Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures - MMORPG
warbar #3415 ez van arwi majd reméljük emiatt páran átmennek más szerverekre :) -
Arwenke #3414 Az oke hogy sor van, de hogy siman kiirta hogy nem es majd probalkoz kesobb, na az kicsit felhuzott. -
mörrr #3413 Akkor megyek és elagyalok valakit DOTÁban -
mörrr #3412 Ja bocs, közbe látom karbantartás megy :)
mörrr #3411 Be akarok jelentkezni, azt mondja downloading patch, de kb 8 perce semmit nem megy a csík, ez másnál is így van? -
warbar #3410 thx
#3409 10kor elvileg -
sleepwalker77 #3408 6-10ig karbantartás. -
warbar #3407 mikor indul ujra a szerver? vagy csak engem nem enged be?
Von Nyalosch #3406 Ha jól tudom 20-as szinttől lehet tanulnulni néhány szakmát ( miner, tailor etc. ) Hol lehet ezeket megtanulni? Melyik városban, mert ahol mozgolódok ott már lehet látni bányákat, növényeket, de skill kellene hozzá. -
WiLDoR #3405 "+ csomó nálam 5-6 szintel nagyobb emberkét megagyaltam."
ez később, majd megváltozik -
WiLDoR #3404 én még emléxem rá, hogy milyen volt 3 éve wow, mikor pl. a bloodscalp-ra akartam belogolni, s 500-as sor volt elöttem.
arról nem is beszélve, hogy mikor a ragnaros-t meginditották, 7000-es sor volt a serverre, hogy bejuthass.
szóval én valahol nem vagyok meglepve, az early access-es servereknél várható volt, hogy csurig lesznek... -
#3403 Te banat 3 80as? Hat azert ez nem samli 1 het alatt max. szint, nem gondolom, hogy kockara aludtak a fejuket :P Es remelem az endgame nyujt annyit, hogy megtartsa az embereket, mert 1 honap alatt napi 3-4ora jatekkal is maxon vagy. -
Psychedelic #3402 Nem véletlenül vannak a battlekeep-ek masik területen. Azokon a területeken ahol 48vs48-ban pörög a siege, nem 20-30 fps van, hanem 80-100.
A guild városunkban meg mar 6 epuletet huztak fel, van 3 80-as karink, nincs jobb dolguk épitkeznek. Bar az egyikük már a 2. karijat huzza lassan eléri azzal is a 40-et. :D
Sztem mire 80 leszek elkészül az egész város, kérdés mikor lesz vmi haszna. :) -
#3401 Nem tul gyors ez egy kicsit?? -
#3400 Haat, tulsagosan sok eroforrast hasznal ez a grafika, es nem nyujt olyan szinvonalat, ami ezt igenyelne.
Mi lesz egy 40-60 emberes guildek kozotti csataban, ha most mikor egyedul vagy a kepernyon, egy jo vassal 20-30fps-ed van? :)
Ezen meg tuti sokat fognak optimalizalni ... majd mikor jonnek a sirasok-rivasok a hivatalos forumban :) -
Lyan Kyj #3399 mind a négy critical:PP
Amúgy szép kis írás! -
#3398 1. Central processing unit (CPU)
high, depending on which video card you use you will need a stronger processor. Nvidia cards draw their power greatly on the processor and thus generate extra load. ATI cards operate at maximum speed pretty much independent of the processor. In both cases the game itself requires a considerable deal of continuous processing power. I'm very happy to see a continous 30-70% load on all 4 cores on a Q6600 overclocked to 3.3Ghz (default clock = 2.4Ghz). This leads me to believe that the current client has really good multicore support and seems to scale very well. For this reason it's highly recommended to use a latest gen dualcore or even better get a quadcore!!
2. Random access Memory (RAM)
The amount of memory installed in your computer is absolutely critical to running this game smooth. The game itself has been developped as a 32-bit executable with LA (large address awareness) enabled. What does this mean? 32-bit executables are by design restricted to 2GB per running process on a 32bit OS. (ageofconan32.exe = 1 process = the whole game) As you zone to the inn or other zones, the executable size in memory will try to cache all this information (= keep it loaded in memory in the form of ageofconan32.exe growing in memory usage size) to give you a smoother gaming experience. I have noticed that the "working set" of the executable grows to as large as 1.9-2GB (since latest checkup), this is how much of your physically present RAM is being used by the game. If you don't have that amount of free ram BEFORE starting up the game, your game will slow down after zoning enough times and slow down even further over time until you restart it to make the game use less memory again. For this reason you need under XP at least 2.5GB in your computer to run this game smooth and under Vista at least 3GB. Aside from the physical usage there's also the virtual size (the actual size of the process) which I have seen to grow as large as about 2.1GB after zoning alot. The current gameclient releases it's allocated memory from loaded zones very good so you always stay in the 1.5-2GB physical usage range and that is very good.
note: 4GB is the ideal amount needed to run this smooth along with whatever other stuff you run on your OS (services, background apps, the OS memory itself) Vista will even use the extra memory to help cache other stuff. I have 8 and beyond 4GB you do not notice much more improvement in speed and smoothness so 8GB is NOT necessary for running ONLY this game while having all other apps closed. However having 8GB will help considerably with caching the zone loadings and other stuff under Vista as well as allow you to simultaneously run a bunch of other windows programs. Above 4GB is a luxury however, not a must have. A total of 2GB in your computer means running the game at decreased performance. This is inevitable. memory is cheap so try to get 3 or 4.
note: the speed of the memory is completely trivial when compared to the actual amount of memory. Having e.g 1066 Mhz mem instead of 667Mhz will only yield a 1-3% memory read speed increase in synthetical benchmarks but in a game don't even feel or notice anything at all. Think about that before buying expensive memory
note: although increasing your RAM from 2GB to 3GB is in essence not a direct increase in fps but instead makes the game play and loading/zoning feel alot smoother, it should be noted however that if you lack alot of RAM your FPS will be affected through stuttering etc. Running the game with 1GB e.g will give such problematic play (enough to feel 'unplayable') Having 2GB is therefore a bare minimum for running at all while 3GB is the minimum for running smooth. 4GB is a good standard. More memory with Vista 64 gives you better HD access caching. For more details about memory see the /3GB guide
3. Graphics processing unit (GPU)
Critical impact!! This game uses pretty advanced graphics that are a bit ahead of it's time. This allows for a visually stunning game under ideal circumstances with future hardware. I have been able to run at 1900*1200 at high graphic settings in a quite smooth way using 8800GT cards. A retest with 2 of those in SLI showed that SLI does work. does not make any difference in the current game client. It's absolutelty critical to have a latest gen of graph card for smooth play (nvidia 8800series or ati 3XXX series and up) The graphics card therefore is well worth your money for this game, more than buying the latest processor in any case. Upon measuring videocardmemory usage I noticed that outdoors 512MB is saturated all the time on resolutions 1600*1200 and up. Get 768 or more memory on the card if you can.
To test performance of the current client I used the following settings: resolution = 1920*1200, no bloom, no AA, everything else maxxed out including all distance sliders. Then I zone from Khemi to Old tarantia and let go of my keyboard and mouse. Here's what I measure with ctrl+alt+f in-game:
1 8800GT card on nvidia "let my application decide" : 21-22 fps
1 8800GT card on nvidia "Age of conan advance profile" : 24-27 fps
2*8800GT SLI on nvidia "let my application decide" : 31-32 fps
2*8800GT SLI on nvidia "Age of conan advance profile" : 33-35 fps
This was measured with non-OC cards with 512MB, vista 64-bit SP1 with ALL possible settings maxxed except those mentioned. That means with shadows from all etc with distance view range 3500meter etc...I'm totally stunned by this good performance. I never expected to get 30+ frames at all times on max settings in a heavy graphical zone like Old tarantia. Superb job from the devs. For better overal performance however I recommend setting shadow textures to medium or low since they tax the system enormously while not making the game look that much better. That's just a personal oppinion though.
note: naturally the above fps listed is a torture test!! You will not play like this mostly but instead turn the video options somewhat down and see your fps about double this. Anyway for the quality of the graphics this kind of fps is superb imho !! See tips and tricks for configuration. This part about hardware.
note: not all graphic cards appear to be "well compatible" with AOC. For example the latest badass 9800x2 series are known to give you trouble and low performance in many cases most probably due to bad driver support. all 8800series are rocksolid choices for this game as long as they have 512MB ram on them as an absolute minimum. Don't use a card with less memory !! All latest gen ATI cards such as 29XX and 3XXX series appear to be doing well as well. Note that x2 cards such as 9800x2 only use 512MB memory in reality since they have 2 chips with each 512MB and only one can be used by it's internal SLI. ATI is known to currently give less fps in general than the nvidia cards. I don't know why but when comparing fps from different people I came to this conclusion.
note: dx10 is not implemented yet even though it's listed in-game. It will be truly implemented around sept/oct. Still the game looks awesome on DX9 as it is imho
4. The disc subsystem (HD or a RAID of HD's)
important and severly underestimated. This component does not increase your fps in any way (at least not to a noticeable degree) but DOES effect exclusively ALL ZONING experiences which is pretty much from launching the game to going in and out of zones nonstop (in tortage e.g) The sky is the limit here since the game dir is over 24GB as it is today and parts of that are being loaded into memory as you zone. I have tested the game while running it off a latest generation 7200RPM harddrive (samsung 400GB) and later on a RAID 0 of two WD Raptor 10000RPM disks. My god the difference is day and night. With the single 7200RPM disk the loading screens take double the time and I can listen to up to an entire song while zoning into the game. On the raid system I could only hear the part of the women with the high voice and I never hear the rest of that song because I'm already ingame. This feels so good. If I had the money I would buy a 32GB HyperOS hyperdrive to run the game on because it would be blazing fast then no doubt. I can only imagine how good that must feel but I'm already very happy with the raid0 system. Adding more than 2 drives to the raid0 made a further improvement in loading times but only marginal like 10% (not worth it imho) For smooth experience ofc you have no data or anything else running off your game disk or raid system except the game and maybe the OS (peferably even only the game itself and nothingelse) -
#3397 eu fórumon olvastam egy elég használható leírást hogy milyen hardware-al mennyire jól megy a játék. kicsit hosszú és angolul van, de berakom ide. -
Mr. Perfect #3396 szvsz a grafika nagyon jól skálázható. Ezért kár eladni. max visszaveszel egy-két plussz dolgot és máris játtszható és nem kell neki erőmű -
szugabo #3395 akkor viszont hova kell beírni a mamut kódot hogy meg is kapjam? -
Bhalage #3394 nem lehetett karit csinalni arra a furyra amikor probaltam erted..
erted? :D -
#3393 Igen.
Hat az assakat en nem szeretem, mert van 1-2 mocsing, aki hide-bol tamad mikor rajtam a mob, persze hogy kisse eselytelen... -
szugabo #3392 a mamutnak meg kellene jelennie az accountban a köpeny és a gyűrű mellett? -
#3391 Gyerekek asszem megvan a classom :D
Ez az assassin valami elmebeteg darálógép. Hihetetlen erős. 3-4 szintel nagyobb elleneket tömegesen ölök + csomó nálam 5-6 szintel nagyobb emberkét megagyaltam. Poison stance valami isten ^^ -
#3390 -
#3389 az extrém gépigény miatt eladnám Conant. preorderes account (ingyen mammut mount + nagyobb inventory minden karakternek kezdésnél), barátmeghívó nincs elhasználva, júni 22-ig lehet játszani rajt. 9k dobozzal bp-n, 8k ha csak az account kell és számlára utalsz. -
zole72 #3388 ÉS azt hol lehet megtalálni mert én nem találtam csak a 30 napos aktíváló kulcsot a könyv hátulján. -
#3387 megkapod a mamutot előbb is, max 40-ig csak szagolgathatod meg nézegetheted. én első játéknapon beírtam a /claimet kétszer és nálam volt gyűrű, köpeny, mamut is -
#3386 Jár egy db. De még nem aktívak. -
zole72 #3385 Nem tudja valaki hogy az alap játékhoz is jár Bady card vagy csak a Collectors Edition-hoz? -
#3384 nah keep , trader post , temple felhúzva . kár hogy még nem jók semmire :D -
#3383 Hat ez mas mmonal is elofordul, hogy meghuzzak a hatart. Azert vannak az ujaknak prefaralt szerverek, kerdes, hogy ezt mennyire veszik komolyan. -
Arwenke #3382 Mi az hogy nem tudok jatszani amikor akarok, hogy a fenebe van az hogy eddig bar melyik mas jatekba ha akartam betudtam logolni. Az hogy varni kell elofordulhat, de az hogy nem logolhatok be arra a serverre ahol jatszok..... ez kritikan aluli, ez felhaborito. -
#3381 Én az egyiket Békéscsabán vettem az MM-ban és 11990, pont mint máshol. El van árazva a 7990 szvsz. -
Arwenke #3380 Mi a budos pics az, hogy nem tudok belogolni mert tele van a server.
A jo edes anyukat, micsoda fos szolgaltatas ez. -
#3379 PM ment. -
Callisto #3378 Oké, nem gondoltam hogy a közel ezt jelenti. Időben még jobb vagy, másrészt be tudsz telefonálni az üzletek megfelelő részlegéhez, hogy van-e és mennyibe kerül. -
#3377 órákba telik, mire megkapod a köpenyt, nekem is így volt tegnap. mamutot meg majd lvl40-en. -
warbar #3376 én még mindig nem kaptam meg a mamutom se a köppenyem hiába /claim-elek és az accountomon is mindent rendben mutat