- ember nézi most a topikot
- Lehetséges fix alacsony FPS-re!
- Ultimate FPS config tutorial (angol)
- BlackOpsConfigEditor
- GY.I.K.
- -PROMOD- infók!
Gabe18 #448 Na jó de míg a CODBO "egyenes ági" leszármazott a MW2-ből, addig Medal csak valami "korcs" lehet a BC2 gyermekeként...
Amúgy logikus, most még játékon belüli "valuta", következő részben már jó kis dollár/euró-ért lehet majd venni a fegyverre a távcsövet. -
#447 Na végig néztem. Mondjuk nekem nem volt rá szükség, de a többiek nevében is megköszönöm a felirat készítőnek, hogy időt feláldozva megcsinálta a feliratot!
Na akkor kezdjük.
"Theater" mód: Vicces, ahogy bemutatják, mintha ők találtál volna fel a spanyol viaszt... HELLÓ! CS óta létező dolog. Viszont akkor ez azt jelenti, hogy lesz RECORD funkció? Ez egy plusz pont.
Wager: Jól hangzik. De. Pont azt hagyták ki, ami fontos lenne sok embernek... hogy lehessen tétet rakni WARokra, illetve sok v sokra. Mi ez a baromság, hogy csak dmre lehet fogadni. Baromság. Mellesleg biztos vagyok benne, hogy most ACT csak teszteli ezt az új ingame pénz rendszert. Tudjátok... fizetős CoD... jó kis mikrótranzakciós baromság.
Customization: Remek. Ezt mindenki szereti, ezzel nincs gond.
Sokan mondták, hogy az új MoH egy az egyben BC2. Igen, nagyon hasonlít. De hogy a CoD:BO sokkal jobban hasonlít a MW2 az tuti! -
Gabe18 #446 Korábbi 7 perces video feliratozva.
Hát érdekes amit mondanak, fogadások, valuta rendszer, stb...
Csak szerintem pc-n ezeket a részeit pikk-pakk meghackeli a sok IQ mester, és onnantól az egész ötlet mehet a kukába. Becsalja magának az összes cuccot, meg huszmilliárd valutát, aztán kész.Ugyanúgy ahogy a MW2-be 10-es prestige megvolt... -
#445 Újabb multis videók
Szóval ezek voltak a nagy meglepetések, szeptember 1-re :D -
toarpad #444 hogy lehet játszani eredetin ? -
Gabe18 #443 De gratulálok hogy a perkeknél a Marathon és a Lightweight megint külön van. Úgyhogy a pályákon cikázó, 5 méterről késelő, lelőhetetlen supermenek cikázása nem fog megszűnni... -
#442 sztem attttomjóóó játék lesz (Y) :DDD -
#441 Nem lessz Deathstreaks hála a jó istennek!!
#440 Én most is játszok vele és az eredeti egy kalap
Warezbe szívesebben játszok ott legalább vannak modok meg lehet bannolni ha éppen te vagy a host meg ezerszer több lehetőség van és sajnos a BO-nál is ez a dolog látszik szerintem -
csuripi #439 Sztim, vac, nincs hagyományos ded szeró= átállás warezra, eddigi infók alapján erre látok a legnagyobb esélyt. -
#438 Elolvasgattam itt a dolgokat. Ez simán egy MW3. Steamworkos lesz, tehát simán elvesznek majd adatok megint, ahogy a MW2nél. VAC lesz, tehát egy nagy szar lesz cheaterek ellen. 18fő rankeden? NEVETSÉGES. Modot mondanak, de én nem venném biztosra, szerintem csak duma, nem lesz semmi. Szerver bérlés olyan lesz mint BC2ben, ami nem a legjobb. Hogy mondjak jó dolgot is? Lángszoró attachment. Ennyi.
Azért aki játszott a MW2-vel, az ne feledje, milyen szar volt. -
#437 General
- Player ranks will go up to 50
- "Compete, Customize, Create"
-- Treyarch said that reaching rank 50 will take about as much time as reaching 65 in World at War
- There will be an ability to Prestige
-- No word on how many Prestige levels there may be
- The killcam is back for the end of the game, now called the "Final Killcam"
- Scoreboard will show your kills to deaths ratio
- The death icon on the scoreboard is the Purple Heart icon from World at War
- Dive moves initiated by sprinting and then going to prone
- Unlocks will primarily be handled through the use of "Call of Duty Points"
-- This in-game currency will be used to purchase new weapon unlocks
-- Used so as to not rely on reaching a new level to unlock a weapon every time as has been the case
-- Can be used as betting currency in the game's new "Wager Modes"
-- Earned through kills, wins, having a good K/D ratio, Wager Mode winnings
-- Flamethrower attachment is 750 points
-- Clan tags are 1000 points
--- The top performers in these wages modes will take home a share of the total pot while the worst players get nothing
- Nothing related to Zombie mode discussed
- No confirmation or denial of a beta of any sort for any platform
Wages Game Modes
- One in the Chamber
-- 3 lives
-- Start with a pistol and one bullet, and your knife
-- Kill an opponent to get a bullet added
-- Miss with your single shot and you must then rely on your knife only to get the kill
- Gun Game
-- Same as in the Counter-Strike/Call of Duty 4 mod
-- Begin with a knife
-- Killing your opponents will automatically unlock a higher tiered weapon to use up to tier 20
- Sharpshooter
-- Random weapons given to players
-- New weapons given to players after a period of time
- Sticks and Stones
-- Crossbow, Tomahawk, and Ballistic Knife only
- The ability to go Akimbo has returned
- Selectable zoom levels on some sniper rifles
- Scorpion, M1 Garand are both back
- M16 is a three-round burst
- Tomahawk
- Combat knife
- Flamethrower
- No red dots for the snipers
- Grenade launcher attachments are there but not for all weapons
PC Specifics
- Will include a server browser
- Will not be IW.net 2.0 and will not use P2P for matches like in MW2
- However, all dedicated servers must be rented through gameservers.com only
- Anti-Cheat will be Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC)
- DRM will be handled by Steamworks
-- Yes, this means the PC version will all be run through Steam
- Ranked servers allow you to customize/select the map only
-- 18 players max (UNCONFIRMED)
- Unranked servers will allow for "full customization"
-- 24 players max (UNCONFIRMED)
- Treyarch has confirmed that mod tools are in the works for the game
- These tools will not be released at launch but some time after launch
- No details on how extensive these tools will be
- Each map has specific challenges (Ex: Find a shortcut on the map)
- Map voting is between one of two maps, or for a random map (may not apply to PC version with server browser)
- Summit: Snow, mountain base area
- Launch: Map from the teaser trailer, has rockets
- Radiation: Power station
- Cracked: Broken-down town
Perks - General
- No deathstreaks
- Removal of commando, danger close, one many army, stopping power, and juggernaut
- Deaths are more in line with Call of Duty 2, where it takes a bit longer to kill someone
- "Warlord" is the new "Bling"
- "Pro Perks" return
- Tier 1 perks alter the appearance of your player model in some fashion
-- These changes can be seen by every other player
Tier 1 Perks
- Lightweight
- Scavenger
- Ghost
-- Similar to cold-blooded
- Flak Jacket
-- Reduces explosive damage
- Hardline
Tier 2 Perks
- Hardened
-- Bullet penetration
- Scout
-- Ability to hold your breath longer as Sniper
- Steady Aim
- Slight of hand
- Warlord
-- Allows two attachments
Tier 3 Perks
- Marathon
- Ninja
- Second chance
-- AKA: Last stand
- Hacker
-- AKA: Sitrep
-- See enemy equipment
- Tactical mask
- Resistance to tear gas and flashbang
- Only up to 11
- Killstreak kills do not count towards obtaining other killstreaks
- The sweet lovable dogs make a return
- 3 Kills: Spy plane or RC Car
-- No time limit on RC Car but leaves player vulnerable
- 4 Kills: Counter-Spy plane or SAM Turret
-- SAM Turret can take out helicopters
- 5 Kills: Care package or Napalm strike
-- Care packages drop special weapons such as the Death Machine or Grim Reaper
--- Death Machine is a minigun
--- Grim Reaper is a guided rocket launcher
- 6 Kills: Sentry gun or Mortar team
- 7 Kills: Attack helicopter or Valkyrie rockets
- 8 Kills: Blackbird or Rolling Thunder
- 9 Kills: Chopper Gunner
- 11 Kills: Attack Dogs or Gunship
Combat Training
- Think of it as an offline version of multiplayer against bots
- Designed to familiarize the player with the multiplayer environment
- Rank progression in this mode is separate from that of the online multiplayer
- Can play with friends if you so choose to do so
Player Customization
- Five custom classes at the start
-- Another five custom classes can be added by Prestige levels 1 through 5
- As noted, Tier 1 perks slightly alter your appearance
- Customize your clan tag, emblem, and more
-- Up to 12 layers for an emblem
-- Place emblems on weapons
-- Use points to purchase new emblem templates and decals
Weapon Customizations
- Described by the developers as "gun porn"
- At least 16 different camo types for the weapons
- Reticule customization colors: Green, blue, purple, teal, yellow, or orange
- Reticule customization: Dog, semi-circle, line with dot, full circle, smiley face, horizontal arrows, vertical arrows, dot with arrows, boxes, burst, dual circle, circle with dot/crosshairs/lines/arrows/triangle, diamond shape, heart, HAZMAT symbol, skull, star, tri-dot, an "X", and a ying-yang
Non-lethal Grenades
-- Willy Pete
--- Smoke
-- Nova Gas
- Flashbang
- Concussion
- Decoy
-- Creates false radar noise
Lethal Grenades
- Frag
- Semtex
- Tomahawk
- Claymore
- Jammer
- Motion sensor
- Camera spike (?)
- ?
Secondary Weapons
- Pistols
- Crossbow
- Launchers/RPG's
- Ballistic knife
- M1911
- Makarov
- Colt Python
- M72
- Strela
- China Lake
Theater Mode
- Set to rival that found in Halo 3
- Will be for ALL platforms
- Various effects
-- Slow motion and fast-forwarding
- First-person, Third-person, or free floating camera
- Create highlight reels
- Share, upload, and tag your videos
Please note that while a lot of this was compiled by things said and shown at the multiplayer event, some aspects and facts are still subject to change. Everything in this list may not be set in stone and some details might have gotten lost amongst all of the festivities that took place. -
#436 Szerintem még csak BÉTA verzsönnel nyomhatják a fiuk!majd csiszolnak még rajta!de ahogy elnézem a kisautoval majd lehet kocsikázni perceket,hogy talaljál ellent! -
#435 steam+VAC marad. -
#434 Egyébként ez is Steam-es lesz ?
Meg az ígért zombiemodról ejtettek már valami infómorzsát? -
#433 Én is chea-re értettem -
#432 nem ronda de ha közelről megnézel valamit illetve sok dolog olyan igénytelenül ronda ráadásul látszik, hogy egy csomó minden olyan "szögletes"... -
#431 szerintem a látvánnyal semmi baj. szebben néz ki a környezet mint a többi fps-ben. -
#430 Konzol ilyen látvány van, Pc-re is emiatt ez van. -
#429 konzolokon nem sok másik engine tud 60fps-el futni ilyen látvány mellett, még jó ideig ezen lesznek a codok. -
#428 nem tudom mit mondjak erre ? új motor kéne bele már nem az a szar fos agyonjavítgatott régi kvék 3-as endzsin... meg robbanó autó és társai kész röhejek... -
#427 Egyébiránt tényleg van Multiplayer Béta, csak az a bibi, hogy zárt, és csak a nevesebb cikkírók játszhatnak vele. na meg a fejlesztők :D -
#426 mw2-ben is van admin cucc :P -
#425 Boxon biztos hamar jön, de PC-re jöna dmin felület, mod stb. szal most a pc-sek jól járnak, mw2-höz viszonyítva.
Kick/bann :D -
#424 cheat-re gondolok nem warez. -
#423 Én szerintem már aznap le lehet tölteni -
#422 kiáncsi leszek mennyi idő kell mire lesz az első cheater a játékban...gondolom 1 nap. -
Gabe18 #421 Videók alapján ez rosszabb mint az MW2...
Minden benne van ami abba, akimbo pisztoly, két lépésről azonnal ölő késelés, rakétavető, gránátvető. Ennek tetejébe most már robbanó nyílpuska lövedék is van, meg robbanó kisautó.
Az 5-ből visszatár a "jó kis" killstreak-re bejövő kutyafalka, más nem hiányzott...
Mindegy, ha lesz szerver és ki lehet ebből a sok hülyeségből párat tiltani akkor jó lesz, ha nem akkor ugyanaz mint a MW2 csak pepitában... -
#420 -
#419 5 multiplayer gameplay by Machinima
Konklluzio: meggyőzött -
#418 Create a class video
lángszóró attachment fegyverre -
#417 Perk 1
Lightweight - Move Faster (Pro)
Scavenger - Pick up ammo from fallen enemies. Replenish lethal grenades. (Pro)
Ghost - Undetectable by the Spy Plane and the Blackbird.
Flak Jacket - Reduces explosive damage.
Hardline - Killstreaks require 1 less kill.
Perk 2
Hardened - Bullets penetrate better.
Scout - Hold breath longer.
Steady Aim - Increased hip-fire accuracy.
Sleight of Hand - Faster reloads.
Warlord - Equip two attachments to your primary weapon.
Perk 3
Marathon - Longer sprint.
Ninja - Silent movement.
Second Chance - Pull out your pistol before dying.
Hacker - Ability to detect enemy equipment and explosives.
Tactical Mask - Reduces the effect of flash and concussion grenades.
3 – Spy Plane
3 – RC-XD (remote bomb)
4 – Counter Spy Plane
4 – SAM Turret
5 – Care Package
5 – Napalm Strike
6 – Sentry Gun
6 – Mortar Team
7 – Attack Helicopter
7 – Valkyrie Rockets
8 – Blackbird
8 – Rolling Thunder
9 - Chopper Gunner
11 – Attack Dogs
11 - Gunship -
#416 Beta sehol. Úgy néz ki tényleg fake volt -
#415 HG Előzetes -
Valek #414 Ha jól rémlik a Predatorban "Nagypapa" néven futott. :) -
#413 Hö.....
Azt figyeljétek hogy mit vesz elő a tag 2:18 nál!
Lbaxta #412 új multi vidi!!! -
#411 és persze hogy átbaszás volt a dedikált serveres hitegetés, kb annyit nyerünk vele hogy lehet majd pályát választani
CSAK a gameserveres.com-ról lehet majd bérelni, sehonnan máshonnan. -
#410 na megvolt a csoda multiplayer bemutató. video napokon belül @ cod.com.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Right now there's a giant image of the COD Black Ops poster, the guy sitting with the pistols, on the IMAX screen. HUGE.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Back in Black by AC/DC kicks it off when the lights dim
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Daniel Suarez, Exec Producer of the game for Activision, is going over the ground rules
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: No questions during the presentation, but they will do Q&A later, he says
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Media have specific appointments, and they are packed, so everybody will be fine...as long as they go in time!
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: No embargo in effect! That means I can report everything as it happens
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: "We want you to see it all."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Again a reminder not to video record in this theater, and there WILL BE an official video on callofduty.com in the coming days
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Mark Lamia, studio head of Treyarch, takes the stage
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: "What an honor is to have people come from all over the world to be here tonight."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: They refocused the entire studio to do this game. "We basically went all in."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: "Let's get right down to it. We've never been more fired up than we are this year. This team, since the beginning of development, has poured their heart and souls into making the best damn game we've ever done."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: The Black Ops guys “were the best of the best, they had the freedom to choose their weapons and gadgetry that they took on their missions. They could customize their loadouts for each mission, and it couldn’t have been a better fit for what we wanted to do for multiplayer.”
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: "What you're going to see tonight is entirely new altogether for Call of Duty multiplayer."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Vahn: "What the f***'s goin' on! They told me not to say that."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Compete, Customize and Create -- the three pillars, says Bunting
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Starting with Competition -- "it's fierce, it's rugged -- but ultimate very satisfying. And we are bringing tons of new weapons, killstreaks, perks to give them what they need on the battlefield."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Dan is playing a live unrehearsed game. "Hopefully I don't suck."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Choosing an SMG class
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords:
Snow level with radar dish -- I believe it's called Summit
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Dan has not died yet. That's good.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Promoted to level 2! LOL
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Bunting just DOVE THROUGH A WINDOW. Like, I mean, dove.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: He's playing a live game in Combat Training, a new mode with bots
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Combat Training is a new multiplayer mode that lets you play with “practice dummies” – bots. Has its own rank up, can be played co-op with a friend. When you are ready, you can then go online
Combat Training was not planned. They built a practice dummy just to gauge weapon damage etc for testing, but then they realized they wanted “Larry” to behave like a real player. So they made it a feature for Black Ops. “Play multiplayer by yourself or co-op with your friends” says Bunting.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: WiFi is flaky
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Create a Class -- you see your character on this screen because Park 1 has an impact on how your look in the game. If you are Ghost, you wear a ghillie. If you take flak jacket, it's shown and you take less explosive damage.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Lethal, Tactical, Equipment -- you choose. All things you throw that are lethal go on right bumper, all things that are tactical go into your left bumper.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Equipment: Camera Spike, C4, Tactical Insertion, Motion Sensor, Claymore
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Killstreaks
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: "You cannot make a COD game without bringing a bunch of crazy awesome new killstreaks." -Bunting
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Many of the new Killstreaks have some layer of player interaction -- they wanted them to be more interactive
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Video of Death Machine and Grim Reaper killstreaks. Death Machine is an epuc gatlight. Grim Reaper is a rocket launcher
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Napalam Strike and our friend the RC-XD are up now
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Gunship (daeth from above), Mortar Team, and SAM Turret -- set it up, take out the airborne attacks automatically
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Vahn: "Somethibng you don't know about me -- I love money. I like to buy what I want when I want."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Bunting: "That's bs, you usually gamble your money away in vegas."
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Vahn: Every time you play, you ear COD Points -- CP. What you used to unlock by level is now purchasable with the in-game currency. Unlock what you want when you want
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Contracts are time-limited challenges you buy and get more CP if you finish them. "Using any combination of stats, we can make any kind of Contracts we want, and can change them at any time." Mercenary, Operations, and Specialist contracts
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: "Make the investment in your own play style and then get paid for doing so"
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Wager Match - a new game type. Put your COD Points against other players and the top three people get paid in the match
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: 4 FFA game types for Wager
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Seperate from standard progression
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Top three are "in the money"
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: One in the Chamber: everybody has one bullet. If you kill someone, you get their bullet. If you miss, you have to knife them. You have 3 lives
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Pistols only for that one bullet BTW
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Sticks and Stones - Crossbow, tomahawk and ballistic knife. If you hit witht he tomahawk, you bankrupt them
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Gun Game -- straight from the community. Series of progressive weapons. Every kill moves you one in level of weapon -- pistol, two pistols, shotty, etc
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Sharp Shooter is the 4th type. All players start with the same random weapon, and then the weapons all change at intervals. Everybody is always equal with the weapons
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Wager Matches “create natural tension…and it’s really fun to take someone’s money.” -Vahn
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: CUSTOMIZE. Pillar 2. "This is my weapon, this is my gun." You can customize your weapon so it looks the way you want it to look -- new camo patterns, and you place your emblem on it, customize your red dot sight
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Killcams reflect this so you will know exactly who shot you just by seeing their weapon. Video showing different gun customizations
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Medley/montage of different levels and different guns
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Change the color of the reticle -- red dot doesn't have to be red or a dot.
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Snow levels, jungle levels, urban areas...it is COD after all
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Guided missile launcher
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: CREATE, pillar three. The emblem editor and the theater are two large examples
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Emblem editor – images, layers, and a background. You change the scale, move, color, rotate, all that stuff. Create layers, then purchase the option with COD points to put it on your gun
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: A funny internal bug -- passing around the funny video -- led to the creation of theater. One engineer said "that's impossible" and they did it anyway -- and that engineer is a huge fan of theater
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Xbox Live - Inside Xbox will have a video tomorrow that features theater mode. We are seeing the final edited Inside Xbox clip right now
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: See? Video!
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: All Live games can be played back, searched, tagged, everything. The footage is yours
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: "Now it's your turn." I think we are adjourning to play MP
Dan Amrich/OneOfSwords: Yes, we are, because Vahn just cursed again -- "Let's go play some effing multiplayer!" This place is gonna clear out FAST. -
#409 legalább 2010-ig tart a játék története, belefér vhova :P