• Slayerboy
    Szerintem a RNR jobb lesz.
    De szerintem megszerzem mind a kettőt, és párhuzamosan fogok játszani velük :)
  • Carlos
    Ez zsír!
  • Carlos
    Az a gondom, hogy nemtom, hogy melyiket várjam jobban.
    A PTTM-t vagy a Rig 'N' Roll-t.
    Szerintetek melyik lesz ütősebb?
  • Slayerboy
    Azért egy belsőnézetes képet is szívesen megnéznék ;)
  • Slayerboy
    Tudnál mutatni olyat, ami eredetileg a játékban van, és később lehet csak megvenni?

    Ez a kamion tényleg jól néz ki!
  • gumikacsa
    Asszem 22. Meg lehet belepakolni, azok már jobban is néznek ki. Aktuális bepakolható kedvencem:

  • Slayerboy
    Az Across Americaban hány verda van?Amelyiket meglehet venni?
  • Slayerboy
    Kösz!Hu...most mindenre válaszoltál :)
  • gumikacsa
    #4307 Rig'n'roll, 2004 4.felében, vagy 2005 elején fog megjelenni.

    #4308 Ja, csok jönne már.

    #4309 Ez sem jelent még meg, nem is negyon mondtak kiadási dátumot, csak azt, hogy idén mindenképp megjelenik. A címe:
    18 Wheels Of Steel Pedal To The Metal (18 WOS 3)
  • Slayerboy
    Ez megjelent már?Honnan van ez a sok kép?
  • Slayerboy
    Állatok ezek a képekk!! Szerintem nagyon fasza játék lesz!Simán lekörözi a Hard Truck-ot.
  • Slayerboy
    Mi a játék neve? Rig N' Roll?Megjelent már?
  • gumikacsa
    Nem tudom, mi az a thunder bay, de a truckpol forumon örültek neki.
    De ez sem rossz:
    Hátralevő idő: 2 nap 5:32
  • gumikacsa
    Megint én, két kép a 18wospttm-ből:

  • gumikacsa
    Ez egy jó ötlet. Hogy lehet belőle videót csinálni? Kitalálhatnánk egy videóversenyt.
  • Danny L
    Hát tényleg nincs semmi újdonság. Szórakozásból elkezdtem csinálni egy Across America-s videjót. Nem egy nagy durranás, inkább a zene miatt csináltam. Megy a játékhoz (Lenny Kravitz - Where are we runnin'?). Majd felteszem a lapra.
  • gumikacsa
    Most én is. De mondjuk inkább, hogy nincs semmi új
  • Danny L
    Na akkor javítom a hibát. Sorry. Nem kell nyugdíjba vonulnod, a te oldalad naprakészebb. Le vagyok még mindig maradva.
  • gumikacsa
    ŐŐŐŐŐ a kamion átfestéseknél az van hogy N/A, pedig én festettem... :) (Az elsőt nem, a többit igen.)
  • gumikacsa
    Szép... Nyugdíjba is mehetek... :)
  • Herold
    Régebben volt róla szó, hogy lesz a Hard Truckhoz magarországi scenery. Ez már elkészült? Ki tud róla valamit?
  • Danny L
    Kuksizzatok majd el az olalamra. Most töltöm fel az újdonságokat. Tényleg, amúgy ki az a NightAngel? Részvétem...
  • zoszt
    meg szeretne emlékezni* helyesen
  • gumikacsa
    Na igen. Sajnos.
  • zoszt
    Kaptunk ma egy szomorú hírt. NightAngel többé nincs köztünk. Nagyon jó barátom/barátunk volt (egy nő). Samantha! Hiányzol! Soha nem foglak elfelejteni téged. Nagy szomorúságban hagysz itt minket. Ha valaki a megszeretne emlékezni NightAngel-ről, azt kérem látogassa meg az oldalát.

    A hír megy a hangulatomhoz.
  • gumikacsa
    Ez mit ír?:

    The sad message we get today. NightAngel is no longer among us. She was a great friend for me and for us.
    Samantha! I miss you. I'll never forget you. You leave us in great sadness.
    If there's anybody who want to commemorate NightAngel, go to her site or here, please.
  • gumikacsa
    Ja jó lenne. Persze, nem sürgetlek, csak kérdeztem, hogy várhatom-e, hogy valaki lefordítja.
  • zoszt
    Legyen? :-) Lesz, de ma nem lesz már részemről.
  • gumikacsa
    Lesz fordítás?
  • gumikacsa
    2004 4. felében, de csúszhat 2005-re.
  • FiReBoY
    Pontosítva 2004 4. felében mikor jön a Ring'n Roll?
  • gumikacsa
    Itt a pontos riport angolul:

    1.Can you describe Softlab-nsk company?
    Company was established in 1991 by the group of programmers, who participated in the development the country's first space and aviation trainers, based on the principles of virtual reality. Training theme is for us one of the basic things to this day. We release several space, flying, railroad and now even sea trainers yearly.
    The games we began to be occupied in 1994. In 1996 to order of American company "The Other 90%" we released the first series of the games, based on the technology of neurophysiologic control. In the beginning of 1997 we started development of a series of “Dal'noboyshchiki”(in English “Hard Truck”). These series proved to be extremely successful in Russia, in America and in Europe. But the main thing is that we became very interested in games of these types!

    2.Can you describe where and when and what conceived idea about the creation of game " Dal'noboyshchiki 3"?
    Our purpose was to make the interesting, saturated and diverse game as it is possible unlike to previous series of truck games. California, with its thousands of kilometers of roads, which lie on the mountains, the oceanic coast, the efflorescent valleys, deserts and burnt out canyons, with its enormous metropolises and small provincial town in the style "western", with its burning midday intense heat and pouring rains - proved to be ideal place for the development of “Dal'noboyshchiki 3”. Moreover here, there is a very developed structure of trucking cargo base, and the powerful, solid army of drivers.

    3.How much do you have a people in the company? Do manage you the work?
    SoftLab-Nsk has approximately 60 people. In our division is about 30. Work - thing is relative. When we made first truck game, there was 10 people. Each new game takes about 5 more workers than in previous game. According to his assumption we must have approximately 240 people now, but we manage by the existing team.

    4.Do you agreeable, to pass directly to the game. Describe a little the engine of “Dal'noboyshchiki 3”, please.
    The engine is our. We rebuilt it practically entirely from the moment of output “Dal'noboyshchiki 2”. The changes concern graphics, physics and AI. The results already can be assessed according to screenshots you saw.

    5.Can you tell us about the approximately date of open the official site of game, please.
    Site is practically ready. It leaves soon.

    6.Can you describe in more detail what you will demonstrate at E3 Expo 2004?
    At E3 we showed new video file and the cargo terminal area demo version.

    7.Can you tell us the percentage of the readiness of the game, please?
    It is difficult to estimate, but it is deliberately more than 50%

    8.Can you tell more about the vehicles and their special features, please?
    More than 200 vehicles counting different colorings are planned. More than half of them are trucks. The prototypes of trucks became the models of brands Freightliner, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Novistar International and others most known in America.

    9.Can you say some words about the damages of trucks. The emitted doors, cowlings, the broken windscreen (windows), the punctured tires, all this will be in the game. That’s rights?
    Specifically, yes.

    10.Will in the game be present movies? For example the movie, which shows how our machine loads cargo?
    Yes they will be, all these movies are based on the engine.

    11.Have we an opportunity to drive by car in the game?
    Ii is too early for this question.

    12.The mirrors, the whistle, yard-keepers and other trifles will be in the game or not?
    Yes, of course.

    13.It would be desirable to present the question about the camera. How will camera be located in cab? Just as in “Dal'noboyshchiki 2” (in English “Hard Truck 2” and “King of the Road”)?
    Camera will obtain large freedom of movement and it will be able to be placed not only on the spot of driver, but also on the passenger’s seat.

    14.How I know the actions of Dalnoboyschiki 3 will occur in America, in California. The question is about the language in which the friends of main hero will speak: the English or on the Russian language?
    This is like in the cinema - certainly in the Russian.

    15.Does the release date is extended up to 2005?
    We’ll plan to finish game at the end of 2004, but it will be released surely in 2005.

    16.Can you describe what do you work on in game, please
    We continue design of cities, vehicles, characters, and we work on the scenario.

    17.Is it possible to us to transport automobiles in the game? is there a special trailer for this transportation?
    Yes, this semitrailer will be.

    18.What does the game begin? Russian fellow from Russia arrive to America with small capital to the earnings, he buy cheap, weak truck and he begin his expansion in America, this thus?
    Approximately, yes,

    19.Approximately how does the game take place?
    Most likely it will be released on three CD

    20.Must the player take a long time to accumulate money to buy the plainest truck?
    Not to accumulate, but to earn. Everything depends on mind and skill to conduct machine.

    21.Will we be able to reach for example the gasoline pump on foot?

    22.What is happened if the player goes into bankruptcy? Will we be able to take out the loan?
    For you, it is necessary to begin game first with the complete destruction. But if you have some properties (machines, offices, etc.), then it will be possible to convert this properties into money.

    23.Igor Belago, let us know, do you yourself play in Dal'noboyshchiki 3? Do you test it?
    Certainly, in each Thursday we begin the total checking of the existing version of game.

    24.How many CD do you plan release the game for?

    25.How many trucks will be in the game and how many is already prepared?
    The majority of trucks is already modelled.

    26.Can you describe briefly the subject of game?
    No. Otherwise then play will not be interesting.

    27.Day and night, the sun, rain, fog, snow I hope all of these will be in the game. Can you something add?
    There will be practically entire enumerated.

    28.Is it possible in the game to buy tires and other spare parts?

    29.Now is time to question about cargos. What kind of cargos can we transport?
    Very different loads: from the “CD games” to “astral segregators”. The clients are different.

    30.Will traffic congestion occur in the case of road accident?
    You will have to repair your truck in the case of breakdown and search alternate routes in the case of traffic congestion.

    31.If AI-driver bangs at our truck's tail could we call the police and force scoundrel to compensate for our damages?
    All AI-drivers will be punished for their faults – not the gamer only.

    32.Will we be able to talk with other people (not only with those, who are in bar)?
    Players can have many possibilities of contacts with other characters – both with good and not very...

    33.Could passing AI-trucker to share a little bit of fuel (diesel) with as?
    34.Could we take suffered pedestrian to hospital in the case of road collision?
    35.Will convoys be possible in the game?
    36.We heard it can be given a lift of fellow-travelers? What if one of them will be found a robber?
    It's too early to answer these questions. Many of answers will appear only in the game itself.

    37.Is it possible to increase the level of player during the game?
    It is possible and so must be.

    38.Will armed to the teeth gangs drive along Californian roads?
    39.Will each vehicle have its own engine sound?
    40.If I was to coffee, for example, my truck could be stolen?
    I can not answer yet.

    41.Could you brag of new physical model for R'n'R?
    Yes, we can brag exactly. But you will have to test this yourself.

    42.Do gamers torment you with questions about the game?
    Yes … Unfortunately, we physically are not capable to answer to everybody.

    43.We hope AI-trucks will drive with their trailers (tractor + trailer). Is that so?
    Yes of course.

    44.I have observed on one of the screens that driver's place into AI-truck was empty. When you intend to put driver on his snug seat?
    He has already sat.

    45.What kind of communication do we give us in the game? It may be mobile phone or walkie-talkie?
    Walkie-talkie is sure to be. But it will slightly differ from usual radio transmitter.

    46.Whether will the main character speak? If yes – in which language?
    In Russian, of course.

    47.Do you look ahead? Development of “Dal'noboyshchiki 4” for example?
    Right up to the 50'th. Time will show whether these plans will come true.

    48.Are there Universities in Novosibirsk under your support? For example somebody could to be taught on the programmer and to be employed at your company without problems?
    Yes. Novosibirsk State University is our favorite educational institution.

    49.Are there large truck-stops for truckers relaxation?

    50.How we can buy a truck - on special truck-stops or with assist of truck dealers?
    You can get it at Truck Dealers. Like in real world, similarly.

    51.How we can hire drivers in our virtual company?
    As in reality – through recruit offices. The question lies in the fact that whether liked driver wants to work in your company.

    52.We will have our own office and garage where hired drivers will come from time to time. Is it so?
    Yes, of course.

    53.As a rule, truckers like to tune their war-horses after their own fashion. Will we have to drive standard polish trucks as if they are just now from the factory? Will we be able to "cook" some own decorations at our truck?
    A lot of truck's upgrades will be in the game – both for better performance and to our heart.

    54.You have already told that we will be able to upgrade our truck. In this case will change characteristics of modified component only or outward appearance too? E.g. tires?
    Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    55.Can we see how our wheel is changed or something similar?
    Something similar – yes.

    Thanks for interest to our game.

    Igor Belago
  • Danny L
    MobiDic szótár. Elég régi, de nekem bejött anno. Vagy a MobiMouse.
  • M@TriX
    az elég béna...
  • Air
  • gumikacsa
  • zoszt
    Angol-magyar fordítóprogi létezik? :-))
  • gumikacsa
  • zoszt
    Kell fordítás?
  • gumikacsa
    Na itt van angolul. (Ez sem tökéletes, fordítóprogival csinálták):

    Whether you can tell a little about firm Softlab-nsk?

    The company is based in 1991 by group of the programmers who were taking part in development of the space in country space and aviation simulators, basing on principles of a virtual reality. The training theme is for us one of the basic and to this day. Annually we let out(release) a little space, ëåòíűő, railway and now also sea simulators. We have started to be engaged in games in 1994 and in 1996 under the order of the American company " The Other 90 % " have let out(have released) the first series of the games based on technology íåéðîőèçèîëîãè÷åñêîãî of management. Since 1997 we are engaged in development of a series Truckers. A series appeared extremely successful and in Russia and America and in Europe. And the most important - it is very interesting to ourselves!

    Tell please, where, when and as the idea about creation of game " Truckers 3 has arisen: Conquest of America "?

    Our purpose was to make as more as possible interesting, sated and various game. Unlike on previous. And California, with its(her) thousand kilometers of the roads running on mountains, the ocean coast, blossoming valleys, deserts and burnt canyons, with its(her) huge megacities and small provincial small towns in style "Western", with its(her) scorching midday heat and torrential rains - California actually appeared ideal for development of a plot " Truckers 3 " a place. Besides, here there is an advanced structure of cargo autotransportations, and the powerful, rallied army of drivers - truckers very long time ago began one of local sights.

    How many at you in campaign the person? Whether you consult with work?

    In total in the company about 60 person. In our department about(near) 30. Work - a thing relative. When we did(made) the first Truckers, us was 10. Each new game at us in time in five more previous. On idea of us now should be 240 person, but we consult existing structure.

    All right, let's pass directly to game. Tell a little about a cursor of game Truckers 3.

    Our cursor. From the moment of output(exit) Ä2 we have copied it(him) practically anew. Alterations have touched both schedules and physics and èñêóñòâåííîãî èíòåëåêòà. Results can be estimated on screenshots.

    Tell please provisional date of opening of an official site of game.

    The site is practically ready. Should leave in the near future.

    Whether you can tell more in detail, what you will show on Å3 2004?

    On E3 we showed new âèäèîðîëèê and a game demo the version.

    Tell please percent(interest) of readiness of game.

    It is difficult to estimate, but than 50 % obviously there are more

    Tell please about lorries and their features.

    In game it is planned more than 200 machines in view of different ðàñêðàñîê, more than half from them lorries. Prototypes of lorries became the models of marks Freightliner most known in America, Peterbilt, Kenworth, Navistar International, etc.

    Tell a pair of words about damage of lorries. Flying away doors, the cowls, broken glasses, punctured trunks, all this will be in game, I am right?


    Whether at game there will be videoclips? For example a roller which shows how load your machine.

    Yes will be, all these rollers are based on a cursor.

    Whether it will be possible for us to go in game by cars?

    It while a question.

    Mirrors, hooter, yard keepers and other trifles will be in game whether or not?


    It would be desirable to ask a question about the chamber. How the chamber will be located in a cabin? As well as in Truckers 2?

    The chamber will receive big freedom and can be placed not only on a place of the driver, but also on ïàñàæèðñêîì a seat, in a sleeping bag.

    As far as I know actions of thirds of part will occur in America, in California. A question about language. Friends to the main hero will speak on English or on Russian?

    It as at cinema - in Russian certainly.

    Whether date of an output(exit) can will be stretched(will be dragged out) till 2005?

    We plan çàêî÷èòü game at the end of 2004, but there will be she(it) probably in 2005.

    Tell please above what you now work?

    We continue äåçàéí cities, machines, characters, we work above the script.

    Whether it is possible for us to transport in game automobiles? Whether there is a special trailer for such transportation?

    Yes such ïîëóïðèöåï will be.

    With what game begins? The Russian guy from Russia comes to America with the small capital on earnings, buys cheap, ñëàáåíüêèé őóðãîí÷èê and starts to unroll on open spaces of America, it so?

    Approximately so.

    Approximately game will weigh how many?

    Most likely yokes will leave on three CDs

    Whether it is necessary to players to save long money to the most unpretentious lorry?

    To not save, and to earn. All depends on mind(wit) and skill to drive the machine.

    Whether we can reach on foot for example a gaz station?


    And what will be if the player will be ruined? To us inform about loss or we can borrow from somebody, and then will again be untwisted?

    At full ruin - you should begin game all over again. But if at you is though any property (machines, offices and ò.ä) it will be possible to transform this property into money.

    Igor Belago, here you, we shall tell so, play Truckers 3? Test?

    Certainly, every Thursday at us total check of an existing condition begins.

    On ñêîëüêèő CD you plan to let out(release) game?

    On 3ő

    How many lorries will be in game and how many is at present available?

    The majority of lorries is already simulated.

    Whether you can tell shortly about a plot?

    No. Otherwise will play then not interesting.

    Day and night, the sun, rain, fog, snow I hope all this will be in game. Tell a little bit.

    Will be ïðàêòè÷ñêè all listed.

    Whether it is possible to buy in game trunks, ñïîëëåðà and other spare parts?


    About a cargo. What we should transport?

    Very different cargoes - from game CDs up to astral ñåãðåãàòîðîâ. Clients different are.

    If there will be a failure, there will be fuses?

    If failure - be under repair, if a fuse - search for roundabout ways.

    If on road, drove other machine your lorry in çàäîê will knock, whether it will be possible to cause police and to force "asshole" to pay for damage?

    Will punish all. Not only the player.

    Whether we can communicate with pedestrians (not only with those who in coffee)?

    A lot of dialogue with other characters - both with good, and with not so is necessary the player...

    33. Whether can the trucker passing past will share the gasoline? 34. If we shall bring down the pedestrian (not to death) whether we can bring up it(him) up to hospital? 35. whether it is possible to go escorts? 36. I heard, what it is possible to deliver fellow travellers, whether they can plunder you?

    On these questions while early to answer. On answers much(many) of them will appear only in the game.

    37. Whether it is possible to raise a level of the player during game?

    Also it is possible and should.

    38. Whether across California will unroll gangs by lorries and with the weapon? 39. At each vehicle an own sound of the engine, it so? 40. whether probably such, what when I shall go to coffee, at me will steal the machine?

    We can not answer yet.

    41. You could not brag of physics in game?

    To brag exact we can, but ïðïîâåðèòü it is necessary to you.

    42. About gamers. Whether they torment you letters with questions?

    Yes, severely... Unfortunately we physically are not capable to answer all.

    43. We hope AI will go with trailers? As well as we?


    44. On one of sreens, I have noticed, what in machine AI there is no driver, but through a floor of year of development, hope you plant drivers in a warm saddle?

    Already sits.

    45. You will give what means of dialogue to us in game? Cellular, and there can be a portable radio set?

    Portable radio set necessarily, but a little bit distinguished from usual.

    46. Whether the main hero will talk? If yes, in what language?

    In Russian certainly.

    47. Whether there are at you plans for the future? Truckers 4 for example …

    Down to 50-òűő. whether time will show these plans will come true.

    48. Whether there are at you in Novosibirsk universities at your support. For example to be taught(learnt) on the programmer and at you without problems to be employed.

    Yes our most ëèáèìűì high school is NSU.

    49. Whether there will be big parking for truckers where there will be lorries?


    50. How we can buy the lorry? On special parking or at any firm?

    At dealers, as well as is actually.

    51. How we can employ the driver?

    As well as in a life - through ðåêðóèòñêèå offices. Whether the question only will want to work the driver interesting you in your company.

    52. We will have office and garage where there will come from time to time drivers from firm, it so?


    53. As a rule, truckers, " an iron horse " like to do(make) the under the ëàä. We should go for a drive on just polished lorry as though from a factory or it will be possible "to paste or "weld" something the on the lorry?

    Modernizations it is planned äàâîëüíî much - as functional, and as a hobby.

    54. In one of interview you spoke, that the lorry it will be possible àïãðåéäèòü, a deck here, properties of what we àïãðåéäèëè or appearance too will vary only? For example trunks …

    In some cases yes, and in the some people is not present.

    55. Whether it is necessary us to see, how change our wheel or something similar?

    What is similar - yes.

    Thanks for interest to our game

    Igor Belago Softlab-NSK