#4038 Az interjú dióhéjban arról ír:
Több Kamion, America,Mexikó,Kanada, Teljesen új fizikai mértékek, Több kiegészítések a monstrumokhoz. Nem lesz multiplayer. Elvileg újra lehet majd editálni a játékot.Több plató, többféle szállítmány, és visszajön a fáradság mérő (de ki lehet majd kapcsolni)
A gépigénye nem lesz sokkal nagyobb minta 18WOSAA- nak
(GF3, Ati 8500) -
#4037 Pedig nem is én írtam... -
#4036 interjút, vagy videót akar, különben megőrül, és leugrik egy hídról, de még vár az e3 végéig (tehát régebbi) -
#4035 Ez mit ír?:
at the moment, i can go crazy and jump from a brige..
a new video or a interview can trust me.
but i'm willing to wait for end of e3 2004. -
#4034 Ja, 3.rész -
#4033 nem Magyarítás volt?
Szinte egy az egyben ez a történet mennt. ;) -
#4032 Ezek a 18WoS folytatása?
Matrix: Magyarítás? :)) -
#4031 Milyen ismerős... :) -
#4030 nanáá! ;) -
#4029 képeket néztétek? :) -
#4028 BAAAAAZ most olvasom, hogy mi a története a Rig'n'Roll-nak?
"A játékos egy fiatalemberként 2024-ben Kalifornia független államába érkezik, hogy valóra váltsa álmait: ő legyen az utak királya, és hogy meghódítsa magának Kalifornia áruszállító piacát. Rengeteg mérföld és város vár rá, mielőtt elnyeri a legjobb fuvarozónak járó címet. A semmiből kezdi egy kis összeggel, de hatalmas akarással. Célja: uralni az utakat."
Emlékeztek milyen történetet írtam a 18WOSAA magyarításába a betöltő képernyőre?! ;)
Nézzétek csak majd vissza. ;) Beperelem őket... ;) -
katype #4027 Sziasztok!
Ém még új vagyok ebben a fórumban de nagyon bejönnek a kamionos játékok.Nagyon megköszönném ha valaki póstai úton el tudná nekem juttatni az 18 wheels of steel across america.Írjatok e-mailt:[email protected] -
#4026 De ezt se hagyjáok ki: NÉZDMEG -
#4025 A játék neve: 18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal
Kérem valaki fordítsa le...
Thank you very much for your agreement to taken place in the first part of sets of the questions about new game released by SCS Software this year. I hope that it help fans with seeing this game as it is still under working. Below you can find some questions from game fans.
1.Since the game is still under construction and we don’t know its name. Can you give away about title new game?
The game is going to be called 18 Wheels of Steel - Pedal to the Metal. Until now, our working title has been “18 Wheels of Steel American Dream” - you can see we have pretty high aspirations for the new game - but marketing considers the final name to be even more attractive.
2.Has a release date already been set by publisher? Is publisher ValuSoft company?
Yes, the publisher of the game is ValuSoft again. We cannot comment on the release date yet, the game is still far from done, but we have a pretty aggressive schedule.
3.Tell us something about game engine, please. Is it the same PRISM3D engine or its new version?
We are using our Prism3D engine again, but it’s definitely not the same technology as last year. Our programmers and artists have made massive progress in all areas, the visuals are much sharper as you can tell from the screenshots, with advanced shader effects. The level of detail of the world has increased tremendously, and we have all new physics system that looks very impressive.
4.Can you some say in hardware and software requirements for this game. Will there be a fully analog clutch?
Final HW requirements are not decided yet, but we are striving to make minimum requirements not very far from 18 WoS AA. The game will look gorgeous for people with GeForce3, Radeon 8500 or higher class cards, but we want to allow people with even 3 years old computer to still be able to play the game and have decent experience.
5.Where does the game take place? Is it still US or also Canada? Maybe other place…
The game world covers continental US from coast to coast, and several locations in Canada and Mexico.
6.Will the game map be bigger than in “Across America”? (How many kilometers). Is there only one map available in game or it is cuts to some parts of that?
The map is quite bigger than the one in Across America. The number of cities has increased as well as the mesh of connecting roads, and the resulting world is really really huge. I think it rivals and even exceeds many AAA driving games. It’s still one continuous map.
7.What kinds of trucks will be available in new game and how many models of trucks and trailers we can expect? Will there be [trailer] doubles, or even triples?
The number of truck tractors is going to be higher than in Across America, and the number of trailers is going to be a lot higher for even bigger variety of cargo which you can haul. We will probably not do doubles or triples. The mix of the tractors is different than in the previous game, the new fleet is more up-to-date.
8.How many different locations will be in the game for pickup and delivery goods?
A lot. And they will also be far more varied than in our previous game… not only will there be the usual square patches of tarmac type of cargo terminals, we are putting in some very cool places for cargo delivery.
9.Will real multiplayer mode be available in new release of game? If yes, what kind of multiplayer?
No multiplayer. We are focusing all our efforts to make the single player experience as good as possible given the time allotted for development.
10.Can we expect a game editor in this release as in 18WOS: AA? If yes, what kind of modification can we do? And the same to skins modification…
The improved world editor is once again a part of the game’s executable. We would like to make modifications of the game easier than in Across America, but don’t expect miracles, it will still require computer skills to mod the game.
11.Will there be any cheat codes? We know that is only for test game but some of players like it
Of course there will be cheat codes in the game.
12.Will AI people (pedestrians) be available in game? Can you put forward your plans for AI traffic on the road?
There will be no pedestrians in this game, all our attention is on trucks and cars. There has been a lot of work done on the AI traffic code, hopefully the fans of the series will be happy with the many improvements we have made.
13.Next thing is simplified police activity and AI cars in 18WOS series. Will this function be rebuilt for better police activity and AI?
Yes, police AI is being rewritten, we plan to make the police less obnoxious, and at the same time to make it matter more once they are after you.
14.Will there be an option for driving for a company in place of driving for oneself?
Our plan calls for allowing the player to experience different things. You can be an employee driving for another company, and the AI boss would command you around. You can become independent owner-operator in control of your fortune, and you can also progress to become an owner of your own big trucking business with other drivers working for you.
15.Can we expect more realistic physics? (as realistic as possible, cause driving a truck isn't easy).
We hope our all new physics and collision system will be a very nice surprise. The handling of the trucks has been completely redone for the new game.
16.Can you see in new game an advanced damage system (overheating of engine, brakes, some mechanical failures, more collision effects, etc.). Does our truck get dirty after some time?
I don’t have an answer to this question yet, we are still experimenting with the damage system. Trucks probably won’t get dirty over time.
17.What’s happened to sleeping time in “18WOS Across America”? Does this option return to game?
We may bring back having to sleep, but only as an option to switch on/off based on the player’s preferences, just as several other simulation features that can be toggled on and off.
18.Will environment of game be changed? We expect new truck stop, shops, services, more complex cities etc. as in real world. Does protected level (grade) will be working?
Vast majority of the elements in the environment were rebuilt from scratch, so you can indeed expect to run into a whole lot of new things. At the moment it seems that we won’t be putting any railroad crossings into the game
19.Will we see fuel price on advertising board close to fuel station? Now we must stop there and price is displayed in the box?
We are considering it.
20.For the ends of the list of questions I have favor to ask of you. Can you tell something more about this game yet?
There are many things in 18 Wheels of Steel – Pedal to the Metal to look forward to. This is our third game dealing with long haul trucking, and it’s shaping up to be a much bigger improvement over the second game than the second game was over the first one. If you liked Across America, we hope that you will love the new game.
#4024 Kösz. -
#4023 Kamionozáshoz konkrétan az a ps2 kormány kell, ami 900 fokot fordul. -
#4022 NA a pedált meg a Váltót megcsinálták olyanra, hogy bármilyen másikkal együtt megy míg kormányt keress valami jó minőségűt ne Genius meg egyéb gagyi tucattermékeket... ez a pedál megérdemli, hogy normális cucc legyen alatta:) -
#4021 1.10 -
#4020 Melyik a legutóbbi patch? -
#4019 Természetesen érdekel, bár ezt az internetes rendelést nem nagyon komázom.... Amihez majd nekem kell, az tutira támogatni fogja (rignroll) -
#4018 Szia Gumikacsa a Hardver fórumban láttam mi az álmod... Elvileg megújult az Act-Labs webshop rész lehet Magyarországra is rendelni ha érdekel még a dolog... Nem tudom kell-e még a GPL shift meg a performance pedal.. Persze hozzáteszem, hgy nem minden progi használja ki a perf pedált. -
#4017 -
#4016 hamarosan :) -
#4015 Mikorra írja a riportot?:
I and Steven will get soon the first interview about release next game of 18 Wheels of Steel series. -
#4014 De a #3991-et is érdemes megnézni, kicsik, de szépek :) -
#4013 ez az utóbbi kép az új Wheels of Steelből van, a #3935ösben meg a Rig'n'Rollból -
#4012 a kamionról nem tudtam levenni a zsemem. ;) -
#4011 jaj, de rég jártam itt, de most próbálopm értegetni, hogy most nem is egy játékról Rig'n'Roll, hanem 2 ilyen über játék is készül? -
#4010 Ja. :) A kamion az süti, de a környezet mintha nem változott volna, szürke, sehol egy járókelő... -
#4009 eszem-faszom megáll a képek láttán, ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁááÁÁÁÁ ez überallesz!
Itt az alattam lévő meg ááááááááááááááá
csak ennyi kommentem van. ;) -
#4008 Egy kép a 18 WOS3-ból: -
#4007 Természetesen. Mivel szinte az összes riport fordítása a fórum (legfőképpen zoszt) munkályának gyümölcse. Nyáron ottlesztek a kamionostalálkozón? -
Danny L #4006 Köszike az ionfot meg a linket is. Készítgetem a Rig 'n' Roll oldalamat és fel szeretném tenni az utolsó 3(?) riportot (az első megvan). Gumikacsa leszedhetem az oldaladról és berakhtaom az enyémhez a lefordított riportokat? -
#4005 Ja igen, ez a hardtruck2, ami a softlabnál rignroll néven (meg azon a kimondhatatlan orosz néven) futott.
A képek a
gamespot oldalról vannak. -
#4004 ott van a lap tetején a ciril betűs szöveg mögött, hogy II, vagyis 2. ez meg levágós, hogy HT2 -
Danny L #4003 Ezt az oldalt nézzétek meg. Nem semmi. Ez nem úgy néz ki, mintha a Rig 'n' Roll lenne, inkább KotR orosz verziója. -
Danny L #4002 Köszi a reklámért Gumikacsa! Amúgy honnan szerzed a screenshotokat a Rig 'n' Rollról? -
Maxx #4001 Köszi, megnézem. -
#4000 Danny L oldala:http://hardtruck.try.hu
Én oldalam: http://kamionszim.fw.hu -
Maxx #3999 Gumikacsa, a két 18wos magyar oldal linkjét, a tiédet, meg a másikat amit korábban irtál, plz rakd be a két oldal linkjét, Elörre is köszi.