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Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred beszerzése
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred megjelenés: 2024. október 08.
Diablo Immortal (Android / Apple iOS / PC) - MÁR ELÉRHETŐ!
Susarc #46926 StormShiled te szemét!!!:D:D -
simon7108 #46925 pedig a server status szerint elérhető a szerver... -
Action #46924 Asszondja ellenőrizem h kapcsolódok-e az internethez...még én vagyok a hülye...:D:D -
#46923 5ös Valor buffal runolás közben, az érzés megfizethetetlen.. (: -
Action #46922 Jólvan akkor nem nálam van a gond...:) -
radical #46921 másnak is error 3003at dob most a game? -
Action #46920 "there was an error to creating you own party ERROR 1" mondta a Blizzard üdvöskéje is kibaszott login screenre...:) Soloban játszottam...ehh
Fasza...örülök h patchelgetik meg minden,de ilyeneket miért nem lehet már kiszűrni...:S -
simon7108 #46919 mi van most?DC lett és nem enged visszalépni...
karbantartás van vagy mi? -
nejad #46918 na error gecit megint benyomta -
Haversrác #46917 Jesszusom de amatőr vagyok, még írja is, de azért köszönöm. -
#46916 jobbklikk fegyon...amugy ha azonositod ra fogsz joni, hogy amugy sem ernek szart sem :D -
#46915 Jobb klikk és felsimered te magad :) -
#46914 jobb klikk. -
Haversrác #46913 Szasztok az unidentified tárgyakat, kinél lehet felismertetni az act1 ben?
Mire találok valakit aki felismeri, már szart se érnek a Skeleton knight-tól szerzett "RARE" fegyverek! -
#46912 SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!Tegnap a darkspore-ban mibe futottam bele? Mortaros elite-be,nc -
#46911 Butcher farm loot (persze mind szar):
p.s.: A statok a MF miatt szarok! -
maross #46910 Vannak benne jok.. az xp shrine -> repair shrine kulonosen tetszik :). Ingame aukcios hazert a fel heremet odaadnam :). De gondolom azert nem teszik bele, mert multiban gyanusan sokat acsorognanak az emberek latszolag minden ok nelkul :). A hordonerf kikuszobolese se rossz otlet, mert azota kb szet se utok semmit. -
simon7108 #46909 kilépett csak úgy magától General chatről és nem lép vissza...
mitől van?csak nálam van ez a probléma? -
#46908 Magyarországon nem érhető el a D3 Starter Edition? Bejelentkeztem a battle.net-re, nálam nem jelenik meg opcióként. -
#46907 hát, dögöljek meg, ha tudok okosabbat mondani
nyilván a topic alatt futó script még távolról sem látott kamionokat, meg hasonlókat :)
meg mondjuk a wow topichoz aztán főleg semmi köze a scriptnek
firefox lenne a ludas? lehet abban zuhan össze valami -
Sunrider924 #46906 Igen ami nyilvanvalo arra en is gondoltam, marmint hogy virus, de ujabban inkabb vmi scritnek hiszem. Nincs semmi mas oldal megnyitva csak az sg d3 topic. Es csak ennek csinalja. Firefox volt frissitve, fut az avast allandoan updatelve, win7em van defender updtate es scanneles allandoan. -
who am I 7 #46905 Annyira azért nem halálos a dolog...mégsem az amerikai egyesült államok fehérházában megy a topik témája élőben, hanem az zsgén ...Jó nem azt mondom, h über hasznos, ha látom mindenki kivan akadva valamin, de azt sem mondom, hogy haszontalan és azonnal töröljünk mindent :) Legyen ez itt megengedett valamilyen szinten sztem.
A bemásolt szövegből sok visszaköszön a sírásokból... :D -
BladeW #46904 hátha éppen az xp bugot javítják!
/trollface -
#46903 elso blikkre mindenkepp virusnak tunik
meg van nyitva mas weboldal is ilyenkor? azokkal mi a helyzet? -
Bigpigrib #46902 tippre virus -
Savmacska #46901 Nem csoda.... -
#46900 Retrieving Hero List...
Szerk: grrrrrrr. -
Sunrider924 #46899 Van egy kerdesem, es ehez a topichoz kapcsolodik nem a jatekhoz. Megkerem a kedves olvasokat hogy csak az valaszoljon aki valoban erti a kerdest. Problemam a kovetkezo: a d3 indulasa utan par nappal egy furcsa hibat eszleltem itt az sg forumon a d3 topicba, espedig a kovetkezokeppen, kapok hangjelzest a windowsbol hogy befejezett vmit es a teljes topicot atirja valami faszsagnak, elsore kamionos lett minden, fejlecek, kepek mindenhova kamionok kerultek. Akkor azt gondoltam valaki megprobalta meghackelni a topicot, ezert kirugtam a firefoxot majd fel oraval kesobb mikor ujra elinditottam az sg d3 topic mar rendben volt. Par hettel kesobb megint ugyanaz tortent csak ekkor hupikek torpikek volt teriteken, es ma 5 perce 3adszor is a valtozatossag kedveert wow tematikaba irt at mindent.
Tehat a kerdesem a kovetkezo: mi ez ? -
#46898 -
#46897 Sajnos így van., minőségi cégből kezdenek a béka segge alá süllyedni. -
Action #46896 +1 -
#46895 -
#46894 -
cookac2 #46893 Ezt is megértem, hogy teljes mértéktékben osztom a véleményed. Egyébként én is elolvastam a linket. -
cateran #46892 En ugyan csak olvasgatni (es rohogni) jarok ide, de erre az 5letcsokorra szeretnek reagalni. Vegyuk alapul talan a 3 legismertebb h&s jatekot (D2-titan Quest-Torchlight) Megvan? Na ezeket nagyjabol megtalalod mind a 3-ban....Az a teny, hogy a Blizz dev garda meg a sajat ceguk jatekat sem ismeri (nemhogy"idegen" jatekokat)minden commentnel es szonal tobbet elmond roluk...Talan ideje lenne kihuzni a fejuket a seggukbol es korulnezni a vilagban, nem pedig elbujni a WoW nevu cashcow moge es szarni magasrol mindenre (mar bocsanat a hasonlatert..lattam a kepet a korabbi kommentek egyikenel..:S) -
#46891 en egyebkent most belepve kaptam meg a feat of strength-eket, meg a bannereket a megjelenes elotti event oldalon levo banner keszigetos hulyesegert -
#46890 nem szamitana trollkodasnak, mert soha senki nem mondta, hogy a sirasok tartalma nem valos - a baj a konstans ugyanazon a teman valo hisztibe fullado komment aradat volt
pontosan az a baj, hogy a lentihez hasonlo, konstruktiv, osszetett, problemamegoldasra osszpontosito hszek nem szulettek egyaltalan (na nem mintha szamitana, hogy mi itt mit probalunk megoldani, de akkor is, jobb ezeket a konstruktiv, otletgazdag postokat olvasni, mint a folyamatos ovodas hisztit, nem?) -
#46889 Énis átolvastam... (igaz tényleg nem mindet, de a nagyját) -
Sunrider924 #46888 Icipicit tevedsz, meg most is olvasom, a nerfstick resznel tartok. Jol latom hogy elszabadult a pokol, gondolom most trollkodasnak szamitana megemliteni hogy a sirosoknak itt az sg-n akkor valamilyen mertekig igazuk volt megis. -
#46887 gondolom senki nem olvasta vegig a linkemet, ugyhogy bevagom egy reszet
ezek ilyen user suggestion-ok, nekem iszonyatosan tetszenek, nagyon sokat fejlodne a jatek ezektol
a devek amugy reagaltak, es "allitolag" kovetik, elemzik a topicot
picit hosszu post lesz, bocs
Constructive Feedback (Collaboration)
First of all, I would like to state that I do thoroughly enjoy this game. I have been playing pretty much every day since launch, and I played almost every day that I was allowed to in Beta.
However, there are a few areas of this game that I feel can be made better. This is not a QQ post, and any unconstructive feedback given is not appreciated.
So without further ado, here goes.
Nephalem Valor
I’ve often wondered many times over, why is Nephalem Valor restricted to only level 60 characters? After getting used to doing runs on my 60, I find it doesn’t feel very fun leveling a new character without it.
There’s such a huge gear disparity between Normal and Inferno. So why not have Nephalem Valor start at level 10? It doesn’t seem to actually hurt anything given 99% of the loot on the AH is level 60 or higher. Most of the lower level items sell very cheaply.
I for the most part don’t see how this is detrimental to gameplay to have Nephalem Valor be applicable for new toons. It’s the carrot on a stick if you will for motivating players to actually level.
So the crucible is this magical artifact that combines gems right? Well why not allow us to combine 2 gems of different stats?
Let’s say for instance I want a little bit of health and a main stat. Why can’t I combine 2 gems of different types into one? Wizard tanks might want a little bit of Dexterity mixed into their Intelligence or Health.
Or what if I wanted a little bit of Critical Damage Increase AND some Straight up Weapon Damage. Or a little percentage based health and some Magic Find thrown in.
I feel this will add some much needed depth to gemming choices and hopefully make gems feel a little more versatile.
I feel we also need a queue button for the jeweler. Upgrading tons of gems en masse gets quite tiring.
Low Level Item Sets
High level characters won’t care so much for this, but I feel it adds a lot of depth to the low level gaming experience. These sets don’t even have to be legendary in quality, they can just be regular Magic items as well. These sets can have a 2 or 3 set bonus that adds something even trivial, just the fact you’re completing a set makes it worthwhile for most players to look out for.
Sets don’t have to go beyond 2 or 3 pieces, but this will add lots of fun depth to low level gameplay.
Magic Find Revamp
Since it appears most players aren’t using this stat in their main gear, but only putting it on right before they kill something, why not disallow in combat gear switching? If a player is actively being chased, they should be considered in combat.
I feel this is really the only way you’re going to curb the magic find swapping.
Then I would create a new items slot for something like a relic. Much like every quiver has Increased Attack Speed, each relic can have a certain amount of magic find. Find out a normalized amount of magic find that a player might want then add that number to the relic slots.
These relics can be class specific and include things like extra arcane damage for Wizards, or increased fury regeneration for Barbarians ect… These would be a fun way to add a little bit of flair to your character.
I know this is a stolen idea, but why not allow our followers to act as our personal butlers? We can load them up with inventory and send them off to town to buy and sell stuff for us. This would add a fantastic amount of depth to the gameplay and allow you to get rid of junk without having to go back to town.
Auction House
This has been said from the early stages of the Beta that we would like an in town Auctioneer. It’s not really fun to make us log out of our game just to post stuff on the Auction House. I would very much like to be able to buy or sell something without leaving the game.
I’m curious, why was this never added?
Durability Loss
First off, I would like to say that I fully support the changes to repairs. However, I feel it’s also punishing those players who do not die.
Durability loss needs adjusted for casting spells / getting hit. There’s already a huge disparity between melee and ranged, but upping the repair costs is only going to hurt melee even more in the long run. (I’m saying this as a ranged player) I think someone mentioned before it cost them 40g per action? That’s really ludicrous and needs to be toned back. There’s no reason we should take a huge durability loss just from casting a single spell. I feel the durability loss value needs cut in half.
UI Changes
I would love it if I could have the ability to toggle the map in the corner, or hide the quest objectives. They really get in the way when I’m trying to target something on the right of my screen. Adding this feature would greatly help in gameplay.
I would also like the ability to adjust the transparency of my chat box. Sometimes when I’m in Caldeum it’s really difficult to see anything on the screen. The ability to adjust the transparency would help tremendously.
Combatlog Plaz!
Adding a combat log to the game would help us astronomically. I understand not allowing us to use mods in the game because a recount type addon will completely destroy the spirit of Diablo.
However, being able to look at actual numbers would be great. I would love to know how much damage I’m taking, how much I’m dishing out, and really what I can do to maximize my character.
As an avid theorycrafter this feature would be awesome!
Suggestion by Kord
Destructible Objects
Instead of just flat out nerfing destructible objects, why not have an internal timer that’s applied whenever you kill an enemy. Let this timer last for say 2 – 5 minutes. Much like how Nephalem Valor expires, this will allow players to not be punished for destructible objects.
When this timer is applied, destructible objects will act like they did before the nerf. When the player is not actively killing monsters, destructible objects will be worthless. This way you’re still encouraging the player to actually play the game.
Suggestion by Prisus
Repair Shrines / Repair from Health Globes
With the changes to repair bills, you might also want to reward players who are actually playing the game.
In place of the experience shrines at level 60, you can replace them with repair shrines. These shrines will repair your gear by a certain percent. Let’s say 25%. This way, the player doesn’t feel punished for playing the game.
In addition to repair shrines, why not have health globes also have say a 1% chance to repair 25% of your gear? This will also help reward players for actually playing the game and make them very lucrative to pick up.
Suggestion from Yinz
Whatever happened to the good old ARPG’s that had traps awaiting you at every turn?
Why not add a small chance for an elite to come out of a barrel?
Or even a resplendent chest might spring a freeze trap, a cloud of poisonous gas, or even contain bees?
Suggestion from Rhyse http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5888809975?page=2#36
Let’s face it, I know we want the game to remain a challenge, but some affix combinations are just ugly. Nothing sucks more than to be a Wizard and see a Jailer / Fire Chains / Vortex / Fast affix combination. There’s literally no escape.
What’s the solution? Group affixes into select categories for inferno. The 3 categories can be as follows.
Offense: Plagued, Desecrator, Mortar, Arcane, Fire Chains, Horde
Defense: Shielding, Knockback, Nightmarish, Electrified, Vampiric, Extra Health, Health Link, Invulnerable Minions
Mobility: Fast, Teleport, Jailer, Vortex, Waller (I’ve included the ones that affect the PC’s mobility as well)
The 4th ability can be chosen at random, and this will make certain affix combos that would be seemingly impossible quite possible. Less banging your head against your desk and more killing.
Idea sparked by Ian
An idea for not only an additional gold sink, but also for a way to allow players to customize their gear further, a randomly generated vendor could appear that allowed the option to roll for a chance to enchant an existing item with a randomized stat. This stat can be anything even including a socket!
Gear could be rigged to support only one random affix per item. You can pay a fee to remove the affix and roll again until you get the stat that you are looking for.
When enchanted items are placed on the AH, all enchants are removed from the item.
These are just a few changes that I think will make the game better in the long run. I really hope this is actually read by someone and not just thrown to the wayside. A CM response would be greatly appreciated.