
Akik most kezdik,azoknak gyakorlás képpen,kannibál nélküli üzemmód:főképernyőn beirni hogy:veganmode (visszaállítás a meatmode parancsal lehet)
Permament death elérése:főképernyőn ezt kell begépelni:rawmeatmode
Ironman Sons Of The Forest Server
  • smog15
    Gyíkbőrre tudsz tenni 15 levelet és akkor állítólag jobban véd :D
  • DevLupius
    Lehet benne egyedi épületeket készíteni, pont mostanában építettem én is át bázisomat.

  • Ironman2
    A minimum gépigény elég gyenge hozzá,nem is értem hogy gondolták a dual core-t.Egy négymagos proci nem árt neki,sőt a 8 giga RAM se.Ezek már nem olyan méregdrágák mint azelőtt.Az Unity motorhoz kell a memória,mert mindent oda tölt be.
  • Ironman2
    Még nem lehet egyéni épületeket csinálni,ezt ügyesen oldották meg kerítés elemekből
  • Norbertboy
    Ha van annyi pénzed vedd meg a steamen, 2 óra játékon belül vissza tudod adni. Legfeljebb ha olcsóbban akarod megvenni, visszaadás után megveszed a g2a-n.

    Ennyi ötletem van.
  • wollnerd #402
    Ezek szerint lehet egyéni épületeket is építeni? tehát nem csak előre megadott minta alapján lehet/kell építeni a listából? Amikor kb. fél-3/4 éve kipróbáltam akkor még csak listából egy építményelemet kiválasztva lehetett építeni a különböző anyagokból...
  • tomy88trance
    Üdv régóta szemezek a játékkal érdeklődnék,hogy a Steames hivatalos minimum gépigénynél is lassabb gépen is megy-e vagy annyi kell neki még lowon is?
  • Ironman2
    Mennyi idő egy ilyet felépíteni?

  • Ironman2
    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    V0.46 changelog:

    (Multiplayer) Fixed client dried meat not being dried when taken by host
    Fixed crouch toggle not working correctly on controllers
    (Performance) Replaced all pickups with deferred shader version
    (Audio) Added sound effect for running water on terrain when raining!
    Rabbits and lizards now have collision when moving around the world
    Improved ai navmesh around rocks and sinkhole area
    Optimized physics calls on animals
    Caves – Fixed some small holes and gaps in some caves
    Caves – Fixed cave6 cut female legs not being dynamic
    When using a gamepad, cursor now snaps to buttons instead of moving freely mouse style, thus making navigating book easier.
    (Multiplayer) Clients now start the plane crash in separate seats from host, and watch timmy taken away from different perspective
    Fixed logs flying up in the air when chopping down trees (hopefully)
    Updated ReWired (input plugin), should fix the issue with xbox One gamepad drivers after the windows 10 update
    (Multiplayer) Cloth, tooth, feather and booze weapon upgrades are now visibly synced to other players !
    Fixed a bug when loading a save with ceiling skull lamps causing it to not be properly toggled on/off based on distance with player
    Fixed the default “Map” gamepad mapping when not using the Advanced Input (X-Input) option
    Added another way to batch items from inventory to the crafting mat, it is now possible to hold the “Combine” button to incrementally add more and more items
    Fixed logs floating in water that get reused by the pooling system not getting their buoyancy properly reset (past 100 spawned logs, oldest ones gets reused for new spawns)
    Optimized cpu/physics usage on enemies and animals
    Mutant babies will now drown if submerged in water for too long
    Fixed navmesh in cave 6 causing enemies to not find paths to player sometimes
    Added second skull to two headed effigy when broken apart
    Revamped crafting system to allow inputs when not hovering the cog
    Hitting the “Jump” button while having a valid crafting recipe on the crafting mat will now fulfill it
    Hitting the “Drop” button while having ingredients on the crafting mat will now return everything to the inventory
    Now clamping item info tooltip so that it is always entirely visible
    Fixed crafting guide page showing the “AltFire” action instead of the “Combine” action, causing it to show wrong buttons when using a gamepad
    Fixed some navmesh issues in Cave 1
    (Multiplayer) Reduced animation cpu usage as host
    Improved textures on some bushes/plants
    Improved/changed ugly plant like grass type with a more natural grass
    Fixed some cases of enemies still able to glitch through walls
    Fixed some item naming issues since the introduction of carryable dried meat
    Fixed page link button highlighting not working in book
    Caves – Fixed hole in Cave 4
    Added skin animal animation to player!
    Fixed some weird collision around islands where rocks were using a wrongly scaled collision mesh
    (Multiplayer) Fixed a bug causing built logs from a ghost procedural roof to not be visible until structure is completed
    Fixed next update part of title scene blurry at some resolutions
    Fixed missing mud pickup icon
    Fixed issues with survival book sometimes drifting away from players hands
    Fixed player movement slowing down when trying to open survival book while carrying a log
    Fixed enemies sometimes disappearing from noose trap when sleeping
    (Multiplayer) Fixed enemy movement appearing offset after being released from noose trap as client
    Fixed player sometimes not able to paddle raft or houseboat
    (Multiplayer) Fixed some logs flying for clients
    Dried meat can now be properly put back on drying rack and retain decay status
    Dried meat put down on a fire can now be eaten immediately
    Increased range of catapult
    Rotating ghosts buildings now speeds up after half a second
    Procedural Floor/Walkway swap system can no longer place walkway below terrain when not in caves
    Fixed eating dried meat from inventory not yielding fullness
    Moved bone & arrow baskets in book to the page 3 of storage
    New buildable furnitures: table and chair
    Floors & roofs no longer show the autofill/manual mode toggle action icon when not in direct vicinity of a supporting structure
    Physical exercise is now taken into account in the character weight formula so that exercising a lot slows down gaining weight when over fed and speeds up loosing weight if underfed
    Added home icon to bed structure
    Fixed player sometimes sliding forward after a hard fall
    Procedural floor no longer suggests and allow the autofill feature on a foundation (since it would just make a second floor matching the foundation embedded one)
    Improved nav mesh around big lakes area
    Tweaked inventory management to allow items that are both equipment and edible (such a pot filled with water) to be used with the combine button, thus leaving open the option to equip the item even when currently edible
    Fixed wall/fence attempting to go up the the sky when placed on slopes with great height difference
    Floor now shows a preview starting after the first locked point instead of after the second locked point
    Fixed floor ghost color code not matching exactly rest of building system
    Fixed fire arrow not lighting up leaf traps
    (Multiplayer) Fixed arrow basket, bone basket, ceiling skull light, drying rack, rabbit skin, snack holder, meds cabinet, skull light, trophy, wall plant pot, explosive holder, catapult and water collector not following supporting dynamic structure for clients
    Fixed building repair trigger not following dynamic structures movement
    Slowed down enemy movement if underwater
    Enemies will now drown if submerged in water for too long
    (Multiplayer) Fixed placing a ceiling skull light as client leaving the place icon active
  • smog15
    40-45 napot életünk eddig túl de kicsit könnyűnek tűnik a játék legalábbis ha 3-an megyünk, barlang rendszer 3/4-ét már felfedeztük azt hittem, hogy nehezebb lesz persze egyedül rohadtul nem lenne könnyű :D
  • DevLupius
    Kicsit fejlesztettem a bázisom, így talán már jó lesz.
    Készítettem egy rövid videót, éppen jöttek a vendégek, csak az volt a probléma, hogy én lettem volna a főfogás :)

    Utoljára szerkesztette: DevLupius, 2016.09.07. 09:13:28
  • Ironman2
    Passz,én még nem nagyon mászkáltam a barlangokban,majd kannibálok nélküli modban benézek oda,pedig vannak jó cuccok,egyszer valaki hozott egy magic axe-t,nem tudom hol szerezte.3-4 ütés elég volt egy fára vele.Egyébként kőkerítésre kell rögtön gyúrni,azt nem törik át,még a rajta lévő faajtón se jönnek be nálam.Sok-sok csapda kell nekik,de astickért már komolyabban el kell mennem,környéken szinte semmi fa,kivágtuk őket.D
  • DevLupius
    Kicsit játszogattam ezzel a "barlangszimulátor" játékkal, egy vajas kiflivel nem is rossz :)
    Az alaptörténet jó, lezuhanok egy repülővel egy ismeretlen helyen, csak annyit tudok a túlélésről amit a repülőn mellettem utazó cserkész lenyúlt kézikönyve tartalmaz. Az első dárda lekraftolása külön öröm volt, főleg, hogy még el is lehetett dobni, ez sokat segített a vadászatban. Az első fából készült épület gyorsan elkészült, amitől biztonságban éreztem magam, nem kellett volna :)
    Hamar egy barlangban tértem magamhoz egy kötélen lógva, meglógtam majd vissza a bázisomhoz és azonnal hozzá láttam a megerősítéséhez. Kaptak a falak védelmet, így nyugodtam vártam az estét, nem kellett volna :)
    Éjszaka megérkezett egy szuper mutáns kannibál, ez felszecskázott mindent, így ismét a barlangban tértem magamhoz a plafonon lógva mint friss desszert vacsorára.
    Szökés után átgondolva a dolgokat magamhoz öleltem egy rakás követ és formát adtam elképzelésemnek, azóta az éjszakák nyugalomban telnek, így maradt idő a cuccaim felfejlesztésére és környező barlangok felfedezésére.
    Lenne még pár kérdésem...
    - Jól gondolom, hogy a sziget alatt lévő hatalmas barlangrendszer összefüggő és akár robbantással átjárható?
    - Ha elfognak a kannibálok, akkor mindig a barlangban térek magamhoz? nem ölnek meg soha? vesztek valamit?
    - A cuccok a barlangban random vagy fix? Megtaláltam valahol a zseblámpát, de pont akkor találtam egy búvárt a közelben, gondoltam valami titkos víz alatti átjárót kutatott, így megnéztem, meg is találtam, de belefulladtam a járatba, azóta nem találom a lámpát.
    - A víz alatt lehet valamivel világítani?
    - Ezek a kannibálok ki tudják vágni a fát amire fészket raktam?
    - A térképen lehet valahogy jelöléseket rakni?
  • Ironman2
    Igen,úgy van!
  • kraven54
    Akkor ha rossz helyre tettem, szétverem és buktam 85 fát?

    Utoljára szerkesztette: kraven54, 2016.09.03. 15:37:17
  • Ironman2
    Szerintem sehogy,legalábbis én még nem láttam ilyent a játékban hogy visszaadja a nyersanyagot.
  • kraven54
    Ha felépítettem valamit de nem kell, hogy tudom visszanyerni belöle az anyagot?
  • Ironman2
    Kaja,pia van bőven,elhagyott táskák újragenerálódnak,kövek is,egyedül az erdő nem.Fákért azért már menni kell messzebb
  • Ironman2
    Azért még mindig a bázisunk a legjobb:

  • Norbertboy
    Élj túl mindent, egyenlőre ez a lényeg!
  • smog15
    Sziasztok. Most kezdtük el négyen ezt a játékot és olyan kérdésem lenne, hogy van valami lényege a játéknak? Pl. megtalálni a kis srácot vagy valami hasonló? Olyant is olvastam, hogy a repülőknek lehet jelezni de nem tudom, hogy meg lehet menekülni vagy sem. Bennszülötteket ki lehet irtani vagy újra generálja a gép őket?
    Utoljára szerkesztette: smog15, 2016.08.08. 13:53:28
  • Ironman2

    v44 changelog:
    -(Audio) Added new ambient emitters to more empty parts of world
    -(Audio) Added sound effect when opening wooden doors on cabins and doorways
    -(Audio) Added new sound for fish trap being triggered
    -(Audio) Added new sound for air tank dropping when inventory is full
    -(Audio) Fix for crafting sound sometime being inaudible in inventory!
    -(Audio) Impact sound for bone, stick and rock fences when hit with weapon.
    -It is now possible to rotate ceiling skull lamps and decorations in ghost mode
    -There is now a 60s minimum duration to rain after it actually starts to rain
    -(Multiplayer) Setup cloud forming for clients before rain starts
    -Wall auto-fill mode is no longer available on terrain, it always uses manual placement
    -Walls/Fences and Floors/Roofs each save and restore the latest autofill/manual mode
    -Now enforcing a UI refresh after sleeping, should prevent tutorial that should be in bottom left corner to remain at top of screen occasionally
    -Fixed repairing a damaged stick marker breaking its color toggling
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed time of day looping really fast when host isn't responding
    -Fixed regression with stick & rock bag changes causing poisoned arrows to not show up as such (but functional anyways) and incendiary upgraded spear to not work correctly
    -It is now possible to remove fixed upgrades from weapons (tooth/feather/glass): Place an upgraded weapon alone on the crafting mat and press the "Craft" button. Upgrades will visibly fall off the weapon and about 40% of the tooth/feather/booze will be returned to the inventory if there is room for it
    -Caves - better collision on curved rock wall
    -Built rope now has a visible connection to structures
    -Updated world nav mesh system, reduced memory cost and improves navigation inside and around player built structures
    -New buildings: Skin rack ! Has slots for rabbit, deer, and lizard skin each with room for 15 items
    -Fixed platform anchors icon being inside its foundation instead of outside
    -Collision added to some tourist models you could walk through
    -(Audio) Fixed one of the big rock types in world not sounding like rock when walked over or hit
    -Fixed rope bottom trigger position not set correctly if ground is at the verge of its max distance
    -Fixed rare type of dead tree that had cut point too hard making it hard/impossible to chop down
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed decoration place icon staying up after placing one as client
    -Fixed ceiling skull lamp not snapping to procedural ceilings
    -Fixed toggling back and forth between book and inventory switching back to default weapon or no weapon
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed meat decaying state resetting when dropped and grabbed by another player
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed client toggling stick marker or sled flag color not properly syncing to other players
    -Added a cap to damaged building distort ratio for building with lower max HP, fixes really high distortion on smaller buildings like skull lights
    -Fixed ghost skull light placing floating above ground
    -Tree house, Tree House Chalet and Tree Platform can now be toggled with the "Rotate" button after being placed on a tree (but still in ghost mode) to a version in which rope has been replaced by an anchor !
    -Blocked small rocks and regular rock pickups from spawning in lakes and ponds to fix issue where drink trigger could be blocked by these
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed error when picking up rabbits in traps as client causing it to be duplicated
    -(Performance) Work around some engine physics allocations on player to reduce garbage memory generated each frame
    -Enemies will now attempt to climb structures to get to the player and break down the ceiling if on the roof!
    -Improved positioning of ropes on several buildings anchor (not retroactive, already placed ropes will likely be slightly off)
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed player movement breaking if hit while waking up on plane
    -Fixed held rock and other weapon speed not being affected by low stamina
    -Fixed spear attacks not draining stamina at all
    -Added stipple to plane food carts and blue/green tents
    -Planting seeds in garden now uses the "Craft" button (use to be the "Take" button but was inconsistent with other feature that imply adding items in world, like food on fire)
    -Fixed cooked rabbit (from rabbits burnt live) not edible
    -Added hit proxy system to main stairs colliders (was only on stilts previously)
    -New casting based anchoring for single anchor structures (currently climbing ropes only), grabs anchor in view near center of screen instead of within range of ghost, thus requiring less accuracy in aiming and being a lot easier to lock with anchors
    -(Audio) Fixed cave footsteps playing on terrain footsteps instead of on rock footsteps
    -Added splash particle when throwing small rocks into water
    -Fixed ghost procedural stairs bug preventing from locking perfectly fine short stairs (within constraints)
    -Removed delay on picking up rocks and other small items before equipping
    -(Multiplayer) Now returning extra ingredients added to ghost building by going faster than syncing speed to complete the required amount
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed input getting stuck and unusable if interacting with chat at wrong time when dying
    -Massively lowered memory usage pathfinding takes and fixed a memory leak when going back to main scene multiple times
    -Fixed loading game on a computer for the first time clearing cloud saves!
    -Changed default "Build" action mapping for gamepads to the bottom row 1 button ("A" or "Cross") - note that this change won’t override custom settings if any
    -(Performance) Reduced CPU usage when survival book is open
    -Fixed some icon positioning issues in book
    -Fixed some cases of weapon switching to default axe or none when toggling between book and inventory
    -Fixed some issues with thrown upgraded/incendiary spear not acting as expected
    -Fixed equipping items from crafting mat losing its active bonus
    -Player death camera will no longer show extra in world enemies walking around
  • Ironman2
    V0.43 - Stick and rock bags, super meds, building improvements, bug fixing and more
    Hey Everyone,
    For this patch we’ve added new craftable stick and rock bags. Once crafted, these will increase the amount of rocks and sticks you can carry in your inventory. Along with this we’ve also added new craftable super meds, which will restore more health and stamina than regular meds. Recipes for these can be found in the survival book.
    We’ve added autofill preview to procedural walls so they work similar to placing floors. Responsiveness when building on top of platforms/floors has been improved, and should result in less cases of structures snapping underneath you instead of on platform. On foundations, walls will now attempt to auto fill the entire floor area, not just the foundation shape as was previously the case.
    For mutant a.i. we’ve added the ability for them to attempt to eat food from drying racks, or if there is no more food hanging to destroy these racks. We also fixed some issues with a.i. running to targets they couldn’t get to and animal a.i. spawning inside player structures.
    Along with this we added some new sounds, more props to cave camp sites, fixed a ton of bugs for both single and multiplayer and more, the full list can be viewed at:
    As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub
    V0.43 changelog:
    -Audio - added sounds to book opening on plane
    -Audio - fixed timing of meat eating to fit new animation
    -Fixed some structures not getting cut out of nav mesh correctly on loading save game
    -Mutants will now attempt to eat food from drying racks, once there is no meat left they will destroy the rack
    -Fixed some cases of enemies running somewhere when there was no path to the target
    -Prevented animals from spawning inside player built structures
    -Added new craftable item: Meds+. Craft with 1 marigold, 1 aloe and 1 coneflower, restores 100 health points
    -Added new craftable item: EnergyMix+. Craft with 1 coneflower, 1 chicory and 1 aloe
    -Fixed 2d filling cog not functioning properly in specific cases, i.e. upgrade recipe matching some ingredient with a recipe which currently has all its ingredient on the crafting mat but not valid amounts yet (like arrows & speed+ upgraded stick)
    -Clamped garden plants scale to prevent it from ever going into negative
    -Caves - Camping garbage added to cave 10 and 2
    -It is no longer possible to be brought under terrain by the climbing down top of rope animation.
    -It is no longer possible to use the top rope trigger to initiate rope climbing from below it, bottom trigger should be used instead. This prevents playing the climbing down rope animation when not effectively trying to climb down
    -Fixed greebles switching from regular to snow when standing right on the edge in between
    -New craftable item: Stick Bag. Combine 2 ropes, 3 cloth and 1 rabbit skin. Increases stick carry capacity by 10
    -New craftable item: Rock Bag. Combine 3 ropes, 3 cloth and 3 rabbit skin. Increases rock carry capacity by 5
    -Updated meds crafting page in survival book
    -Fixed repair building trigger position not calculated properly, causing icon to possibly be inside the building depending on its orientation
    -Moved shelter's icon a little bit more outside structure
    -Eating marigold now gives 5% fullness (same as other plants) and plays eating sound when used
    -Increased cooked meat trigger size, should make it easier to target meat over the fuel fire trigger
    -Unlit molotov thrown at lit fires now fuel it (but still doesn't light unlit ones)
    -Increased duration collapsed building pieces remain to 5s (from 2.5)
    -Fixed collapsing foundation not releasing its logs individually and instead staying glued in oddly shaped chunks of several logs
    -Improved look of Pine Tree Top Heavy - straighter trunk, removed lower branches.
    -Fixed glowing mutant leader straps
    -Fixed wrong uv’s on back of some magazines and pickups
    -Fixed missing backfaces on dropped lizard and rabbit skin prefabs
    -Caves - better collision on rockground rock type
    -Caves - fixed holes in cave 6
    -Fixed repetition of female head on stick art placed around the world
    -Improved responsiveness of weapon when attacking while recovering from a swing
    -It is no longer possible to place a defensive wall reinforcement on gate chunks
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed fish trap resetting when there's a fish trapped remotely
    -(Multiplayer) Fish trap no longer syncs its sprung state, since fishes are local to each player it allows traps to catch fish on each player side independently. Resetting fish trap is still common to all players
    -Fixed player collision getting stuck on enemies standing directly below player
    -Life buoy now make sound when pushed and now float in water
    -Player blood map seams fixed
    -Fixed ghost roof default visual not centered and weirdly offset
    -Fixed resetting fish trap not having a delay allowing currently caught fish to escape
    -Fixed all types of maple trees not blowing up when within an explosion happening mid range from a player
    -Fixed some tree/tent intersections
    -Revamped procedural wall auto fill: in the same fashion as floors & roofs, walls now show a preview of the result of "auto fill" feature. By default it tries to guess what mode is desired and toggles between manual and auto fill depending on ghost touching terrain or a player made structure, holding the "Craft" button (C by default) allows to toggle between modes manually. After doing so it no longer switches mode automatically until a new wall is being made
    -Placing a procedural wall on a foundation with floor will now cover the floor area instead of matching the foundation shape (so if foundations have an open side the ghost wall will cover that part as well instead of leaving it open, note that as all constructions it can be cancelled if not wanted)
    -Now checking against existing wall chunks (or derivatives such as fences) when placing a ghost wall (or derivatives) and skip placing new chunks over existing chunks that share exact same position and size (for example, after autofilling a wall and cancelling a chunk, autofill can be used a second time to fill the gap without spawning doubled up wall chunks overlapping the existing ones)
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed cave pre-placed fires not being lightable
    Better lod for sinkhole base lowest lod and matched to latest layout
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed gamepad not having same restrictions as keyboard when using chat, causing issues such as allowing to double jump and possibly breaking all input
    -Increased chance of enemies dodging thrown molotovs and other projectiles
    -Enforcing trigger validation while paddling raft to ensure driver unlocking when landing
    -Defensive wall gates are now considered dynamic buildings which doesn't allow nesting other structures to it (not retroactive)
    -Vertically snapping structures (like decorative skulls) can no longer be parented to dynamic buildings which do not allow it
    -Timmy drawings can no longer be attached to dynamic buildings which do not allow it
    -Fixed excessive distortion when damaging gardens
    -Fixed logs thrown into the sinkhole staying floating mid air, they now properly go all the way down !
    -Fixed screen sometimes shaking randomly when walking around the world
    -Fixed meat clipping into player body while eating
    -Fixed player crouch getting stuck sometimes when moving through shallow water
    -(Multiplayer) Reduced some jerkiness in squirrel animation as client
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed player slowly rotating to the side and ending upside down when using chat box while swimming
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed flickering on back of tabloid magazine when viewing another player holding it
    -Fixed player getting thrown up in the air if standing on top of an explosive
    -Added screen distortion effect to plane tv screens when plane begins to crash
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed game freezing when closing inventory after adding more items than shown using metal tray on the crafting mat (i.e. add metal tray and 40 leaves to crafting mat then close inventory without combining)
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed (again)backpack overlay icon not showing up in world after dying in a cave
    -Fixed lizards and other animals not falling from trees that are cut down
    -Lizards will no longer try to climb trees that the player is chopping
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed interaction distance with item holder trigger of sled being really short
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed cutting stumps away from host not not blowing up
    -New memory and performance optimizations added to pathfinding
  • Bal0924
    Jjó sok javítás.
    Nem látta a régebbi mentett játékokat.
    Újra kellett kezdenem.
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Bal0924, 2016.07.11. 20:15:51
  • Ironman2
    Hey Everyone,

    Here’s another small hotfix, this time fixing some performance issues with some quality presets

    Note: If finding low performance on a custom preset, check the ssao value is set to off

    As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub

    Fixed some incorrect quality presets causing lower than expected performance on quality levels lower than highest
  • Bal0924
    Nem ment végig...
  • Ironman2

    V0.42 changelog
    -Fixed limbs being difficult to chop from dead bodies
    -Fixed birds sometimes flying in small circles
    -Added additional particle effects to exploded enemies
    -Enemies will now die when falling from a great height
    -(Multiplayer) Floor/Roof hole cutter is now available ! Clients cannot cut holes in ironforest mode to prevent griefing
    -Caves - fixed 2 holes in cave 2
    -Fixed player head clipping through objects when doing downward axe chop
    -Added missing rabbit fur cost for bed in survival book
    -Fixed excessive random jitter sometimes occurring on floors after cutting holes
    -Fixed deer sometimes standing on edges of cliffs
    -Fixed survival book not mentioning rabbit fur cost of bed
    -Multiplayer) Fixed random object spawned at the location of metal tin tray for clients
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed distortion of damaged procedural buildings
    -New poisoned effect: when shot with poisoned arrows enemy movement is slowed and damage output is reduced for a short time
    -Bigger structures that can't be placed on houseboat floor can no longer be placed on its walls
    -Fixed enemies sometimes able to kill players who are in downed state
    -Killing enemies in trees should now cause them to fall to the ground
    -Enemies should no longer get stuck running inside cannibal huts
    -Log sled can now also be used for transportation of up to 58 sticks ! When sled is empty, hold a rock or stick to place the first and thus select the carried item type, after that the selected item can be added without needing to hold it first (like on regular holders)
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed ghost tree structures loaded from a saved game not getting removed if tree is cut down
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed remote player plastic torch flashing when they enter the game
    -(Performance) Fake drop feature now re-uses existing instance whenever possible (only when used pickup is dynamic, otherwise we have to spawn a dynamic one), also fixes fake drop cleaning up decaying meat
    -Fixed extremities of foundation's floor not perfectly overlapping the area, eventually causing foundation to be visible on the sides, also fixes some weirdness with holes on sides of floors and roofs not perfectly conforming with hole area. Might have an impact on look of previously made buildings/holes
    -Added new cheat code: "woodpaste". Can be used to reset floor & roof holes in a saved game. Cheat works once when game is started then gets reset when going back to title screen. Does nothing for MP clients
    -Shortened minimum stairs locking length down to the minimum technically possible length with current formula
    -Downwards stairs (place first point up then aim down) now skips the platform part on the first chunk if locked shorter than the regular minimum length
    -Deadfall, HB, swinging rock, noose, rabbit and fish traps now cost one stick to reset
    -Ghost foundations can now be snapped back at first locked point regardless of what height is currently aimed at
    -Enemies will now attempt to jump up onto structures built low to the ground to get to the player
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed client not seeing host climb rope animation, if loading a save game with no weapon equipped
    -Added new cheat code: type: regrowmode in title scene to activate/deactivate. When enabled 10% of cut down trees will grow back each night the player sleeps, For multiplayer games this needs to be enabled by host to have an effect on game. Only stumps will regrow into trees, so if you want trees cleared in some areas, for example inside your base, be sure to remove the stumps!
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed syncing of iron forest mode so clients no longer run distortion logic when it’s enabled, which could cause clients to see highly distorted structures that will never be destroyed
    -New art added: pamphlet
    -When a bush is burning, its remaining berries are now removed
    -(Multiplayer) Stalagmite destruction is now synced to nearby players
    -Improved enemy pathfinding around villages and firepits
    -Fixed jumping axe attacks sometimes not registering hits on enemies
    -Regular enemies will interact more with dynamic objects in the environment
    -It is no longer possible to place items such as bomb when in range of an interacting trigger (such as save trigger from shelters) to avoid blowing yourself up when trying to save with C whilst also holding a bomb.
    -Fixed gap between roofs and walls
    -Added ‘eat meat’ action to player when consuming cooked meat
    -Fixed repaired fish trap turning into rabbit trap
    -Fixed pause menu not visible on super wide monitors
    -Now filtering out rocks from clearing system (used by ponds etc), preventing to end up with invisible collision like at the pond near the cannibal village
    -Fixed lizard, crocodile and rabbit skin vanishing if player tried to pick them up whilst already carrying max amount. Dynamic version will now drop in it’s place
    -Fixed mud spawning underwater after rain
    -Burnt headless bodies now stipple in
    -Fixed cave waterfalls missing flowing water effect making them dark/hard to see
    -Improved raft buoyancy settings, should prevent it from not properly unlocking driver when leaving water
    -Fixed tortoises not dropping heads
    -Fixed tortoises not dying when set on fire
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed distant cut down trees not refreshed and showing billboard when late joining a game or joining a saved game
    -Fixed a bug when loading a saved game without owning plane axe preventing inventory system from functioning, notably causing both inventory and book to be impossible to open
    -Added generic protection against inventory initialization failure, game should keep working even if something goes wrong in there
    -(Audio) Fixed some environment SFX (like waterfalls) not working after loading a saved game
    -Added information about poison arrows to survival book
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed survival book on other players not using correct texture for front of book
    -Roof hole cutter now allows cutting several holes aligned with each other without completely cutting the roof in between holes
    -Fixed elephant leaf plant billboard turning off too soon
    -Fixed bird on hand not motion blurring correctly
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed bird on hand not appearing on other players
    -Light molotov tutorial now gets hidden when opening inventory or book
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed bow not being drawn back on other players
    -Upgrade recipes now show the 2d filling cog when there's at least 2 different ingredients on the mat
    -Fixed small crafting ingredient (such as teeth) below crafting cog not reachable when crafting cog is hidden
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed enemies tending to target host more than clients
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed client unable to remove tree stumps when far away from host
    -(Multiplayer) Fixed sky lightning getting stuck visible for clients when host is in snow biome and client isn't
    -Fixed FPS lowering when survival book was opened
  • Ironman2
  • Ironman2
    V0.41 complete

    (Performance) Reduced CPU overhead cost from animal spawning logic
    (Performance) Reduced allocations from tree wind sfx logic
    All mutants now have improved explosion gibs
    Physics objects will react more to nearby explosions
    Particles – replaced fire effect on lit arrows!
    Fixed arrow fire wrongly showing fire hit particles when shot
    New art added: Dead baby corpses combined
    Fixed issue with HBAO artifacts on ati cards
    Chopping dead sharks will now leave a headless ragdoll
    Fixed walls sometimes snapping below when placing on custom floor
    Hole cutter can now cut several buildings at once, whether side by side, at different heights and/or overlapping each other, making it a lot easier to edit complex/composed structures. Watch out for side effects of this change when trying to cut a single floor
    Ghost floor is now red when it cannot be placed
    Added rolloff to building distortion intensity, looks a lot more natural and avoids axe hits from distorting a whole house boat (for example ;)
    Fixed book tabs not having sheen effect when player is in cave
    Caves – Dead baby piles added to cave 4
    Fixed pine tree cut having shimmering cut section where model was overlapping
    Caves- ROV added to cave 9
    Ghost raft now stays above water
    Ghost house boat now stays above water and can only be placed above water
    Improved look of bestary drawing outlines
    Caves – thicker collision on cave entrances
    Option menu now updates its centering after resolution changed
    Limited framerate to 60 in title screen to fix overheating issue on some graphics cards
    Added low SSAO quality (effective with HBAO only)
    Setup buoyancy on logs !
    (Performance) Fixed extra physics cost for MP clients when there was a raft or houseboat in the game
    Push houseboat icon is now outside its walls
    hybrid ragdoll system added – enemies will conform better to the floor when dead or dropped from carried.
    Fixed dropped bodies sometimes disappearing when dropped on a steep slope
    New building: Fish trap ! Bring the legacy rabbit trap to a water area and it’ll turn into a net able to catch fish. Must be suitably placed in a fishing area to be efficient !
    Arrows are now limited to 5 on the crafting mat and adding/removing arrows from the crafting mat moves all 5 without requiring to hold the batch button
    Added cloth to burnable arrow upgrade recipe
    Setup burnable cloth model on arrows
    Fixed rock path rocks not getting a randomized rotation
    Increased view range for all ponds
    Pond spawned rocks now stipple on
    Caves – reachable skull lamps now all dynamic
    More health on elephant leaf plant
    Touchbending added to saplings!
    Fixed plane lod being drastically lower in save game versus new game for interior
    Dead bodies can no longer be dropped when standing very close to walls/rocks etc
    New art added: Revised log model, spike log model, and 3x half log variations
    Ex Floors now accepts log model variations + setup 3 variations
    Ex Stairs now accepts log model variations + setup 3 variations
    Ex Dock now accepts log model variations + setup 3 variations
    Setup new log model on wall, foundations, log pickup
    Setup new defensive wall log model
    Setup burnable cloth model on crafted club ! (recipe was already in but not working because this wasn’t setup)
    (Multiplayer) Fixed alt tabbing while chat input is open breaking all input
    (Multiplayer) Enabled physics on log pickups for clients so that they may push logs
    (Multiplayer) Improved granularity of dynamic pickups position syncing to reduce jitter
    (Multiplayer) Client adding 2 logs to a log holder/sled with only one free slot will get back the extra log instead of it being forever gone
    (multiplayer) Reduced pop when spawning creepy ragdoll bodies as client
    Added docking capability to house boat ! Approach houseboat close to dock stilts until the dock icon shows up and use the “Take” button to toggle the docking. While docked the boat cannot move or rotate
    Fixed being unable to block while jumping
    Fixed being able to pass through the edges of some cave entrances
    Replaced arrow type toggle icon with a suited one
    WaterSkin and pot inventory tooltip now shows current water fill percentage
    Fixed ghost tree structures not going down when tree is cut down
    Updated houseboat with new log model
    Fixed player still moving sometimes while inventory is open
    Fixed foundation’s floor position locking possibly going out of sync with foundation’s one
    Fixed aiming up or down from last locked foundation position allowing to go around the minimum chunk length limitation
    Fixed cowman not showing up in bestiary
    (multiplayer)Fixed bodies being dropped in wrong place for client when first dropped
    Slightly lowered randomisation of floor logs (was giving bad result sometimes and it’s far less necessary now that we have variations)
    Fixed houseboat on land not automatically unlocking the driving player
    Setup new log model on procedural wall doors
    Rebalanced procedural wall door physics to ease entering structures in some cases
    Fixed dead bodies floating in air if dropped from a height
    Better scale/position of deadshark head when held by player
    (Performance) Revamped floor hole cutter preview, instead of cutting the actual floor or roof it shows a ghost overlaying it with no physics/navigation cost involved
    Fixed player being shot out of cave 2 exit if they had entered via rope entrance
    (Multiplayer) Fixed snow trees turning into regular trees when chopped in MP games
    Fixed explosion damage not always being properly accounted for on buildings
    (Multiplayer) Fixed damaged building distortion being so soft that it wasn’t visible
  • Ironman2
    Igen,és ha valaki be akar nagyon keményíteni,akkor bevezették a permament death módot,ami ugye azt jelenti ha meghalunk,tényleg meghalunk,elveszik a karakter adat is,és nincs mentési lehetőség sem,hála istennek ezt csak csalással lehet előhozni ha beirjuk a főképernyőn a rawmeatmode utasítást!!
  • Bal0924
  • Ironman2


  • Ironman2
    Vagyunk szépen már! Holnap este jobban ráérek,kannibál party jön! Immár 2 bázis,és kőkerités,hatalmas tüzhely,aki belátogat hozzánk.Tervezzük a csapdák felépitését is.Lassan fél erdőt kivágunk.D
  • Ironman2
    Úgy lesz ezentúl hogy meghivás alapján jöhetnek be játékosok,tehát aki szeretne játszani,és csatlakozni hozzám,az vegyen fel barátnak steamen,és látni fogja mikor játszom a játékkal.Egy játékos már volt bennt nálam tegnap! Steam nickem:ironman72
  • Ironman2
    az szép,akkor már meglesz a sztori is hova lettek a túszok,gondolom mindegyiket meg kell majd keresni
  • Bal0924
    Valaki már eljutott idáig?
    Majd a további fejlesztéskor lehet majd itt tovább jutni?
    Azt hittem belehalok mire ide eljutottam :S Minden elfogyott.(kaja, innivaló, molotov, bomba és rongy.

    És még találtam valamit.
    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!
    Nem tudom hogy spoilernek számít, de inkább ide raktam.
    Találtam egy Timmy képet. kép

    Utoljára szerkesztette: Bal0924, 2016.05.16. 17:40:04
  • Ironman2
    Kéne egy csapat állandó szerverrel,aki tud állandó magyar szervert inditani az szóljon! Ne feledjétek,co-op a játék,szóval bárki beléphet rombolni,(ráadásul mutatja a bázist),ezért csak priviben beszéljük meg a szervert aki csatlakozni akar!
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Ironman2, 2016.05.16. 16:27:00
  • Ironman2
    Igen,az előfordulhat,bennszülöttek romba döntenek amugy házakat a földön,erre figyelni kell,látványosan összedől a ház,fákat is ki tudják ütni gondolom.Mutánsok még nem jöttek arra,de szerintem van mindegyiknek tulajdonsága
  • Ironman2
    Nekünk nem mászott fára,pedig földig ért a kötél.DDD Lándzsát csontból lehet csinálni,keresd meg a könyvben!!
  • Bal0924
    Nem is tudtam hogy ezek a bennszülöttek tudnak fára mászni és onnan támadni..
    Hogyan lehet lándzsát csinálni?
    Vagyis 1-et sikerült csinálnom, de nem tudom hogyan. és azóta 1-et sem.