Duke Nukem Forever
  • tonyr #5043
    a demo ha minden igaz 2 pályát tartalmaz, feltéve ha az x-es demot kapjuk pc-ra is... egy a videokbol láthato föboss kinyirása ill egy kanyonban autoval repesztös pálya :)
  • woy
    engem érdekel a demo is , de szerintem 90% hogy steames muti demo lesz
  • dronkZero
    Majd felpörög, ha fenn lesz már a full torrenten. Addig kutyát se...
  • woy
    majd pénteken vagy szombat reggelre
  • Jaka923
    Gyerekek, pörögjön már fel a topik, hiszen 2 nap múlva itt a demo!
  • FSpofon
    By: Rooster Cockburn x
    These are questions that were asked of me ahead of time:

    "Are the controls still floaty and janky or have they been cleaned up?"

    I don't know what they were like before, but they felt tight. It's a classic MP with jumps far, FAR less floaty than Halo and closer to CoD.

    "Does ALT-TAB work?"

    YES, flawlessly and quickly like games should.

    "Does ALT-F4 work?"

    I don't know, I didn't want to quit the game. Everything was signed into Steam accounts that had some kind of special rights to be able to play Duke.

    "Does VOIP work?"

    It's present, but we didn't use it.

    "What MP character models are there?"

    Just Duke -- as explained by our hosts, everyone wants to play as Duke, and everyone is Duke. There's a FUCKTON (300+) of customizations though, so every Duke can look different. Most are unlocked as you progress and level up and complete challenges. Some customization options were: hat, glasses, shirt and shirt color. You can change your shirt, its color, get a logo on it, get Geordi LaForge's visor for sunglasses, get a Samurai helmet.

    "Why did it take so long?"

    Be glad it got released.

    "Is it fun?"

    Yes, it's fun. The MP maps are small and focused but with multiple levels and a limit of 8 players in ALL game modes. It makes it frenetic but fun. I can see people getting really good at memorizing the levels and destroying lower level players, but with the 4v4 maps a well coordinated team like in L4D could dominate.

    "Just find the person who is in charge of merchandising and tell them I said that they failed at their job."

    Fuck you. Exhibit A: http://chattypics.com/viewer.php?file=IMG_2501JPG_kbhaivoa3zz8kamws43v.jpg

    "Any game modes besides CTF and DM? How many weapons in MP? Dedicated servers or P2P? Server browser or matchmaking? Ping shown? Duke taunts while playing MP? Is there blood? FOV/mouse sensitivity settings? Movement? Stat tracking?"

    CTB (Capture the Babe, who has to be spanked to keep her in line), King of the Hill, DM and TDM were all we played. I believe I heard them say there were other modes, but I'm not sure now.

    Weapons I counted:

    3 shot automatic rifle
    Rail gun
    Freeze beam (freeze someone and then execute them with E)
    Shrink ray (shrink someone then step on them)
    Blue laser, rapid fire
    Rocket launcher
    Tri-rocket launcher
    Assorted bombs, beer, steroids (kicks off a challenge to melee people to death for bonus XP), double damage, and holoduke (like Crysis 2's hologram)

    Servers are P2P.

    I missed server browsing or matchmaking, sorry. It's all through Steam, so it's easy to invite people.

    Ping times are shown in milliseconds next to each person's name in the lobby.

    Duke taunts during gameplay. Example: "I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker."

    Is there blood? Fuck yeah, bodies explode when they die.

    FOV setting? No, but for PC gaming it is PERFECT.

    Mouse sensitivity? Yes.

    Movement is run, jump, crouch.

    MASSIVE, MASSIVE STAT TRACKING. Almost everything you do is tracked in game, but whether or not it was tracked in Steam stat tracking is unclear. There is definitely a huge amount of stuff tracked in perpetuity, and it's tied to a ton of unlocks for customizing both Duke's appearance and Duke's "digs," your penthouse suite.

    "What's the color of Duke's pubes?"

    The color of an uncut wheat field, swaying gently in the breeze with a mighty oak standing alone in the center.


    MP has 40 levels. Unsure of the XP requirements, but I was earning 500-750 XP per match. I asked about Prestige after hitting level 40, and was given an "I guess you'll have to play to find out" answer.

    The main menu has a DLC link which opens to the Steam store. Expect MP DLC.

    Steam cloud support, but to what extent is unclear.

    Every key for every action can be easily remapped.

    Toggle crouch/toggle aim are available.

    LMB=fire, MMB=melee, RMB=ironsights, mousewheel=change weapons

    I don't know the max number of weapons you can carry, but I believe it's at least 3. It was hard to stay alive long enough to get to multiple weapon locations.

    Weapons always respawn in same locations. There's a spinning Duke logo where the gun was that speeds up when it's about to regenerate.

    Ironsights makes you walk, but with better aim.

    The deployment of grenades and other collectibles were something that escaped me.

    The rail gun was a one shot kill and the skilled players used it to great effect.

    Pretty sure I saw an option for inverted aiming.

    VSync is supported.

    We ran at 1680x1050 with Ultra for all settings and AA at maximum. If I had to guess at the framerate, I'd say it was around 40-60 FPS.
  • FSpofon
    By: Rooster Cockburn x
    I just played Duke Nukem Forever multiplayer (and only multiplayer) on PC with a keyboard and mouse at 2K Games Headquarters. Mad props to dahanese and OverloadUT for getting us in there, and to Mikuya for kicking ass in the game.

    Answers to previously asked questions below. Ask me anything else, I'll answer if I know the answer. First, some info:

    Everyone was very cool. It was a fun game. There were eight of us, and were told we were the first ones to play outside of their playtesting group. We weren't allowed to take pictures or video of the gameplay. I was hurrying to get there, jumped in the carpool lane and in twenty seconds was pulled over by CHP. I got a $381 ticket. Was it worth it? OOH YEAH.

    It ran great on a GTX 285 GPU with full AA support. No slowdown, no skips, nothing. I specifically asked how it'll do on ATI cards, and was told it should be good.

    From what I saw in the gameplay, it's a PC game through and through. This is a game that was designed for and survived to be a PC-centric game, which was then ported to the console. The PC version looks, feels, and plays EXACTLY like a modern PC game should. Anyone worried about it being a console port should feel relieved. The PC version is a PC game. Score 1 for PC gamers.
  • S8DJ
    Ez nem névlopós fórum.
  • Gabe18
    És? Én nem látom a letöltő linket amit adtam volna...
    Csupán rámutattam az "5 nappal a megjelenés előtt adunk demót, de azt se mindenkinek" lebonyolítás egyik hibájára.
  • FSpofon
    Ez nem warez fórum.
  • Gabe18
    Jövő hét demó?
    Xbox-ra addigra kint lesz már a full warez ha a szokásos tempóban mennek a dolgok...
  • Rowlend

    *elfogyott*: a First Access kártya elfogyott, amennyiben a kiadó még biztosít számunkra, természetesen el fogjuk küldeni, de az érkezését nem tudjuk garantálni."

    Egyébként én az 576-tól rendeltem, de onnan se kaptam kulcsot.
  • DeerHunter01
    krájendzsin 4-re váltottak már , nem tudtad ? :D
  • tommygear
    kurvára kell egy ilyen vga ehhez a játékhoz
  • grebber
    GTX 560 Duke's Fully Loaded Package von EVGA!
  • Rage47
    ez nekem is fura
  • PunkZoli
    olyan nincs hogy elfogyott
  • kill3r21
    jah akinek van first accese, de már elfogyottt hiába rendelem elő :(
  • Rage47
  • woy
    kb 1 hét és demozunk
  • S8DJ
    91,92 hol marad?
  • Rage47
    akinek van kedve olvasgatni:
  • tommygear
    azt a szart ami hónapokig a logód volt itt sg-n??
  • SZilaJMaGGoT
    Kussolj, azt sem te csináltad, akkor poffáz ha te is fel tudsz mutatni valamit! -.-
  • Klub
    Na végre kicseréltétek azt a szart.
  • LasDen #5018
    olyan sikeres lesz ez a "fajta" startégia (egész pontosan a megjelenés utáni 2. órában már 1 milliárd eladás lesz (de még UFO edition is fog készülni, mivel várható hogy tiszteletüket teszik ezen alkolomból)) hogy minden cég erre áll át...így a crysis 3, modern warfare 4, battlefield 23, Halo 423 meg a többi majd csak 2027-ben fog megjelenni....addig meg az eddig megjelent játékokhoz fognak készíteni DLC-ket....
  • HBK
    Vagy mindenki utálni fogja vagy mindenki imádni szerintem. De már maga a kíváncsiság hogy "na most már megnézem hogyha ennyit vártam rá" el fogja adni a játékot.
  • Gabe18
    Igen, ez jó megközelítés!
  • Fpocok
    Ezt most tényleg nem sértésnek szánom:
    A DNF jó lesz... de számomra nem az a nagyon várós, szabadnapot kivevős játék. Főleg úgy, hogy a multi nem tűnik valami nagy számnak.
  • LasDen #5014
    én is kivettem szabit 10-ére.....

    ja....nem is.....
  • ProGabe #5013
    röviden és tömören: a DNF a játékok Expendables-e
  • Fresh Duke
    Mindhárom szülőit elhasználtad?
  • xxxpaulxxx
    Úgy előrendelném, de azért ott van egy kis félsz, hogy csalódnék... meglássuk milyen lesz, aztán tuti megveszem, ha jó:)
  • Ironman2
    Igen.Délelött 10-ig.Én kivettem szabit arra a hétre
  • PunkZoli
    fennmaradhatsz szerintem 10ig is majd aznap, nem elég?
  • Ironman2
    Meg kell ünnepelni a nagy napot mikor eljő
  • Ironman2
    Izgultok már azért nem?
  • woy
    pózolj pénzzel
  • Solid Snake
  • wedge31
    Ez meg esetleg mehetne háttérnek.