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#1044 :DDDDD ezen most nagyon felröhögtem
csak vett fel valaki teso-t is, nemár hogy nem -
#1038 Viszont sneakhez pici adalek:
Every character can stealth and it takes a lot of stamina, if you want to get your stealth good enough to be effective in PvP you need to devote a lot of your skill points, which means you’re a sneaky guy, but you're not quite as good as a fighter. Yeah, you can get the first shot off and you might be able to kill someone but you're not going to live very long when you're visible. You want to give them a role and be disruptive but not be overwhelming. -
#1037 Sajnos nem a bent jatszok gameplay-e van kivetitve, hanem interjuk, beszelgetesek, stb, illetve az a 5-6 perces video megy loopolva, amit tegnap itt is linkelt valaki (marc.19-en megjelent gameplay) + az alliance at war cinematic trailer. -
#1036 nem vagy semmi, ezen agyaltam mi mehet ott -
#1035 :) -
#1034 vagy a sorszámot várják tábla kiírja minta tanácsházán -
#1033 ezen a képen as rác remélem a kivetitöt veszi a teloval xd -
Johika #1032 Jo hogy itthon maradtam. :D -
#1031 A hirek szerint tegnap a kezdeti masfel-ket oras "session" helyett mar volt, akinek "csak" 20 perc jutott :) Latva a tomeget, es a max 10-12 gepet, nem csoda.
#1030 -
#1029 mi azt szoktuk mondani, hogy bőven ráérünk aludni 100+ évesen :) -
#1028 OFF
egyetértek, átlag 5-6 órát alszom naponta, bár sajnos ez meg hosszú távon nem (lesz) jó a szervezetnek :/ -
#1027 -
#1026 De, az ESO fo esemeny ma este EST (vasarnap hajnalban CET) lesz, de mar mindenki - aki vegigallja a sort -, leulhet 1-2 orara jatszani. Viszont se video, se kepi anyagot nem talaltam eddig sehol sem, es olvasva a commenteket, beszamolokat, keves ra az esely, szigoru a rendszer (zart terben van bemutato, egyenkent beengedett emberekkel, igy nem lehet "valaki valla folott eszrevetlen" kamerazni).
De bizzunk az emberi talalekonysagban, valami csak lesz :) -
#1025 Most PAX még nem nyitott ki a publicnak vagy nem kamerázhatnak még mindig semmilyen gameplayt? :s -
#1024 Igen, bar az alvas szerintem az emberiseg egyik legnagyobb marhasaga, iszonyu idopocsekolas :) (Reggel mar megvolt a Forma 1, aztan bevasarlas, most fozok, es kozben van ido hirekbol szemezgetni) -
Rannah #1023 Hú, alig győzöm olvasni :)
No offense, de alszol is valamikor ?:) -
#1022 Nah, probaljuk osszeszedni mar megint a legujabb hireket es informaciokat, akit erdekel az itt (is) elolvashatja: A legújabb hírek, történések, fejlemények, stb
Meg persze a hetvegen szpemelem majd a topikot mindennel, ahogy eddig :) -
#1021 Igaz ez nem PAX, hanem az elozo ESO kajas kamionos bemutato promo korut elozo allomasan Texasban volt.
#1020 drunk dance!!! első dolgom lesz felfedezni, hogy hogy kell -
#1019 "There are also some hidden little Easter eggs you can type in, ranging from playing a musical instrument to doing a little drunk dance."
Hehe :) -
bgabor #1018 Köszönöm, jó lesz akkor. :D -
#1017 Ez volt az elso, ami ismert volt a jatekbol, hogy a Skyrim/Oblivion fele harcrendszer lesz, bal-jobb egergomb tamadas-blokkolas, stb, rotaciok nelkul, ugyessegre es idozitesre alapozva az egeszet, mint a TES jatekokban. (irtunk rola jo par cikket es kommentet, szinte teljesen kifejtve a dolgot, erdemes visszanezni ezeket). Jo lesz, annyi a gond jelenleg a betaban, hogy szokatlan az embereknek a soft target rendszer, vagyis hogy nem Lydia kapja a pofont mert eled allt (lasd Skyrim), hanem tenyleg a goblin. -
#1016 Ez pedig egy apro valasz arra, hogy ha "jonnek az oroszok" stb aranyparokat hogy lehet ha nem is megoldani, de korrigalni picit, segiteni vagy hatraltatni stb.
With alliances as obviously cool as the Ebonheart Pact (hey, you know I’m right), would faction imbalance be a concern? I asked how the game is set up to take care of any problems with player proportions in the alliances.
"The only place that has an effect is in our PvP system, so really that's where the joy of three sides comes in. Yes, in two sided PvP system 51% to 49% is deadly, one side wins all the time. In 3sided it's a lot hazier than that. One system that let's say one side has 40%, there's still 60% of the world against you, these are still overwhelming odds. Even if at 50%, you still have 50% of the world against you; they're not all going to be on the same team, but they're against you. There are things in the game we can do, like travel times and respawn times, mobile graveyards to make it easier to catch up so you're not getting beaten up over and over." -
bgabor #1015 Az kiderült már, hogy lesz e benne rendes Skyrimes harcrendszer, vagy az MMOk szabvány gyík "harcrendszerét" kapjuk, értd a "harc" annyiból áll, hogy egérrel kijelöljük a célpontot? -
#1014 Tegnap volt szo arrol, hogy a mapok "barna" resze valoszinule gnem lesz elerheto. Rakerdeztek, es jelenleg ugy fest a dolog, hogy azok a helyek (Alak'r sivatagi resz, Black Marsh dzsungele, Vvardenfell szigete, stb) lesznek majd az esetleges Raid content-szeru tartalom helyszinei
With the three alliance areas surrounding the central, massive land of Cyrodiil, I asked where we might see those zones.
"If you look at our map, you can start to see that the alliances are the civilized territory; they're mainly on the coast. There are vast parts of Tamriel, they're explored but they're not really part of the alliances and those are the areas where adventure zones are. There are parts of Argonian Blackmarsh, I mean parts of Blackmarsh are under alliance control but there are massive parts that aren't. That's a good place for one. Hammerfell and the Alik’r desert; yes we have a big part of Hammerfell, but that's a huge province that's mostly wasteland, desert. Those are the kinds of places we would [see them]."
With the introduction of these huge areas, one would expect a lot of content variety to be present that appeals to players who want to roam away from the main alliance-related content streams.
"Exactly. If I'm tapped out, I’m high level. I've played through all the alliances, or I want to take a break from playing through the alliances and I want to go to some other high level content, I'll go there. And I'll know there are people soloing at max level. We probably won't use the term “raid” but a large group, large encounter, there will probably be people there recruiting for one. There’ll probably be a looking for group system so you can just go right there; those are the things you're doing. I can go do a daily, get a quest to do something right there, that's the kind of stuff you're talking about."
#1013 Hat varhato volt, hogy esetleg csuszik a beta, de azert jo lenne, ha ez iras kacsa lenne :)
A few months ago, ZeniMax began allowing players to sign up for the title’s upcoming beta, but when asked about the timing, Firor indicated that the beta would not be launched in the near future. "It's a big game," he said. "So we want to take our time."
The game is currently undergoing an internal beta test, and, according to Mr. Firor, has about 100 people involved. It sounds like they’re being very careful about the title’s development, and aren’t interested in delivering an undercooked product. -
#1012 Skill fejlodesrol, amit nagyjabol mar tudtunk, de most egy korrekt osszegzes a Massivelytol:
Here's how it works: Upon each level up, you're granted a single attribute point and a single skill-point (skill points can also be earned by completing certain tasks within the game and not just via level-up). The attribute point, as previously mentioned, can be used to boost health, magicka, or stamina. The skill point, however, can be invested into any number of skills that you've unlocked. In turn, skills are unlocked through a skill-based progression system. If you want to unlock new two-hander abilities, you simply have to use a two-handed weapon, which will slowly increase your skill level with said weapon (ditto for armor and class-based abilities).
For example, during my demo time, I played as a Breton Sorcerer, and thus I began the game with a destruction staff as my weapon. As I played and began to amass more weaponry, though, I decided I wanted to try for a battlemage style of build, so I swapped out my staff for a big honkin' two-handed sword. Since my Sorcerer had never used two-handers before, he began with a two-handed skill level of 1. After a few quick fights, his skill increased to level 2, unlocking the cleave ability for purchase. Likewise, you increase your skill level in light/medium/heavy armor by wearing armor of that type. The system provides a great deal of flexibility, and by the time my two hours were up, my Sorcerer had gone from a fireball-shooting, robe-wearing finger-wiggler to a heavily armored battlemage who could interweave powerful arcane magic with devastating sword strikes.
Forras -
Ragnar360 #1011 annyira jó, hogy kb MINDEN jatek esetében elmondják már ezt az AI-s dolgot és szinte már mosolygok rajta...mert HA igaz lesz is nem érdekel :D
valahogy már mókás, mintsem hogy elkezdjek bizakodni benne, vagy örülni. aztán persze utólag lehet konstatálom magamba/feltűnik magamtól játék közbe, hogy na ez igy egész jó...de addig szerintem tök lényegtelen.:) -
#1010 az első fasza, dehát meglátjuk, ez mit is takar, olvashattunk már ilyet nem egyszer, nem kétszer :)
a második viszont jól hangzik, máris valami, ami miatt érdemes csapatba verődve pve-zni, illetve remélhetőleg akár single player contenttel is lehet "farmolni" skillt, max lassabban, több kitartással -
#1009 Foleg public dungeonokra, es egyeb outdoor mob packokra vonatkozoan:
Enemies AI is supposed to be improved upon from what we've seen in prior MMO and Elder Scrolls games. Enemies will react based upon who is in your party and their strategy will also be dependant on how many they have and what they have to work with.
Monsters will level with players. They don't only get more health and deal more damage, but also gain new abilities.
A lvl50 kontenten talalhato Skyhardok-rol:
There will be an item in the game that players can collect called Sky Shards. You will find these at level 50+ and when you get three of them you can use them to buy one skill point. No mention was made of how to get them, but sounds like some sort of epic loot drop perhaps. -
Ragnar360 #1008 egyebkent kb most az van, hogy pár naponta ha egyszer felnézek sg-re, igyis mar 2 oldalt kéne itt átolvasnom, mert elég sok jó hsz akad ahogy elnézem
+ a rengeteg új infot ami elder hu-n se olvastam még + a tamriel történelmi tudastarral is levagyok maradva:d
na de majd, na de majd...
most vmi kurvajó videóra várok lol:d :d -
Ragnar360 #1007 /agree.
méghozzá kamerásat...btw animacio valóban ratyi...mégha csak a harc volna darabos, szakaszos, az mmonal nem is nagy baj, de az egyéb mozdulatok, futás stb. is bénácska -
#1006 kelllllllllllllllll -
#1005 "Once the characters were created, we were told we could go anywhere. While some chose to wander off into the distance, we decided to head into the nearby town and log some quests. We soon came upon a dog that seemed determined to lead us somewhere…and that somewhere was a well near a dead body. From there, we were rocketed into a “whodunnit” quest, running around the town to find the individual’s murderer."
"Assassins ambushed us a few times along the way, and this is where more skeptics’ fears surfaced. Elder Scrolls combat on an MMO interface? Fortunately, the health, magicka, and stamina of Elder Scrolls transfers smoothly to the online setting. Rather than scrolling through radial menus or Skyrim‘s elongated UI, spells and abilities are attached to hotkeys – just like it should be in an MMO. With the ability to switch between the mainstay first- and third-person viewpoints, it just feels like – you guessed it – Skyrim with more people." -
#1004 Kijott az a video egyben, ami a mostani marc 19-20-ai privjuk alatt ment hatternek (par karakter, landscape es furcsa mozgasu harc latszodott), egyelore ez minden. -
#1003 videót!!4 -
Johika #1002 Remelem sok uj reszlet kiderul. -
Johika #1001 Na igen az az igazi cumi, mikor eloted zar be :D -
#1000 Lesznek, akik ma be sem jutnak, ugy erzem :)
Rovid helyszini szemle