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Bhalage #6555 phase 5 mikor lesz? van konkret datum vagy egyszercsakmajd ? -
sanyiiiii #6554 "PTS 1.4 In-Progress Notes #3 - 7/22/11
The big catchup of changes that went to test this week; additional combat notes from Tuesday's build were already posted as Set#2.
* Note that this is caught up through the build intended to go to PTS at some point today but is not quite there yet.
* New transplanar Synergy Crystals have been added to the Rift faction vendors in Sanctum and Meridian. These work with the existing transplanar armor available from Rare Rift Goods vendors in Stillmoor, Shimmersand, and Iron Pine Peak.
* Bind on Pickup items can now be traded to other eligible characters within 30 minutes of looting the item.
* Aspect of the Ancients is no longer usable while you have full Planar Charges (which would end up just wasting it).
* The character window stat page now highlights stats that are important for your calling, with tooltip goodness.
* Characters can no longer use a Planar Focus that contains Planar Essences they cannot equip.
* Toned down the number of visual effects that display during large combat situations.
* LFG group leaders who previously dismissed the offer to seek a replacement member can now trigger it by opening the LFG UI while in the dungeon.
* LFG characters who die in an instance while linkdead no longer have to run across the world to get to their gravestone.
* Cache Finder now offers a 15-45% chance to gain an additional Plaque or Mark when defeating an Expert Dungeon or Raid Boss.
* Incriminate: Now no longer requires you to be facing your target when used.
* Replenish: Fixed so this cannot be used when healing is blocked.
* PTS Only: Fixed a bug allowing characters to use Spotter's Order to kill themselves or allies.
* Synergy Crystal requirements should now be visible on PvP armor set pieces.
* PvP Rifts: These can now be opened at Raid Tears in Stillmoor, Shimmersand, and Iron Pine Peak. The Ascended Power to open these Rifts can be purchased with Favor from Templar Zim in Sanctum or Girdoom in Meridian.
* Chat channel broadcasts for the start of zone events now go to all level bracket channels appropriate for the event zone.
* Hit points for zone event colossi now scale based on zone population.
* Major versions of the Gloamwood Rift 'The Burning of Gloamwood' and Iron Pine Peak's 'Vicious Squall' may now appear.
* The new Water Saga questline is now available! Defiants can begin by speaking with the Faceless Man in either Standard or Expert Abyssal Precipice. Guardians need to see Cardinal Visc in Sanctum after completing Standard or Expert Abyssal Precipice.
* The Saga of the Endless has seen a bunch of tweaks to make this line more group friendly:
- Securing Source: Now only requires one trip into Expert Deepstrike Mines.
- Way of the Paragon: Quest item drops and objectives now update for all group members at once.
- Repiecing the Defractionary: Collecting the Defractionary now updates all group members.
- On the Trail of Evil: Bones of Nestor reduced to a standard elite mob. Seeking Nestor Troweller in Stonefield now updates all group members.
- Darkblade: Aberrant Growth has been rebalanced to a standard elite mob.
- Way of the Paragon: Enq and Gan reduced to standard elite mobs.
- The Means of the Endless: Quest indicator now covers all of Smith's Haven.
- Neddra's Legacy: Seeking out Neddra's Vault no longer shows a map indicator outside of the world map.
* Life Saga quests now have additional location indicators.
* The Ancient Wardstone mechanic has been removed, and any related Achievements for these have been moved to the Legacy category. We'll be reworking some of the content related to the Wardstones as regular quests.
* Ant Farm is now available separately from the Ancient Wardstone, and is available to both Guardians and Defiants.
* Burn the Offerings: The cages required for this quest now all spawn within the quest area indicator on the map.
* The major versions of the Rifts 'Hand of Gorvaht' and 'Heralds of Gorvaht' now update the Moonshade Highlands Defender achievement properly.
* Made the zone puzzle in Moonshade Highlands more forgiving to help players with higher latency.
* Now with more greenery! The look and feel of Scarwood Reach has gone through an art update.
* Corpsegrinder no longer hides out underground, making him less difficult to find.
* Payment in Kind: There should now always be enough Shatterbone Casters within the cave to update this quest.
* On the Books: Cleaned up the presentation of this quest on the NPC you need to speak with - it is no longer a Runecrafting Trainer with a huge list of options shown.
* Fixed various cases where some Guardian quests in Sagespire could be blocked.
* Reduced population density and respawn rate in many areas of southern Scarwood Reach.
* The major versions of the Rifts 'Maelow's Host' and 'Maelow's Horde' now count correctly toward the Silverwood Defender achievement.
* Bosses in Gilded Prophecy and the Drowned Halls drop 3 Marks of Ascension rather than 2.
* Tier 2 Expert Dungeon Dailies (the random dungeon quest via LFG tool) now award a Mark of Ascension in addition to the normal Plaques of Achievement reward.
* A handful of new items have been added to Expert Dungeons.
* Expert: Fixed a bug where players could be stuck in combat after a reset of Tephra Lord Mafricos.
* Runeguard notoriety from Runic Descent now extends through Glorified.
* New recipes are available on the Armorsmith, Outfitter, Weaponsmith, and Artificer artisan store merchants. These are new Epic crafted items with set bonuses. Each set includes 2 pieces of armor, 1 weapon, and 1 ring to complete the set. Recipes can be purchased for Plaques.
* Recipes for new materials are available from the various profession trainers for 20 platinum - Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber, Tempered Orichalcum Bar, Steel-Stitched Leather, Bolt of Radiant Witchweave, and Infinite Essence. Each recipe has a 24 hour cooldown and are used in new production recipes.
* Crafting trainers now sell new reagents needed for the new recipes: Ethereal Flux, Magical Oil, Enchanted Lacquer, and Endless Dust. Foraging trainers now sell reagents.
* Adrenalite, Etherialite, Vitalium, Saintstone, and Thiefstone Augments that require 150 skill or above no longer drop from Rifts and related encounters. They are now only received from supply bags, quests, crafters, or from merchants in some cases.
* New Artificer recipe: Blazing Powerstone, purchasable from trainers at 285 Artificer skill. Usable on main-hand weapons and adds 200 Spell Power for 4 hours.
* New Weaponsmith recipe: Exquisite Oilstone, purchasable from trainers at 285 Weaponsmith skill. Usable on 2-handed weapons and adds 10 melee weapon DPS for 4 hours.
* Crude Whetstone: Now adds 2 melee weapon DPS for 4 hours.
* Coarse Whetstone: Now adds 3 melee weapon DPS for 4 hours.
* Fine Whetstone: Now adds 4 melee weapon DPS for 4 hours.
* Exquisite Whetstone: Now adds 5 melee weapon DPS for 4 hours.
* Flawless and Pure Augments have received a stat boost and are available on the Apothecary Artisan store merchant. Flawless Augments cost 3 Apothecary Plaques. These recipes require new ingredients with cooldowns on use.
* PTS Only: Fixed the newly-acquired item highlight with regards to Butchering items.
* You can now preview wearable items made from recipes off of crafting skill trainers.
* Totem of Overgrowth: The tooltip now specifies that this item only works on healing abilities.
* Way of Water now properly procs.
* Vanishing Empyreal Gem: Increased the proc rate from this item.
* Fixed Breath of the Abyssal and several other item effect so they no longer get removed if you teleport or zone into instances with these items equipped.
* Fixed a typo with Rasmolov's Riftblade Crystal. It wasn't 'Riftbladd', we swear!
* Gloamsilk Poison: No longer scales with Spell Power, and cannot proc more than once per second.
* Scrolling combat text now displays a correct icon for the Sacred Heirloom of Eth.
* Fixed a bug where some set item tooltips were not displaying correctly.
* The Achievements window now allows you to see what rewards you receive for completing a selected achievement.
* Valmera mounts are not quite so ninja-silent at idle and while running.
* New sound effects added for characters dropping to the ground from high places.
* Fixed a rare animation twitch when transitioning between channeled abilities and those with standard casting times.
* Alongside the ability to set new custom colors for group and raid members, the default color for group, raid, and guild member overhead nameplates has returned to green. This can be customized at any time via the Settings panel under Interface.
* There is now a "Take All" button when reading mail with attachments. Also touched up the Mail UI buttons in general.
* The Abilities panel now sorts by category and in alphabetical order.
* Using the ESC key to cancel an in-progress chat window message no longer cancels the resurrection confirmation window.
* On-screen messages for quests, errors, raid warnings, and broadcasts are now moveable via the Edit Layout system.
* Chat messages for bonus Favor awards have been removed to cut back on chatspam. Bonus Planarite earned is still displayed.
* Escort quests no longer have the 'share' button shown in the quest log - these are handled by sharing to the group when the quest is first accepted.
* Quests that require you to collect or craft single items as quest objectives no longer display "0/1" at the end of the objective.
* Added new loading screen tips to better highlight many new features added since launch.
* Auction House "no results" messages now shown in the search results area when no items are listed matching the search term.
* Error messaging is now more descriptive when you fail to use an ability because you lack a required item.
* Fixed a rare case where the client would always select the same player when mouse-picking targets.
* Map waypoints are now cleared on logout." -
sanyiiiii #6553 Pontosat nem lehet tudni, de én a szöveg alapján 1.5-1.6ra tippelném, de inkább 1.6, 1.5 szeptemberre van betervezve, 1.6 valószínűleg (ez is csak tipp) október-november. -
mnorbi #6552 Sziasztok !
Ez az Alternate Advencement rendszer mikortol lesz bent a játékba ?
itt a link :news
ezért megérné aktiválni az accountot , mert végre tényleg lenne miért játszani 50 en után is más mmokhoz képest. -
radical #6551 Még egy dolog, aki az alábbi linken hozzám regel és a Steampike serverre jön guardian oldalra annak adok 50 platinát hogy egyszerűbben tudja kezdeni a játékot. -
radical #6550 Sziasztok, ilyen hamar meg is lett a nyertes, M.W. monogrammal. Kódot elküldtem priviben. Többiek ne csüggedjenek, biztos lesznek még páran akiknek lesz még felajánlható invite.
#6549 Keresd meg a sajátgépeden az User/felhasználóneved/Appdata/Roaming/Rift könyvtárban a rift.cfg-t, ezt nyisd meg szerkesztőben és a "VFXLimit"-et írd át 20-30-50-re, a "MainThreadCPU" pedig 0-ra és ments. Ez sok embernek segített. -
NikeCortez #6548 Hivatalos oldalon még ma féláron van. (digitális) -
NikeCortez #6547 Szevaszok!
van egy problémám...
Riftben az Fps, elég sokszor 30 alá esik... (teljesen full graf, de ha mediumon van akkor is vagy ha low-on...)
Vajon mi nem birja? Kérlek segítsetek...
Alaplap: Gigabyte P55-usb3
VGA Sapphire 6950 2gb
Memoria: Geil 4x 2gb 1333hz
Proci: Intel i5 650 3.20Ghz
nemértem, szertném rendesen full élményel játszani, de nemtom mihez nyuljak elsőnek...Proci-lap és Memora gondoltam...de ti?
Thx a helpet előre is.
radical #6546 Bocsi hogy az érdeklődőknek nem priviben válaszoltam de elég sokan írtak. Mivel ennyien jelentkeztek ezért indítanék egy játékot aki elsőként linkel be hozzám az Ascend a friend programba, annak fogom elküldeni a kódot amivel a trial verziójú Riftje fullossá válik és csak a havidíjat kell fizetnie onnantól. Amint linkelődtél küldj egy privit hogy leellenőrizhessem és megy a kulcs. -
#6545 Huuh. Egy ilyennek énis örülnék,akkor,legalább csak feltöltökarit kellene vennem hozzá. :D Ha van valakinek,megajándákozhatna,h. ne kelljen megvennem a játékot :) -
VvD #6544 Köszi mindenkinek.
Radical: írtam priviben, ha még meg van a cucc, akkor én szeretném kérni. Egyébként hol lehet legolcsóbban megvenni a Rift-t? Tudtok ajánlani valami oldalt? -
sanyiiiii #6543 Na az úgy működik, hogy aki 3hónapos vagy hosszabb időszakra fizet kezdetek óta founder's plannel az most kapott egy lehetőséget hogy ajándékozzon egy riftet és öt nap játékidőt. Ha tőle vagy mástól kapsz egy ilyen kódot nem kell megvenned a játékot. Sima triallal továbbra is meg kell. -
#6542 Radical is írta az előbb hogy most ingyé osztogatják a játékot 5 nap játékidővel, és mintha csak havidíjat kell hozzá venni. Javítson ki valaki ha tévednék. :) -
#6541 megkel vened a játékot utána folytathatod -
VvD #6540 Sziasztok!
Játszottam pár hete a 7 napos triallal, valaki meghívott. Most szeretném folytatni, de nem tudom, hogy most csak egy gamecard-t kéne vennem, vagy az egész játékot? Olvasgattam a hivatalos oldalt, de semmit nem látok erről. Tud erről valaki valamit? -
radical #6539 Kaptam levelet triontól:
A Free Copy of RIFT — Forward this email to a friend!
This code will grant a free copy of RIFT and five days of complimentary game time. Join your friend with the Ascend-a-Friend program and then visit RIFTgame.com/start for instructions on redeeming your free game. Don’t wait—your code must be redeemed by July 31, 2011!
Kell valakinek? -
sanyiiiii #6538 "PTS 1.4 In-Progress Notes #2 - 7/20/11 COMBAT/PVP
* The goal of the below Cabalist changes were to make this soul far less confusing in general, reduce the awkwardness of using Sigils, tone down the long and complex rotations, and combine the AE abilities in a way that can use a single, understandable rotation.
* PTS Only: Decay now displays in the Soul Mechanic UI.
* Decay: Renamed Lurking Decay. This is now a buff that automatically generates one stack of Decay every 2 seconds.
* Tyranny: Now consumes (and therefore triggers) all of your Decays at once. 30 second cooldown.
* Obliterate: Reduced cooldown to 45 seconds. Decays triggered from this now deal triple damage, but no longer cause an AE.
* Sigil of Power: Renamed Vile Power. Now available at 20 points. This now works like Tyranny, dealing damage and consuming/triggering all of your Lurking Decays. In addition, it restores a base amount of mana, plus an additional amount of mana for each enemy it hits. Reduced the cooldown to 90 seconds.
* Sigil of Ravaging: Renamed Ravaging Darkness. This now works like Tyranny, dealing damage and consuming/triggering all of your Lurking Decays. In addition, it heals the Cleric for 100% of the damage done.
* Affinity for Death: Now reduces all abilities that consume Decay by 6-30 seconds.
* Sigil of Binding: Now an executed ability that is a GTAE Snare that affects up to 10 enemies.
* Sigil of Woe: Now an executed ability that is a GTAE Purge (removes 1 buff) that affects up to 10 enemies. Reduced the cooldown to 15 seconds.
* Sigil of Secrecy: Now an executed ability that is a GTAE Silence that affects up to 10 enemies. Reduced the cooldown to 30 seconds.
* Sigil of Ruin: Now an executed ability that is a GTAE Stun that affects up to 10 enemies. Reduced the cooldown to 30 seconds.
* Curse of Discord - New Ability: This deals Death damage to the enemy over time, in addition to dealing Death damage whenever the enemy uses an ability. Does not stack with Curse of Solitude. Obtained at 8 points.
* Curse of Solitude: The AE Death damage dealt now only affects up to 5 enemies. Does not stack with Curse of Discord.
* Leviathan's Mark: Now increases the damage of Dark Water, Curse of Discord, and Curse of Solitude by 5-15%.
* Death's Dominion: Now increases the damage of both Distorted Shadows and Shadow's Touch by 2-10%.
* Bound Fate: Now affects up to 5 enemies.
* Engulfing Shadows: Removed.
* Negation of Life: Now increases the Spell Power bonus of Decay by 1% + 1% per point spent in Cabalist above 26.
* Symbol of the Ancient: Now increases the Spell Power bonus of Shadow's Touch, Dark Water, Distorted Shadows, Curse of Solitude, and Bound Fate by 2% + 2.5% per point spent in Cabalist above 36.
* Howling Death: Fixed (reduced) the mana cost.
* Friend of the Weald: No longer increases the Faerie's damaging abilities.
* PTS Only: Thorns of Asphodel: Moved to a 51 point ability.
* PTS Only: Harsh Focus: Removed.
* Persistence - New Ability: Tier 5 branch ability. Extends the immunity granted by Perseverance to all control effects.
* Doctrine of Loyalty: Now uses smart healing to select targets.
* Degeneration: Will no longer remove non-purgable buffs.
* Crumbling Resistance, Rock Slide: Updated ability icons.
* Withering Vine: Fixed an issue where certain buffs or debuffs, such as the Riftblade's Stoneshield, would block the healing component of Withering Vine.
* Entropic Veil, Void Life: Updated ability icons.
* Elemental Forces: Fixed this ability expiring early if used with a full Charge bar.
* Fixed an issue where Flesh Rot would not extend the duration of the guaranteed critical hit from Necrosis on the Skeletal Zealot's Blood Spike ability.
* Plague Bolt: Deadly Plague should now correctly affect Plague Bolt immediately after spending Soul Points.
* Ancient Tomb, Detonate Bones: Updated ability icons.
* Lightning Storm: Updated ability icon.
* Icons have been updated for Planar Refuge, Planar Attraction, Unseen Fury, Toughened Soul, Great Fortitude, and Rift Scavenger.
* Survival of the Fittest: Now adds a set value to your Hit Rating rather than a percentage increase to the Hit bonus.
* Kinship, Calming Influence, Primal Recovery, Protective Companion, and Enraged Companion: Updated ability icons.
* Face Slam: Fixed a bug that caused this ability to never critically hit.
* Sweeping Strike: Fixed this ability incorrectly triggering Light's Decree.
* Fixed the wording of Follow-Up attack descriptions to hopefully make their usage less confusing.
* Path of the Tempest, Way of the River, Shifting Blades, Flowing Strikes, and Improved Flowing Strikes: Updated ability icons.
* Earth Burst: Now properly deals damage even if the target is immune to crowd control abilities.
* Thunder Strike, Storm Burst: Won't try to hit dead targets.
* Elemental Touch, Blade of Elemental Affinity: Should now trigger more reliably from Area of Effect abilities.
* Stoneshield, Thunder Strike, Frost Strike: Updated ability icons.
* Catalyze, Ravenous Defense: Updated ability icons.
* Spotter's Order: Functionality changed in an effort to balance the DPS this adds to various souls. Now lasts 20 seconds and does not have to be kept up as often, freeing the Warlord to use other finishers. Also now has a 3 second internal cooldown to better equalize Dual Wielding and Two-Handed weapons, or long-cast-time abilities. Due to the increased effect frequency, it is now an added attack rather than a damage value bonus. Damage increased significantly to keep the new version in line with its previous DPS boost." -
krisztian922 #6537 Én is egy kis problémába ütköztem most. Konkrétan meg akartam hosszabbítani a gametime-om egy új 1hónapos game card segítségével de mikor az accountomba be akartam lépni kérdezte a válaszom a titkos kérdésemre amit persze én már nemtok :D március elején csináltam és sosem használtam sajnos elfelejtettem xD lényeg amire itt talán tud valaki választ adni, hogy fel kell őket hívnom és van magyar számuk is, ez alatt vajon érthetem azt, hogy még magyar supportjuk is van, avagy ez csak valamiféle könnyítés a telefonálás miatt és attól még angolul kell tárgyalnom?:D -
#6536 megoldódott :) -
#6535 Üdv. Vettem amazonon egy 30napos kódot de nem találom hol kell aktiválni. Ha Apply Game Code-ra megyek ott nem fogadja el. Ha a rift játék képére nyomok (jobb felül) akkor nem jön be semmi. -
sanyiiiii #6534 Ember Island -
teb #6533 Szia horty01! De, valaki tudja, ez szinte biztos!! :) Szerintem azért nem, mert rohadt drága. Valaki nemrég azt mondta, hogy 16K-ért látta.. Nem tudom, mi igaz belőle.
horty01 #6532 Sziasztok!
Senki nem tudja hogy miért nem lehet sehol se kapni a RIFT-t dobozos változatát??
sanyiiiii #6531 "Hey everyone I just wanted to pop in and fill you in on a few things quickly. Like every other patch we push to PTS it’s rarely the last iteration and the same is true of 1.4. One of the issues we’re still looking into is how effects like Whetstones and Spotter’s Orders favor certain builds/items over others. Right now these two effects alone cause a massive disparity (in some cases over 200 DPS) between dual wielding, 2-handed weapons and spell casters.
Currently the things we’re looking at doing are:
Changing Whetstones to add to Weapon DPS instead of Weapon Damage
Allowing Whetstones to be used on 2-handed weapons
Adding a new temporary enchant for spell casters that is more inline with Whetstones
Modifying Spotter’s Orders to give equal benefits for all attackers
The overall affect for these changes should be:
An increase in Mage damage at a similar rate to Warriors and Rogues
More parity between fast and slow weapons
More parity between dual wielding and 2 handed weapons
This certainly isn’t the only issue we’re looking into right now (e.g. we’re still looking into the benefits of Plate vs Leather for Warriors however we’re not at a point where we’re ready to discuss any changes there) we just wanted to share a bit of info for coming changes." -
#6530 Jah trainer volt!Megvan a wow lammulas,hogy majd fejlodik velem egyutt! ;)loolo
Köszi a helpet! -
krisztian922 #6529 Lvl30 után kapsz egy skillt amitől meg tudsz idézni egy greater petet (greater wolf-razor akármi) amik lehetnek 30+ szintűek, a sima nem lehet. Szóval vagy elfelejtettél eddig trainernél skilleket fejleszteni vagy pedig nincs elég pontod a ranger soulban ehhez. -
Nephin #6528 Voltál a trainernél? :D Nekem úgy tartja a kezdetektől, hogy nehéz leszedni róla. -
#6527 mert olyan szinten még nem igazán tartja majd ha nagy lesz inkább fejlődj assa vagy bard-ként -
#6526 Hi!
Van egy lvl 37 ranger rogue-em,es van greater razorbeastem,de csak lvl 30-as es nemtartja az aggrot!Miert ilyen alacsony szintu? -
Hofigalopp2 #6525 E-mail címet csak tudsz, mert az a login neved is elvileg. Amúgy ilyenkor, ha mondasz egy e-mail címet és semmi mást nem tudsz, akkor ekezdik majd kerdezgetni, milyen karik vannak rajta, account adatokat kérnek be, mint pl bankkártya infók, lakhely, név, stb... -
Murmur #6524 Mondjuk mondhatják azt, hogy az email címet meg elloptad. :) Viszont ha az accountban rendes nevet/címet adtál meg, akkor az irataid másolatával bizonyíthatod, hogy a tied. -
#6523 Próbáld meg, ha megvan. -
eLiXir #6522 Azzal az emaillel nem lehet amiben megkaptam a cd kulcsot? -
#6521 Tudsz nekik írni, de ha egyiket sem tudod akkor mivel bizonyítod, hogy a tiéd az acc? :D -
eLiXir #6520 Kerestem már :-/ Nem tudok írni nekik mailt? -
Murmur #6519 Elsőre amnéziára tippelnék. :))
Nézegesd meg a postafiókjaidat, ha regisztráltál, csak van az emailek közt valami nyom. -
eLiXir #6518 Mit lehet tenni, ha elfelejtettem a jelszavam, és a nevemet is, amivel regisztráltam? Nem biztosan a valódival tettem. Jelszó emlékeztetőhöz pedig szükségem lenne a nevemre :S jól hangzik hehe -
#6517 Iblys: Icewatch szerver Defiant oldal MaGYaRoK guild.
Ha komolyabban szeretnetek raidelni akkor szivesen latnank titeket.
Kuldtem neked uzenetet is,ha lesz idod szanj meg egy valasszal.Tovabbi jo jatekot es jo szintezest. -
foxxi #6516 nem ide, sry.