancel ellen ad bonusz sebzest
    -Siege (ostromegysegek, katapult stb.) -epuletek es varzshasznalok ellen ad bonusz sebzest es teruletre sebez
    -Chaos (nehany creep, Dread Lord ultimaja az infernal) -minden ellen ugyanugy sebez , minden ellen jo
    -Magic Damage (varaszhasznalok, legtobb legi egyseg) -a medium pancel ellen ad bonusz sebzest, nem sebzi a magic immunis lenyket, az eteri alakban levo egysegeket csak ez a sebzes sebzi de azokra bonusz sebzese is van

    Pancel tipusok:
    -Unarmored (a legtobb varazshasznalo es a dryad is)
    -Light (legtobb ranged egyseg archer, crypt fiend stb.)
    -Medium (az osszes foldi melee egyseg) (kiveve talan a spellbreakert de o is valoszinu medium armoros lesz ha mar most nem az)
    -Heavy (az osszes legi egyseg, nincs kievtel az osszes)
    -Fortified (epuletek es a siege tank) (kiveve az ork burrow es tower light armorja van-de van upgrade hogy foretified pancelja legyen-es human guard tower)

  • Ferro_TwL
    "Piercing damage now does 200% damage to Heavy armor
    hopp ezen megakadt a szemem, ez azt jeletni, hogy chimera meg wyrm akár 200at is sebezhet egy heavy armoroson :)"

    Nem azt jelenti, mivel magic damagejuk van. (Egyebkent is a chim csak foldet tamad es foldi egysegek kozul senkinek sincs heavy armorja- talan a spellbreakernek de szerintem annak se lesz, csak ez meg kimaradt)

    Na a sebzes pancel rendszerrol meg annyit hogy most sokkal jobban kijon a "counter" rendszer.(vagy maskepp a ko-papir-ollo rendszer:)
    Az eredetiben ugye a melee , a range-t, range az air-t es air pedig a range ellen volt jo.
    Most pedig:
    Mivel minden foldi melee egysegnek medium pancleja van ami ellen a magic damage sebez nagyobbat, ezert kellett a griffnek, wyrmnek stb.-nek magic sebzes. Mivel minden legi egysegnek heavy pancelja van (ami nagyon jo csak a dot ill. garg es hippo sziv tole nagyon de ezeket majd ugyis kijavtjak) azert a range egysegek sebzik oket, sot most mar nem csak 150% hanem 200% sebzessel. Lenyegeben a magic es a piercing (lovo) sebzes ugyanaz csak a magic a medium armort, a piercing pedig a heavy armort sebzi.
    Vegul is az tortent hogy a levego egysegek most jobb anti-fold egysegek mig a range egysegek jobb anti-levego egysegek.
    Es van a light armor ami a range unitok pancelja,ezen a piercing sebez kevesebbet mig a melee tobbet de ez nem valtozott. (Talan csak annyiban hogy a heroknak most hero damagejuk van igy nem olik olyan hatasosan a tier1 range egysegeket.)

    u.i: Bocs ezert a sok angol szoert de igy sokkal konnyebb leirni es aki ismeri a wc3-at az ugyis tudja mit jelent.Ha itt megprobalnam leforditani senki nem ertene meg en sem:)
  • Lynx_TWL
    Piercing damage now does 200% damage to Heavy armor
    hopp ezen megakadt a szemem, ez azt jeletni, hogy chimera meg wyrm akár 200at is sebezhet egy hevi armoroson :)
    Heavy air units such as Gryphon Riders and Frost Wyrms now deal Magic
    damage eh tovább olvasva mégsenemre jutottam....

    jipppi:Vengeance regardless of whether there are corpses nearby. The SoV will
    raise invulnerable Spirits from nearby friendly corpses to fight for you.
  • Lynx_TWL
    ooh mi a kurva isten nem vagyok itthon szombaton iskola miatt, erre a négerek meg már peccsel dobáloznak
  • magus
    a spirit walkert irja mar le vki pls hogy hogy erdemes hasznalni!
  • Ymir
    hát ja az lesz de egy jo stratéga mindent kitalál a gyözelemhez. :) a hely a blizzard.com ahol van táblázat ,a basics menüpontba
    és igen a tier a föépület szintja bár hogy mit jelent szó szerint vagy hogy honnan származik maga a szo én se tudom
  • Ymir
    batridert eddig is leszedte bármuilyen ijjász legalább is nekem nem volt gond
  • magus
    nahat igen, de az elejen iszonyu eros lesz az ud, es ha gyorsan elfejlodik csak pisloghat mindenki
  • magus
    1. nincs tablazat vhol hogy milyen armorra milyen sebzes mennyire sebez?
    2. a tier1-2-3 ugye az hogy a foepulet szintjebol milyenek jonnek?
  • Ymir
    gondolj csak bele élöhalott az elején erös lesz mert gyorsan kitermeli a fát de egy idö után el fog fogyni eza védelem miatt is gond lesz nekik és itt jön az elf fafal marad és végtelen faforrás király
  • magus
    Piercing damage now does 200% damage to Heavy armor, up from 150%. This
    change was made to ensure that Archers and other ranged units can
    effectively counter air units

    kiralysag vegre nem lesz legyozhetetlen az ork legiero
  • magus
    ez a tobb fa azert sziovas elfnek...
  • Ferro_TwL
    http://war3x.shorturl.com/ ezen rajta van minden.

    Van egy csunya bug a 3.04-ben most olvastam forumon. A sea naga witch-et (uj hero meg van mar PANDA is) meg lehet venni egybol nem kell hozza tier 2 ill 3-as foepulet.
    Na szoval hogy erthetobb legyek mindjart az elejen vehetsz egy herot es a naga herot ugyhogy tier1-en lhet egybol 2 herod, hu csunya bug majd jon minjart a 3.04b ami nekunk nem jo hir mert talan az miatt lesz kesobb wf
  • Ymir
    lehetöségek tárháza lesz ez a 3.04
  • Ymir
    csak nincs vége ugyis valaki kitalál valami taktikát
    ha meg vége lenne akkor majd valami más taktika születik ezé jó ez a warcrfat :)
  • Davidus
    Bemásoltam ide hogy ne kelljen mindig megnyitnom a b.net forumot:)
  • Davidus
    - BETA PATCH 304



    We have made numerous changes to improve the strategic depth of WC3: The
    Frozen Throne. Please try new strategies!


    - Players now start with 500 gold and 150 lumber, down from 750 gold and
    200 lumber.
    - Barracks-equivalents and Altars are much less expensive.
    - Technology structures, in general, cost more lumber, while costing less
    gold. This was part of an effort to make various strategies have a wider
    window of opportunity, as well as to decrease the cost of switching
    - Town Hall-equivalents and the Haunted Gold Mine cost more lumber.
    - Town Hall-equivalent upgrades cost more gold and a lot more lumber.
    - Most upgrades cost more lumber and less gold.
    - Upgrades other than attack/defense upgrades tend to have lower research
    times now.
    - Humans and Undead both have new towers, the Arcane Tower and the Nerubian
    Tower, respectively, which are designed to discourage Hero harassment.
    - Shop hit points have been significantly reduced, as they should be a prime
    target when attacking a base.

    Damage and Combat Hierarchy Changes:

    - Normal damage now does 70% damage to buildings, up from 50%.
    - Heroes now have the aptly-named 'Hero' damage type, which works much
    like Normal damage, except it only does 50% damage against buildings,
    and 100% damage against Light armor. This was done primarily so that
    Heroes no longer strongly counter tier-1 ranged units.
    - Piercing damage now does 200% damage to Heavy armor, up from 150%. This
    change was made to ensure that Archers and other ranged units can
    effectively counter air units.
    - Magic damage now deals 75% damage against Light armor units, as Light
    armor units typically are supposed to counter units that deal Magic
    - Tier-3 melee units now have Medium armor in order to encourage their use,
    and make them more dangerous.
    - Siege units have been significantly improved by increasing their range
    and speed.
    - Heavy air units such as Gryphon Riders and Frost Wyrms now deal Magic
    damage, which makes them very effective against Medium armor units, and not
    so effective against Light armor units, which are supposed to counter them.
    - Air units OTHER than heavy air units have for the most part been
    rebalanced. You may notice different damage values and other
    - All air units now have Heavy armor.

    Experience-Related Changes:

    - Kills made when no Hero is nearby still result in your Heroes' receiving
    experience. If one Hero is nearby, but another is not, only the nearby
    Hero gains experience. This change was made to encourage the use of air
    mobility in harassing an opponent.
    - High-level creeps and units give significantly less experience.
    - High-level creeps have Medium armor now.
    - Low-level Heroes take 30% longer to revive. Heroes of level 4 and higher
    still take the maximum of nearly 2 minutes to revive.
    - Units killed by buildings no longer give experience.


    - (4)BridgeTooNear: Goblin Laboratories are now gold mines. Starting gold
    mines and expansions have reduced gold. Tree circle in middle has thin
    wall of trees instead of thick wall of trees.
    - (4)HailStone: Moved the Tavern out of player's base and replaced with a
    large creep camp. Removed 4 expansion gold mines and replaced them with
    Taverns and creep camps. Beefed up a gold mine.
    - (4)IceFlow: All gold mines have been reduced.
    - (4)Islands: Changed creep camps at Goblin Shipyards.
    - (4)Tanaris: Middle is now a gold mine. Made creep camps stronger at
    Laboratory and gold mines. Ripped out the medium-sized creep camps. All
    gold mines reduced slightly.
    - (4)Turtle Rock: Starting gold mines reduced slightly. Tertiary gold mines
    reduced significantly.
    - (4)WhirlWind: Removed Mercenary Camps and some creep camps. Replaced with
    high ground, a Tavern, and a strong creep camp.
    - (6)WheelofChaos: One Goblin Laboratory replaced by a Marketplace. All
    Marketplaces around the outside became Goblin Laboratories. Gold mine and
    Laboratory islands are now connected. Island gold mine creep camps are now
    - (6)StranglethornVale: Starting gold mines are reduced. Mercenary Camps
    are now gold mines with strong creep camps. Neutral buildings altered in
    the middle of the map.

    Item Changes:

    - Clarity Potions, Healing Salves, and Scrolls of Regeneration all have
    their effects dispelled when units under their influence attack, are
    attacked, cast a spell, or are hit by a spell which does damage.
    - Circlet of Nobility price increased to 175 from 125.
    - Potion of Lesser Invulnerability now costs 150, up from 100.
    - Crystal Ball now has unlimited charges, but a 60-second cooldown. It is
    also now a level-5 permanent item instead of a level-2 charged item.
    - Staff of Teleportation now costs 100 gold, down from 200, and no longer
    randomly drops.
    - Orbs no longer cause melee Heroes to deal double damage.
    - Adjusted the level of several items.

    Human Changes:

    - Gyrocopters can now benefit from the new Flak Cannons upgrade, which gives
    their air-to-air attack splash damage.
    - Gyrocopters have been rebalanced as 1 food units.
    - Mortar Teams can now benefit from the Fragmentation Shards upgrade, which
    allows them to do increased damage against units.
    - Knights adjusted to have a higher damage output, while being the same
    overall strength.
    - Spell Breakers now have the Feedback ability, which causes their attacks
    to remove up to 10 mana from their target. Each point so removed causes
    1 point of damage to the target.
    - Spell Steal no longer requires an upgrade to use.
    - Spell Breakers now have the Control Magic ability, which allows them to
    charm enemy summoned units. The spell's cost is relative to the hit points
    of the target. Control Magic requires the Control Magic upgrade.
    - Blood Mages no longer have the Mana Shield ability, but have gained the
    Siphon Mana ability, which is similar to the Dark Ranger's Life Drain,
    except it drains mana instead of life from the target.
    - Banish can now be cast on oneself, and slows its target by 66%.
    - Banished units, by virtue of being ethereal, now take double damage from
    Magic and spell attacks. The Sorceress' attack, Storm Bolt, and Flame Strike
    are all examples of spells that are doubled in damage by Banish.
    - Mark of Fire no longer requires a unit to create--just the spell.
    - Dragonhawk Riders now benefit from the Animal War Training upgrade.
    - Flame Strike now costs 150 mana to cast, up from 125.
    - Flame Strike initial damage/sec reduced to 35/65/90 by level from 45/75/105.
    - A bug with Flame Strike was fixed. Now it effectively deals 33%
    more damage against units. This means that its values have
    effectively been changed to 45/85/120 damage/sec by level.
    - War Engine rockets now deal 25 damage down from 75, and have had a range
    increase to 500 from 400. Additionally, up to 10 rockets can be fired at
    once, up from 3.
    - Human Shop no longer sells Scroll of Speed.
    - Scout Towers now cost 30/20, down from 70/20.
    - Guard Towers now have Light armor, take less time to build, and cost 80/60,
    down from 120/60.

    Undead Changes:

    - Black Sphinx now has the Absorb Mana ability.
    - Abominations now have the Cannibalize ability, which works much like the
    Ghoul Cannibalize ability, except 1 corpse will not always fully heal an
    - When units Cannibalize, the most injured units do so first.
    - Obsidian Statues have been significantly changed. They now have only two
    abilities: Spirit Touch and Replenish Life. They are auto-cast area-of-
    effect mana and health restores which do not stack with other spells of
    the same type. Two Sphinxes replenishing mana do not do so faster than 1.
    Note that Statues no longer have Aura of Blight, Absorb Mana, or Replenish
    - Obsidian Statues are once again 3 food in addition to now having 800 hit
    points, being able to attack, and having medium armor.
    - Black Sphinxes now lose 3 mana per second.
    - Devour Magic radius reduced to 250 from 400, but cooldown reduced to 6
    from 12.
    - The Meat Wagon's corpse-carrying capability has been improved. Cannibalize
    and Raise Dead will automatically use corpses in a Meat Wagon as if the
    corpses were on the ground.
    - Shade speed increased to 350 from 270, but hit points reduced to 125 from
    - Scroll of Speed now sold on Tomb of Wonders if a Black Citadel is built.
    - A Graveyard is once again required to make Spirit Towers.
    - Halls of the Dead hit points reduced to 1750 from 2000.
    - Black Citadel hit points reduced to 2000 from 2300.

    Orc Changes:

    - Catapults now have the Naphtha upgrade, which allows Catapults to cause
    an incendiary effect after hitting a target, causing damage to nearby
    buildings and units over time
    - Level-1 Serpent Ward now has 75 hit points, down from 135.
    - Ethereal Spirit Walker hit points increased to 500 from 350.
    - Spirit Walkers in ethereal form take double damage from Magic and spell
    attacks. The Sorceress' attack, Storm Bolt and Flame Strike are all
    examples of spells that do double damage against ethereal Spirit Walkers.
    - Disenchant radius reduced to 200 from 400, but mana cost reduced to 50
    from 125, and cooldown reduced to 0 from 3.
    - Wand of Neutralization now affects 8 targets per use, up from 5.
    - Watch Towers now have Light armor, build more quickly, and cost 110/80
    down from 155/80.
    - Reinforced Burrows upgrade is now called "Reinforced Defenses". It also
    costs 50/200, as opposed to 125/75, and now takes 60 seconds to research,
    up from 45 seconds. It gives Fortified armor to both Watch Towers and
    - Liquid Fire damage/sec reduced to 5/sec from 10/sec temporarily.
    - Batrider attack now deals 1d4 + 18 damage, down from 1d5 + 22. This is
    a temporary change.

    Night Elf Changes:

    - Mana Burn cooldown is now 7/6/5 seconds by level, down from 7/7/7 seconds
    by level.
    - Mana Flare damage cooldown reduced to .75 from 1.5.
    - Shadow Strike now affects air units.
    - Wisps now move speed 270, up from 220.
    - Tranquility cooldown reduced to 60 from 120.
    - Tranquility mana cost reduced to 125 from 200.
    - Ancients now have Medium armor instead of Heavy armor when uprooted.
    - Mountain Giant Hardened Skin now subtracts 15 damage from every attack,
    down from 20.
    - Spirit of Vengeance has been reworked. You can summon the Spirit of
    Vengeance regardless of whether there are corpses nearby. The SoV will
    raise invulnerable Spirits from nearby friendly corpses to fight for you.
    These Spirits will dissipate if the SoV dies, or if their summon time
    - Treants (summoned by Force of Nature) now benefit from Nature's Blessing.
    - Anti-magic Potion now requires Ancient of Eternity to purchase.
    - Clarity Potion no longer sold on Ancient of Wonders.

    Neutral Heroes and Units:

    - You can now buy the Pandaren Brewmaster and Naga Sea Witch from the
    Tavern. Check the bottom of this readme for full details on their
    - Silence range increased to 900 from 700 to allow for easier use.
    - Level-2 and level-3 Black Arrow now create the same Dark Minions as
    level-1 Black Arrow.
    - Black Arrow damage bonus changed from 5/10/15 to 2/10/20.
    - Black Arrow now works on high-level creeps.
    - Charm now works on creeps of level 5 or lower, down from 6 or lower.
    - Charm mana cost increased to 150 from 125.
    - Neutral Heroes are not as quickly available for hire as before.
    - Marketplaces have been greatly changed. In no particular order: each
    Marketplace has its own stock of items; every 30 seconds, a new item is
    added; Marketplaces remove items once they are purchased; Marketplaces
    don't stock items until 2 minutes into the game.
    - Mercenary camps have a number of new creeps seeking to be soldiers of
    fortune! Be sure to check them out!
    - Creeps sold at Mercenary Camps and Goblin Laboratories are often
    available much earlier than before. Some are available as early as
    60 seconds into the game (down from 440 seconds previously)!


    - Second and third Heroes no longer start with Scrolls of Town Portal.
    - The allied minimap color filter now has a third state: minimap only. In
    this state, units on the main screen will have their own particular
    player's color, while units in the minimap will be color coded according
    to their team.
    - Group-selected buildings now distribute orders properly. For instance,
    if you tell two Barracks to research several upgrades and build several
    units at the same time, the orders are distributed between them equally.
    - Ethereal units take double damage from spell damage and Magic damage.
    - All Backpack upgrades now cost 50/25, down from 75/25.

    Neutral Hero Abilities:

    Pandaren Brewmaster
    * Drunken Haze – Causes the target to become extremely drunk, causing it
    to move slowly and miss attacks.
    * Breath of Fire – The Brewmaster breathes fire in a short-ranged cone shape,
    causing damage to both air units and ground units in the area of effect.
    Units which were under the effects of Drunken Haze are set aflame and take
    significant damage over time.
    * Drunken Brawler – Exactly like Evasion.
    * Storm, Earth, and Fire – The Brewmaster splits into three mini-pandas:
    Storm, Earth, and Fire. Each is a formidable fighter in its own right,
    and possesses at least one ability. All have the Resistant Skin ability.
    After the spell duration ends, if any one of the pandas is still alive,
    the Brewmaster reforms.
    - Storm: Can cast Cyclone, level-1 Wind Walk and Dispel Magic. Has a ranged
    - Earth: Magic immune, has extremely high hit points, and possesses the
    Pulverize and Taunt abilities.
    - Fire: Has Permanent Immolation and a strong attack.

    Naga Sea Witch
    * Forked Lightning – Similar to Carrion Swarm. A cone-shaped direct damage
    spell which does fixed damage to a certain number of targets.
    Amount of damage and number of targets go up with level. This spell is
    slightly more powerful than Carrion Swarm, but is also a bit more costly,
    and has a slightly longer cooldown.
    * Mana Shield – This ability is completely reworked version of the Blood
    Mage's old Mana Shield ability. It is now an ability that can be activated
    or deactivated, much like Immolation. When it is activated, damage done to
    the Sea Witch is instead dealt to her mana pool instead of her health.
    * Cold Arrows – Similar to Searing Arrows. Deals bonus damage when turned
    on, and also slows the victim's attack rate and movement rate.
    * Tornado (ultimate) – Creates a randomly moving Tornado in the area of
    effect which causes significant damage to buildings and slows the attack rate
    and move speed of units.
  • Davidus
    Tier-3 melee units now have Medium armor in order to encourage their use,
    and make them more dangerous.

    Ez nagy királyság végre nem csak bohócnak vannak a kinightok a csatatéren:)
  • Davidus
    Vége van a techelésnek:)
  • Ymir
    az icq számod megadnád? ferro
  • Ymir
    tesa nekem valamiért néha nem jön be a blizzárd van ugy hogy egy hétig se most se jön azé gondoltam hogy valami cimet irhatnál ahol a warforgos állásról lehet olvasni vagy valami, azt a cimet meg amit irtál mindjá meg is nézem tnx
  • Ferro_TwL
    Na ez ugy mixuk hogy a blizzard ugye kiadja a patchet. A warforge (mindig a wf csinalja meg eloszor a pvpgn meg a tobbi toluk kapja) eloszor is valahogy megcsinalja hogy legyen "standalone" patch (ez azt jelenti hogy ne csak atomatikusan bnetrol lehessen felrakni hanem a sima *.exe-s megoldast jelenti), es aztan csinal hozza egy loadert. Hiaba van meg a patch loader nelkul semmit nem er.
    Na most a blizzard minden patch-ben uj es uj vedelemet rak bele, kemenyen atirja a dolgokat szoval van hogy egy loader-re 1 napot de volt olyan is hogy 1 hetet kellett varni.
    Ha lesz loader ugyis mindenki irja itt egybol.
    En a www.theinclan.com-ot szoktam nezni de a blizzard oldalan is rajta van minden.
  • Ymir
    ferro te se tudod hol és mikor lép életbe ez a pecs esetleg egy hely ahol lehet róla olvasni , a legacit már olvastam
  • Ferro_TwL
    Units killed by buildings no longer give experience

    Ez a legjobb nincs towercreep es a towerrush is kicsit nehzebb igy.
    Hu de sok valtozas van megint mintha uj game lenne.
  • Ymir
    ja tudom hogy még ugyse lehet használni a pecset de azé mégis
  • Ymir
    honnan lehet leszedni a pecset?
    sose tudom a blizzardtol se tudodm de még ha le is tudnám nincs crack, ja és van valami oldala a wf eseknek?
  • szutyok
    Kijött a 3.04-es patch!

    Nagyon komoly változások vannak ám benne! A főépületfejlesztés drágább, amúgy minden olcsóbb aranyban, fában meg minden drágább. :) Gyrocopter 1 kaját foglal!!! Az nagyon durva, akár 60-t is le tudsz belöle gyártani!! A tier3 melee unitok normal armorosak! Meg vannak még hasonló finomságok. :)

    tft.replayers.com oldalon olvassa el mindenki! Tényleg nagyon komoly változások vannak benne.
  • szutyok
    A tp-ről meg csak annyit, hogy tényleg van olyan bug, hogy ott marad a fél csapat. És nem pont ugyanúgy müx, mert ha duplán rákattolsz, akkor teleportál a legközelebbi legfejlettebb bázisodra, gyorsabban használható.