• Thanatos
    nekem már előzötöl is beszart loading képernyőnél, amikor godnoltma megprobálok egy rated gamet, azóta még nem erőltettem :P
  • gvarga12
    hehe igen ettol a remek patchtol aztan crash-el is a progi a gepemen
  • Thanatos
    vanni még midnig van csak max key-t nem osztogatnak már, elgalábbis pár napja volt új update is pl :)
  • Guer
    az már csak volt ugytűnik
  • gvarga12
    jah open beta van (vagy csak volt)
  • Zsoltika 007
    Csak a tesztelői változat. A demo még odébb van. Azt általában a végleges teljes verzió elkészülte előtt nem sokkal vagy a megjelenése után szokták elkészíteni.
  • Guer
    nincs ebböl vmi demo?
    vagy vmi kiprobálhato verzio?
  • gvarga12
    azta hu ha he
    + neztem az intro-t nagyon zsiir
    erre tessek :)
  • Thanatos
    nincs, megy
  • Lateof
    Nincs valakinek egy key-e esetleg, aki már nem nyomatja? Megy még a beta egyáltalán?:D
  • Zsoltika 007
  • Methylisocloro
    Nem hiszem, mert ha holnap jelenik meg, nekem már az is soká van :)
  • sickb
  • Methylisocloro
    mikor jelenik meg?
  • rtfmZoli
    Desync-re magyarázat:
    If you have desync problems, it is caused because of your processor. It does not support SSE2. Just play with other people with processors that doesn't support the SSE2 and you don't get any desync at all.
  • rtfmZoli
  • rtfmZoli
  • Borg
    inkább 4.9-hez kéne
  • rtfmZoli
    3.8-ashoz a.l:
    , egyébként nforce.nl-en kell keresni
  • Petko
    a gpgnet felrakja automatikusan a patchet...
    egyenlőre a fileplaneten nincs is fennt még
    ai patchek után meg a gamereplays.org supreme commander szekciójának a fórumán
  • rtfmZoli
    hol van a 4.9 es patch?
  • Zsolo007
    Merre lehete egyébként ezeket az új peccseket megtalálni fileplaneten kívül? Illetve hol érdemes keresni ezek után az Ai patchok után?
  • rtfmZoli
    bocs vége van már :(
  • rtfmZoli
    beta kulcs még
  • Petko
    na gyorsan kijött máris a beta 49
    valamit hallottam róla hogy elvileg a 44 es verziót elrontották egyébként is mert a változtatások amik be voltak tervezve csak az egyik felét sikerült belerakni... szóval valószinűleg ezért van itt máris a 49.. meg a gyakori desync bugot is remélem javították

    Beta 49 Release Notes
    Full integration from the game's main development branch, reflecting many changes to the game's code base. Only the highlights are included here.
    Several color, prop, texture, normal map and effects adjustments throughout the game.
    Several animation and animation speed adjustments throughout the game.
    General game balance adjustments to several units. Highlights are included below.
    Significant adjustment to application-to-application communication between the game and GPGNet. Possible fix for many players experiencing “black screen” issues and “keyboard freeze” issues caused by firewalls, antivirus software, network management software, keyboard management software and software that creates custom hotkeys.
    Updated Aeon Commander’s main weapon effects, allowing for rate of fire increase.
    Updated SCU explosion effect to damage shields and catch additional enemies in radius.
    Fixes Cybran engineers using its build bots to repair, assist a unit underwater.
    Fix Cybran Siege bot's primary weapon from missing while walking. Also changed arc to a low arc on primary weapon, and increased projectile lifetime.
    The Aeon and UEF Strategic Missile Subs: fixes mis-sized nukes being launched from strategic subs; removes un-needed damage and damage radius data from unit weapon.
    Colossus Eye Beam now turns off when it dies.
    Made the support commanders use a formation rather than walking alone.
    Fix cruisers and destroyers from moving on top of each other.
    Aeon and Cybran Interceptor adjustments to damage, health and rate of fire.
    Aeon T3 Bot: Increased hitbox to be similar to UEF/Cybran bots.
    Global tuning of air superiority fighters, all three factions, to become more effective.
    T3 Bot Tuning: UEF -- No changes. Stronger than Aeon or Cybran. Aeon -- Weaker than UEF, stronger than Cybran. Cybran -- Weaker than Aeon or UEF. More versatile.
    Cybran Gunship: Increased rocket damage.
    Global adjustment to adjacency bonuses.
    Made transport beacons not count towards unit cap
    T2 Cybran Amphibious Tank: Reduced rocket and torpedo damage.
    Fixed shield pause state on ACU enhancements
    T3 UEF Heavy Gunship: Reduced health and updated Veterancy numbers.
    T4 Cybran Soul Ripper: Global effectiveness increases to damage, projectile lifetimes and rate of fire.
    T4 Cybran Monkey Lord: Global effectiveness increases to damage, projectile lifetimes and damage radius.
    T4 Aeon Tempest: Reduced health, torpedo damage and rate of fire. Increased anti-torpedo damage.
    Reduced mass cost on T3 Air Superiority Fighters by half
    T2 Heavy Tanks - Increased damage for Aeon and UEF, decreased damage for Cybran
    Colossus does area damage when killed
    T1 Mobile Artillery will no longer damage friendly units
    Aeon Carrier effectiveness and economy cost increased
    Cybran Carrier effectiveness increased and economy cost increased
    UEF Experimental Carrier effectiveness increased
    Cybran Mobile Anti-Air's alternative ground weapon damage increased
    Commander overcharge energy cost increased.

    Significant change to communication scheme between Supreme Commander and GPGNet that addresses issues with antivirus and network management software that caused application hangs; as well as addressing issues with keyboard/hotkey software that caused the game to freeze. See SupCom for more details above.
    New feature: Arranged Teams. Allows groups of players to search for ranked matches against other teams.
    New feature: GPGNet Knowledge Base. Online help system allowing users to search for help items by related keywords.
  • rtfmZoli
    Újabb bug:
    DESYNC mindenkinél szinte jelentkezik, középen kiírja hogy desync ettől függetlenül nincs desync, kipróbálták telefonos ellenőrzéssel (telefonon közvetített hogy mi lát, ill. robbanások is egyszerre hallatszotak a hangszóróból)
    én 2 ranked meccset játszottam, mindkettőnél desync volt, de végig tudtam nyomni(mindkettőt nyertem)
  • rtfmZoli

    Black screen fix (due to socket problems) should be fixed with a program called Winsock fix, I've had two people I know with this issue try it with sucess! Fluke? maybe but it's worth a shot!

    It's easy to use all you have to do it download the program here: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Network-Tweak/WinSockFix.shtml

    run the program, after it dings done reboot your PC. Load GPGnet test hosting/joining with someone. (As it should work afterwards)

    Még hasonló topicok:




  • rtfmZoli
    Ja és én frissítettem a directx-et, meg a vga drivert
  • rtfmZoli
    A tűzfalad meg nehogy kikapcsold, mert azért csak kell hogy ne tudják kihasználni a windows egyik-másik kritikus hibáját
  • rtfmZoli
    Telepítsd a Winsok fixet, van backup opciója is, gyugodtan használd, és inaktiváld az antivírust, és az anti-spywaret,és a tűzfalon nyisd meg a 6112 es és a 9103 as portokat(GPGNET-nél a bejelentkező képernyő után le van írva a bal oldali szövegeknél) TCP ill UDP portokat
  • Borg
    Kikapcsoltam a tűzfalam, úgy se ment.
  • Petko
    ja meg még egy apróság, itt egy progi ami tűzfalat tesztel, ebből is kiderül ha valami gáz van:
  • Petko
    aha, nála konkrétan az "Active Armor" volt a ludas
  • Borg
    A vicc az, hogy nekem az fent sincs, mert nem az nv lant használom rajta.
  • Petko
    NOTE: No. 2: GPG is fully aware of the "black screen" and "keyboard freeze" issues caused by conflicts between the game, antivirus/firewall software and keyboard management/hotkey apps. We are still working to resolve the issues with future beta releases beyond this one. We ask for your patience while we perform beta testing.

    Egyébként egy másik haverom épp vett egy nfore4 es alaplapot és ott is fekete képernyő volt, miután az nvidias firewall lófaszt leszedte máris ment perfektül.
  • Thanatos
    ai-ra ne is várjál, ez egy multibéta, nem votl és nem is lessz benne hivatalosan ai..., hogy a fanok meg mit hegesztenek bele az más kérdés de az emg olyan amilyen...
  • Borg
    Az AI-t max nem említik, de szerintem az is fejlődik benne azért. Legalábbis a 3.8-ban is úgy vettem észre, hogy jobb lett.
    Majd ha már kint lesz a 4.4 ai enabler is, akkor frissitek rá :)
  • BladeW
    Az AI modult gondolom nem frissitik mert ez vegulis csak egy multiplayer beta. Remelhetoleg a sajat fohadiszallasukon azert gozerovel heggesztik. A black screen bughoz viszont:
  • Borg
    Valahogy nem találok benne sem az AI-ra, sem a gpgnet black screen bugra fixet..
  • Petko
    wáááá, van beta 44

    Beta 44 Release Notes

    NOTE: Beta 44 requires the latest version of DirectX. If after patching you receive a "missing dll" error, you need to download the latest version of Direct X, which can be found here:


    * Full integration from the game's main development branch, reflecting many changes to the game's code base. Only the highlights are included here.
    * Beta 44 contains an update to GPGNet (see below), but an additional, required update is also automatically patched upon connection. The active, most recent version of GPGNet is
    * Several color, prop, texture, normal map and effects adjustments throughout the game.
    * Several animation and animation speed adjustments throughout the game.
    * General game balance adjustments to several units. Highlights are included below.
    * New Main Menu screen and front-end UI treatment
    * Several changes to win/loss condition logic:
    -- If you are defeated, you are out of the game even if you have allies still in the game.
    -- AI will not take over for a player that has disconnected.
    -- You lose 2 seconds after your commander is killed in Assassination, not 20 seconds.
    -- Your remaining units don't die for another 20 seconds.
    -- There is still a 15 second timer after all opponents are defeated before you are issued a win, but it is more robust.
    -- Once someone wins (or everyone is defeated i.e. a draw), the game stops. Because this happens after 15 seconds but units don't blow up until 20 seconds, there is actually something left over to look at once the game ends.
    -- Announce wins/loses/draws to everyone in the game, not just the person who won/lost/drew.
    -- Alliances made in ranked matches will result in a draw.
    * Ctrl-F screenshots are now dumped into Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Gas Powered Games\SupremeCommander\screenshots
    * Shields are now turned off when being transported.
    * Observers can now only talk to other observers. Double clicking on an observers name will now prompt you to kick that observer.
    * Right clicking on a queued build icon will remove one 1 from its counter and/or you can right click the build icon above to remove 1 from the last queued build icon.
    * Fixed factory upgrades not showing up
    * Fixed the "abort" button on the "connecting..." dialog visible when launched from GPGNet.
    * When giving resources to allies, use the percentage supplied by the UI as a percentage-of-stored-resources instead of a percentage-of-one-unit-of-resource. As it was, if you gave them 100%, they would get 1 unit.
    * Players receive messages when another player breaks an alliance with them in a multi-player game.
    * Players can't break alliances they initiate.
    * Players receive messages when another player accepts or rejects an alliance request in a multi-player game.
    * Veteran buffs will actually now happen when they become a vet
    * Split-screen functionality has been returned.
    * Removed legacy code for hiding economy warnings that was causing video callbacks not to get called.
    * AA weapons now target planes on the ground.
    * Toggling off a stealth field generator will now work properly when done over and over again
    * Some AA missiles didn't have quite long enough reach. Went through AA Missiles and got them up to snuff.
    * Update shield health frequently due to the overloading of the progress bar used for construction
    * Fix for missing ACU nuke and certain unit upgrade effects.
    * Engineers can repair submerged units but their repair beam animation is above water.
    * Shields/weapons on units on the UEF gunship will now have those disabled when the gunship is placed inside a carrier
    * Enhancements no longer remove buttons when built. This was causing issues and now that shields stay on during upgrades there's no reason to keep them on anyway.
    * T1 transports can no longer pick up ACUs. Only T2 and above transports can carry ACUs
    * UEF Support Commander's main weapon can no longer target air units
    * Cybran SCU now has a toggle button for its cloak and stealth.
    * Commanders and Sub commanders now have above water vision underwater.
    * Fixed some bombers dropping bombs on air targets.
    * Vapor trails (and other effects) will not show through fog
    * Reverting the Aeon T3 mass extractors to their old icon
    * Build preview now uses economy estimates from the upgraded building if the factory is currently upgrading
    * Upgrading units no longer block out their construction panel when upgrading to the top tier.
    * Adjusted Aeon Siege Assualt bot’s collision box to allow incoming projectiles to connect.
    * Black fog not revealed when commander walks on seabed.
    * Re-enabled vision for LAND category units that are on the seabed.
    * Fixed resting position of Aeon strategic bomber
    * Adjustments to the UEF Battleship shells
    * Updated UEF Commander walk animation.
    * New death animation for Colossus
    * Adjustment to game’s camera position at map start.
    * Disabled drag resize in windowed mode. Took windowed mode out of video options (you can still go windowed via /windowed or setting your game.prefs file).
    * Implemented Random start spots in lobby
    * Map selection is navigable via arrow keys, etc.
    * Warn when setting an invalid windowed resolution on the commandline
    * All experimental units should now use an experimental strategic icon
    * All save game and replay files are now stored in individual directories for each profile. You may choose to look at saved files for only your profile, or for any profile.
    * Fix nuke silos not counting its kills when missile explodes.
    * Fixed Cybran commander so as not to have to spin around to build
    * Returned build waypoint icon back to repair.
    * Prevent commanders from carrying out orders initially when warping in so they don't build things that get blown up by the initial explosion
    * Made the repeat queue work better when you use shift or ctrl click to speed up building of units.
    * Removed the 50 and 500 quick build since it is no longer relevant with the repeat queue feature, and it's a performance issue due to the 1st fix above.
    * Fixed various issues with Monkeylord being transported by air transport.
    * Fixed UEF commander pods not able to land on a moving commander
    * Made enhancing progress bar trump shield health display so we can tell the progress of the Cybran shield enhancements.
    * Fixed Tactical missiles not having proper waypoint icons set up.
    * Allowed cancelling of teleport in progress for commanders with the teleporter upgrade.
    * Fixed CTRL-L including engineers and commanders.
    * Make large submersibles not come so close to shores
    * New custom damage effect for the UEF CDR
    * Added two new naval formations. Naval now has 4 discreet formations to match up with the land counterpoints.
    * Better logic for switching anti-air guns on and off for weapons that switch between air and land mode.
    * Various tweaks to make lasers perform and arc differently
    * Increased FuelRechargeRate to 70 for transports that can't land on Air Staging Facilities.
    * Fixed the Aeon and Cybran Mobile Rapid-Fire Artillery muzzle flash effect and projectile.
    * Fix included so that player or engineer location is not shown to all on the map if the player reclaims any resources or burns any trees upon a commander entrance.
    * Fixes missing projectile on Cybran light artillery
    * Cybran CU's Cloak/Stealth less obvious now
    * Fixed Cybran naval factory build effects
    * Fixed Aeon SCU personal shield upgrade -- Heavy Personal shield is now the same as the ACU's, and displays the research animation when researching the Heavy Personal Shield Generator from the SCU upgrades in-game.
    * The research animation is displayed for the UEF and Aeon ACUs when researching certain ACU upgrades in-game
    * Fixed UEF Naval factory build beams
    * Made selection-drag rectangle be in screen space instead of world space. This fixes issues with selecting units high in the air. You can still get at the old behavior by setting the "ui_DragSelect2D" console var.
    * Fixed location of footprints on UEF CDR.
    * Added death animations for UEF light assault bot
    * New unit ambient sound system -- Ambient sounds on units no longer use the unit itself to play an ambient sound, it spawns an entity. This way ambient sound functions won't turn off the ones you don't want them to turn off.
    * Updates to ACU/SCU scripts to hopefully help a number of aiming issues.
    * Cybran T3 spy planes now start with their cloak toggled off.
    * The UEF T1 transport now starts folded up and expands when it's done being built.
    * Change the Atlantis to not use attached guns anymore. The missiles now shoot out of the open slots and the flak has been removed.
    * Pausing a Cybran factory while it’s not building won't error out anymore.
    * Reduced UEF Destroyer rocking because it's throwing off the torpedo launching.
    * Fixed the UEF SCU's personal shield not working right when you upgrade it.
    * Cruise missiles off of subs will now destroy on water after they've come out of water.
    * Unpausing certain factories during upgrade won't start animating their arms.
    * Aeon T1 engineer doesn’t have to turn to build like the T2 or T3 anymore
    * Sped up the arm for UEF engineers so they don't get as big of a draw back because the Aeon/Cybrans don't have to move an arm to build.
    * Aeon Stealth generator had jamming button causing it to pop up and down. Changed to stealth button, which is what it does.
    * If you build the left shoulder pod on the UEF CDR, then build the right one, then kill the right one, you can no longer build infinite shoulder pods.
    * Shield/intel toggle buttons won't disappear anymore when they are being upgraded.
    * Fixed the exploit of reclaiming a unit down to 1 hp, destroying it and reclaiming the wreckage for full mass value.
    * Tactical Missile defense will now shoot down Aeon MML's missiles.
    * Units destroyed by allied units leave wreckage.
    * Pausing/unpausing a shield quickly won't give it a percentage of health back anymore.
    * Radar/Sonar now don't shutdown their intel for 10 seconds when they upgrade.
    * All air units were not getting their wreckage reclaim values set properly because their overkill ratio was nil. This is now fixed.
    * Fixed the bug that you can once again get both weapons enabled on a Cybran anti-air if you put it on a transport. It now goes back to firing at AA when it's dropped off.
    * Cybran Anti-Air now no longer activate both weapons if you put them on/take them off transports.
    * The Aeon stealth gen now has its visual effect in the proper place.
    * You will now no longer get charged energy every time you give an attack order with weapons; only if it's fired will get you get charged.
    * UEF/Cybran SubCDRs now shoot properly after they build
    * Aeon Attack Boat -- increased health and adjusted movement tuning.
    * Aeon T1 Tank Tuning -- Minor tweaks to movement to make the tank smoother. Added a small amount of yaw to the turret to allow the unit to fire at moving units. Reduced damage and health.
    * Torpedo Tower Tuning -- Standardizing hitbox sizes; torpedoes were occasionally missing the towers. Cybran and Aeon T2 towers increased health.
    * Scathis energy drain per shot decreased to 70K.
    * Naval Tuning -- Anti-torpedo projectiles reduced fall speed, added projectile lifetimes. Changed collision spheres to be more appropriate and improve weapon behavior. Aeon Destroyer -- slightly reduced potency in general and vs. torpedoes. UEF Destroyer -- slightly reduced potency while land shelling and vs. torpedoes. Cybran Destroyer -- slightly reduced potency while land. Cybran Submarine -- Slight reduction in potency. Veterancy update for Frigates. Cybran Frigate – increased health and main gun damage. Aeon Frigate – increased health, main gun damage, rate of fire and projectile lifetime of anti-torpedoes.
    * TML Structure Tuning -- Reduced min radius to the bare minimum required for a good looking projectile trajectory.
    * Aeon T1 Bomber – increased damage.
    * Cybran T1 Mobile Artillery – increased damage, damage radius, stun duration, stun radius, reduced firing randomness and economy cost.
    * Veterancy Tweaking on Commanders -- Setting the regen rate to something more reasonable, fixed Aeon SCU's base regen rate.
    * Strategic Submarines -- setting nuke silo storage size to 4 for Aeon and UEF, 2 for Cybran.
    * Hitbox adjustments on Transports -- t1/t2 units fit inside the transports’ hitbox.
    * TML Tuning -- Setting damage, damage radius and econ cost on all structure TML's to the same as Aeon. This is a buff to Cybran and UEF.
    * T2 Artillery Tuning -- Adjusting turret pitch on Aeon, UEF and Cybran so that they can shoot into nearby valleys.
    * Various balance changes to torpedo bombers; ~3x increase to damage, 2x increase in build cost, ~4x increase to health.
    * Various changes to transports; increase build cost, only T1 bots will fire from them, increase to auto land time.
    * Significant buff to ACU and SCU upgrades and base abilities.
    * Removed moving firing randomness from t1 bots.
    * Slight increase to Cyrban shield radius.
    * Anti Nuke silo cost increase.
    * Omni towers omni range reduced to 200. Radar and Sonar on Omni Tower still at old value of 600.

    GPGNet Update:

    * New feature: Change user account name. At login, players can choose to change their username. Usernames are automatically updated everywhere within the application. However, rankings and records always remain intact.
    * New feature: Play Right Now button speeds access to 1v1 ranked matches by automatically launching game searches using last known automatch preferences.
    * Errata: GPGNet readme references a new feature, Arranged Teams. This feature has not yet been released as it requires additional testing before beta release.