• Torzonborz
    hopp ez az info nekem kimaradt.

    pff na nesze neked sandbox feeling. :/
  • TDC Geronimo
    Véglegesbe is lehet. Indoklás az volt, hogy a véges skillpont limit miatt sokféle karaktert nem tudnál kipróbálni, illetve rengeteg időbe tellene "átspeccelni" másikra. Ezért lehet több karit csinálni majd.
  • Torzonborz
    jah ez jól néz ki . de remélem csak bétában lehet több karink , végelegesben nem .
  • TDC Geronimo
    Új login képernyő. Karakterek kőből készült szoborként állnak, ha rákattintasz letörik róla a kő réteg. Jól néz ki :)

  • BEAST #1230
  • TDC Geronimo
    Mai patch után csinálok képeket majd, bár ahogy lenni szokott holnap tudom csak kipróbálni szerintem. NDA múltkor még nem szűnt meg, de jó esély van rá, hogy ezután meg fog.
  • TDC Geronimo
    Nekem semmi gond a teljesítménnyel, de sose volt csak az árnyékokkal baj. Ez a patch után lépnek az optimalizálási fázisba szal mégjobb lesz. UE3.5-tól várható volt, hogy normális gépen semmi gond nem lesz a teljesítménnyel.
  • Torzonborz
    van még mit javítani rajta.
  • RaSzTaH
    még 1 kérdés is felmerült bennem, mennyire játszható jelenleg a játék (teljesítményre gondolok) ?!
  • RaSzTaH
    "Lehet lesz vmi openbeta féleség tegnap MO radioba mondta henrik. "

    Erről időben kérünk infot!
  • TDC Geronimo
    Na 3 major patch lesz megjelenésig valszeg. Ma jön az első.

    ------ FEATURES ------
    - The dynamic Skill System is now introduced, new skills to be added soon.
    - The placeholder Character Creation has been updated; it’s now entering the final stage.
    - First draft of the guild system is implemented.
    - Introducing FFA Structures (structures available for all to build or destroy at certain points of interest). Right now several unfinished bridges can be found and built in places around Myrland.
    - The Blainn of the Oghmir clade (race family) is now available for play.
    - The new hair style system is implemented.
    - Torches are introduced.

    ------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------
    - The placeholder Player House model and upgrades have been replaced with the real ones.
    - More Terrain available south of Morin-Khur.
    - More Terrain available west of Moh-Ki.
    - New Khurite Village, Bákti, west of Moh-Ki.
    - An abandoned bandit camp with fortifications can be found south of Morin-Khur.
    - Rebuilt the mount/node system, it should now be almost 100% safe (needs beta-testing to be sure).
    - Reduced the damage bonus you get from mounted-combat-speed.
    - Improved efficiency for creature spawning.
    - Improved efficiency for server side creature movement.
    - Creatures should now refrain from running out from cliffs and drops.
    - Creatures now have more individual characteristics.
    - Changed look of quick bar and quick tab.
    - Escape now closes all windows, starting with the latest one opened.
    - New Skill Window.
    - Chat Window revamped.
    - New spell icons.
    - Guild Window added.
    - Updated character creation music.
    - Added sound effects in character creation.
    - GUI sounds improved.
    - Sound when bodies fall to the ground is lowered.
    - Dogs and Wolves have got some new sounds.
    - Terror Bird has received an audio overhaul.
    - Optimization tweak with world ambience.
    - Old world ambience replaced with new shiny one.
    - Ambience added in camp outside Gaul'Kor.
    - Music implemented into Mortal Online.
    - House spots reduced in the area near Meduli for now.
    - House spots reduced in the area west of Morin-Khur for now.
    - A few new house spots added in different places around Myrland.
    - Tweaks made to certain collision meshes to improve performance.
    - Several Model LODs added and tweaked.
    - Meduli has gotten a small facelift.
    - Moh-Ki got a small facelift. *
    - The rivers outside Moh-Ki now got the correct texture. *
    - GUI sounds added for: clicks, money and keys. *
    - GUI has received a new font. *
    - Added "Propose war" sound for Guilds. *
    - Entire mount-system rebuilt. *
    - Added a simple logout-timer. *

    ------ BUG FIXES ------

    - You should no longer, again, be able to jump while overweight; this is true for mounts too.
    - You should no longer end up falling through the world while riding a mount. *
    - You can no longer mine,lumber or rest while mounted. *
    - You should no longer turn into an elf with Tindremic-armors. *

    Creatures & AI:
    - You can no longer use all the pet-commands WHILE mounted.
    - Jumping while mounted no longer drains stamina from the rider.
    - Mounts now also take fall damage when the rider takes fall damage.
    - Dismounting and remounting will no longer restore the mounts stamina to full.
    - Fleeing creatures should now update their headings to move away from the player during a chase.
    - Fleeing creatures should now collide.
    - Creatures should now flee again if confronted while they are returning.

    - Fixed so that you now can aim your melee-attack from mounts up or down rather than just hitting people on the side of you.
    - Fixed Shield-Bash hit-detection.
    - Fists will no longer sporadically block when moving around.

    - You should no longer receive skill gain in Mounted Combat when not mounted.
    - You should no longer receive skill gain in Bows when shooting at houses.
    - You should no longer receive skill gain in Creature Control when attacking your own pet.

    - House chests will no longer permanently lock themselves when beginning construction of a new tier.
    - House chests are no longer accessible from outside the houses and through the walls.

    Art & Sound:
    - Fixed Collision issues with Nereb Madgulu.
    - You no longer hear the "breathing"-sound when you run out of stamina while swimming, or underwater.
    - Players and creatures will not be lit by the outside light when deep inside the caves/tunnels anymore.
    - Several static torches removed from the caves.
    - Fixed mesh errors on the Morin Khur bridge which caused some objects on it to appear transparent.
    - Players should no longer get stuck behind the tower near Fabernum.
    - Morin-Khur now has its own bank.
    - Players should now be able to walk all the way up the doorway stairs in Meduli.
    - All the missing priests have now found their way back to their statues.

    Lehet lesz vmi openbeta féleség tegnap MO radioba mondta henrik.
  • 0Fritz0
    Az axo belső ellenőrzése nem talált kártékony tartalmat és már felvették a kapcsolatot az illetékesekkel, remélhetőleg már csak idő kérdése.
  • 0Fritz0
    Fasza, valami hülye leblokkoltatta a szarjaival az egész tárhelyet.
  • Torzonborz
    azznemérdekes. Fritz csinázza meg vagy monnyon le
  • DragonKnight
    de nem a banner a hibás hanem az axo.hu domain, ahonnan jön.
  • Torzonborz
    jaja nálam is . Fritz elvtárs kéretik intézkedni !
  • lennyke
    Bannerre Reported Attack Site-ot ír, blokkolva lett nálam:S
  • TDC Geronimo
    Na NDA már nincs érvényben ettől a perctől szal már lehet rendesen linkelgetni mindent :)
  • TDC Geronimo
    Amúgy most belehúztak eléggé. Megjelenésig van még elvileg 3-4 nagy patch. Még lehet is belőle valami :D Core ficsőrök készen lehetnek. 2 hét múlva jönnek a primary meg secondary skillek, day/night ciklus stb meg talán az új craft rendszer NPCk nélkül. Menü poén ahogy kinéz most. KB olyan sötétségre lehet majd számítani este. Új modellek is jobban néznek ki. Így első blikkre ez a taming és a housing is poén. Majd kiderül 2 hónapon belül :)
  • Torzonborz
    ja készül lake city vagy mi a szösz . írták fórumon. pacikat én is láttam de még nudli a taming skillem nekem is :D
  • TDC Geronimo
    Ezen a területen kicsit továbbmész egy rakat ház épül. Meg láttam ma egy lovagló játékost is akit épp levetett a ló :D

    DA mellett nincs időm most ezzel tolni meg taminget skillezni szal nemnagyon tudom megnézni most sajna :(
  • Torzonborz
    Házikó kívülről

    és belülről
  • Pio
    Csak az láthatja, aki bent van a bétafórumon, szóval nem látjuk... :)
  • Torzonborz
    Házikó kivülről

    és házikó belülről.

    Béta fórumról linkeltem szóval lehet nem fogjátok látni ( szóljatok ).
  • Torzonborz
    lol dragon age-t én is elkezdtem tegnap este aztán fél2kor eszméltem hogy már talán feküdni kéne mert meló lesz :D jó cucc.
    házikót meg már elkezdtek csinálni , 1ik dev tett be róla képet fórumba.
  • TDC Geronimo
    wow hát belenéztem gameba úgy 5 perc erejéig, de kinézetre a játék/interface/animok elég sokat változott. Majd rakok be vmikor képet, de most jött meg dragon agem így most bezárom magam pár napig a szobába :d
  • TDC Geronimo

    ------ FEATURES ------

    - Player Housing is now implemented. You are now able to build your very own house! (Please note that we are currently testing only the basic system for Player Housing. There are roughly 1000 house spots unevenly spread across the continent and the placements of these spots are in no way final. The purpose for now is to test the basic construction of houses as well as how the servers cope with the housing system).
    - Mounts are now implemented. Tame it, ride it, attack people from it but don’t fall off!
    (For more information on how Player Housing and Mounts work in Mortal Online, please refer to the Quick Guide found here: http://www.mortalonline.com/files/be..._guide_0_6.rtf)
    - First draft of the lawless mining town, Gaul'kor is implemented.
    - There are now pickable (foraging) items in the world (although very few, currently).

    ------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------

    - Ranged combat (Archery) have had its background mechanics revamped. As a player you will not see too many differences in how Archery works though. Please report any bugs you find with Archery on the tracker.
    - Added Mounted Combat and Riding to the skills list.
    - All static Mushrooms have been removed.
    - All reagent vendors now have a limited supply of Nitre and Calamine.
    - Nitre can be acquired by refining Nitre Crystals picked in the wild.
    - Calamine can be acquired by refining Calamine Shales picked in the wild.
    - Steppe Horses can now be found and tamed in the wild.
    - Added support for "getting out of water" sounds.
    - Improved the action bar system. It now supports spells, skills and items as intended.
    - New Pet Command, ‘Graze’. See Quick Guide for more details.
    - Bandaging a pet does now make the tamer regain some loyalty.
    - Feed command does now give a little more loyalty.
    - Roaming creatures now have dynamic collision. They should react to collisions with each other and players.
    - The entire UI has received a graphical overhaul.
    - Timing on footsteps is now accurate.
    - Footsteps volume lowered.
    - Tweaked volume on female breathing when tired.
    - Increased impact sounds on male Thurs.
    - Added sounds for breathing when surfacing water.
    - UI sounds are now separated from master volume.
    - Aiming with your bow will now apply a minor change of field of view (zoom).
    - Player character, male and female, now have a completely new skeleton.
    - Player physical asset (ragdoll) redone, female and male has their own physical asset instead of sharing the same.
    - All character armor and body parts re-imported with new skeleton.
    - All character animations re-imported based on new skeleton.
    - All animations slightly tweaked.
    - New mounted combat player animations implemented.
    - New Horse animations implemented.
    - New Physical Asset for Horse implemented.
    - Horse animation tree implemented.
    - Light Environment for characters has got an update.
    - World light increased, it's actually sunny outside now.
    - Character face morph has been changed.
    - The priests of the world have received new clothing.
    - You can no longer enter combat mode whilst resting.
    - Loot bag durations have been changed. An unopened loot bag will remain on the ground for 5 minutes and an opened loot bag will remain for 1½ minutes.

    ------ BUG FIXES ------

    - Creating characters of 160 cm length is now working (again).
    - Ammunition now has a tool-tip.
    - You should no longer be able to jump while carrying too much stuff.
    - Fixed issues with the knockback, it now works and looks a lot better.
    - You should now correctly get the light-grey flag (locally allowed).
    - Possible fix for creating characters with the same name but different caps.
    - Fixed a bug were you got stunned while using a skill that wasn’t triggered.
    - Fixed a bug where mana wouldn’t refill properly.
    - Input while chatting should no longer trigger random movement on your character.
    - Jumping while in the air will no longer drain stamina.

    Creatures & AI:
    - When battling, all members that are part of an attack will now correctly receive battle messages.
    - Tamers will no longer gain skill in creature control, when the chosen target for command is invalid.
    - Pets are now only able to attack valid combat targets.
    - Any pet command will now abort any active command such as attack command.
    - Pets should now always change from attack stance to normal stance after a battle.
    - Tamers will not be grey flagged when their pets attack them.
    - Tamers will be grey flagged if they hit their pets.
    - When a Pet leaves battle, its attack target will now always be cleared.
    - When a tamer tames a creature that has already been tamed before, the tamer will gain no taming skill points for it.
    - Pets which have been lost due to lack of care will now have a low initial loyalty when being tamed the next time.
    - Pet will now not run quicker towards tamer, if tamer is standing still.
    - Abandon command is now possible regardless of distance to the pet.
    - It should no longer be possible to tame several pets and keep the former pets’ commands going.
    - Skill loss is now less imminent to loyalty loss.
    - Pets loyalty loss is lower while its master is offline.
    - Pets are now fully active while owner / tamer are offline.
    - Bandage and Feed command now requires the pets name in the command as was intended.
    - Fixes for the static collision detection of roaming creatures.
    - The Minotaur’s charge attack will now send you flying.

    - You should no longer get flagged for using bash/push on other players.
    - Less charge time for bows should now result in not only less range and accuracy, but less damage as well.
    - Unsheathing a bow while charging it should no longer result in a constantly ticking stamina drain.
    - Draw speeds for bows should now correctly be calculated from your strength and the bows strength requirement.
    - You should no longer be able swing in melee while charging a spell.
    - How well you fill the strength requirement of your bow should now properly affect the max range of the bow.
    - Your bow should now cause less damage when shooting close to its max range.
    - Bow hits should now show as "<player's> arrow hit you for <damage> <part>".
    - Bow weak spot hits should now display correctly in the chat log.

    - The next spell cast after a "Your mind grew too tired to keep its spell" should no longer auto fizzle.

    - Fixed a bug where resting didn’t give you mana and health correctly.
    - Fixed a bug where your attribute gain and skill gain increased at higher rates then intended when you reached 90+ skill.

    - Fixed a bug where shift "got stuck" when splitting stacks of items.

    Art & Sound:
    - Small attenuation fix with Lumberjack/Mining-sounds.
    - Heavy Robe hood will no longer give you the same shadow overlay effect as a plate helmet.

    - Fixed a bug that would close multiple windows in the UI.
    - Fixed a bug that would cause the mouse to not release UI windows that were being dragged.
    - Fixed a bug that would prevent remaining attribute points from updating in the profile window.

    - Fixed a spelling error in looting a loot bag.
    - Please refer to the Bug Tracker if you are curious about minor fixes that did not make the patch notes.
  • TDC Geronimo
    Quick guide updatelve lett. Le van írva a mountok, hogy hogyan működnek meg a housing is.
  • Archenemy
    Ki tudnád másolni a főbb pontokat, nekem nincs hozzá jogom, hogy megnézzem, de érdekelne.
  • TDC Geronimo
    ú patch note

    Na ez már elég jól néz ki
  • TDC Geronimo
    Van új newsletter. A lootbag meg így fog kinézni. Elég nice :o

  • TDC Geronimo
    vasárnap este 9kor lesz valami world event. Valaki leakelt képeket, de mire megnéztem letöröltették
  • Torzonborz
    ki van kapcsolva :P terepen nem volt gond csak ott.
  • TDC Geronimo
    Kapcsold ki árnyékokat. Amíg nincs rendesen megcsinálva addig kár bekapcsolni. Anélkül nálam nem volt semmi gond
  • Torzonborz
    közben megoldódott : 160cm-es karit nem lehet csinálni :D lett 162-es . megtaláltam az új várost is. jól néz ki bár nem túl nagy de tényleg kell még optimalizálni mert pár perc után piszkosul szaggatni kezd a játék.
  • TDC Geronimo
    Twittert nézegesd ott leírják általában, hogy mivan. Meg beta ircen se árt lenni :)
  • TDC Geronimo
    20kra növelték a korlátot. Ha most megveszed egyből bekerülsz.
  • sonaba
    Sziasztok! Valaki felvilágolna, hogy ha most előrendelem a játékot, akkor még be tudok kerülni a betaba ? Erről a hivatalos oldal nem ír semmit, de ránézésre az jön le az oldalról, hogy vedd csak meg, és bent vagy. Még a nagy download is ott virít az oldal közepén. De azért nekem van egy olyan gyanúm, hogy az a 10ezer acc. már csak elfogyott. Valaki tud erről valami pontos infót ?
  • Torzonborz
  • Torzonborz
    hmm nem tudom mi a tök van. megy a server de hiába csinálok karit nem tárolja el így be sem tudok lépni :(