• gtom
    eddig azt beszélték hogy e hét vagy jövő hét hétfő
  • Aspyrin
    Hmm, számomra teljesen az jött le, hogy kb. 1 hónapja dolgoznak az egész peccsen...
  • Lynx_TWL
    azaz a két hét mellé jön még másik 2 hét kiadési idő, aztán két hét amíg felrakják a serverre, és még egy év amíg játszhatunk is vele:)
  • Lynx_TWL
    számold bele, hogy blizzard munka:)
  • gumininja

    Tartottam tole en is, de mostmar annyi plussz info megjelent, hogy ha jol szamolom, 2 heten belul ki fog jonni.
  • gumininja
    Vagy 800x600, vagy 640x480, mas nincs egyelore. Van meg lehetoseg ablakban futtatni, de az nem felbontas kerdese. Nemtom mit olvashattal es hol, de elvileg ez a 2 letezik csak mint lehetoseg a jatekban.
  • busmanus
    mármint original diablo 2 és nem lod?
  • Shaman
    Jah és alapból nem lesz olyan.(alapból 640*480) Ücc egy esc-et game közben,s ott options-ban beállítod 800*600-ra.
  • Laalee
    800*600 a max
  • Lynx_TWL
    ja és szedd azt a gyapotot hamra te:) !
  • Lynx_TWL
    ápril 1en is kint van kamu bneten:)
  • Davidus
    Ja az gyorsabb:)
  • ollie
  • Davidus
    Ez a www.battle.net-röl szal nem kamu.
  • ollie
    húúúú jól hangzik!

    köszi az infót!
  • Shaman
    Huhh mire leírtam,Davidus pastézott:-)))))
  • Davidus
    We’ll be adding many new Horadric Cube recipes to Diablo II with the upcoming 1.10 patch. Some of the new recipes allow you to upgrade your Unique weapons. For instance, 1 Ral Rune + 1 Sol Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + 1 Normal Unique Weapon results in an Exceptional version of that weapon with the same Unique Item bonuses. Using this recipe, an Axe will be transformed into a Cleaver! This is useful for upgrading the damage of your Unique Weapons. You can use another recipe to upgrade to the Elite version: 1 Lum Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Unique Weapon results in the Elite version of that weapon with the same Unique Item bonuses. Using these new formulae, players can create new special versions of Unique items that were not previously possible. Players can then further customize these weapons by adding a socket to them and their own favorite gem, jewel, or rune.
    These screenshots are from the latest release candidate for the 1.10 patch of Diablo II that is currently being run through our QA testing procedure. Although we do not have a release date set for this patch, we are working hard to get it out as soon as possible.

  • Shaman
    Hááát végül is busmanusnak részben igaza van,mert igazi "Újdonság" nem sok lesz. De minden kasztnak változnak kicsit a skilljei (sebzés,nö csökken,stb.) Állítólag lesz egy titkos küldetés Hell fokozatban (bár ez lehet kamu is). Új unique stb. tárgyak. Lesz egy úgynevezett ladder. Amibe ha indítassz karit akkor csak ott jáchatsz (elvileg jobb cuccok,stb). Ezek a ladderek x ideig mennek,s utána új indul. Amikor véget ér egy ladder kikerül a karid normál multiba.
    Mint említettem lehet majd manát venni a bótban.
    Most már nem gond ha olyan kreál gamét akinek megvan egy bizonyos quest,mert ha a másiknak hiányzik,akkor is meg tudja csinálni.Ez szvsz a legkirályabb dolog lesz.
    Lesznek Monster Shrinék máshol is (nemcsak ACTV-ben).Valamint találkozhatsz olyan monstákkal is pl ACT I.-ben ami eddig csak késöbb fordult elö. Hát nagyjából ennyi jut eszembe,de még tuti van egy-két dolog.
  • Davidus
    Diablo II 1.10 Patch Update
    In the process of upgrading our Web servers, some incomplete and partially inaccurate information pertaining to the upcoming Diablo II 1.10 patch was uploaded to the Arreat Summit. This information reflected changes to Diablo II that in reality have not taken place and may not take place at all, because the 1.10 patch is still a work in progress. We have since restored the correct information to the Arreat Summit, which is accurate as of the most recent patch (Diablo II 1.09).
    Because some of the incorrect information has started to circulate around the Web, we felt it would be best to post an update highlighting our current plans for the Diablo II 1.10 patch. Please note that this information is accurate as of now, but it might not reflect what will be found in the final version of the patch. We will be posting further updates about the Diablo II 1.10 patch up until its release, so please watch the Arreat Summit for any new information.

    The Diablo II 1.10 patch is currently running through our QA testing procedure. Although we don't have a release date set, we are working hard to get the patch out as soon as possible.

    Seasonal Ladder Characters - A new ladder system will let players compete on a seasonal basis. At the beginning of each season, the ladder-based world of Diablo II will be "reborn" and players will be able to create new characters to start their climbs again on equal footing. For the duration of the ladder season - which has yet to be determined - these ladder characters will exist in a new economy, separate from the other non-ladder Battle.net Realm Diablo II characters. When a ladder season ends, all ladder characters from that season will join the pool of non-ladder Battle.net Realm Diablo II characters.

    More Challenging Gameplay - Diablo II players who adventure in the Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels will experience a world in which the monsters have become more powerful and substantially harder to defeat. Players may need to develop new tactics or enlist aid from others in order to face these strengthened minions. The monster improvements include enhanced AI, more skills, greater damage, and higher resistances.

    A New World - Players can expect to encounter more randomly distributed unique monsters in every locale and even a few guest monsters where players wouldn't normally expect them. In addition, characters above level 70 will require increasingly more playtime in order to gain levels.

    Enhanced Skills - The skills of each player-character class have been thoroughly revised. On top of that, a new system of "synergies" has been added to each character's skill set. Allotting a point to certain skills will result in synergy bonuses to one or more of that character's corresponding skills. After the patch is released, visit The Arreat Summit for more details.
    Item Improvements

    Enhanced Class-Specific Sets - The class-specific sets in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction have been significantly improved - some with abilities never before seen in the game.
    New Unique Items - Around 100 new unique items have been added to the world (many being elite uniques), some of which can be found only in either single-player, TCP/IP, and Open games or in 1.10 Ladder games.
    New Unique Item Properties - Some of the all-new unique item properties introduce entirely new twists to the world of Diablo II. Imagine a Barbarian who can shape-shift into a Werewolf.
    New Rune Words and Horadric Cube Recipes - The patch will introduce new Rune Words and new Horadric Cube recipes. Some Horadric Cube recipes will work only in either single-player, TCP/IP, and Open games or in 1.10 Ladder games.
    Improved Treasure Drops - The quality of items dropped by regular monsters has been greatly increased.
    Improved Quest Rewards - The first time a player defeats an Act-ending boss monster, the creature will yield significantly better treasure than in subsequent encounters. Some of the other quest rewards have been improved as well.
    Better Gambling Odds - The average quality of items won via gambling has been improved.
    New Anti-Cheat Measures - We have addressed some of the ways that "grief" players have used hacks or exploited features/bugs in Diablo II to unfairly attack others. We have taken measures to address a number of existing cheats, hacks, and illegal items with an eye toward preventing such cheating in the future.

    Bug Fixes and Other Enhancements - Once the patch has been released, refer to the final patch text for a more detailed list of bugs fixed, changes made, and new features added.

    New Game-world Event - Players can trigger a secret new quest in Hell-level games. We don't want to spoil the surprise... so, we'll just give you a clue.
    Unique Class-Specific Barbarian Helm Revealed
    Wolfhowl is a Unique Item created specifically for the Barbarian that has been added in the 1.10 patch for Diablo II. This ancestral helm allows the Barbarian to transform himself into a Werewolf while gaining the skills Lycanthropy and Feral Rage. He also gains the ability to summon Dire Wolves to fight by his side.

    This screen shot is from the latest release candidate for the 1.10 patch of Diablo II that is currently being run through our QA testing procedure. Although we do not have a release date set for this patch, we are working hard to get it out as soon as possible.

    New Diablo II Game World Event
    Players can trigger a new, secret quest in Hell difficulty games. While we don’t want to spoil the surprise, we did want to give you a clue to get you started when the 1.10 patch for Diablo II releases. Note: this event is ONLY available to realm characters and does not trigger in single-player or open games.

    This screen shot is from the latest release candidate for the 1.10 patch of Diablo II that is currently being run through our QA testing procedure. Although we do not have a release date set for this patch, we are working hard to get it out as soon as possible.

  • ollie
    aha, de akkor mi az a sok újdonság?
  • busmanus
    hát a becopyzott szöveg nagyjából annyiból állna, hogy lehet manát venni boltban :)
  • ollie
    köszi, de sajna nálam blokkolva van a tűzfal által... nem tuCC bekopizni valami szöveget?
  • Shaman
    Jah lehet,söt egész sok más újdonság lesz benne,ha érdekel,csekkold meg a lentebb említett linket.
    Azé berakom ide is: ide klattyints
  • Shaman
    Köszi az a maphack megvan söt használom is,csak nem tuttam,hogy erre is jó.:-)) Mégeccer thx.
  • ollie
    lehet majd manát venni a bótban?
  • Laalee
    googlevel rakeresel a diablo2 maphack szavakra, es letoltod a mousepad's maphackjat ott pedig atirod az ini file jat a chicken hostile life ot pl 50000 re es a masik hostile erteket 0 rol 1 re. ezutan ha nincs a life nal megadott ertekü leted vagy annal tobb akkor automatikusan kilep ha hostilet nyomnak rad.
  • Shaman
    Egy kérdés egy lámától (tölem) itt írtátok anno,hogy valamit be lehet úgy állítani,hogy ha valaki partyból kilépve ki akar hirtelen nyírni akkor kidobjonn a gaméból.Szal azt mivel lehet? Tegnap szíttam így egy nagyot,mert egy poénos 94-es sorci legyakott
  • Shaman
    Adják mán ki az új peccset,akarok végre manát venni a bótban
  • ollie
    nem is tudtam :D
  • Laalee
    ezt is tudjuk, sot war3 bol az 1,6 is megjelent mielott ideirod :DDD
  • ollie
    igen, igyexem... ;D
    SC-ből már megjelent az 1.10 egy ideje.
  • Laalee
    nagy logikara vall :D
  • ollie
    akkor a legújabb egyenlőre az 1.09d, igaz?
  • Laalee
    erdekel a tema latom:D amugy 1.10
  • ollie
    lesz új patch? hányas?
  • Lynx_TWL
    majd fölkóborlok bnetre, aztán addollak cigánynak, de most megyek pórnépet irtani
  • Davidus
    Dav_ az account. /f add Dav_ :)
  • Shaman
    Up! Nem tünhet el elsö oldalról:-))
  • Lynx_TWL
    ja egyébként jöttem virágot szedni
    milyen néven vagy fent, melyik csatin??
  • Lynx_TWL
    ja te ott nyomod????
    persze, hogy megvan:)
    tesco gazdaságos minőség:)
    egyébként meg csekkolom mindig www.betet, hogy mikro dobják már peccset
    nagyon érdekel pl a farkasembrré változtató barbár siska meg ilyenek:D