Crusader Kings II

  • Smokk
    Evek ota nem tudok urugyet fabrikalni a huberuram ellen.A hercegi csaladba meg nem is tudok behazasodni az alacsonyabb szarmazasom miatt... :/
  • Smokk
    Hogyan valhatok grofbol hercegge?
  • Kopiati
    Csak, ha király párti vagy ha sok a lázadó, egyébként nem ajánlom, mert a földjeidet is meg kell védeni vagy egy háború után a király gyengébb lesz, meg mások is és le lehet rájuk csapni, ha valaki szeretne próbálkozni, meg érdemes egy zsoldos seregnyi tartalékot meghagyni, néha életet menthet:)
  • Smokk
    Amennyiben a kiralyom hadba szall,allitsak meg ki plusszban neki csapatokat v csak kuldjem amit automatikusan elvisz?
  • hollófernyiges
    A tutorial egész jó.
  • Smokk
    Hat koszi,de 1enlore meglehetosen bonyolult meg nekem minden.Letezik normalis,reszletesebb leiras a jatekrol?(nekem nem sikerult talalnom)
    Vagy majd jatek kozben kiderulnek a dolgok?! :)
  • Wandor
    Szép menet lehetett :) Én most egy kis wales-i tartománnyal kezdtem. Sikerült már az első emberemmel megszereznem egy hercegi címet, majd később az unokájával meglett a másik wales-i hercegség is, így megalapíthattam Wales királyságát. Jelenleg épp írországban terjeszkedek. Olyan jól jött ki a lépés, hogy a rokonaim beházasításával meg egy két bérgyilkos manőverrel sikerült kb. a fele szigetet megszereznem. A terveim szerint ezután Skócia következik, majd pedig az igazán nagy falat: Anglia. Amúgy az angoloknál hasonlóan a magyar játékomhoz szintén nagy a kavarodás. Hódító Vilmos elfoglalta a trónt, majd egy egyesült norvég-francia-skót koalícióval sikerült a Godwin dinasztiának visszaszereznie a trónt. Engem is hívtak, szóval én is besegítettem kicsit :) Vilmos meg rövid uralkodást követően megrohadt valamelyik francia börtönben.
  • Kopiati
    Valószínűleg anyád elektívre váltotta az örökösödést, vagy hasonló... De elméletileg lesz claimed, ha meghal.
  • hana1
    No, sikerült elfoglalnom a Szentföldet Mo.-val!
    Hullott is a piety rendesen. :)
    Kicsit szívás, hogy nem tudok ott toborozni sereget jópár évig, viszont rendesen lázadoznak ott a parasztok...hazulról kell mindég sereget küldeni ellenük, az meg sok munka.
    Amit viszont nem értek, hogy anyámnak megszereztem a horvát trónt, viszont nem én, hanem valami helyi csávó lesz a horvát trón örököse..ez meg hogy?!
  • Kopiati
    Szép munka:D A német-római bir-omban meg lehet csinálni a grófi-herceg-király átmenetet 2 generáció alatt, érdekes, hogy az emberkémmel csak herceg akartam lenni, de annyira jól jött ki a lépés, csináltam egy királyságot, és a császári cím is karnyújtásnyira van, mert elég népszerű a "békés" királyom:) bár a császárság nagyon meggyengült, valamiért a saját embereimmel is be kellett szállnom a lázadók ellen, de még így is páran kiváltak délen. és a korona fennhatósága is a legkisebb sajnos...
  • Wandor
    Smokk: Grófként sem lehetetlen eljutni a királyi trónig :) Én Somogy grófjaként kezdtem, majd házasságokkal és claim fabrikálásokkal sikerült területeket szereznem. Mikor eléggé erősnek éreztem magam hadat üzentem a hűbéruramnak és sikerült megszereznem a Pécsi herceg címét. Pár generációval később sikerült beházasodnom a királyi családba, elvettem az uralkodó húgát. Amúgy már az uralkodó is megér egy misét, mivel a játék kezdetekor Salamont letaszította a trónról valami fattyú orosz herceg, így a Rurikovich dinasztia uralkodott kis hazánkban :D Ráadásul miután elfoglaltuk Horvátországot, az uralkodó elsődleges címnek tette meg a horvát királyi címet. De szerencsére idővel a trónörökösök már magyar kultúrával rendelkeztek, így mire beházasodtam közéjük, már újból magyar királyunk volt :) Na de visszatérve a lényeghez, sikerült elvennem a király húgát. Az uralkodó már öreg volt, ráadásul csak egy kiskorú utóddal rendelkezett, akit gyorsan eltakarítattam az útból egy bérgyilkossal. Ezután a feleségem lett az örökös, pár évre rá pedig sikeresen Királynővé koronázták. Miután pedig őt is elvitte a kor, a közös gyermekünk lett az új király, akit már én irányítottam :) Jelen pillanatban Magyarország délen Albániáig, északon a Balti Tengerig, nyugaton Prágáig, keleten pedig Kijevig tart :) Ha jól emlékszem 3 generáció alatt sikerült elérnem a hercegi, 2 alatt pedig a király címet. Szóval ha az ember jól tervez és türelmes, akkor bármire képes lehet a játékban :)
  • Kopiati
    Gondolj úgy a hűbéreseidre, mint a barátaidra, meghálálják a szeretetet. (ajándékok, házasságok, titulusok) ha ennek ellenére szervezkednek, akkor meg így jártak. Nem szabad hagyni őket, a pénzedből javítsd a viszonyt, a sereged sosem éri meg az idióta hűbéresek leverésére elpazarolni.

    Herceg tisztségű ember sose legyen spymaster... ez a legfontosabb tanulsága a játéknak (saját cselszövése így nem derül ki, és abban sokkal sikeresebb is)
  • hollófernyiges
    A presztízst nem költeni kell, hanem gyűjteni, a cél az hogy a játék végére a te családodnak legyen a legtöbb.
    Nem igazgathatod az egész birodalmadat, minden provinciával amivel túlléped a limitedet 10%-kal csökken az adózás hatékonysága. Ha 10-el léped túl, akkor nincs adó.
  • avsk
    A presztizsre rátéve-ha már így szóba jött:D-lassan elérem a 4000-t és fogalmam sincs mire lehet költeni.Mert a piety-vel tudok mit kezdeni,de az előbbivel nem.
    Másik.Miért jó ha az embernek vannak vazallusai.Hisz ha meghal egy uralkodó,és trónra lép az örökös szinte biztos,hogy fellázadnak.Toscanaval vagyok és szinte egyszerre lázadt föl Genova,Pisa és még nem tudom melyik megye.Ez még önmagában nem lett volna nagy gond-hisz a seregem valamennyivel meghaladta az ő össz seregüket-de jöttek a zsoldosaikkal amit már képtelen vagyok legyűrni.
    Szóval ha bebörtönzök/leorgyikolok/intrikázok minden vazallusomat az igaz,hogy nem lázadnak,de gondolom van ennek valami hátulütője is.
  • hana1
    Ha még nem vagy tisztában a játékkal, akkor ne gróffal kezd, válasz 1 királyt! Grófnál már nem nagyon szabad hibázni, ha király akarsz lenni
    Egyébként a játék célja a presztízs és az egyházi pontok maximálása...meg persze Magyarország világhatalommá tétele. :-) Vagy válassz magadnak játékcélt, sok a lehetőség...ez a szép benne.
  • Smokk
    Magyarorszagon elkezdtem 1 groffal.Szepitgettem a birtokot hazasitottam a csaladot,de vegulis mik is itt a jatek celok?Hogy vegul kiturjam a kiralyt?
    Ahogy elneztem az kb. lehetetlen,v hogyan lehet idaig eljutni,Mivel kezdjem?
  • Kopiati
    Ez az adott területen lévőkre hat, ezért nézd meg ki, hol van ilyesmi, és így dönts.
  • avsk
    Igen ezen én is gondolkodtam.Szerintem ha egy országban akarsz az uralkodó ellen fellépni akkor tedd a fővárosba,ha több megye irányitója ellen akkor a központjába.
  • hana1
    hali, a diplomatámat az ellen fővárosába kell küldeni, ha ellentétet akarok szítani a birodalmában, vagy a fellázítandó terület központjába?
  • Smokk
    Koszi a segitseget,tenyleg fut igy is. :)
  • Jakuza001
    Tores ? Az meg minek ?
    Csak patcheld fel azt kesz, ugy is mukodni fog.
  • Smokk
    Igazad volt,nem jo verziora raktam.
    Bevallom nem eredeti a jatek,es csak 1.03-ig van hozza tores.Esetleg ehhez a verziohoz nincs magyaritas? :P
    ...ugyanis igen nagy segitseg a forditasod ehhez az osszetett strategiahoz!
    Ezuton is Thx erte!
  • Jakuza001

    - Added more titular empires and made certain titular empires available to all cultures. The goal is to have at least one culture-specific empire for each culture, plus one 'available to all' option for each major region. A complete list of currently formable Empires and their requirements will be made available in the next few days.
    - Added a workaround to correct an issue where vassals granted titles via event would become a vassal of your liege instead of yourself.
    - Increased frequency of random genetic traits in newborns.
    - You will no longer be able to escape the consequenses of defaulting on a loan by dying.
    - Consequenses of defaulting on a loan now last longer.
    - If you default on a loan you will now be unable to take another in your lifetime.
    - You can now plot to kill any character in the game.
    - If your murder plot is revealed before it is put in action, you may now become dishonorable as a consequense.
    - You no longer get a decision to kill characters with plots. Instead, you have to wait for an event to fire that gives you the option on whether to strike with your current plot power, wait for a better opportunity, or call it off altogether. Higher plot power and more backers will make the event fire sooner. Note that this makes it possibly to execute kill plots with very low plot power (as long as you have at least one backer), although you will have very poor odds of success.
    - Fixed a bug where maintenance would incorrectly remove the Appointed/Hereditary titles law from Byzantium.
    - Emperors will now hand out King-level titles to loyal vassals, though they will always retain at least one King title for themselves.

    - Fixed some bugs in the dynamic title system related to the AI creating Kingdoms.
    - Fixed a bug where non-Muslim rulers could end up with Open succession as a result of conquering land. The succession will now auto-correct on the next maintenance pulse.
    - Reverted to old civil war system as the new one seems to not be working properly.

    - Fixed a game-breaking bug where the Pope would not, in fact, be wearing a Pope hat.
    - Provinces are now converted faster if there is an adjoining province of the same culture or culture group of the religion you are trying to convert to.
    - 40% moral authority is now required for calling a Crusade or Jihad, to prevent a death spiral of failed Crusades killing off moral authority.
    - Tweaked moral authority to increase faster as a result of a competent head of religion.
    - West Africa is no longer accessible by ship, to make it more appropriately isolated from the rest of the world.
    - State martial score now increases minimum levy size.
    - State intrigue now reduces revolt risk in provinces.
    - After some consideration, I have restored the old stewardship demense size variable (1 per 10). Instead of nerfing stewardship, I will be aiming to increase the effects of the other stats to make them just as useful.

    - Simplified the Tyranny system. Instead of a variable amount of Tyranny based on rank and cause, any action that gave the tyrant opinion modifier in vanilla will now give an appropriate amount of tyranny that is now shown in the tooltip when carrying out the action. This was the only way to correct a number of bugs with actions giving tyranny when they shouldn't be. As a result the system is now less flexible but much easier to understand. Tyranny costs are now as follows: 10/20 for unlawfully imprisoning a courtier/vassal, 5/10 for executing a courtier/vassal, 0/20 for banishing a courtier/vassal.
    - Fixed more bugs with succession laws.
    - Culture-specific buildings will no longer be destroyed unless the culture of the province changes, although you will still be unable to build them unless you are of the appropriate culture.

    - Added more culture-specific buildings.
    - Slightly increased effects of stewardship on demesne size.
    - Fixed a bug with tourneys that caused them to not end correctly.
    - Fixed some bugs with localisation and graphics on the 'Befriend Top Liege' ambition.
    - Reduced the effects of difficulty on councillor actions (they were a bit extreme).
    - Fixed some problems with the loading order of the mod.
    - Fixed a bug where a woman could become simultaneously pregnant with her spouse and her lover.

    - Now compatible with version 1.05g.
    - Upgraded to the latest version of Better Looking Characters, which features a number of performance improvements that should make it less memory intensive.
    - Integrated Mercator Mod, which improves greatly on the game's terrain with proper mountain placement, river locations, etc.
    - Titular titles will now never be elective when created.
    - If your demesne laws are higher than what crown authority allows (for example because crown authority went down) an event will now fire that adjusts them to their highest allowed level.
    - Added events for pious Muslim or Christian rulers to sponsor missions to a neighbouring Pagan ruler, which have a chance of converting that ruler to the sponsor's faith.
    - Reworked the effects of difficulty. Instead of providing flat bonuses to the player or the AI, difficulty now instead influences things such as councillor actions, loans and vassal loyalty. A player on low difficulty will (to name a few effects) find it easier to fabricate claims and have vassals stay loyal during civil wars, while getting the opposite effect on high difficulty. A high difficulty AI will get more claims, better terms on loans and other such things to make up for its various shortcomings versus a player. On Normal, AIs play almost entirely by the same rules as a player. Only a single flat bonus was left in place: Siege speed. High difficulty AIs will be more difficult to siege to account for their tendency to only siege a single province at once.
    - Victory in a succession war will now result in taking all the enemy's titles you have claims on in addition to taking the title whose succession you were disputing.
    - Reworked civil wars. Vassals who choose to side with their liege will now actively join the war and raise their troops to fight the traitors. To compensate for this, the base chance of vassals joining a civil war was increased.
    - AI vassals will now be reluctant to rebel against an AI ruler that has recently been in a civil war.
    - It is once again possible for your character's culture to spread to your capital, even if there is no adjacent province of the same culture. The chance is greatly reduced unless your character is independent.
    - Neighbours will no longer get a religious call to arms when war is declared between characters of the same religion group (as long as one is not a heresy of the other).
    - Further refined education formula. The child's attributes are now more important than the tutor's trait in how well they take to their education, though educator trait still makes a significant difference. Overall frequency of level 3 and 4 education traits were lowered.
    - Nearly all decisions now have graphical icons to make them more immediately visually identifiable.
    - Martial skill is now much more important in determining who wins a grand tournament.
    - Upped Kingdom creation cost to 500 gold and Empire creation cost to 1000 gold.
    - Further decreased effects of personal stewardship on demesne limit.
    - Removed piety cost for Kingdom creation. While it makes sense for Catholics, it doesn't for pretty much every other faith and it always felt strange how impious, ambitious characters were locked out of making themselves Kings.
    - AI rulers will now only attempt to Restore the Papacy once after it is lost. If they make the attempt and fail, the same character will not try again.
    - Attempts to Restore the Papacy to Rome can now only be made for 100 years after it is lost.
    - De Jure claim wars now always result in seizing the province, to prevent the situations where you would force-vassalize a character and he would revolt immediately as the war ends.
    - State martial skill now influences the amount of troops you can raise from your vassals.
    - The AI will now usurp Kingdoms that it controls more than 50% of the land in, even if it already has a Kingdom or Empire level title.
    - The AI will no longer limit itself to a single Kingdom, creating any Kingdom titles it is eligible for with the exception of titles inside a de jure empire that it holds.
    - Added titular Kingdoms of Bavaria, Prussia and Khazaria.
    - If a titular kingdom turns de jure, the special creation/usurp penalties from it are now removed (so if the Kingdom of Venice has de jure land, it is no longer only holdable by republics, for example).
    - Players without an ambition will now suffer a penalty to their prestige (to prevent an exploit where the player would only pick ambitions as they are about to complete).
    - Removed the 'No New Empires' module (as it no longer serves a purpose).
    - Implemented a new system of dynamic empires. All de jure Empires except the HRE and Byzantium are now gone, and are instead replaced by a large number of titular empires that can be formed by any ruler with the right culture and 4 kingdom titles. The following empires are currently createable via this system: Latin Empire, Frankish Empire, Occitan Empire, Italian Empire, Roman Empire, Polish Empire, Russian Empire, Persian Empire, Danubian Empire, Spanish Empire, Maghreb Empire, Arabian Empire, Egyptian Empire, Celtic Empire, Nordic Empire, Ethiopian Empire, Britannian Empire, Mali Empire, Lithuanian Empire, Finnish Empire, Magyar Empire, Seljuk Turks, Ottoman Empire and Al-Andalus.
    - Removed all religion limits on creating de jure kingdom titles. Instead, some titles will have an 'alternate' version for muslims, and on creating that title the non-muslim title will be destroyed and the muslim title will take its place. If the muslim title is then destroyed and re-created by christians or pagans, it reverts to the non-muslim version. (For example: If a muslim ruler creates Portugal, he will get the Sultanate of Al-Garb instead, with Portugal's de jure lands. If his realm is wiped out and Al-Garb is created by a Christian, that Christian will get the Kingdom of Portugal).
    - Fixed some bugs related to starting succession laws. As a result, you will be unable to change succession laws in the first week or so after starting a new game.
    - Heresies no longer affect or are affected by moral authority changes from Holy Wars and province conversion.
    - Courtiers can now take lovers among other courtiers, and young men or women with much older spouses will be particularily suspectible to romance.
    - Changing succession laws now requires and costs 125/250/500/750/1000 prestige for Barons/Counts/Dukes/Kings/Emperors respectively. Changing gender succession laws does not cost prestige.
    - Removed crown law requirements for switching succession laws. Medium Crown Authority is still required for switching an Elective Kingdom or Empire away from being Elective.
    - You can no longer complete the 'Amass Wealth' objective by taking a loan.
    - Increased base amount of troops from holdings.
    - Increased build cost of holdings.
    - Fixed a bug that caused countries to incorrectly become independent when a third-party claim was pressed.
    - Revamped tyranny mechanics. When you perform tyrannical actions (such as imprisoning, banishing or executing characters) without a rightful cause, you will now get tyranny 'points' that translate into a Tyrant trait with a potency from 1 to 100. For each point of tyranny, you suffer penalties to prestige and vassal opinion. Imprisoning and executing characters when you have rightful cause to do so (for example if they rebelled against you) will not result in any tyranny, and the tyranny penalties for banishment are lowered if you have rightful cause. Note that a character revolting/acting dishonorably towards you will only give you cause for ONE punishment, so you can either revoke, banish OR execute them... additional punishments will result in normal amounts of tyranny. Tyranny goes away over time, and will not be inherited by your successor when you die.
    - You will now get kinslayer only for executing or assassinating close relatives (rather than any dynasty member).
    - Fixed some issues with weird/conflicting assassination plot requirements.
    - AI characters that have been caught assassinating before are now less likely to plan new assassinations.
    - A character that wins an invasion will now get claims on all Counties and Duchies in the target Kingdom.
    - You can no longer pick the ambition to befriend a character you are at war with (and the ambition will abort if you go to war with them).
  • Jakuza001

    Valtozasok az 1.08 ota:

    - BLC is now an optional module that requires the Mongol Faces DLC. If you are having issues with graphics, performance or load times, try playing without BLC as it increases CK2's memory usage considerably.

    - Upgraded to version 7 of Better Looking Characters.
    - Fixed a bug that was causing feasts, hunting and summer fairs to become permanently unavailable for a character.
    - Jews can now create the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
    - Harder difficulty levels will no longer increase AI income, but will lower player income instead (for players who think money is too plentiful).
    - Tweaked a vanilla event that was causing Catholic moral authority to increase far too quickly.
    - How you vote on your liege's law proposals will now influence his or her opinion of you.
    - Fixed a rare bug that would result in characters being given two education traits.
    - Further decreased chances of children picking up the higher level education traits.
    - When a character usurps their liege's primary title, they will now also take the liege's capital province (so that if a pretender seizes the Byzantine Empire they should also get Constantinople, for example).
    - Corrected some newly introduced performance issues.
    - Courtiers with honorary titles and money will now marry on their own unless that honorary title is Court Jester or Concubine.
    - Extending a loan will now only extend it for two years.
    - Exiling characters now costs prestige, to prevent an exploit where a low ranked player could repeatedly imprison and banish his baron vassals for large sums of money.
    - Players can now complete many ambitions multiple times, although the rewards for completing them are greatly lessened after the first time.
    - Fixed a bug where lack of crown laws would incorrectly reset your demesne laws to the lowest level.
    - Fixed some bugs with lover events where women could get impregnated by their female lovers.
    - Female councillors will no longer marry other women.

    - Now compatible with official patch 1.05f.
    - Upgraded to latest version of Culturally Different Cities.
    - The Komnenos dynasty now starts with claims to Byzantium in 1066.
    - Kingdoms and Empires must now have at least Medium crown authority to fight a de jure war over a province whose Duchy they do not control.
    - Removed the attribute nerfs on birth since new education system makes them redundant (and I can always just tweak good education trait chances down if stat inflation becomes a problem again).
    - Added a new education system. Children will now get an education trait sometime between the age of 15 and 16 instead of getting it on their 16th birthday. The trait they get will always be the same archetype as their tutor (ie a tutor with an intrigue trait will generate an intrigue trait for their student) but which trait the child gets is now influenced by the child's own attributes, so a high martial child is likely to do well in a martial education for example. Randomization was also increased so the child doesn't just get the exact same trait as their tutor almost every time. Overall, the higher end education traits should now be significantly rarer.
    - Added a notification event that fires when one of your close relatives turns 16, letting you know that they are an adult and which education trait they got (to compensate for the lack of an education notification).
    - Reduced the power/cost of universities and increased the power/cost of monastic schools, to make Temples the foremost holding for research speed.
    - Decreased the chance of healthy women dying in childbirth.
    - Upgraded to latest version of family relations mod.
    - Sped up the spread of English and Sicilian cultures.
    - The learning and piety of a head of religion will now influence the moral authority of that religion through events.
    - Randomly generated characters (both at game start and after) should now properly get assigned genetic traits.
    - Removed the Arrange Courtier Marriages decision. Instead, courtiers with money and a position on your council will marry on their own.
    - Reduced the piety cost of early Crusades, to make Crusade-less games less likely.
    - When you win an independence war, the defeated ruler will now get claims on your titles.
    - Changed the way loans work. Instead of an event that fires when you go into the red, a loan can now be taken at any time through a decision. The loan amount scales to your income, and is always a five-year loan at 25% interest. If you do not have the money to pay it back on the due date, you can extend it for another five years by paying the interest. If your character dies with an unpaid loan, the debt will be transfered to your heir.
    - The AI will now make use of loans during wartime in order to buy mercenaries and fund its armies.
    - AI will now only change succession laws under fairly specific circumstances (so half the world won't switch to Primogeniture on day one of the game).
    - Reduced the penalty for characters dying in prison.
    - Reduced the chance of prisoners in the dungeon falling ill.
    - Imprisoned characters can no longer join a revolt.
    - Increased the chance of characters with titles escaping from prison. The higher ranked the character, the higher the chance of them making the attempt.
    - Reduced starting troop multiplier for Alp Arslan (due to the changes below).
    - Added more buildings to the Seljuk Turks and increased the strength of the Ghilmans.
    - Removed some holdings in Byzantium and reduced the strength of the Varangian Guard.
    - Further improved performance by removing some unnecessary AI checks and moving others to events.
    - Added two new ambitions: Befriend Liege and Befriend Head of Religion.
    - Building destruction on siege events should now work correctly.
    - Added two events associated with the 'Research Economy Tech' action. The positive event improves province prosperity, while the negative event results in temporary revolt risk.
    - Center leader martial skill is now a very important factor for reducing attrition to your troops.
    - Reduced the effects of Siege Equipment, to balance out for the removal of Military Fortifications.
    - Replaced the Military Fortifications tech with Logistics, which increases supply limits to better correspond to later game army sizes.
    - Attrition is once again a factor in war, although at greatly reduced maximum rates and heavily tweaked holding supply effects.
    - Reduced garrison sizes to make stalled wars less likely.
    - Increased effectiveness of defending garrison during assaults (to make up for lower numbers).
    - Tweaked province prosperity events so that the extreme ends of the spectrum (Rich/Struggling) are less common.
    - When pushing third-party claims, the tooltip will no longer say that the claimaint will become your landed vassal if that is not possible because the pushed title is equal or higher rank than your own.
    - When pushing third-party claims, the claimaint will now remain your vassal if the title you are pushing is in the same realm as your own (ie held by your liege or one of his/her vassals).
    - Pushing a third-party claim will no longer turn a character independent if the title you pushed for him or her was not already independent.
    - You can now plot to kill characters whose title you or your child is a pretender to.
    - Removed the demesne size requirements for raising crown authority, as they all too often locked the AI at autonomous vassals.
    - Most titles formable by Christians are now also formable by Pagans.
    - Kingdom of Wends can now be formed by Wends of any religion.

    - Fixed a CTD on startup caused by the lack of congenital/birth traits.

    - Fixed a bug that was causing characters to get dynastic stain when they should not be.
    - Fixed a bug that was causing regency trait not to be applied properly.
    - Fixed a bug that was causing congenital traits not to be distributed properly.
    - Learning will now influence province prosperity, so a high state learning will make it more likely for your provinces to grow prosperous and less likely for them to become poor.
    - The AI will now favor vassals that have the 'Gain Honorary Title' ambition when handing out honorary titles.
    - Increased opinion bonus for dynasty back to +10.
    - Reduced opinion bonus for sibling from 20 to 15.
    - Reintroduced monthly authority loss for creating an Anti-Pope, but greatly reduced the initial authority loss (This should make Anti-Popes a 'hot potato').

    - Fixed a bug that was causing significant slowdown due to bloated AI courts. Game performance should now be much better.
    - Moved most CK2+ events to the yearly or bi-yearly character event pulses to further improve performance.
    - Increased AI tendency to plot.
    - Reduced opinion bonus for same dynasty.
    - Integrated avee's family relations mod that increases character's opinions of their close family.
    - Realms without crown authority can now have up to the second level of taxation/levy laws.
    - Fixed a bug that was breaking the invasion CB.
    - Further improved title distribution AI, to make the AI less willing to hand away its demesne when there are other alternatives.
    - Added dynasty, culture and religion information to character tooltips.
    - Reduced minimum gift size (but kept the increased gift scaled cost the same).
    - Increased the plot power required to execute the better assassination decisions, and also slightly increased their chance of success.
    - Removed Castellans. While I feel they are a good feature, I couldn't find a way to fix the various bugs and issues with the way honorary titles are coded, and I don't want to have a permanently half-broken feature in the mod.
    - Greatly increased prestige gain from winning battles.
    - Reworked the way joining wars works. The ask to join war diplomatic mechanic is now reserved solely for Crusades. Instead, when a ruler is declared on by a ruler of a different faith for any conquest-type CB (holy war, claim, de jure claim, etc), they get the option to ask all their neighbours of the same faith (neighbour being defined as sharing a border or sharing provinces in the same kingdom). Chance of joining depends on relations, traits, dynastic ties and other such factors. This should make the AI far more reasonable and realistic about which holy wars it joins (you no longer get all of North Africa defending Sicily, for instance), and simultaneously eliminates the exploit of using other CBs to get around holy war defensive chains.
    - Reduced demesne size requirements for raising crown authority to a level the AI can better cope with.
    - Buildings can now be randomly destroyed as a consequense of provinces being besieged.
    - Added province prosperity mechanics. Provinces now have a prosperity level that goes (in descending order): Rich - Prosperous - Normal - Poor - Struggling. Prosperity level affects the tax and levies you can get from the province, and will go up and down from various events. Peace and quiet tends to increase province prosperity, while war and rebellions reduces it.
    - Restored the ability for women to pass on pressable claims to their kids. This makes it possible once again to marry into claims.
    - Province conversions will now very slightly increase the moral authority of the converting religion, and decrease the authority of the converted.
    - Religions no longer gain any moral authority from the diplomacy of their head of religion.
    - Anti-Popes no longer cause continous moral authority loss, but the moral authority loss from creating one was greatly increased.
    - Reduced the moral authority hit to the loser in a Crusade.
    - Reduced frequency of heresies.
    - Reduced maintenance cost of levies.
    - Reduced the bonus troops granted to rulers defending against a Crusade/Jihad.
    - The Almoravids once again start as a Sultanate instead of an Emirate, as this leads to more historical results.
    - Fixed a bug where the Pope getting the land in a Crusade would result in a smattering of independent counts.
    - The inherited/appointed titles law is now available to Byzantium (to represent the Theme system).
    - Added the titular kingdoms of Sardinia, Dublin, Mann and the Isles, Mercia and Cornwall.
    - Newborn characters now start with negative stats, in an effort to reduce the extreme stat inflation from education over time. An adjustment event fires later in childhood to ensure that base stats do not remain in the negative.
    - Removed the vassal opinion bonus from Elective. While it makes sense, it feel it makes an already extremely good succession law even better.
    - Primogeniture no longer lowers the opínion of your dynasty.
    - Elective now lowers the opinion of your dynasty (due to opening up the succession outside of the bloodline).
    - Tweaked mercenaries to have more 500 and 1000-size companies.
    - Added mercenaries to West Africa.
    - Tweaked provinces in West Africa and added an additional province to the Duchy of Laayoune.
    - Fixed a bug where changing the crown authority of an Empire would cause multiple stacking opinion penalties.
  • Kopiati
    Ha nem jó verzióra tetted esetleg elképzelhető, ha jó verzióra tetted, akkor driver, visual c++, stb-stb...
  • hana1
    tárgytalan...magyarításból megoldottam
  • hana1
    Hali! Olyan fájl kéne nekem, ami lecseréli a magyar területek nevét valósághűbbé. Valaki tudna ilyet dobni?
  • Smokk
    Lehetseges h a magyararitastol fagyogat?Mert nekem 1feszt ezt csinalja kb 3-4 perc jatek utan.
  • Kopiati
    DE értsd meg, az apa vérvonalából volt a fiú:D Csak akkor játszhatnál tovább, ha martilinear a házasság, ezért azok a fiúk a te véred lennének, DE te sima házasságot kötöttél. A lényeg, ha asszony van a trónon, akkor szerezz neki matrilinear házasságot, és abból gyereket.
  • avsk
    igen-igen,de volt fia és mégis azt írta ki,hogy nem dinasztia beli.Azt tudom,hogy csak piros vércsep beli örökölhet,de 5 millió házzaság után születet fiú örökösöm se kapot piros vércseppet,vagyis nem örökölhet.
  • Kopiati
    Ha nő az uralkodó "matrilinear" házasság kell. Te is az apád nevét viszed tovább nem az anyádét (általános, klasszikus feltételezés), ez a középkorban is így volt, sikerült elvenned nővel egy ürgét, aki lényegében a családjának behúzta a birtokaid (ezért volt valószínűleg olyan könnyű párt találni a nőnek:) Csak oylan örökölhet, dinasztián belül, akinek piros vércseppje van, a fekete csepp az fattyú, ő csak elismertetve örökölhet, és akkor is húzzák a szájukat.
  • avsk
    Véget érhet a játék automatikusan ha kihal a dinasztia?Mert Toscanaval kezdtem már az 1. örökösömnél kiírta,hogy nem a dinasztiámból való az örökösöm-bár már ez magas volt,hisz ha én vagyok az anyja,hogy hogy nem ő a dinasztia beli örökös.Elértem kb. az 1140 környékét-gondolom meghalt öregedésben a tartomány úrnője- és véget ért a játék.Kivel házasodjon,hogy dinasztia beli legyen a herceg?
  • Kopiati
    Hadseregnél számít, hogy , mennyire kedvelnek a hűbéreseid, (ezért van a hadsereg fülnél a hűbéresek mellett a véleményük is. Meg elméletileg a városokból sok embert lehet kiállítani, és Az észak olasz területeken város a fő "birtok" is., meg vannak olyan megyék ahol amúgy is több ember él. Vagy több birtok egy területen nagyobb sereget jelent.
  • avsk
    Háát kerestem más megyék/országok adatait és meg is találtam ...a hadsereggel kapcsolatos infokat kivéve:(.
  • Pluskast
    Lehet. Amúgy asszem meg tudod nézni anélkül is, hogy a tiéd lenne a terület.
  • avsk
    okok kösz.Akkor it leginkább a 2. tétel igaz mert ez szinte még a játék kezdete,nem hinném,hogy eleve ilyen fejlett várossal kezdene Pisa doge-ja:).
  • Pluskast
    A hadsereged számának nagysága egyrészt függ attól, hogy a birtokaid - és a hűbéresed birtokai is - milyen fejlettségi szinten vannak. Azaz, egy adott birtokon hányas szintűek a városaidban, kastélyaidban vagy az apátságaidban építhető épület típusok. Másrészt minél tovább uralkodik egy királyod annál nagyobb lesz idővel a hadsereged nagysága is.
  • avsk
    Egyébként az mitől van,hogy sokkal több megyével (3X-4X) rendelkezem a kezdetekben mint egy másik,mégis szinte ugyanannyi sereget képes felmutatni,ha háborura kerül sor.Zsoldosokat nem bérel,azt megnéztem az aranyai számának változásán.
  • Pluskast
    Nem kicselez, hanem a kormányzási forma miatt nem fogod soha megörökölni. Velencében választás alapján nevezik ki az új uralkodót és ebből következően nem a dózse vér szerinti utódja fog örökölni, hanem akit választanak.
  • avsk
    Hogy ez a velencei uraság de egy kretén.Nagy nehezen elértem,hogy a dinasztiámból összeházasodjon az örökösével-valamelyik tanácstagja volt-,erre az örökségét átteszi egy másik tanácstagra,hogy nehogy már én örököljem,ha esetleg úgy adódik a helyzet.
    Ha megint megpróbálom a MOSTANI örökössel frigyre lépni,akkor is garantált,hogy ki cselez?Mert akkor nem is probálkozom.