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PvE Szerver: Zaviel, Blightweald, Gelidra
PvP Szerver: Bloodiron
Megkérek mindenkit, hogy normális hangnemben fórumozzon,
trollkodásért, fórumképtelen magatartásért büntipont / szélsőséges esetben kitiltás jár!
foxxi #6515 -
Iblys #6514 Hello emberek! Barátommal nemrég kezdtünk el játszani és 4 év WoW hordás múltal úgy gondoltuk nem állunk a szentfazékok közé ezért Defiant oldalon indítottunk karaktert. Ez úgy tűnik sajnos nem volt a legjobb döntés mivel a fórumok átolvasása után arra jutottunk hogy a magyar Defiant közösség halott. Sok hozzászólást átolvastam ezen a fórumon is és úgy tűnik igény pedig lenne. Ezért a Sagespire szerveren megalakítottuk a Reckoning guildet. Jelen pillanatban a tagok... nos hát mi vagyunk, de mindent el kell valahol kezdeni. Várunk minden magyar játékost aki szeretne más magyarokkal együtt játszani. Hosszú távú cél lenne egy olyan csapat létrehozása ami képes sikerrel raidelni vagy akár igény szerint PvPzni. Keressetek engem (Iblys) vagy Backon-t hogy beinveljünk a guildbe. Minden délután 3-tól késő estig elérhetőek vagyunk. Az első 5 jelentkező ingyen sütit kap! -
Következő nagyobb patch hoz még pár jó dolgot a pvp-s újdonságokon kívül: AA rendszer, soloinsta, stb
Meg ha a jatek nem is jott be eddig annyira, mint azt korabban vartam, en a magam reszerol nagy elismeressel adozom a jatek keszitoi elott az altalad emlitettek miatt, mert velemenyem szerint amit ezek az emberek muvelnek, ez az igyekezet es szorgalom, az egyedulallo. -
Legagresszívabb content updatet még mindig ez a dev team és MMO produkálja. Hihetetlenek. -
Rift jövője update -
szép estét. gond. remélem tudtok segíteni. nem fogadja el a jelszavam ez a bu*i... enyhén felidegesített. jelszavamat sem tudom megváltoztatni, mert egyszerűen a Balázs nevet nem fogadja el nekem, pedig... áhhh... szóval. könnyed esti kérdés. megoldás? (: -
Sajnos most se kötött le jobban, mint anno... -
Murmur #6507 Én is. Meghegesztették. -
Éééss működik az ingyen 1 hét. Be tudtam lépni. :) -
sanyiiiii #6505 Majd hogy fognak örülni az emberek hogy a clericek most már minden idejüket azzal kell tölteniük hogy magukat healelik, és ugyanúgy nem fognak meghalni csak arra nem jut majd idejük hogy mást is healeljenek:) -
" Justicar: Reduced the healing effectiveness of Doctrine of Loyalty, Doctrine of Bliss, Doctrine of Righteousness, Reparation, Reprieve, and Salvation when the target is in PvP combat."
Tessék, mostmár nem fogja annyira gyógyítani magát. :D Kívánj még pár új instát és raidet pls, hátha bejön az is. :D -
sanyiiiii #6503 "PVP 1.4 Discussion
We wanted to provide individual threads to discuss and share feedback. Please use this thread to provide your feedback for the upcoming changes in Update 1.4. Your feedback is important and can help shape and refine these changes - nothing is permanent on the Public Test Shard and your feedback is vital to the process!
As always, please keep your feedback constructive, on-topic, and with respect to the opinions of others - thanks
In anticipation of Hammerknell level items entering the game we’ve adjusted certain Combat rating diminishing returns. These changes should only affect fully raid buffed characters in Hammerknell or better equipment.
* Physical Crit, Spell Crit, and Block ratings have both soft and hard caps updated. These caps only affect the bonuses from your base rating and have no effect on percentage-based bonuses from abilities, buffs, and debuffs.
* Physical Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Physical Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Spell Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Spell Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Chance to Block): Now soft caps at 40%, and the return per point of Block chance rating after 40% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Amount Absorbed): Now soft caps at 50%, and the return per point of Block absorption rating after 50% is reduced. Hard caps at 65%.
* Item with proc effects (% chance of X on Y) will now be normalized so that the results of an item proc are more consistent regardless of the ability speed or number of targets it hits.
- Abilities that hit multiple targets will trigger procs less than abilities that hit single targets.
- Abilities with longer casting times will trigger procs more often than abilities that are quick to cast.
* Additionally, we've made a pass on the trigger events for procs themselves to make them more consistent across different items.
Class Changes
Addressing issues with healing in PVP focusing on instant and passive healing, reducing the effectiveness of healing for targets involved in PVP combat. This should help with a number of issues related to general Cleric survivability and effectiveness. These changes only affect active PVP combat, they have no impact on normal PVE gameplay.
* Chloromancer: Reduced the healing effectiveness of Bloom and Essence Surge when the target is in PvP combat.
* Druid: Reduced the effectiveness of Balm of the Woods when the target is in PvP combat.
* Justicar: Reduced the healing effectiveness of Doctrine of Loyalty, Doctrine of Bliss, Doctrine of Righteousness, Reparation, Reprieve, and Salvation when the target is in PvP combat.
* Necromancer: Reduced the healing effectiveness of Soul Purge when the target is in PvP combat.
* Purifier: Reduced the healing effectiveness of Healing Blessing, Healing Flare, and Latent Blaze when the target is in PvP combat.
* Sentinel: Reduced the healing effectiveness of Healing Breath, Marked by the Light, and Vigilance when the target is in PvP combat.
* Shaman: Reduced the effectiveness of Glory of the Chosen when the target is in PvP combat.
* Warden: Reduced the effectiveness of Healing Spray, Orbs of the Stream, Orbs of the Tide, and Soothing Stream when the target is in PvP combat.
* Dominator: Reduced the damage of Split Personality's Void Bolts in PvP combat.
Alt – Mode Warfronts
Whitefall Steppes - Escalation
In their fight for dominance, the Guardians and Defiants have deployed massive rune cannons to the Whitefall Steppes. Their Ascended armies battle to collect and return Sourcestone to fuel these powerful weapons.
Capture three Sourcestone from the field and hold them at your base to win. Beware though; Sourcestone can be stolen directly from your base by the enemy.
PVP Rifts!
The armies of the Ascended can now open special PvP rifts at Rift Raid locations. Opening these rifts secures sourcestone for your faction, but also leaves you open to attack from enemies! Keep the rift open as long as you can to gain the most rewards - or close your enemy's rift for additional bonuses!
PTS ONLY: Temporary openers can be found on Fluffy in Zareph's Return. These rifts are currently only active in Stillmoor. Currently the objects in this rift ignore the "PvP Auto Flag" option, so beware! Please direct feedback to the PTS forums, thanks!
PVP Itemization
*COMING SOON: New PVP Item Set Bonuses!
*Favor rewards have been increased for all daily PvP quests. Favor and Prestige have been increased for open world “Kill Players” daily quests.
*Wands, Totems, Shields and Bucklers are now available from the Favor merchants in Meridian and Sanctum.
*Prestige Rank 7 and 8 are now available. New armor sets are available in Meridian and Sanctum, new weapons coming soon.
*Condensed the total amount of Favor Set merchants in Meridian and Sanctum." -
sanyiiiii #6502 "Greetings!
We wanted to provide individual threads for each archetype to discuss and share their feedback. Please use this thread to provide your feedback for the upcoming changes in Update 1.4. Your feedback is important and can help shape and refine these changes - nothing is permanent on the Public Test Shard and your feedback is vital to the process!
As always, please keep your feedback constructive, on-topic, and with respect to the opinions of others - thanks
In anticipation of Hammerknell level items entering the game we’ve adjusted certain Combat rating diminishing returns. These changes should only affect fully raid buffed characters in Hammerknell or better equipment.
* Physical Crit, Spell Crit, and Block ratings have both soft and hard caps updated. These caps only affect the bonuses from your base rating and have no effect on percentage-based bonuses from abilities, buffs, and debuffs.
* Physical Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Physical Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Spell Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Spell Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Chance to Block): Now soft caps at 40%, and the return per point of Block chance rating after 40% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Amount Absorbed): Now soft caps at 50%, and the return per point of Block absorption rating after 50% is reduced. Hard caps at 65%.
* Item with proc effects (% chance of X on Y) will now be normalized so that the results of an item proc are more consistent regardless of the ability speed or number of targets it hits.
- Abilities that hit multiple targets will trigger procs less than abilities that hit single targets.
- Abilities with longer casting times will trigger procs more often than abilities that are quick to cast.
* Additionally, we've made a pass on the trigger events for procs themselves to make them more consistent across different items.
Addressing issues with Cleric damage Souls to bring them more in line with the other callings.
* Hidden Path: Now removes all Curses, Diseases, and Poisons from both the Druid and the Druid's pet. No longer requires a pet active to use.
* Thorns of Asphodel - New Ability: Available at 38 points. Causes your pets to deal additional Life damage with their attacks.
* Friend of the Weald: Increased the boost to Attack and Spell Power bonus on your pet's abilities to 20% + 17% per point spent in Druid above 36.
* Due to the below changes, characters with Soul Points spent in Inquisitor have received a free Soul Point respec.
* Bolt of Judgment: Increased the Spell Power bonus.
* Life and Death Concord: Now also triggered by Nysyr's Rebuke.
* Lethargy: Removed.
* Harsh Focus: New tier 5 branch ability. Causes Harsh Discipline to no longer suffer casting pushback from damage.
* Nysyr's Rebuke: Reduced cooldown to 1 minute. Now deals Life damage, increased the Spell Power bonus. The damage will now affect enemy targets even if they are immune to Stuns.
* Vengeance spells no longer trigger a global cooldown; instead, they now have a shared 5-second cooldown.
* Vengeance of the Primal North: Now available at 44 points. Lasts 1 hour, reduced the Spell Power bonus, and is now on the shared cooldown with other Vengeance abilities.
* Call of Ice: Increased the damage bonus for Massive Blow to 10% + 5% per point spent in the Shaman soul above 36. Increased the Attack Power bonus for Massive Blow to 5% + 2% per point spent in Shaman above 36.
* Frozen Wrath - New Ability: Available at 51 points. Deals weapon + additional Water damage over 15 seconds. Also increases damage the target takes from the Shaman's Vengeance of the Winter Storm by 200%.
* Overload: Can no longer be applied to the same target more than once every 2 minutes.
* Replaced Barb of Shackles with Nysyr's Brand: Marks the target, blocking their ability to stealth and increasing the chance they will be critically hit by 5% for 30 seconds." -
sanyiiiii #6501 "Warrior 1.4 Discussion
We wanted to provide individual threads for each archetype to discuss and share their feedback. Please use this thread to provide your feedback for the upcoming changes in Update 1.4. Your feedback is important and can help shape and refine these changes - nothing is permanent on the Public Test Shard and your feedback is vital to the process!
As always, please keep your feedback constructive, on-topic, and with respect to the opinions of others - thanks
In anticipation of Hammerknell level items entering the game we’ve adjusted certain Combat rating diminishing returns. These changes should only affect fully raid buffed characters in Hammerknell or better equipment.
* Physical Crit, Spell Crit, and Block ratings have both soft and hard caps updated. These caps only affect the bonuses from your base rating and have no effect on percentage-based bonuses from abilities, buffs, and debuffs.
* Physical Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Physical Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Spell Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Spell Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Chance to Block): Now soft caps at 40%, and the return per point of Block chance rating after 40% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Amount Absorbed): Now soft caps at 50%, and the return per point of Block absorption rating after 50% is reduced. Hard caps at 65%.
* Item with proc effects (% chance of X on Y) will now be normalized so that the results of an item proc are more consistent regardless of the ability speed or number of targets it hits.
- Abilities that hit multiple targets will trigger procs less than abilities that hit single targets.
- Abilities with longer casting times will trigger procs more often than abilities that are quick to cast.
* Additionally, we've made a pass on the trigger events for procs themselves to make them more consistent across different items.
We’re generally happy with the current state of Warriors and are continuing to monitor a number of smaller issues involving them.
* Power in the Blood: Fixed a bug causing this to only take effect when the Reaver was dead.
* Shroud of Entropy: Fixed an error on the buff tooltip." -
sanyiiiii #6500 "Mage 1.4 Discussion
We wanted to provide individual threads for each archetype to discuss and share their feedback. Please use this thread to provide your feedback for the upcoming changes in Update 1.4. Your feedback is important and can help shape and refine these changes - nothing is permanent on the Public Test Shard and your feedback is vital to the process!
As always, please keep your feedback constructive, on-topic, and with respect to the opinions of others - thanks
In anticipation of Hammerknell level items entering the game we’ve adjusted certain Combat rating diminishing returns. These changes should only affect fully raid buffed characters in Hammerknell or better equipment.
* Physical Crit, Spell Crit, and Block ratings have both soft and hard caps updated. These caps only affect the bonuses from your base rating and have no effect on percentage-based bonuses from abilities, buffs, and debuffs.
* Physical Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Physical Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Spell Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Spell Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Chance to Block): Now soft caps at 40%, and the return per point of Block chance rating after 40% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Amount Absorbed): Now soft caps at 50%, and the return per point of Block absorption rating after 50% is reduced. Hard caps at 65%.
* Item with proc effects (% chance of X on Y) will now be normalized so that the results of an item proc are more consistent regardless of the ability speed or number of targets it hits.
- Abilities that hit multiple targets will trigger procs less than abilities that hit single targets.
- Abilities with longer casting times will trigger procs more often than abilities that are quick to cast.
* Additionally, we've made a pass on the trigger events for procs themselves to make them more consistent across different items.
Tweaking general Mage damage upwards for Charge consumption abilities. Addressing issues specifically with Dominators and complete energy/power starvation in PVP.
* Fixed an issue with the bonus healing provided to the Synthesis target by Lifebound Veil and Void Life. This healing should now reach the same range as all other healing from Lifebound Veil.
* Fixed typos in the Lifegiving Veil and Lifebound Veil tooltips.
* Traitorous Influence, Mass Betrayal: Energy and Power drained by procs from these abilities has been reduced to 20 from 30. These abilities now only trigger off of damaging or healing abilities.
* Controlled Opportunity, Swift Control: Updated descriptions to remove references to Overpowering Will.
* Transference now reduces energy/power/mana regeneration by 25% and increases ability costs by 50% for 7 seconds.
* Elemental Forces: Reduced rate of Charge consumption.
* Soul Purge: Reduced rate of Charge consumption.
* Internalize Charge: Reduced rate of Charge consumption.
* Eye of the Storm: Now a ground-targeted ability.
* Building Storm: Now stacks buffs on the caster, increasing the critical hit chance of Hypothermia-causing spells.
* Lightning Burst - New Ability: Available at 44 points. Blasts the enemy with lightning, dealing Air damage. Damage is increased by 50% for each stack of Electrified on the target. Deals 10% of the total damage dealt per stack of Electrified to 5 additional targets within 7 meters. Removes all stacks of Electrified from the initial target.
* Static Flux: Reduced Charge consumption.
* Defile, Empowered Darkness: Reduced Charge consumption." -
sanyiiiii #6499 "Rogue 1.4 Discussion
We wanted to provide individual threads for each archetype to discuss and share their feedback. Please use this thread to provide your feedback for the upcoming changes in Update 1.4. Your feedback is important and can help shape and refine these changes - nothing is permanent on the Public Test Shard and your feedback is vital to the process!
As always, please keep your feedback constructive, on-topic, and with respect to the opinions of others - thanks
In anticipation of Hammerknell level items entering the game we’ve adjusted certain Combat rating diminishing returns. These changes should only affect fully raid buffed characters in Hammerknell or better equipment.
* Physical Crit, Spell Crit, and Block ratings have both soft and hard caps updated. These caps only affect the bonuses from your base rating and have no effect on percentage-based bonuses from abilities, buffs, and debuffs.
* Physical Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Physical Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Spell Crit: Now soft caps at 45%, and the return per point of Spell Crit rating above 45% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Chance to Block): Now soft caps at 40%, and the return per point of Block chance rating after 40% is reduced. Hard caps at 60%.
* Block (Amount Absorbed): Now soft caps at 50%, and the return per point of Block absorption rating after 50% is reduced. Hard caps at 65%.
* Item with proc effects (% chance of X on Y) will now be normalized so that the results of an item proc are more consistent regardless of the ability speed or number of targets it hits.
- Abilities that hit multiple targets will trigger procs less than abilities that hit single targets.
- Abilities with longer casting times will trigger procs more often than abilities that are quick to cast.
* Additionally, we've made a pass on the trigger events for procs themselves to make them more consistent across different items.
Addressing some of the disparity between builds that use Deadly Dance and those that do not. Improved Bard heal scaling.
* Physical Trauma: Impale causes the target to take 15-30% more damage from your Final Blow, up from 4-8%.
* Coda of Restoration: Attack Power contribution to healing is now increased with more Combo Points spent when using this ability.
* Dancing Steel: You should now be immune to Disarm while channeling this ability.
* Anathema: Now reduces the healing the target receives by 50%. Does not stack with Lingering Wounds and Trauma.
* Dusk to Dawn: Now roots the target for 4 seconds on application. Deals damage and gives the Nightblade an additional Combo Point per second while channeling, even if the target is immune to movement speed debuffs. Additionally, the Nightblade gains Nightrage, which increases the damage of Blazing Strike and Flame Thrust by 40% for 1 minute. The combat message should now properly show the Combo Points gained.
* Feral Instincts: Pets now enjoy this effect within 35 meters of the Ranger, up from 25." -
Szerintem nem fogják és aki r6-os gearben van az később, más soullal is elkeni majd a többiek száját. :D
Melyik típusúval szoktál találkozni? A petessel vagy a vérszomjas gyógyító-darálóssal? -
teb #6497 Javítom magam: így sem érdemes, csak ha nerfelnék annyira, hogy el sem találja az ellenséget, valamint minden heal és tank soulra költött pont csökkentené a dmg-jék és növelné a casttime-ot, a dps ágra rakna, csökkentené a heal és tank képességet, stb. A lényeg, hogy cleric raidboss-ból csinálhatnának már playert... de sürgősen. -
teb #6496 Cleric dps nerf nem lesz az 1.4-ben? Arra gondolok, hogy ne érje meg cleric dps-el menni pvp-ben. -
4 614,22 Ft
RIFT 30 Day Game Time Card
2 767,79 Ft
RIFT 60 Day Game Time Card
5 537,43 Ft
Murmur #6494 Az úgy értelmes. :) -
Én sem. Lehet csak akkor ingyenes, ha előfizetsz újra. :D -
Murmur #6492 Be tudsz logolni? Engem nem enged, fizessem be... :) -
Most jött ki 1.3, de már holnap megy testre az 1.4 oO
cross shard lfg, whitefall steppe alternate mode, pvp riftek, raid pvp riftek.
Cross Shard LFG
You will not notice any difference when using the LFG tool in-game; however, with the release of Cross Shard LFG you'll have the ability to take on dungeons with other players on shards across your Wargroup.
To test this new feature we ask that you split yourselves up across PTS PvE and the PTS PvP shards - to help facilitate this, we ask that if your character name starts with A-N that you play on PTS PvE, and O-Z play on PTS PvP. You'll have the ability to Transfer any existing characters to either shard to make it easier.
Whitefall Steppes - Escalation
In their battle for dominance, the Guardians and Defiants have deployed massive rune cannons to the Whitefall Steppes. Their Ascended armies battle to collect and return Sourcestone to fuel these powerful weapons.
Capture three Sourcestone from the field and hold them at your base to win. Beware though; Sourcestone can be stolen directly from your base by the enemy. -
foxxi #6490 ejj.. -
Play RIFT free for one week
13 - 19 July
Most jött levélbe. Na majd fel is kukkantok. :) -
killerkocka #6488 Akivel beszéltem múltkor ingame, hogy szeretne transferelni hozzánk. Ez úton is szeretném értesíteni, ne tegye, mivel most fog szétesni a klánunk. -
teb #6487 Mi szigorúan 23:00-kor befejezzük a raideket. :) Na jó, 1x előfordult hogy még ráhúztunk 15 percet, de akkor teljes egyetértéssel történt, azaz mind a 20 ember akarta. Szóval a 11-ig tartó raidek 99.99%ban 11-ig tartanak. Nálunk.. -
Murmur #6486 Azért kérdeztem, mert nem hallottam még olyan guildekről, akik délután _raidelnek_. Persze vannak az elvetemült 7/6 HC guildek, akik éjjel-nappal, de az szerintem más kategória.
Anno WoW-ban nekünk is ez volt, sokszor elnyúltak a raidek, mert "még egy próba", vagy "öljük le még ezt a boss-t". Ez speciel csak vezetés kérdése, tudni kell pontot tenni a végére, ha nem elvetemült progress guildről van szó.
Ha valakinek gyereke van, azzal délután/kora este tud együtt lenni, pláne nem értem, hogy raidel délután (mondjuk nekem nincs :)). Ha nektek működik ez a délutáni dolog, akkor hajrá. -
Ez most tenyleg komolyan kerdezed vagy csak lusta vagy gondolkodni?
Pl.: vannak akik este dolgoznak mint en, vannak akik reggel koran kelnek,vannak akiknek gyereke van es felkell kelni reggel 6kor megetetni utanna ovodaba vinni.A mostani party-nk atlag eletkora 27+ szoval nallunk ez ugy alakult hogy nincs idonk este jatszani egyutt.Es mar WoW-bol is az a tapasztalat hogy mindig vannak akik jobban szeretnek komolyan raidelni a delutani orakban mint este mikor mar faradtak.Arrol meg nem is beszelek hogy a 8-11-ig raidek mindig ejfelkor ertek veget :) -
Murmur #6484 Ha valaki nem ér rá este 8-tól 11-ig, az miért érne rá du. 2-től estig? :)
eppen meloba ulok :) reggel 8-kor esek majd haza de meg mielott lenyomnam a daily questeket majd addollak. -
sickboyka #6482 Oreal most online vagy ingame?Addolj friendnek Sickboyka vagyok -
Ha valakit komolyabban is erdekel az endgame jatek,de pl.: nincs ideje este 8-11-ig Raidelni vagy inkabb csak hetvegente erne ra,azokat szivesen fogadnank az Icewatch szerveren Deffiant oldalon a MaGYaRoK guild-ben.
A raideket delutan 2 es este 10 kozott tervezzuk, hetvegente akar reggel 8-tol este 10-ig,megbeszeles utan. Aki meg most kezd uj karaktert az is szivesen varjuk,egyenlore leveling guild vagyunk,de lesz ez meg jobb is.
Mindenkinek tovabbi jo jatekot. -
radical #6480 Valószínűleg feltörték az accodat, totál lecsupaszították, aztán elkezdek eladó platinumot spammelni vele ami miatt bannoltak. -
Icewatch szerveren "MaGYaRoK" guild ne'ven van Deffiant csapat.
Lifebar-t keresd invitert napkozbe. -
Hofigalopp2 #6478 Úgy tudom Steampike guardian oldalon van a nagy magyar tábor. Mi egy páran vagyunk Icewatchon magyarok, de tényleg csak páran. -
Bandeeka #6477 köszönöm -
krisztian922 #6476 Valami olyasmit ír, hogy az accod azért lett bannolva mert olyan történt amivel szabályt sértettél, és ezt addig rajta hagyják amíg;
1; felhívod őket bebizonyítva, hogy ez a te accod (kell egy angolos, írja a honlap címet ahol a számot megtalálod)
2; vírusírtó stb. futtatás gépen
3;megváltoztatod a jelszavad
4; mindezek után szólsz nekik, hogy te ezeket elvégezted akkor leszedik.
A vége még az, hogy ne látogass megkérdőjelezhető biztonsággal bíró oldalakat. Gondolom feltörhették a karid és valamit csinálhattak vele vagy hasonló, passz erre konkrétan nem tér ki a levél de láthatod mi a teendő. Macera de ez van.