Torchlight.hu Hamarosan!

  • FSpofon
    The max number of players will be somewhere between 4 and 8 players (to clarify if yesterday's notes were confusing). The final number will depend on the player count and summons.
    They wanted multiplayer in the original Torchlight anyway, and everyone asked for it, so they decided on doing Torchlight 2 first.
    The old classes won't be playable.
    "New wrinkles" to gamplay to make it more interesting.
    Hardcore mode confirmed.
    Won't be starting in Torchlight, and not even sure if they will return to the original town in this game.
    Each of the three terrains will have their own hub town.
    Many more side quests and events to make it more interesting to explore.
    The randomized dungeons and outside areas will stay the same in single player until you start a new character.
    In multiplayer the player who hosts the seed will determine the randomization of the areas.
    Dungeon/Treasure maps will return.
    Boss Maps will be available.
    They haven't specifically taken any mods from Torchlight 1 and implemented them in Torchlight 2...
    ...but identification will be less annoying or removed.
    Art team is now at 12 people.
    Digital Downloads make it easier to sell games cheaply. Developers get very little for a 20 dollar boxed game.
    They want the interface to be intuitive and easy.
    More pets, likely giving them some unique abilities.
    There will be a netbook mode, and the new game should run on "similar" machines.
    No plans for an iPad version at this point.
    Even now the story is a lot more fleshed out than before.
    There will be a special playable build for Gamescom later this month.
  • FSpofon
    Runic is still "relatively" Independent, and Perfect World is the "Investor."
    Currently at 32 people on staff and no plans to get much bigger.
    Roughly 4 Digital Downloads for every 1 boxed copy of Torchlight sold.
    They want console releases, but haven't managed it so far.
    Never really considered Torchlight II as an expansion pack.
    MMO pushed to the back-burner for now.
    More classes, non-linear advancement and outside worlds.
    Mac version sooner after the PC release than the last game.
    Likely to have Steam availability on day 1.
    No modding tools for Mac again, because they are programmed in C#.
    A writer has been hired and there will be actual narrative.
    You will not be starting in the town of Torchlight.
    Lots of regions and cultures in Torchlight II.
    In a lot of ways the changes from Diablo 1 to Diablo 2 are comparable to Torchlight 1 and Torchlight 2.
    No plans on any kind of import from the old game to the new one. Much of the game has been revamped or improved, which makes it difficult to try to import anything.
    Itemization system is being changed and will match the new classes.
    The Railman class is "an engineer turned into a melee tank." They are charged with developing transportation and pushing it into the wilderness.
    The Outlander is a hybrid of ranged with "superstitious magic." Survivalist vibe.
    Torchlight has its own style of steampunk that they have been working with for the art style.

    The UI has been totally overhauled.
    Identification system will be changed, if not completely removed. "Less onerous."
    Chatting in multiplayer.
    Trying out a bag-based system for the inventory.
    New pets, but Dogs and Cats of some sort will be included.
    More monsters scaling this time, not as much as oblivion but better than the main dungeon in the original game.
    A lot more balance between classes this time, especially for skills.
    Endless dungeons and retirement will return "in some way, shape or form."
    PvP might appear in the game, but it won't be possible to do it cheat-free.
    They want to make it possible for people to play with mods with other people.
    There will be a friends list.
    Inline character saves so that people can play on the go from anywhere.
    Monster scaled via proximity. "If you are in Act 3 and I'm in act 1..." then the Act 1 monsters won't get harder.
    The loot you see drop will belong only to you, and item trading will be available. Trading interface included, but you can throw things on the ground for anyone to pick up if you want.
    Co-op is a minimum of four players, and a possible maximum of eight. Summons are a major factor in these numbers. Not finalized.
    Video at Gamescom!
    The game will be playable in Pre-Alpha form at Gamescom later this month.
    Alpha (or Beta?) testing MAY be early next year, and they want to involve the community but don't know how they want to do that yet.
    You can see what mods someone has if they join your game, and they will need to be the same to join.
    Skill system has changed.
    The world will be divided into zones with sub-areas, and random outdoors.
    Three major distinct outdoor types - Grassy mountain Steppes, Desert and Dark, Spooky Battlefield Forest (Swamp?)
    Random events like caravans being attacked.
    200+ Unique weapon models.
    New weapon types, including Cannons and Fist weapons.
    Weapon specific walking and attack animations.
    Fishing may be revised, but it will return.
    No mounts.
    Price point close to the last game.


  • FSpofon
    endless dungeon 3-4 ora? :]

  • shaba23 #21
    A TL meg összesen volt annyi:)
  • Zomil
    Nekem nem jött be, diablo 1-2-t imádtam, de TQ-t kb. 3-4ora játék után soha többet nem inditottam el.
  • FSpofon
    egy halott műfajról beszélünk, el fognak bírni a rajongók 2 játékot is évente :)
  • Terensz
    Lehet ez a véleményed. De azt tegyük hozzá, hogy a Diablo 1/2 mellett a Titan Quest-nek van kultusza - nem véletlenül - a torchlight-nak hol van?
  • sirdond
    azért ezt nem mondanám
    a titan quest klasszisokkal jobb volt, mint a torchlight
    csak egy gyorsan összedobott hns, pár dologgal kiegészítve
  • FSpofon
    és nem 10k-ba került megjelenéskor hanem harmadába, ahogy ezt is árazzák majd.

    classokat meg lehet gyártani a mod eszközökkel könnyedén, itt van 20+ egy pakkban pl.
  • Zomil
  • Zomil
    jah csak a különbség annyi, h a torchlight 1 nagyobb élvezetett adott, igy kezdtelegesn is, mint a titan quest...
  • FSpofon
    azt akinek nem facebookon vannak a barátai
  • Terensz
    Attól függ, mennyire lesz kelendő a hack'n slash kedvelők körében, hogy mennyire lesz jó a Grim Dawn. Tippelek: hatalmas piaci bukás lesz a Torchlight 2.

    #10: +1. Neten is lehet játszani a D3-at, miért játszanád lan-ban?


    "4 class, nagyobb testreszabhatósággal"

    Nos, a Titan Questben 36(sic!) class van (ha a single mastery-ket nem számolom bele), kb 50 féle működő build-del. Szerinted a folytatásában mennyi lesz?


  • shaba23 #11
    Halászat? Horgászni már nem is elég?
  • Rage47
    kit érdekel a lan, ne viccelj már :D
  • Tatyla
    ha az üzleti oldalát nézzük inkább 2011 vége 2012 első negyedév max...
  • FSpofon
    vagy tovább, mert ebben lesz LAN
  • Prince23
    SC 2 helyett a Dio3-at kellet volna kiadni bliznek :p
  • Sephi
    Hat akkor nagyon meg fogod unni. D3 kb 2013.
  • MerlinW
    Azt javították később valamelyik patch-el.
  • sirdond
    diablo 3-ig jó lesz majd
  • Carlos
    Az 1 eléggé 1x játszhatós volt, a túltunningolt fegyókkal. Tán erre is figyelnek majd. :)
  • FSpofon
    hivatalos oldal

    - multiplayer coop
    - 4 class, nagyobb testreszabhatósággal
    - véletlenszerűen generált helyszínek egy új kontinensen, időjárással
    - új petek
    - új interface
    - halászat
  • FSpofon