IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of StalingradTeam Fusion FB oldalIL-2 1946 MOD telepítésLőszer leírás Vogeltől!Kép feltöltése

IL-2 BoS: Aircraft Familiarisation IL-2 BoS Tutorials CloD: New Pilots

Nem jogtiszta játék letöltésében, telepítésében és használatában nem tudunk és nem is akarunk segíteni.

Az ilyen jellegű hozzászólások válaszolatlanul lesznek, vagy minden további értesítés nélkül törlésre kerülnek.
  • [NST]Cifu
    Szerintem csak nem vagy tisztában a tényekkel - és a történelemmel.

    1.: Az orosz gépeknél legtöbbször gyengén képzett pilóták repültek (főleg '43 elött), míg a német gépeken csaknem végig jól kiképzett személyzet repült (csak '44-ben kezdett problémát okozni a hajózószemélyzet képzése). És akkor még a technikai hátrányokról nem is beszéltünk (még a magyarországi harcok idején is volt olyan, hogy egyes orosz gépeneken nem volt rádió!)
    2.: Felteszem a Me-262-vel nekiáltál fordulózni a La-5 ellen. Na ez az, amit nem szabad csinálni vele - nem is csináltak ilyet a német pilóták sem. Szépen rácsapás - majd elhúzás taktikáját alkalmazták, és mivel gyorsabbak voltak minden más gépnél, ezért nem kellett amiatt aggódni, hogy valaki utánuk jön. Persze ha olyan ostobaságot csinál valaki, hogy leáll fordulóharcozni egy 262-essel, az meg is érdemli...
    Amúgy az orosz gépek hiresek voltak jó fordulékonyságukról (a MiG-3 pl. kifejezetten jó), míg a kései német Bf-109-esek (Gustav-októl) egyre rosszabb és rosszabbak lettek e téren...
    3.: Az FW-190 nagyon is jó gép, amikor megjelent a nyugati légiharcokban, az angol pilóták rövid úton rettegni kezdték. Persze meg kell tanulni repülni vele, mert nem annyira kezesbárány, mint az Emil...
  • Dns5000
    szerintem iszonyat, hogy 1 német gép nem tudja felvenni a versenyt 1 orosz géppel :( a 42 la5 megver minden gepet, a gázturbinásokkal együtt. fw190a val repulni szinte lehetetlen. Bombázón kivül mást nem lehet vele lelőnni. Ha valóbban ennyire szarok lettek volna a német gépek, fele addig nem tartott volna a háború.
  • ranGer2
    1.2 es patchet meg cracket nemtudjátok honnan lehet szedni??
  • lokista12
    Nem nyertél azt akartam irni le hogy szerintem öt perc
  • lokista12
    Nekem ez a kép nagyon bejön:
  • traXion
    Ja, és nem veszik el az eddigi carrier, szóval no problem.
  • traXion
    Hú de jó ez az 1.22 + AEP. Nagyon fain! Ajánlom mindenkinek!
  • traXion
    Én nagyban nyomom 1.0-s FBben a Leningrad-Fighter-t. 1943 Januárban vagyok, LA-5-ös vadásszal, nagyon zúz! :) Érted, sok idő volt ide eljutni...
  • cifuatwork
    Erre sajnos nem tudom a választ (nem volt olyan karrier, amit folytathattam volna), de szerintem nem vész el...
  • traXion
    Akkor letöltöm az AEPet :)

    Te, és az eddigi game nem veszik el? Mármint a carrier-t nem kell újrakezdeni?
  • cifuatwork
    Ugyan már a rézangyalát! :)
    Innen letöltöd az IL-2FB v1.0 cracket. Majd erre felrakod az 1.22-őt. Azthiszem ennyi. Az AEP pedig mindenféle crack nélkül fut nálam...
  • traXion
    Ott nincs csak a simához, ha jól olvastam... :(
  • PLackó
    Köszi szépen.
  • JohnnySmith
    Hogy kéne akkor cd-ről visszarakni cue-ba vagy iso-ba ?
  • JohnnySmith
    CD romodról hálon kersztűl.
  • cifuatwork
  • traXion
    Egyébként nagyon raj a gém! :D
  • traXion
    Az új FB patchhez (1.22?)-hez van krek?
  • cifuatwork
    Nézegetem a hivatalos fórumot, de ott sem láttam ilyesmi problémát, a múltkor hogy a rákba raktuk fel?
  • cifuatwork
    A Forgotten Battles-ben volt már TB-3 és He-111 bombázó, valamint a Me-262 vadászgép, ezek voltak a többmotoros repülhető gépek az FB-ben, Az AEP-ben már ezek mellett ott a P-38, a Bf-109Z, Bf-110G és a Go-229. Az IL-2FB egy dinamikus kampánygenerátorral rendelkezik, vagyis nincsenek előre megalkotott küldetések, csak a helyszínt és az oldalt/géptipust kell kiválasztani, a többi a kampánygenerátor dolga. Megjegyzem nekem idővel kicsit laposnak tünik ez a megoldás, nincsenek benne olyan dolgok, mint pl. fan-made "Barbarossa" kampányban az olyan szinesítő küldetések, amikor a század gépcseréjénél "haza" kellett repülnünk, hogy a Bf-109E helyett megkapjuk az FW-190-eseket :)).
  • JohnnySmith
    IL2 installálása közben mindig hibaüzenettel leál a progi van erre valami magyarázat? Ez valami védelem ?
  • PLackó
    Mármint a Forgotten Battles -ben .
  • PLackó
    És itt mennyi küldetés van, és milyenek?
  • PLackó
    A Forgotten Battles -ben már lehet nem csak 1 hanem többmotoros gépeket vezetni??
    Nekem csak a sima sturmovik van meg :(((
    IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles has largely been regarded by flight sim enthusiasts as the game that dethroned Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator series. With that, they announced an expansion pack called IL2-Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles - Ace.

    The IL2 site in Germany recently updated, highlighting new features in the game. Most noteworthy is the Online Campaign, which resembles the co-op mode but has missions generated consecutively, with the battlefield changing according to the mission results. Three options of "historic," "fictional," and "host select" will be available.

    The expansion boasts over 20 flyable planes, including the Me-110, which was mysteriously absent in previous IL2 games and Combat Flight Simulator 3. Also, it will feature two Japanese planes (the Ki-84 and A6M Zero) as flyable planes accompanied by a Pacific War map, mainly to cater toward the Japanese PC gaming market.

    Here are the list of the flyable planes:

    P-51B, C, D Mustang (both the N-9 and K-14 versions)
    P-63C King Cobra
    P38-L, J Lightning
    YP-80 Shooting Star
    Me-163B Komet
    He-162A-2 Volksjäger
    Bf-109Z Zwilling
    Bf-110G Zerstörer
    Ju-87D Stuka
    IAR-80A, IAR-81C
    Fiat G.50
    Fiat CR.42
    Ki-84-1a, b, c
    A6M2, A6M5 Zero
    J8 Gloster Gladiator
    Here are the AI planes:
    Hawk 75A-3, A-4
    Gloster Gladiator Mk I, Mk II
    B-25C-25, H-1, G-1, J-1
    In related news, sources say that a Pacific War simulation game is in the works in addition to Battle of Britain.
  • a.carkey
    Mi van ebben?

    IL-2: Forgotten Battles Ace Expansion

    *ma jelent meg*
  • end
    honnan lehetleszedni ?-kazaa?
  • zaki
    thx a feljécért hykao-nak :)
  • lachun
    Na tényleg elég elhalt ez a topik kéne nézni pedik!!!!!
  • lachun
    villy te mivagy ezt nem tudom ki olvasni, vagy minek a röviditése?????
  • lachun
    Manohun szerintem a te gépeteden menni fog az én kis gépemen is megy bár multit sajna soha nem probáltam.Pedig jo lehet
  • manohun
    én szivesen kirpóbálnám csak szerintem az 1200esem kevés ehhez
  • Dns5000
    hmm en 2 forumot talatam az indexen az egyikben 12 a masik 6 hozzasolas
    hat ez nem az igazi
  • antijedi
    jah, indexen pl aszem egesz nepes topcja van, itt nem tom mert nem futtot be :(
  • Dns5000
    kiraly, ugylatszik csak itt nem erdekel senkit ez a game
  • Dns5000
    haho valaki probalta mar a pathcet?
  • Dns5000
    wow 1.1b patch 42.1mb
    IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles
    Version 1.1b


    Changes and fixes in Perfect mode.

    To start the updated version, the latest driver versions are required
    ATI Catalyst 3.4, NVidia Detonator 44.03 (or latest WQHL certified)

    NB: Note to ATI users
    We strongly recommend using ATI Catalyst 3.4 Driver, because versions 3.5 and 3.6 may cause lock-ups in Perfect Mode. This problem may be solved with the next version (3.7) of the ATI drivers.

    To play in Perfect mode without problems we recommend:
    Video card: Geforce4, ATI 9500 or better, with at least 128 Mb of texture memory.
    Processor: 2.4 GHz or higher.
    Memory: 512 MB or more

    Important notes on bugfixes

    Patch files are provided as the final version of 1.1b; however, limited options are reserved for open beta. If you experience serious troubles playing this version, please send bug reports to [email protected] and we’ll do our best to correct these with the next patch or add-on.

    When making such a report, please fill out the attached form and send it via e-mail.

    !!Note that no wish lists, suggestions or FM speculations are accepted via that address, you should discuss these in the official UBI.com forum instead!!


    There have been many modifications to FB, both in game code and visuals, and we’re unable to list them all. The following lists the major modifications and fixes.


    1. Hang-ups on ATI cards
    2. Sped-up the geometry rendering of a landscape and trees
    3. Increased view distance (the high altitude view has also been improved)
    4. Improved object lighting
    5. Reduced texture blinking of landscape (improved forest rendering at far distances)
    6. Corrected set of visual artifacts
    7. Peak delays in render are reduced

    Not fixed features

    1. On ATI 9700 screenshot function does not work

    2. If you notice strips on landscape textures at far distance, it is recommended to set the maximal render quality from a driver tab in Display properties panel and to switch off a compression


    Console Commands:
    - words containing spaces may now be used in console commands in quotes
    - 'user' command is modified: disposed of of 'KICK' keyword
    - 'chat' command is modified: added keyword 'TO# ' - it sends the message to the player of the given number
    - added command: 'kick ' - disconnects the given player from the server
    - added command: 'kick# ' - disconnects a player of the given number
    - added command: 'ban' - prohibits connection for the given player groups
    command format:
    ban [ADD] [REM] [NAME []] [PATTERN []] [IP []] [CLEAR] [LOAD []] [SAVE []]
    ADD - adds players listed in NAME, PATTERN, IP to the ban list
    REM - removes players listed in NAME, PATTERN, IP from the ban list
    CLEAR - clears the ban list
    NAME [] - picks out a player by his name
    PATTERN [] - picks out a player/players by the name(s) given in the .
    In the - '?' represents any character, '*' represents any quantity of any characters
    IP [] - picks out a player by his network address
    - N.N.N.N, where 'N' is either a number 0 to 255, or a number range (i.e. 10-127), or a '*' that is any number
    LOAD [] - reads list from a file ('banned.txt' by default)
    SAVE [] - writes the list into a file ('banned.txt' by default)

    Additional network fixes:
    - improved interaction with GameService
    - made improvement to the used network protocol
    - modified skin download algorythm: switching off skin download now also prohibits skin uploading
    - corrected a error not allowing to destroy air ballons
    - in dogfight mode you will no longer collide with the chunks left of your previous flight
    - corrected the issue with aircraft that spawn later into the co-op missions
    - corrected the 'ground' response to vector to home base
    - corrected incorrect 'eventlog' listings when a player leaves the session before mission ends

    - corrected issues with incorrect playback of remaining fuel quantity, airbrake position and odd engine RPMs

    - corrected errors in network telephone
    - corrected the order of custom music files playback
    - removed the option for 48 kHz from il2setup
    - mproved overall sound quality


    Reworked and tuned FM, according technical data

    The tuning of the behavior or most aircraft in FB:
    - More precise aerodynamics model
    - Climb rates with more precise ratios
    - Maneuverability and energy loss in maneuvers
    - Stalls
    - Spins
    - Roll rates
    - High altitude performances
    - Dives
    - Gliding ratio
    - Impact of the speed on the control for different types of planes
    - Work of flaps
    - Landing on 3 points
    - Breaking and taxiing
    - Landing on roads
    - Jamping and breaking on unprepared airfield (or out of airfield) surface

    - GM-1 NO2 boost now works in Bf-109E-7/Z
    - Reworked manual pitch control for the row of the planes, especially Bf-109s and FW-190s (still under revision, if there will be other docs).
    - Added automatic pitch control for Bf-109 series E4 and E7 (because with beginning of German invasion in Soviet Union most if not all were already re-equipped by constant speed propellers. Still under revision, if there will be other docs.)


    The main work over pilot AI:

    - Low level AI will not conduct head to head attacks
    - Reworked the methods of ground attacks for different types of planes

    - Reduced precision of Ground and Ship AAA

    - adjusted various ammunition lethality
    - replaced Ju-87G underwing cannon shells with the tungsten-core APs
    - bombs are not able to ricochet off asphalt or concrete surfaces
    - reworked damage models properties for Yaks, I-16, with a line of fine adjustments for other aircraft as well

    Other fixes:
    - modified engine startup sequence
    - corrected errors in 3D models for several aircraft
    - corrected artificial horizon issues is several cockpits
    - added missing landing and formation lights
    - disabled the ability to de-WEP La-5F manually

    Special thanks
    Sean Trestrail, Christopher Starr, and Ian Boys

    Great thanks for consulting and beta testing:
    Dietger Pohl, Steffen Trombke, Jan Niukkanen, Jyrki Majamaki, Wastel, Covington's Woodworking, Youry Puzynia, Sergey Archakov, Jaime Cantos, Clemens Hahne, Joerg Wiedemann, Marc Winter, Pavel Korneev, Ville Pitkänen, Viktor Linnik, Sami Kukkonen, Jörgen Torgersson, Jari Vanttinen, Christian Tampio, Jonny Forsen, Marko Svard, Tomi Tikka, Anders Larsen, Tuomo Soiri, Ralf Kraeft, Jan Ivar Ravn, Stefan O. Kristensenand and many-many others.

    See also bellow thanks for the Dynamical Campaign testing.

    Dynamical Campaign Changes:

    Current version of DGen, Dynamic campaign engine for IL-2 FB, supplied with the patch is

    New features and modifications

    1. Planes attempt to use routes avoiding AAA. Maximum number of AAA en route (except target area) is reduced to 3

    2. New parameters in conf.ini:
    RandomFlights=n sets number of flight groups not related to mission. Maximum is 5, minimum 0, default 2. New random groups - friendly bombers and returning allied planes.
    NoBadWeather eliminates storms, rain, snow, blind weather. All weather is possible by default
    NoAirfieldHighlight - Not used airfields won't have AAAs anymore, which also removes their highlighting with a color on a map. They have AAA and are highlighted by default
    CampaignAI=Easy (Hard), default is Normal - increases or decreases friendly and hostile AI level.
    CampaignMissions=Easy (Hard), default is Normal - switches to different scripts for operations, affecting number of planes and groups. Even on Hard, the scripts are less challenging than in the previous version - for all nations and years. CampaignDifficulty now sets both AI and Missions.
    CampaignLength=VeryLong (Long,Medium,Short,VeryShort), default is VeryLong. Sets number of missions in campaign. Long is about 2 times shorter than VeryLong. VeryShort is about 10 times shorter.

    The lines can be placed anywhere in conf.ini, but recommended way to do it is to create in the end of the files a new [DGen] section and add everything after that. An example:


    3. Roster adjustements: fighter and bomber careers use different criteria for awards.
    - Pilots are now younger.
    - Promotions rate slowed down.
    - Intitial number of sorties and kills increased. It is also year and nation specific, for instance
    - Germans may start in 1941 with many aces, and Soviet squadrons are getting more and more experienced as war progresses.
    - Criteria for some awards change historically during war - it requires many more kills for German fighter pilots to receive
    - Knight's Cross in 1944 comparing to 1941.
    - AI pilots fly missions even if they are not in your group, so number of sorties for you and AI is growing at the same rate. AI pilots can score and be killed in these missions, probability of that depends on their experience.
    - Until you have the senior rank (Colonel), squadron CO will be always at least of your rank, no LtCol flying under Major's command anymore.

    4. Summary of air and ground targets destroyed by you in the last mission and during your career are now listed in the debriefing.

    5. New campaign - German retreat from Kuban in the fall '43

    6. Templates can now use custom buildings.

    7. Player's plane armament for ground attack now has different variants for soft targets, armor, ships and bridges.

    8. Intercepting planes now not always receive special armament, like rockets or gunpods, it is more random.

    9. For every career a file that defines plane classes for this career can be created. File name is ClassesNnX.dat, where NnX is career ID, like DeS for Geman Stuka. It is a text file that overrides default plane classes for this career, the format is:

    for example:

    FW_109A4 FIGHTER
    FW_109A5 FIGHTER

    the following roles are supported:

    FIGHTER = escort, intercept, recon missions
    LIGHT = same as fighter, "soft" ground targets like trains can be attacked.
    TANK = soft targets + tanks, not antiship or anti bridge.
    JABO = scramble, recon and all ground attack missions
    ALL = all missions, fighter and ground attack
    GROUND = only ground targets, suitable for bombers or ILs

    Bugs fixed:

    1. Level bombers attack area targets in formation.

    2. Spaces in pilot's name don't cause problems.

    3. Known static planes causing collisions are removed.

    4. Coordinates of one of Lvov map airfields corrected.

    5. Date of Stalingrad missions are fixed.

    6. Rzhev dates are changed in order not to overlap with Stalingrad.

    7. Initial border on Lvov map corrected.

    8. Junior rank for Germans now corresponds GUI ranks.

    9. Evening missions start earlier.

    10. 190F8 switched to JABO, won't fly escort missions. It's default ground attack loadout changed to SC500. Plane name in brieifngs corrected.

    11. DB-3F bombing with torpedoes fixed.

    12. Me-323 should not appear in Finland transfer missions.

    13. Some German brieifngs corrected.

    14. Hungarian ranks in German locale corrected.

    15. BF-109F fly higher.

    16. Main BF-109G bombing loadout changed to SC250 from SC500.

    17. BF-109s capable to carry additional tanks, are equiped with them if a mission requires.

    18. No snowstorm messages in summer time anymore.

    19. Yak-1 ans Yak-1B can now fly ground attack missions.

    20. Wrong national markings in some campaigns (German Blenheims and PZLs) are fixed.

    21. FLAK removed from a runway in Northern Crimea.

    Misssion sets for new difficulty levels made by:
    Johannes Ritter

    Special thanks to:
    Johannes Ritter, Ian Boys, Pierre Berger, Helmut Skrdla

    Great thanks for beta testing:
    Johannes Ritter, Ian Boys, Pierre Berger, Helmut Skrdla, =38=Backfire, =38=HeartC, =38=Catso, =38=Etwas, 602 Furball, 602 Jose, 602 Sigi, 602 Luppe, 602 Slig, 6BL-tttiger, Tom72k.
    Bug Reporting

    Bug Reporting enables you to get across information about irregularities, problems, bugs and other defects in FB version 1.1b directly to 1C:Maddox Games via e-mail (special mailbox [email protected] is issued to collect your information). You can also use the Bug Report to give us feedback on certain issues.
    Before sending us a report, please convert TGA files to JPG, and zip large files.

    Bug report form
    1. Version Number
    2. Computer (complete info. including versions and type of video/sound drivers and type of online connection)
    3. Bug/Defect Description (short, including description for each screenshot or track, if is)
    4. Describe steps to reproduce the bug (detailed)
    6. File Attachment (Screenshots, tracks or logfiles)
  • Anee
    szóval jobb ha a FB-vel kezdesz
  • Dns5000
    leszalsz, elgurulsz a helyedre( valahova a tobbi repulohoz ) esc es akkor a kilepes gomb zold lesz nem piros es azzal kimehetsz. Elegge elbaszatak de ez van.
  • Dns5000
    ja a zero is keszulget, kivancsi leszek a japan gepekre.