Endless Space
  • zorrobomber
    Ezért is írtam hogy a harcon dől el hogy érdekel -e vagy nem.
  • JethroHUN
    Már a videók alapján is unalmasnak néz ki. Nem lesz egy nagy szám játék. Nem hiszem h érdemes lesz vele foglalkozni.
  • JethroHUN
    Itt egy videó a harcról és jó alpha játékmenet 18 perces videók.
    Akik SoSE szintű úr-rts-re számít az téved. Nagyon nem.
  • zorrobomber
    Egyelőre úgy néz ki hogy igen. A stratégia részről és a kezelőfelületről hozsannákat írnak, a tetszés-nem tetszés része valószínűleg ott fog mindenkinél eldőlni hogy a harc tetszik -e. Egyfajta kártyajátékként írnak a harc részről. A játékot folyamatosan fejleszteni fogják kiadás után, és a kérdésekbe bevonják a játékosokat is.

    Igen, nekem is bejön a játék zenéje, a fenti trailer pl. BSG hangulatára emlékeztet.

    "This game is absolutely fantastic. Seeing as how it was an indie game on steam, i wasn't expecting it to be quite as overwhelmingly good as it actually is. Never judge a game company by it's size guys. These people sure know what they're doing. It contains everything i love about a good RTS like civilization, Homeworld or Haegemonia. The game play is fantastic and the graphics are beautifully done. This will be one of their flagship games and i expect we'll be seeing a lot more of amplitude."

    "The existence of a Cold War diplomacy setting is perhaps the single greatest new feature I’ve come across. The ability to skirmish outside of owned space, eject non allies from your own territory forcefully and even take control of outposts before they develop into fully fledged colonies, all without going into a state of open war makes conflicts in the game that more interesting, especially in the beginning of the game. In a game like Civ if someone settles near me or is sending scouts to far into what I deem my territory I have to declare open war in order to push back, with Cold War you can start setting up boundaries without both sides having to go into full war production."

    Steam oldal
  • tutituti
    ja és rossz a steam oldal link.
  • tutituti
    nézegettem steamen.
    A trailer zenéje hihetetlen jó!
    De még nem tudom megéri az árát vagy sem?
  • zorrobomber

    Steam oldal

    A Born Leader: Guide one of eight civilizations as you strive for galactic dominion. Will you control the entire galaxy through subtle trade and diplomacy, explore every corner of the universe to find powerful artifacts and resources, overwhelm other civilizations with your advanced technologies, or destroy your enemies with massive armadas?

    Endless Discoveries: With hundreds of star systems to explore, different planet types, luxuries and strategic resources to exploit, the mysteries within the Dust to master and a host of strange scientific phenomena to deal with, the player will have no lack of challenges. Hire heroes to become fleet admirals or system governors and discover five hero classes and their unique ability trees and specializations.

    Space Opera: Experience Endless Space with state-of-the-art graphics and interface, switch between strategic battle decisions and long-term planning. Optimize each fleet for epic battles around contested stars. Create the perfect combinations from dozens of unique ships per civilization. Customize your ship with modules, armament, engines and special mods. The player has a plethora of choices of how to best destroy or dissuade his enemy.
    Take on the Universe: Play against up to seven opponents and build up – or break – alliances at will. Discover an innovative and dynamic simultaneous turn-based gameplay. Permit instant jump-in for your ongoing online games. Define your own custom civilizations and confront the ones created by your friends.

    Endless Replayability: Control every new game’s scope, from a quick match-up to an endless war. Generate an infinity of random galaxies where every start begins a new adventure. Modify the size, shape, density, age and a lot more to create your ideal galaxy. Choose from different victory conditions and adapt your strategy on the fly.

    Creating GAMES2GETHER: Track the dev team’s objectives, progress and achievements. Participate in the creation of the game via the GAMES2GETHER initiative. Access early versions of the game and give your feedback to the dev team. Discuss actual and future game features and expansions with the dev team.