  • Bhalage
    hajokat, fegyvereket es kulonbozo rendszereket lehet venni (mar az aplhaban is), keress ra valami outfitting videora es akkor meglatod.
    sztem scannerek, meg mindenfele kiegeszito cucc lesz heatsink, netan automata docking rendszer az lesz..

    szoval a hajok fejleszthetoek, es termeszetesen tobbfajta hajo lesz.

    SC egy ideje vicc -.- foleg a fel eves DFM csuszas, de alapvetoen a videokbol nekem nem tetszik (nem a grafika, mert az szep, hanem a flight modell es a gameplay). nagyon kivancsi leszek es remelem azert a flight modellen csiszolnak, mert az elite repulese nekem jobban tetszik.
  • Diopapa
    Azt ugye tudod, hogy SC-ben elég komplex gazdaság lesz? Ott attól kell tartani, hogy sosem készül el. Az E : D-t pedig én is nagyon várom, jó anyag.
  • TokraFan
    Mint X3-nál. Hajók, fegyverek, új rendszerek stb., illetve ott legjobban a mod "szoftvereket" szerettem, mert rengeteg problémára jelentettek megoldást, illetve, számos funkcióval bővítették a játékot. (de X3-ban lehetett venni a hajókra szoftvereket és ezekkel bővíteni a hajó képességeit) Mondjuk itt ez valószínűleg nem így lesz.
  • Bhalage
    sztem "zart" jatek lesz, nem tudom milyen modokra gondolsz pontosan
  • TokraFan
    Kiváló lenne!
    A moddolhatóságról tudni valamit?
  • fb
    elvileg ez ev vegere igerik es valahol olvastam, hogy 25 hajo lesz benne.
  • TokraFan
    Akkor ez egy újabb jó hír, nem olvastam végig a szöveget. :-)
    Jól tetted, hogy nem vetted meg a Rebirth-öt, nekem 45ojróm bánta...Persze én voltam a hülye, mert pre-ordereltem. Elite-nél megvárom az első véleményeket. :-)
    Bár hogy őszinte legyek, Braben-t olyannak ismertem meg, akinek a minőség még mindig fontosabb bárminél. Sokkal szimpatikusabb, mint amit Robika művel, bár kétségtelen, hogy ezzel a hype dáridóval lényegesen több pénzt kalapozott össze, ezzel együtt, zuhanni is nagyobbat lehet majd. Nem kívánom persze, de az Elite közelebb áll hozzám, mert egyben gazdasági szimulátor is.
  • Ninju
    Neeem, korábban már volt arról szó, hogy lesz több hajó is.
    Sztem linkeltem is olyan videót amiben be is mutatnak párat. A mostani alján is van egy olyan kérdés, hogy elérhető lesz e mindkét Imperial hajó (Courier, Trader) az elején. Írták a válaszban, hogy csak az egyik.
    A Cobra MKII(I) tuti benne lesz. Már mutattak is róla képet.
    Lesz még hajófoglalás is, meg mászkálás a fedélzeten.

    Valahogy megértem, h a Rebirth után fenntartásaid vannak. Örülök, hogy nem vettem meg. :)
  • TokraFan
    Ez nagyon durva!!! Az aszteroida gyűrű beszarás.
    Nem tudni megjelenési dátumot még?

    Egyébként klasszikus hajó alatt az eredeti Elite hajót értem (ami a videókban is van). Rebirth után megfordult a fejemben, hogy talán ebben is csak egy hajó lesz vezethető. Remélem nem lesz igazam, bár még ezzel is kibékülnék, ha a játék többi része hozza azt, amit várok.
    Döbbenet amit eddig láttam, nekem nagyon bíztató. Ugyanakkor katasztrófa Rebirth után óvatosan örülök, a videókon még ott is bíztatónak tűnt a dolog.
  • Titan
    Haha! De jót mosolyogtam... Egy kicsit megváltozott a játék mióta utoljára toltam az Enterprise 128K-mon... Nagyon tetszik a dokkolási procedúra, de a 100-diknál lehet egy kicsit uncsi lesz....:)
  • Bhalage
    nesze kék duna :D
  • Bhalage
    hát ööööööö sztem kurva jók a hangok én imádom a kis sidewinderemet ahogy nyekereg:ddd
    bigriszpekt az audio teamnek!
  • Dzsini
    Azt valahol elejtették, hogy nem kell félni, a Kék Dunát meg lehet majd találni a játékban (talán twitteren vagy ilyesmin) :)

    A hangeffektekről meg nekem eléggé süt, hogy placeholderek, majd ha meglesz, hogy hány darab meg milyen kell (kis lézer, közepes géppuska, nagy plazma, stb...), akkor rázavarják a hangokkal foglalkozó stábot.
  • alma2
    Ohh, de igazad van sorry. Ket valamire valo urhajos jatek keszul, maris keverem oket :)

    Szoval ott a botrany (Star Citizen), itt meg bizom benne, a hangokat kicsit atfaragjak. Amugy a latottak nem rosszak, szerintem epikus lenne, ha a kek duna keringot valahol elsutnek a jatekban az "oregek" kedveert :)
  • BladeW
    A fejlesztés ezen szakaszában nem ritka, hogy placeholdereket használnak.
    Nem a PAX-ra gondolsz? Mert ott egy Star Citizenes felsülés volt.
  • alma2
    Ezek a hangok nem valami jok, foleg a star wars ep1-bol lopottak.
    Ott vesztettem el a hitem amikor par hete kozonseg elott mutattak be valami rendezvenyen, es mint egy felnotas ugy beszelt, illetve aki iranyitotta, mintha eleteben nem jatszott volna, soha semmivel annyira szerencsetlen volt.
  • Ninju
    Hangulatos jaja. :)
    Kíváncsi vagyok, h mennyire esélyes majd így használni a hajókat.
  • SötétBarom
    A videó odabasz.
  • Ninju
    Mit értesz klasszikus hajók alatt?
    A Frontierből elég sok visszaköszön majd.
  • Ninju

    Trading Places

    So far we have talked about and shown glimpses of the Elite: Dangerous Milky Way galaxy and we know for sure that our Alpha backers are enjoying blowing each other to bits in combat. But there is a hugely important part Elite: Dangerous that we haven’t given much attention to yet.

    The rules are, of course, simple and universal - buy goods cheaply, where they are made and there is plentiful supply, and then sell them where prices are high, in a location that has a high demand for your cargo. Of course that may be easier said than done because of people who have honed their combat skills and are not averse to a little piracy as they spot you travelling from A to B - but let’s not worry about that for now…!

    In Elite: Dangerous there are thousands of star systems with commodities markets – and some with multiple markets. Each of these markets exist in a starport – generally an orbital station or stations far above the planet surface.

    Each star system has a different basic type of economy – for example Agricultural, Industrial, Hi-tech, Extraction, Refining or Service, and some have a mix of these basics – such as extraction and refining are often (but not always) in the same system. From a commodities perspective all but a service economy produce items for consumption. This creates an active trade network.

    The core economies also have further variety, as there are more specialized sub-economies - for example an Aquatic Agricultural economy is focused on marine activities and will not produce Grain or Meat – though the locals may still consume it, so there will be demand for those goods.
    Most markets will only produce a few of the many different possible types of core commodities – and in some places exotic variants of them – so of course you need to explore this fabulous galaxy and discover your own favourite trade runs!

    The makeup of each market is governed by several factors: Its galactic location typically indicates which of the main factions the system belongs to; whether Federal, Imperial, Alliance or Independent.

    The type of government in each system helps define the legality of individual goods in that particular market; ranging from anarchies where ‘anything goes’, to theocracies who have their own idiosyncratic strict proscriptions, and many points in between.

    The kind of planets, chemical composition, temperature, presence of asteroid fields, and other celestial bodies govern the resources that are prevalent in system, and hence what drives the economy and what goods are produced.

    The system population determines the scale of production and consumption and capacity of the market - this can be modified by the type of government, too.

    As in today’s world, supply and demand drive prices. Elite: Dangerous’ galactic market uses a server-based background trading simulation as a foundation. Initial supply and demand levels are influenced via trading between local systems. In this way, markets are not isolated but affect their near neighbours; if there is an increase or decrease in the supply of a particular commodity it will have a knock on effect on the pricing in other local systems too, as traders (AI or player) rapidly level the prices a little based on supply and demand.

    Of course your actions will also contribute to such market activity. The smaller the market the more you will be able to influence that market through trading. The more valuable a commodity the more rare it will be, and therefore the more susceptible to your influence.

    All your individual trades are added to the whole, and even mid-sized economies can be influenced by concerted efforts between groups of like-minded individuals. So you may find your ‘milk run’ dries up for a time, forcing you to look elsewhere for the deal. Or you could engineer a fat profit for yourself by cooperating with your friends…

    We’re really looking forward to starting to roll out trading in Alpha 4 – there really is no substitute for enthusiastic testing!

    Before then, we have been developing the trading system with the help of ‘MiniElite’ – a stand-alone program that enables us to quickly iterate on and refine the galactic economic market. It uses AIs to test the optimal trade routes at any one time, packing weeks of gameplay into just a few seconds.

    – MiniElite in action!

    ‘MiniElite’ draws on data from thousands of populated systems and their economies, and shows us exactly the supply capacity, stock level, buy and sell price for each commodity. Then it unleashes AI traders at the markets, who travel between systems, buying and selling according to certain sets of behaviour profiles, upgrading their ships as they are able.

    The resulting logs of what was bought and sold where have been invaluable in tuning trading, in preparation for its forthcoming debut!

    In Alpha 4 there are five stellar systems, with five different local markets representing a variety of economies and a wide range of goods to trade. As we’ve described, buying and selling goods in the markets will affect the price of goods at those markets for all other players too.

    We can’t wait to see how you compare against those ‘MiniElite’ AIs!

    Sneak Peek- Planetary Rings

    Here is an early glimpse of one of the first planetary rings to appear in the game!

    Here we see different views of a rocky ring system around a small planet. This sort of thing can happen when a rocky body is ripped apart by gravitational forces as it passes close to a planet (technically it passes within the Roche limit) and much of the debris is captured. A few tens of thousands of years later – a blink in cosmic time - the debris will form a beautiful disc as shown here.

    Cool Running part 2

    Following on from last week’s newsletter piece about the heat-related features on offer in Elite: Dangerous, this fantastic YouTube video by Isinona has come to our attention. It has a nice text-based commentary that really highlights how heat awareness becomes a natural, integral part of your Elite: Dangerous experience.

    'Elite: Dangerous' Alpha - Bounty Hunter (Flight Assist Off)

    Nice work Isinona! - but not using Flight Assist is just showing off.. ;)

    Comms Chatter

    - Forum user Gibbonici is putting together a team of explorers to reach the far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy in Elite: Dangerous. Read about his proposed campaign and sign up to the expedition!

    So what I'm proposing here is the First Great Expedition in Elite Dangerous.
    A group of explorers who are willing to commit one of their commanders to an expedition into the deepest regions of the galaxy. It won't always be fun: we'll need supply runners as well as surveyors, we'll almost certainly need traders to provide funds for equipment and ships, we'll be visiting many dull and similar systems along the way, and will certainly face obstacles that will sap our resolve to continue. We don't even know how lucrative the rewards will be.

    But we'll be the first and only people to see some of the places we visit. We will own the galaxy in ways far more profound and permanent than mere contestable, temporary domination.

    Join the expedition here

    - TwitchTV!

    Last week saw our very first official Twitch stream, where Mark Boss and Adam Woods played through single player combat scenarios whilst answering your questions. A huge thanks to all those that submitted their questions to us, we managed to answer a many of them and Adam only crashed once…

    Our second stream will be next week, Thursday 1st May, 7:30pm BST, which you can watch here - www.twitch.tv/elitedangerous

    So send us your questions on Twitter @EliteDangerous, our Facebook page or leave them on our forum thread

    - And finally we want to say thanks to the community for this fantastic t-shirt Executive Producer Michael Brookes received in the post recently, Michael is delighted with it!

    Mostly Harmless Questions

    In the Private Backers forum we have a thread where you can pose questions for the development team. Here are a couple of selected questions with answers from Executive Producer Michael Brookes.

    -JohnStabler: Are we going to see the return of the Imperial Trader and Courier?

    The Imperial Courier is planned for initial release, the Imperial Trader isn’t, although may make a later expansion.

    -bsivko: I would like to ask a question about support of reality in E: D Universe. As you mentioned, you will include into release all of possible data of real Universe. But what will be after release? For example, if humanity discover thousand planets more, or find new objects like wandering planets between stars. Do you plan to change the E: D Universe according to that kind of events or not?

    Yes, we will be changing the galaxy to keep up to date with the latest discoveries and observations - its one of the benefits of the connected world we now live in that we can update the game as needed! But hopefully, we won't need to update things *too* often; we think the physics we have used to predict new exo-planets is pretty good - it'll be fascinating to see how close we are!

    Slawkenbergius: Will Elite: Dangerous use a physically-based shading/rendering system?

    Short answer: yes it does.
    Elite: Dangerous adopted a physically-based rendering (PBR) model right from the start - we want it to look as good as possible under a variety of lighting conditions (and space certainly gives you that!). We expect the visual quality of Elite: Dangerous will continue to improve as we progress through development.
    It's worth mentioning though that PBR isn't a one-size-fits-all solution as much as it's the start of a discussion that could probably occupy someone for their entire career - kind of like the way "High Dynamic Range" was quickly adopted by everyone years ago but people are still arguing over the fine details!

    That’s it for newsletter #20 - thank you again for reading and supporting the development of Elite: Dangerous so far!

    As always if there is anything in particular that you’d like to hear more about, or ask a question, then please contact us at [email protected]

    The Frontier Team

    FRONTIER IS HIRING! Click here to see current vacancies.
  • TokraFan
    A játékban "csak" ez az egy klasszikus hajó lesz repülhető?
  • TokraFan
    Engem is érdekel!
  • hapi
    engem érdekel!
  • Ninju
    Van új hírlevél. Van rá igény, h berakjam, vagy a kutyát sem érdekli? :)
  • Ninju
    Newsletter 19:

    Cool Running

    Heat generation is a significant issue that has to be managed as you pilot your spacecraft. There is no conduction or convection available in a vacuum, so the heat has to be radiated away to prevent overheating and degradation of system performance. This radiant heat provides a tell-tale signature that is used to provide the information on your scanner about the other ships in your local space. Unfortunately, it means you show up on everyone else’s scanners, too..!

    The general rule is: the hotter you are running, the easier it is to ‘see’ you. The operation of every module on your ship contributes to the load on your power-plant and hence your heat signature. A representation of your current signature is shown on your ship’s display, along with a percentage measure of your heat relative to the allowable maximum.

    Faster-than-light travel in-system using ‘super-cruise’ of course uses prodigious amounts of power, and the heat signature generated lights you up like a beacon on everyone’s scanners. And even that pales in comparison with the amount needed for long-range hyperspace travel between systems.

    Normal propulsion using main engines produces significantly less heat than faster than light travel, and is normally not a limiting factor in general manoeuvring and combat.

    Other sources of heat are weapons – some more so than others. For example, kinetic weapons are a good choice to keep your heat signature low, as the heat is generally ejected from your ship with the projectiles. Lasers and other energy weapons and shields, however, do contribute to the heat signature of your ship. In general the energy demand of every system you have contributes to the heat generated by your ship.

    The heat vents on your ship operate automatically to attempt to regulate your ships temperature and keep all systems operational.

    Additionally heat-sink modules are available as part of your loadout configuration which allow you to jettison heat stored by heating physical blocks to white heat, then ejecting them, having the additional benefit of acting as a decoy to other ships’ scanners and any incoming heat-seeking missiles.

    In more extreme situations you can choose to ‘button down’ your ship for a short while, which stops the normal operation of the heat vents. Your shields are inoperative whilst you are in ‘silent running’ like this, and the heat that is still being generated by your ship’s systems builds up. Effectively your ship is ‘holding its breath’ and this is only a temporary measure – your ship will become disabled if you carry on too long.

    Switching off your ship’s systems (even flight assist!) and using only gentle nudges of your thrusters to manoeuvre can result in a very stealthy profile, and you can combine this with the right weapons and tactics and achieve a whole new dimension to space combat. But beware - the hunter can easily become the hunted..!

    If you are playing the Alpha or have Premium Beta access to the single player missions and haven't already mastered it, start experimenting and see how you can add pro-active thermal management to your repertoire of Elite: Dangerous Pilot Federation 'tricks of the trade'!

    Cobra MK III - Design Philosophy

    The Cobra Mk III is easily the most iconic ship in the lore of the Elite universe; a robust, multi-role vessel favoured by lone wolf space farers - hard-bitten mercenaries, intrepid explorers and entrepreneurial traders alike. It’s also one of the smaller ships in Elite: Dangerous, which presents an interesting challenge: how to make this favourite shine as always, without making it punch too far above its weight.

    For a start, we reason that it should not be able to match smaller craft such as the Eagle or Sidewinder for straight agility. We categorise both of these vessels as “super manoeuvre” ships – they rely on being able to affect direction changes faster than their opponents to get on their target’s six in a dogfight – and we want to ensure that they maintain viability in this role.
    To compensate, the Cobra has more main drive power, giving it a higher top speed. It’s not the fastest ship, but coupled with very respectable hull strength and shield capacity for its size and cost, the Cobra is usually able to dictate engagement ranges when combating smaller ships; having the speed to break off and recover, as well as run down smaller prey and project superior firepower.

    The Cobra isn’t a complete dogfighting slouch either; it’s able to run rings around many of the larger ships, and with four weapon-capable hardpoints it demands respect. The flip side is that it’s at greater risk from larger tracking-weapons that struggle to keep up with smaller fighters.

    Elite: Dangerous isn’t all about combat though, as the forthcoming rollout of trading within a 200 cubic light year play space in Alpha 4 will reveal. Possibly the Cobra’s main appeal is that it combines a good degree of “yanking and banking” combat with solid trade and exploration options, representing a sweet spot for pilots wanting to do a little bit of everything on a budget.

    Of course it’s not the be all and end all in space flight. For those looking to specialise, there will be vessels that are more effective in narrower fields, and due to its relatively small size, there are limits to the kind of endeavours it can safely engage in.

    Alpha and soon Beta testers can look forward to continued ship-based tweaks as we strive to achieve the perfect balance for the Cobra, even as we add new vessels into the mix. But one thing’s for certain – the Mark Three is back with a bang!

    Check out this great image of the Cobra that was used recently for an Edge magazine cover; you can also view the animation that was used in their interactive version of the issue here.

    Mostly Harmless Questions

    In the Private Backers forum we have a thread where commanders can pose questions for the development team. In this section of the newsletter we’ll take a look at some of those questions and provide answers from Executive Producer Michael Brookes.

    -Perrie67: How will E:D make travelling the insane distances for exploring the galaxy without making it too easy to travel around the populated systems?

    There are two modes of super luminal (faster than light) travel.
    Super cruise (or frame shifting) is used for travel inside systems. It was originally conceived as a sub-luminal drive, but based on the fantastic collaboration we have been having with our Design Decision Forum backers it was re-worked and is now itself a super luminal system to allow relatively rapid travel within systems.
    Hyperspace drives are used to travel between star systems. Hyperdrives with different ranges, charge up times and fuel consumption parameters are available, and so your particular model of hyperdrive governs your specific ability to move around the galaxy.
    Both will make their debut in Alpha 4 (not counting the early version of hyperspace in Alpha 3).

    -bedroc: Hi, If you explore far out, will there still be stations and an ability to trade?

    Most of humanity inhabits a few hundred light year bubble around Sol, Achenar and Alioth. Beyond this are a lower density of isolated systems with small communities on them that can be used by explorers to resupply, with small/basic orbital stations. These are the “Frontier” systems. Beyond this, you will still encounter occasional ships (including other players), but no stations; not to start with at least. There will be ship-ship docking though too, so it will still be possible to resupply. The ships suited for long range exploration will require a greater degree of self-sustainability, for example fuel scoops and repair and maintenance equipment, and we expect players to cooperate to meet the challenge!

    -Wreckage: Is the Kepler data for planets being figured into the galaxy map?

    We’re striving to make the Elite: Dangerous Milky Way as accurate as possible. As part of this we are using a variety of sources for the celestial bodies data, and that includes confirmed exoplanets from the Kepler data and many other sources.

  • Ninju
    Dev Diary 11:
    (a dokkolós rész után is van még)

  • Diopapa
    Gyakorlatilag a Frontiert próbálják meg modernizálni, procedurális tájgenerálással, az nem néz ki rosszul, de nagyon kezdetleges. Az arcgenerálás az tényleg nagyon gáz. :) Szoktam benne repülgetni, de komolyan játszani benne nem tudnék.
  • TokraFan
    Én kipróbáltam, nekem nagyon old school...A galaxis generálása nem rossz, de a bolygófelszín nagyon szegényes, van benne egy 2D face generátor, de bár ne lenne, mert nagyon kiábrándító. Összességében nem rossz, csak ma ez már kevés szerintem...
  • TokraFan
    Ez nem koppintás, hanem nyíltan egy Elite remake....
  • BladeW
    Ez óriási Elite II koppintásnak tűnik, elsőre. Milyen egyébként, kipróbáltad?
  • Diopapa
    és még ezt is reszelgetik..
  • TokraFan
    Sajnos valóban nem, ez a korai Dos-os Elite verzió nekem kimaradt az életemből. Csak videókon láttam, illetve mivel minden cikk erre hiovatkozott nagy elődként. Egyébként tonna számra vannak videók a dokkolásról a csövön, nekem továbbra is eszméletlenül tetszik!
  • Jakuza1
    Ezekszerint nem jatszottal az elozo reszekkel ?
    A video keszitojevel meg nem kell foglalkozni, inkabb orulj annak, hogy az alfarol valaki keszitett ilyen videot, amit megtudunk tekinteni, meg ha idegesito is.
  • TokraFan
    A játék kifejezetten tetszik, az állomás, a dokkolás, az atmoszféra -legalább is így a videók alapján-, lenyűgöző! Az állomáson belül a háttérzaj nagyon hangulatos, a dokkolási procedúra is élethűnek tűnik. Más kérdés, hogy remélem lesz valami ship update, ahol ezt nem kell majd mindig végigjátszani, mert kereskedéskor nagyon lassítja a játékot (X3-ban is feltettem a szükséges szoftvert a hajóra, hogy ne kelljen bedokkolni minden egyes állomásra ha eladni/vásárolni akartam). Viszont a lehetőség a manuális dokkolásra, és hogy ez ilyen szinten hangulatosan meg van csinálva, az nagyon bíztató.
    Csak a ideót készítő teszter faszi rettenetes, sosem értettem mit lehet szarakodni percekig azon, hogy rákattintson egy gombra valaki. Dokkolni se tud, az "Enter hangar" menüt sem mutatta be, szóval teljesen amatőr, ráadásul hányinger ahogy szívja a fogát folyamatosan.
  • Torzonborz
    És egy ki ON :

    Azért ez eddig elég klassz.
  • Torzonborz
    "mint Robi lineár lövöldéje"
    Nono , csak az SQ42 lesz az , az SC már sandbox mmo.
  • Diopapa
    Tiszta sor, ezzel nincs is semmi baj szerintem. Egyébként a Star Citizen sem "lineáris lövölde" lesz, hanem MMO. ;)
  • TokraFan
    Ez így igaz, sőt, nekem a szerény de vérprofi Braben sokkal szimpatikusabb mint a nagyarcú Róbert. Nagyon remélem, hogy bár az Elite körül nincs olyan hisztis hype mint SC-nél, de a játék majd hozza amit várunk a nagy öregtől, elvégre mindenki más kvázi róla koppintott. Az Elite sandbox gazdasági szimulátoros világa egyébként is közelebb áll hozzám mint Robi lineár lövöldéje. Az eredeti kérdést illetően viszont csak arra a felvetésedre reagáltam, miszerint a nagy kiadók vs. közösségi finanszírozás meccsen, egyértelműen ez utóbbi állna "nyerésre"...Én nem látok ilyen egyéretlmű igazságot egyik vagy másik oldalon sem, mindkét üzleti modellnek megvannak a maga előnyei és hátrányai is. Viszont az X-Rebirt fiaskó óta megtanultam, hogy játékot csak akkor veszek ha:
    1. Kipróbáltam
    2. Megnéztem ezer gameplay videót és review-t
    Ha minden pozitív, akkor már lehet tömni a fejlesztő zsebét. De még egy Rebirth átverést nem hagyok...egyszer lehetett ezt eljátszani...Early Access nálam ez a kategória, hiszen nem látom a készterméket, csak ígéreteket látok és egy jó esetben félkész valamit. Ez nem zárja ki azt, hogy a végén kiváló játék lesz, de a kockáztatást meghagyom másoknak.
  • Ninju
    Olvastam, hidd el.
    A hozzászólásod második felével meg mindenki így van. ;)
  • Zero 7th
    Akkor ha ezt ilyen ügyesen megtaláltad, akkor nézd meg, mire válaszoltam.

    De egyébként meg azt tartok hülyének, akit akarok.