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  • KreeztalCODE
    isz kakung!
  • The Garrett
    öööö IGidaaaaa

    vagy valami ilyensmi...
  • KreeztalCODE

    Ézsió jügedaaaaa
  • KreeztalCODE
    LOLLA! ^.^
  • The Garrett

  • Petko
    ja a tigris csucstechnika volt, es nem volt ellenfele a csatateren, csak meregdraga volt, es a korai szakaszban sok mernoki bugot raktak bele. Kesobb kijavitottak, de mar nem volt penz hogy sokat gyartsanak belole, ezzelszemben t34 esek meg olcsok voltak es a vilagon eddigi lenagyobb szamban legyartott tank lett.
  • The Garrett
    Nem nem voltak gyengék a stalinII volt az egyik legjobban felpáncélozott tank. De a német king tiger (uberfasza tank). Akkora löveget lőtt ki hogy egyszerűen átszakította még azt is. Azt nem mondták hogy pont az elején lehet hogy hátulról (ott gyengébb a páncél. De tény hogy a king Tigereknek nem volt ellenfele.
  • KreeztalCODE
    valoban ... a ruszki tankok nagy erossege volt az a loszer ami olyan lukat utott mint QuiGonba a dzsedikard ^.^ ha jol tudom ... szoval azert a ruszkik nem voltak olyan nagyon gyengek ^.^
  • rusland
    garett ez nem igy megy
    ezek NEM tenyek hogy egy lovessel atlehetett loni a stalin2 tankot
    amugy csak egy nev: T34
  • The Garrett
    jah Peeeersze!!!! a legfontosabb: HOL A GYALÁSÓ??? mert milyen király is lenne az. Beássa magát/vagy a bombát pl az engdzsiner a homokba és nem látná az ellen
  • The Garrett
    tényleg kellene balta a gamebe tuti azzal nyomulnék... vagy varázslat :D
  • Norbi2K
    a shermaneket megette reggelire
  • NaNa
    Sziasztok! Ma nem lessz GAME???
  • KreeztalCODE
    ha jol emlekszem valahogy ugy fogalmaztak meg, hogy egy Tigris 5 Shermant is konnyeden elintezett ... de mindig 6 Sherman volt ra ^.^
  • The Garrett
    ja ja lesz Stálingrád és ott nem lesz kegyelem
  • Norbi2K
    remélem a game ben lesz orosz pálya, ha jol emlékszem történelmi tanulmányaimra 42-ben már jártak arra a nácik:)
  • Norbi2K
    hát ja a tigris volt a legjobb a ww2 alatt, mindenkit szétzuzott, nem volt ellensége
  • Norbi2K
    az egy nagyon jo sorozat, elég gyakran megy, nézzétek
    discovery channel rulz!
  • The Garrett
    Ehh micsoda műsor volt a TV-ben. Tesóm elfoglalta a csetet és a TV ewlé számázött DE NEM BÁNTAM MEG.
    discovery channel: EKKRA betűkkel kiírva hogy


    Na mondom rosz már nem lehet. És nem is. RÉszletesen bemutatták az összes német és orosz egységet valamint n.o egész keleti hadjáratát.
    a tankokról repülőkről emberekről fegyverekről részletes ismertetők stb....

    És itt kezdtem rájönni a BF hibáira: bár ahogy lentebb olvastam nem a realizmus volt az első hanem a játszhatóság.
    DE panzerfaust v panzerscreck ből 2 max 3 lövés kellett egy tankba nem 4-5 mint itt a gameben. a német tankok 1 azaz 1 lövéssel átütötték a legdurvább orosz tank a stalinII (asszem ez volt a neve) 110mm es páncélját... és a német király tigris tankon 4!!! gépágyú volt a játékban fellelhető 1 helyett. a "gyengébb" tankokon is minimum3 volt...

    de nembaj... mindenesetre király kis műsör volt. aki teheti nézze meg

    RUSLAND: neked kötelező! (hátha kiábrándulsz az orosz mentalitásból...
  • KreeztalCODE
    xb0xhead nem unod? mert szerintem en mar nagyon ^.^
  • KreeztalCODE
    en letoltottem az NWN-t meg az IWD2-t ... es egy CD-t se pazartam rajuk ^.^

    nem lett eleg pazar a jatek ... ^.^
  • Xboxman
    Komolyan szivi?
  • G. Joe
  • G. Joe
    De ha le se tölti, akkor nem pazar egyet sem!!
  • KreeztalCODE
    vagy nyomhatod ISOrol is. es akkor meg CD-t se pazarolsz ^.^
  • KreeztalCODE
    Jamil (azaz Saracen) az jo arc ^.^ egyszer kurva jot jatszottam vele (is) ... meg One Eye es Zucot ... azok tiszta nem normalisak ^.^
  • Maxxx


  • Goodwill
    najó talán megér az kettőt is :D
  • I.C.ram
    2 CD lesz, szóval látom veled már nem fogok találkozni a játékban :)
  • Goodwill
    mikor jön ki a full? 1 cd-t talán megér...
  • DF|Sylvie
    A görögökkel való szolidalitás miatt.
  • The Garrett
    nem megy egyse
  • The Garrett
    jesszus mári végigolvastam... semmmi olyat nem mondanak amit eddig ne tudtunk volna...
  • G. Joe
    orosz verzio nem volt!
  • rusland
    uff hat en ezt el nem olvasom
  • G. Joe
    Olvassatok cikket Jamillal, mert az jó:

    Battlefield 1942 Interview
    September 5, 2002 by: Maarten Goldstein

    A few weeks ago the Battlefield 1942 multi-player demo was released. This game surprised quite a few people, especially those who had not tried the single-player demo. It was good, real good. Assistant producer Jamil Dawsari from EA Games was kind enough to answer a few questions about the game.
    Shack: Can you start with giving us a basic overview of the game?

    Jamil: I think our lead programmer Johan Persson said it best, "Take all the best things from FPS shooters, tank sims, ship sims, flying sims and even submarine sims and put them together in one single action game where there are no limits at all, and there you have our game. The other WW-II shooters are but a small part of what you will experience in Battlefield 1942. "

    'nuff said?

    Shack: What really sets this game apart from other first person shooters?

    Jamil: Well, a couple of things really, the first is it's a totally new game engine, Refractor 2. Unlike other engines, R2 can handle everything from huge landscapes, big ships, fast aircraft and individual soldiers...all in the same environment. You're looking at an engine which runs models made up of thousands of polys (4K for a soldier (with facial animations), 2k for a jeep, 10k for the battleship) AND still gives you framerate of over 45 fps on your mid- to high-end machines.

    Add to that the game's focus...action, pure and simple. When you hear people swapping their favorite in-game stories you know you've got something special. Whether it's the tank team who destroy a jeep as it's careening towards them, only to have the jeep go airborne and take out the machine-gunner in the cupola...sheer comedy! Or the pilot who bails out of his flaming plane and watches its carcass slam into the AA gun which shot him down as his buddy in the two-seat dive-bomber zips by and picks him up in mid-air. Its all about those special moments which make you sit back and go...wow...did that REALLY just happen?

    Shack: What do you get to do in the single player part of the game?

    Jamil: Our unofficial motto is, "We bring you the war, now it's up to you to fight it!"... The single-player game will not be scripted. It will be a free-flowing combat scenario with specific objectives. How you accomplish it will be up to you. What's even better, the AI will not be scripted...so you'll have to be extra careful...just because your AI opponent attacked you with airplanes last time, doesn't mean that's what he'll do this time.

    Shack: Has it been hard striking a balance between realism and fun?

    Jamil: Not at all. Our entire goal has been fun, action-oriented gameplay. While our levels, our models, and the physics are close to realistic...the gameplay has always been geared towards fun. This has made the grognards out there grouse because the Tiger tank doesn't "act" like a Tiger should...or that it should hold more people...or should move slower...but that's all secondary to the gameplay for us. We've balanced all the vehicles and handweapons so that no one of them is the uber-weapon. Think of rock, paper and scissors...and that's BF1942. You come at me in an airplane, I'll jump in the AA gun. You've got a battleship? No worries, I'll snag the submarine. Here comes a tank...well, lemme sit back here in my mobile artillery and shell you back to the stone age. It's all about fun game balance and action.

    Shack: Battlefield 1942 will ship with some 35 different vehicles. The demo already features a few jeeps, tanks and planes among other things. What more can we expect?

    Jamil: We'll have light tanks, heavy tanks, fighters, landing craft, destroyers, dive-bombers, heavy bombers, submarines, anti-air guns, APC’s, jeeps, artillery…...and battleships…is that enough for ya?

    Shack: Which additional weapons will find their way into the full version of the game?

    Jamil: As far as the handweapons are concerned? Well, the demo has all the kits included in the full game , that includes all the handweapons. However, while we're on the topic, allow me to address certain comments about the weapons used in game. While it would have been great to include all of the realistic weapons for all the sides...it just wasn't practical. We have limited resources and time...so, that's why all the Allies use the same weapons and share many of the same vehicles...ditto the Axis forces. More importantly, we needed to balance the sides out...and if we had diverse weapons loadouts...that would have made the tuning period hella long. So, that's that....grouse all ya want - the prerogative of soldiers everywhere- but don't let it stop you from enjoying the game.

    Shack: What type of level locations will we see?

    Jamil: Alot...everything from city to desert, from ocean to coastline, from forest to open fields....whatever your preference is we've got it.

    Shack: Ok lets start the questions about the multiplayer options with a few questions based on the demo. First of all, right now it seems that tank battles or multiple planes can seriously slow down the game for people even with the fastest system. Is this a known issue and is it being worked on?

    Jamil: Hurm, this may be more about the server than the client. We've noticed alot of people who host a 32-player game on their cable-modem. While we appreciate the enthusiasm that would be a no-no. If you've played on any of the other high-end servers with good bandwidth connection, you'll notice that the performance is much better. As for any other performance hits...well, we will be watching the online experience very, very carefully. Without the online community, we're not going to get very far. We feel we're on to something special here, and we'll be addressing any major issues which spring up as quickly as possible. For example, we heard what people said about support for All Seeing Eye and for improved refresh rate support...well, we just released a patch which addressed those and a few more issues.

    Shack: Also, there seems to be little to no feedback right now when you hit players. Especially when you're shooting from a distance you have no idea if you're hitting someone. Is this something you're looking at changing?

    Jamil: Actually, the other person's model WILL animate when you hit him....a slight pause, which gives you some feedback. And when you hit a friendly you'll get an audio cue letting you know that was a bad thing you just did. As for blood or other graphics...no, we haven't included that for now. If we determine that this is a serious gameplay handicap, we may revisit it.

    Shack: Will there be a server retry option? Now there's just a "server is full" message and then you get kicked back to the menu.

    Jamil: We just released a patch for the demo which will address this...basically, it will accurately show the number of players in a server. Other than that, we haven't included a server retry option...good idea, tho'.

    Shack: It seems a lot of people started demo servers on their cable modems and still crank up the amount of players to 32. Can you tell us how much bandwidth you actually need to comfortably host a 32 player game?

    Jamil: This has been the biggest challenge for people hosting games. Right now, you're going to need at least a T1 or better to host anything more than 16-players. The reason is the server handles all of the network load for the game. So, we'll continue to optimize this...and any improvements will be included in patches...but for the best possible performance you're looking at:

    CPU/NETWORK 128kbit 256kbit 512kbit T1(1.4mbit) > 2Mbit 10Mbit > T3(45Mbit)
    Pentium 3 500Mhz 2

    Pentium 3 800Mhz 2

    Pentium 3 1.3Ghz 2

    Pentium 4 2Ghz 2
    64 (map specific)

    Shack: Is there anything else you're changing / have changed due to player feedback after the release of the single- and multi-player demo?

    Jamil: Heh...yeah, we've modified the interface in the in-game browser. Now you'll be able to see what the performance limitations of the server that's hosting the game is. Plus, we'll be adding remote console capabilities for the server admin soon . We've also added support for All Seeing Eye and vid cards with higher refresh rates (man, there aren't many of those guys...but they ARE loud...*grin*).

    Shack: Sometimes companies put the best level in a game demo, with the retail game shipping with levels that are of a lot lesser quality.

    Jamil: Well, with 16 levels it's all going to be about your personal preference. If you're into ship vs ship combat, you'll be playing Midway or Guadalcanal; if you're into mad tank battles you'll be on Kursk or Battle of the Bulge; if you're into the air combat try Gazala or Kharkov; and if you're into the infantry battles try Stalingrad or Berlin. Add to that 4 game modes ranging from Conquest, Capture the Flag, Coop or Team Death Match...and we're going to see ALL of the levels played.

    Shack: How does the Wake Island level compare to what levels in the full version has to offer?

    Jamil: Hurm, well, it hits our core objective which is to deliver addictive, non-stop action. With the full version, whether you're playing single-player, Coop, or multiplayer you'll always be in the middle of the action. Add to that all 35 vehicles, all 16 maps, all 4 game modes, and hours and hours of your time spent playing online... well, how's that for something to offer?

    Shack: How many levels can we expect anyway.

    Jamil: 16 missions across 4 theaters: Pacific, North Africa, Western Europe and Eastern Europe. They include: Wake Island, Midway, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima; Omaha Beach, Bocage, Battle of the Bulge, Market Garden, Gazala, Tobruk, El Alamein, BattleAxe, Stalingrad, Kursk, Kharkov, and finally Berlin.

    Shack: And are those levels roughly the same size of Wake Island, or are there bigger ones?

    Jamil: Actually, Wake is one of our smaller levels at least in it's land area . The maps range from 1x1 km to levels as big as 4x4km...when you have an aircraft carrier which measures almost 300 meters...you need alot of room. Big maps like Gazala, Midway and Battle of the Bulge allow massive action across a huge terrain. Then you've got smaller maps like Berlin, Stalingrad and BattleAxe which allow for a more, ah, intimate experience. And then, of course, you've got everything in between.

    Shack: Voice communication seems to be slowly becoming the next popular thing in multiplayer games. Will the full version of Battlefield 1942 support voice communication?

    Jamil: We haven't integrated anything specific to BF1942. But people have reported using Roger Wilco successfully.

    Shack: Do you have any plans for a Linux server port?

    Jamil: Yes. We've successfully ported it over to Linux. All that's left is testing...which will be extensive. So, don't expect it out when the game ships...but sometime thereafter.

    Shack: Will people be able to modify the game in any way?

    Jamil: The game will ship with a map editor...but it's really rough. People who have made maps for other games won't find it too difficult to pick up. Unfortunately, all our efforts have been on finalizing the game...so we haven't spent any resources are on improving the editor's interface. We'll actually be revising the editor...so look for it in a few months with all the bells and whistles. We're also investigating what it would take to allow the mod community to add their contributions to the game. Look for more details in the months to come.

    Shack: And finally, when should we expect the game to show up in stores.

    Jamil: Soon. Very, very soon. Extremely soon

  • DonnieBrasco
    Okés mél ment
  • DonnieBrasco
    Kell önéletrajz meg motivációs levél is ? :))
  • DonnieBrasco
    na mégsem lesz saját klánalapítás ? :)

    Az a baj hogy túl sok játék van, idő meg túl kevés.. munka sux :))
  • Rincewind
    Adj egy ICQ számot és megkereslek!