#15110 Mentem egy futamot COTA-n Z4-gyel... 26.-ról feljöttem a 9.-re 17/17x-el:D Kár hogy nem ad SR-t:( -
#15109 Nah, "vegigteszteltem" (uszkve:P), megyek online-ozni (nem birm tovabb:P). -
#15108 Mindegyik Fun-nal akarok majd menni, de egyelore vegig kell tesztelni a dolgokat:P -
#15107 Menjetek egy GT3-mas versenyt, veszett jó :) -
#15106 Nekem a GUI allitas nem hianyzott, de valoban hasznos, ma mar alapnak szamit. Meg nem probaltam, de ha jol olvastam, INI-bol az atlatszosagokat is lehet allitani(?!). -
#15105 Hasznos a garázsba betett mértékegység váltás is, sok setupos emberke életét meg fogja könnyíteni. ALT + k-val pedig oda rakhatja az ember a black boxot, tükröt stb. ahova akarja. Kicsi dolog de hasznos:) -
#15104 Tesztelgetek, de eleg sokminden van, szerencsere:P 2 auto 2 palya, pluz a sok uj funkcio (ABS/TC allitasok, onboard, cockpit, GUI, hangok, gumik).
A TC hang jol sikerult, szepen csattog mukodesnel:D -
#15103 A sorok kozott a chopperesek szoktak ugy jelezni az autoknak, hogy erkeznek:DDDD Auto mellett sziv roham a kobon;D
Aztan a szervizben is szertik aztan "utanaallitani" a dolgokat:DD -
#15102 Gázlengés.
Az égéstérbe beáramló levegő tolja ki az elhasznált gázt, versenyautóknál (általában) a kihegyezett vezérlési idők miatt égéstermék is jut a kipufogóba, ez tud 'berobbani'.
Elvileg a kipufogó úgy van hangolva hogy a gázlengés is szívja kifele az égéstérből az ürítési folyamat alatt az elhasznált gázt, ezért nagyon fontos egy jól hangolt kipufogó a tuningolt verdákra.
A versenyautóknál viszont 'nyitott' rendszer van, és baltával faragják az ürítést, azaz a beáramló hasznos égéstermékkel nyomják-tolják kifele az elhasználtat, pazarló módon..de itt már a fordulat miatt ez a kifizetődőbb.
Motorosok szoktak azzal szórakozni hogy menet közben leveszik, majd újra ráteszik a gyújtást, és olyankor durrog a kipufogóba jutott égéstermék.
...néha lelövi a kipufogót -
#15101 Csak hangban van jelen, még nem látszanak a tűzcsóvák:(
A BMW jóra sikeredett, szerintem könnyebb kezelni mint a RUF-okat, hangja jó, felfele váltás combos, lefele meg gyenge. COTA szokásos iR minőség, az első szektort jól kell megkezdeni, lesz mit gyakorolni:) -
#15100 Meg nem probaltam, de a leiras alapjan grafika es hang is van.
De csak azoknal az autoknal, es csak ugy, ahogy kell. Amelyik igazi auto nem durrog, csattog, langol es hasonlok, azoknal nincs;P
#15085-nel ott a lista. -
#15099 Erre gondoltam, de akkor ez csak vizuális élmény vagy csak hangban nyújt többet tehát visszadurran? -
#15098 SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!valami ilyesmi
#15097 Elmondaná valaki nekem tudatlannak, hogy az mire jó? Úgy tudom fordítani, hogy utógyújtás vagy mi, de ez itt mit jelent? -
#15096 Kíváncsi vagyok erre a backfire-ra :) -
#15095 Már megy is az oldal. -
#15094 Ilyenkor szokott lehalni a szerver. :D -
#15093 Én már töltöm a frissítést, elvileg szedhető a gyakorlatban meg majd kiderül. -
#15092 Na legalább most már a maintenance oldal is dizájnosan néz ki:) 2014-re ezt is elértük:D -
#15091 Én még pár szezonnal ezelőtt toltam le egy szezont az Indycar-ral, de akkor még volt a road-on is fix setup-os széria. Azt nem tudnám megmondani, hogy most mennyire felkapott.
Nézd meg a szérián belül results-nál, hogy napra lebontva milyen gyakran jön össze a hivatalos futamhoz szükséges 8 fő. Ha naponta 1-2 alkalommal megvan, akkor már érdemes belefogni. Az biztos, hogy egy vadállat ez a kocsi. :) -
antiqueA #15090 Indycar Road-ot tol valaki? Mennyire populáris? Érdemes bele fektetni? Bár, gondolom az új GT3 mellett semmi sem lesz populáris. -
#15089 A fórumon viszont azt írták páran, hogy a backfire csak hang lesz, nem lesz grafikai megnyilvánulása.
Új dolog lesz majd, ami szerintem :
"We are working on an offline testing mode so while in maintenance you can test/drive with any content you own. We were hoping to have it for this build but did not quite make it. We also built a new page to try and provide more info while in maintenance." -
#15088 A GUI atrendezese abszolut meglepetes-ujdonsag, meg nem is hallottam rola hogy csinaljak. Bar nekem tokeletes ahogy most van, de nagy felbontashoz vagy tobb monitorhoz tuti jo dolog.
A kotelezo latvany-grafika fejlodeshez is szukseges volt a backfire es a tovabbi animalt dolgok a palyara.
A backfire egyszerunek tunik, sokgelyen csak latvanyelem, de az iR-nel tuti hogy autonkent, rendesen mukodo feature;) Vagyis macerasabb osszerakni.
Eleg csak a gumifustolesre gondolni. Mas pogramokban, "ha auto mozog & all a kerek = gumi fust" :) Itt azert szamolja rendesen.
Az NTM5 es az aero cuccok is jol hangzanak.
A TC meg egyertelmu fizikai ujdonsag. Ebben le voltak maradva, de ezt ismet rendesen programozni kellett, garazzsal, allithatosaggal, onboard lehetoseggel.
De AI meg mindig nincs:) -
#15087 lesz pár csemege -
#15086 A COTA-ról is kaptunk egy videót:
#15085 Update note Van BACKFIRE!:D
User Interface
- Both the replay and driving screens now have user interfaces where elements can be moved around. Not all elements can be moved, but most can. Press alt-k to activate the UI edit mode, any object that can be moved will then be highlighted with a blue background. Simply use your mouse to drag the object around and then hit alt-k again to exit edit mode and permanently save the positions. Some elements are laid out relative to other elements, for example the delta time windows depend on the vertical location of the virtual mirror, so if you move the virtual mirror then the delta time bar will move as well. Just be sure to move the parent element first then the child, if you want to precisely place everything.
- By default you can only move elements that are currently visible on the display, but if you set app.ini [Graphics] forceVisibleWhenMove=1 then all movable elements will become visible when you enter the UI edit mode.
- If you are using a triple screen setup and you want to move the UI elements onto your side displays you can now turn off the code that restricts the UI to just the center monitor. In app.ini [Graphics] set DriveUIFullScreen=1 to allow the driving UI to span all three monitors and set SessionUIFullScreen=1 to allow the replay screen to span to all three monitors.
- The delta bar can now be hidden when using the ghost car or delta time feature, just set app.ini [SplitDeltas] deltaBarHideBar=1.
- You can now increase the level of transparency of the background of the UI in both the driving and replay screens. Set app.ini [graphics] SessionUITransparency=1.0 or DriveUITransparency=1.0 to a value less than 1.0 to increase the transparency of the replay and driving user interface and set it to a value greater than one to decrease the transparency so the UI is easier to view (in some limited cases).
- Fixed a bug with the delta time bar where the reported time could get cutoff if it jumped over 1 minute.
- We have added in support for editable driving cameras; think of it as having an adjustable seat position. You can now bring up the camera tool and edit the driving camera just like any other camera. You will be limited to the same range of motion that the TrackIR device is limited to (a couple inches in all directions). Note that this is not cumulative. Moving the camera up to the limit will stop TrackIR from being able to move up. The driving field of view and VanishY are not currently adjustable on a per car basis, instead they are still written out to the app.ini like always so that your FOV is shared between all cars.
- We have added in two new wheel cameras to complete the set, bringing the total number of editable on car cameras to nine.
- We have opened up the camera tool to support 179 deg FOV's, even if most cameras can't go past 160 without a triple monitor setup.
- There is a known bug where changing the FOV while driving and then editing the FOV from within the camera tool can cause the FOV set while driving to be lost, reverting back to the original FOV when the session was started.
- We have opened up TrackIR head motion a bit in order to improve compatibility with the Oculus Rift. Using the TrackIR with the original Rift is a nice experience, if you can get it to work. The trick is to start up a Rift demo before starting up the TrackIR software so that the TrackIR software does not attach to the Rift head tracking sensors. Once the TrackIR software is up and running you can launch iRacing at any time and everything will work until you restart the TrackIR software (until you reboot the computer).
Brass Monkey Support
- We are now utilizing the Brass Monkey engine http://playbrassmonkey.com/ to provide integration between your tablet or smart phone and iRacing. By downloading the Brass Monkey client from your app store you can now use your tablet or phone as a digital dash or even as a driving controller. Simply launch the Brass Monkey client on your phone, and click the iRacing link once the simulator is up and running. Tapping the steering wheel or HUD icon in the upper left will allow you to switch between displays. The app.ini key [Brass Monkey] BMAllowDrive=1 allows you to enable or shut off the driving controls.
1) Install Brass Monkey client on your phone or tablet.
2) Launch Brass Monkey client on your phone or tablet.
3) Start the iRacing simulator (not the website).
4) Click the iRacing link on the Brass Monkey client to connect.
5) Click the steering wheel or HUD icon in the upper right hand side to switch between a heads up display and driving controls.
6) If you can't make this work, double check that your phone is on the same wi-fi network as your computer.
- Updated the TJ and Steve spotter pack with new samples.
- Turned down our rejection of noisy axis so that joysticks that only use a tiny fraction of their available range still work.
- Fixed a bug that caused the bump stops to be applied backwards when inverting the force feedback forces with an app.ini switch.
- Added in a new experimental 'friction' damper to the sim. This provides a small amount of resistance to wheel motion no matter how slow or fast you move the wheel, creating a sense of weight on your wheel. This works best on lower end wheels. To use this change app.ini [Force Feedback] steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.0 to a value between 0.05 and 0.30 depending on how much weight you want to add to the wheel. If this becomes unstable then adjust app.ini [Force Feedback] steeringDampingFactor=0.10 to a smaller value, but you should not need to adjust this at all.
- Make the traction control controls available for assignment.
- Added look up and look down controls.
- Write traction control state to telemetry as "dcTractionControlToggle". Note that this is the real in car traction control for cars that have it, and not the driving aid.
- We no longer expose the ghost car information to telemetry.
- In order to better support synchronizing disk based telemetry with live telemetry we have added the following features: A new broadcast commands to turn telemetry on/off and to start a new file so an external application can control the telemetry. A new telemetry status output "IsDiskLoggingEnabled" and "IsDiskLoggingActive" to indicate that telemetry is enabled and if a file is actively being written to disk, and a new session string parameter "TelemetryOptions:TelemetryDiskFile:" that provides the full path to the current telemetry file so you can locate and parse it in when it is finished being written. Using these, along with the session time parameter you should be able to easily merge both data sets together after the disk based telemetry gets written out.
- You can now switch from English to metric units inside the garage with a checkbox.
Race Control
- At tracks that have an extended start line (Suzuka, Spa, Bathurst) the leader of the second pacing line will no longer be restricted from passing the race leader until the end of the entire first lap. Now that restriction correctly only applies until passing the start line.
- Fix problems where cars with a fully computer controlled gearbox get stuck in neutral if the clutch is disengaged while downshifting.
Pit Crew
- Pit crew's helmets now get their color from the pit crewman's suit instead of from the driver's helmet.
Wheel Color
- You can now change the color of the wheels on the BMW Z4 GT3, Chevrolet Impala Class B, Chevrolet Impala-COT, Chevrolet National Impala, Chevrolet Silverado, Chevrolet SS-Gen6, Ford Fusion-Gen6, Ford Mustang Class B, McLaren MP4-12C GT3, Ruf RT 12R AWD, Ruf RT 12R C-Spec, Ruf RT 12R RWD, Ruf RT 12R Track Super Late Model, Toyota Camry-Gen6.
Toyota Camry
- Now available for purchase!
- Now available for purchase!
- Features:
· Wheels can be custom colored.
· 4-way adjustable shocks, low and high speed bump and rebound.
· Adjustable traction control. Traction control can also be disabled for 5 seconds via the new traction control toggle control.
· Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
- Added adjustable traction control. Traction control can also be disabled for 5 seconds via the new traction control toggle control.
- Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
- Now has ABS.
Chevrolet Corvette C6R
- Added adjustable traction control. Traction control can also be disabled for 5 seconds via the new traction control toggle control.
- Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
- Fixed caster to about 9.5 degrees.
- Re-measured the C6R front anti-roll bar thickness; it is softer now.
- Updated power steering setting.
- Pit crew now references proper texture for helmets.
Chevrolet Impala Class B
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Tape is now adjustable in 1% increments.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
Chevrolet Impala-COT
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Tape is now adjustable in 1% increments.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS
- Improvements made to reduce inside wheel pickup.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
Chevrolet National Impala
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
Chevrolet Silverado
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
Chevrolet SS-Gen6
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Tape is now adjustable in 1% increments.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
- New spoiler added.
- Contingency decals updated to 2014 season.
Dallara IndyCar
- Slow down jack-drop to reduce chance of damaging car as it hits the ground.
- Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
Ford Fusion-Gen6
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Tape is now adjustable in 1% increments.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
- New spoiler added.
- Contingency decals updated to 2014 season.
Ford GT
- Added adjustable traction control. Traction control can also be turned on or off via the new traction control toggle control.
- Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
Ford Mustang Class B
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Tape is now adjustable in 1% increments.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Added adjustable traction control. Traction control can also be disabled for 5 seconds via the new traction control toggle control.
- Slow down jack-drop to reduce chance of damaging car as it hits the ground.
Lotus 79
- Slow down jack-drop to reduce chance of damaging car as it hits the ground.
McLaren MP4-12C GT3
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Added adjustable traction control. Traction control can also be disabled for 5 seconds via the new traction control toggle control.
- Updated engine sounds with new distant external sounds.
- Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
- Now has 4-way adjustable shocks, low and high speed bump and rebound.
- Re-measured the anti-roll bars; they are softer now.
- Generally improved the car's handling over bumps and curbs.
Radical SR8
- Added dive planes for more front downforce.
- Updated the differential, only the preload is adjustable.
Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype
- Overhauled the car physics.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Updated the differential; only the preload is adjustable.
- Updated garage layout.
Ruf RT 12R AWD
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- More aero stability for very high speed corners.
Ruf RT 12R C-Spec
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
- Updated brake system to use pressure-based bias.
Ruf RT 12R RWD
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- More aero stability for very high speed corners.
Ruf RT 12R Track
- Wheels can be custom colored.
- Added adjustable traction control. Traction control can also be disabled for 5 seconds via the new traction control toggle control.
- Has a new layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
- Updated brake system to use pressure-based bias.
- Increased low end torque.
Star Mazda
- Overhauled the car physics.
- Updated tires to latest version of NTM v5.
- Updated aerodynamics.
- Updated suspension geometry.
- Updated engine.
- Updated gear ratios.
- Updated brake system to use pressure-based bias.
- Now has 4-way adjustable shocks, low and high speed bump and rebound.
- Slow down jack-drop to reduce chance of damaging car as it hits the ground.
Street Stock
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
Super Late Model
- Improvements made to reduce inside wheel pickup.
- Increased strength of wheels so they don't damage so easily when brushing the wall.
VW Jetta TDI Cup
- Fuel is now adjustable.
Williams-Toyota FW31
- Has an updated layer of backfire and crackle sound for traction control / rev limiter / pit limiter / up shift ignition cut.
- Fix ranges on differential settings so that 1-20 shows up in sim.
- Updated damper curves.
- Heaving spring preload limit increased from 3.5mm to 5mm.
- Slow down jack-drop to reduce chance of damaging car as it hits the ground.
- Animated trackside characters added to spectator areas at Circuit of the Americas and Lucas Oil Raceway. These characters will appear if shaders are enabled, Crowds are set to low or higher, Grandstands are set to low or higher, and Object Detail is set to high.
Circuit of the Americas
- Now available for purchase!
Lucas Oil Raceway
- Now available for purchase!
Auto Club Speedway
- Scoring issue fixed at the Competition configuration.
Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
- The GP Pits configuration mistakenly had a different 1x configuration than the other configurations. It is now the same as the other two.
- A wall has been constructed joining the upper and lower pits when running the Endurance configuration.
Long Beach Street Circuit
- Brake markers added.
Mount Panorama Circuit
- Brake markers added.
- Several surface issues fixed.
New Hampshire Motor Speedway
- Fixed an issue where a car would visually sink into the surface in Turn 2 and Turns 3 and 4.
Okayama International Circuit
- 0x issue fixed in the area where the configurations join.
Phillip Island
- Moved pit road exit to the nearer exit. No longer uses the narrow exit road.
Road America
- Extended the yellow pit exit line.
Watkins Glen International
- Edited grass normal map textures to remove noise and make them more like our other tracks. -
#15084 Alexease-nek:)
#15083 Ha mar Monte Carlo;) Erre a hetre az utolso:D
#15082 Az auto mondjuk kozelebb van a Late modellhez (MOnte Carlo), mint a lenti National cucchoz, de gondolom a fun miatt tettek be, hog az iR-be gyorsabb legyen:P -
#15081 Onboard, Monza
#15080 Johetnenek a Hungaroring-re is:P
www.nascarwheleneuroseries.com/2014-calendar -
#15079 Plusz regen evekig toltam online (NR2003), volt kulon sorozat roadra is, foleg CTS-sel (a platos, most Silverado, a legjobb:P). Norschleife-n tiszta elvezet volt versenyt futni;) -
#15078 Egyszeru, fapados, natur autok, nyers ero, gepeszkedos kezeles, nincs extra aero, nicsenek elektronikak (ABS, TC), gyarilag "rendes" 3 pedal es HPattern, jo a hangja, tetszik a cockpit... ilyesmi:P
Regebben (2-3 eve) ezek (NASCAR cuccok) valahogy jobban ki voltak dolgozva, elorebb tartottak a fejlesztesben (ami termeszetes az Amcsik miatt), igy jo(bb) erzes volt veluk korozni.
Ma mar mindegyik auto teljesenjo, de ezektol nem szabadulok:P
Az utobbi 1 hetben folyamatosan Suzukat nyomtam, az ossze atuoval:DDD -
#15077 Úgy vettem észre, hogy nagyon oda vagy a stock car + road pálya kombóért:) Miért? -
#15076 Warmup;)
#15075 PH-ról lopva:
Egy magyar is bekerült a video contest finalistái közé, tessék rá szavazni!:D -
#15074 Azert elotte nezz utana, nehogy gond legyen:D -
#15073 Pedig úgy emlékeztem, hogy egy fun-os versenyen kaptam annyi SR-t, hogy meg lett a C. De te jobban tudod:) Szóval mehet a félelem nélküli versenyzés BMW-vel COTA-n:D -
#15072 Kellene midegyik sorozatbol 1-1 fun parhuzamosan, ami szamolna az SR-t es 10 felett kidobna az embert a szerverrol, de legalabb nem vonna le:P
Ez egeszsegre karos lenne, mert nem sokat aludnek:DDD -
#15071 A NASCAR iRacing EURO Series is jol hangzik, bar az nem fun. Brands es Zandvoort valtasban, Chevy National Impalaval. Ez erdekel, de felo hogy SR gyilkos lesz:/