#4512 nem es szerintem ne is eroltesd, mert az emberek rohadtul nem azert akarnak zart karakterrel jatszani hogy ott is csaljanak... -
#4511 ööö A zárt gaméban nem tudjuk valahogy a tárgyakat soxorosítani. -
#4510 a configjaban kell atirni par sort
chicken hostile life kornyeken keresgeld :D -
#4509 ;] -
magyar ember 2 #4507 Vagy 1szeru mint az 576. -
#4506 vagy egyszerű, mint egy bot :D -
magyar ember 2 #4505 Dehogynem lehet. Epp azt csinalja most a blizzard. Figyeli a jatekszamot es a jatekidot. Ha 8 ora alatt jaccol vagy 800 felpercest, akkor valszeg pindle >> cd key tiltas / ban. -
#4504 Kis turelmet, neha megesik hogy leall.. -
#4503 Azért tartom faszságnak ezt a ladderes szarságot, mert egy karakter nullát fog érni, mivel ha szezonnak vége, akkor ugyis megy vissza a closedba. -
#4502 Bobbi ide nem kell kormany:D -
#4501 asszem én nagyon jó ember lehetek :)) -
#4500 Hogy kell beállitani ezt a map hacket hogy ki is lépjen ha jön a pk? Mert alapbol nem csinálja:) -
#4499 Figy a landorral most mi van?
#4498 Amen ;] -
#4497 Aki a Diablo 2-őt szereti, csak jó ember lehet...
;DDD -
#4496 kivancsi leszek 5 vagy 6 nap alatt lesz e az elso 99 es kari :D -
#4495 akko juniusban indithatok uj ladder karaktert... :D -
#4493 Júni 2 vagy 9. Szal hétfő. -
#4492 1.10 mikó? -
#4490 delutanosmuszak? :D -
#4488 apindle miatt sem lehet tiltani cd keyt, epp ezert fogjak a dobasokat modositani -
#4487 ja delutan 13 :D hajjdekoranvan :D -
#4486 Vagyafrancokat, kliensoldali na.. Picit koran van meg, eheh. sorry. -
#4485 Azt hogy, hogy gaz van a serverrel, vszinu pillanatnyi leallas. Ergo nem nalad a hiba.
Mephekk miatt, mivel az serveroldali, elvileg nem bannolnak. Jele sem sok van annak hogy hasznalod a jatekban, ellenben a fix palyan mozgo pindle es tarsai botokkal, ahol azert eszre lehet venni. Aztan hogy kockaztat e az ember vagy sem, dontse el mindenki maga. ;] -
magyar ember 2 #4484 Amiatt nem, elvileg az nem laccik a szerveroldalrol. -
#4482 Nem kell megtaláltam. -
#4481 Leszarom melyik az a maphack verzio?:) -
#4480 Ja értem. Ez egy elég jó feature! Csak nem merem felrakni a maphacket hátha cd key ban lesz miatta. Aztán majd ott állok key nélkül mikor kijön az 1.10:) Bár elég kicsi az esély hogy maphack miatt cd key ban-t adjanak de az 1% is fostatós:) -
#4478 kurvára nem értem -
netuddki #4475
up! -
netuddki #4474 +e -
#4473 mit? -
netuddki #4472 refrshing!!!!!!!!!!!
#4471 Mármint mapen:) -
#4470 A PK a sima mapan is látszik:)) -
#4466 a lenyeg hogy 1,10 utan mindenki ladder karaktert csinaljon, mert van sok uniqe cucc amit csak ladder karival lehet elerni, azt ha lejar a ladder, a karakter atvalt normalba, tehat veszteni semmit sem lehet vele.
az uj anti-cheat remelem nem vonatkozik a maphack ra :D mar ugy megszoktam :D igy legalabb kikerulom a rohadt pk kat -
#4465 thx -
#4464 OFF
Joe: remelem neha benezel ebbe a topikba is. Ircen keress majd meg plz, fontos lenne. A szokott helyen megtalalsz. Elore is kosz!
ON -
#4462 Diablo II 1.10 Patch
Seasonal Ladder Characters – A new ladder system will let players compete on a seasonal basis. At the beginning of each season, the ladder-based world of Diablo II will be “reborn” and players will be able to create new characters to start their climbs again on equal footing. For the duration of the ladder season - which has yet to be determined - these ladder characters will exist in a new economy, separate from the other non-ladder Battle.net Realm Diablo II characters. When a ladder season ends, all ladder characters from that season will join the pool of non-ladder Battle.net Realm Diablo II characters.
More Challenging Gameplay – Diablo II players who adventure in the Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels will experience a world in which the monsters have become more powerful and substantially harder to defeat. Players may need to develop new tactics or enlist aid from others in order to face these strengthened minions. The monster improvements include enhanced AI, more skills, greater damage, and higher resistances.
A New World - Players can expect to encounter more randomly distributed unique monsters in every locale and even a few guest monsters where players wouldn’t normally expect them. In addition, characters above level 70 will require increasingly more playtime in order to gain levels.
Enhanced Skills – The skills of each player-character class have been thoroughly revised. On top of that, a new system of “synergies” has been added to each character’s skill set. Allotting a point to certain skills will result in synergy bonuses to one or more of that character’s corresponding skills. After the patch is released, visit The Arreat Summit for more details.
Item Improvements
Enhanced Class-Specific Sets – The class-specific sets in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction have been significantly improved – some with abilities never before seen in the game.
New Unique Items – Around 100 new unique items have been added to the world (many being elite uniques), some of which can be found only in either single-player, TCP/IP, and Open games or in 1.10 Ladder games.
New Unique Item Properties – Some of the all-new unique item properties introduce entirely new twists to the world of Diablo II. Imagine a Barbarian who can shape-shift into a Werewolf.
New Rune Words and Horadric Cube Recipes – The patch will introduce new Rune Words and new Horadric Cube recipes. Some Horadric Cube recipes will work only in either single-player, TCP/IP, and Open games or in 1.10 Ladder games.
Improved Treasure Drops – The quality of items dropped by regular monsters has been greatly increased.
Improved Quest Rewards – The first time a player defeats an Act-ending boss monster, the creature will yield significantly better treasure than in subsequent encounters. Some of the other quest rewards have been improved as well.
Better Gambling Odds – The average quality of items won via gambling has been improved.
New Anti-Cheat Measures – We have addressed some of the ways that “grief” players have used hacks or exploited features/bugs in Diablo II to unfairly attack others. We have taken measures to address a number of existing cheats, hacks, and illegal items with an eye toward preventing such cheating in the future.
Bug Fixes and Other Enhancements – Once the patch has been released, refer to the final patch text for a more detailed list of bugs fixed, changes made, and new features added.
New Game-world Event – Players can trigger a secret new quest in Hell-level games. -
#4461 Vannak necces idopontok amikor elegge nagy a ping, de altalaban(90%) mint azt elottem is irtak, 110-400 ping kozott mozog, dial kapcsolattol fuggoen. Legalabbis ez a sajat tapasztalatom nekem is.