A legfrissebb verzió: 3.0.8 (Verzió info) |
\"\"/ | aao.hu | Freeze Fix | PB frissítés | SG.HU AA3 SteamGroup | AA3 Hungary SteamGroup

A 3.0.7-el nem tűntek el az eddig gyűjtött pontok, csak a trainingeket kell újra végigcsinálni!
  • Mighty
    Tök jó... Feltettem win7-et, arra az Army-t. Daemon tools megfektette a win7-et. Most installálhatom win xp-re...
  • [Rush]
    Ts-en is tudunk beszélni ha feljössz...
  • Mighty
    Izé, újra fel kell tennem, mert volt egy kis nagytakarítás.
  • [Rush]
    Mighty gyere majd fel steam-re conntactolni ha vagy;)
  • Borg
    A patch jó lett, jóval kevesebb a bug. És állítólag dolgoznak az új mapokon.
    Azon kívül meg ja, jelen formájában kezd unalmas lenni...
  • Belton
    Teljesen kihalt lett ez a topic :S
    És hatalmas nagy Fail ez a 3.0.
    Az egy dolog hogy tele van buggal és el veszi az ember kedvet az egesztöl de meg csak nem is foglalkoznak vele a fejlesztők az a 4 Map azért ....
    Azok a régi 1.xx es idők...
    Sose lesz már olyan.

  • Tschaby
    Töröld ki teljesen a pb mappáját. Tölts le egy friss PB telepítőt és tedd fel nyersen. Frissítsd, próbáld.
  • AndrewCB
    Valaki tudna segíteni? Állandóan kirúg a PB miatt.

    Lefrissítettem már mauálisan és PB setuppal is. Elvégeztem a pbsvc tesztet is, mindent rendben talált. Mégis bármelyik szerverre felmegyek, kb 5-10 perc után kirúg!

    Sima WinXP 32bites op rendszer. Steam-es verzió.
  • Ben007
    hogy lehet barátot hozzáadni steam-nél? amikor kiválasztom hogy add friend akkor kidob valami szöveget hogy some features....you have games in your steam account na de van játék hozzáadva az AA3
  • Borg
    Frissitettem a topik fejlécet is.

    (És igen, a piros szöveg még mindig érvényes! csak akkor engedik újra, ha már látják hogy ez a patch teljesen jó)
  • spytime9
    ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ gyerekek kurva jó lett az új patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Minden jó!!! rang,lag bár nekem meg meg van a beragadós fegyver búg!!

    De isten király ez az eddigi legjobb verzió!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mighty
    Ok. Közben megjött a patch.
  • [Rush]
    Horvát o.-ban vagyok még kb 10 napig najd útána
  • Mighty
  • [negativ] Cirek
    én sem vagyok online kb másfél hónapja, talán jövőhéten már tudok nyomatni kicsit :)
    de amikor játszom, akkor vagyok TSen :)
  • [HUN]Crassus
    ááá most offline vagyok egy ideje
  • Mighty
    Ma kötötték be a digit, este meccs után ismét játszahok :)

    Rush, Robi, Cirek, stb jelentkezz!!!
  • Borg
    Még nincs release, mielőtt valaki megkérdezi.
  • Borg
    As promised, here's your first look at what's in store for the AA3.0.6 update:

    AA3.0.6 Release Notes


    * Corrected error that sometimes resulted in hangs when starting
    training missions
    * Fixes single player sprint/dive failing to bring back weapon after
    grenade toss
    * Adds a "valid hit" audio prompt to AIT Advanced Rifleman to make it
    easier to understand when the player is doing it correctly
    * Adjusts the "valid hit" text prompt in AIT Advanced Rifleman so it
    disappears sooner so the reappearance of it on a second hit is more obvious
    * Addressed issue where firing rounds in AIT SDM early would prevent
    the player from completing AIT SDM
    * Fixes incorrect colors on correct/incorrect text on the CLS AAR
    * Fix for close menu and double menus in training levels
    * CLS AAR now shows the CLS achievement if earned
    * SDM AAR now correctly displays the hit location on the targets


    * TS3 voice rules now work correctly after map rotation
    * Corrected issue where mission success wasn't reporting properly if
    you weren't alive at the end of the round
    * Restored incapacitated ROE handling so shooting incapacitated
    players again will give you ROE violations
    * Grenadier role fixed so the M83 smoke grenades will appear in the
    role selection screen
    * Medic treatments will work when victim is within a vault mantle
    volume without triggering the vault mantle action
    * Client will now cleanup old stat cache files on start up
    * Removes "player didn't play in round" server logging message
    * All grenades will now properly display for all class types
    * Fixes weapon vanishing when player crouch/slides after a grenade is
    * Fix for going prone weapon vanishing after grenade toss
    * Setting "Brightness" now saves properly
    * Added numerous Server Browser enhancements for performance
    * Activates primary weapon after sprinting if player no longer has a
    * Weapon is now unzoomed/lowered when changing weapons
    * Fixes touching M714 smoke round so it no longer gives impact damage
    if it has no velocity
    * Interrupted reloads now return to the previous weapon fire mode
    * Fixes issues related to loadout at spawn
    * Fixes leaning players not being able to be hit in the head
    * Fix for grenades incorrectly triggering overpressure effects
    * Rounds are now locked to 6 rounds plus an optional OT round. Final
    round countdown is also locked to 10 seconds to avoid too short a time preventing correct round setup actions from occurring
    * Fixes issue in some AARs that were displaying the incorrect rank
    * Fix for being stuck in ACOG 4x zoom when using breath control
    * Fix for battle planner Area of Operations losing functionality in
    lower areas of map
    * M249 reload should be corrected for soft bag ammo
    * Fixed CLS treatment menu so it should always appear (when
    * Players will no longer be kicked for an "Early ROE Kick" when
    killing an enemy player in the "early roe kick" period at the start of the round
    * Adds logging of PB kick messages to AA3Launch.log on the client and
    modifies message box to reference log file
    * Potential fix for SL's (or VIP) not properly spawning when the
    Alpha fire team leader (who SL/VIP are typically part of) choose the non-default spawn location
    * Fix for enemy secured count not being included with enemy confirmed
    in Mission AAR
    * Fix in settings -> interface -> chat box for players choosing a
    message type that is already used in another area so now they switch locations
    * Multiple fixes to interrupting weapon reloads. Interrupted reloads
    should no longer allow you to fire while reloading or meleeing
    * Fixed graphical glitches where the reload animation would continue
    to play even after cancelled, or where the m249 bullet chain would become detached after an interrupt
    * Fixed killing self with grenade so it no longer sends you to
    Leavenworth or gives you ROE violations (although damage to teammates will still generate ROE)
    * Corrected first deployment cinematic
    * Fixes for enemy neutralized per round counter(and other round
    counters) not resetting every round
    * Kill/Death Ratio UI display now rounded to the nearest tenth
    * Fix for quick weapon swap inconsistency
    * Soldiers incapacitated with raised sights now lower their sights
    prior to going incapacitated which should fix the issue of the "large gun" view after being incapacitated
    * Preplanner objective buttons should no longer be off the edge and
    not be able to be clicked
    * Melee and M320 incapacitations should now count correctly
    * Radial menus should no longer interrupt firing until they fade in
    * Fix for VIP being incapacitated with no live teammates not awarding
    objective points as well as mission ending
    * Fix for melee working through walls if enemy soldier up against
    opposite side of wall
    * Modified appearance of CTT background
    * Fix for players being pushed to wrong walk speed state after
    transitioning between raised sights up and sprinting. Now restores previous state correctly
    * You can now use the middle mouse button for reloads and mouse
    button input is cleared when the radial menu appears
    * Fix for VIP who is incapacitated and then later secured or
    confirmed not triggering the VIP victory
    * Fixes door sounds to work in multiplayer
    * Fix for end of round AAR not always showing the correct winning
    action player
    * Fix for TAH briefing not having correct text
    * Fix for FOV not right after being capacitated if player was holding breath when they were incapacitated
    * Fixes a bug that was causing a aimpoint-scoped m249 to display the soldier's arm intersecting with the ammo case/softbag
    * Fixes a bug which was allowing players to shoot while vaulting/mantling *Corrects loadout handling so that separate fireteams now correctly use the proper index into the team class role list to get the loadout
    * Fixes a bug that would allow a soldier to vault/mantle while reloading a weapon (or reload a weapon while vault/mantling)

    Stats & UI

    * Rank display corrected
    * Fixes advanced rifleman related achievements so SL's and FTL's are
    considered advanced rifleman and can earn the achievements
    * Fixes maximum length of player or soldier name issues
    * Adjusted the soldier overview statistics
    * Fixes exploit relating to disabling fog by disabling
    FloatingPointRenderTargets in the INI
    * Stick to the plan achievement fixed
    * Soldier achievements should never overflow the maximum actions
    required to earn an achievement in the Achievements UI
    * Several achievement rules corrected
    * Corrects Advancement Points not being awarded properly for
    completing training missions
    * Adds messaging when achievements are earned on server without
    enough players
    * V for Victory scoring rules corrected
    * Account linking should now work
    * Account settings page now has very brief instructions on using the
    "unit information" (clan) tag field
    * Account settings should no longer show old information if player
    logs out and then creates a new account or logs in with a different account
    * Login button should once again be highlighted
    * Video Settings resolution selection should work better now
    (drop-down controls were replaced with better controls)
    * Map vote functionality restored
    * Vote kick UI now has room for all player names
    * Fixes for when vote kick target leaves server - - the vote kick option
    now fades out
    * Settings UI: Modified the way the Accept and Cancel buttons
    highlight and change state to avoid player confusion
    * Settings UI: Resolution adjustment for 4:3 ratios now work properly
    * Fixed several menu issues that could result in locking movement
    (or not locking movement)
    * Vanishing angled brackets (greater than/less than symbols) no
    longer hide the players name
    * Support for joining a server from the aa3game.exe command line (use
    format "+connect <IP Address>" and optional "+password <password>"). You will still need to log into the game but immediately after logging in you will join the specified server
    * UI corrections to several Army information pages
    * Fixes several Mission Completed scoring rules which will now allow
    the various distinguished role achievements to function properly
    * Fix for group handling logic so players in multiple groups have
    their groups prioritized
    * Added message sent to all players if 3 or fewer players are on
    teams so they know scoring won't count
    * Fix for account settings profile update data saving/updating so
    that you can navigate away from and back to the menu and see your changes without having to login again


    * VIP standard loadout on Impact now has the correct number of
    * TAH volume on Impact can no longer be taken from below the building
    * Impact now has a moving Firescout
    * Fixed Impact level exploit where players could prone/crouch their way out of world
    * Fixed Impact level bug where grenades could be thrown through wooden fence on SW Street *Fixed several rock collision and a collision problem on the stairs of the house in Ranch level *Fixed Collision problem with not being able to shoot through fence in Ranch barn

    Admin & Misc

    * In game IRC now sends the game version in the link
    * Several support and community page links corrected
    * New Authentication SDK with several fixes
    * New MBS SDK with several fixes and performance improvements
    * Fix for the PB kick when the player has PB intentionally disabled
    corrupting the player count on the server
    * Updated the OpenAL DLL's included with the game to the latest from
    * Fix for Alt-Tab crash when using Vista (or DX9 in general)
    * Fix for performing radial menu action leaving left mouse button in
    pressed state
    * Admin communications console commands should now work correctly
    * Server admins can no longer pick a team and no longer appear in the
    team select list
    * Administrators no longer need to enter the GamePassword on locked
    servers if they use the correct AdminPW
    * AdminRemovePlayerAdmin response message corrected
  • Ben007
    nekem a far cry kettő elfut full grafon ez meg csak minimumun
  • modellmaker
    én meg azt mondtam, hogy a gránát dobálás is része a trainingnek, amit még mindig nem kéne csinálni.
  • GaBenc
    Gyenge? Hát mit csináltak ezek. Értem én, hogy nem egy új darab, de azért csak csak 2 magos.
  • Dragooon #59988
    azt írtam hogy megcsináltam hibátlanul és ekkor is failed felirat várt

    egyébként helyrejött, menüből mehettem át következőre, szóval lényegtelen már, köszi a választ azért
  • Borg
    Hát, a proci lehet hogy gyenge lesz hozzá. Ki kéne próbálnod, mert a CSS-nél azért többet kér enni.
  • GaBenc
    Meséljetek nekem. P820 3.5-re húzva, 4670 1Gb, 2Gb rammal, 25/3 nettel játszható ez a játék?
  • modellmaker
    szted a gránátos training nem része a trainingnek??
  • Dragooon #59984
    elkezdtem ismét játszani ezzel a játékkal, örömmel láttam hogy amióta nem nyúltam hozzá megváltozott valamennyire:)
    lenne egy kérdésem, nem tudom hogy volt-e téma, vagy a piros szöveg erre is vonatkozik-e, ha igen, akkor elnézést..

    szóval, gránátos traininget csináltam és 6/6 betalált, meg is dicsérnek, elküldenek, de a végén mégis hatalmas piros failed szöveg vár.
    valamit én csinálok rosszul, vagy bug, vagy mi?
  • Debilon
    hát nem
  • Ben007
    akkor csak nálam ilyen szar?
  • Borg
    Ti milyen fekete csíkokról beszéltek? Nekem 4:3-ban 1280x1024, és sehol semmi csík..
  • Ben007
    8600gt-n el kéne futnia full grafikán vagy nem?
  • Ben007
    bekaphatják tőlünk nyugatabbra
  • repvez
    mert tölunk nyugatabra már alig játszik valaki 4:3-as felbontáson CRT monitoron
  • Ben007
    de miért?
  • modellmaker
    direkt ilyen.
  • Ben007
    és egyébként várható hogy csinálnak ezzel valamit?
  • Ben007
    mind a 2-ő?márpedig azért nem veszek új monitort
  • armageddon666
    nagy hiba...
  • modellmaker
    az a fekete csík 4:3 arányú monitornál mindig ott lesz.
  • Ben007
    a-a de most kezdem újra letölteni a játékot