  • masoma
    CU és NGE előtti vagy utáni verziót ölel fel magába ez az swgemu?
  • shaaktii
    Már régóta lehet jedit tesztelni, csak senki sem akarja addig elvinni a karit a teszt centeren ha úgyis törlik alig fél éven belül...
  • BreakDown89
    "(unstable)[Added] Bluefrog near Paemos in Village on Dathomir"

    Ez mit takar? Lehet tesztelni a jedi proffokat a Test Centeren? Vagy csak randomba lerakták oda.
  • BreakDown89
    A Roadmaps alapján nekem úgy tűnik hamarosan beér a projekt a finishbe. Nem kis öröm lenne egy nyári start. Remélem nem csak az optimizmus íratja ezt velem.
  • shaaktii
    Oké felvettelek barát listára bár most nem vagytok online, vagy csak altoztok.
  • BooMiller
    Letettünk egy várost éppen most, természetesen ugyan oda ahol Starsideren volt:) Sokan nem vagyunk 4-5-en de jöhetsz nyugodtan "Inat" néven szoktam lenni:) írj rám ingame.
  • shaaktii
    Szóval szívesen csatlakoznék hozzátok, ha játszotok még
  • shaaktii
    Szívesen csatlakoznék hozzátok játszotok még
  • BooMiller
    4-5-en nyomjuk most:)) tekjesen jol mukodik mostmar... Jokis starsideres renegate csapat:))
  • MirandaBrill
    Én is tervezem, hogy visszamegyek
  • BooMiller
    Én tolom:) Éppen újra tanulok mindent:D
  • MirandaBrill
    Játszik még valaki?
  • shaaktii
    Feltölötték a publish 6-t de folyton lelövik a szervert mert valami nem oké.
  • AnuluWork #6902
  • shaaktii
    Az nem de a zűr igen.
  • AnuluWork #6900
    Már benne van az űr?
  • BooMiller
  • shaaktii
    A Publish 6 feltöltésre került....

    Publish 6: AI Strikes Back


    Improved server stability
    Improved server performance
    Added a new Artificial Intelligence system (see AI section)
    Added additional unit tests to verify that mobile/lair templates have valid values


    New types of spawns have been implemented (dynamic/theater)
    Added many new random spawns to all planets
    Random spawns in the wild will now generally spawn further apart
    Spawns should no longer end up outside of planetary boundaries
    Mobs left behind when a lair is destroyed will now despawn on their own if not killed
    Lairs (and their mobs) will now despawn on their own if no players are nearby for a time
    The sarlaccs on Tatooine and Dathomir will now disease players who wander too close without protection
    Added some static spawns to Naboo, Endor, and Dantooine
    Changed the static spawns at the Sulfur Lake Pirate Hideout on Lok to the correct ones
    Added static spawns to the Gas Mine on Lok
    Added static spawns to the Imperial Research Facility on Lok
    The number of spawns at a destroy mission now varies with the mission's difficulty
    Ben Kenobi's house is now off limits
    The rebel hideout on Corellia now has the correct turrets (and they'll now respawn)


    Many mobs had one or more of their stats/details corrected
    Adjusted the size of most creatures
    Fixed the default ranged attack animation for creatures
    Modified the accuracy calculation for npcs/creatures/turrets
    Added wound chance to some npc weapons that were missing it
    The npc version of the nightsister energy lance now properly does energy damage
    Creature disease and poison dots should tick for more reasonable amounts
    Turrets will now attack a random ham pool rather than always health
    Turret attacks now consider mitigation and posture, will break attack delays, and can now cause wounds
    Non-GCW faction npcs will now consider a player's faction with their group when deciding whether to be aggressive or not
    Faction gains/losses from PvE kills are now based on the level of mob that was killed rather than being a static amount
    Rewrote faction recruiter conversations and fixed some bugs with them
    More junk dealers are now fully functional
    Npcs/creatures will no longer react to, attack, or follow invisible staff characters


    Many mobs will now wander about when not in combat
    Pack type mobs will now assist one another when attacked
    AI can now attack other AI and will aggro enemies if they wander too close
    AI will now return to their spawn point if pulled too far away
    Improved AI awareness logic


    Added Event Promoter npcs with a limited selection of decorations for rent
    Added Bestine museum event
    Added Cries of Alderaan Act 1 event
    Added the 2004 Wookiee Life Day event/quest (available during December)
    Added/rewrote all Geo Lab conversations
    Fixed issues with Geo Lab door unlocking
    Key cards in the Geo Lab should now be obtainable and functional
    Geo lab keypads can now be sliced open
    Fixed several issues with the Warren

    Theme Parks/Quests

    Fixed many issues with theme park/quest NPC conversations
    Factional quests can no longer be attempted while on leave
    Added support for quests with a destructible building
    Enemy quest targets are now more aggressive towards the one with the quest
    Group members can now assist with theme parks/quests provided the quest owner is nearby
    Escort targets will now take on the faction and status of the player attempting to escort them and will be attackable while being escorted
    Hedon Istee quest line now requires an elite combat profession to undertake
    Rewrote RIS armor quest and fixed some issues with it
    Added Record Keeper npcs
    Added Nym's theme park
    Added Lady Valarian theme park
    Added Zicx bug bomb quest line
    Added Polished krayt skull quest line
    Added Lady Hutt quest line
    Added Arven Wendik quest line
    Added Blerx Tango quest line
    Added Boss Nass quest line
    Added Bren Kingal quest line
    Added Champhra Biahin quest line
    Added Chertyl Ruluwoor quest line
    Added Coraline Dynes quest line
    Added Corran Horn quest line
    Added Denell Kel'Vannon quest line
    Added Didina Lippinoss quest line
    Added Farious Gletch quest line
    Added Fixer quest line
    Added Gilker Budz quest line
    Added Ging Darjeek quest line
    Added Gins Darone quest line
    Added Gramm Rile quest line
    Added Hal Horn quest line
    Added Haleen Snowline and Hagrin Zeed quest lines
    Added Huff Zinga quest line
    Added Igbi Freemo quest line
    Added Ikka Gesul quest line
    Added Irenez and Garm Bel Iblis quest line
    Added Jadam Questrel quest line
    Added Jaleela Bindoo quest line
    Added Jilljoo Jab quest line
    Added Kaeline Ungasan quest line
    Added Kirkin Liawoon quest line
    Added Kormund Thrylle quest line
    Added Leb Slesher quest line
    Added Lergo Brazee quest line
    Added Lian Byrne quest line
    Added Lorne Prestar quest line
    Added Lt. Harburik quest line
    Added Luthin Dlunar quest line
    Added Mourno Draver quest line
    Added Mozo Bondog and Dolac Legasi quest line
    Added Mullud Bombo quest line
    Added Noren Krast quest line
    Added Nurla Slinthiss quest line
    Added Om Aynat quest line
    Added Oxil Sarban quest line
    Added Palejo Reshad quest line
    Added Phinea Shantee quest line
    Added Radlee Mathiss quest line
    Added Raxa Binn quest line
    Added Rovim Minnoni quest line
    Added Ruwan Tokai quest line
    Added Sergeant Tarl and Gillad Pellaeon quest lines
    Added Sidoras Bey quest line
    Added Sigrix Slix quest line
    Added Sindra Lintikoor quest line
    Added Slooni Jong quest line
    Added Stella quest line
    Added Stoos Olko quest line
    Added Talon Karrde quest line
    Added Tamvar Senzen quest line
    Added Thrackan Sal Solo quest line
    Added Tolan Nokkar quest
    Added Vana Sage quest line
    Added Vordin Sildor quest line
    Added Wallaw Loowobbli quest line
    Added Wilhalm Skrim and Prefect Talmont quest line
    Added Xalox Guul quest line
    Added Xarot Korlin quest line


    Out of range messages from intimidate use are now only broadcast to the player who used the command
    Bleeds from weapon dots will now consider the target's bleed resist skill
    Bleeds from special attacks will now consider the target's combat bleeding defense skill
    Poison and disease from weapon dots and combat medics will now consider the target's poison/disease resist skill
    Fires from weapon dots will now consider the target's fire resist skill
    Accuracy while moving skill mods now function to reduce the penalty to accuracy caused by moving
    Weapon range modifier now displays next to one's target
    Fixed an exploit that allowed a player to get more xp than intended
    Counterattacks will now attack
    It is no longer possible to attack with a ranged weapon while prone and in melee range
    Commands with a verbal component will now only have it broadcast a minimum of once every 30 seconds.
    NPCs can now be affected by dizzy
    The stunned state now properly reduces damage done



    Padded armor belts can now be crafted with sockets


    Pet deeds now have stats and can be tamed or sampled from
    Unattackable creatures can no longer be sampled from

    Bounty Hunter:

    Bounty mission targets will no longer be aggressive or stalkers
    Added a few more possible bounty mission targets
    The direction and distance reported by a BH droid should now be accurate if you're inside a structure when the droid reports back
    Arakyd droids should no longer land inside structures, but will no longer follow you
    Arakyd droids will now despawn if not used after a time


    It is now possible to intimidate, taunt, and warcry while kneeling
    Fixed the unarmed damage skill mod not adding as much damage as it should


    All carbineer cone attacks have had their cone width increased
    Wild shot 2 is now a cone attack


    High quality Parwan Nutricake should no longer leave one permanently tired
    Parwan Nutricake and K-18 rations should now properly reduce burst run's HAM cost and can no longer be used while burst run is active

    Creature Handler:

    Tamed pets will now retain the (baby) in their name until explicitly renamed
    A pet must now be taught 4 unique commands in order to be named
    Pet level checks when trading and calling now considers the pet's adult level
    Pets will now show their master's name when examined
    Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a baby to remain unattackable when taming doesn't complete properly
    Pets can now attack in PvE and CH xp can be gained via PvE combat
    Faction awards from PvP kills will now go to a pet's owner if the pet gets the kill
    Pets will now obey the stay and follow commands when in combat
    When exiting combat, pets will now return to their pre-combat stay/follow state
    Pets should now always appear next to you when called
    It's now possible to group your pets when you aren't the group leader
    There is now a system message when destroying a pet control device
    Dead or incapacitated pets will no longer respond to commands issued via /tellpet
    Pets issued the attack command will remain focused on the command's target until it dies or they are issued a new command
    Pets will now switch targets when ordered to via the attack command
    Pets will now respond more promptly to commands issued to them while in combat

    Droid Engineer:

    Droids now require power in order to obey the group command
    Interplanetary survey droids are now functional

    Image Designer:

    The image design process will now properly pull credits from both cash and bank


    Fixed several bugs in preparation for the day Jedi will be attainable


    Fixed xp granted by healing, tending wounds, and enhancing
    /healdamage will now work properly if a lair/turret is targeted
    It's no longer possible to buff/heal wounds while outdoors in a medical center city


    Selling an item from stockroom will no longer count the item's size twice in the item limit check
    Retrieving an item from a vendor now considers the item's size when checking inventory space
    Re-listing an item from stockroom should no longer move the item to the vendor you're at if it was on a different vendor
    It will no longer be possible to place items for sale if the merchant has more vendors than their maximum
    Vendor names on overhead and planetary maps will no longer include the "Vendor: " prefix
    Droid/terminal vendors in player cities will no longer use the city's name when registered
    A vendor is now properly considered empty when nothing is for sale (regardless of what else may be on the vendor)
    It should no longer be possible to register an empty vendor
    Vendors can no longer be renamed
    Fixed the subject of vendor emails sent when a sale expires


    An email will now be sent to citizens when someone registers to run for mayor
    Fixed text in some city maintenance emails
    Street lamps can now be placed closer to buildings


    Attempting to harvest a resource that a creature does not have will now give an error message rather than randomly distributing a different resource
    Fixed the level displayed when those with the appropriate skill examine a baby creature
    Added milk to a few more creatures
    Mask scent and Conceal should now function


    Fixed many ship part/component schematics

    Squad Leader:

    The speed of squad leader commands is no longer based on your equipped weapon's speed
    Squad leader commands now only apply their affects to groups members of the appropriate faction and standing relative to the squad leader


    Fixed the skill needed for certification with the Black Sun Executioner's Hack


    Stats on looted items will now have more variability
    Weapons no longer decay when cloning and no longer can be insured
    Fixed the formula for decay based stat reduction for weapons/armor/vehicles
    Broken armor now offers no protection
    Statues, fountains, and street lamps should now have pickup/move/rotate radial menu options when dropped in a building
    Firework show packages are now functional
    Throwpillow schematic now has two additional variants
    Added functionality to treasure maps
    Mandalorian armor now has it's profession restrictions


    Added player unity (marriage)
    Added /registerwithlocation command for those with the appropriate skill
    Adjusted the formula for secondary stat (strength, quickness, willpower) ham cost adjustment
    Players will no longer lose faction points if killed by a factional NPC. PvP deaths still cause faction point loss.
    It should no longer be possible to set an invalid skill title
    All species should now be able to learn and use all of the languages appropriate to them
    Newly created characters should now all start knowing the appropriate language skills
    Deleted characters can now be removed from friends list and structure permission lists
    It is no longer possible to place structures outside of planetary boundaries
    Structure damaged emails now include the planet name that the structure is on
    Player structures that run out of maintenance will now deduct funds from a players bank account (if present) prior to decaying


    Guilds can now be renamed
    Emails are now sent to guild members when a guild name changes, guild leader changes, or when a guild is disbanded
    Guild naming/renaming now properly checks the naming filter
    Guild leaders are now able to kick members from the guild management terminal
    /guildremove can now be used to kick other members
    Added nearest mission for group way point functionality


    Reduced vehicle repair prices
    A vehicle's name will now signify when it has been disabled
    Vehicles now have resists
    A vehicle can no longer be generated while indoors
    /purchaseticket can now be used to purchase round trip tickets or to purchase tickets for other departure locations
    /purchaseticket now requires one to be close to a travel ticket terminal
    It should no longer be possible for terrorists to destroy a shuttle


    Added /who command
    Added Veteran reward system
    Added /flashspeeder command usable by those who have selected the flash speeder as a veteran reward
    Color codes are now filtered out of item names during crafting and when vendors/bazaar sends in game mails
    Setting a way point name no longer toggles the way point
    General chat is now an auto joined chat channel
    When bait is lost while fishing, the rest of the stack will now be fresh
    It should no longer be possible to ignore chat from a staff character
    Added/improved more staff commands
  • Fura Alak
    GoG = Másolásvédelem nélküli installer.
    Ha sokallod a zsét, dobd össze a haverokkal. :)
  • Torzonborz
    Ja de azért egy 20 éves játékért kicsit sokallom ezt az árat.
    Amúgy csipázom a GoG-ot mert egy nagyon jó kezdeményezés de akkor is.
  • AnuluWork #6895
    Ezt láttátok? :)

  • Enrange
    Ha valakit érdekel elindult a The Repopulation bétatesztje. indítottam neki is egy topicot akit érdekel vagy kérdése van szívesen válaszolok (ami nem ütközik a teszter eula ba). Régi StarWars Glalaxies rajongóknak csemege ez a játék!
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Enrange, 2014.10.21. 18:37:37
  • shaaktii
    Egy kis event a teszt szerveren annak akit érdekel.
  • BreakDown89
    Köszi, ez eszembe se jutott............
  • Fehercsoki
    Az emu honlapján fent van, hogy eddig mi van kész.
  • BreakDown89
    Sajnos a hivatalos oldalon semmi konkrétumot nem olvastam mostanában (sem) arra vonatkozólag, hogy mikorra várható a "végleges" változat megjelenése az emulatorból. Esetleg van köztetek olyan, aki jelenleg is vagy a közelmúltban fent volt a test centeren? Milyen a jelenlegi állapot? Olvastam egy nyári posztot, ahol azt írták hogy 70-75%-os a jelenlegi állapot. Ez igaz?

    Nagyon szívesen olvasnék egy részletesen kidolgozott hozzászólást a témában. Látni fogja a generációm a Suncrusher fellövését? ;)
  • MirandaBrill
    Pannónia város kezd pusztulni. Házak tűntek el a semmibe. A guild egyáltalán létezik még? Hetek óta nem látok semmi változást.
  • a.carkey
    oh. De azért köszi.
  • shaaktii
    Látom itt még mindig segítőkészek az emberek...
    Reg: http://www.swgemu.com/registration/
    Install: http://www.swgemu.com/forums/content.php?r=179-Install-SWGEmu

    Eddig úgy néz ki hogy európai szerver nem lesz, mivel az emusok nem tudnak segíteni senkinek aki szervert akar indítani, sem most sem a jövőben, szóval ha lesz is szerver az sosem fog tovább fejlődni annál ami majd a hivatalos emu "végleges" változata lesz. Ergo az eu-s szerver is ugyanolyan állóvíz lesz mint az amcsi. Aki a Darjani szerverben reménykedett, azt is ki kell ábrándítanom mert ők is leálltak a fejlesztéssel a fentebbi ok miatt..
  • a.carkey
    Természetesen az EMUról van szó. :)
  • a.carkey
    Áh, nem emlékszem, hogy miként kell belépni. :)

    Tudnátok adni linket, ahol regelni kell és leírják lépésről lépésre, hogy mit kell tenni hogy beléphessek?
  • BreakDown89
    Februárban leálltam a Veers-el, viszont most tervezem hogy visszatérek a nyáron. Benézek pár napra vagy ilyesmi. Esetleg valaki tervezi úgyszintén? Nekem a Basilisk is megfelel.

    Nem hiszem hogy hosszú távra, csak amolyan belekóstolás címszóval.
  • BreakDown89
    Lassan már ideje lenne elkészülnie a végleges változatnak. Szívesen űzném újra az ipart magyar/európai szerveren. Az amcsi szerókat sajnos hamar meguntam - talán a céltalanságot a játékban méghamarabb.
  • cikasz
    Ebben az országban olyan sajnos nincs :(
  • shaaktii
    Rám tudna írni valaki aki ismeri a Politikus szakmát? Köszi.
  • MerlinW
    Nem is fog. Semmi értelme.
  • shaaktii
    A szerverhez nem értek, a játék fut rajta.
  • Fehercsoki
    A szerver még mindig nem fut windowson?
  • shaaktii
    Bekerült a játékba a Creature handler, lehet gyártani droidokat, de ha jól tudom még nincsenek hozzájuk mood-ok, a petek pedig csak playereket támadnak még. És még csomó minden. Fórumban amúgy minden ott van...
    Most pár napja volt meg a Publish 5, de ahogy szokott lenni le szokták venni a hírt a főoldalról, a heti frissítés csak a nova szervert érinti.

    De tessék, ez a publish 5 patch note:

    Publish 5: Pets and Race Tracks

    Improved server stability
    POI/Cave/World - Added spawns to the following locations:
    Corellia: Lord Nyax Cult (outside), Rebel vs. Imperial minor poi, Research Camp
    Endor:Ewok Lake Village, Korga Cave, Dulok Village
    Naboo: Emperor's Retreat, Gungan Sacred Place, Mauler Stronghold (inside), Theed
    Tatooine: Tusken King quest area (no quest yet, just spawns)
    Fixed and/or added a few no build zones
    Open Magseal containers will now relock on occasion
    Magseal containers should no longer double spawn loot
    Adjusted respawn timer on many static spawns
    Babies now spawn in the wild with varying rarities
    Many common npcs will now have random names
    Fixed stats and/or tamability on several creatures
    Lairs should spawn on cliff sides less frequently
    Lairs should no longer spawn quite as close to one another
    Some lairs now have a chance to spawn a boss (just a few, more will come later)
    Increased junk dealer payouts (newly looted items only)
    Adjusted loot and loot chances on all Dathomir NPCs
    Added clothing as possible loot from most NPCs
    Several weapons that were not dropping as loot before are now able to
    More varieties of armor can now be found in loot
    Newly looted armors can now be sold to junk dealers
    Many more types of items can now be found inside locked containers
    Locked containers will now indicate if they are slicable or not when examined
    Loot with negative value stats will no longer be worse from higher level mobs than from lower ones
    Adjusted the possible stat ranges on Nightsister Armor Shards
    Grouped missions now have increased payouts
    Missions with npc targets no longer use the same titles/descriptions as creature missions
    Theme Parks/Quests/Dungeon
    Added the Theed Palace Librarian with trivia quiz
    Added Singular Nak quest
    Fixed return waypoint for Han Solo in the rebel themepark
    Added Nitra Vendallan quest
    Added Lareen Dantara quest
    Added Aaph Koden quest
    Added Kathikiis Ruwahurr quest
    Added conversations to 3 NPCs in the Geonosian Bio-Lab
    melee toughness skill mods now only apply vs. melee attacks
    Destroying a lair should now grant experience
    It should now be possible to swap weapons with a full inventory
    There is now a small chance to successfully /stand while dizzy
    Weapons without a powerup will no longer artificially cap their speed at 1.0
    Weapon powerups should now always adjust weapon stats as expected
    Faction pets can now be purchased
    Fixed some recruiter conversations

    Harvesters should no longer shut off prematurely
    Harvesters should now shut off properly when the hopper is full
    Harvesters resource selection screens will no longer list twice (or at all) resource spawns that have expired
    The contents of creature habitats can now be released
    Resource spawns that have expired can no longer continue to be surveyed and/or sampled for a time
    Pet stimpacks and vitality packs can now be crafted and are functional
    Bounty Hunter:
    An arakyd droid can now only be launched once
    Bounty hunter mission fail messages are now sent to the mission owner rather than the one who kills the target
    Bounty mission targets spawning on a planet other than the hunter's current planet should no longer spawn in water or buildings
    /setintimidate and /setwarcry now function
    Combat Medic:
    Willpower area B disease packs now affect willpower instead of strength
    Area heals will now also heal yourself (if you are in the area)
    Adjusted the amount healed by /healmind
    /healmind can no longer be used on duel or guild war opponents
    Creature Handler:
    The taming of babies is now functional. See pet section for more details on what pet functionality is currently working. *Note: Bio-engineered pet deeds are still non-functional.
    Area cures will now also heal yourself (if you are in the area)
    /healenhance and /healstate will now automatically choose an attribute/state if one is not specified
    Droid Engineer:
    Droid Deeds can now be crafted
    Droids can now be generated from deeds - see pet section for more details on what pet functionality is working. *Special Note: droid modules are not yet functional
    Droid Repair kits and droid reconstruction kits can now be crafted and now function
    Droid customization kits can now be crafted and now function
    Fixed several schematics so they are now craftable and/or require the correct ingredients
    Band flourishes can once again be used by any group member
    Image Designer:
    Holo-emotes are now functional
    Fixed action shot 1 bleed
    You will now most likely fall down if you attempt to /takecover while dizzy
    /tendwound should now cause the correct number of focus/willpower wounds
    Vendor ad barking messages can now be up to 128 characters long
    Shop signs can now be changed
    NPC vendor appearance is now much more random
    Access fees may now be placed on a structure by any admin with the correct skill rather than only by the owner
    Access fees may no longer be set at more than 50,000 credits
    Vendor item limit skill mod is now a total limit across all vendors rather than a per vendor limit
    The contents of containers placed on vendors will now count towards a player's item limit. *Special note: all currently listed items will not be tallied correctly. To fix, withdraw and re-list your sales
    Fixed a bug that would cause items on vendors to delete themselves under certain circumstances
    Vendors in a structure that is destroyed will now properly be destroyed as well rather than ending up in the void
    A merchant with vendors stuck in the void can now create new vendors (the missing vendors will be deleted when you start creating a new one)
    The /bandflourish argument for chidinkalu horns is now "chidinkalu" rather than "flutedroopy"
    Added additional rules to validation of player city names
    City wide emails can now be sent by mayors to their citizens
    Fixed ingredients required to craft Lok camo kit
    You will now receive a system message when entering/exiting your own camp
    Harvesting creatures inside interior locations now only yields 1 unit of resource
    Using /destroystructure on a camp will no longer leave the no-build active area behind
    Fixed a few schematics
    Mission terminals now have a slice radial menu option
    Fixed damage multiplier on Two Handed Area 3 attack
    Fixed ingredients for Droidsmith's Toolkit
    Fixed the grand ball gown so it will craft with sockets
    Teras Kasi Artist:
    Increased the duration of the dizzy effect from the unarmed dizzy 1 attack
    Pets - The following is the current state of pets:
    A non-Creature Handler can have two creature pets stored in their datapad and can have one non-aggressive pet active (max CL 10) at a time
    A Creature Handler can store and control creature pets according to their current skill mods
    A player can have up to five droids stored in their datapad and one active at a time
    A player can have up to three faction pets stored and three active at a time
    It should be impossible to trade a pet to someone who cannot control it (or if they are at their max number stored)
    Pets can be called/stored in public buildings or outdoors
    Droids require power to operate and can be recharged with droid batteries or power droids
    Pets can be trained commands
    The following commands are currently functional: follow, stay, store, follow other, group, recharge other (power droid only), trick1, trick2, transfer, attack (pets can only attack players for now)
    Pets can be named
    /tellpet is functional
    Tamed babies will grow over time
    Pet growth can be arrested if it will grow too large to be trained as a mount
    Eligible pets can be trained as a mount
    /gallop and /gallopstop are functional
    Mounts will slow down when in combat (unless galloping)
    Basic attacks can be done while mounted and not galloping (though a mount cannot attack while it has a rider)
    Pets can be fed and will be buffed by pet restricted buff food
    /emboldenpets and /enragepets are functional
    Certain emotes when used with your pet as a target will elicit a reaction
    Creature and droid pets will lose vitality upon death (Faction pets die permanently)
    Pet owners have an "incapacitation recovery" radial menu option to revive incapacitated pets
    You can now equip 2 rings (and anything else that should have more than one possible slot)
    When boarding a shuttle, any active pets or vehicles will be stored
    The following wearable skill mods are now disabled: medicine use, combat medicine use, additional pets, stored pets, creature taming bonus, combat medic effectiveness
    Added a potential fix for certain characters' filling not reducing. If you have a character in this state, please log it on, wait 1/2 an hour, and let us know if your filling went down
    A player is now limited to 3 vehicles stored in their datapad at once
    A player must now be close to a shuttle to board it
    /findfriend now only requires that you be the target's friend
    You should no longer be able to overload your inventory when retrieving filled containers from a vendor/bazaar
    You can no longer /addignore yourself
    Ignoring a player will now block duel requests, trade requests, group invitations, planet chat, and auction chat from the ignored player
    It should no longer be possible to trade no-trade items by putting them inside a container and trading the container
    Shuttle ticket prices should now always display properly
    Guild halls no longer need to be redeeded to recreate a guild (not retroactive)
    Guild leaders can no longer be kicked from or leave a guild (temporary until guild elections are implemented)
    Added the following race tracks: Agrilat Swamp, Keren City, Mos Espa, Narmle Memorial Rally, Lok Marathon, and Nashal River Race
    Added galaxy-wide auction chat channel (/auction or /auctionsay)
    /planet will now send chat to planet chat channel
    /movefurniture and /rotatefurniture no longer work on players or pets
    Many admin commands have been implemented/improved to better allow QA/CS personnel to enforce rules and diagnose problems
    Added 100 million credit limit to housing maintenance and city treasuries
    Fixed issue causing pholokite extrusive ore to only ever spawn on Lok
    Using /waypoint will create a waypoint at the location of your target if no location is specified
    When logging in you now should only see friend's list messages for online friends
    Friend's list offline messages should no longer be sent each time a player is loaded from the database
    Staff characters will now have their tag displayed when chatting in any channel or via tells instead of just in spatial

    *A special thanks to Ivojedi for putting the list together

    ~ The SWGEmu Development Division
  • MerlinW
    Pont ma jött a heti frissítés.