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Ironman 7 days server

Időjárás kikapcsolása:f2-vel konzolt előhívni,és ezt beirni:weathersurvival off
Játékban F9,és F12 a képlopás gomb.
F9-el a játék könyvtárába teszi a képet:
Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/common/7days to die/Screenshot
F12-vel viszont a steam screenshot képtárába:
Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/.......(sajátszám)/760/remote/251570/screenshots
Akinek nagyon laggol,az vegye vissza a textúra méretet half-size-re,és kapcsolja ki az árnyékokat!
Experimental,és korábbi változatok letöltése:steam könyvtárban a játék nevén jobbklikk,majd a menüben tulajdonságok,és a béták fülnél a legördülő menüben a latest_experimentalt,vagy egy korábbi verziót kiválasztani! Kiválasztás után,azonnal töltődik!
Minden új verzió kezdetekor ajánlatos a régit uninstallálni,és a launcher tools menüjében a clean game data résznél mindent bepipálni!! Launcher előhívása a steamen belül a játék nevén jobbklikk,és show game launcher.Régi mentések instabilitást okoznak,ha kijön egy új alfa verzió! Mindenképpen új játékot kell kezdeni!

Figyelem! Az off/warez/flém,és nem a játékkal kapcsolatos hozzászólások törölve lesznek! Ott az offtopik linkje felül!

Az egész sg fórum,sajnos haldoklik,nincs aki foglalkozzon vele,igy ha valakinek jelzi hogy új üzenet van,és nem irja ki,akkor törölje a sütiket a fórumról a böngészőjében,vagy irjon egy választ a topikba,és akkor megjelennek az előző üzenetek! Felül a kis nagyitó ikonnal bejön a bannerkép.A régi hátteret esély sincs visszahozni.Próbáltam,nem lehet.
Legjobb megoldás a reklámblokkolók kikapcsolása a fórumban!
  • Ironman2
    nem müködik! 25000-es porttal próbáltam,de nem csatlakozik
  • hapi
    Akarom tudni tudok e srot csinálni
  • Ironman2
    ez most directip?
  • Ironman2
    persze,az elöbb irtam a szobát,meg a jelszavat,jelentkezz be,megyek oda mindjárt
  • hapi
    gyere tesztre:
  • hapi
    Ha meg nem direct ip, hanem valami vpn cucc, mondjuk hamachi akkor jó?
  • Ironman2
    direct ip-vel menni fog,de akkor nem ment el semmit se,legközelebb belépsz,akkor elvesznek a cuccaid,azért kell mindig lepakolni
  • hapi
    Én jönnék kipróbálni hogy megy e diect ip-vel
  • Ironman2
    Van magyar szoba tunnglén,csak épp senki sincs ott!
  • Ironman2
    az király! csak jó lenne tenni egy próbát hamachin,mert ne akkor kelljen szarakodni vele.igy hogy senki sincs ott,nem tudom kipróbálni

    ez a szoba üres hamachin:


    aki akar jöjjön egy próbára! havas részek nagyon jók! a hózombiktól nevetőgörcsöt kaptam,meg a földön mászóktól.DDD
  • IXEMGabeo
    ha minden igaz pénteken rá fogok érni most még nem:S
  • Ironman2
    Azt irja hogy az Evolve game platform-al lehet multizni,feltelepítettem a klienst,elinditottam,és valóban érzékeli a játékot.Hasonlít a steamre,nem rossz,annyira nem ismerem még ezt,de nagyon sok lehetőség van benne,és rengeteg játékot támogat már:

  • Totyamaster
    Hamachis buliban benne lennék alpha 5 v müködöt a csatlakozás a mostani verziót még nem próbáltam..
  • Ironman2
    majd szólj ha lejött,hamachin belépek,kipróbálhatjuk,de állítólag nem lehet csatlakozni egymásra
  • IXEMGabeo
    szedem és kíváncsi leszek a memory leak megmaradt-e
  • Ironman2
    Az atmoszféra az tetszik amúgy,a téli táj félelmetes tényleg,bár lehetnek havasak a fák is,vagy jöhetne valami időjárás (az gondolom később lesz!):

  • Ironman2
    pfff,minden autóban 100 kanna? már vagy ezer van nálam,ez valami bug lehet? földönkúszó zombik meg röhejesek ismét.DDD

  • hapi
    Sztem rengeteg új hely van a térképen. Főleg a havas részek. Meg sokkal nehezebb is lett végre.
  • Ironman2
    uh,akadozik néha rendesen,amúgy a térkép ugyanakkora viszont,nem tudom hol van a beigért területnövekedés
  • Ironman2
    Mi az a Nat Punchthrought?
  • Ironman2
    na majd kipróbáljuk
  • hapi
    sztem multi nem megy!
  • Ironman2
    Nekem nem jön le! Hálózati hibát jelez! Valaki töltse fel a zippyre ha le tudta szedni a fixet
  • Totyamaster
    NA ez jó hír és merre lehet megtalálni a működő képes verziót ?!
  • hapi
    Van fix :)
  • Fehercsoki
    Ha nagyon kell vedd meg ha nem akkor meg használd a régit...
  • Totyamaster
    sziasztok nálam is ez a gond (building environment) megál a kép és végtelenségig lehet várni semmi nem történik!!
  • Ironman2
    igen,a töltőképernyőnél megáll,és annyi (building environment) valami hiányzik belőle
  • hapi
    Nem működik! várni kell fix-re.
  • Ironman2
    Hát ezt korai még állítani szerintem,most hogy majd jön a fejlettebb AI
  • Fehercsoki
    Az előzőből meg lehet ítélni hogy milyen a játék...
  • Ironman2
    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    már ha le is lehetne warezolni,de a 6-al idáig nem foglalkozott senki se

  • Fehercsoki
    Warezold le, próbáld ki, ha tetszik vedd meg...
  • Bakkertakker
    Végigtoltam a State of Decay-t, most nézek új zombis játék után, mert abban kevés volt az építgetés. Itt azért már van mit építeni, de az ára eléggé horror...
  • Ironman2
    Kijött az alpha 6.1:

    Howdy Survivalist,
    We have an auto update for you that fixes the following common bugs that some of you may have been experiencing. We are sorry for any issues you have had with our Alpha 6 steam release and we thank you for your patience.

    Changed balanced gas can consumption for Auger and Chainsaw. Note this is not a permanent but a temporary solution.
    Fixed male punch animation now works
    Fixed Improved male and female crossbow animations
    Fixed bug where dedicated servers would not show up in the list.
    Fixed name length cutoff adjusted to be more accurate
    Fixed bug with score rows throwing a null error when viewing scoreboard when someone leaves/enters game.
    If your still on Alpha 5 and want to try Alpha 6 here’s how you configure your Steam client to participate.
  • Ironman2
    Alpha 6 release notes

    Added new snow Biome into Navezgane
    Added brand new metal forging system for making ingots, gun-parts and bullet parts
    Added weapon breakdown system and crafting for the pistol, shotgun, sawed off shotgun, sniper rifle and bullets
    Added 3 new snow biome zombies including the Frigid Hunter, the Frozen Lumberjack and the Frostbitten Worker
    Added dynamically sized loot containers and UI
    Added mouse key bind support
    Added new server info panel for the server browser window showing all game options
    Added game options to Disable/Enable NAT for player hosted games
    Added scrap iron, scrap brass and scrap lead special wildcard recipes to the top of the recipe list.
    Added new weapon breakdown special wildcard recipe to the top of the recipe list with a special yellow color
    Added a new “suck nearby items” function: when you press E all items on the ground in a 4m radius get moved towards the player and auto-collected
    Added new Take All loot container hot key which shares the players reload binding
    Added new DaysToRespawnIfPlayerLeft option to spawners so zombies won’t spawn inside locations that have been cleared unless abandoned by players for several days cities are excluded
    Added tooltip line sound and gui that shows help for some special recipes, weapon repair, weapon breakdown and new forge functions
    Added new primitive Stone Axe and Sharp Stone weapons
    Added 2 new gas station points of interest to the snow biome
    Added a large ghost town point of interest in the southeast desert biome
    Added a huge ski lodge and sawmill in the north east corner of the snowy biome
    Added 3 new different army recon campsites with sandbags and foxhole trenches and military loot at various biomes to Navezgane
    Added a new business to the plains and 4 new campsites at various biomes to Navezgane
    Added car wrecks in the world with static crawler and dogs spawners in the areas
    Added new gravel and asphalt roads and ponds and lakes to the new larger Navezgane
    Added more cars, road signs and light poles to the new larger Navezgame
    Added many new player starts spawn locations to Navezgane
    Added medicine cabinets, televisions and paintings to the buildings and houses in Navezgane
    Added full sound sets for crafting, forging, map and build menus
    Added military loot to new military munitions chest
    Added iron bars model and crafting recipe
    Added new Tungsten Door & Recipe
    Added recipe to break scrap metal walls down into scrap metal
    Added forge and iron wall block and recipe
    Added paging for game options panels to accommodate the growing number of game options
    Added medicine cabinet as a new type of loot list
    Added army awning tents blocks, sandbags and camo netting for army camps
    Added clay lump recipe from corn meal and water
    Added corn meal loot to cupboards
    Added weight to tools so all sensible items can be melted down or turned to scrap for forging
    Added empty bullet casings, 9mm bullets, 10mm bullets, 7.62 bullets, candlestick, trophy, car batteries, radiators, Venison stew, Blueberry Pie to loot
    Added Forge GUI backdrop, animation and Forge particle system
    Added large and small bullet casing items
    Added icons for bullet casings
    Added bullet tip item
    Added icon for bullet tip item
    Added brass door knob item for scrap material
    Added lead fishing weight item for scrap material
    Added broken down gun pieces for all weapons except the RL and Hunting Rifle
    Added mold objects for all gun components
    Added new tooltip hints when placing items in the forge
    Added car lead battery loot item
    Added new stone axe, sharp stone recipes
    Added rocks to plains and desert biomes
    Added sniper rifle recipe
    Added ingot mold recipes for brass and lead
    Added clay drop chance to desert ground and forest
    Added recipe for concrete from cinder blocks
    Added short shotgun barrel mold recipe
    Added text entries for new enemies, items and molds
    Added model and icon for scrap iron, scrap brass, scrap lead and scrap tungsten
    Added brass candlestick item and icon and made it useable as a club weapon
    Added icons for trophies
    Added mold icons for lead, iron, brass, aluminum and copper ingots
    Added icons for bullet casings, bullet tip, 9mm, 10mm and 7.62mm bullets
    Added icon for stone axe, sharp stone and iron bars
    Added new scrap iron, brass and lead models and icons


    Changed the size of Navezgane increasing it by 33%
    Changed client inventory is now saved every 30s to the server or when the client quits.
    Changed spawn rules to be governed by the hosts Friendly Fire settings. With FF on new players will spawn away from each other at a random spawn point as this option supports PVP play with FF off new players will spawn near each other as this option supports cooperative play.
    Changed sleeping bag rules so the game remembers your last placed sleeping bag or bed only and auto spawns you here without selecting it.
    Changed fat zombie cop puke attack range 33% shorter and half damage to players
    Changed all firearms to use bullets instead of magazines to work better with forging of bullets
    Changed all metal objects now have weight so they can be scrapped into metal for the forge
    Changed removed iron ingot recipes, they must be forged now
    Changed zombie spawning in major cities during day to have more zombies and respawn faster
    Changed biome spawning so that min distance is 16 was 32
    Changed removed iron ingot recipes from Iron wall and iron ore now you must melt them
    Changed metal_medium and metal_hard to have more durability
    Changed Game Info to use key value pairs instead of a : separated list w/backwards compatibility
    Changed paintings, modern couches, end tables and small televisions so they can be picked up
    Changed removed Fat zombie cops from Diersville, they will be limited to night spawning
    Changed City Biome to have more day walkers
    Changed chance to find painkillers in garbage and other loot now that there are medicine cabinets
    Changed key bind window to NGUI
    Changed Sun movement is now from east (morning) to the west (evening)
    Changed Snow zombies to use fat zombie hand attack
    Changed removed m136 rocket launchers and rockets from wall safes
    Changed removed old recipes for scrap metal from tin cans, candy tins, hub caps and air filters to prepare for the forging system
    Changed garage loot to exclude painkillers and include shovels, pickaxes and fire axes
    Changed spawn locations marked by stars are no longer shown on the map
    Changed snow blocks now have a chance to drop dirt, snow and clay
    Changed reduced shotgun ammo from loot
    Changed camp fire recipe to use a log circled with small rocks
    Changed bullets so they can be broken down to retrieve ingredients
    Changed coming next load screen image for next release
    Changed throworganichitstone1.wav to sound more like flesh hitting stone
    Changed all ammo pieces and individual bullets to stack 500 per item
    Changed recipe so you get more gunpowder from coal and potassium nitrate
    Change increased chance for clay drop on all top ground layers
    Changed cinder blocks so they can be picked up
    Changed ladders so they burn as fuel in the forge
    Changed buckshot to get eight from one lead ingot
    Changed corpses so they gib easier
    Changed brass lights to drop scrap brass

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed bug that would not pop up an error window upon finding out the server is not connected to NAT during connection.
    Fixed bug when selecting a server in the server browser, ones with similar information would also be highlighted
    Fixed bug when starting a private game, you were unable to invite friends to join via steam friend invite system
    Fixed bug causing bottled water to show up too much in cupboards and not enough food
    Fixed small business buildings that had light fixtures blocking the players path
    Fixed black block in desert junkyard
    Fixed looting nurse zombie sound to play looting corpse sound
    Fixed mp5 reload scale problem
    Fixed missing material on clay lump
    Fixed coal ore blocks to burn & increased coal piece burn value
    Fixed the zombie noise system that was broken
    Fixed deer so they cannot climb ladders
    Fixed chopped logs to drop pine trunks
    Fixed bug where 2 players can now activate the forge at the same time
    Fixed bug where clients can breakdown weapons in coop now
    Fixed world “cut lines”
    Fixed short metal pipes so they can be scrapped
    Fixed pipe bomb throw animation stuck glitch
    Fixed Crossbow now has a bolt when taking in the hand
    Fixed pickaxe hold loop problem

    Known Issues

    When you light a pipebomb and don’t throw it, it will explode but the pipebomb is not “deleted”/removed from your inventory. If you die, all of them are dropped, including the one that exploded.
    Players can sometimes get stuck in small vertical spaces less than 2 blocks high like on top of a cinder block or trash pile
    Mac builds need to quit via the task manager
    Rocket Launchers and Hunting Rifles cannot be broken down yet or crafted
    Upgrading to Alpha 6 will sometimes cause players to lose their key bindings. If this happens go into options/controls/restore defaults and hit apply then close the game and start again to fix the problem
    Alpha 6 has some unresolved animation issues caused from the Unity 4.3 upgrade including the cross bow animation and zoom
    Male punch animation doesn’t play
    Some items have only been translated to English
  • Ironman2
    Na az "okos" zombik a következő releaseban jönnek

  • Ironman2

    kis video:

  • Thomasovics
    o.o , valahogy az új játéknál nem tűnt fel, max annyi hogy a térképre rá volt zoomolva, de a bejárható rész ugyan akkora volt mint régen
  • Ironman2
    már ebben van nagyobb térkép