Endless Space
  • zorrobomber
    Egyelőre úgy néz ki hogy igen. A stratégia részről és a kezelőfelületről hozsannákat írnak, a tetszés-nem tetszés része valószínűleg ott fog mindenkinél eldőlni hogy a harc tetszik -e. Egyfajta kártyajátékként írnak a harc részről. A játékot folyamatosan fejleszteni fogják kiadás után, és a kérdésekbe bevonják a játékosokat is.

    Igen, nekem is bejön a játék zenéje, a fenti trailer pl. BSG hangulatára emlékeztet.

    "This game is absolutely fantastic. Seeing as how it was an indie game on steam, i wasn't expecting it to be quite as overwhelmingly good as it actually is. Never judge a game company by it's size guys. These people sure know what they're doing. It contains everything i love about a good RTS like civilization, Homeworld or Haegemonia. The game play is fantastic and the graphics are beautifully done. This will be one of their flagship games and i expect we'll be seeing a lot more of amplitude."

    "The existence of a Cold War diplomacy setting is perhaps the single greatest new feature I’ve come across. The ability to skirmish outside of owned space, eject non allies from your own territory forcefully and even take control of outposts before they develop into fully fledged colonies, all without going into a state of open war makes conflicts in the game that more interesting, especially in the beginning of the game. In a game like Civ if someone settles near me or is sending scouts to far into what I deem my territory I have to declare open war in order to push back, with Cold War you can start setting up boundaries without both sides having to go into full war production."

    Steam oldal