Akik most kezdik,azoknak gyakorlás képpen,kannibál nélküli üzemmód:főképernyőn beirni hogy:veganmode (visszaállítás a meatmode parancsal lehet)
Permament death elérése:főképernyőn ezt kell begépelni:rawmeatmode
Ironman Sons Of The Forest Server
mester1987 #449 The Forest - április végén végre megjelenik
*Kiváncsi vagyok milyen gépigénye lesz ill. a 60 FPS-t fogja-e majd produkálni.
Utoljára szerkesztette: mester1987, 2018.04.06. 19:17:12 -
#448 Lehet! Sehol nem lesznek a kannibálok, se mutánsok. A barlangokban sem. A Peaceful mode a beépített veganmode. :)
Hidd el, barlangrendszerek bejárása nélkül nem is tudod végig tolni a játékot. :) -
Bal0924 #447 Ahhoz kéne olyan 1-2barát, aki hajlandó megvenni a játékot. :) -
Norbertboy #446 Szerintem keressetek társat, egyedül kemény oda lent. 2-3 ember már jól el van és remek a szórakozás is! -
Ironman2 #445 Passzolom,én még igy se merek lemenni a barlangrendszerbe.DD -
Bal0924 #444 Sziasztok
A ",kannibál nélküli üzemmód"-al is végig lehet vinni a sztorit? -
#443 Sehol nem írtam ilyen csak a 2-3$-hoz képest a 32 nevetséges. De aki barlangban lakott annak a szürke áras 3500 ft os ár maradt csak. De még az is nevetséges.
És lesz ez még bundleban hajaj.. -
Norbertboy #442 LOL
Szerinted több darabot el sem adnak belőle? Ezt ugye te sem gondolod komolyan. 32 euroért is veszik majd...
#441 A Rust-ot annyiszor szórták már bundlekba ,hogy csak az nem szerezte már be valamelyikbe akit nem is érdekel.. -
Norbertboy #440 Én úgy veszem észre, ez megint csak pénz lehúzás. Most trendi lett, hogy kijön a játék alpából. Ugyanakkor csak az történik, hogy fejlesztik tovább, viszont drágább lesz a játék. A Rust is 32 euro körül lesz február 8-tól, de tovább folytatódik a fejlesztése. Persze, ha jó a játék ez nem baj és még így sem 60 euro. -
Ironman2 #439 Jó hír! Ennyi év fejlesztés után,ez is megjelenik áprilisban! 1.0-ás verziószámot fog majd kapni.A 15 dolláros ár 20-ra fog emelkedni,úgyhogy vegyétek amig lehet most! Lesznek addig még új ficsőrök,pl a hideg-meleg rendszer,nem mindegy hogy milyen ruhákba bújunk,lesznek még új építőelemek is.
https://www.pcgamer.com/the-forest-will-flee-out-of-early-access-this-april/ -
Norbertboy #438 Én kíváncsi vagyok mi lesz a Timmy történt vége. -
Ironman2 #437
V0.73 changelog:
Fixed dynamite going off automatically when added to catapult
Fixed caves not loading properly in some old save files
Fixed dynamite turning off in water breaking achievement for fishing with dynamite
Fixed issues with survival book not opening if player was briefly airborne when opening the book
Fixed camera jerkiness when moving while opening or closing the survival book
Fixed equip weapon animations looking wrong when cold
Player will now drop any held logs when sitting on a bench
Increased height of all tree trunk colliders
Fixed player able to pause game during loading screens and before plane crash cutscene
Fixed construction UI widget positioning being off for some structures
Flag and interaction icons are now hidden while using the log sled
Fixed dropped dynamite fuse lit in wrong place
Fix wrong scale on some dropped sticks
Fixed geese sometimes appearing to float above water
Fixed animation issues if taking heavy fall damage while aiming bow
Overlay icon grouping, finds icon clumps of same icon type and color by world position and groups it into a single one when far away
Caves – Updates and polish to Cave 5
Fixed end boss not appearing on fire for clients
Fixed issues with arrows not sticking into end boss
Rebalanced saplings to work better with machete versus other weapons
Fixed player flashlight not casting spec!
Arrows and spears can now pass through stick and bone fences
(Multiplayer) Bumped construction material count max synced value to 65k (from 2k)
(Multiplayer) Beanie is no longer available for character models that don’t fit (not retroactive)
Fixed one of the bone arrow views in inventory not visible
It is no longer possible to build things within the large raft pillars and stairs
Placing a ghost catapult now requires to have enough room behind for the player to use it
Fixed cloth on put out burning weapon not visible even though it can be relit
Fixed lighter not behaving properly (getting stashed) when relighting a burning weapon that was put out
Fixed sharks disappearing for clients when killed
Fixed turtles not dropping head trophies when skinned
(Multiplayer) Setup texture variations for the new cargo pants + fixed red paint & bloody textures
Fixed triggering the “Fire1” action (left click by default with a mouse) while holding the passenger manifest in inventory attempting to stash the manifest
Fixed L to light tutorial no longer visible after going in pause menu while in the hanging cutscene
Fixed missing remove all prompt when backpack is on the crafting mat to set quick select items
Fixed remaining issue with combining recurve bow & arrows to set the active bonus
Berries on bushes are now only visible when up close and not on the lod version of the models
Improved held and fill water skin animations
Fixed cooking head on fire missing eyeballs
Fixed some props falling out of beach huts on spawning
Fixed ghost target, ghost rabbit cage, bench using old mesh in ghost renders or old wood models in built versions
Fixed pot and other items from appearing in hand if picked up while eating meat
Fixed keycard disappearing sometimes when opening door in end game section
Fixed wrong weapon sometimes being equipped when opening keycard doors
Fixed happy birthday trap not requiring rope
Fixed some areas player could get stuck in sinkhole
Improved some shiny hair variations
Fixed birds sometimes landing on perch targets that have already been destroyed
Fixed enemies standing up after being killed and dropped from the noose trap
Fixed not able to equip lighter or light fires while holding a dead body
Fixed water splashes visible on other players while inside yacht
Fixed cases of building treehouses on dead trees, allowing players to climb down through world
Fixed upgraded stick’s cloth appearing off the stick when windy after the fire had been put out
Fixed flag cloth color not set automatically when completing a building
Fixed walking in and out of endgame entrance breaking lighting in caves
Added “group overlay icons” in gameplay options
Fixed player not able to pick up logs while airborne
(Multiplayer) Fixed end boss sometimes not spawning if client entered end game section alone
(Multiplayer) Fixed player able to look around in pause screen if hit by explosives
It is now possible to light burning weapons, molotov and dynamites while having the plastic torch equipped, it will now switch to lighter automatically
(Multiplayer) Attempting to join a full lobby now opens back the game browser automatically and displays a relevant error message
UI- updates to main menu save slots and difficulty screens -
Ironman2 #436 4 és fél éve fejlesztik,csak vége lesz 2 év múlva a fejlesztésnek.Mit lehet még ebbe belerakni? Tartalom elég kevés van hozzá szerintem.Itt a mutánsok hozzák a frászt az emberre. -
Ironman2 #435 Elég szép kis javítás jött a 0.72-es verzióban!
Lassan háromnegyedéhez érkezik a játék. -
smog15 #434 Játék befejezése nekem nagyon bejött :) Most kezdtünk pont újat pár hét kihagyás után. -
Bal0924 #433 Ezzel nem vagy egyedül, mármint a barlangok. -
Ironman2 #432 Én várok még pár verziót,aztán megint belefogok.Bár a barlangoktól félek egyedül :) -
Bal0924 #431 Ennyire behalt a játék?
Létezik magyarítás/magyarosítás a játéknak? -
Ironman2 #430 10 euro a játék steamen! -
8razir #429 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy25krVPmnQ Bull World Gaming sziasztok üdvözőlét titeket live megy ít nálunk ha szeretnetek fel nézni hozzánk it link ha tecik a mit csinálunk a iratközátokfél -
#428 Garry Newman, a Rust játékot fejlesztő stúdió feje megmondta a frankot egy nem rég kreált reddit posztban. Ha beleunt a kedves játékos a játékába, akkor lépjen szépen tovább. Elismerte, hogy a játék fejlesztésével egy amolyan végtelen ciklusba sikerült belekeveredniük. Elmondása szerint kiadnak egy frissítést, amit egy hónapig szeretnek a játékosok, aztán megunják és elkezdik a rendszer hibáztatni. Ez megy megint pár hónapig, mire megint kiadnak egy új frissítést és kezdődik az egész előröl.
A megoldás?
„Ha meguntad a játékot, akkor ne játszd tovább”. De mielőtt mérges lennél gondolj bele, hogy elég szórakoztató tartalmat kaptál-e a fejlesztőktől az elmúlt három évben azért a 20 dollárért, amit kiadtál a zsebedből a játékért.
Newman elmondta, hogy ők is szeretnék megtörni ezt a végtelen ciklust és elhagyni a korai hozzáféréses programot. Erre meg is van a tervük, de szerinte ez addig lehetetlen még 1000 órákat töltenek el az emberek azzal, hogy kritizálják a játékuk.
8razir #427 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy25krVPmnQ sziasztok live várható aki szeretne ide jőni mindenkit várunk szívesen és ha tejcik a csatorna a kor iratoz fel -
Norbertboy #426 Biztos még sok fejlesztés lesz! Nem tudom mi lesz a vége, kicsit Lost feeling. Nagyon jó játék, megéri a pénzt! -
Ironman2 #425 Ez kurva nagy show volt gyerekek!! Köszi mindenkinek a közremüködést,jól szórakoztam rajta.eh
Bár nem értem hogy miért még a felénél tartanak a fejlesztésben,mikor már van endscene is? Talán lesz több szálon befejezés? -
Ironman2 #423 0.51-es patch
Immár kinyílik a titkos ajtó az egyik barlangban a kulcskártyával.
Hey everyone,
For this patch we focused on opening up the door at the bottom of the sinkhole cave. The door is locked and you’ll need to find the keycard in order to get inside.
Additionally, some new story items have been placed around the world, particularly in locations where you can find red paint.
Our plan was to originally have the door be openable only once the game was fully complete however the feedback and help we’ve gotten from the community has been invaluable throughout the development of the game and so we wanted to have everyone involved in this part of the process also. Keep in mind, you should expect some bugs and possibly other issues, and may prefer to wait for a final release to play this part of the game.
Note: You can’t currently save in areas past the door. -
Norbertboy #421 Sziasztok!
Van egy sorozatunk ha érdekel Titeket megnézhetitek! BWG -
Ironman2 #420 11.24 euro a játék,nov 29-én este 19-ig tart az akció! -
#419 Hello
Hasonlo problemam volt. Nekem azert szaggatott, mert a jatek az integralt videokartyat hasznalta, nem pedig a Radeont. A videokartya drivereben valahol van olyan, hogy ki tudod valasztani, hogy adott programok melyik videokartyat hasznaljak. Nekem itt volt beallitva, hogy az integraltat hasznalja a Forest, es ne az erosebb Radeont. Szoval probald meg ezt.
Jatekot Steamen keresztul vetted meg vagy Torrent? Ha Steam, akkor magatol frissiti, ha Torrent, akkor minden egyes uj verzional az egeszet ujra le kell szedni.
A mentesnek most a legujabb verziokban mar mukodnie kellene.
Egyebkent ha megoldottad a problemakat, akkor szolj, aztan multizhatunk. -
Gyorgy22 #418
Sziasztok kezdem azzal hogy kezdő vagyok és szeretnék tanácsot kérni. Van ugye ez a The Forest játék hát már egy sor verziót leszedtem de nagyon akad, és nem tudom mi a baj. a gépem szerintem jó lenne ez lenne..: Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Duo CPU 2,40GHz 8.00 BG ram Win7 64 bites rendszer NVIDIA GeFore GTS 450 1GB meg láttam sok helyen hogy adtak ki frissítést ha jól olvastam akkor pach meg update na ezeket honnan tudom leszedni és hogyan kel betenni a játékba. Egyszóval melyik verzió lenne nekem jó ami elmenne a gépen szaggatás nélkül és lényeg hogy tudjak a játékba menteni. Köszönöm előre is a választ. -
wudoORock #417 Ez azért lehet mert nem egy patchen van a játékod mint a többieknek. Fontos a verzió szám megegyezés! -
Ironman2 #416 0.48!!
SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!V048 - Custom wall angle snapping, Improved multiplayer combat, New large raft, bug fixing and lots more
Hey Everyone,
For this patch we’ve fixed a lot of animation timings in multiplayer, which should make combat and a.i. reactions a lot more consistent between host and client. Previously there were delays between animation states, now the timings and transitions are much closer to what you see in singleplayer, which should result in enemies and other players looking smoother and generally more responsive.
We also fixed a bunch of the more visible multiplayer bugs, such as players spawning in the wrong pose on the plane or still seeing other players walking around in the wrong perspective in the dead screen. We also fixed trees cut down far away from clients causing sync issues and fixed weapon upgrades not always visible to other players.
We added a large raft model to the survival book. This larger boat has two rowing sections, designed to work in coop with multiple players where players will have to co-ordinate well to keep the boat moving fast and straight
For building systems, we’ve added a corner snap to walls, fences, stairs and foundations. When selecting the position of a second wall piece, you’ll notice a subtle stickiness when the wall is within 45 degree angle of the previously placed wall part. You can now also snap ghost walls to previously constructed wall sections.
We’ve improved how storage works for the drying rack, you can now add items without having to take each out of the inventory manually, and can switch which item is added by pressing the cycle item button. If you like to manually take items out however and place them, this will still work as the default item will be what you currently have in your hand. We’ve transferred this system to the fire cooking system also.
Along with this we’ve improved the look of some plants, further improved enemy a.i pathfinding, fixed a bunch of bugs and lots more all listed below.
As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub
V0.48 Changelog:
-(Building) Procedural stairs may now be built both up and down in a single unit instead of being one way only
-(Building) Fixed a bug with hole cutter causing some buildings to leave a broken ghost behind when targeted, increased amount of buildings it can remove, and fixed some errors/crashes with removing some structures
-(Multiplayer) Fixed edible items shared with tray not always usable
-(Multiplayer) Added support for syncing meat decay state when shared with tray
-(Building) Building repair trigger no longer shows the "Take" action icon when not owning any repair material
-(Building) Fixed dock not having a max point limit
-(Building) Lowered max angle between dock chunks
-(Building) Collapsed building parts now have an accurate collider so they don't go half way inside other objects or ground and no longer spin on themselves
-(Building) Fixed placing rock fence stub looking slightly different than placed version
-(Building) Improved system that prevents autofilled walls and fences from placing over existing ones
-(Multiplayer) Fixed coop players sometimes spawning on top of each other inside the plane
-(Multiplayer) Fixed players spawning in wrong pose when first joining a coop session
-(Multiplayer) Fixed other players and enemies visible during the player death sequence
-(Building) Rock fence now breaks into individual rocks when collapsed
-(Building) Added collision to defensive wall reinforcement spikes
-(Building) Added angle snap when placing foundation, walls, fences and stairs!
-(Building) Wall and fence chunks now attempt when placed to be nested with the support structure below if any. Fixes issue of destroying a single chunk possibly collapsing the entire upper row (not retroactive)
-Fixed gamepad not automatically selecting the first UI element of opening panels (such as the received MP invite one or pause menu in game)
-(Building) Fixed aiming back and forth between fences and floors breaking wall & fences placement in autofill mode
-(Building) Switched walls and fences placement to a cast based system instead of trigger based, meaning that it will target whatever support is being looked at in autofill mode instead of having to bring the default log model (which isn't always visible) in direct vicinity of the support
-(Building) Revamped defensive wall reinforcement placement with the new cast based targeting system
-(Building) Added snapping with other walls when placing procedural walls in manual mode
-(Building) Each floor and roof now has a 20 holes limit, this works around an issue in multiplayer causing clients to no longer receive holes past a certain amount, also prevents escalating computation costs due to inappropriate use of the hole cutter
-(Building) Added new way to interact with fires: it is now possible to cook meat without holding it, when prompted press the "Rotate" button to select which meat you wish to cook, you may also choose to fuel the fire this way. Holding the meat item you wish to cook still works, it will lock the targeted meat type to whatever meat is currently held
-(Building) Added new way to interact with drying rack: it is now possible to store meat without holding it, when prompted press the "Rotate" button to select which meat you wish to add for drying. Holding the meat item you wish to add still works, and will lock the targeted meat type to whatever meat is currently held
-(Building) Not yet dried food on the drying rack can now be picked back up without waiting (it may be cooked on fire or relocated this way)
-(Building) Centered drying rack repair trigger
-(Building) New dynamic structure: Large Raft ! Features 2 oars that can be wielded by 2 players for greater speed and more accurate controlling
-(Building) Added large stick holder storage option, after placing stick holder press the "Rotate" button when prompted to toggle to large version, cost 24 stick and stores up to 40 sticks
-Fixed missing area not available message at end game door
-Fixed fire mutants not aiming projectiles at target correctly
-Improved far shadow and offscreen particles performance
most animals now collide with walls and other objects in the world
-(Multiplayer) Improved accuracy of animation transitions for enemies and players as client
-Fixed thrown rocks not dealing damage to animals
-Fixed limbs not matching host body when chopped off.
-Fixed a bunch of text ‘can’t carry anymore’ items missing correct pluralization
-Fixed bunch of items having incorrect item name capitalization
-Fixed dropped climbing axe floating
-(Multiplayer) Fixed(again) snow trees turning into regular trees when cut
-Fixed missing Combine prompt in inventory item tooltips for a bunch of items
-Set bushes and small plants to no longer spawn under lakes/ponds
-Improved look of small tree and added touch bending
-New textures for bush08
-Fixed cave fires incorrectly rotated
-Fixed club selected material in inventory having wrong texture plugged in and a bunch of other selected materials looking wrong when hovered over
-Added collision to beach log, and hollow log and wood sound when hitting or walking over
-Plant 21 vertex colour fix
-Caves - removed old map pick up
-Fixed touch bending on Sapling 5
-Caves- fixed angled magazines on cave floors
-(Multiplayer) Fixed player switching to previous weapon after being revived
-Fixed player camera getting permanently offset sometimes when skinning an animal very close to a wall
-Fixed creepy mutants sometimes running away from player when in shallow water inside caves
-Caves - removed doubled up magazine in cave 5
-Fixed flares and tennis balls not having splash effect when hitting water
-Fixed berry pop in for blueberry and snowberry bushes
-Increased view distance on some cave climb down areas/surrounding rocks
-Fixed cowman blood seams
-Improved ai pathfinding around cliff edges and plane crash sites
-Fixed bombs/dynamite/talky place on wall system interacting with invisible triggers, thus allowing to sometimes place the item mid air
-Sheen billboards are now more consistent/brighter
-Improved resolution on plane seats/tray
-Increased meat on fire overcook duration to 90s (from 60s)
-Fixed thrown rocks not dealing damage to enemies
-(Multiplayer) Fixed weapon upgrades not showing on remote player if he hasn't opened inventory once since starting game
-(Multiplayer) Fixed defensive wall reinforcement possibly not loading for clients in bigger games or laggy conditions
-(Multiplayer) Fixed excessive distortion when building receive damage
-(Multiplayer) Fixed some issues with tree save states being different between host and client depending on where client was when trees were cut down or game was saved
-(Multiplayer) Fixed severe lag when client joins a game that has garden with planted seeds located far away from all current player locations
-(Multiplayer) Fixed and smoothed out world object sync sweep that occurs when a client joins a game -
#415 Hat amugy akarmikor ramegyek a co-opra, szinte sosem mutat jatekot. Eddig egyszer mutatott egyet, de abban is csak 1 inaktiv jatekos volt... Valaki nem akar jatszani?:D -
#414 koszi, utananezek. -
wudoORock #413 Gladiator lehet törttel is multizni. Sőt a többi tört játékos szervereit is látod és csatlakozhatsz hozzájuk... -
#412 Na, driver hiba volt, nem ismerte fel a videokartyat, most mar jol nez ki:D
Bocs, hogy bekeveredtem ide es egybol szetspammeltem a topikot... -
#411 Nalatok amugy hogy megy a jatek? Mert nekem meg "Fastest" beallitason, 1600*900-on is akadozik, valamint ha feltolom maxra a beallitasokat, akkor se kozeliti meg a gameplay videokon latottakat, arrol nem is beszelve, hogy kb. 5fps-sel megy.
Szerintem nem szar a gepem, bar a videokartya lehetne jobb:
Intel i7-4720HQ @2.60GHz
16GB ram
1 TB Samsung 850 EVO SSD
AMD R9 m200X
Win 10 64bit - egy hete volt ujrarakva az egesz gep -
#410 Kozben rajottem, h nem lehet. -
#409 Tort verzioval lehet jatszani co-opot? Nem azert, mert ilyen olcso lennek, hogy nem vagyok hajlando kifizetni 15 dollart erte, csak a Steam nem engedi letolteni, mert elmeletileg az orszag, ahol vagyok nem tamogatott, vagy mittom en. Szetturtam a netet megoldas miatt, de senki sem tudott erre a hibakodra semmit. Probaltam mashonnan megvenni, de ahogy neztem csak Steamen lehet. -
Ironman2 #408 v0.47