• IMYke2.0.0.0
    Bocs, de tényleg lusta vagyok mailezgetni, honlapozni...

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
  • IMYke2.0.0.0

    Kértél munkát! Tessék: fordítsátok le az Asszonnyal ezt és küldjétek el nekem ([email protected]).
    Ha megteszitek, én beleteszem az aktuális *.con fájlba és kiderülhet, hogy működik-e a CON EDITÁLÁS...

    A fordítandó (így küldd vissza is):

    - We're lucky to have him.With Inspector Drept taking offices so closeshould keep the riff raff at bay.
    - I haven't noticed any difference in the level of riff rafferty...in fact...I don't feel safe walking down my own street. And Wilson says there's an absolute throng of Pagans that've taken over the park.
    - 'Throng,' really! Is he sure it's Pagans? Maybe they're just...you know...shabby.
    - Either way...when's the last time you enjoyed a stroll through the Auldale Public Gardens? Mmm, Lady Cafferty?
    - Well...just the other...hmm...was it...I'm sure I recall it wasn't TOO too long ago...
    - So much for your Inspector Drept keeping us all safe.
    - Really Oscar...you poo poo everything...besides...I really do feel safer.
    - I'll wager you only feel safe when you're in the pub, considering the Inspector's workshop is right near there. Am I right?
    - Tut, tut! The discussion is over.
    - Well of course they died, Amanda old girl...the two of them didn't have half a brain between them.
    - Exactly my point, Zachary. The mother...now she had a brain...and a plan. Women often do. The whole thing was her idea...trouble is...they were too pea brained to pull it off. Snuffed out by some security device of course...but after they were already inside the Museum.
    - Well if you're game, I am too. Should be an absolute bundle of fun. I can't wait to outwit a guard...I do hope there'll be guards! But we should do it soon...before the City Watch discover that tunnel we found.
    - Really, Zachary. If they haven't found the tunnel yet, there's no reason to think they'll ever find it. No, there's time for more planning before our naughty little heist.
    - You're not going to spoil the fun and go all scaredy-cat on me, are you, Amanda?
    - Of course not, Zachy - poo. I just want everything to go perfectly. I mean, there's only one museum, and I don't want to rush in without the right outfit.
    - Quite right, darling. Proper attire. I hadn't thought of that.
    - Did you hearsy? Dyan bes having more visionings....
    - About them Hammerheads? They bes deaded Sandlewood and her bunch yesterday! I bes will feeder on them fleshes!
    - Yes, them Hammerheads...buts of other things too...like them cityhead Garrett...and something that bes unnatural...close by nearsy them canals.
    - Unnatural? What bes you mean?
    - Bes I not know. But bes worser than a Hammerhead...worser than anything.
    - Worser than a Hammerhead? How bes you know?
    - Because... I bes sawed Dyan's face after her visioning...
    - But why, why? I can't even get in to my own shop!
    - Yeah, about that. See, I decided it ain't your shop no more. It's mine.
    - You cant do that! I'll go to the City Watch! I have friends in high places.
    - Sure, go tell your friends about how you sold me fool's gold - they'll be really extra special interested in that part. Are you sure you want your friends checking on the things you sold them over the years?
    - Well, I, ah, the nerve of your insinuation!
    - Still, I don't see you running out the door to tell the City Watch.
    - I could repay you... it would just take me a few days... gather the cash.
    - It's too late for that. Besides, it's more than just the money, see? I gotta make an example of you, just so's everyone knows they can't mess with Jimmy the Knife.
    - Well, I'll just go to my shop then, and remove those boards myself!
    - Sure, you could try to play it that way, but if I see you doing it, I'm gonna have to kill you.
    - Kill me?! You... you're the one who deserves to die!
    - That almost sounded like a threat, Fogerty, you worm. Don't make me make an example out of you. Now, scram. I hate the sighta you.

    - Break out of your cell.
    - Your equipment is locked up in the Confiscation Depository, south of your cell. Get it back.
    - Escape from Pavelock Prison.
    - Go see your fence Heartless Perry in Black Alley to sell him the Bloodline Opal.
    - Deal with Lady Elizabeth and her thugs so you can get into Stonemarket.
    - Sell the Bloodline Opal to Black Market Bertha, the fence in Stonemarket Proper.
    - Meet with the Keepers in Terces Courtyard in Stonemarket Plaza.
    - You're working with the Keepers for now. Don't attack them or get caught doing anything that will cause them to attack you.
    - Steal the Chalice from St. Edgar's Church in Stonemarket Proper.
    - Use the South Quarter well to enter the Pagan tunnels, and steal the Paw from them.
    - Deliver the Chalice and Paw to Artemus in Terces Courtyard in Stonemarket Plaza.
    - Deliver the Chalice and Paw to Artemus, who is West of Terces Courtyard in Stonemarket Plaza.
    - Use the plaque on the wall near Keeper Isolde to receive the Keeper Door Glyph.
    - Search around the Keeper Library for clues about the Dark Age.
    - Speak to Keeper Artemus before you leave the Library.
    - Speak to Keeper Isolde before you leave the Library.
    - Read the letter the Hammerite Inspector Drept has left for you. It is on the table in front of Artemus.
    - Go to the Docks' Pagan stronghold and read the letter left for you by the Pagan priestess, Dyan.
    - Search the Sewers in the Docks to locate the entrance to the Sunken Citadel in order to find the missing Glyph Key that the Keepers are searching for.
    - Enter the ship called the Abysmal Gale in the Docks to see if it's related to the Compendium of Reproach that the Keepers are searching for.
    - Get to the cargo hold down below, then find and read the Ship's Manifest for clues about the Compendium of Reproach.
    - Find a boat in the Docks and take it to Captain Moira's seaside mansion to steal the Compendium of Reproach.
    - Visit the Forbidden Library to hear Caduca read from the Compendium of Reproach.
    - Break into the Stonemarket Clocktower via an upper-story access pipe in Stonemarket Plaza to sabotage the clockworks.
    - Return to Keeper Library to see if Interpreter Caduca has discovered the identity of the Brethren and Betrayer.
    - Get to your fence here in Old Quarter to see if he can help you before you are killed by the Keeper Assassins. Ramien's place is to the East.
    - Get to your fence here in Old Quarter to see if he can help you before you are killed by the Keeper Assassins.
    - Search for clues in your fence's shop about what you should do next.
    - Go to your building in South Quarter, as instructed by the mysterious note.
    - After you enter your building, search around for clues about what's going on.
    - Meet with the mysterious note writers in the Graveyard in Old Quarter.
    - Break into Orland's Office in the Keeper Library, then find the secret tunnel which leads to the Keeper Compound.
    - Find Inspector Drept in Auldale to learn about the hag who set a trap for you in Keeper Compound. Enter Drept's workshop through the window.
    - Go to the Shalebridge Cradle to see what you can learn about the hag. The Cradle is in Old Quarter, near the gate to the Docks.
    - Follow Lauryl's ghost to see where it leads you.
    - Meet Lauryl's ghost somewhere in the catacombs below Fort Ironwood.
    - Translator Gamall, the hag in disguise, is the one you've been after this whole time. Return to the Keeper Library to inform the Keepers.
    - Obtain the magic amulet belonging to the Pagan priestess, Dyan, who is in Auldale Park.
    - Use Dyan's magic amulet to open the Pump House, then lower the water level so you can enter the canal.
    - Go to Auldale, figure out where Gamall's hidden lair is located, then break into it.
    - Steal back both the Chalice and the Paw from Gamall's Lair.
    - Search Gamall's Lair for clues about the Final Glyph and why she wants the Artifacts.
    - Find and obtain the Glyph of Unbinding, which can be used to destroy Gamall's statues.
    - Break into the Museum in order to steal the remaining Artifacts before Gamall does.
    - When you have all the Artifacts, meet Artemus in Terces Courtyard in Stonemarket Plaza.
    - Place the Heart on the Bradshaw Monument in the Auldale Plaza.
    - Place the Chalice on the Cataclysm Memorial in Fort Ironwood.
    - Place the Paw on the First Landing Marker in the Docks.
    - Place the Crown in the storage area at the base of the Clocktower in Stonemarket Proper.
    - Lastly, place the Eye on the Fountain in South Quarter.

    - The guard who patrols this hall carries the keys to the cells on his belt.
    - The Pagans have requested favors to improve your faction status with them. Shoot moss arrows into cornerstones marked with green symbols. Shoot any elemental arrow into their 'Elemental Cocoons.'
    - The Hammers have requested favors to improve your faction status with them. Kill Rust Mites with broadhead arrows. Kill any undead.
    - Your landlord has been hiding blackmail money under a sewer grate in Black Alley.
    - A thug has been hired to steal a valuable dagger from Cothron's Armory tonight. He will be paid if he drops it into the donation box outside St. Edgar's.
    - The thugs hanging around St. Edgar's Church have a map of the church with them.
    - There is a strange creature locked in a cell in Stonemarket Proper who wishes to be freed. He has a map in his cell with him.
    - Crowley, the stonecutter, hide some gems in Terces Courtyard.
    - A map to the Keeper Compound is in the Forbidden Library on the second floor.
    - The City Watch are holding a Pagan sapling. The Pagans want it planted in their hideout. The Hammers want it burned, which can be done in the tavern.
    - The Keeper Door Glyphs aren't working right now. You will need to find alternate routes.
    - The mysterious note said to look for something unusual in Black Alley. It may help you evade the Enforcers temporarily.
    - The Hammers are trying to bury someone in the Old Quarter Graveyard, but they can't as long as the zombies keep regenerating.
    - Hauknor, a City Watch guard, is extorting the Old Quarter tavern for an expensive bottle of wine every night.
    - A Pagan shaman wants to activate the Pagan cornerstone in the Old Quarter Graveyard so that plants will overrun the area.
    - Derk wants Ramien to hire someone to go to the Tavern in Docks, grab the body on the second floor, clean up the blood, and drop the body into the water without having it spotted by anyone. He'll drop off payment in Ramien's drop box.
    - Drept's workshop is near the pub in Auldale.
    - A map of the Shalebridge Cradle is kept in the architect's grave in the Catacombs under Fort Ironwood.
    - Fogerty the goldsmith can't open his shop back up as long as Jimmy the Knife is still alive. Jimmy the Knife is usually lurking in Auldale Plaza.
    - To find Gamall's Lair, you must first lower the water and enter the canals.
    - A map of the Wieldstrom Museum is for sale in the Old Quarter store.

    - I said I don't want to see it!
    - Aw, come on. Now who's got the bad humors, eh? Look, not even a scar.
    - I don't believe it.
    - But it's true. See? Good as new.
    - But that thing had festered to the very bone, I was sure they'd have to resort to the knife.
    - Doc says once you get rid of the bad humors, then the ox blood can do its job.
    - That, plus no bathing, still...
    - Say, what's that on your hand?
    - Oh, I don't know, it's just a scrapeor an abrasion or something. Nothing to worry about. Anyway, who's got money for a doctor, right?

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
  • mike369
  • Takimate
    de a szélre is legalább 6-an kellünk, orgánumtól függően.
  • mike369
    te lennél a szél?
  • Takimate
    de előbb utóbb sikerül belemásznotok a "con" fájlokba igaz ?
    Aztán majd szóljatok ha kell szinkronszínész !
    Lennék első jelentkező!
  • Isegrim

    Apropó threatment room... hol a rákba van? Kóválygok egy ideje de nem találom, pedig onnan kéne a kislánynak a véreltüntető löttyöt összeszedni.. vki?
  • mike369
    gondolhatod, hogy nekünk is, de a con fájlokat még nem sikerült rendesen szerkeszteni, így ahelyett, hogy ezt csinálnánk: , inkább fordítjuk azt, amit tudunk
  • Sanca
    Ahh en voltam lama:) 1. cd-n volt 1 t3.exe, aszittem az a crack. De a valodi crack a 3. cd-n van:)
  • Sil3nt
    nekem épp a feladatok fordítása lenne a leglényegesebb...gondolom sokan vannak így ezzel...
  • Takigabi
    szerintem fel kell crackelni :DDDDDDDDD
  • mike369
    ez izgalmasan hangzik...
  • mike369

    a Default.ini -be a [PCStartup] pontba ezt rakjátok be! szerintem így a legjobb (nvidia,- és eaxmentes)

  • Sanca
    Felarktam a gamet, de vmi olyasmi ir, hogy conflict with disc emulator software detected. Erre mi a teendo?
  • hykao #3601
    Andie nemrég csinált hozzá szerkesztőprogramot, de ha nem megoldható a szerkesztésük, hogy a játékban jól, magyarul jelenjenek meg a dolgok, akkor felesleges lefordítani.
  • IMYke2.0.0.0

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
  • IMYke2.0.0.0
    Nem vágtam ki, csak kimásoltam a szöveget (copy-paste) egy textbe. Eléggé lassú munka.
    De, aki akarja lefordítja, és visszaküldheti nekem. Én bevállalom a Játékba való beillesztését és a tesztelést is.
    Nekem nincs mit veszteni, ha mondjuk emiatt összeomlik a Játék, hisz én nem nyomom - még.

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
  • Sil3nt
    hykao: már levannak fordítva?
    outlook ekszpressz :D
    amúgy "hogy né ki a háttered?" topicban bent van a hibaüzi
    nézd meg
  • hykao #3596
    Feladatok, jegyzetek, kikötések, párbeszédek a .con fájlokban vannak.
  • Andie
    Imi : vigyázz, hogy #-eket ne vágj ki, mert jelentőségük van. Csak az olvasható részeket vágjátok ki és forditsátok. Minden egyéb karakter (#0408, stb) ott kell maradjon, valami funkciója van, de nem jöttem rá, hogy mi. Ennek ellenére, ha nem engedi módosítani a szöveget, ahogy Hykao mondja, akkor passz, nincs 5letem. Mjad mingyár megyek haza, és ránézek énis.

    Cucli : melyik outlook? Mondd a gondod, hátha.
  • IMYke2.0.0.0
    Mert nem sok időm van most.
    Kiderült, hogy július és augusztus hónapban nem lehet bentlakni a kollégiumban, így a hazaköltözésemet és az internet-nélküliségemet kell megoldanom.
    Szeptembertől - ha Isten is úgy akarja - ismét be tudok jutni a koliba.
    Tehát, most van 2 és fél hetem a kiköltözésig. A szoba cuftig dolgokkal - teknősök, halak, közel 1000 CD, könyvek, apróságok - és még nem tudom, miként költözöm haza...

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
    valaki nem ért outlookhoz?
    help kéne
  • Sil3nt
    hogy álltok a feladatok fordításával? eddig tökéltes a munka..gratula..így tovább
  • hykao #3591
    De miért nem játszol a játékkal amúgy?
  • hykao #3590
    no de, a játékban jó, kiírja jól, ha változtatsz?
    mert nekem eddig nem sikerült.
  • IMYke2.0.0.0
    Ez csak egy részlet volt!

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
  • IMYke2.0.0.0
    Na srácok!

    Mivel én nem játszom a Játékot, viszont páran túl vannak Auldale-n, elkészítettem nekik az Auldale.con fájl fordítható kivonatát.
    Mivel semmi kedvem "honlapozni", ezért vagy ide teszem ki a textet, vagy elküldöm vkinek, aki lefordítja...

    Így néz ki:

    - We're lucky to have him.With Inspector Drept taking offices so closeshould keep the riff raff at bay.
    - I haven't noticed any difference in the level of riff rafferty...in fact...I don't feel safe walking down my own street. And Wilson says there's an absolute throng of Pagans that've taken over the park.
    - 'Throng,' really! Is he sure it's Pagans? Maybe they're just...you know...shabby.
    - Either way...when's the last time you enjoyed a stroll through the Auldale Public Gardens? Mmm, Lady Cafferty?
    - Well...just the other...hmm...was it...I'm sure I recall it wasn't TOO too long ago...
    - So much for your Inspector Drept keeping us all safe." ...

    Érdekel valakit?

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
  • hiba
    cat 4.5el nalatok is villg nehany textura?
    (regebbivel nem csinalja)
  • IMYke2.0.0.0
    108 hozzászólás????? Beszarok.

    .:i2k:. = IMYke2000 - @ - 2004®
  • hykao #3585
    de hülye vagyok, a dumák a .con-ban vannak...
  • hykao #3584
    ja aha, akkor tébolyda. azt hittem Lauryl mondja.
  • hykao #3583
    többi helyen szürke hölgy van (pl: quotes.sch)
  • Andie
    Mike : most akkor melyik? :)

    Hykao : Ez egy incidens leirása éppen, a kislány meggyilkolásáról. Az egyik doki irja, hogy valamely páciens ölhette meg a kislányt, amint a padláson jáccott. Tehát itt már erösen tébolyda az épület. Meg ez a forditás is lassan :)
  • hykao #3581
    Ööö, illetve Árvaház Padlása! Vigyázni kell, mert Lauryl idejében még Árvaház volt!!! (ha a jelen helyszíneiről bezél, ált. mondja, hogy "most" ez vagy az)
  • mike369
    szürke hölgy, őszes hölgy
  • Andie
    gray lady?
  • hykao #3578
    Tébolyda Padlása.
  • Andie
    ah, ok.
  • Andie
    attic of the asylum area ? (az elmegyógyintézet padlásszobája?)