DayZ - Zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival (Arma II mod)
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Helikopter roncsok térképe
DayZ Teamspeak szerver:
\" target=\"_blank\">DayZ kezelési videó guideok
DayZ térkép 1 | DayZ térkép 2
Helikopter roncsok térképe
DayZ Teamspeak szerver:
#4093 80% leértékelés van bohemia-éknál!
Ennél olcsóbban nem lehet megvenni,úgyhogy akinek nincs meg az most megveheti cirka 4 euróért!
https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-games -
Kistax #4092 Egy ultra jó MAGYAR Server :)
#4091 -
czalan123 #4090 azok sajnos igen... -
Susarc #4089 de Z-k még mindig áttudnak menni a falon vagy már nem?
czalan123 #4088 Nem tudnak bemenni, ha lakattal lezárod. Számkódos lakatot rakhatsz az ajtókra. A széfed is számzáras, csak azt egyszer kell kinyitnod belépés után, utána már csak a menüből kell kinyitnod. Szétlőni nehezen tudják. A fa falakat viszonylag könnyen, a beton falakat már nehezebben, a fém falakat pedig elég nehezen lehet szétszedni... -
Susarc #4087 WOW ez marhajó! de ha offline vagy simán kirabolják nem? vagy szétlövik? -
czalan123 #4086 Szerintem, az Epoch az egyik legjobban eltalált mod a sima DayZ mellett, a modular building rendszere miatt. Ezt átültethetnék a sima DayZ-be is.
base building -
#4085 keresek játékostársakat arma2:oa+dayz kombinációval. Valami már pár főből álló csapatot keresnék, akik bevennének a "mókázásokba" :)
Csak írjátok milyen kombináció kell (beta patch, sima dayz vagy valami dayzmodifikáció) -
#4084 Az a baj, hogy én már ennek sem tudok hinni... -
Maróth #4083 Mennyit kóstál? -
#4082 DayZ Early Access
#4081 dayz hotfix -
#4080 új map
(csak ezt az ez egy first look videót találtam)
Maróth #4079 :D Azt már megszoktam. :D -
#4078 Miert?:)
Igyis ugyis tele lesz bugokkal. :( :) -
Maróth #4077 Tetszik, amit csinálnak. Az alfával viszont várhatnának. :) -
#4076 -
#4075 Szedem lefele! Ne csinalj estere programot! -
#4074 DAYZERO 1.0 Patchnote
Weapon Attachment System
Full Podagorsk Release
Car wrecks
és egyéb nyalánkságok -
Maróth #4073 Oh yeah! :D -
#4072 forrás:
rolling changelog -
#4071 [NEW] - Completely reworked inventory design.
* [NEW] - Spawn selection. (Balota, Berenzino, Cherno, Elektro, Kamenka, Solnichniy and Random) Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (DEFAULT: ENABLED)
* [NEW] - You may now access another player's gear if they are unconscious.
* [NEW] - Medbox1 and foodbox1 found at infected camps.
* [NEW] - Medbox1 added to hospital
* [NEW] - Object orientation system for better placement (will allow more control on object placement tents, stash, camo nets, tanktraps, sandbags, wirefence)
* [NEW] - Added item Camonet. (Helicrash, Military)
* [NEW] - Camo nets will be removed within 24 hours of owners death.
* [NEW] - Loot locations (Land_a_stationhouse, Land_HouseV2_04_interier, Land_Mil_Barracks_i, Land_SS_hangar)
* [NEW] - Log Suspicious weapons, kills with local vehicles and one shoot kills.
* [NEW] - Hold/carry functionality to gear.
* [NEW] - Weapon switch 1, 2, 3 keys function as hotkey. (1 => rifle, 2 => pistol, 3 => melee)
* [NEW] - Added plants model antihack.
* [NEW] - Death screen function. (Player will be moved to lobby after a 5 second timeout.)
* [NEW] - ShackTac Movement addons - This addon causes your weapon collision with the environment to be significantly toned down, meaning that you can now move sideways through doorways and generally find CQB to be enjoyable, versus feel like a rusted robot trying to navigate a terrifying alien world called 'indoors'. Try it out and see, it's simple and very noticeable.
* [NEW] - Vehicle - UH1H_DZ2 with Desert Skin.
* [NEW] - Crafting system implemented (All recipes must be discovered by crafting).
* [NEW] - Fishing has now been added.
* [NEW] - 1 new food item, 1 New melee weapon, New fish models.
* [NEW] - Crafted Traps. (Punji Trap, Tripwire (Cans), Tripwire (Decoy), Tripwire (Flare), Tripwire (Smoke), Tripwire (Grenade), Bear Trap (Grenade), Bear Trap (Flare), Bear Trap (Smoke))
* [NEW] - Crafted Medical. (Makeshift Bandage, Makeshift Splint (Wood), Makeshift Splint (Metal), Bloodbag (Transfusion Ready))
* [NEW] - Crafted Weapons. (Nailed Bat, Barbed Wire Bat, Sledge Bat, Batchete, Chloroform Rag, Makeshift Machete, Makeshift Sledgehammer)
* [FIXED] - Readded Bear trap to loot tables. (TrapBear)
* [FIXED] - Zed direction issue when under chase condition. (should stop them keep turning)
* [FIXED] - Issue where you'd get stuck after the tackle animation.
* [FIXED] - Infection divide by zero error.
* [FIXED] - Updated all zed movement systems to fall in line with the re-added LOS and Angle of attack checks. (This should improve zeds reaction times & make sure target is in hitting range)
* [FIXED] - Balanced Zed damage Normal returned to .7 Viral kept at 50% higher rate. (Both types can still knock players unconscious)
* [FIXED] - Viral zed's base damage updated to be Normal zed's highest damage output.
* [FIXED] - Small updated to overall damage output.
* [FIXED] - Major dupe, reconnect dupe and body dupe.
* [FIXED] - DayZ Loadingscreen if people have ACR.
* [FIXED] - Eating and drinking in vehicles.
* [FIXED] - Infection will now be properly removed at tents after logout
* [FIXED] - Re-added Beartrap to loot tables.
* [FIXED] - Death body doesn't disappear any more if the player disconnected too fast.
* [FIXED] - BattleFieldClearance antihack.
* [FIXED] - Hospital wallhack.
* [FIXED] - Antihack.
* [FIXED] - Removed benches in the middle of the NWAF barracks entrance.
* [FIXED] - Loot will now be more random within the weaponholders. (We wont allow two items of the same type in each pile)
* [FIXED] - Medical actions performed in vehicles now work properly.
* [FIXED] - BIS_Effects AirDestruction bug that sets the world on fire.
* [UPDATED] - Quick switch now has action menu swapping.
* [UPDATED] - PV optimization. (should remove some unwanted traffic)
* [UPDATED] - Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.
* [UPDATED] - Missionfile is now much smaller.
* [UPDATED] - Replaced combat roll with Shacktac Bunny Hop.
* [UPDATED] - Removed attack call from FSM due to latency. Playing who spawned the zed may not be the player the zed is attacking.
* [UPDATED] - Security updates.
* [UPDATED] - Updated hospital loot.
* [UPDATED] - Increased angle of attack.
* [UPDATED] - Infection base chance.
* [UPDATED] - Removed all trash items from building loot tables and replaced with a generic table (better organisation)
* [UPDATED] - Viral Workers have now been assigned home locations. (MilitarySpecial, Military,Industrial) (harder to spot)
* [UPDATED] - Viral Villagers have now been assigned home locations. (Supermarket,Farm,Residential) (easy to spot)
* [UPDATED] - Max smoke target range to 50.
* [UPDATED] - Loot spawning radius reduced from 120 to 70.
* [UPDATED] - Spawn delay reduced from 300 to 150.
* [UPDATED] - Humanity gain over time for bandits.
* [UPDATED] - Auto continue when mission loads for first time.
* [UPDATED] - Antiwallhack.
* [UPDATED] - Land_Mil_Guardhouse Now spawn's a max of 3 zeds down from the default of 6
* [UPDATED] - Players may now administer antibiotics to other players
* [UPDATED] - Players may now switch seats while in a helicopter (back seat, gunner, pilot).
* [UPDATED] - Removed non SD mags from SD weapons, Removed SD mags from non SD weapons. (weapon configs)
* [REMOVED] - Vehicle damage spam log.
* [REMOVED] - Collision system from tents, stash's, camo nets (Should allow storage system to be placed in better locations)
* [REMOVED] - Difficulty system due to issues with official hive. (Official hive cant hold multiple difficulty levels)
* [REMOVED] - Removed ArmA 2 squad command menu (0-9 or F1-F12)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Above is the proposed change log for release between - 07/09/2013 - 14/09/2013
Change log has already been passed by Rocket. Hopefully the next release's should follow pretty fast.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
#4070 Sajna előbb fog 'elkészülni', mint ahogy 'kész' lesz :)
Azaz kiadják majd játszható formában, aztán sosem lesz készen, csak foltozgatják, bugos lesz mint a güzü :D -
Maróth #4069 Más lehetőség nincs is! Kész lesz, amikor elkészül! :) -
#4068 "when it's done"
John D. Carmack :) -
Susarc #4067 "very much of PRE ALPHA"....viszlát 2015 ben:P -
#4066 http://www.gamestar.hu/gamescom-2013-dayz-standalone-gameplay.html -
#4065 Egyik legjobb map! -
#4064 úgy dayz rolling changelog:
* [NEW] - 1 new food item (Twinkie - a rare find only at the supermarket).
* [NEW] - Crafting system implemented (All recipes must be discovered for crafting, Blueprints do not exist.).
* [NEW] - Access unconscious player's gear. (no humanity loss for knocking players unconscious)
* [FIXED] - Removed benches in the middle of the NWAF barracks entrance.
* [FIXED] - Loot will now be more random within the weaponholders. (We wont allow two items of the same type in each pile of loot)
Sahrani changelog:
hirtelen ennyi :D -
#4063 Hamarosan Podagorsk beta!8-) -
#4062 dayz vanilla(sima) -
#4061 Zero?
#4060 ja ott van az is.hopp.
csak legyen már kinn -
#4059 +
* [NEW] - ShackTac Movement addons - This addon causes your weapon collision with the environment to be significantly toned down, meaning that you can now move sideways through doorways and generally find CQB to be enjoyable, versus feel like a rusted robot trying to navigate a terrifying alien world called 'indoors'. Try it out and see, it's simple and very noticeable. -
Nekrofil #4058 Current Full Changelog.
* [NEW] - Completely reworked inventory design.
* [NEW] - Spawnselection. (Balota, Berenzino, Cherno, Elektro, Kamenka, Solnichniy and Random) Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (DEFAULT: ENABLED)
* [NEW] - You may now access another player's gear if they are unconscious.
* [NEW] - Medbox1 and foodbox1 found at infected camps.
* [NEW] - Medbox1 added to hospital
* [NEW] - Object orientation system for better placement (will allow more control on object placement tents, stash, camo nets, tanktraps, sandbags, wirefence)
* [NEW] - Added item Camonet. (Helicrash, Military)
* [NEW] - Camo nets will be removed within 24 hours of owners death.
* [NEW] - Loot locations (Land_a_stationhouse, Land_HouseV2_04_interier, Land_Mil_Barracks_i, Land_SS_hangar)
* [NEW] - Log Suspicious weapons, kills with localvehicles and one shoot kills.
* [NEW] - Hold/carry functionality to gear.
* [NEW] - Weapon switch 1, 2, 3 keys function as hotkey. (1 => rifle, 2 => pistol, 3 => melee)
* [NEW] - Added plants model antihack.
* [NEW] - Deathscreen function. (Player will be moved to lobby after a 5 second timeout.)
* [NEW] - ShackTac Movement addons - This addon causes your weapon collision with the environment to be significantly toned down, meaning that you can now move sideways through doorways and generally find CQB to be enjoyable, versus feel like a rusted robot trying to navigate a terrifying alien world called 'indoors'. Try it out and see, it's simple and very noticeable.
* [FIXED] - Zed direction issue when under chase condition. (should stop them keep turning)
* [FIXED] - Issue where you'd get stuck after the tackle animation.
* [FIXED] - Infection divide by zero error.
* [FIXED] - Updated all zed movement systems to fall in line with the readded LOS and Angle of attack checks. (This should improve zeds reaction times & make sure target is in hitting range)
* [FIXED] - Balanced Zed damage Normal returned to .7 Viral kept at 50% higer rate. (Both types can still knock players unconscious)
* [FIXED] - Viral's base damage updated to be Normal's highest damage output.
* [FIXED] - Major dupe, reconnect dupe and body dupe.
* [FIXED] - DayZ Loadingscreen if people use ACR.
* [FIXED] - Eating and drinking in vehicles.
* [FIXED] - Infection will now be properly removed at tents after logout
* [FIXED] - Readded Beartrap to loot tables.
* [FIXED] - Death body doesn't disappear anymore if the player disconnected too fast.
* [FIXED] - BattleFieldClearance antihack.
* [FIXED] - Hospital wallhack.
* [FIXED] - Antihack.
* [UPDATED] - Quick switch now has action menu swapping.
* [UPDATED] - PV optimization. (should remove some unwanted traffic)
* [UPDATED] - Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.
* [UPDATED] - Missionfile is now much smaller.
* [UPDATED] - Replaced combat roll with Shacktac Bunny Hop.
* [UPDATED] - Removed attack call from FSM due to latency. Playing who spawned the zed may not be the player the zed is attacking.
* [UPDATED] - Security updates.
* [UPDATED] - Updated hospital loot.
* [UPDATED] - Increased angle of attack.
* [UPDATED] - Infection base chance.
* [UPDATED] - Removed all trash items from building loot tables and replaced with a generic table (better organisation)
* [UPDATED] - Viral Workers have now been assigned home locations. (MilitarySpecial, Military,Industrial) (harder to spot)
* [UPDATED] - Viral Villagers have now been assigned home locations. (Supermarket,Farm,Residential) (easy to spot)
* [UPDATED] - Max smoke target range to 50.
* [UPDATED] - Loot spawning radius reduced from 120 to 70.
* [UPDATED] - Spawn delay reduced from 300 to 150.
* [UPDATED] - Humanity gain over time for bandits.
* [UPDATED] - Auto continue when mission loads for first time.
* [UPDATED] - Antiwallhack.
* [REMOVED] - Vehicle damage spam log.
* [REMOVED] - Collision system from tents, stash's, camo nets (Should allow storage system to be placed in better locations)
* [REMOVED] - Difficulty system due to issues with official hive. (Official hive cant hold multiple difficulty levels) -
Maróth #4057 Egy rács 100 m-t jelent. Tehát a srác (vagy épp csaj) olyan 700-800 m-ről szedet le, ami nem túl nagy távolság, kivitelezhető. :) -
#4056 Ep olsha hegyen voltam, es kemleltem az air bazist percenkent jottek es nyirbaltak egymast. Aztan messze tuloldalrol jott valaki es kiszurtuk egymast, tobb szaz meter tavolsagbol. Perceken at egymast kemleltuk es probaltunk a pozicio tartasaval fegyverre valtani, de ilyenkor ki mozdultunk es kezdtuk elolrol.XD en fent a dombon bent az erdo szelen, o meg a hangar ajto szelebol. En kaptam elobb a fonalat es lottem, de nem talalt. Be is huzodtam de sajna pont ott kelett lennie egy zombinak ami meg csapott. A verzes miatt probaltam az erdo surujeben eltuni, es mar csak egy resnyire latszott a meszzi hangar ajto, es BUMM. 100rol -78ra le ment az elet, szal kampec. Csak lestem hogy hogyan hozta ezt ossze. Ingame terkepen neztem, 7-8 racsnyi tavolsagbol lot ki!!! nem tudom hany meter egy kis racsnyi tavolsag de durva messzirol. Fel oraig futottam mire vissza ertem eszakra, de addigra mar a hullamat ki fosztotta, eltuntette, es lehugyozas gyanant tuzet is rakott a helyere. Most egy kicsit elvette a kedvem. (amugy zeroban tolom) -
#4055 Nem jon be annyira, de valoszinuleg haverok miatt tolnom kell majd nekem is!:) Meglatjuk! -
#4054 A MineCraft is a 20 milliós küszöböt tapossa ... megbolondítva egy kis zombizással csak kasszasiker lehet. Ha sikerül normálisan megcsinálni engem megvett kilóra :D