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#274 nesztek info : "[16:05] <@HenrikNystrom> exo, well there will be a report on the beta very soon :)" : DDD -
#273 soon az egy tág fogalom :p -
RaSzTaH #272 kérdés az, hogy melyik évi ?:) -
#271 kis karácsony, nagy karácsony..:-p -
#270 na mi van azzal a "soon"-al ? :D -
#269 Beta Soon? -
#268 Craftról egy pici infó így a nagy hallgatás közepette.
1. Gathering/farming/mining etc
You collect resources from nature, the quantity (and sometimes quality) depending on your skills and tools. For instance, you collect Wolf Teeth from dead wolves. Or Heamatite from sedimentary rocks.
2. Refining/combining etc
You (or someone else) then refines the raw materials collected during the first step. This requires skills, tools and often a workbench or a workshop. It often involves combining different raw materials and adding different substances. Usually, only the quantity of the refining is affected by skills and tools, but there are some cases where the quality of the refined material will differ. For instance, the teeth you collected may be used to produce Emalj (a hard teeth substance). Or you use the Haematite to produce Pig Iron. Both of these refined materials can be used in crafting, however Pig Iron is very brittle and is usually further refined (into for instance Steel of varying qualities).
3. Crafting
The crafting process itself is very different depending on what you want to craft, but in general you need two different skill-sets: One for the "type" and one for the "material". To make a Steel Sword Blade, something like both your Blacksmithing > Weaponsmithing > Bladesmithing skill and your Metallurgy > Metalworking > Steel would be involved. Here your skills, tools and supplementary ingredients all affect the quality (not the quantity) of the outcome. You will also need a handle for your sword blade. You can either make it yourself, for instance from the Emalj (if you have the skills, tools and resources) or let someone else do it for you. Finally, in the last process the pieces need to be assembled.
4. Repairing
When your sword is used, it will loose Durability. Loosing Durability doesn't simply mean it will break at one point, it means it will slowly get dull and loose balance. Or rather, the materials can actually be of different Durability Type ranging from the ones that will let your sword keep its edge until the very last point of Durability, to those that will become dull after only a few strikes although they won't actually break for long.
You can learn some simple skills connected to your Swordsmanship skill to keep your sword in good shape, meaning you can rather easily repair it. However, as long as it's not being repaired properly by a real crafter, it will loose some of its Max Durability each time. (And even a great crafter will steal a point or two).
5. Reverse Engineering and Recycling
If you give your sword to another player (or he takes it by force), he may take it back to his workshop and try to reverse engineer the design, or simply try to melt it down to take care of the resources. The chances of understanding the design (learning how to craft the type yourself), and the quantity of extracted material will be dependent on the same skills that were used in making the sword.
Not everything can be revealed by reverse engineering a crafted item though. You may learn what materials were used in making it, and you may learn how to make the type yourself - but some item parts will not only let you use 1 or 2 resources, they will also let you adjust the ratio between those. This, as a copy cat, you will have to experiment with yourself. -
Bandras DaSilva #267 Elvileg nyáron....)...gyakorlatilag augusztus vége reális lehet ha elindul a béta hamarosan...az meg még nyár... -
RaSzTaH #266 mindenesetre szép:) jó lenne ha kapnánk valami dátumot is lassacskán:) amúgy mikorra várható? ősz/tél? -
#265 Nem, ez csak egy kép. Nem tudjuk meg szerintem, hogy mire gondolt. -
#264 ez az a nagy dolog? :d -
#263 -
#262 egy ujabb szep video jon holnap..:0
a remeges meg marad maskorra:p -
RaSzTaH #261 mi lesz ma remegés?:D -
#260 SOON! :y -
#259 [23:42] <@Henrik> it's going to be a long day tomorrow :)
[23:42] <@Henrik> hehe, well, just lots of work tomorrow
[23:42] <@Henrik> a big day..
Valami lesz holnap...vagy semmi majd kiderül :d -
#258 Pár válasz a fórumban elhangzott kérdésekre a PPP után. -
Chris #257 Na ezt a játékot szerintem én is megnézem. -
#256 Helyes...látod néha még jót is tesz -
#255 huha :d -
#254 Azt is, remegés indul. :D -
#253 Powerpointos okosságot meglested? :) -
#252 Komoly :) -
#251 Ezt a prezentációt szerintem ki lehetne tenni banner alá, amolyan FAQ-ként. -
#250 HAHA mire nem jó a remegés néha :D -
#249 Most néztem meg...hát baszki jöhetne már :p Az a rész mikor a minotaur felé rúg a tag a levegőbe azon beszartam :D -
#248 This is also the première of our blood-mix system. Races in Mortal Online are not static, and all races within a species will be able to interbreed, giving you the option to choose your ancestry and heritage in detail. We will only focus on the human family in the first phase, with the option to blood-mix between them. Kallardian mother and Tindremic/Sidoian father? Orcish father and Khurite mother? Both visual appearance and attribute caps will be dependent on the mix.
Érdekes :O -
#247 Na kijött a hílrevél , de látom megelőztél :) -
RaSzTaH #246 no majd holnap meglesem otthon:) -
#245 MO prezenticáció
Érdemes leszedni ( 100 megás rar ) van benne egy pve videó amiben az egyik szörniyke igen érdekes dolgot mível egy játékossal. no ha ilyen tényleg lesz benne akkor fincsi lesz :) -
RaSzTaH #244 nem lesz ebből semmi egyenlőre az is biztos... -
RaSzTaH #243 az már dbz :P -
#242 Pedig lenne nagy Kamehame! :) -
#241 Nincs valami nagy reklámja egyelőre és rengetegen azt se tudják, hogy létezik. Ami nem feltétlen baj. Akárkinek eddig elmondtam a játék nevét egyből mondta, hogy őt nem érdekli egy mortal kombatos online játék :d -
#240 csak 50k ömbörke regelt bétára ? ööö az nem vmi sok.
no de legyünk pozitívak így nagyobb az esély a bejutásra....2010-ben :D -
#239 Tegnapi pénzügyi jelentésből kiderül, hogy egyelőre a tervezettnek megfelelően haladnak(hát erre kíváncsi leszek) Illetve 1-2 statisztika:
"Star Vault: 55 000 registered fans
(Aktietorget: STVA B)
Since the start of Mortal Online Forum in April 2008, a forum for interested players to discuss the game Mortal Online, the number of fans increased steadily and has now passed 55 000!
* Since its inception in April 2008 has been the site mortalonline.com had 608 000 visitors from 195 countries. Visitor top 10 list is
- USA, Sweden, Germany, Canada, Britain, Russia, France, Poland, Finland and Italy. In the U.S., the largest U.S.:
- California, Texas, Florida, New York and Washington.
* Broken down by continent, Europe is the largest, followed by the Americas, Asia, Oceania and Africa.
* Visitor Loyalty: 216 000 visitors who have returned more than 50 times, of which 69 000 have returned more than 200 hundred times. 271 000 visitors spent more than 10 minutes on www.mortalonline.com at each visit to MortalOnline.com
"Since we announced that you can sign up to be in beta testing, we have had a great interest from a large number of potential players around the world. Of the 55 000 registered members, almost 50 000 registered to participate in Beta Testing . We are happy for that and hope that when we announce the date for Beta Testing, you will most want to help us make the final testing before release of the game. We are now listed on a large number of fan-sites around the world both local sites and also on the really big, like www.gametrailers.com "says Henrik Nyström, CEO Star Vault AB"
Hírlevél még sehol -.- -
#238 Ma elvileg hírlevél. Remélem tényleg és ezúttal érdemleges infókkal -.- -
#237 Pár sor IRCről, akit érdekel:
- <@Henrik> we wont release a map of the world, thats just stupid in a sandbox mmo :)
- <@Henrik> and the MO map is for the players to create or buy ingame
- <@Henrik> Presto, well, we will give some details on crafting soon, and if you just happen to enjoy crafting the least, then MO will enterly change your game world forever ;)
- <@Henrik> and no its not similar to Anything out there, its a true next gen crafting system for sure
- <@Henrik> but we are very confident on the crafting system, that its very unique, completely in its own league
- <@Henrik> 2 of of some of the biggest features in MO is for sure crafting and combat
- <@Henrik> crafting has been on design for some years, tweaked many times and a team have been working hard on it the latest year
- <@Henrik> well, this is for the requirement for MO question, we still dont have any finals on what kind of minimms or suggested, BUT the game is HEAVY optimized for quad cores such as the i7 cpu, and will run amazing on it, the next most important thing is the graphic card, it uses ALOT of the power from ur gpu. so a good graphic card would of course be good to use
- <@Henrik> a 8800 is exaclty the same card as 9800 and 260 meaning any of these cards would be a good choise, 512mb
- <@Henrik> and you would benefit physic calculations from the nvidia card
- <@Henrik> but ya, im verry happy with our server being able to support up to 20k players at the same time, thou our next problem is the map on 64km2 for so many players would make the clients lag because of the crowness
bla bla bla ez csak szöveg, de legalább valami... -.- soon talán többet tudunk! :d -
#236 Ezeknél sose tudni :y -
#235 Mint ahogy a soon 2010 is lehet :d