#2576 Salt Lake City és Las Vegas között van egy gyár és annak a belsejébe simán be lehet menni a kamionnal.! Csak a keritésen nem lehet keresztűl menni! -
Vlala #2575 sziasztok. Új videokártyával kipróbáltam a játékot...
sehol egy textúrahiba, sehol eg szaggatás, fel tudtam venni magas felbontásra is... ez egy vizuális orgia! (ja, és nem tudom, miért, de most már a négytengelyes szörnyet is tudom tuningolni - 150 km/h körül van a vége :) (a játékban eddig 172 km/h a rekordom egy Kenworth T2000-essel :) ) -
#2574 sajnos a játékban nem tudsz zenét halgatni. Csak ha fut mellette a winamp -
Gerob #2573 Ja, játékközben megnyomod a "J" gombot és elvileg előugrik egy menü (egy ilyen audiolejátszó) és ott értelemszerűen a Playra katt.
Vagy ha jobb zenéket akarsz hallgatni, akkor játék mellett nyisd meg a winampot! -
#2572 Hi!
Lenne 1 kis gondom a játékkal. Menü alatt szól a zene, viszont vezetés közben semmi. Van erre valami javítás, vagy valami? -
#2571 Aztakurv@! Éljen! Hajrá skacok! -
#2570 Ez jó!! Mostmár akkor megszerzem a játékot!!! -
#2569 mostmár majd jönnek sorban a dolgok
have started to work adding hoods!:
#2568 Hehe...lesz ebből valami, ha nem is énáltalam, mert amint látszik a textúrázásra nem tudok rájönni...:
#2567 Van, akinek megy:
#2566 Hohó!Új egyéni rekordot csináltam!Pót nélkül 186 km/h! -
#2565 igen, de filter nem kell külön zmodeler 206-ban benne vanik, úgyhogy lehet buherálni :-)))
hosszú most nekem az a szöveg lefordítani..... -
#2564 de a #2551 leírás, hogy hogy kell importálni, meg ilyenek, nem? -
#2563 magyarosítás 80% -
#2562 sajnos azt, hogy a fájl "csak" mintákat, példákat tartalmaz -
#2561 és az mit jelent?
#2560 bin
#2559 csak "examples pack"-nak írja -
#2558 Apropó!Ki tudja hogy melyik a leggyorsabb kamion? Kipróbáltam már néhányat, eddig a Whiplash 6900-as jött be, de ennek az a problémája hogy kanyarban kicsúszik, lehet hogy a 4 tengely miatt!Szóval az Interpid 9900-as gyors, de nem tudom hogy van-e nála gyorsabb!?Aki tudja szóljon!THX -
#2557 165 volt! Interpid 9900-as kamion,ultra engine,ultra transmission, ultra stb!Montreal-ból mentem movie effects rakománnyal!Tegnap pedig pótkocsi nélkül mentem 182-vel Chichago felé!!! -
#2556 Én se tudom, mer NEKEM SINCS MEG A CONVOY! -
#2555 Hát, nekem nem jött le, hogy mitől filter, 5 db z3d file... Talán ha érteném, mit ír a #2551 -
#2554 Király! Akkor már lehet gyártani a kamionokat? -
#2553 Hát ez nekem nagyon magas... -
#2551 This is a short guide on how to use CONVOY .pmg filter in zmodeler2.
In order to use import feature (and in case you are going to open example .z3d files) you need to extract base.scs file into any folder your like. The filter will use textures, and materials settings files extracted.
Second, copy any environment texture as generic.dds into material/environment folder (you can copy "generic_s.dds" file if you like).
Finally, make sure to show Messaging bar, since filter might log some very valueable information there.
Importing (or using example .z3d files)
To import a .pmg file, start zmodeler2, hit Import button, specify "18 WoS Convoy .PMG" in filetype dropdown box. An options dialog for the filter will appear in the bottom. First of all, click on a wide button next to "base.scs" label and browse for a folder where you have extracted "base.scs" file. Filter will save this settings so you need to do it only once. Then, make sure all checkboxes on the right (Read/Write .PMC, .PMD etc.) are on. These are generally for debug and will be removed later. Then you can locate a .pmg file you wish to import and import it. The filter will try to read materials files and
load proper textures. Don't expect zmodeler2 to render the mesh exactly as it appears ingame. Convoy engine uses a set of specific shaders, so in ZModeler2 the mesh will be shaded differently.
If you are going to open example .z3d file, you need to copy it into proper folder of base.scs extraction (where required textures are). Plus, you will need to copy "generic.dds" and "glass01.dds" texture to the same folder (or adjust zmodeler textures paths to the folders where these files can be found). When opening, make sure no error prompts appear in messaging bar.
Scene organization in ZModeler (preparing to export)
The filter will export content of only one "root" dummy node. So, in order to export a scene, there should be a root dummy node and all the stuff you need to export must be in it (be it's children). This root node is kinda specific - it name should match the name of the file you are going to export (without extension). So, for example, if you are going to export to a "i8600.pmg" file, the node should be named "i8600" (not a "i8600.psm"). Second, this node holds some valueable information which is required for exporting. To set or change this information, right-click on the label in objects browser, pick "Properties", expand "Dummy Node(s)" branch and select "Stored Values...". A dialog box will appear in the bottom where you can add/edit/delete some values:
First of all, a "PaintJobs" entry specify how many paint jobs (skins) available for the mesh you are exporting. If only one (default base skin or gloss paint) is available, this value should be set to 1 (don't set it to zero).
Second, and even more valueable, is an Origin property. This is an relative origin path to the file (relative to "base.scs" root) - and this is the path where exported file will be located (this path is used to generate proper references to materials and textures). If you are going to export i9400i file to a i8600.pmg file, you have to change origin to "/vehicle/truck/i8600". Make sure to keep proper sintax: a leading slash, and no slash on the tail.
Ok, moving further. Expand "root" node and take a look at it's children. First of all, there should be a dummy node named base. This is a base of your model (truck or trailer) - it contains mesh and dummies under it. Expand it and take a look. In original .pmg files all mesh objects are untitled and only some of dummy nodes are entitled. I've
added an explicit name mapping for most of the dummy nodes, so you need to give proper name to all dummies. The list follows:
//common for trailer and truck:
trailer.attach - trailer attach position
driver - driver model position
wheel.fl - front left wheel
wheel.fr - front right wheel
wheel.2fl - second front wheel
wheel.2fr - second front right weel
wheel.ml - middle (first rear) left wheel
wheel.mr - middle (first rear) right wheel
wheel.rl - rear left wheel
wheel.rr - rear right wheel
wheel.2rl - second (third, if you have "middle wheels axes") rear left wheel
wheel.2rr - second (third, if you have "middle wheels axes") rear right wheel
vehicle.attach - vehicle attach position
int.toy - toy attach position
int.ml.br - left mirror's bottom-right point
int.ml.bl - left mirror's bottom-left point
int.ml.tr - left mirror's top-right point
int.ml.tl - left mirror's top-left point
int.mr.br - right mirror's bottom-right point
int.mr.bl - right mirror's bottom-left point
int.mr.tr - right mirror's top-right point
int.mr.tl - right mirror's top-left point
wheel.size - wheel size-defining point (radius is defined by it's world +Z position, width is defined by it's world -X position).
Regarding interior mirrors: the corner points specify boundary of the mirror - if any of left mirror's points is visible to camera, then engine renders a left-mirror image (otherwise, it does not need to render); same for the right mirror.
flares, lights, smoke, snow and spray emitters have a pre-coded names in game engine. I don't know all of them, but the most commonly used are:
flare.vehicle.brakel - brake light flare
flare.vehicle.orangel - orange flare light
flare.vehicle.headl - headlight flare
flare.vehicle.lblinkerl - left blinker flare
flare.vehicle.rblinkerl - right blinker flare
flare.vehicle.rearl - rear light flare
flare.vehicle.reversel - reverse light flare
truck.smoke.pipe - pipe smoke emitter
truck.smoke.skid - braking smoke emitter
truck.smoke.snow - snow emitters (when driving on snow)
truck.smoke.dirt - dirt emitters (when driving on dirt/grass)
truck.smoke.rain - water spray emitters (when driving on wet road)
The list above might be incomplete. Make sure when importing there are no lines promptying something like Unknown dummy: 0xaabbcc, 0x123. If something like this appears when importing, let me know which file you were trying to import.
Game engine uses +Z axis of dummy node (where it's blue arrow points). So, light shines in +Z node's direction; smoke is emitted in +Z direction and so on.
As it was said, mesh nodes have no names, but their veritces should have per-vertex
color, or otherwise, some reflections distortion might be a result.
Accessories upgrades are listed under "root" node as a dummy nodes with proper names. The list, which is quite self-explaining, follows:
base - the base of the truck (not an acceessory actually).
tbase - trailer base (not an accessory actually)
heel.down - lowered heels (when not attacjed to truck)
heel.up - rised heels (when attached to truck)
You can place upgrades stuff under these dummy nodes. It can be mesh objects (visual upgrades) and/or dummy nodes (flares, smoke emitters, etc.)
Collision in Convoy has changed a little. It's no longer generated "on the fly" by game code. Instead, a .pmc file is used: this file contains collision data for according .pmg file and import/exported by the filter well. In zmodeler, collision is represented by "collision" dummy node (which is a child of the "root" node) with a set of dummy objects
under it. There are only two types of dummy nodes used by collision in the filter: box and cylinder. I think, spherical nodes can also be used by the game, but I haven't seen them in .pmc files yet. So, you create a dummy node "collision", place it under root node. Then you create some collision volumes (mostly boxes) and place them
under "collision" dummy node. Collision volume nodes are also a dummy nodes. You can change dummy properties to be a
desired shape (box or cylinder), disable "solid" property (recommended). Then you can use Modify\Scale tool to make dummy node be a proper size, and Modify\Move to place it properly. Nodes can also be rotated if you like. In any case, I recommend to open example files and take a look what are collision nodes were in original game files.
Note: collision almost do not depend on .pmg file, so if you wish, you can use original .pmc file with your modified .pmg file. You can even use collision from another truck/trailer - it should work fine.
Since game engine uses a set of precoded shaders (you might seen their names if you opened any of "automat/*/*.mat"files), I've precoded only three of these shaders.
glass - used for glass material
chromic - pure reflective chrome material
gloss - the rest of materials: default one.
In most of cases all these materials appears to use "default.dds" as a reflection (environment texture).
"glass" shader - uses "glass01.dds" main texture, "default.dds" reflection texture, and material's alpha blending settigns.
"chromic" shader usually refers to "parts.dds" as a base texture and "default.dds" as a reflection.
"gloss" shader uses base skin texture (usually "skinbasic.dds"), "gloss.png" texture as a "reflection level layer" and a "default.dds" as a reflection. You have to keep all three texture layers even if you hardware doen't support it, or if they are shaded really ugly. You can however disable unnecessary layers in materials editor while modelling, but make
sure to enable all required layers before exporting.
The filter forces "default.dds" texture to be standard
"material/environemnt/vehicle_reflection" shader. If you are using another reflection texture, this might not work ingame.
To specify which shader will be used on each material, give proper name to materials: it should ned with "dot" and shader name (e.g. "i8600.gloss", "i8600.chromic", "i8600.glass"). It's not a must, but preferable, if material name before a "dot" matches the "root" node name.
Make sure "root" node is named exactly as the file title you are going to export to. Hit export button and select "Convoy .PMG" filter in filetype box. If you are going to overwrite a .pmg file, select this file in the files list and an "18 WoS Convoy .PMG" filter Properties" will appear where you can add comment, and specify whether you want to
lock the file and/or save a thumbnail image.
Hit Save button and filer will export all objects under according "filename" root node. If it fails to find such a node in the scene, an error message will be prompted in messaging bar: Can not find object "i8600". file:ExportConvoyPMG.cpp line:62 (or like this). So, rename root node properly.
Here are two possible warning messages that can appear in messaging bar too:
Missing "PaintJobs" stored value in node "i8600". Defaulting to 1. This means that "root" node does not have "PaintJobs" stored value, and filter set paint jobs count to 1 (default setting).
Missing "Origin" stored value in node "i8600". Defaulting to "/vehicle/truck/i8600". Means "Origin" stored value was not specified on "root" node, and filter decided to use shown path as an origin. If this path is not what it should be (e.g. you are exporting a trailer, then you have define proper "Origin" value on the
The filter will generate .pmg file (mesh), .pmc file (collision), .pmd (materials and paintjobs assignment), several .mat files (shaders definitions) and .tobj files (one for each texture). If you have used "glass" shader, you will need to copy "glass01.dds" texture form "/vehicle/truck" folder to the folder with the file you have exported to. This limitation might be removed later.
Loading in game
First of all, delete all *.bak files (these are backup copies of the files that ZModeler overwrites).
Well, as you know, you need to ZIP your vehicle into .scs file without compressions and retaining folders structore. Then copy your .scs into Mod folder of the game. Launch the game and make sure sothing about "unauthorized modified content" is prompted. Press tilda (`) key to view console - make sure there are no errors prompted there. Then you can try to browse for your truck in showroom. If game crashes, you can view "prism3d.log" file in "My Documents\18 wos convoy" folder to check what went wrong. If your truck shows fine in showroom, you should load the game, buy this truck and check if accessories upgrades and paintjobs are working.
edeleny #2550 Hat ez eleg gaz,azerintem,ha összegyurnak a harom (4?) reszt abbol lenne csak ütös kis jatek. -
#2549 sehol. -
edeleny #2548 Lenne egy kerdesem,hol tudom megnezni,hogy az altalam alkalmazott soför mit csinal eppen,milyen fuvart valal? -
berci206 #2547 lejtőn lefelé hátszéllel??? -
berci206 #2546 köszi szépen -
#2545 165?? Mivel? -
#2544 csóri rendőrök el sem tudnak kapni!Igaz 165 km/h volt a leggyorsabb eddig amivel tudtam menni póttal együtt!
Hol találom a dupla pótos missziót? -
#2543 hoppsz!!!
Ezt nem ide akartam
1000 bocs -
#2542 Sziasztok!
Tudnátok mondani cd-key-t az age of empires III -hoz?
Köszi szépen -
#2541 http://www.zmodeler2.com/ -
HuAn85 #2540 Gumikacsa: megírnád Oleg oldalának a címét? Kicsit megnézegetném magamnak... előre is thx -
#2539 dokumentumok/18wosconvoy/mod -
berci206 #2538 vagyis sky.scs-t -
berci206 #2537 ezt a sky .rart hova kell betenni?