Kijütt A Filmzene!A Film is nemsokára meglesz:)
#499 Igen, az is érdekes, hisz az a hajtómű direkt a csatornarendszerekben való utazásra illetva földközeli utazásra lett kitalálva.
Olyan magasra nehezen juthat, nem? -
#498 Ez tényleg szánalmas volt. ;) -
#497 Egész jó volt ez a film! Főleg a Reloaded-hez képest! Én feliratosban néztem meg és tényleg ugyanolyan bugyuta beszólások vannak az eredetiben, mint a magyar szinkronban. Amúgy jól röhögtem azon, amikor a légpárnás hajóval felmentek a felhők fölé. Ez aztán a légpárna! -
#496 Hát már nem is fogja, mert meghalt ugye.... :-D -
#495 Miért lenne szánalmas?Valószínűleg Neo nem látta a Matrix Reloaded ide vonatkozó jeleneteit. -
#494 Az szerintetek nem volt szánalmas, hogy már a legszőkébb nézőknek is régen leesett, hogy kicsoda Bane igazából (pl.: csak egyvalaki hívta Neo-t Mr. Anderson-nak), de a mi Neo-nknak kb 5 perc szükséges, hogy rájöjjön: Smith áll vele szemben :-DDDDDDDDDDD -
#493 http://www.bancruelfarms.org/meatrix/ -
#492 :)))))))))))))))))))) bammeg!!:)))))))))))))) -
#491 Na jó talán az első részét.
Szigorúan a lényeget, nincs kedvem most részletesen.
Argh... elment a kedvem. :DD majd holnap talán -
#490 Hát most valahogy nincs kedvem, beletelne vagy jó 2 órába :D -
#489 akkóó fordítsd le:)kösz -
#488 Nem rossz elmélet, egyet tudok érteni vele. -
#487 topik.. arrol hogy mi valojában a Mátrixban élünk..szal hogy létezik.... -
#486 LOL ez azért már gáz:D -
#485 mi a durva? -
#484 Na ez mar durva...
#483 tudok angolul, de annyira nem, hogy egy ilyen komplett szoveget kerdesek nelkul megertsek...
vki szanjon meg pls... -
#482 When neo finally gets there, unscathed, he encounters the architect, who mesmerizes him with what reviewers call 'mumbo-jumbo' because they are too stupid to understand what is going on. The architect knew which door neo was going to choose, but neo chose it slightly differently than the architect anticipated. He came to a realization right before he started walking towards the door. He realized why he made the choice. Upon this epiphany, he is able to 'see past it' as the oracle put it, and can now feel the machines, and shuts down a few sentinels. However, his ability to manipulate them comes from a link with the source. Upon opening that link, neo is sort of sucked into the machine mainframe, as he doesn't understand his own powers. The merovingian, quick on the draw places him under 'house arrest'.
Now I know, at this point, you are like "wait wait, what the heck, how'd he do it?". You see, humans have been living as crops by giving off bio-electrical energy for several hundred years. This process has changed humanity as a whole. They are sensitive to the electromagnetic fields given off by electrical machinery. They are also capable of exerting influence on these electromagnetic fields. If you want to call it a wireless connection, go ahead. It isn't exactly precisely that, but that's really close enough to what is going on. The oracle says that neo's power goes from the matrix to the source, and that neo touched the source when he stopped the sentinels, not before. Neo exerted his bioelectrics to stop them, coming into contact with the wireless conduit the sentinels have with the source, and well you know the rest now. We also know that something akin to a wireless connection must be the answer because of what neo demonstrates as powers in the real world. He cannot heal trinity, he cannot heal his eyes, he cannot move things with his mind. He can, however, destroy sentinels and sense the machines. His powers are limited to influencing and sensing the machines. He can also sense bane, because his bio-magnetic field now reads like the machines due to the infection by Smith.
Neo's ability to sense and manipulate the machines in close quarters fits perfectly with the bio-electricity theory. It also fits with the reading material keanu reeves had to do. Remember that he had to read a book about how humans were becoming more like machines. His ability to manipulate this electromagnetic field in this way is a representation of that transformation.
Now, neo predicting the future is a whole nother can of worms. The oracle tells him that he's already made a choice, and to see past it, he must understand it. Basically, she's telling neo that the world is deterministic. That future events can be predicted. Neo has 'the sight'. Apparently his consciousness has been changed, and he can see the future. I don't know how exactly this can be explained, but I believe that either the oracle implanted the events into his mind, and then let his mind work out whether or not trinity dies, or it's a sort of mysticism or philosophical belief the WB's are positing.
Unfortunately, there's not much more about this 'sight' in m3 to give us any sort of answers. However, smith, who's been copying himself all over, has now become a real threat to the machines, and this is not what the oracle planned. However, neo knows what he must do, he goes to 01 and stops smith. Peace love and harmony, but not quite. The architect is willing to free those who want out of the matrix. It's fine with him anyways since they just destabalize the place. He pretty much thinks that he doesn't have to worry about any more anomalies.
Why is smith so much stronger? Well, he seemed to gain a lot of power when he absorbed the Oracle. Neo basically knows that he cannot beat smith, not in a straight contest. So he loses. For a third and final time, neo does NOT win a decisive battle against smith, yet fights all the same. Some people are frustrated by this, and I can understand it, but that's just how it goes when you have a nemesis. Also, consider what the WBs may be trying to say about war and fighting. Perhaps they believe that fighting really does get us no where. Perhaps they believe you should fight even when you know you won't win. Maybe both... in a strange sort of way. But like I said, I'm not here to start deconstructing the psychological, political, spiritual, or religious connotations of the movies.
What's up with Sati, the little kid? She is the first program created out of love, and without a purpose. Smith says that without purpose they would not exist in m2, so here's what happens. Not having a purpose denies a program from a choice when it faces deletion. If a program has a purpose, it can choose exile. Sati can not choose exile, so her father makes a deal with merovingian to smuggle Sati into the matrix. Sati seems like she may have great powers in the matrix, and I believe this is due to her not being confined by purpose. Every other program is limited in their abilities based on what their purpose is. They can only do what is necessary to achieving that purpose. Sati represents a new kind of program, one that the oracle believes is 'higher' in a way than the current programs, because love is important. Love and freedom are valuable.
Some people also wonder what exactly happened during the super brawl, and wonder how exactly neo beat smith. See, smith is a program, we all knew that. And each smith is connected to each other smith. We already knew that also. Smith's purpose is to destroy neo. At least that is what he had made his purpose after m1. At the end of the superbrawl, smith thinks he has destroyed neo. What has actually happened is that smith is now connected with the source. However, by destroying Neo, he has lost his purpose. Then the source knows to strike. See, now that he's lost his purpose, the machines can delete him without giving the option of exile, and all the smiths go boom.
At the end of the movie, Sati makes a sunrise for neo, and I believe it is actually with the intent that he will see it. Perhaps even she has something to do with his resurrection. However, the Oracle also says we will see him again, and I believe that she doesn't just mean we'll see another anomaly. Another anomaly would not be Neo, contrary to some misconceptions about the movie. We do see Neo after revolutions, in the short clip at the end of the first Matrix. Neo then goes to the phone, and tells the machine consciousness that he is going to be making some changes. That the matrix will no longer be a prison, or enslavement. That it will instead become a place where people can live real meaningful lives by removing controls. Yes, that's right, the phone call at the end of m1 is out of order with the rest of the movies. You can tell this by reading the dates on the phone call trace program. It's 18 months from the phone call made by Trinity during m1, and m2 happens six months after m1. Pretty concrete evidence.
Some people think that the Oracle was just playing some sort of game with the Architect. That's not true, that's just how the program Architect interprets their struggle. To him everything is numbers and math and so he plays it like a game, like the Merovingian does. It's kinda like the WBs are telling men to grow up in these movies. In any case, the Oracle had planned everything out, yes, but it was not a game. She could see the future, she knew the possibilities, and she knew that only way out of the war was with peace.
#481 Ezt ha vki elmagyarazna mirol szol...
The Matrix explained, version 1.0
I'm going to write you a little story. Except it's not really a story, but an explanation of the matrix trilogy. I'm not going to delve into the interpretations or undertones of political, spiritual, or religious context, but instead give what I feel is strongly implied by the movie. I may not formally justify each of these implications, because this is not a formal paper, and people can choose to believe whatever they want. However, if you choose to believe that something I've written is wrong, then you are probably making a bad choice.
I'm not an apologist for the movie either. I thought that the first two matrix movies were awesome, and that the WBs had an obligation to give us the real answers in m3, but they chose not to. However, I was wrong. Reloaded just distracted us from the point of the trilogy. The WBs never intended to create a system for us, they just wanted to tell us a story. This story happens in a vast universe, but explaining every detail of that universe was not their goal.
One given I want everyone to accept before they start reading is that there are clues left by WBs about the actual meaning of the matrix, and everything's place. These clues may not be obvious, but they will at least make sense insofar as they are put in the movie, and seem to do very little else in terms of furthering plot or giving outright explanation about the matrix.
A long time ago, the entity we call the oracle studied human phenomenon of the senses the machines do not have access to. Those senses include at the very least taste. She was created in order to give taste to the humans inside the matrix. Think back to Mouse's conversation with neo in the neb when they eat the runny goop. The oracle studied the phenomenon of taste, and that is why she's obsessed with candy and cookies. I will not rule out the possibility that she was also implanting programs or directives via cookie/candy, but in the movie I saw no implication of this.
Through her studies with taste, she grew as a program, and actually began to appreciate the human experience. However, the architect came to her when his matrix had failed twice. The answer seemed obvious in a general way to her, the interface was not complete. It was missing something that the real world somehow gave the humans. That something, turned out to be the concept of choice. Perhaps incomplete in the minds of the humans, it must have actually existed in the real world to be causing such problems. So freedom was granted to the human population of the matrix. No longer were they simply experiencing the matrix, they were now interacting with it. The matrix did not develop into a perfect world of peace, or a world of torture (as the first and second matrices were, respectively) but instead a mixture of both with lesser extremes.
However, only 99% of the people inside the matrix accepted it, and the 1% accumulated and began to destabalize the matrix. And then, it appeared. The anomaly. Through sheer will, this anomaly was able to exert incredible forces within the matrix. The oracle contacted him/her. The oracle told the anomaly about the matrix and the world outside it. The anomaly began to wake people up. The architect, scared of another collapse, and failure of his great genius was close to pulling the plug when the oracle proposed a system of control she called 'the prophesy'. Her system would allow the architect to study the effects of the anomaly, and keep the matrix stable. The plan was for there to be a last human city, in which the 1% who rejected the matrix could live, believing in the coming of a savior to mankind, and the oracle would get the anomaly to return to the source via the architects room.
Ok, now here's where it gets a little sticky. You see, it was the oracle who created the anomaly by somehow unbalancing the equation. What equation you ask? The equation is a formula representing human choices and consequences. To the architect, it is mere cause and effect. The psuedo-physics of the matrix had to be kept in check in order for there to be stability. In other words, the equation symbolizes the 'rules' of the matrix. I really don't know how the oracle makes it unbalanced, but it results in the anomaly, and the oracle devised the system of the prophecy on the basis that it was a test for mankind, on whether or not they were ready or able to accept peace. If the One passes the test, she then would help the One take over the matrix, and force the machines to make peace. To the oracle, it was the humans supreme valuing of self-preservation that lead to the war in the first place. Only someone who could see something as a higher value than simply living could demonstrate the qualities necessary to even give peace a chance. And so we have the two doors. Through one door is the continuation of the human species, through the other is another value, probably love (as in Neo's particular case). Go through the first door, and the scenario ends, and restarts. Go through the second, and humanity is given a chance.
Alright, most of the stickiness has left us, and if you are still in one piece, then we are doing good. The merovingian, an exiled program who took his love, persephone, with him to the matrix, wants to rule there. His exact origins as well as those of persephone are shrouded in mystery, and the mythos concerning their names seems more metaphorical than revealing. What he was before he came to the matrix is not known, but he does not like the idea of the One coming in and taking away his power, and to him, humans are a lower form of life, driven by their desires alone. Of course, he is above this (sarcasm) as he proves himself reliant on humans for his own satisfaction.
Now, some speculation can be made about the merovingian. Because it is explicitly stated that he is a program, we must just accept that. His function was most likely some sort of programming, perhaps while the architect designed the matrix, the merovingian did a lot of the actual coding. It is quite likely that persephone was used to gather information about human emotion, but this is mostly speculation.
Seraph, is another enigmatic program. He is yet another exile, and apparently has a past with the merovingian. He explicitly says that he is not a programmer, that he instead protects 'that which matters most'. What matters most are the 'Eyes of the Oracle'. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but I believe it is whatever part of the Oracle's programming allows her to see the future. I believe that seraph was employed by merovingian for protection after he was exiled, and he was probably even written by the Merovingian himself. However, it would seem as though the Oracle probably re-wrote part of him, and 'stole' him from Merv. So he's not happy about that. He tells them to get what Seraph is protecting, and you can see the frustrated look on Seraph's face.
Back to the prophecy. Normally, when the One fails, the whole thing starts over. And things repeat themselves pretty much in the same fashion, but something happened differently during neo's transformation into the One. The first thing that happened differently is that neo died. He was killed by Smith, and the only reason why is because of Cypher's betrayal from before. Neo then got up and killed smith. When he did, part of the anomaly was copied onto smith, and smith became some sort of nemesis anomaly. His ability to copy is a sort of expansion on the former agents ability to enter any person still plugged into the matrix. Now he doesn't just enter them, he copies onto them, and any other agents, or programs, or zionists that are so unlucky to cross his path.
Smith gives clues that his own transformation is one of the only, if not THE only difference in this prophetic cycle when he tells himself "It's happening exactly as before. Well, not exactly." Later, smith knows where neo is going on several occasions, and even arrives at the entrance to the source before neo. Unfortunately for him, he has no keys to the source.
....To be concluded (post too long).
#480 Ja az a napfényes rész tényleg nagyon beütött. Akkor gondoltam bele hirtelen, hogy efelett a sötét, romlott, önmagából kiforgatott világ felett, a felhők felett minden ugyanabban a mederben halad ahogy évmilliók óta halad, semmilyen kihatással nincs rá az, hogy mi folyik ott lent. Ha belegondolunk, a valóságban mit érezhetett Trinity, nem semmi. Egyrészt ez villanhatna át az agyám, másrészt meg a feeling, hogy látja "A" Napot, amit még soha életében nem láthatott. -
#479 -1 még -
#478 ja, ez így eléggé leegyszerűsítené a dolgokat. csak akkr nemtom miért huzták még olyan sokáig a történetet még. -
neménvoltam #477 szerintem is jó elképezelés. Végülis az orákulum azt mondta, hogy azért tudta Neo megállítani a gépeket, mert egész a forrásig eljutottak a gondolatai(?)(ebbe nem vagyok biztos) csak még nem állt készen, azért esett utána össze. Hasonlóan történt az egyben is, amikor az elején még a Mátrixban sem tudta megállítani a golyókat és csak amikor készen állt, akkor látta kódrendszerekben az egészet. Nagy baromságot mondtam? -
#476 tokeletes matrix... ez jo lenne, csak akkor a gepeknek rossz, emrt mint mar mondtam akkor kijon mindenki es kesz...
amúgy ez a matrix amatrixban leeht santit, mert ugye Trinity latja a napfenyt, a gepek, a matrix es minden felett levo valosagot... -
#475 "amugy en nem vetnem el feltetlen a matrix a matrixban elvet...csak talan kicsit modosult. ugyanis ugey letezik a matrixban a "zold" kodrendszer ami felepit mindent odabent,namar most ugye Neo latta azt a "tuz" kodrendszert ami nyugodtan lehetne egy masik kulso szint alszintje mint a mostani Zioni vilage a MAtrix vilaga...mivel ugye Smith kitort a Matrix vilagbol eggyel feljebb igy valoszinu (mivel NEO-SMITH ugyanazok elv ha el) hogy Neo is feljebb lepett reszben akkor amikor megvakitotta ot Smith es latta a narancssarga tuz kodrendszert. "
sztem sem kene elvetni ez egy erdekes ertelmezest ad a filnek -
#474 Nem teljesen kapcsolódik a gondolatmenethez most, de gondolkodott már valaki azon, hogy azoknak a dögnagy robotknak, amikkel védték a dokkot az emberek, miért nincs külső páncélzata? Úgy mint az Animatrix-ban volt a Second Renisseance részben. Mert így aztán csak közel kell mennie egy gépnek és szétkarmolásznia benne az embert. Ha lenne rajta páncél, legalább át kéne vágniuk magukat. Vagy így nem lett volna olyan hatásos Captain Mifune elkeseredett harca a végén? :) -
#473 " A #389-re miből következtetsz? Honnan veszed hogy az előtte Smith-é alakult emberek túlélték? Az orákulumot 3-4 másodpercig mutatják feküdni a sárban, és nem lélegzik. Ez ugye filmes nyelven azt jelenti hogy halott. Akkor a sokkal gyengébb tucatemberek miért élték volna túl?"
akkor a vegen hogyhogy ott van? Akkor o is rebootolva lett, vagy elmenekult az allomasra, vagy o az egeszet kivulrol nezte? -
#472 akkor most a "normalis vilag" az egy ujabb matrix,es a gepek csinaltak hogy az embereket vizsgaljak vagy az a nomalis valosag. vagy mivan?:(
es akkor az epitesz es az orakulum gepek, programok vagy emberek?
a vegen, most ujraindult es Neo megint uj kivalasztott megint uj Zion. Vagy most mar ki is maszkalhatnak. De akkor hogy szereznek energiat? Ha nem a matrixban elnek az emberek akkor a gepeg elpusztulnak...
A smith ugynokok akkor visszavaltoztak vagy meghaltak? -
Augustus Gigo #470 Dávidházy Atilla rajta volt a stáblistán. A reloadedben látszik 1 másodpercre az egyik monitoron de a revben elvileg szerepelnie kellett volna. ő is eltűnt. És szvsz emiatt a vagdosás miatt van h. én sem értem a filmet )) mert ugyebár az animátrixban benne van h. Zion mátrix ))) nem bírok leszállni erről de majd összerakom ))) -
Augustus Gigo #469 aztán lehet azért vágták meg ennyire, mert eredetileg a tesók nagyon sötét véget akartak, aztán mondta nekik Silver bácsi, hogy inkább legyen vidámabb mert azt jobban szereti a nép. -
Augustus Gigo #468 remélem ha kijön a dvd, akkor azon rajt lesz a vágás előtti változat meg remélem rajt lesz a tesók audiokommentárja. -
Augustus Gigo #467 Én is határozottan emlékszem Monica nyilatkozatára ,volt egy cikk,ahol Zee is azt mondta sokkal több szerepe lesz.Hát valóban több volt,de én többre gondoltam.
Persephone szerepét is hónapokig találgattuk,ha emlékeztek,ezek szerint minössze annyi volt,hogy Neo ember voltát erősitse,hgy ugyebár szerelmes.
Ami még kevés volt a Club Hell, én aszittem hangsulyosabb lesz a szerepe.
És még valami,bizonyos helyeken az Ikrek szerepeltek a Rev. stáblistáján,de mégsem voltak. -
ShaiHulud #466 amugy neked soha nem otlott a fejedben hogy az amit latsz a szemeddel, hallasz a fuleddel, szagolsz az orroddal, tapintasz a kezeddel...biztos hogy tenyleg a valosag? mi a garancia arra hogy van e valosag...valos az amit az ember valosnak hisz...legalabbis a jelen esetben...a hit kerdese az egesz... -
ShaiHulud #465 hat itt hibazol mar eleve egy nagyott hisz a 2 es a 3 gyakorlatilag egy db film ergo egy koncepcio az egesz...es megintcsak #358 -
#463 eszondom énis:) -
#462 lol me nem érted... néhaén sem értek egy két dolgot.. volt 2-3 dolog... mondjuk nemis zaklatott a dolog mert a sztorit meg midnent vágtam de kiderültek dolgok és nagyon is ott van a szeren.. jolkitalálták ezt a filmet....superman meg dragon ball:))))ez kb a film utolsó 4 percére igaz... -
#461 meg is csinálta a napot a neonak -
#460 ízlések és pofonok -
#459 neót végül újra rádugták az erőműben és újra éli mátrix beli életét. vagyis én ezt hallottam, és elég hülyeségnek tartom. -
#458 ja erős meg midnen de ha egy helyben áll a smith akkor alatta ne legyen má füstgomolyag a portól.. nincs alatta turbina meg ilyenek.. nah mindegy...szel szvsz annyi volt a hibája hogy ugy nézett ki mintha valami turbina lenne a seggükben.. de még azt el tudtam volna képzelni hogy egymás felé suhannak a talaj felett és a víz V alakban felcsapódik..