#330 ja én is kerestem Jordant de nem igaz hogy mért nem tudják belerakni a 90-es évek vagy a 80-as évek All-star csapatába -
Zozee az Isten #329 Köszi szépen! Kipróbálom mind a kettőt amit írtál! THX. -
#328 azt valszinü ő csinálta editben..alapból annyi van amennyi -
#327 egyébként youtubon láttam ilyen michael jordan-s nba 2k9-s videot... a régi bulls volt benne... ilyen csapatot nem lehet valahogy előkeríteni a játékban ? -
#326 akadályal már 100 pontosat is zsákoltam:D a videón az utolsó -
#325 a B6-ot kell nyomni amikor pirosba van a mérce -
#324 na már megvan... még akadályokat is tudok berakni a palánk alá csak az már 1 nehezebb fokozat :D -
#323 előbb olvastam h dunk contest-ben h kell zsákolni.. én értem is meg analoggal vok.. de sosem sikerűl behúznom :Dmindig kiírja h released to late... 1 apró tanácsot adna valaki -
#322 roster ápdét
[EGS]Nigu Roster 1.0 FOR NBA2K9 PC is coming!
Nigu Roster 1.0 FOR NBA2K9 PC
Version features:
[NOTE]This roster patch Include one best gameplay settings for my roster.
1.Player transactions update to the October 23.
2.Team roster, Play Position update.
3.All team starter and six man bench warmer fixed
4.some rookies RLSD
5.salary fixed
6.Player's data fixde
7.new gameplay settings.[Thx for Leon's advice]
HOW TO USE: PLS put EGS-NiguRoster1.0.RAR Extract it and put it into C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\2K Sports\NBA 2K9\Saves
[note]If anybody use this patch make some bug that Can not serve,PLS del the settings.
#321 copyzok egy kis leírást..hátha jól jön vkinek
The Tutorials are:
-Movement & Shooting (basic stuff).
-Isomotion (Important so I didn't skip anything).
-Post Moves (I might do this later today. Typing helps me remember. lol.)
-Passing & Defense
-Dual Player & Coaching.
-Off-Ball Control.
-Bank shot
Pull and Hold LT and move the RS (or press X) to direct the ball towards the backboard for a bank shot. The player will only use bank shots from within proper angles to the basket.
When dribbling towards the basket, move the RS either to the left or the right side of the basket.
when dribbling towards the basket, move the RS away from the basket to throw a floater.
-Reverse Layup
When dribbling towards the basket along the baseline, you can reform a reverse layup by moving the RS toward the baseline direction.
-Reverse Dunk
While dribbling towards the basket, pull and hold RT and move the RS away from the basket.
-Changing Shot
You can change your shot while in midair to avoid a potential block. while the player is in the air to preform a dunk or layup, quickly move the RS in any direction to change your shot.
Pull and hold RT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand to perform a Crossover. For example, with th ball in the right hand, quickly move the LS toward the player's left hand.
-Double Cross
Pull and hold RT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand and then back to the ball hand direction.
-In & Out
Pull and hold RT + LT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand and then back to the ball hand direction.
-Half Spin
Pull and hold LT + RT, nd move the LS toward the player's facing direction. Then quickly move the LS to the opposite direction.
Pull and hold RT, and rotate the LS in a half-circle starting from the ball hand to the opposite hand (going around the player' back).
-Behind the Back
Pull and hold LT + RT, and rotate the LS in a half-circle starting from the ball hand to the opposite hand (going around player's back).
While standing, pull and release LT to perform a Sizeup move.
While standing, pull and release RT to perform a Stutter move.
-Quick Hesitation
Same as stutter just moving.
-Hesitation Drive
Same as Quick Hesitation just driving to the basket.
-Hesitation Cross
While moving, pull and release RT and quickly move the LS towards the opposite ball hand.
While moving, pull and hold RT, and quickly move the LS in the opposite direction of the player's movement.
-Stop & Go
While moving, pull and hold RT, and quickly move the LS in the opposite direction of the player's movement. Then, move the LS in the initial direction that the player was moving.
-Hop Step
While moving to the basket press Y.
-Hop Step Spin
While moving towards the basket, pull and hold RT, and then press Y.
-Hop Step Away
While moving towards the basket, quickly move the LS to the opposite direction and press Y.
-Protect Ball
With the ball and an unused dribble, pull nd hold LT + RT and move the LS opposite the player's facing direction.
-Jab Step
Same as Protect Ball but move LS toward the player's facing direction. You can Jab Step in various directions away from the pivot foot.
-Launch Left/Right
With the ball and an unused dribble, pull and hold RT and move the LS to either left or the right side. You can also use either Jab Step or Protect Ball to set up the launch moves and fake out your defender.
-Spin Launch
with the ball and an unused dribble, enter the Protect Ball stance. Pull and hold RT and move the LS opposite the player's facing direction to perform a spin.
-Post Up
Pull and hold LT, then move towards the defender to post him up.
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS away from the defender.
-Hold Ball High
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS towardes the defender.
-Shoulder Fake
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS to the left or right of the defender.
-Pump Fake
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball, tap X or quickly move the RS in any direction. If no pivot foot has been established, you can Pump Fake to either right or left side by quickly moving the RS to the left or the right side of your player, or move the LS to the left or the right side of youe player and tap X.
-Hop Step
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball, press Y to perform a Hop Step.
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball, release LT and move the LS to either the left or right side of the direction the player is facing.
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While dribbling or holding the ball with an unused dribble, pull and hold RT and move the LS towards the opposite direction your player is currently facing.
-Pump Fake to Hop Step
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball with an unused dribble, tap X or quickly move the RSin any direction to Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, tap Y to follow up with a Hop Step.
-Pump Fake to Hop Step Spin
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball with an unused dribble, tap X or quickly move the RS in any Direction to Pump Fake.Once the Pump Fake starts, pull and hold RT and tap Y to follow up with a Hop Step Spin. Only players with a high Post rating (OPOSY) can perform this move. Lower rated players will perform a regular Hop Step.
-Pump Fake to Hop Step Spin (opposite side)
Same as above but once the Pump Fake starts, move the LS to the direction behind the player and tap Y to follow up with a Hop step spin. Only players with a high (OPOST) can do this.
-Pump Fake to Drive
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball with an unused dribble, tap X or quickly move the RS in any direction to Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, release LT, pull and hold RT and move the LS towards the basket for the drive.
-Faceup Jumpshot
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the LS away from the defender to Faceup. Once the Faceup starts, press X or move the RS down and release for the jumpshot.
-Post Package Shot - Hook
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS towards the basket to perform a Hook Shot.
-Post Package Shot - Fadeaway
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS away from the basket to perform a Fadeaway.
-Post Package Shot - Roll Left
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS to the left of the player's facing direction.
-Post Package Shot - Roll Right
Post up a defender by pulling LT, Move the RS to the right of the player's facing direction.
-Up and Under (Shot Stick)
Post up a defender by pulling LT, While holding the ball, move the RS to either left or the right side of your player to initiate a Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, quickly move the RS to either left or right, towards the basket, or away from the basket to follow though with th shot. Different Up and Under moves can be performed by moving the RS in various directions after the Pump Fake.
-Up and Under (Button)
Post up a defender by pulling LT. While dribbling or holding the ball, tap X to initiate a Pump Fake. Once the Pump Fake starts, move the RS to either left or right, towards the basket, or away from the basket and then press X to follow through with the shot.
-Post - Fight Off
When playing off- ball defense in the post and being backed down, move the LS towards the offensive player to attempt to push him away from the basket or to prevent him from gaining a position. The effectiveness of this depends on post ratings and weight differences of both players.
-Post - (Steal (onball)
While playing on-ball defense in the post, press X to attempt a steal. You have a higher chance of success if it is timed correctly when the offensive player initiates a post move or shot. -
#320 a sima shoot-ot -
#319 Van tutorial a játékban ember -
madrid4ever #318 úgy értem hogy a sima dobást kell nyomni hosszan???
vagy a másik féle dobások közül vmelyiket?? -
madrid4ever #317 a sima dobás??
mert több féle dobás van!! -
#316 sima meccsen pedig sprint és a dobás hosszan -
#315 zsákolóversenyen úgy kell zsákolni, hogy controll beállitásoknál beállítod az RS kezdetű gombokat az Action button-nál. majd zsákoloversenyen futsz a palánk felé és ezek közül 2 tetszőlegeset benyomsz egymás után és akkor felmegy a meter és amikor a pirosban van benyomod a B6-ot (nekem a bal shift, de állitható) alley oop-ot pedig a pass-al(B1) de elolvasod a elpet és mindent tudsz ami kell -
#314 Valaki leírná, hol lehet eredetiben megvenni? -
Zozee az Isten #313 Tényleg senki nem akar segíteni?? Mindenki felrakja hogy mekkorákat zsákol, de nem árulja el hogy kell? Zsákolóversenynél folyamatosan azt írja hogy túl későn engedem el, de ha előbb engedem el akkor fel sem ugrik....Help. -
#312 kösz -
#311 a run plays 60, 3 kép kellett volna, hogy az is ráférjen...
Zozee az Isten #310 Hy all!
Tényleg segíthetne vki hogyan kell zsákolni, mert már engem is szétb..asz az ideg hogy állandóan csak dobálóznak a játékosaim.... thx -
#309 ez egy bug
Temporary Fix for Inbound Glitch Found
To avoid the inbound glitch from happening in the short-term (this will be addressed by the patch), do not go to Tutorial team select after you have changed a setting inside Main Menu -> Options (Gameplay, Coaching, Presentation, Regional Settings, NBA Rules, etc.). You can change any setting you want, so long as you do not jump to Tutorial mode right away afterwards.
What happens is that the Tutorial Team Select screen has a different inbounding logic, which then gets saved into the Settings file when you jump into it after modifying an option. Please spread the word.
**EDIT** Blacktop mode will also cause the issue. So, if you want to change any options, just don’t immediately go to Blacktop or Tutorial through 2KNav. You can still play these modes, but don’t 2KNav to them from any options screen.
tehát be kell állítani az optionsban a szabályt, és utána NEM szabad "tutorialozni"
majd lesz patch -
madrid4ever #308 hogyan kell zsákolni?????:D:D -
madrid4ever #307 hogyan kell zsákolni????????:D:D:D -
#306 nemtudom:S nekem semmi hiba nincs, x360 joyyal tolom és tökély -
#305 pls valaki screeenshotolja le az optionsba a my nba-ben a coach profiles-ban a rockets tulajdonságait mert véletlenül elálitottam. elöre is kösz -
#304 Hali!....lenne egy érdekes problémám...meccs közben kosár után vmiért nemkezdi az alapvonalról a játékot, hanem rögtön a palánk alól be lehet gyüjteni a labdát és folytatni...így kb 3szor is be lehet dobni az ellenfélnek egyszeri támadóidő alatt mert nemmegy a labdáért senki....Megnéztem a beállításokat minden normális a rules alatt is...sztetek mi van nállam elbszva?^^ -
ricsa008 #303 léci csináljon valaki egy átfogó listát az irányításról hogy billel is mindenki tudja jáccani
spec én se nagyon jövök rá a titkára -
#302 hát ha nem is a legjobb sportjáték,de az eddigi legjobb kosaras az tuti -
#301 szerintem igen, nekem nagyon bejon. -
#300 carter nagyon durva...:D
én videóm -
#298 Nem irnátok egy F.A.Q.-ot a billentyűk leosztásával????? Az idegemre megy, hogy nem tudok vele játszani.... -
genory #297 Köszi! -
#296 videó beszúrása youtube-ról:
szögleteszárójelflash]ide nem más kerül, mint a youtube embed részéből az embed src= utáni, " "-ben lévő kódszögleteszárójel/flash]
tehát nem a sima url-t! -
#295 akko megnézem:d -
genory #294 NEM! -
#293 ez eas?:d -
genory #292 Nekem nagyon tetszik a játék! A gamepad beállításait még kicsit szokni kell a Live után. Szerintem itt sokkal több lehetőség van mind ott volt. Abba segíthetne valaki, hogy a figurákat hogyan kell előhívni, mert az sajnos eddig nem sikerült! Illetve volt egy olyan, hogy megnyomtam egy gombot és mutatta a pályán a figurát (Hogy merre menjek az irányítóval kinek passzoljak) de ez csak egyszer sikerült! Ha ezt valaki tudja, írjon! Előre is köszönöm! -
madrid4ever #291 hogy kell zsákolni??????