PunkZoli #4520 mindenki megunta már rég:D
amúgy nem arról volt szó, hogy most ezen a héten lesz az az sdk fix? meg a custom content támogatás? -
BAk3R #4519 gyertek játszani!!! :D mi ez a pangás? -
#4518 "Removed the "Are you ready to play Versus?" confirmation" idegesített is :D -
#4517 new update relased -
#4516 ki az a ronda amugy? az a te ronda fejed? a nickképed? elég retardáltan nézki :D -
#4515 én 11.84 dollárért, az én farkam a legkisebb ! -
#4514 amúgy én 4,7k ért vetetm :P -
#4513 most restartolt. -
#4512 Left 4 Dead Update Released
JUNE 25, 2009, 11:16 AM - VALVE - PRODUCT UPDATE
Updates to Left 4 Dead have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Removed an infinite ammo exploit for molotovs
Add-on Campaign Support
Players download third party campaigns as single .VPK file
Players can manage and select add-on maps and campaigns via game UI
Added matchmaking support and download/update prompt for add-on campaigns
Custom campaign support in Leader boards
If not already registered, left4dead.exe registers .VPK extension to allow automatic install of add-ons
Servers and the steam API have been extended to allow servers to send up a list of keys for matchmaking up to 1200 bytes in size
Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools
Fixed missing fgd error
Added vpk.exe command line tool for extracting, creating, and appending .VPK files
Removed info_versus (not used)
Added info_gamemode which fires outputs for Coop, Versus or Survival depending on what game mode the map is loaded in
Updated tutorial_standards example map, repackaged as 'Dead Line' campaign example add-on
Sample content now includes source files for official maps
secks -
Pio #4511 Köszi! -
#4510 -
#4509 Steamen 23 euro, mióta Magyarország tier2-es(link) szóval lehetséges. -
Pio #4508 Ez a 4ezer forint mennyire biztos? Csak mert jelenleg 12k, szóval elég drasztikus váltás lenne. -
#4507 van community (totall4d.hu), nincs üres szerver, ha erre gondolsz. a valve szerint 3millát adtak el belőle
nekem megérte a 7k-t. 4k-t meg főleg megér. -
#4506 Ha minden igaz Július 17-től mindenképp :) akkor CDGalaxisban 4000Ft lesz. Addig meg... megmondják az aktív playerek :D én demóval sztem többet játszottam mint a teljessel ^^ -
#4505 jó játék ez, megéri megvennem? van vmi kommunyiti? -
#4504 jaj, hagyjad már, eza bojkott topik lesz XD -
#4503 Mondjuk nemtom, a vért okádáshoz meg a foszló bőrhöz képest még pluszban egy kis tüsszögés már nem oszt nem szoroz... :P -
#4502 Az kemény ha egy zombi még influenzás is. Szegény tök lázasan kóborol a hideg utcákon... mondjuk ilyen meghűlésre a Ne(cr)ocitran a legjobb. -
#4501 igazából nem zombik... élnek, csak elvesztették az önkontrollt, agresszívok lettek, és ennyi :) Ha megnézed nem megeszik az embereket, hanem halálra rugdossák őket :) -
#4500 azért durva amikor egy zombi totyog be a gyógyszertárba gyógyszerért XXD -
#4499 Lehet, csakhogy ez sokkal veszélyesebb, mert a H1-es vírustörzs szimpla influenza baktérium az L4-es viszont megzombítja az embereket.
Már csak az lenne a vicces, ha a 2 vírus (H1 és L4) egyszerre fertőzne meg valakit. LoL lenne egy influenzás zombi. -
#4498 Eheh, így leírva a játék rövidítése olyan, mintha a vírus neve lenne. H1N1, H5N1, L4D2, stb... :P :D -
#4497 jah ezt én is felvetettem már, de nem reagált rá senki -
#4496 jah lehetne jó kis retarded vitadélutánokat 1.6 vs css stílusban, kell az még egyszer az internetnek ^^ -
#4495 Annyira fölösleges két topic, mind a kettő ugyan úgy pang, amikor meg kijön a második része a játéknak, az a topic beindul, ez meg kihal.
Az a 170 hozzászólás ami a L4D2-be van, nyugodtan elférhetett volna itt is. -
BAk3R #4494 fasza, respekt!! -
Neoncsoves #4493 Innen van valakinek kedve játszani egyet? Ha igen vegyen fel steamen, az a felh nevem ami itt, szal fel tudtok venni :) de United Survivors Squad groupon keresztül is megtaláltok -
#4492 van csak nem müködik, mindjárt... :) -
BAk3R #4491 Rage: köszi a topicképbe a l4d2 gombot, viszont link még nincs mögötte :) -
#4490 Szerintem meg 2 alá kezdenek el dolgozni, talán egy-két kivétellel. -
#4489 raccoon city mod. -
#4488 csak töredékét mutatták be egy korai fejlesztésnek, lesz újítás ne aggódj. -
BAk3R #4487 ha kijön az sdk akkor sztem sokat nem fog érni a 2, mondom ezt az eddgiek alapján, mivel számottevő újítást még nem láttam/hallottam. na meg zoey sincs a 2-ben.. -
#4486 Addig biztos el lehet majd vele szórakázni, mint egy átlagos Single FPS -el, de olyan hosszú időre, mint az első része nem fog lekötni -
#4485 "Reméld a legjobbakat, készülj a legrosszabbra!"
Felesleges egy fórumhozzászólás alapján esettanulmányt készíteni... Pl én is remélem, hogy tééényleg valami überkurvajó, világmegváltó játék lesz az L4D2, de fel vagyok rá készülve, hogy lehúznak ~12eHUFra egy mappackkal. Ez ilyen... -
#4484 üdv! érdekességképp cdgalaxis nyári katalógusban olvastam hogy júli 17-től 4 ezer ft-ért fogják árulni a játékot.akik az ára miatt nem vettek meg (mint én) azoknak most jól fog jönni. -
#4483 mindenki rád néz mostantól a fórumról...
vagy nézz tükörbe :)
pszihoblablából teoblabla :\ -
PunkZoli #4482 totál kiégetted az agyam
de az, hogyha én vagyok jézus, az nem most derül ki? -
#4481 A friend once told me there are two kinds of people in this world: victims and survivors. I believe he was trying to say that every person will experience hardship, suffering, injustice and the occasional bad hair day at some point in his or her life. No one is exempt from pain. Or heartache. Or disappointment. Or the occasional and uncomfortable bout of gas. His main point is that how you respond to such difficult circumstances is what earns you a membership into one of those two clubs.
While I think the labels of "victim" or "survivor" are a bit too neat and tidy (and a smidge cliché), I do see his point. I've met people from each of those camps. I can think of one who suffered blow after devastating blow in personal hardships — from a cancer diagnosis, fender bender and layoff — all on a Friday morning. I recall his initial response, "Hey, at least I get a three-day weekend!"
His peace and faith were incomprehensible to the rationale of this world and he was looking forward to some downtime to process and heal. To look at him, you could almost see the wings of God covering his head. It was as if he were taking shelter with his face barely visible through the feathers, occasionally making a sharp burst of air with his lips and lungs to blow one off his nose. He'd never consider using his hands, as they were holding on, helping him press into the warmth and the very heartbeat of the Almighty.
Of course, I've also met people who at the slightest mishap of stubbing their toe and scuffing their new pedicure respond with agonizing thoughts that the world is truly against them and life is basically over. But to me, a person isn't a victim or survivor merely by how they respond to difficult circumstances. It's more about how they approach the every day little ones.
Have you ever noticed that some people are just generally negative, whether their life is going well or not? They assume the worst. While one person getting ready for a first date feels an adrenaline-rushing swell of hope in her chest, able to picture herself and her date riding off into the sunset, another person will see herself riding off with her date into a ditch and then up over a frontage road, through a barbed-wire fence and smack dab into a cow patty.
Truly, a negative person lives in a prison of his own making. Research clearly shows that negativity adversely affects a person physically. Steven M. Sultanoff Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Irvine, California, shares dramatic findings which reveal that negative emotions lead to bad health, and make a person actually more susceptible to common everyday illnesses, such as colds or stomach pains. Specifically he writes, "People who are chronically angry and hostile are four to five times more likely to have a heart attack than people who are not."
Emotionally and mentally, the effects of negativity are damaging as well. Psychologists say that we tend to do what we tell ourselves to do. "Therefore, if we have negative attitudes, these negative attitudes affect what we expect of ourselves which in turn, affects our actions. For example, those with the negative attitude that they 'can't do math,' are almost assured of trouble when attempting math. A negative attitude limits performance, saps motivation, and inhibits learning" (Journal of Health Psychology, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1999). This information would have been helpful to me during high school algebra.
It's difficult to break patterns of negative thinking. I was moved by how one of my favorite fiction writers, Saul Bellow, wove a tale that revealed how negativity has the ability to dismantle a person's mental and emotional health. His book Seize the Day captures one day in the mid-life crisis of Wilhelm Adler, a man whose personality resembles a cross between Eeyore and Charlie Brown. At one point, an acquaintance throws up his hands in exhaustion as he tries to implore Wilhelm's negative irrationality by saying, "I'm trying to do you some good, I want to tell you, don't marry suffering. Some people do. They get married to it, and sleep and eat together just as husband and wife. If they go with joy they think it's adultery."
Some people are so used to expecting the worst that when something good comes along, they don't even recognize it. Sure, not everyone was born with a sunny sanguine disposition — thank goodness, because wouldn't that be annoying? But in the Lord's perfect wisdom and design, He has created unique individuals, each with their own personalities and extraordinary gifts perfectly suited to challenge, encourage and balance one another for the glory of God.
I think what's most concerning is how negative attitudes can affect a person spiritually. Surely, it can put up a wall between you and God. When a person replaces gratefulness with complaining and trust with worry, they miss the blessing of abiding in Christ. We are called to rejoice in the Lord always and to think on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and anything else that's excellent or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:4, 4:8). It is clearly communicated as a choice of the will.
Which makes me wonder if having a negative attitude isn't as much about being a passive victim as it is about being a prideful sinner. The Psalmist writes that a person who is filled with pride does not seek God, because in all his thoughts, there is not room for God (Psalm 10:4).
A caveat: A person with depression may be unable to just "choose to be positive." He is unhappy to be depressed. But a negative person often chooses his path by force of habit, allowing himself to be held captive by his thoughts instead of taking captive every thought and making it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Believing the promises of God is the best remedy for a negative attitude. Jesus said that what a man stores in his heart, he will bring forth, whether that's goodness or evil (Luke 6:45). As the old adage states: "Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious." Put the promises of God in your heart and mind. He can be trusted. He can fill your half-empty glass with living water that'll quench your soul.
If you're struggling with negative thoughts, you're not alone. Give it to God. Believe what He says about you in His holy Word — not the negative things you may "feel" about yourself. Hey, He says our thoughts are futile anyway. But His Word is true, and faith comes by hearing and believing in it!
Anna Quindlen muses on a positive perspective in her little book, A Short Guide to a Happy Life. She says that we need to learn to be happy. One of her best "teachers" was a homeless man she met one day while sitting on the boardwalk at Coney Island. She asked him why he'd rather be out in the cold than checked into a shelter somewhere. "And he stared out in to the ocean and said, 'Look at the view, young lady. Look at the view....' Words of wisdom from a man with not a dime in his pocket, no place to go, nowhere to be. Look at the view. When I do what he said, I'm never disappointed."
As believers we have an even better "view" on which to focus: Jesus, Himself. Keep your eyes on Him, and He will renew your mind, positively.
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