Crusader Kings II

  • fatsy
    a telepítésről egy kis segítséget légyszi!
  • fatsy
    igen ,ez mondjuk jó kérdés
  • Lord Baal
    Ez kompatibilis a legújabb 1.04c patch- el?
  • fatsy
  • Jakuza001
    CK2Plus 1.0
    CK2Plus-1.00 hotfix
  • phylemon
    Az egyébként miért van hogy uralkodómnak megveszem a bűnbocsánatot, a pápa visszafogadja az egyházba, aztán ha uralkodóváltás van, az utódom egyből kiátkozva kezd... -30 opinion... Annak is megveszem a bűnbocsánatot, de egy hónap nem telik bele, és a s.ggfej székelyföldi vazallusom kérésére újból meg újból kiátkozza a pápa... Lehet ez ellen tenni valamit? Az lehet a baj hogy free investitúra van? De annál mindig feltesz egy kérdést, és én meg szoktam vesztegetni a pápát. Lehet akkor nem ér semmit...
  • fatsy
    ezazzz. odavágok majd én is
  • phylemon
    dehogynem. minden alkalommal mikor új király lett. de ennyi pénzből levertem őket mint a sz.rt.. :D sokat kellett tejelni a pápának is hogy felfüggessze a kiátkozást.. párszor kellett ez a lépés. de elég egy gyengébb király, egy korai halál, és összedől a rendszer. nem nagyon tűrik a high crown authority-t... a az adókkal együtt meg pláne.
  • fatsy
    na a törvényekhez én nem nyúltam, de akkor a moddal kipróbálom majd úgy.nem ugráltak a nemesek meg polgárok?
  • phylemon
    Ezt a ck2plus modot honnan lehet letolteni?
  • fatsy
    egy linket a letöltéshez pls:)
  • fatsy
    köszönet Jakuza!
  • phylemon
    Magyarország királyaként kezdtem. Volt pár nyugis év és így felment. :) Adózáshoz is nyultam igen, large city tax es normal feudal tax volt. De a sajat birtok fejlesztése és mennyisége hozta a sok lóvét. Meg az a néhány nyugis év kellett.
  • Jakuza001
    Ez kerlek egy mod a jatekhoz. Igy sokkal jobban kibalanceolt a jatek es sokkal tobb finomitas van bevezetve benne, raadasul benne van az a modul is, amit annyira keresel. :P

    - 'No Time Limit' allows for play up to the year 100000.
  • fatsy
    és ez mi?:)
    aztán még 1x had kérdezzem meg, nem tudja vki h ki lehetne szedni h megálljon 1453ban?
  • Jakuza001
    CK2Plus for Crusader Kings 2

    Reduced the number of Knights from Germanic/Frankish cultural buildings

    It is now possible to sail between the Nile Delta and the Gulf of Suez.This is necessary because otherwise the AI has issues with getting its troops stuck waiting for ships on the other side
    Added decisions to form special titular Kingdoms for Muslims in Iberia
    Reduced piety gain from handing titles to church, so that it is not possible to wage perpetual Holy War simply by handing out the temples you gain
    A white peace in an independence war will no longer result in independence
    Winning an independence war will now result in all other independence wars against the same target being automatically won.Ideally I would have liked to make independence war a war where you can call in other vassals who also become independent if you win, but this does not seem to be possible to do
    Winning a war to replace your liege (by any of the various CBs) will now end any wars with the same general goal inconclusively
    Winning a Religious Defense war will now end any offensive Crusade or Religious Wars the enemy is fighting against your religion. Any other Religious Defense wars your faith is waging against the same target will also end inconclusively
    It is now possible to wage Holy War against distant enemies.Such a war is distinguished by a different name Religious Invasion. A Religious Invasion costs 250 piety and cannot be declared if your piety is below 0
    It now costs 100 piety to wage a Holy War on a neighbouring enemy. You cannot declare a Holy War if your piety is below 0. This is meant to represent Church/Temple approval of your war, and also to slow down the general pace of expansion
    Changed the way invasions work. Instead of taking all occupied titles, you now get all titles the target character was holding which fall under the Kingdom you were invading. So if William wins the Norman Invasion, he takes the Kingdom of England and all English Counties, Duchies and Baronies Harold was holding
    Pagans can now wage Holy Wars
    Made the AI more reluctant to expand into Ethiopia
    Axum is once again independent at game start
    Added preferred terrain types for different unit/tactics. For instance, Pikemen will perform better in hills and mountains but poorly in forests, while light cavalry will do well in forests and deserts but poorly in mountains
    Changed all battle tactic stats into standardized formulas
    Linked battle morale break point with generals martial stat (flanks with no general will break at 50% morale, decreasing in increments to 25% break point at 20+ martial skill).
    Added mild defensive bonuses to most terrain types
    Added the Have Fifteen Children and Have Twenty Children ambitions. Completing the Have Twenty Children ambition will give you a special nickname.
    Orthodox Priests can now marry
    AI Barons will now get married instead of letting their dynasties die out
    Feasts, Grand Hunts and Summer Fairs now cost a fixed amount of money depending on your title rank. Many of the events related to them have also been given fixed gold costs.
    Titular titles can no longer have Elective succession (as they have no valid electors)
    You now have a small chance of fabricating claims on a Duchy, even if your Chancellor has < 15 skill.
    Your chance of successfully fabricating a claim is now increased by having high prestige
    Increased the prestige cost of fabricating claims to 200/500 for County/Duchy
    Increased the wrong holding type penalty to -66%
    Reduced the effects of ambitious and content to -30/+30 respectively
    Added a decision to automatically arrange marriages for all eligible bachelors in your court. The characters will primarily marry women in your court, but if there is not enough women then random spouses will be generated for them. This decision is meant for people like me who like to have a large court but don't want to go through the tedious micromanagement of finding spouses for every male courtier. Close relatives of yours will not be affected by this decision, so you won't accidentally marry your son or daughter to a courtier.
    Switching out of Elective now requires High Crown Authority
    Localisation should no longer be a mess in non-default language settings, though all the text from the mod will be in English
    Tweaked province names, laws and borders in Poland
    Integrated the 'Offer You Can't Refuse' mod that adds Sicilian cultural melting pots
    Characters now have a 5% chance of gaining the culture of their province shortly after birth
    Rulers can now 'go native', converting them and any children of theirs below the age of 16 to the culture of their capital province. Kings and Emperors are much less likely to go native. The chance to go native goes down with age. The player gets an option to avoid it happening to their character
    Removed Warrior Cults. Instead, Pagans start with more regular troop buildings
    East Africa, Sicily and Christian Iberia now start with more troop buildings
    Removed the direct warscore bonus for holding contested settlements
    Doubled the yearly warscore bonus for holding contested settlements
    Tweaked it so that Barons can't convert the culture of a province. This should slow down rate of culture conversion
    Reduced truce time for Ducal Claim wars to 6 years
    Reduced truce time for County Claim wars to 3 years
    The ruler of Mallorca in 1066 is now much more historical
    Religious Head and Holy Order titles will now automatically convert characters holding them to their religion
    Rebalanced province values in Russia and Scandinavia. Overall development potential of provinces was reduced.
    You will no longer have vassals declare independence wars without warning. Instead, vassal revolt risk and effects of regencies/civil wars were tweaked so that revolt chain reactions should happen on their own (see below).
    Added a decision to become King of Wends if you are Wend Pagan ruler that holds the Duchies of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Pommerania or Pomeralia either directly or through vassals.
    The AI will now make proper use of demesne laws.
    Tax laws are now tied to crown authority in the same way as Levy laws. Default tax laws are None for Feudal vassals and Minimum for Church and City vassals. This should put large Duchies at more of a disadvantage to proper Kingdoms.
    Added the county of Teate in Benevento to make the borders between Sicily and Lombardy more historical.
    Fixed some bugs related to heresies.
    You will no longer get tyranny from characters dying in your prison unless they died as a result of illnesses contracted from being in prison.
    Sick or injured prisoners will now ask for better accomondations, even if they were previously denied them. This is meant to give the player a second chance to avoid a tyranny hit if a prisoner falls ill.
    The dungeon and the oubliette no longer give direct health maluses, instead they make it much more likely to catch an illness.
    Rebalanced the Mongols to have fewer but larger stacks.
    Reduced the effects of dynastic prestige on marriages and newly born characters (having babies born with 500 prestige was getting silly).
    Winning a Holy War or Crusade will now result in taking the Duchy title the war was for, if the enemy is holding it. You still get all the holdings in the Duchy.
    Created an event will make the AI much smarter about handing out newly created Duchy titles, preferring to give them to Counts with their capital in the right area, or alternatively granting them along with a County to a Courtier, only granting a Duke title to an existing Duke if there are no better alternatives. This will only sometimes work on revoked/usurped titles, as the AI is sometimes too fast for my handout event to take effect.
    The Duchy of Tyrol is no longer divided by impassable mountains.
    Tweaked some weirdly shaped provinces.
    Tweaked Duchy borders in Algiers, and added the Duchy of Atlas.
    Added Ibiza as a County in the Duchy of Mallorca.
    Added the Kingdom of Azerbaijan as a de jure part of the Empire of Persia, composed of the Duchies of Tabriz, Azerbaijan and Derbent.
    Pommerania is now de jure a part of Germany.
    Salzburg is now a de jure part of Austria.
    Grisons is now a de jure part of Tyrol.
    Viviers is now a de jure part of Auvergne.
    Anhalt is now a de jure part of Brandenburg.
    Treviso is now a de jure part of Venice.
    Fejer is now a de jure part of Esztergom.
    Vendome is now a de jure part of Anjou.
    Damman and Basra are now de jure parts of Arabia.
    Jacwiez and Yatvagi are now de jure part of Lithuania.
    Rebellions will now rarely result in a large rebel army rising up. If the rebels take control of a province, the chance of bad rebel events (like burned buildings or killed province lords) increases, and the province may defect.
    Integrated 'culturally different cities' mod which gives different culture groups their own distinct city graphics.
    Rebalanced culture buildings so that different culture groups are roughly on part with each other.
    Cost of tech growth buildings is now consistent at 200 gold per 10% growth speed the building confers.
    Khazars now start with 2 provinces, and Itil was split into the Duchies of Itil and Saray so that nobody will have a ducal claim on them. This should give them a chance of surviving past the first five minutes of the game.
    Reduced the relations penalty for title claimaints.
    Stressed and Depressed are now mutually exclusive.
    When a character with the dishonorable trait dies, their heir will now get a 'dynastic stain' trait that confers diplomatic penalties equal to their predecessor's level of dishonorable, but which does not qualify you for excommunication or other ill effects of being dishonorable. If a character with dynastic stain is caught assassinating, the dynastic stain turns into a regular dishonorable trait at one level above what their dynastic stain level was at. Assuming you keep dynastic stain from being turned into dishonorable, it will not be transferred over to your heir. This change is meant to add additional risk to inheritance-by-assassination, as you can now not simply wash away the consequenses by dying.

    Fixed a bug that was causing characters not to be set as your vassals when fighting a war for their claim, even when they met the conditions for becoming your vassal.
    Byzantium now starts with Open succession to try and simulate the devastating wars for the throne that destabilized them during the CK2 era.
    Fixed a bug that was making it impossible to usurp Empire level titles.
    Jewish characters can now hire mercenaries.
    Fixed a bug that was causing crown authority to not be set correctly when forming an Empire.
    Moved Cornish to Celtic culture group.
    Crusades are now more likely to target Jerusalem.
    Crusades and Jihads are now less likely to occur after 1250.
    Rebalanced the effects of councillor job assignments.
    Sending your steward to oversee construction will now slightly lower build cost.
    To fabricate a claim, you must now have the prestige on hand 100 for a county or 250 for a duchy. If you do not have the prestige, the event to get the claim will not fire.
    Male characters can now plot to kill heirs of titles their children are pretenders to.
    AI characters will now abort plots that are going nowhere after a few years.

    Recently introduced debutantes are now far more likely to get into a love affair with their liege.
    Corrected some issues with the AI and the new imprisonment rules. The AI didn't understand the new rules and would rack up huge amounts of tyranny, so they were granted an exception to getting tyranny from prisoners dying.

    Fixed a major bug that was causing characters to get Not Dejure Liege when they shouldn't be.

    Pressing a claim on behalf of a character in your realm will now make that character independent if the claim is a higher title than the one they currently hold, UNLESS the new title is your de jure vassal or they are a member of your dynasty. This means you can't just grant a character a barony in order to abuse their claim on a duchy you have no actual rights to.
    Fixed some localisation issues.
    The Khazars are now Jewish at game start.
    Added Jewish religion.
    Renamed Qazan to Volga.
    Renamed Khazaria to Ural.
    Fixed an issue that was making the Mongols' special CB unavailable to them.
    Added proper sea zones for the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean.
    Socotra is now a province instead of being part of Busaso.
    Removed the African Levies. Instead, the Ethiopian provinces were upgraded once again and Axum is now a vassal of Abyssinia.
    Barcelona now starts as a vassal of Aragon in 1066. While this is ahistorical, I feel that Aragon being unable to ever grow beyond one province without being usurped by Barcelona is just as ahistorical.
    Increased the duration of many character modifiers from events.
    Having your capital in a province that follows a different faith will now give you a tax malus. This is to discourage players from moving their capital to Muslim provinces for the tech advantages without at least putting in the effort of converting them first.
    After creating a character via decision (Invite Marshal, Present Debutante etc) you must now wait six months before you can create another.
    Reworked lifestyle traits. Instead of weird and arbitrary event chains, lifestyle traits can now be given at any time if you have appropriate traits or have done things that relate to the lifestyle trait. For example, being Brave or going on a Grand Hunt both qualify you for Hunter. The chances of getting a lifestyle trait goes up the more appropriate traits/actions you have.
    Shiite and Sunni characters that hold either an Empire or three Kingdoms can now recreate the appropriate Caliph title if there is no current Caliph. Doing so requires 1000 gold and 1000 piety.
    Holy Wars will now slightly adjust the moral authority of both winner and loser, as long as they do not end in a white peace.
    Split the Duchy of Savoie into the Duchy of Savoie in the Kingdom of Burgundy and the Duche of Piedmont in the Kingdom of Lombardy.
    Players must now obey the same rules as the AI for plotting assassinations, meaning that you can't just plot to assassinate your wife without cause.
    Holy Orders now start the game at 1000 men each. In 1250, an event will fire that upgrades all of them to 2000 men each to make them more relevant in the late game.
    The Hashashin and Devotees of the True Prophet are no longer enabled at game start, but become enabled at the same time as the Knights of St. John.
    Added two new holy orders for Sunnis and Shiites.
    Prisoners now always have a chance to escape, with the chance being lowered for being in the dungeon and lowered even further for being in the oubliette.
    Increased the relation bonus for being released from prison to +75 (for the character being released only).
    Whenever a character of your religion dies in your prison, you will now get a tyranny hit with your vassals just as if you executed them. This is meant to encourage the player to deal with their prisoners instead of having half their realm in their dungeon. Dying while under house arrest does not count.
    When dealing with a failed escape attempt, you now have the option to execute the prisoner.
    Eased up on requirements for the HRE to get coronated.
    There is now a time limit of ten years for getting excommunicated or suffering mental ill effects from gaining the dishonorable trait. The time limit resets if you get caught with another assassination.
    You can no longer get excommunicated for murder unless you are Catholic or Orthodox.
    Reduced levy reinforce rates.

    Tall trait is now actually in the mod.

    Reworked the Tribal Invasion CB. Upon arriving on the map, the Mongols get one war where they simply take all land they occupy, then they get access to a Tribal Invasion CB that works like Holy War (conquering one duchy at a time) but which only has a truce time of 1 year. This should lead to less insane situations like the Golden Horde vassalizing France because France happened to hold a duchy in Russia, and should make the Mongols less prone to instant collapse from all those wrong religion/culture vassals. Additionally, this special CB goes away once they switch out of the Pagan religion group making them into a more normal tag after the initial period of expansion.
    Reduced bonus troops from being on a Crusade.
    You can once again declare war while already leading a war, but the player will not get the Defensive War or Crusade bonus if they are the attacker in any non-Crusade war.
    Increased cost of assassinations.
    Reduced effectiveness of build spy network in improving assassination chances
    Added three new smaller merc tansport fleets
    Added eight "mega" mercenary bands of 8000 troops
    Rebalanced merc sizes so they range from 500-8000
    Reduced days of damage taking during a retreat to 3 from 5 to buff smaller armies
    Increased chances of melee initiation tactics in combat (skirmish phase was lasting too long)
    Reduced maintenance of galleys
    Fixed a problem in my death causes integration that was making some causes not show up
    Added a hereditary 'tall' trait that improves vassal opinion and sex appeal. It is the opposite of dwarf

    Compatible with 1.04b (so was 0.25 really)
    Integrated avee's death causes mod that uses traits to show you how a character died
    Reduced the likelyhood of having affairs with close relatives
    Reduced frequency of childbirth deaths
    Reduced health effects of illnesses since 1.04 made low health more lethal
    Swapped the portraits of William and Harold, as was done in vanilla
    Increased Gavelkind demesne bonus to 33%
    Fixed a bug that was preventing the Mongols from conquering land
    You can no longer appoint your spouse to the council. This is nearly always a terrible idea because you lose the spouse bonus to that particular stat, so this saves players from making appointments they think will increase their stats but which actually lower it
    Fixed some duplicate event ID issues that were causing crashes
    Fixed a bug that was preventing independence war escalation from working
    Increased the effects of Quick, Genius, Slow and Imbecile to match vanilla values
    When the AI wins a holy war or crusade, they will now get a very temporary (1 month) +1000 vassal relation boost to give them time to hand out titles
    Newly formed Empires will now always start with at least Low crown authority

    Slightly increased the cost of building holdings
    Characters that have the dishonorable trait can now suffer mental ill effects from being known as a murderer, especially if they have a kind disposition
    Increased the prestige penalties to the primary heir for being ousted in an excommunication war
    Fixed some localisation problems
    You will no longer get excommunicated more than once for being a murderer, unless you commit additional (discovered) murders after the first excommunication.
  • Jakuza001
    Female rulers will no longer get child birth events unless something goes wrong (it's handled invisibly by the newborn kid instead).
    Fixed some duplicate event ID problems
    If a woman dies during childbirth, there is now a 50% chance the child will die as well.
    Removed the special Empire requirements for raising crown authority as it was making it nigh impossible for the AI. The HRE must still be crowned to raise authority..
    Reduced max demesne size, as currently there is little reason to have count-level vassals for Dukes considering the very generous cap. Reduced demesne requirements on raising crown authority accordingly
    Fixed some bugs in council request events.
    Integrated new mercenaries, new holy orders and combat tweaks from PMM
    Fixed an issue that was preventing the 'No New Empires' module from working
    The AI should now be smarter about when to execute plots against their liege
    Added an optional time limit remover.
    Catholic latin culture group rulers who hold the Kingdom of Thessalonica can now form the Latin Empire

    Fixed several major bugs with mercenaries.
    Fixed a bug in the buildings file that was making city ports not provide any galleys.
    Reduced the size of initial Mongol stacks, to better match the smaller levies in this mod.
    Now compatible with 1.04. Certain mechanics like the Anti-Pope relation hit with other bishops were removed as the patch made them obsolete
    All religions are now playable
    Vassals with land will now ask to be appointed to your council if they are better than the current councillor.
    Added an option to not be bothered with petitions about replacing characters on the council. This option lasts until your current ruler dies
    Rulers in a civil war will now suffer a opinion hit with all characters, to offset the extra troops granted by being in a defensive war
    Fixed a bug with forming empires where they would lose the ability to set demesne laws
    Kings and Emperors will now get vassal troop bonuses at lower levels of crown authority if they are the defender in any war (ie war leader of the defending side) or the attacker in a war using the Crusade CB. Being attacked in a war of religious defense does NOT count as fighting a defensive war.
    Dukes and Counts will now get vassal troop bonuses at lower levels of crown authority, to represent better local control
    Newly created Kingdoms will now start with Low Crown Authority to make the levy difference less jarring
    Men above the age of 50 will now have reduced fertility
    Characters above the age of 50 will now progressively lose some of their martial stats, but gain learning
    Increased temple levy sizes, both base amount and from buildings
    All CBs are now disabled when you are the war leader of a war, meaning you can't declare war if you have already declared war or been declared on. This was done to prevent abuse of the defensive/crusade war troop bonuses
    The Pope will now demand the County of Rome from any Catholic character that holds it, unless that character has an Anti-Pope as their religious head or the Pope's opinion of that character is extremely high. Failing to comply will result in excommunication
    Warrior Cults and Republican Levies are once again spread out across the entire realm as there is no way to give them to just the capital barony
    Greatly reduced the number of bonus troops the Pope receives
    Holy Orders now get bonus troops in provinces they hold
    Added a weaker version of warrior cults for east african culture rulers.These can only be built in east african culture provinces inside the De Jure Empire of Ethiopia
    Revamped grand hunt events to be less arbitrary and more focused on prestige instead of meaningless modifiers
    The ruler's personal learning score is now the primary determinant for speed of culture spread, and plays a major role in determining the chance of your Chaplain converting provinces.This should help make religious education traits less useless for rulers
    Slowed cultural spread down significantly
    Many personality traits now have additional opposites.For instance, you can no longer be a chaste hedonist, greedy and content, or charitable and cruel
    Fixed graphical issues with a couple of ambitions
    The AI will now refrain from creating inappropriate titles (no Sultanate of Portugal for instance). Players are still free to create any title regardless of religion
    The chance of a character being captured in battle is now dependent on rank you'll capture less Barons and courtiers, but have an increased chance of capturing Dukes and Kings. Overall, you'll get less total prisoners but more valuable ones
    Reworked troop bonuses for Pagans, Republics and the Pope to be spread out across the realm the way it works in vanilla. This is because I can't find a way to give the bonuses only to their capital holding if they have several holdings in their capital province
    Kingdom crown authority is no longer tied to its parent empire unless the kingdom is a vassal or held title of the emperor in question
    Revised the Kingdom titles a bit. Gardariki and Ruthenia were rolled back into Rus and Aquitainia and France were rolled back into France. While I think ahistorical Kingdoms/Empires are fun for the player to form, it's a bit more blatantly ahistorical when the AI always does it
    Reduced warscore gain from occupating settlements
    Increased warscore multiplier on occupying capital settlements
    Increased warscore multiplier on occupying contested settlements
    Increased warscore from battles
    The HRE can no longer increase his crown authority unless he has been crowned by the Pope
    Added an optional module that disables the formation of the non-vanilla Empires (they will still show up in Empire mapmode, but cannot be created and thus have no effect on gameplay)
    Requirements for increasing crown authority are now significantly higher for Emperors
    Reduced the size of the bonus levies for the Pope
    Provinces will no longer change culture unless your culture is the same as your top liege
    Restored 10 years of occupation penalties for conquering wrong-religion provinces
    Provinces will no longer convert to your culture unless they are already your religion
    Fixed a bug that was making the Order of Santiago and Livonian Order available from game start
    Increased lethality of battles slightly
    Any culture can now create the Kingdom of Finland
  • fatsy
    az kemény 5-6 ezer g.hogy hoztad össze?grófként kezted?én elsőként a pénzt hozó épületeket fejlesztettem, de nem sikerült ennyire felpumpálni:/.hozzányúltál az adózási törvényhez is vagy hogy?
  • fatsy
    tudtommal a te és a feleséged steward pontjától.
  • pergus
    Mitől függ pontosan a saját birtok mérete?
    Az intrika pontszámtól, azt írja.. de mástól is..
    Mitől pontosan?
  • phylemon
    Hát nekem a rengeteg pénz az 5-6ezer arany.. :) havonta jött tisztán olyan 200 fölötti. a jó királyaimnak 10-11 birtoka lehetett, ami meg is volt mindig. Nekem is sikerült összeboronálni Dániát Magyarországgal... Töltöttem is vissza egyből.. Aztán meg Litvániával egyesültem..
  • fatsy
    ugyhogy most állok úgy h nekimennék a muzulmánoknak de ez a 100 év kevésnek tűnik...lehet elkezdem vmi spanyol grófsággal
  • fatsy
    Neked mit takar a rengeteg pénz?havonta mennyi jön?hány birtokod van?Én is így jártam a magyarokkal bár szereztem itáliai meg dél franciaországi területeket is.1350-re lettem temes grófjából magyar király:)
  • Paladin
    Szerezz claimeket, és amikor valami örökösödési vita miatt szétesik kicsit az egyik szomszéd, akkor kell hadat üzenni.
  • phylemon
    Köszönöm a választ! Közben rájöttem hogy a duchy meg a demesne között nincs összefüggés... :$ :) Át is passzoltam minden feleslegeset az örökösömnek. Eljutottam odáig hogy horvátország már nem létezik, beszippantottam a királyi címét, a megmaradt horvát hercegségre pedig claimot téve az utolsó területét is megszereztem. Viszont most már bajban vagyok mert körülöttem csak erős államok vannak, bizánc, NRCS, lengyelek (bár ők már szenvednek egy ideje). Nem tudom merrefele kéne terjeszkedni. Keleten az egész kun területet megszerezték a svédek.. :o Pénz meg már annyi van mint a szemét... :D
  • hollófernyiges
    Van egy örökösödési problémám, hátha ti rájöttök miért így működik.
    Van három királyi címem, az elsődleges Dánia (elective law), és Anglia (primogeniture) meg Wales (gavelkind). Kicsit zavaros, de történelmileg így alakult. Van két fiam, az elsőszülött aki legitimizált fattyú, de jó tulajdonságai vannak és szeretném őt megtenni örökösnek. Viszont ha őt jelölöm Dániában örökösnek, akkor Angliában elfogadják, de Wales a másik fiúnak jut. Fordítva, ha a másodszülött az örökösjelölt, akkor mindent ő kap. Mitől lehet?
  • hollófernyiges
    Ennek az a jelentősége, hogy ha elég magasra felviszi a crown authorityt (nem emléxem hogy high vagy absolute kell), akkor a birodalomból már nem lehet kifelé örökölni, vagyis az 'elveszi a fiam az egész Balkánt egybegyűjtő hercegnőt, az unokám meg megörökli' taktika már nem működik.
    Kettőnél több hercegi címet ne tarts. Pláne akkor ne ha az alapcímeden (Magyarország alapterülete) kívül van, mert akkor még csak a szavazni sem tudsz vele (ha választod a királyt).
  • fatsy
    át lehet írni a progit h ne álljon meg 1453ban?
  • phylemon
    Még valami: a vazallusok opinionjánál van olyan hogy XY akarja valamelyik countyt. Olyat, ami nem is az enyém hanem valamelyik másik vazallusomé. Na most én ezzel mit tudok tenni? Ezt ne velem beszélje meg... :D Az igaz mondjuk hogy high crown authority van és nem lehet háborúzniuk.
    Illetve nagyon minuszolnak a too many held duchy miatt is. Ha nekiadom a duchykat az örökösömnek, akkor ha ő lesz a király, visszaszálnak és megint demesne lesz belőlük?
  • phylemon
    Szokott olyat kérdezni bizánc tőlem hogy szavazzak a crown authorityről. magyar királyként. és odaírja hogy ugyan még nem vagyok a vazallusa de még lehetek... Szokásos válaszok: approve, ignore. Ennek tulajdonképpen mi a jelentősége, hisz nem vagyok a vazallusa...?
  • fatsy
    köszi, azért ez megnehezíti az ügyet
  • hollófernyiges
    Ez bonyolult. Ami biztos: csak olyannak szerezz birtokot aki vagy már a te közvetlen vazallusod, vagy a te udvarodban él, különben független lesz. Akkor is független lesz, ha földtelen nemes és egyből hercegséget szerzel neki. Az is jó ha van egy gróf aki egy hercegednek a vazallusa és ennek a grófnak szerzel még egy grófságot. Ha hercegséget, az bukta, eddigi tapasztalatom szerint.
  • fatsy
    királyként felkarolom egy herceg ügyét, meg is szerzem neki a birtokot 100%-al nyerek és független hercegségként jön létre...külön kell még vazallizálni?
  • fatsy
    ha pesti hercegként uralom a magyar királyi címhez szükséges birtokok nagy részét akkor elbitorolhatom a címet?mert házasság révén felejtős sztem...
  • fatsy
    thx!a lányokkal mi legyen?:)
  • pergus
    Ha a grófság, hercegség címerére kattintol előjön egy lap... Itt claimant ra kell kattintani.. itt írja ki, hogy egy adott területre kinek lehet igénye...ad egy listát a nevekkel
    Azokat akiket meg tudsz hívni az udvarodba jelzi a program..
    Hívd meg őket, és lehet az igényeikért harcolni
  • fatsy
    hercegi rangban alig tudok claimet szerezni...tippeket adjatok pls!
  • fatsy
    és egy újabb "okosság" a lányaimnak h tudom hasznát venni?h szerezhessek mondjuk claimeket?
  • fatsy
    csak most nézem...a muzulmánok ellen is kell casus belli???az 1-ben nem így volt..
  • fatsy
    ha a feleségnek van joga vmilyen címre akkor h tudom érvényesíteni azt?vagy meg kell várnom h megkapja az örökös és majd azzal?