    Nos , a következő van:
    Jeges tüske reg. idő minden nélkül:10,4mp
    Felveszem a Kristálybőrt:9,2mp
    Nem veszem le, de felveszem a Ragyogó erőnlétet is:7,5mp
    Most megnéztem. Rányomok a jobb alsóban, és a Kristálybőrt felveszi. Ezután nem kapcsolom ki és rányomok a Ragyogó erőnlétre és azt is felveszi, mert ott villog a feje felett a jelzőfény és a Kristálybőr is rajta marad.
    Ez így lehetséges?
  • Fantusz
    Koncentráció felvétele után minden karakteren lehet két erősítés.

    A ragyogó erőnlétet a reg időt csökkenti, és növeli az életerő regeneráció ütemét, az aktív védelmet a kristálybőr adja.

    Nézd meg a páncélzatod értéke mennyi kristálybőrben, és nélküle, illetve nézd meg e jeges tüskéid reg idejét ragyogó erőnlét nélkül, és amikor be van kapcsolva az erősítés.
    Egyébként azt nem egészen értem, hogy a Kristálybőr és a Ragyogó erőnlét egyszerre hogy lehet rajtam, mint erősítés.
    Csak azért mondom, mert úgy látom, hogy mindkettő érvényesül.
    Vagy tévedek, de vizuálisan úgy látom, hogy rajtam van.
    Lehet, hogy hülyeségeket beszélek, de én így látom...
    Egy "jegeset"...:D
    Az új patch a ragyogó erőnlétemet és a kristálybőrt is jelentősen megemelte.
    Most figyelek a támadás elkerülésére is, de még csak 27-es szerencsétlen, később is remélem tartja majd magát.
  • Fantusz
    Milyen elfet sikerült összehoznod?

    Reggel nyafogtam a halódó gyűlölet hibája miatt, most úgy tűnik nem a patch volt a bűnös, működik normálisan, a sárkányom követ hűségesen kapun-portálon át.
  • obe
    köszi a kimerítő választ
  • obe
    Mivel én már régen vettem, ezért egymás után raktam fel a javításokat, de van ITT Release 2.0.2 → Update 2.40 is.
  • Fantusz
    Netes játékhoz mindenképpen kell a legújabb patch, különben nem engedi fel a szerver.

    Szerintem érdemes letölteni a 2.40-es javítást (amelyik alapról indul), a mostani patch elég kicsi az Update néhány perc alatt frissíti, a 2.40es folt mérete jóval 1 Gb fölötti lesz.
  • obe
    ..bocs, egy kommentbe kellett volna: egyböl mehet a szüz jätekra a legujjabb patch, vagy csak szepen sorjäban?
  • obe
    sräcok, most vettem öcsemnek a sacred 2-t, gyüjtö vältozat jo äron...kerdesem:

    ha elekzdtem egy karaktert 1.0 -äs verzioval, peccseles utän oda a mentes, tehät kezdhet ujat, vagy bätran lehet menet közben is patch-elni?..köszi
    Én pontosan a te tanácsaid alapján felépítettem egy új Elf karaktert még a 2.40-el...
    Eléggé ütős lett, de érdekes módon most a 2.43 még erősebbé tette.:D
    Majd megnézem a Szeráfomat és az Inkvizítort is, hogy azzal mit művelt a patch.
  • grebber
    Ha volt már akkor sorry!

    Sacred 2 2.43 patch

    New Features:

    * It is now possible to disable the camera shaking via an entry in the optionscustom.txt. The entry is: camera.cameraShake = 0


    * The heroes do not point out insufficient armor against the wrong damage types anymore.
    * Reflection damage from NPCs has been reduced.
    * The Sakkara demon on the "Start Island" no longer attacks the player unless he has been attacked first.
    * Gold and XP amounts will now be displayed using periods as the thousands separator. (For example 123.456.789.000)
    * When fight music is disabled, the region music will continue to play during combat.
    * The bonus "Chance to dismount opponent" has been removed.
    * Blowpipes are now able to hit mounted creatures.
    * Achievements will only be shown ingame and commented by the hero the first they are accomplished.
    * The achievement "Group Hug" is now possible to accomplish.
    * Other heroes in multiplayer game sessions are now less chatty.
  • TGWH
    A kiegben benne lesznek a patchek is. De utána már ne adjanak ki patcheket, az elég gáz lenne... Mondjuk én azt sem értem, hogy mitől egy gb egy patch, hiszen elvileg csak számokat tartalmaz, ami nem foglal annyi helyet mint pl. egy kép, bár lehet azok is vannak benne, de azokat meg minek raknak bele ha még a játék sem jó, érted :D
  • jazzy
    Remélem a kiegészítőt nem ilyen elhamarkodottan fogják kiadni, mert már lassan tényleg a patchekből is megtelik egy dvd..
  • TGWH
    BFG-s szeráfokat gyengítse csak.
    Nekem csak az ellen találati esélye -x% meg az esély a támadás elkerülésére: +x% gyűrűk tűntek el... de találtam amulettben. Remélem azért még gyűrűben is lesz.
    Köcsög játék - vagy inkább fejlesztők -, de még mindig nincs jobb ennél a készítők szivatnak bughalmaznál...
  • Dante73
    Sajnos, a patchek hajlamosak átvariálni a karikat. Nemrég próbálgattam a driádom, amit a még az első patch után indítottam, és valamelyik patch használhatatlanná tett gyakorlatilag. (Hogy melyik pontosan, passz, volt egy pár) Most 2,40 van fent, és azzal most megint jó... Kíváncsi leszek, az új mit kavar össze megint. Mondjuk, ha a BFG-s szeráfom legyengíti, zabos leszek....
  • Fantusz
    Furcsa karaktered lehet, nekem megmaradtak a cuccaim, nem is igen változott a tulajdonságuk, bár mindet nem jegyeztem meg külön-külön. 2.34-es javítás forgatta fel az egész investorit, ilyesmit most nem tapasztaltam.

    Más bugot viszont találtam a patch után, mégpedig elég idegesítőt: vudus driádomat nem követi a szellem.
    Egy másik területre átlépve a szellem marad - ha barlangba mentem a bejárat előtt ragad, ha elteleportálok gyakorlatilag elveszettnek nyilvánítható.
    Bosszantó, hogy azzal kell foglalatoskodnom, hogy az erősítést le-fel pakolásszam, ha nem akarok a sárkányom nélkül hadakozni.

    Jó esetben egyszeri bug volt, nem volt kedvem kilépés után visszamenni tesztelgetni, mindenesetre, csontvázakat idéző árnyharcosok, vudu-szellemmel portyázó driádok figyeljenek az erősítésekre.
  • Rettenthető
    Sajátos az uninstall...
    Köszi a segítséget!
  • TGWH
    Hogyazajó.... muszáj ezeknek a köcsögöknek minden egyes patch után elbszni a karaktereket? Az összes használható gyűrűm és amulettem odalett... hogy rohadnának már meg, ezt egyszer eljátszották, azóta gyűjtöttem párat... vááááááááááááá két hétig megint nem játszom...
  • krisztajo
    Köszi! Nekem is van közelharci sebzés – 38% visszaveréses sisakom. Aranyszínűben esett már kicsit régebben, de azóta is azt használom. A hátasom tényleg megmaradt, ott várt ahol hagytam, az utolsó teleportnál. Igazából csak azért bosszant a dolog, mert az inkvizítor után a négy Őrzővel simán végeztem, csak az utolsó erősebb volt nagyobb falat. De legalább a játék legkeményebb főellensége csinált ki, ez egy kis elégtétel, ha már meghaltam.
  • wedge31
    Ennek a patchnek semmi értelmét nem látom mikor már ugyis mindenki a kieget és az abban levö ujdonságokat várja.
  • TGWH
    2. rész:
    Tehát az előző komment az első rész :D
    26/11/2008; Version 2.31.0:

    * Implemented a new ingame options menu.

    * Added new bosses to reward exploration.

    * Added eight new portals for more convenient travelling around Ancaria.

    * New "level-of-detail"-system for better general performance.

    * Better pathing in some areas.

    * End bosses use more/improved special abilities.

    * Opponents in dungeons are more challenging now.

    * Buffs can no longer be activated when the selected combat art slot is

    * Improved targeting with combos.

    * Improved drop reward for the completion of side quests.

    * "Mastery" of the skill “Enhanced Perception” will now yield
    significantly better chest drops.

    * Failed quests no longer count as resolved quests in the game

    * PvP: It is no longer possible to attack another player during his
    fade-in by joining a server at the start island.

    * PvP: Target circle now shows under mounted players.

    * Fixed that Inquisitor’s armor and clothes were detached from body
    with certain graphic settings.

    * Fixed that PvP was possible in some cities.

    * Fixed clipping issue during praying animation.

    * Fixed sound issues for the mainquest dialogs.

    * Fixed several possible causes for crashes.

    * Fixed one cause for random decrease of fps.

    * Several minor fixes for combat arts.

    * Multi-hit combat arts performed with ranged weapons now have a limit of
    three projectiles.

    * Fixed that the Temple Guardian did not move to attack when mounted on a

    * Mainquest related holograms in the jungle area are now working

    * Quest log does no longer need to be activated after exit/load.

    * New mini-sets are now dropping.

    * Set-items now drop much more often and earlier.

    * MP-Servers can now be opened and joined at any difficulty.

    * In MP the difficulty of the enemies is not global for the whole server
    anymore. If two or more players with different levels play in different
    parts of the world, each player has its own enemies with their own
    spawn level.

    * MP - mode "free game" and PvP now has open ship ports between the

    * The teleporters in cities will be activated as soon as the city is

    * Boni on items are now displayed in red if they don’t affect the
    character. This can happen for example if they apply to the wrong
    character-class or if they augment a skill that the player has not yet

    * Facetteleon now has less graphical effect issues with different detail

    * Quest items that need to be collected now stack in the log.

    * In the sidequest "Cobold chief" it was possible that the sound was
    muted, this has been fixed.

    * Sidequest "A strange machine" had missing texts, this is now fixed.

    * The tooltip for selling a mount to a trader mentioned saddles, this has
    been fixed.

    * Traps now work correctly.

    * Only 5 sidequests with hirelings can be accepted at the same time.

    * If quest-hirelings died before the quest was solved, they got
    resurrected together with the hero, this has been fixed.

    * Dead enemies sometimes stood upright after they died, this has been

    * “Swirling Mist of Miasma” sometimes stopped spawning undead and
    could not be killed, this has been fixed.

    * NPC and PC forging have been rebalanced. The values are now dependent
    on the difficulty level. PC forging is now less strong.

    * The animation of the Inquisitor for the combatart “Mortifying
    Pillory” was broken if he had throwing stars or throwing daggers
    equipped, this has been fixed.

    * Several levitating objects and minor terrain issues have been fixed.

    * In the MP - Lobby there is now a refresh button for the server list.

    * It was not possible to make a trade with a mounted Hero, this has been

    * It was possible to equip halberds into the left hand, this has been

    * If the player placed stacked potions and trophies with more than two
    items into the playertrade window and cancelled the deal with [ESC],
    than only one returned to the inventory, this has been fixed.

    * Sidequest “Ghosttown” did not teleport the player properly in some
    cases, this has been fixed.

    * Dismounting is now quicker.

    24/10/2008; Version 2.12.0:

    * Some players suffered lags while clicking on NPC’s and objects since
    hotfix 2. This has been fixed.

    * Under specific circumstances, it was possible for a savegame to
    overwrite another character. This has been fixed.

    * Sometimes players were not able to join servers, receiving the
    erroneous message that there was a version conflict. This has been

    * It is now possible to use the character slots [8] and above in the
    Closed Net Lobby.

    * Occasions, in when quests that require a certain amount of collected
    items didn’t grant enough of those items have been improved.

    * The function of [F12] has been improved. [F12] now teleports the
    character to the resurrection point. This works for both singleplayer
    and multiplayer games.

    * The sidequest arrow does no longer point to completed sidequests.

    * The removal of the fog of war has been improved.

    * On multiplayer campaign servers clients that accomplished side quests
    occasionally interfered with the progress of the server. This has been

    * Corpses no longer block projectiles.

    * Mounts sometimes lost XP after exit/load. This has been fixed.

    * A sporadic problem with sounds on the 5.1-subwoofer-channel has been

    * An exploit concerning hero statues has been closed.

    * An exploit using the smith to duplicate items has been closed.

    * An exploit using the buddy list to duplicate items has been closed.

    * A redundant window concerning the connection to the chat server has
    been removed.

    * Hotfix 3 introduces an auto-updater that will facilitate future

    15/10/2008; Version 2.11.2:

    * Progress in "Silver" campaign games is now stored on Closed Net

    * When saving in multiplayer mode, the message "Game Saved" will be

    * Crashes will no longer occur in connection with the death of Shadow
    Warrior/High Elf characters.

    * Singleplayer coop is no longer treated as a single player game.

    * Chat functionality is no longer faulty or non-existent.

    * Scorpion King (desert boss enemy) no longer kills players instantly.

    * The game no longer has to be executed with administrative rights under

    * Items cannot be stolen by using the ALT key.

    * F12 now correctly teleports MP characters to the MP start location, not
    the singleplayer start location or a resurrection monolith.

    * Keyboard configuration updates will be correctly stored now.

    * Nether Allegiance is no longer inactive after teleport.

    * Divine Gift of "Testa" now works correctly.

    * The severed tentacles of the giant octopus can no longer be picked up
    as items, but players can still pick up their normal loot drops.

    * SP character playing MP: When you see the message "Your quest progress
    will be preserved" your progress is now saved.

    * Books are now being displayed in quest log.

    * OpenAL exception no longer occurs.

    * There is no longer a sound loop when encountering opponents using trap

    * Sounds no longer disappear after playing the Kobold Chieftain quest.

    * There are no longer sound problems when videos play (i.e. no spoken
    text during the intro etc.).

    * Voice overs are played less frequently.

    * Fight music is played less frequently; regional music is played more

    * When clicking on a player in the lobby, it now tracks that player
    instead of the person in that position on the lobby player list.

    02/10/2008; Version 2.10.0:

    * Hardware cursor implemented (better playability on low-end computers)

    * [ALT] key now shows the names of items on the ground

    * [F9] key now saves your current position in the save game (will be
    reset if you die)

    * [F12] key now respawns your hero at your current respawn point

    * Improved game balancing and enemy AI

    * Massive quest polishing (polished questbook, new/changed texts,
    alternative endings)

    * More items, drops and weapons

    * Automatic update function included

    * New button in lobby screen allows you to recover your password in case
    you lost it

    * Reduced memory for footprints

    * Various performance boosts especially in the main menu

    * Even more sound FX

    * Moving the mouse over a hireling now not only shows his hitpoint bar
    but also the quest that the hireling refers to

    * Side quest compass will stay on the active quest now, even if you have
    accepted a new one

    * Limit of 5 hirelings per player (player can only accept quests with
    hirelings if the count is lower than 5. (Player will be informed by a
    text message.)

    * All boss und elite opponents are easier to defeat now

    * Adjusted hero combat arts

    * More sets and unique items

    * Adjusted prices for horses

    * Reduced price for forging items

    * Townpeace also in PvP now

    * When starting the game for the first time, graphics are being set to
    medium instead of high (being more accommodating for low-end computers)

    * Minor text changes

    5. Known Problems with Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel

    * Activating PhysX may lead to sound problems on certain systems. Please
    deactivate PhysX effects in these cases.

    * For troubleshooting with Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel, please refer to "7.
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)"

    * Windows 2000/NT/ME/98/95 are NOT supported: Those operating systems are
    too old. The minimum OS requirement is Windows XP.

    6. System Requirements

    Minimum System Requirements:

    * 2.4 GHz processor

    * 1 GB RAM

    * Graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DirectX® 9.0c compatible, with Pixel
    Shader 2.0 support:
    (nVidia® GeForceTM 6800 or ATI® RadeonTM X800 or higher)

    * DirectX compatible sound card

    * DVD-ROM drive

    * 20 GB free Hard Drive (HDD) space

    * Microsoft® Windows® XP (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 3 / Vista® (32 /
    64 Bit) with Service Pack 1

    * DirectX 9.0c (included with game)

    Recommended requirements for a fast, smooth-running game:

    * Dual Core 2.0 GHz processor

    * 2 GB RAM

    * Graphics card with 512 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible, with Pixel
    Shader 2.0 support:
    (nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS or ATI Radeon HD 3870 or higher)

    * DVD-ROM drive

    * 5.1 surround sound card (EAX 5.0 compatible, DirectX 9.0c [for XP] or
    DirectX 10.0 [for Vista] compatible), with surround speakers or

    * Mouse with mouse wheel

    * 25 GB free Hard Drive (HDD) space

    * Microsoft Windows XP (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 3 / Vista 32 / 64
    Bit) with Service Pack 1

    * DirectX 9.0c (included with game)

    * Optional: DSL modem or network card for multiplayer games.

    Please make sure that you have the most recent version of DirectX 9.0c

    7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Q: Where and how can I access/read the manual of Sacred 2?

    A: Normally, the game contains a printed and an electronic manual. If a
    friend has copied your version of Sacred 2 within the scope of the "Make
    your Friend a Copy" campaign, or if you purchased it as a download, you
    will only have an electronic manual.
    You can read the manual by following these steps:

    * If Adobe® Reader® (also called Acrobat Reader) has already been
    installed on your computer, you can access the manual in three ways:

    1. If you've got the DVDs, insert Disc 1 into your DVD drive and wait
    until the menu appears automatically. Click on Manual.

    2. After Installation, you can also open the manual easily from the
    Windows start menu (Start --> Programmes --> Ascaron Entertainment
    --> Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel --> Sacred 2 Manual).

    3. If the menu does not appear automatically, or if you don't have the
    DVDs, you can also start the file Manual.pdf from the main directory
    where you installed Sacred 2.

    * If Adobe Reader has not been installed on your computer, please observe
    the following steps.
    There are different ways to install the program:

    1. If you've got the DVDs, insert Disc 1 into your DVD drive and wait
    until the menu appears automatically. Click on "Acrobat Reader" and
    follow the instructions. After Installation of the program, the same
    menu will now show "Manual" instead of "Acrobat Reader". When you
    click on it, the manual will open automatically.

    2. If the menu does not appear automatically or you don't have the
    DVDs, go to the AdobeReader directory and execute the
    AdbeRdr90_en_US.exe file.

    3. You can download it from the internet: Go to http://www.adobe.com
    and click the button "Get Adobe Reader".


    Q: I want to play an adhoc network session but it doesn't work. What can I

    A: Your PC/laptop needs a working WLAN card. Additionally, if you use
    Windows XP please ensure that you have already installed Service Pack 3
    because this feature will only work properly with the latest updates.
    Furthermore, it is strongly advised to carefully read the security warning
    in your Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel game manual.


    Q: I have a copy protection issue regarding SecuROM. What can I do?

    A: Please go to http://unlock.sacred2.com where you will find ample
    information on how to handle your problem.


    Q: I have wrong/broken graphics and there are no world objects displayed.
    What can I do?

    A: If you have a PC with Windows Vista in combination with a Creative X-Fi
    soundcard, you can use a workaround: Try starting Sacred2.exe with the
    command line parameter -skipopenal and the game should display everything
    fine. Creative is working on a solution. As soon as there are new drivers
    installed, the workaround should not be required anymore.
    In case you have another PC, please make sure to have installed the very
    latest graphics drivers.


    Q: What does "An exception has been thrown! error #: 9 function:
    cPhysics::init" mean?

    A: Does the error message looks like this?

    An exception has been thrown!
    Error #: 9
    Function: cPhysics::init
    Description: NxCreatePhysicsSDK failed!

    Probably the installation of the PhysX drivers failed or is corrupt. Sacred
    2 requires version 7.11.13 of the PhysX drivers, which are included in the
    installation of Sacred 2. A re-installation should solve the problem.

    If not, the PhysX drivers should be installed manually.

    User of graphics devices from Nvidia should also try installing the latest
    graphics device drivers, which will now include the PhysX drivers.


    Q: Sacred 2 installs fine, but does not run on my computer.

    A: Please make sure your system meets the minimum system requirements and
    refer to our technical notes.


    Q: Where can I choose a name for my character?

    A: In the "New Character" screen, on the top right of the screen, you can
    edit your character's name. Per default, it is identical to your character
    class, like for example Seraphim, Shadow Warrior etc.


    Q: How do the bonus codes work?

    A: The bonus codes are only available in closed multiplayer mode (e. g. for
    the Carrier Imp or special items).

    The Activation works as follows: Multiplayer Online > Closed Net > Unlock
    Content > Enter Keycode

    Please do never enter your codes into the chat!

    The codes are not related to your activation, but to your account. That
    means that your features will not get lost after a re-installation. Every
    character can use all features.


    Q: Can I copy my savegames to transport them for example from one computer
    to another?

    A: Yes, of course you can copy them.

    Under Windows XP you can find the savegames here: C:\Documents and
    Settings\Your_Name\My own files\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2

    Under Windows Vista you can find them here: C:\User\Your_Name\Saved
    Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2


    Q: I'm using a graphics device from Nvidia series 8xxx, 9xxx, 2xx. Why is
    the performance all the same so low?

    A: Recently, Nvidia built a PhysX Support into their graphics device
    drivers. It seems that the PhysX acceleration is set to "enabled" by
    default. If you deactivate it, you can, depending on the device, improve
    your performance from 5 up to 20 FPS.

    In order to deactivate it, open the Nvidia PhysX menu in the system control
    center of Windows, click on Settings and on "No acceleration".


    Q: I have another problem. What can I do?

    A: We strongly recommend checking out our Sacred 2 website and our Sacred 2
    Forum for further information. You will also find a (more detailed) FAQ
    section there.

    8. Technical Notes

    Please make sure that you have no applications running in the background
    (e.g. anti-virus software). These applications should be deactivated.

    Please also make sure that you have the latest updates and Service Packs
    installed with Windows XP / Windows Vista. The most recent updates on the
    creation date of this Readme file are Service Pack 3 for Windows XP and
    Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista. In order to install these Service Packs
    please run a Windows Update from the Internet Explorer / Tools / Windows

    9. Driver Help

    Important notice: Always make sure to deactivate all applications
    (especially your Anti-Virus software) before installing a driver, as it
    might interfere with the self-configuration of the driver you are
    If you are experiencing problems with your game, an outdated (graphics
    card) driver might well be the cause. Even if you just recently purchased
    your graphics card the drivers might be outdated as the card could have
    been manufactured several months earlier and only the drivers available at
    that time will be included with your hardware. Here is how you can find the
    latest drivers.

    Before installing any drivers please make sure that you know exactly which
    chip-set type your graphics card features!

    (i.e. GeForce)
    http://www.nvidia.com (International)


    ATI / AMD
    (i.e. Radeon)
    http://www.ati.com (International)


    http://www.intel.com (International)


    Sound Card Manufacturers
    http://www.creative.com - Creative Labs (Soundblaster)
    http://www.terratec.com - Terratec


    10. Customer Support

    We have put this product through rigorous tests and you shouldn't
    experience any problems. However, it's impossible to test every
    configuration and should you experience any problems regarding this

    product, please go to www.kochmedia.com support section. Here you will be

    able to browse through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) where the most
    common problems are identified.

    If the FAQ section does not cover your problem or contain the information
    you seek, please find contact details below or call the following numbers:

    Technical Support Hotline
    +44 (0) 906 732 9005 (calls are charged at 1.00 GBP per minute, for British
    Available: Mon - Fri 11am - 7pm. Weekends and Public Holidays 11am - 5pm

    Technical Support Helpdesk
    [email protected]

    Tips & Tricks Hotline
    +44 (0) 906 906 0015 (calls charged at 1.50 GBP per minute, for British
    Available: Mon - Sun 9am - 12pm

    The Ascaron Team wishes you many enjoyable hours playing Sacred 2 - Fallen

    All names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.

    10. Vevőtámogatás

    Ezt a terméket hosszú és szigorú tesztelésnek vetettük alá, hogy
    kiszűrjük a lehetséges hibákat, de minden konfigurációra tesztelni
    természetesen lehetetlen. Ha tehát valamilyen problémát tapasztalnál a
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    weboldal terméktámogatás szekcióját, ahol a Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések
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    Az Ascaron csapata szívből kívánja, hogy sok kellemes órát tölts el a
    Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel játékkal!

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    Minden név, márkanév és logó az aktuális tulajdonosának jogi tulajdona.
  • TGWH
    2. rész:
    Readme File

    Last updated: 07/03/2009
    Version 2.43.0


    1. Introduction
    2. Features
    3. Changes to the Manual
    4. Version History
    5. Known Problems
    6. System Requirements
    7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    8. Technical Notes
    9. Driver Help
    10. Customer Support

    1. Introduction

    Welcome to the world of Ancaria!

    Please read the following steps carefully.

    2. Features

    The current version of Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel contains several
    bugfixes as well as these newly implemented features:

    nVidia®-PhysX TM Technology Implemented:

    The display of two combats arts for each respective hero has been
    enhanced with physical effects. Executing a combat art will now have
    direct impact on the immediate environment (small stones, leaves,

    The enhanced combat arts are:

    High Elf: Glacial Thorns and Incandescent Skin

    Temple Guardian: T-Energy Shroud and Untouchable Force

    Seraphim: Flaring Nova and Radiant Pillar

    Shadow Warrior: Nether Allegiance and Augmenting Guidon

    Inquisitor: Mortifying Pillory and Frenetic Fervor

    Dryad: Dust Devil and Edaphic Lances

    Certain particle effects as well as different wind speeds are also
    available now. Leaves and stones may be moved by wind or by walking
    across them.

    Pause Functionality:

    In single player mode you may now pause the game any time by pressing
    [P]. The camera can still be moved around freely when the game is paused
    - which is ideal for taking screenshots from various angles.

    Control Your Minions:

    This new functionality enables you to use your minions strategically.
    Order them to attack enemies as a group or individually ([-]) and
    determine how close they will stay to you ([#]). You can also order them
    to attack directly ([Shift] + [Left Mouse Button] on an opponent).
    Pressing [.] will display your minions' current order status.

    The Achievement System:

    Open your logbook [L] and click on the trophy to display the
    achievements that you have accomplished in game. If you are playing in
    Closed Net these results will also be published in the community network
    on www.sacred2.net

    Character Display:

    You are now able to turn your characters around for 360° in the
    selection screen.

    Individualized Character Inventory Screen:

    Each hero now has a different and individualized layout for equipped

    3. Changes to the manual

    A) Keymap

    The HTML readme version contains a printable keyboard configuration so you
    can conveniently find all relevant hotkeys. You can reach the keyboard
    layout by going over the Windows start menu and clicking on the Readme THERE.
    That readme is in html format and thus a lot better to read than this txt
    file you are reading now.

    B) Hotkeys

    [Esc] - Main Menu
    [F1] - Weapon 1
    [F2] - Weapon 2
    [F3] - Weapon 3
    [F4] - Weapon 4
    [F5] - Orb 1
    [F6] - Orb 2
    [F7] - Orb 3
    [F8] - Orb 4
    [F9] - Quicksave (see descriptions below)
    [F12] - Force Respawn at current Resurrection Monolith
    or on the starting island in multiplayer mode

    [1] - Combat art slot 1
    [2] - Combat art slot 2
    [3] - Combat art slot 3
    [4] - Combat art slot 4
    [5] - Buff 1
    [6] - Buff 2
    [7] - Buff 3
    [0] - Call mount
    [Tab] - Minimap
    [Q] - Collect everything
    [W] - Forward
    [A] - Turn camera left
    [S] - Turn camera right
    [D] - Back
    [E] - Combat art screen
    [F] - Inventory
    [Z] - Turn character facing north
    [X] - Carrier Imp: When you push [X], a little imp carrying the player
    chest will appear immediately, allowing you to manage your items
    anywhere and not only in the cities.
    Attention: This function is only available if you've got a special
    activation key for the carrier imp (e.g. when you bought the
    Collector's Edition) and unlocked that key in multiplayer mode. Please
    note that the carrier imp can only be used in Closed Net.
    [C] - Skill / attribute screen
    [L] - Logbook
    [M] - World map
    [G] - Divine gift
    [R] - Potion 1
    [T] - Potion 2
    [Z] - Potion 3
    [U] - Potion 4
    [I] - Potion 5
    [O] - Potion 6
    [P] - Pause: This functionality is only available in single player
    [.] - Minion Status: Display your minions' current oder status.
    [/] - Minion Attack Mode: You can order your minions to attack as
    a group or individually.
    [\] - Minion Range: Determine the action range of your minions
    with three proximity settings.
    [Space] - Use health potion
    [Shift] - Mouse action / defensive (see descriptions below)
    [Ctrl] - Several functions in combinations with left mouse button
    (see descriptions below)
    [Alt] - Display items / world objects
    [Return] - Yes / Ok / Open chat in multiplayer mode
    [Print] - Create screenshot
    [Page Down] - Zoom in
    [Page Up] [+] (numpad) - Zoom out


    [Ctrl] + [Left Mouse Click] on an item while at the Trader
    Quick buying and selling of items: If you [Ctrl] + [Left Mouse Click] on
    an item you want to buy or sell, you can do so without getting a
    confirmation query.

    [Ctrl] + [Left Mouse Click] on a Character Portrait
    Team teleport: When you are playing a Multiplayer game, you can use this
    combination to teleport directly to any player from your group.

    [Ctrl] + [Left Mouse Click] on another Character
    Trading: Opens up the trade menu on the selected character.

    Increase your defense: Pressing and holding [Shift] increases your defense
    on incoming attacks. However, while holding [Shift] you cannot move or

    [Shift] + [Left Mouse Button] on an Item in your Inventory
    Unstack Items: This combination allows you to separate stacked items (e.g.
    potions) in your inventory.

    [Right Mouse Button] on the World Map
    Drag view of the World Map: Press and hold down [Right Mouse Button] to
    drag the world map in the desired direction in order to view other areas.

    [Shift] + [Left Mouse Button] on an Opponent
    Clicking on an opponent while holding down [Shift] will order your
    minion to attack directly.

    [Mouse Wheel]
    Camera Zoom and Map Zoom: Scroll [Mouse Wheel] to change both the zoom and
    the angle of the camera. On the world map, scroll to zoom in and out.

    [Middle Mouse Button] on the World Map
    Open the Minimap: With this hotkey, you can open the minimap from the
    world map. Move the mouse around to see areas you've already visited.

    [Middle Mouse Button]
    Adjust the Camera Position: Hold the [Middle Mouse Button] and move your
    mouse to change the camera angle.

    Quicksave Function: Saves the current position. If you have quicksaved a
    current position you can exit the game. Once you load the quicksave, you
    will reappear at the place you quicksaved.
    However, please be aware of the following:
    o The quicksaved position will be overwritten by the following three
    + the character dies
    + the character has clicked on a soulstone
    + you load another save game
    o Once you loaded your quicksaved game the current position is NOT
    saved again automatically. In order to save it, hit [F9] once more.
    o All enemies are back again after loading a quicksaved game! Be
    careful, because it could be dangerous to quicksave in an area where
    you've just killed enemies, or in front of a dragon...

    C) Sacred 2 Community Network

    Come and visit our Sacred 2 Network at http://www.sacred2.net!

    Sacred 2 Network is the perfect meeting place for Sacred 2 players. It
    offers a variety of features:

    * Compare yourself to others in a big highscore ladder!

    * Found your own guild and compare your guild with those of others in a
    separate highscore ladder!

    * Look for special events that are planned in Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel!

    * See which achievements you have already unlocked (listed in a
    separate ladder).

    * Get in touch with other characters and players.

    * Search, sell and buy items at the Marketplace.

    * Create your own friends list and meet your friends.

    * Look for many more features in Sacred 2 Network ...

    Please note: You can have a look at the Sacred 2 Network already.
    However, you can only use the full advantages of this network after
    creating your game account in the Closed Net lobby!

    D) Closed Net Lobby

    In the Closed Net lobby you will find a list of all available servers.
    All servers do have a specific language code as first part of their name.
    In order to see only servers of one language, you can use the dropdown
    menu at the right top of the list to choose the language you prefer. So
    if you want to find e.g. some French-speaking people, you will most
    probably encounter them by joining a French server (titled as "fr:

    E) Miscellaneous

    Starting weapon of Dryad

    Unlike mentioned in the manual, the Dryad starts with a bow instead of

    4. Version History

    Since the release of Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel we implemented many new
    features and fixed many issues to improve gameplay. The most important
    features are:

    07/03/2009; Version 2.43.0:

    New Features:

    * It is now possible to disable the camera shake via an entry in the
    optionscustom.txt. The entry is: camera.cameraShake = 0


    * The heroes do not point out insufficient armor against the wrong damage
    types anymore.

    * Reflection damage from NPCs has been reduced.

    * The Sakkara demon on the "Start Island" no longer attacks the player
    unless he has been attacked first.

    * Gold and XP amounts will now be displayed using periods as the
    thousands separator. (For example 123.456.789.000)

    * When fight music is disabled, the region music will continue to play
    during combat.

    * The bonus "push rider from mount" has been removed.

    * Blowpipes are now able to hit mounted creatures.

    * Achievements will only be shown ingame and commented by the hero the
    first they are accomplished.

    * The achievement "Group Hug" is now possible to accomplish.

    * Other heroes in multiplayer game sessions are now less chatty.

    03/03/2009; Version 2.40.0:

    New Features:

    * nVidia PhysX technology implemented for two combat arts of each
    respective hero
    o Direct impact on immediate environment
    o Particle effects
    o Variable wind speeds

    * Pause functionality for single player mode (default key [P])

    * Controls for minions:
    o Attack range
    o Attack mode
    o Select opponent

    * New achievement system (available in logbook)

    * Turn characters 360° in the character selection screen

    * Inventory screen changes: Equipped items now have a new layout
    which is individual for each character

    * The Crystal Planes now feature a new quest series as well as new

    * New items may drop

    * Three new mini bosses. All mini bosses now have their own quests.

    * The logbook now features a new graphical appearance.

    * New options under „Audio Settings“ to adjust the frequency of battle

    * New death screams for all creatures even if battle chat has been set
    to „Never“ under „Audio Settings“

    * Added a tool tip display for the duration of purple and blue potions

    * Incoming messages will now open the chat window. After seven seconds
    the window will close automatically

    * New option under „Audio Settings“ to switch acoustic notifications
    for chat messages on or off.

    Bug Fixes:

    * Several causes for crashes have been fixed.

    * The Dryads' shrunken heads now work as intended, boosting the
    effectiveness of the combat arts Malicious Totem, Black Curse and
    Viperish Disease.

    * The bonus Deadly Wounds does no longer stack. In extreme cases
    the overall hitpoints were reduced to 1 due to that issue.

    * The bonus Deep Wound does no longer stack. In extreme cases
    the overall hitpoints were reduced to 1 due to that issue.

    * Fixed an issue that dead horses could be mounted in certain

    * Fixed an issue that mounted heroes did not sustain damage when
    they touched a T-Energy pool.

    * Heroes will now sustain the correct amount of damage when touching a
    T-Energy pool.

    * Heroes will now sustain damage when they walk through the boss monster
    "Swirling Mist of Miasma" ("Fog Monster").

    * The boss monster "Swirling Mist of Miasma" ("Fog Monster") now fires

    * The skill Alchemy now increases the amount of health replenished
    by healing potions.

    * The modification Evade of the Inquisitor's combat art Reverse
    Polarity will now be displayed correctly in all parts of the interface.

    * Damage over time did work properly for Elite Boar Riders. This has
    been fixed.

    * The Divine Gift Kuan's Breath also effected opponents who were above
    the defined maximum opponent level. This has been fixed.

    * Various fixes concerning Pierce.

    * "Power leveling" using the the combat art Expulse Magic on the
    "Swirling Mist of Miasma" ("Fog Monster") is no longer possible.

    * Fixed the faulty damage display of the boss monster "Facetteleon".

    * When several boosts were active, the fist boost to terminate also
    ended all other boost graphics effects even if the remaining boosts
    were still active. This has been fixed.

    * The faulty damage of the modification Self Repair of the Temple
    Guardian's combat art Jolting Touch has been fixed.

    * The faulty damage of the Seraphim's combat art Pelting Strikes has
    been fixed.

    * Corrected several translation errors in English and French.

    * Fixed wrongly saved values of the explored map.

    * Amulets and rings have become distinctly different now. This will apply
    to all amulets including already existing ones.

    * Pressing [Del] when the cursor is positioned at the start of a
    text field in the menu does no longer cause crashes.

    * Fixed an issue that Blacksmith Arts could not be removed from forge
    slots if they had been placed there temporarily.

    * The Closed Net player chest accessible for all characters was deleted
    when players logged in to the Open Net lobby for the first time. This
    has been fixed.

    * Sometimes, items that we rearranged in the inventory were lost due to
    server lag. This has been fixed.

    * Fixed an issue that made it impossible to open a server for
    diffculty levels gold or higher even if the character met the

    * Fixed an issue that made it possible to switch from a hardcore
    game to a default game and vice versa via the Buddy list.

    * The skill Toughness will no longer yield strange results in higher
    levels. Warning: Toughness did block high amounts of damage even while
    being broken. Since the fix, Toughness works more predictable, but might
    therefore be less effective in some situations.

    * The mini boss Forest Guardian will now scale to the player's
    level who is close to him rather than that of the first player who
    entered the server.

    * The unique spear Gronkor's Downfall does no longer carry a bonus
    for ranged weapons.

    * All mounted opponents now fight and die as intended.

    * The acoustic signal of the heartbeat sometimes did not end. Now, the
    heartbeat sound will play no longer than twelve seconds.

    * The survival bonus will increase at a slower rate.

    * The Dryad's combat art Malicious Totem will now have a stronger effect
    when the proper shrunken head is being used.

    * The Temple Guardian's combat art Furious Emblazer is now more

    * The Seraphim combat's art Divine Protection now has a slightly
    reduced duration per level.

    * The amount of experience points per killed opponent will no longer
    be as drastically reduced on very high levels as before.

    * The safe area (spawn protection) around resurrection monoliths has been
    extended; monsters will not attack players immediately anymore.

    * Several side quests have been fixed

    * Throwing daggers will now rely on dexterity rather than strength

    * The skill Magic Staffs didn’t apply to two-handed mage staffs, this

    has been fixed

    * Temple Guard combat art Battle Extension did not work correctly in

    combos, this has been fixed

    * Seraphim combat art BeeEffGee is now capped at level 200; the tooltip

    has been fixed accordingly

    * Shadow Warrior combat art Reflective Emanation reflected conditions such

    as blindness and stun and not just the damage, this has been fixed

    * Several combos did not work correctly when combat arts with different

    targeting systems were combined, e.g. area spells first and direct

    damage such as flash second. This has been fixed

    * Some descriptions for combat art modifications were misleading or wrong.

    They have been corrected.

    * Bossmonster "Carnach" teleported one last time while dying, this has

    been removed.

    * Unforging items at the blacksmith broke the forge slots in rare

    occasions, this has been fixed.

    * Fixed an issue where OpenAL caused noisy sounds in the main menu after

    leaving a game session.

    * Pressing [print] did not save screenshots when a dialog window was open.

    This window will only be seen in the screenshot when both [ctrl] and

    [print] are being pressed.

    * Typing [% n] into the chat crashed the game, this has been fixed.

    * The tooltip of special mounts had value discrepancies at a trader and in

    the inventory.

    * Framerate drop caused by certain graphical effects has been lessened.

    * Added more pictures for quest targets in the quest log.

    * Fixed an issue in the MP server list that could cause players to join a

    different server than the one that had been selected

    * The mastery of the skill Riding now unlocks the correct bonuses.

    * Lore-skills increased the casting speed more efficiently than stated in

    the tool tip.

    * Skill Spell resistance did not work in some cases, this has been fixed.

    12/12/2008; Version 2.34.0:

    New Content:

    * New area with 24 aboveground sectors and about 6 additional underground

    * New textures and objects to create a snowy landscape

    * Additional sounds for the snowy landscape

    * 20 new creatures

    * New NPCs

    * New full quest chain

    * Additional armor set for each character

    * New armor items and weapons


    * It was not possible to load an old save after patching, if the
    character in the old save had an item in their hand (held by the mouse
    pointer) at the time the save occurred.

    * Characters over lvl 61 were unable to create game channels (only able
    to join them).

    * Sometimes after rebirth at a resurrection monolith, the character
    started at an incorrect position on the map leading to a dead end.

    * The fourth Guardian of the Big Machine could sometimes be killed while
    it still idled. This skipped the end boss fight.

    * Crystal Monster: The lightbeam adjustment didn’t rotate which led to
    confusion about why the hero was stunned.

    * When tabbing out of the game then going back, the position of the
    mounted hero had changed.

    * Temple Guardian’s “Amplifying Discharge” with Mods 1b & 2b "
    Ricochet": Rebounding projectiles did not cause further damage after
    the first rebound.

    * Temple Guardian’s “Combat Alert” with Mod 1a "Assault": The
    increase in attack value was not shown on the tooltip.

    * Temple Guardian’s “Dedicated Blow”: The damage conversion for
    'prone to ice' for fire elementals converted damage into poison.

    * High Elf’s “Blazing Tempest” dealt too much damage.

    * High Elf’s “Fire Demon” with just achieved mod "Enliven": The
    increased damage was only visible after changing the CA slots. New
    damage is now instantly shown.

    * High Elf’s “Glacial Thorns” dealt too much damage and caused
    massive frame rate fall off when used on bosses.

    * The “Fire Demon” and “Moribund Animus” buffs restarted
    automatically. Now you need to reactivate them again manually.

    * Inquisitor‘s “Ruthless Mutilation” didn’t work properly with
    ranged weapons.

    * Shadow Warrior’s “Rallied Souls” with Mod 1a "Armament"
    resistance values were too high.

    * Seraphim’s “Archangel's Wrath” with Mod 1b "Salve": Additional
    fireball was added but damage didn’t decrease.

    * At the end of a combat-art move the Dryad erroneously shot another
    round of shuriken/knifes.

    * Dryad’s Hireling “Moribund Animus” no longer lies down every few

    * It was possible to forge high-level items into low-level weapons and
    armor. This could lead to overpowered items. Now the highest level of
    the forged items will be the new level of the item.

    * Slot boni on forged items didn’t work properly. Now silver slots give
    7 % bonus and gold slots give 15 % bonus.

    * Item bonus "+x to all CA’s" didn’t work correctly.

    * Monster attacks had a motionblur-effect that lasted too long.

    * The audio option “Character Effects on Center” had no effect on
    playback in 5.1 surround sound.

    * Several sound issues fixed for boss music, deathsplatter-effect and
    unique items.

    * Missing sound profiles added for T-mutant Human and High Elves as well
    as for new mini-bosses.

    * All sounds were initiated with a short snapping sound.

    * Singleplayer CoOp: When you started an SP game and opened the game as
    MP, the server started without a name. Now the name is
    CharacternameXXXX where XXXX stands for a random 4 digit number.

    * Rivers had dust clouds instead of water splashes.

    * Inventory picture for “Celdrahil's Gloves” was missing.

  • Fantusz
    A játék könyvtárából kell futtatni a Sacred2 Updatert, akik neten játszanak azokat már csak az új patch felrakása után fogadja a szerver.

    Nem egy nagyméretű javítás lehet, néhány perc alatt fel lehet rakni.
  • TGWH
    Igen, az updater mindig előbb szól, mint hogy kirakják a weblapra :D cseles :D
    Visszaverés meg kell akadályozni, igen. Közelharcit, távolságit, mágiát, össz vissz ezt a hármat. Meg a sebzésedet hogy visszaverje az ellen. Mágia meg varázslat ugyan az.
    Viszont azt vettem észre, hogy ami simán visszaverés x%, az semmit sem használ... legalábbis nem írja ki...
  • Csokis
    Na, már le is töltötte a Patch-et az Updater.
  • doncsabi
    honnan szedhetö le a2.430 patch?
  • Fantusz
    Most próbáltam felmenni zárt szerverre, többszöri próbálkozással is csak az előszobáig jutottam, "Nincs beállítható szerver" üzenettel állták el a továbbvezető utat.
    "The latest version is 2.430" üzenet fogad az előszobába lépve, le viszont semmit nem tölt, lengyelek is a váróteremben ácsorognak.
  • vandyke
    érdekes pedig a levél azt írta
  • Fantusz
    Hátas csak akkor múlik ki, ha a gazdi rajta ülve hal meg, ilyenkor megtörténhet, hogy a hátas elpusztul, de a karakter életben marad, minimális életerőből visszatornázza a HP-t.

    Hátasnak van hívógombja, illetve az investoriban meg lehet nézni az adatait.

    Csapattársunk szeráfját is egy pillanat alatt kivégezte a főinkvizítor.
    A csuhásban már alig volt élet, ráküldött egy arkangyal haragját, következő pillanatban vörösben felvillant: 8000 - halálos sebzés egy 7200 HPs szeráfnak.
    A visszaverést kell valahogy megakadályozni, különben képes olyan sebzést okozni, hogy az maximális életerővel előtte álló karaktert is agyoncsap.
  • Csokis
    Egyelőre még nincs patch.
  • TGWH
    Pech a szeráfnak. Ezért írtam, hogy a mágiát blokkolni kell, 10-15% felett már szinte semmi mozgásgátló vagy egyéb varázslat nem hat rajtad :)
    Meg találtam egy olyan amulettet, hogy ellenfél esélye a sebzés visszaverésére: -45% :D
    Patchet várom, köszönjük az értesítést :D
  • vandyke

    A kiadó levele szerint ma 15 órától letölthető a szerverről az új patch!

  • huhuhorgasz
    Nekem például jobban dobálja kis túlélésivel a cuccokat mint naggyal. Ez változó. Volt olyan hogy sokáig semmit nem dobott aztán meg 2 perc alatt 3 barnát. Nagyon változó a dolog. Nem sikerült még kitalálni, hogy mikor dobálja sűrűbben nameg hogy hol.
  • krisztajo
    Értem köszi! Én közelharci támadással próbálkoztam.
    Valószínű én voltam a béna és nem figyeltem eléggé!
    Azt gondoltam könnyebb lesz.
    Őszintén szólva ez volt az első főellenség, aminél gondom akadt
    Nem számítottam rá hogy ilyen kemény lesz, hát jól rá is faragtam!
    És ilyenkor mi van a hátasommal?
    A cicus is meghal mindenképp vagy csak akkor, ha épp velem volt amikor jobb létre szenderültem???
    És akkor mostantól elfelejthetem az aranysárga és barna cuccokat is?
    Ez a titkos küldi tényleg kemény.
    Pláne úgy hogy csak a játék vége felé lehet felvenni, de egész előröl kell mindenkit kimazsolázni. Egyszer én is nekiugrok, de az biztos nem most lesz.
    De respektálok mindenkit akinek már sikerült!
  • wedge31
    Ugyanazok a küldetések vannak benne mint sp-ben ha hadjárat modba játszol.

    Probáld ki a singlet és a multit is és amelyik neked jobban bejön az a nyerö.
  • Vincentcloud
    Csak azt szeretném kérdezni, hogy ha online játszom a játékot, van benne valamiféle + küldetés, vagy hasonló? Illetve mivel jobb mint a single?
  • Fantusz
    Hja a főinkvizítor sokak kedvence, amikor már úgy tűnik, hogy vége, akkor bemutatja, miért is mondta az elf, hogy nagyon vigyázzunk vele, mert erős varázslatai vannak, amik szinte legyőzhetetlenné teszik.
    Jegesem ezüstön és aranyon is belesétált a főinkvizítor csapdájába, platinán nem volt gond vele (más kérdés, hogy nem sokkal később egy lag miatt mégiscsak behalt Elyhaan)

    Nagy valószínűséggel főinkvizítoron látható két erősítés okozta a veszted neked is.
    A megtisztító fájdalom annál nagyobb sebzést képes okozni, minél sebzettebb az inkvizítor, az ellentétes polaritás pedig visszaveri a sebzést a támadóra.
    Az eddigi tapasztalatok szerint a távolsági támadásokat veri vissza, amit talán képes fel is erősíteni, egy óvatlanul elengedett arkangyal haragja szeráftól, vagy jeges tüskék elftől a karakter vesztét okozhatják.
    Arany fokozaton az elfemre a fagylángot csapta vissza, ami egy hosszan tartó fagysebzést okoz- itatni nem lehetett, csak néztem, ahogy elfogy az élete, meghal.
    Néhányan aztán kisilabizáltuk a már említett okosságot: közelharci támadást nem ver vissza, lehetőleg ne bombázzuk távolsági varázslatokkal. (elűző mágiától pedig annyira fél, hogy kergetőzni voltunk kénytelenek).
    Huhuhorgász tűzlabdáival sikeresen kivégezte a főgonoszt, igaz mellé adagolta az elűzőmágiát is.

    Ascaron küldetés: amennyiben rászánod a nem kevés időt, és türelmet, hogy összegyűjtöd az egész stábot, boldog tulajdonosa lehetsz két zöld gyűrűcskének, egy narancssárga kalapácsnak, és néhány palack italocskának.

    Ez az a küldetés, amit a dicsőségért csinál meg néhány játékos, nem pedig a jutalomért :)