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PvE Szerver: Zaviel, Blightweald, Gelidra
PvP Szerver: Bloodiron
Megkérek mindenkit, hogy normális hangnemben fórumozzon,
trollkodásért, fórumképtelen magatartásért büntipont / szélsőséges esetben kitiltás jár!
#6595 van közületek olyan, aki wowozott több éven át? jobb a rift? -
killerkocka #6594 Whitefall defiant oldalon ha van esetleg magyar társulás, akik raidre alkalmasak, vagy közelítenek hozzá, pm me. -
#6593 Közben elolvastam a a keret alatti szöveget is :) Köszi a segítséget mindkettőtöknek.
Úgy gondoltam, hogy Rift , mint másodhegedősnek tökéletes szórakozás, mert a látottak alapján egészen pofás darab, remélem, hogy ehhez értelmes játékosok is társulnak s akkor nem lehet probléma a kevés aktív játékos sem. -
sanyiiiii #6592 Vagy a bankkártyádat vagy egy gamecardot pedig kérni fog ahhoz hogy az accot upgradelni tud, de javallott a bankkártya mivel nem fog most levonni, hanem majd csak amikor lejár a játékhoz kapott 30 nap. Amikor befejzted az upgradet akár rögtön cancelezheted a subscriptiont vagy akár törölheted is a bankkártyád adatait, ugyanúgy lejátszhatod a 30 napodat. -
#6591 Az eddig tökéletesen működik, csak ezután továbbdob a havi előfizetéshez... Ilyen rendszerrel nem találkoztam s nem szeretném, ha kapásból 1 hónapot le is vonna, hogy utána 60 napig tolhassam... -
#6590 Trion Account Management oldala -> sign in (email/pass) ->Apply Code -
#6589 Sziasztok. Olyan kérdéssel fordulnék, hozzátok, hogy megvásároltam a Rift Digital Delux Edition-t, de nem tudom sehol upgradelni az accountot, így továbbra sem kapom meg a plusz dolgokat, beleértve a 30 nap ingyen játékot is. Jelenleg 3. napomat töltöm a free trialban s nem tévedek, ha az ingyenes játékidő alatt nem áll rendelkezésre transzeferelési lehetőség, vagy csak azt is sikeresen elbénáztam.
Köszönök minden segítséget előre is. (Egyébiránt a Steampike shardot néztem ki végleges célpontnak, a magyarok végett) -
#6588 Tudjátok az a baj, hogy mindenki csak "keres", és várja, hogy a sült galamb berepüljön a szájába.
Pontosan tudható milyen klánok találhatóak, van elérhetőségük. Ha valaki arra nem veszi a fáradtságot, hogy kifejezze abbéli szándékát a megfelelő helyen és módon, hogy valamelyik csoportosuláshoz csatlakozni szeretne, akkor annak csak azt tudom javasolni, hogy továbbra is írogassa ide a fórumba, hogy klánt keresek.
További kellemes napot! -
sanyiiiii #6587 Igazság szerint már így is van egy (Renegade) és alakul mégegy (Árnyjárók),ha csinálsz egy újat csak tovább darabolod a közösséget. -
NikeCortez #6586 Ugy öszintétn...ennyien klánt/guildet keresunk...akkor mostmar fogjunk össze és Alakítsunk egyet...mast nemtudok felhozni...minden meghalt... -
NikeCortez #6585 Én is Klánt Keresek!
Tier 1-ezek még csak....Tank vagyok és ugyebár sajnos guardian...
SteamPike-on vagyok...Sajat TS-el és egyebekkel tudok szolgálni...aktív és jo Guildet keresek, de nem HC-t.
Kaguura -
#6584 Guardian Oldal a lényeg le maradt :) -
#6583 Aktív Clant keresek én is , tegnap transfereltem Sagespire-re , van egy 50 es mage em de re rolloltam Clericre azzal fogok játszani , nem kimondottan Raider Clant keresek mert hétköznap dolgozom.
Ha még létezik magyar clan akkor Pm itt forumon :) TS ventri mumble van. -
#6582 Szia VvD!
Köszönjük érdeklődésedet.
Igen, casual guild vagyunk, és az elsősorban leveling is jellemző még ránk.
A RIFT számunkra kötetlen szórakozás, baráti légkörben, és nem várunk el HC szintű hozzáállást.
A részleteket megbeszéljük.
Árnyjárók -
radical #6581 Rift Collectors Edition account eladó, van rajta egy 50es mage, 4 féle soullal, 500+ platinával, full raider gearrel, 110%-os collectorsos mounttal és a másik nehezen elérhető Epic Majmok hátassal. Bank tele nyersanyagokkal és artifactokkal. Október 3-ig be van fizetve.
Normális ajánlatokat PM-be várok. -
VvD #6580 Sziasztok Árnyjáró(k)!
A leírásból nem pontosan derült ki, hogy casual játékosokat is vártok e köreitekbe. Jómagam sajnos nem tudom megígérni, hogy minden nap játsszak, de ezt szeretném egy kellemes, baráti légkörben megtenni. Most épp köztetek és a Renegade között vacillálok egyébként :) Hozzátok talán azért lenne jobb, mert ott (gondolom) több alacsony szintű játékos lesz mostanában. Mennyire várjátok el a HC szintet és úgy nagyjából mik a követelmények a tagjaitokkal szemben?
(Vagy ezt inkább emailben kellett volna?:P)
VvD -
radical #6579 Itt jelezzétek ha fel akartok kerülni a banner alá. -
#6578 Holnap jön az 1.4, ma még lehet farmolni az event pontokat. -
maniac001 #6577 Inkább csinálna a SP-on valaki egy jó defiant klánt. Mi a pöpösért akar mindenki guardian lenni??? -
#6576 Sziasztok!
A mi Guildunk, az Árnyjárok, korábban csak a WoW-ban volt jelen, de már megalakultunk a RIFT világában is.
Indulásként egy magyarok játékosokban gazdag szervert, a Steampike shardot választottuk a Guardians oldalon.
Honlapunkat és Toborzónkat megtekinthetitek a következő linken:
Várunk minden kedves érdeklődőt!
Ha van rá lehetőség, szeretnénk majd felkerülni az SG Fórumon kiemelt Magyar RIFT Guildek közé is.
Köszönjük figyelmeteket.
Árnyjárók -
sanyiiiii #6575 Mindenki elmeny "nyaralni" és ott is maradt. -
#6574 lejart a gc-juk? :D -
#6573 Lol, pár hete még az infernum volt a nagy raidguild... mi történt? -
radical #6572 Csak a Renegade mert az Infernum kihalt. -
sanyiiiii #6571 " RIFT 1.3 Hotfix #16 - 1:00pm PDT 8/1/11 [NA] - 3:00am GMT 2/8/11 [EU]
* Hammerknell: Painstalker Mongrel's Unleashed buff now only lasts 30 seconds.
* Fixed NPCs resetting aggro when their current target becomes friendly to them [like from a mind control].
* If you have an item equipped that you no longer qualify to use (like having higher level Planar Essences in a source machine on a lower level character), that item will be unequipped and put in your bags if there is room, or otherwise mailed to you.
* Potential client crash fix.
* Updated Charmer's Caldera population to address a farming issue." -
NikeCortez #6570 sziasztok!
Segitsetek kicsit...nemtalállom a Support e-mail cimét...sajnos a szemet "account upgrade"-val kapcsolatban a titkos kérdés/válasz-omra nem emlékszem és szeretnem a segítséguket kérni...
ha valaki tudja az email közölje velem.
Thx -
sanyiiiii #6569 "PTS 1.4 In-Progress Notes #4 - 7/29/11
Bunch more catchup from this week, including new feature callouts/descriptions:
* A new Sliver location has been reported to be intersecting with present-day Telara in the region of Lord's Hall in Scarwood Reach.
* High Priestess Hydriss attempts to break through from a twisted reality, bringing her Abyssal army to claim the Ascended's Telara for Akylios. Enter the Sliver to fight her back on her own turf before she can bring her future into ours!
* Drowned Halls is positioned as an entry-level 10-person raid instance, with unique new loot to help gear for more difficult challenges.
* Several new costume items can be obtained from the Drowned Halls sliver and Achievements.
* The armies of the Ascended can now open special PvP rifts at Rift Raid locations. Opening these rifts secures sourcestone for your faction, but also leaves you open to attack from enemies! Keep the rift open as long as you can to gain the most rewards - or close your enemy's rift for additional bonuses!
* See Girdoom in Meridian and Templar Zin in Sanctum to obtain the Ascended Powers needed to open these new Rifts, purchased with Favor (Lure of the Unseen and Lure of the Eye).
* PvP Rifts can be opened at Raid Tears in Shimmersand, Iron Pine Peak, and Stillmoor. Only one per zone can be opened at any time, for a total of three active PvP Rifts at a time.
* Contribution to objectives or to PvP activity in the region of the opened Rifts triggers rewards.
* PvP Rift activity will be broadcast in the new World Defense chat channel.
* After the appearance of Akylios, Guardians take a trip through madness while Defiants learn the story of the Faceless Man and help determine his future. The Abyssal have a hand in all of it.
* The Water Saga is intended for higher-level characters in solo and small groups. You don't need to raid to complete it though you may need to bring some friends for some portions.
* Start the story after completing either Standard or Expert Abyssal Precipice. Defiants speak to Faceless Man inside the Abyssal Precipice instance itself, while Guardians need to see Cardinal Visc in Sanctum after completing the instance once. Pre-1.4 completions of Abyssal Precipice DO count!
* New item rewards are available while completing the questline, and rumor has it that finishing the series grants the player a sweet new mount type. CROCNARD!
Whitefall Steppes - Escalation
* In their fight for dominance, the Guardians and Defiants have deployed massive rune cannons to the Whitefall Steppes. Their Ascended armies battle to collect and return Soucestone to fuel these powerful weapons.
* Capture three Sourcestone from the field and hold them at your base to win. Beware though; Sourcestone can be stolen directly from your base by the enemy.
* Alternate-mode Warfronts appear on weekends and are highlighted in the Warfront queue UI when available. These Warfronts grant double awards while available.
* Daily quests for the standard version of Whitefall Steppes can still be completed in the Alternate Mode.
* Achievements related to Whitefall Steppes must still be done in the standard version.
* The Looking for Group tool now includes queues from the other shards within your battlegroup when forming instance groups.
* Cross-shard players are indicated the same way as in Warfronts - Name@Shard.
* Cross-shard groups cannot contain more than 5 characters but can still be 'converted to a raid' for the UI change.
* The ability to ignore players cross-shard is currently being worked on.
* You cannot trade items or coin to players from another shard. This includes Bind on Pickup items under the 30 minute trade window after looting.
* Rift consumables now drop in only three ranks rather than five. The first comes from Rift content from levels 1-29, and the other two drop from level 30+ content and are based on player level. Characters of level 30-39 receive the second rank of consumables, and 40-50 receive the third.
* Puresource containers have also been changed so that Rift and Invasion content drops higher level versions as you gain levels relative to the content.
* Rifts from the Plane of Life and Plane of Water have been spotted in new locations all across Telara!
* Taking certain actions on the Pet Bar - changing pet aggro status, toggling abilities to use - no longer dismounts you.
* Fixed a bug causing pets to sometimes lose passive effects.
* Fixed synergy crystals sometimes not applying their bonuses when switching roles after they were equipped.
* Fixed an incorrect calculation of weapon damage when swapping weapons to a different hand.
* Corrected some ability and effect tooltips where they displayed an incorrect value for a percent of health healed.
* Calling abilities are now categorized in the ability panel and sorted alphabetically.
* Fixed a bug where Burning Purpose would trigger the Dominator ability Quick Thinking.
* PTS ONLY: Lurking Decay: Tooltip now indicates the 1 hour duration.
* Void Life: The channel duration is no longer affected by damage. Fixed an issue where the last tick of damage would be delayed longer than intended.
* Rage of the Fae: Fixed effect tooltip to match current ability functionality.
* Echoes of Ascension: The cooldown now begins counting immediately rather than waiting for the effect to trigger.
1.4 will introduce a number of changes to make acquiring PvP gear more enjoyable. Players will now be able to upgrade PvP store items more frequently without needing to hoard Favor to purchase high rank items.
* Converted the costs on rank 3/4 and 5/6 Armor and Weapons to use Marks of Retribution and require the previous set's items to purchase the upgrade.
* Changed the overall cost of purchasing all of rank 1 through 6 sets to equal the previous cost of purchasing a rank 5 or 6 set.
* Completing weekly PvP quests now grants additional Marks of Retribution, and closing PvP Rifts have an additional chance of rewarding these.
* Marks of Retribution are obtained for 1600 Favor from PvP vendors in Meridian and Sanctum.
* Lost Hope, Incapacitate: Cannot be used to interrupt other players while they are immune to interruption effects.
* Break Free [All PvP Souls]: Now removes the Disarm effect.
* Usable objects that will flag you for PvP now have a unique mouseover cursor.
* Updated Charmer's Caldera population to address a farming issue.
* The Past: Should be able to complete this quest more consistently after subduing Tigram Stillstep.
* Apothecaries can now salvage Planar Essences. These break down into planar dusts as well as new ingredients used in Augment recipes.
* Salvaging Artificer-crafted rings that contain gemstones now yield more Iridescent Powder, Gemstone Fragments, Clear Crystals, and Glimmering Fragments, and these items appear much more frequently.
* Apothecary recipes using consumable items from Rifts have been updated to reflect the changes to the ranks and level ranges of these items.
* PTS ONLY: Corrected pricing of Ethereal Flux, Magical Oil, Enchanted Lacquer, and Endless Dust. They should sell for 4 Platinum 20 Silver from vendors.
* PTS ONLY: Updated the cooldown for new crafting recipes to 20 hours from 24.
* PTS ONLY: Fixed a bug where new recipes were being crafted instantly.
* PTS ONLY: Rare and Epic Essences can now be salvaged properly.
* Healing Potions and Tonics from Apothecaries are now on a separate cooldown from Mana Potions and Tonics.
* The following items are on the same cooldown as Mana Potions and Tonics now, and won't be triggered by Healing items: Olde Tablet, Ageless Tablet, Elder Tablet, Timeworn Tablet, and Ancient Tablet.
* Dark Shadow Tunic: Renamed to Dark Shadow Leggings so you're not trying to wear a shirt as pants.
* Characters can now have up to fifty macros each.
* A slash-command glossary has been added to the Macro window to better explain some of the many slash commands in the game.
* Auction House: Fixed a bug in the Usable Only checkbox so that auction results are displayed correctly (less blank pages and half-filled pages all around).
* Optimized the Guild Roster pane to handle showing offline members for very large guilds without breaking things. I'm looking at you, Epic.
* The Achievement window now properly updates for exploration achievements when entering new areas.
* Added a button that allows you to "take all attachments from all mail items" in your inbox." -
Ackronikon #6568 no nálam most telt el a 24 óra és még mindig semmi válasz kezdek mérges lenni -
NikeCortez #6567 nekem anno 20 percen bellul valaszoltak vasarnap... -
Ackronikon #6566 Mindig ilyen lassúak a support team-nél? lassan 1 napja hogy írtam nekik hogy nem tudok belépni de még semmi, még jó hogy tegnap befizettem a játékot eddig nem indul jól a visszatérésem :( -
sanyiiiii #6565 " PvP Armor Set Update – Getting the most out of your Prestige Ranks
Hey Everyone,
The development team has been taking a look at the way you spend favor. Through our own experiences playing, your feedback, and the data available some things are pretty clear:
It’s more cost effective to save up for Rank 5 & 6 gear than to purchase each set of gear.
You’re sacrificing short term effectiveness for the long term gain by hoarding your favor due to this.
We took these points to heart and with 1.4 will be introducing a solution we think you can all enjoy by giving you the most bang for your buck and getting the most out of your hard-fought Prestige Ranks. We’ve done this by bringing the cost of the PvP Sets for Prestige Ranks 1-4 in line with the current total cost to purchase Rank 5 & 6 with the following in mind:
We wanted to have a system where you’re never penalized for choosing to upgrade. Getting upgrades along the way is a lot more fun, and helps you perform better; we want it to always be the smartest move.
If you’re currently gearing up we don’t want the progress you’ve made already to be marginalized - Your upgrade cost to your “next” piece remains the same or smaller – It doesn’t go up
So with that, we’re making the following adjustments:
Converted the costs on the two PvP Sets available to those with Prestige Rank 3-6. Armor and weapons are now purchased with Marks of Retribution and require the previous set’s items to purchase the upgrade.
Reduced the overall cost of purchasing the individual sets for Prestige Rank 1-6 armor & weapons to cost the same as purchasing the Rank 5 and 6 set previously.
Completing Weekly PvP Quests grant additional Marks of Retribution and closing PvP rifts have an additional chance to reward even more!
Essentially, with these changes there’s no increase in cost to purchasing Rank 5 & 6 gear while allowing you make use of each set as you earn it. Coupled with new ways to earn Favor, Prestige, and the new Marks of Retribution you’ll get more reward for each Prestige Rank you earn.
As always, share your questions and feedback below – good fight, good night!" -
NikeCortez #6564 RIFT 1.4 Summary
PvP Rifts: More open-world PvP goodness!
Cross-Shard LFG
Water Saga: Quest line that lets you earn epic loot and a vicious Crocnard Mount
Planar Menace: Stop House Aelfwar and the Abyssal from claiming the Dragon Motes
Drowned Halls: A new 10-player raid sliver
Quest Item Keyring: Save space in your inventory with an extra bag to hold your quest items
New rare materials: New tier of epic materials for each harvesting profession
New crafted item sets: Eight new crafted item sets for dungeon and raid players
Player-crafted augments: Apothecaries can salvage planar essences to make powerful item augments!
And more! -
Hofigalopp2 #6563 Na lehet transferelni Steampikera! Vannak még aktív magyarok ott Guardian oldalon? Ha igen, kik és hányan? Melyik guildek? -
Bhalage #6562 haha fasza +like -
Murmur #6561 RIFT 1.3 Hotfix #15
* Matron Zamira: Players affected by Mark of Oblivion and Host of Oblivion will no longer become snared when the effect expires; these abilities can no longer be cleansed.
* Murdantix: Fixed a case where sometimes Murdantix would not cast Demonic Tar.
* Sicaron: Will now properly cast Moldering Decay more often than every 60 seconds or so.
* Splash of Vengeance: Reduced objective count.
* Increased the amount of reward chests that spawn during A Splash of Vengeance, Legendary Libations, and Time to Serve.
* The reward chests can now be looted by anyone and everyone, until they disappear. Grab that loot!
* Ocean Friends: Increased population of quest targets. They will also no longer flee forever.
* If you cancel a logout by moving your character, we will no longer prevent you from ever logging out. EVER!
* Potential fix for adds in Raid encounters sometimes not despawning on a reset.
RIFT 1.3 Hotfix #14
* By the way, Hammerknell is open with the start of Phase 5 of the Waves of Madness event on 7/27/11.
* Soulrender Zilas: Fixed his reset so he won't continue to cast while out of combat.
* Matron Zamira: Fixed a bug causing Foul Gestation to provide less damage increase than desired.
* King Molinar and Prince Dollin encounter issue fixed so these bosses can be re-enabled after this update. -
Bhalage #6560 phase 5, kinyilt a kapu!!!!
Steve79 #6559 Rift CE eladó, ha valakinek kell pm. -
sanyiiiii #6558 "Couple Quick Updates for 1.4
Wanted to make a quick call out on the following changes as both have been discussed heavily in bug reports, feedback and on the forums:
Lost Hope and Incapacitate will no longer interrupt object interactions (Flags in The Codex, Sourcestone in Whitefall Steppes) when the target is under Diminishing Returns.
Replaced Favor cost on Rank 7/8 Armor and Weapons with Marks of Retribution. Marks of Retribution can be obtained for 1600 Favor from vendors in Meridian and Sanctum. Equivalent Rank 5/6 items are still required as well as the new marks.
Both changes will be out to the Alpha shards soon." -
sanyiiiii #6557 "RIFT 1.3 Hotfix #13 - 8:00am PDT 7/26/11 [NA] - 1:00am GMT 27/7/11 [EU]
* Fixed a case where no group members would have looting rights when a mob died to a reflected ability.
* Resurrecting people who are running back to an instance from a respawn now works more reliably.
* Runeguard notoriety gain from Runic Descent now extends all the way through Glorified.
* Fixed erroneous random data corruption messages that would pop up for no good reason other than scaring people.
* The event mobs Abyssal Runeslayer and Deeptide Pincer will no longer cause epic trains across entire continents. Choo choo!
* Droughtlands: The Ancient Wardstone quest, Nether Say Never, should complete normally.
* Fixed a visual issue with some area effect beam effects not showing as hitting the main target." -
#6556 Hm pts-en új event van, Life témával, vannak nagyon ötletes és mókás kis dailyk, hasonló event lesz mint a föld-fire event volt.