#3915 .... lehet folytatni !!!!!!!!!!!! -
Joey #3914 Szal teljes elismerés a játékért, sztem nagyon jó let, viszont a végén nem értettem hogy hogy éledtek fel azok a csontvázak még a víz alatt is.:D akkor lett volna jó,ha miután a Black Pearl ( Fekete Gyöngy) Elsüllyedt, a barlangogban sem lenne senki:) -
Joey #3913 De nagyon jól megcsinálták a fiúk, sztem a Storm enginért meg egykét fps vagy mászákálós játék programozo meg ölne érte! Nemvéleten nem engedtek semmilyen sajtot csinálni a programozoi studiom, sem az Akellánál! -
Joey #3912 Azt hiszem én itt feneklettem meg:DD szép kis játék, úgy tarol sztem mint az állat! Pedig nem egy mai darab! -
#3911 Ja kkor ott nekem is gáz lesz mert én is végigvittem már a föküldit:-S -
#3910 Ok! köszi a segitséget. hálám a sírig üldöz majd:-) -
#3909 Én megszívtam mert az egyik lépés az hogy el kell húzni a greenforti börtönbe és beszélni a börtön vezérigazgatójával, na most én egy kiss átirogatás eredményeképpen a végigvitel után játszom ezt a küldit és már egy főküldetésben megöltem a mukit, na valahogy lehet hogy át lehet verni a játékot -
#3908 Ja semmi, csak annyi hogy elmész a redmondi templomba és elfogadod a pap küldetését onnan minden adni fogja magát, ha magyarosítással játszol akkor még könnyebb -
#3907 Akkor asszem te q... c.... a kalózsziget után nem tudod mi van...... majd mindjárt -
#3906 Bocs nem vagyok pefect angolos, asszem csak az utolot nem csiáltam meg. Le tudnád irni nagy vonalakban mit kell tenni? ott a három nö,eddig ok, fekete freggatt nyomát elvesztettem a kaloz szigeten hiába beszélek mindenkivel senki nem tudja hol van:-( -
#3905 Side Quests
Atios Votary
This quest can be started by entering the pirates Island first time. Make sure you have one space left for an officer. If you already have three officers, remove one officer first before you go to the pirate's island for the first time. As soon as you enter the pirate fort, you will see a man with sword is fighting to another one without sword. If you let him kill the guy, you quest will be with Blayth. I saved Atios and killed Blayth. He will join you.
Take him to Conceicao and you will notice that he is disappeared. Go to the Tavern and ask the Tavern Owner where about of him. Tavern owner will tell you about Atios and then you will have to go upstairs room to see a wounded man. Then the soldiers will come and accuse for murder. I went with them easily and nothing harm. After solving the problem of accusation of murder, you will have to go outside of the town to the jungle and your quest is updated. You will see three men with Atios lying. Help him and he will tell you about him. Force him to tell about the secret and he will tell you about the treasure.
To get the treasure, you will have to go to Donuswan. Then go out to the jungle to find a waterfall. There is a small path on the left of the waterfall which leads to the wracked ship. But you will have to fight with skeletons on the way. After killing all the skeletons, go to the ship's part which is on the land. There you will find a box and grab the silvers. You will get 50,000 gold in the exchange of silver which is really worth it in the beginning of the game.
Finding the son of Admiral
When you are at Isla Mulle, go to the Town hall and talk to the guy standing to start the quest. He is worry about his son and asks you to bring back. Last time he heard his son is in Redmond. Go to Redmond and ask the Tavern keeper. Admiral's son is in affair with Governor Silehard's daughter. To see her, just go outside to the jungle and you will find her with two soldiers. She will tell you that the Admiral's son is now back to his father.
Go back to Isla Mulle to continue the quest. Admiral will tell you that his son is kidnapped and he wants you to exchange him with 20,000 gold from thugs. Go to Falais de Flau and go to the Tavern. You will meet a guy there and he will lead you to the house. Don't bother trying to kill the thugs in order to save the son. Just give them 20,000 gold and the son will be free. Go back to his father to collect 10,000 gold for reward. If you want Admiral's son as an officer for your crew, he will join you. Remember to free one space for officer. This game has some glitches and this is one of these. Like in the quest of Atios, if you don't free one space for an officer, although he is joined to your crew, you cannot see in your passengers.
Rescuing Toff's daughter from pirate
This quest is easy and worth it because you will get Nicolas's Saber for reward. But your rank should be respectable for example bloke and above. When you are at Donuswan, go to the Tavern and talk to the guy who is wearing a green clothes. He is depressed because his daughter is kidnapped by a pirate. Promise him to help and go to the governor's house. Talk to the governor and you will get permission to aboard the pirate ship. On the pirate ship, talk to the pirate leader but you will be in a scene of this pirate leader and one of his crew. Then they start fighting and you will have to kill the pirate leader. When he is killed, you will get the daughter and go back to the Tavern to talk to the father. He will reward you with the sword. Go to the Town hall also to collect reward from Governor.
Strange things in Arperchio
Go to the Town hall of Donuwesan and you will see three women are standing. Talk to them and you will know about the kidnapping of the children and Governor doesn't take any action. You can promise them to talk to the Governor yourself. If it is at night, sleep until morning and talk to the Governor. He will ask you investigate yourself. You can start your investigation from the Pirates in the jungle which is the same way now you are going to look for the ship.
Go to the jungle and search for the pirates den. Now go to the pirate chief's house and ask about the Black Frigate that kidnapped the children. He will tell you that this ship doesn't belong to the pirates and it is heading to the Greenford.
Talk to the guy on your right in the Greenford Tavern. He will tell you that the ship is going to Pirate Island. Follow to the Island and talk to the Tavern Keeper woman. She will tell you that the ship really was here on the Island but she doesn't know where it left. You have to investigate your own again.
Most people has lost track of this quest after talking to the old lady at the pirates island. The fact is that you have to go to Redmond church and do favor to the priest in order to continue this quest. Go to Redmond church and talk to the priest. He will ask you to do a favor which is to investigate about the priest of Greenford.
Go to the Greenford and ask the two priests. Then go to the Tavern and talk to the Tavern keeper and the waitress. You will have to find a man who makes fake writing of the priest. He is living in the house just behind the Tavern. Talk to him and your quest will be updated. Go back to the Redmond Church and talk to the Priest. Now you can ask him about the black frigate.
He will now ask you another favor. You have to bring the letter to the Isla Mulle church. As soon as you are near to the Isla Mulle Island, you will be landed on the shore and faced men with red robes. You will be in a small fight but this is not that difficult. You will get a medallion and your quest is updated. Go to the church and give the letter to the priest. When you go back to Redmond and continue talking about black frigate with the priest, his assistance will attack you and your quest is updated.
Go back to Isla Mulle and talk to the Tavern Owner. Then go out and find a man that the Tavern Owner tells. You will get information from him that the leader of the black frigate is now in Greenford.
Go to Greenford and talk to the Tavern owner. The leader is now in the prison. You will have to talk to the Warder to meet with him. The warder won't let you see the guy unless you pay him 5000 gold. The only option is to go back to Redmond church and talk to the priest. The priest will give you document and you can show that document to let the Warder let you see the man.
After you free the red robed man, sail to Isla Mulle. Immediately, you will be in a cut scene with Red robed man in the Tavern room. You will have to kill him after you try to get the information from him. The information you get is where about the hide out of 'Animists', those Red Robed men. It is located at the small island near Isla Mulle. Sail to that shore and walk straight until you see a cave.
You will be fighting with at least 10 Red Robed men. Their boss is hiding behind the big chair in the main room. Kill him and your quest will be updated. Go back to your ships to fight with 'Mefisto', black frigate. After that all the problems are solved and all you have to do is go back to Donuswan and Redmond to collect rewards.
Csak ennyi -
#3904 Hali! Vannak a fö küldik után mellékküldetések? ha igen holl? Már segitettem a papnak,és a spanyol admirális fiát is kiszabdittam, van még valami? szinte bizt hogy van:-) elöre is kösz a választ -
#3903 Na én is itt járok most, asszem egy főküldetésben öltem meg mindenkit odabent, hát szívás,na mindeggy keresek vmi megoldást.... -
#3902 Hali, nektek menyi volt a max pénz amit bezsebeltetek csempészeten 1 fuvarral? -
Joey #3901 ???? -
#3900 Ja, az angol szigeteken nem tudok kikötni mert lő az erőd, én is lövöm őt de nem vagyok vele rosszba, egyébként meg kiirtottam a redmondi várbörtönt. -
#3899 Huh, ff ben lehet a papnak segíteni abban hogy át térítessz egy embert a sötét oldalról..... -
Joey #3898 Vmi újat sikerült csinálnod a gameba???jutottál vmire? Ja vmit találsz, azonnal közöld itt le:) -
#3897 INkább pontosság! -
Joey #3896 De melyik kell hogy csutkán legyen???pontosság és az aágyúk? vagy a vezetőképesség?? -
#3895 Asszonyos az melyik? ja amikor nyersz egy asszonyt akkor azt valamelyik aszem francia polgármesternek kell elvinni,
Hogy használd a 4csövűt mesteri lövésznek kell lenned!! -
Joey #3894 nincsmit. Te már végigvitted az asszonyos küldetést??? Amúgy az angolokkal is kibékítettelek, mindössze 7800 aranyért..nemtudom hol láttál te 400.000 et:D A másik meg azt még nemtudod hogy mit kell ahhoz felraknom hogy a 4 lövetűt használhassam? Vagy hogy az a roham kintlegyen mint neked. -
#3893 Én 300 ezret adományoztam és nem történt semmi , kössz -
Joey #3892 Hallod odamentem a tamplomba, adomány! 5000 izé, és egyből felvitte..Kiírta hogy : Hírneved a következőre nőtt: Hős -
#3891 KÖssz, de mit csinálltál???? Hogy hős lett -
Joey #3890 Madjmég Redmontot nézd meg mert ott vmi nem koser..nem tetszik hogy egy árva lélek sincs rajta. -
Joey #3889 Ennél magasabb nem lehet,nekem is ez..így bármit tudsz vállalni -
Joey #3888 Felvittem neked a Legnyagyobb szintre
Az Rangod msot: HŐS
Ez a jófiú felett van egy el -
#3887 OK és hogy sikerült -
Joey #3886 Ha a mentésedre gondolsz.. -
Joey #3885 Persze! Már tegnap megcsináltam, és vissza is küldtem.. -
#3884 Megérkezett ? -
Joey #3883 HÁt semmit, mert az angol leírás alapján ott kéne keresnem a palit. Ha itt egy kicsit lejebb görgetsz, jonny beírt egy jónagy szöveget. ott a ..... Go back to Isla Mulle and talk to the Tavern Owner. Then go out and find a man that the Tavern Owner tells. You will get information from him that the leader of the black frigate is now in Greenford.
Go to Greenford and talk to the Tavern owner. The leader is now in the prison. You will have to talk to the Warder to meet with him..... itt tartok. De itt azt írja menjek a börtönőrhöz de ott senki nincs, még a kapukban sem. Így nem tudok továbbmenni! -
#3882 Nézd meg, lehet kéne még vmit csinálnod előtte... -
Joey #3881 Greenfotban egy szál őr nincs, csak az ajtokban:DDD dehát a börtönben kéne hogy legyen egy piros csuhás hapsi is, de senki sincs ott... -
Joey #3880 Basszus nem tudok tovább lépni,mert a börtönőr nincs a helyén, senki sincs a börtönbe.. -
Joey #3879 Elküldtem Jonny! -
Joey #3878 még semmi nem jött! -
Joey #3877 nem küldte el -
#3876 Küldöm, írj ha tudtál vele kezdeni vmit, hi