#53586 Mindig a ranger miatt sírtok, most már sajnáljátok egy kicsit a mesmert is. :) -
t0xikus #53585 walker ranger is íjász volt igazából:D -
#53584 maniac001 ...
Ne csak azt "emeld ki"... továbbá ha megnézzük csak a te "fétised" ez a "ranger=íjász nothing more" beskatulyázás... az hogy te csak ennyit látsz a kasztból nem a játék és kaszt de legfőképp nem a fejlesztők hibája ;]
No offense és részemről zártam a témát szintén ;]
#53583 We will be doing some maintenance on the Guild Wars 2 forums and wikis on October 20th between 7 PM PDT and 11 PM PDT (GMT -7). During this period, the forums and wikis (in all languages) may become inaccessible for short periods.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding. -
maniac001 #53582 Akkor a kiegbe kérek egy Archer kasztot de izibe -
maniac001 #53581 Susarc, Omlás...
Egy GW2 oldal, olvassátok csak el :)
Ezen kívül érdemes a képet megnézni és az alatta lévő szöveget:
"Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows."
Na de hanyagoljuk a témát mert dádá lesz :) -
Murmur #53580 Meghalt? -
#53579 -
Susarc #53578 a lényeg a lényeg a ranger nem íjász:P egy speciális harcos aki szereti a lőfegyvereket is nemcsak a melee fegyókat:P -
#53577 Én inkább azon vitatkoznék, hogy mi az hogy a ranger nem tud 2 kardot forgatni egyszerre...mert sok fantasy világban igy tolják a rangerek :D
pl. az általad emlitett Drizzt is :) -
Susarc #53576 jaja Drizzt is ranger volt:P 2 szablyával:P -
#53575 Ilyen bolondos világ ez. -
#53574 Az "izgalmas" Dragon fightok előtt/közben általában mindig összefutunk a srácokkal :) -
#53573 Át! Köszi! -
#53572 ? :]
Amúgy küldtem üdvözlete pár ExH-s sráccal átadták ? :D -
#53571 Kósza. -
Susarc #53570 én azt nem értem,hogy mi az hogy nem használható?
ezt fejthetné ki valaki...
sokkal inkább úgy látom,hogy egyesek akármilyen klasszt tolsz alájuk úgyse tudnak játszani egyikkel sem....
hemzseg a net kurvajó rangeres videókkal...akinek nehézsége vagy bizonytalan a dolgában az kukkantsa meg őket..olvasson pár ide illő fórumtopikot vagy kérdezze meg itt!
pár napja épp az egyik kolléga adott nagyon is korrekt rangeres gear/talent helpet...
#53569 Nagyon tévedsz hivatalosan is a ranger inkább amolyan természetjáró vadász mintsem íjász járj utána... -
maniac001 #53568 Most hogy ismét felhozta valaki a témát, reagálok.
Ahogy azt alább linkeltem én is meg még valaki, a ranger íjász, aki ezt nem így látja az rosszul látja. Vagyis annak kéne lennie.
Az íj téma... Nem azt várja senki hogy 1 gombos 2 sec alatt ölő thief legyen, hanem hogy az íj LEGALÁBB olyan használható legyen mondjuk ranged fegyverként mint a balta pl. Ha eredményes akarsz lenni pvp-ben, íjhoz hozzá se nyúlj. Ez a baj. Érti-e? -
#53567 Flood!!
Amúgy a ranger = íjász témára csak annyit.
Itt kicsit homály van pár figurának a fejében, a ranger itt GW2-ben mint le is írták inkább "természetbúvár vadász" karakter aki a megszelídített pettel csapdákkal és hol íjjal hol meele fegyverrel küzd helyzettől függően tehát konkrétan a régi idők íjat/baltát/kardot használó vadászait mintázza.
Ezek alapján semmi gond nincs az elképzeléssel, hogy nem csak íjakat használ...
A baj ott van a fejekben, hogy nem elég OP íjjal egyesek szerint ... ha legyőzhetetlen fast killes kaszt lenne egy kurva szót nem szólna egy ranger sem.. :P -
#53566 Najó elég ennyi. Sok kérdésre egyébként nem válaszolhattak... -
#53565 Kérdés:
It was announced that the company would be reevaluating DX11 support after release. What would be involved in supporting new DX11 features? What would new tricks would you like to add to the engine that only DX11 can support?
The main problem with supporting DX11-only features is that you automatically exclude a huge portion of the player base from ever seeing them. That's not to say we don't want to do them, because as gamers and graphics nerds we love making the best use of our gaming rigs. Just for now though, there are much higher priorities for us to get straightened out before we can focus on adding candy like this.
As for actually doing it, it would involve adding a DX11 codepath to our engine, which is definitely non-trivial and essentially doubles the amount of code that could potentially contain a bug.
Mostly DX11 is about having a nicer API that more closely matches the hardware, and for that reason alone it's a good thing to use, but as for specific features there are a few that we've talked about, such as the hardware tessellation features for more detailed terrain and models. -
#53564 Kérdés:
Can we please get a WvW queue number? This would REALLY help, especially since it's gotten long on my server since we started winning more. Probably part of why we're winning more.
Hmmm this is probably secret, but we're all friends here! We have something in development which will greatly increase the number of people who can play WvW at the same time. -
#53563 Kérdés:
Any plan to implement multiple trait set? Because we need to use different traits for PvE, Dungeons and WvWvW.
That would be cool. I'd use that! We have a lot of things on the "cool to do" list though - we're working through it! -
#53562 Kérdés:
What are the chances of getting a Preview option in the Trading Post?
There's no technical reason that we can't do it, the Trading Post is a website but it can also ask the game client to do stuff via a defined set of APIs. The problems are twofold:
1) The API to preview things is in development but has a few bugs still, and other things have taken priority.
2) The current TP doesn't have a good place for actions like this to live. There's some groundwork there that needs to be done to make it not a terrible experience.
For elements like the Black Lion panel we need to try and be sure they meet a minimum level of polish. Preview on the TP isn't there yet. -
#53561 Kérdések:
What do you consider to be the biggest defect in the game currently (from a "this feature should function like x but does not" stand point)
What are the most restricting factors on your ability to address issues in that category, excluding time/personnel (Because as a programmer, I know everything can be fixed with more time and personnel)
One of the biggest defects right now is events randomly breaking. This is happening for a variety of reasons, including NPCs failing to path to their destination, players pulling NPCs out of the event area, and content scripts failing to handle edge cases. A big part of the problem is tracking down what broke minutes or hours after the bug has occurred. One restricting factor to keep in mind is that we're dealing with a live environment now with significantly more code and content being exercised than our development environment. Some bugs only reproduce for us at live scale, which makes it very difficult to diagnose the problem and work with it in a sandbox. This requires improvements to the debugging tools we've taken for granted all along in the dev branch in order to make them work efficiently at live scale, which we're actively working on now. -
#53560 Kérdések:
Is there a point to reporting bots any more? Not "hey you aren't doing anything about them," but more along the lines of the activities I recognize as botting (identical pathing, attacking thin air, identical (default) appearance, and so forth) seems like it should be able to be recognized via an automated system.
If I see twelve bots running an identical path killing ALL the things, and only report ten of those (hard to remember if I've already reported xzxcczccx as well as vbcvvbcxxxvb), do those other two get to keep on going? Or can I report only a handful to have them all looked at?
Is bug reporting in game more effective than on the forum? Or the reverse? Or are they about the same?
Are there more town clothes on the way? More additions to the gem store?
For issues like the broken skill point in Metrica Province (with the dead Hylek NPC), is it really much more complicated than "if dead, resurrect"? Surface level it seems so trivial to correct, wondering if there's more to it that players aren't seeing.
We've seen some information on the breakdown of the number of players choosing races. Will we be seeing more of that type of information? (side question -- closing in on two months after release, did any of the player demographics surprise the team?)
Looking back, if you could change one thing about the game at release, what would you have changed?
We ban bots in waves. Those two aren't getting a pass.
There are several advantages of using the forums for both developers and players - we can ask for additional specific information, and also we can respond to threads on the forums. Both bug reporting and the forums are very useful for us.
Yes and yes.
We're focused on addressing the root causes of these issues, as both existing and future content will benefit. If we fix the cause, it won't happen again.
I'd assume so - I think John Smith is always working on finding interesting things to share.
Personally, I wish we'd been better prepared with the Trading Post, and that we'd been better prepared with content problems with things like events and skill points. -
#53559 Kérdés:
Will you ever implement or even consider a FoV slider?
We've heard players loud and clear on this one. But we're not prepared to answer yet because we just convened a team to investigate, on Monday in fact, and we want to give them time to investigate. For example, there may be a bug affecting FoV calculations in widescreen resolutions. We want to know what's a bug and what's by design before we change the design. -
#53558 Kérdés:
Is the culling issue in WvW (making other players invisible for sake of server/client issues) going to get better? Do you like the state that it is currently in?
The issues with invisible players in WvW comes down to a couple of factors. One is to do with when the servers notify any given client about other characters in the game (I'll call this reporting/culling) and the other deals with the time it takes the client to present the character on the screen after it has received that notification (I'll call this asset load).
The asset load issue is all about how quickly the client can show you something it knows it should show you. We're looking in to ways that we can make that process faster, but it's always going to take non-zero time. However, that's not where the bulk of the invisible players come from. For that we have to look at the reporting/culling side of things.
In the situation where the local population density is relatively low, when another character comes in reporting range of your character the server sends a notification to your client with all of the data that it will need to track and render that character. That includes appearance data, race, gender, profession, weapon sets, etc. etc. It's an easy model to think about and works well, until the local population density goes up. When there are a lot of characters in reporting range we start to get into a situation where, under the current system, there's an overwhelming amount of data to send to the client (hello n-squared problem!) - after all, resources like client CPU/Memory/etc. and bandwidth are finite. In order to deal with this situation we elected to change the criteria for reporting characters slightly. Rather than just using a fixed range we instead also limit reporting to the closest N characters. By doing this we help to ensure that we're not overwhelming the available bandwidth and, since clients clearly can't draw or process characters they don't know about, we get some savings on client performance "for free". This works out pretty well in PvE and doesn't seem, at least as far as I can tell, to have a detrimental impact on gameplay.
Unfortunately in WvW, where large battles are quite common, we find that players are bumping into these limits quite often and the effect has a real, and unfortunate, impact on the gameplay experience. Do I like the state that it's currently in? No, honestly I don't. WvW has been my baby (though not mine alone!) for quite a while now and I really want to see EPIC battles play out in all of their glory. If there was a switch I could flip to just make this work then I would have flipped the hell out of it by now, believe me. However, when you're dealing with resource utilization issues like this there are rarely any easy answers. I'm currently, actively looking into what exactly our options are in this regard. The fix is likely to be large-ish in scope, with changes on both the client and server, but we have some ideas that look like they may work out. So, will it get better? I can't make any promises because we're still experimenting and building new tech, but as a person who works on this every day I certainly believe that it can and will do everything in my power to make that happen. -
Newfronter #53557 Nem, csak elhúzott a flame keltő hater népség. :D
Tegnap volt Reddit-es kérdezz-felelek. Tud valaki, valami kézzel foghatót kiszedni a válaszokból?
Reddit kérdezz-felelek -
#53556 Ez már benne van a játékban, ha kivégzed a storyt ingyen vehetsz egy skint a Vendortól? -
#53555 Dehogy csak mindenki játszik, majd hétfőtől pörögni fog a topik, akkor jön egy combosabb patch. -
Susarc #53554 wtf ,mindenki eladta?:)
Susarc #53553 nekem pont ezek nem jönnek be:P viszont a szarvas sityóért elugrok:D -
#53552 Lol -
#53551 -
#53550 Csak koreai lányokat szoktam posztolni és gondolok a többiek igényeire is, a változatosság sem árt. Meg is hoztad a kedvem, keresek valamit. Itt is van, milyen cuki, egyem a zúzáját:
Susarc #53549 bezzeg a házigazda offolhat:D -
#53547 Heavyben olyanok, mintha egy barbár hordát szabadítottak volna rá a játékosokra. :D (Nincs köztes út (jól is néz ki, de még hv páncél is. :D)
T3 -
Susarc #53546 yup