  • Hagane
    Az sem müxik!Fehér a kép, nekem meg --- a net, mert másképpen működne.Tényleg kezd elegem lenni!Viszont kaptam egy GeForce 2 -t !A Max Payne nem / alig akadozik, a Black&White gyönyörű...ááá.Naszóval, Offline jobb a helyzet ... :-\
  • hungary
    Ha nem jonne ossze, mert ...
    ... mert csak, akkor probald meg a kovetkezo helyet :))
  • hungary
    hasznald a http://www.runescape.com-ot
    es ott az 'online'
    ugye nem kivanod, hogy olyan kodos szavak jelenteset magyarazzam el, mint, server/kliens/online/offline/hub/rooter... stb. :)))))
  • Hagane
    A Klienssel mi a baj?(Nehogy egy régi post-ra mutass, mert megöllek :-P)
  • hungary
    Ne a klienst hasznald, hanem a Webes valtozatot. az muxik :((
  • Hagane
    Az RS most tesz a fejemre magasról, kiírja, hogy Checking For Updates... és aküzben meg se moccan!Semmi katt, semmi matt, csak sakk - amiben vagyok.
  • Hagane
    Kis sunyi mázlista :-D
  • hungary
  • Hangianix
    Bazsi 8 fel jovok!
  • hungary
    akkor szamold 1500 bolttal :((
  • hungary
    Azert az egesz mas, ha arra gondolok, hogy elhagytam volna a great helmedet, az nekem nagyon-nagyon sokba kerult volna
    Tobbe, mint 15k :))
  • Hangianix
    Meg sose buktam 1-2k-nal tobbet.
  • Hangianix
    Erre gondoltam es egbol jobb kedvem lett. Bar az az igazsag, hogy arra gondoltam, hogy a te pancelodat hagytam el. :-)))))))))))))))
  • hungary
    ne buslakodj, vedd ugy, mintha a Willderben hagytad volna 2 med helmedet (1,5)
  • Hangianix
    Akkor meg nem volt bent senki es eddig sose volt gond.
  • hungary
    szolhattal volna nekem, hogy atadjam:((
  • Hangianix
    Fasza, fagyott az RS nekem es buktam 15k-t. Ledobtam a penzt, de a leltarkarim fagyott, amire
    ujra inditottam mar nem volt ott. :-(((
  • hungary
    meg, csak a mostohafiam kicsapta a biztosítékot. Még szerencse, hogy idejében felvettem a rubyt :))
  • hungary
  • Amorce
    Ez így egész jó ütemben halad, mire elindulok hazafelé, addigra lesz vagy 200 ha így haladsz :-)
    Ez rendkívül bíztató. Egyébként megvan még az amulettem ? :-)
  • hungary
  • hungary
    Elnezest kerek azoktol, akik mar megcsinaltak, de ez a forum direkt az ilyen kerdesekre van. Vagy nem? :))
  • hungary
    Dragon Slayer Quest

    Difficulty level: Hard

    Start: To start this quest you must have acces to Champions Guild and you have to talk with Guildmaster and ask him about rune platemail. This innocent question will lead to many riddles, mazes and finnal battle with deadly Green Dragon.

    See the SPOILERS below for more details (highlight to see them):

    Start hint - Talk with Oziach he need proff that you are Hero to sell you rune armour. So to show him your value you need to kill a dragon.
    - Oziach lives in little lonely house west from .... town and east from ..... mountain
    - 3 peaces of map leading to Dragon Isle-

    Map 1- Maze is battle prove you need to win against many strongest is lesser Demon (why not greater??)
    Map 2- Use 4 items on door that is hiden in hiden town.
    Map 3-You need over 33 lv magic to get it.
    Lady Lumbridge - To repair Lady Lumbridge you will need to risk a combat with other players as wood can be found only in .... and to fix all you will need somone skilled with hamer .....
    - not all sailors in runescape live in ports there is brave one somwere else too...

    Fight - Dragon is 110 Lv. use strenght potion, food like (swordfish ?), paralyze spell .. beware prayers DON'T work for 75 lv it is hard battle for 90+ it is easy :-(
    - Fire protection - without this you will get hit for 60 damage a breath ... this mean very short fight.
    How to return from ..To escape from a isle you don't need nails and you dont need runes ...
    Reward: You can Wear "Rune platemail", You can Buy "Rune platemail". 2 or more quest points (I heared even 6 but unconfirmed). Don't know any more ... (rumor 20.000 experience)

    Thanks for help: Exca & Poro, Lotta Might, Lit Might, EternalFlame105, Zeroarmy

  • hungary
    Pirate's Treasure
    Difficulty level: Medium
    Start: Talk to Redbeard Frank at the Port Sarem bar, next to the Battle Axe Shop. IN order to begin the quest you need to ask him if he knows where any treasure is.
    See the SPOILERS below for more details (highlight to see them):
    HINT 1.- Go To Where The Ship To Karamja Is, Get A Ticket From Captain Tobias or The Sailor. Take the boat to the island Costs 30gp.
    HINT 2.- Geting Rum from Isle
    When You Get To The Island Go To The First Shop On The Left, Buy A Karamja Rum Costs 30gp.
    Go To The First Shop On The Right Now go talk to Luthas the Banana farmer. Ask him for a job and then go pick bananas for him. When you have 10-12 bananas go to the crate outside Luthas' house. Use the bottle of rum on the crate and this will hide the rum in the crate. Then Use the bananas on the crate till the crate is full. Now talk to Luthas again to get your 30gp payment and ask him where the bananas are going.
    Talk with Customer officer and and let her search you, as you don't have rum she will let you to board a ship back To Port Sarim,
    ~~If you try to take the rum on the boat back to Port Sarim. the customs officials will confiscate the rum and you will have to buy a new one.
    Hint 3.- Recovering Rum Bottle
    ~~ need a WHITE apron for next part you can find it in cloth shop in Varrock market square)
    Then go to the Food store. Put on your apron and try to open the back door Wyndin will tell you that you cant go back there but just ask him for a job. Now you can go to the back of the store. Search the crate and you will find your bottle of rum.
    Hint 4 - chest location
    Take the rum back to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim Bar and he will tell you to get the treasure from a chest at the Blue Moon Inn and give you a key to that chest.
    Go to the Blue Moon Inn (Varrock) on the 2nd floor there is a chest. Use the key on the chest to get a note. The note says to dig behind the south bench in the park. Meaning the Park in Falador.
    Hint 5. - Treasure diging
    ~~ For the last part a Spade is necessary. You can either buy one or get it for free at Draynor Mannor by the exit.
    Go to the park in Falador and Use your spade on the flowers behind the bench. Watch out Wyson The Gardener does not like you digging up his flowers and will attack you. Once combat is over, if he attacks, Use your spade on the flowers again and you will get the treasure!!!!

    Reward: 450gp, 2 quest point, 1 cut emerald, 1 gold ring
    Thanks for help: : FusioN X, Terll S, PAQ, World
  • Pretorian
  • Amorce
    Csak 70 ? Remélem 20h-ig azért több összejön :-)
  • hungary
    a legkedvesebb ketto taktikaja a kore jo (zafir haz),
    de penzre es nyilakra nem :((
  • hungary
    20 korul :)) 70
  • Amorce
    OK. Csütörtökön megpróbálok előbb elszakadni a munkától, ami azt jelenti, hogy jó esetben 20h körül fel tudok ugrani a Rúnára. Addig össze tudnád készíteni a silvereket ?

    Vártam az SMS-ed, de úgy látom inkább világiasabb dolgokkal (arrows) voltál elfoglalva. Most búsulok.

    Gratula a battle axe-ért, remélem nem felejtetted el mit ígértél, ha meglesz :)

    Ha van nekem szánt silvered, akkor ha van időd ma (csütörtök) olyan 20h körül találkozhatnánk.

    Silver-coal üzletet meg kellene beszélni valamikor.

    Amúgy aki még nem tudná 58-as lett a craftingom a hétvégén és az utolsó két szint megszerzésében főleg a fent említett urak játszottak szerepet (és egy most meg nem nevezett titokzatos hölgy is :-) ). Köszönöm nekik.
  • hungary
    kedvenc kettomben voltam, amikor is megoltek
    nyugottan allok ott, hogy a nyilak csak megmaradnak, de nem maradtak meg :((
  • hungary
    milyen kicsi a vilag :))
  • hungary
    nalatok fagyi van?
  • hungary
    AZ 5-os lepest ajanlanam figyelmedbe :))
  • hungary
    remelem nem orroltok meg ertek mellekelem a Goblin Diplomacy megoldasat:
    Goblin Diplomacy
    Difficulty level: Medium
    Start: In Port Sarim, go to the pub and talk to the bartender. He will mention the goblin war, and the colour of their armour.
    See the SPOILERS below for more details (highlight to see them):
    Hint 1 - Go to the goblin village in northwestern Asgarnia and talk to General Wartface & General Bentnose. They will inform you that they are looking for a new look for their armour. You will then need to obtain 3 sets of goblin armour, which are a random drop item attained from killing goblins.
    Hint 2 - You will now need to dye the sets of goblin armour to change their colour. Talk to Aggie the witch at Draynor Village, she will inform you of the ingredients needed to make dyes.
    Hint 3 - Aggie will have told you the ingredients to make red, yellow, and blue dyes, and that she charges 5gp to make each dye. Collect the following items to bring to Aggie so that she can make the dyes: Red - 3 redberries, Yellow - 2 onions, Blue - 2 woad leaves.
    Hint 4 - Redberries can be found south of Varrock or in Food Shop, onions can be found behind the farmhouse that is south of the windwill in Misthalin, or in the garden that is north of Rimmington in Falador, woad leaves are obtained by talking to Wyson the gardener at the Park in Falador (be sure to offer him 20gp to get 2 leaves and you have to ask the Aggie about woad leaves; if you don't Wyson the gardener will not talk to you.).
    Hint 5 - Bring all the ingredients needed to make red, yellow, and blue dyes, as well as the 5gp fee to make each of the dyes (15gp total), and talk to Aggie. She will make all the dyes for you. Combine the yellow & red dyes to create an orange dye. Then use the orange dye on one of the sets of goblin armour, and use the blue dye on another set of goblin armour. You should now have one orange set of goblin armour, one dark blue set of goblin armour, and one light blue set of goblin armour (original colour).
    Hint 6 - Return to the goblin village and talk to General Wartface & General Bentnose. You will give them the orange set of goblin armour (which they don't want), you will give them the dark blue set of goblin armour (which they don't want), and finally you will give them the light blue set of goblin armour (which they are quite satisfied having the original colour armour).
    Reward: 1 gold bar, 5 quest points, crafting skill (+2[level 2-4])
    Thanks for help: Nick_R_T, Matthew L., Lieut_Data, Hitman_X, kpac

  • Nuki
    >>>Hangi mikor vagy fenn mert már rád akarom sózni azt a hét nyolcázakárhány nyilat ;)
  • Hangianix
    Red es yellow dye osszekeverve es ra kell tenni a sima pancelra.
  • hungary
    vettem eszre abbol, hogy 3k-ert szerttel volna megvenni egy 32k-s cuccot :))
  • hungary
    Asszittem hogy ok-s a kalkulator elnezes kerek :((
    Viszont a smithing kalkulator az biztos rossz, mert nem szamolja az olvasztast
  • hungary
    Az att/str/def/hit (58+59+58+58)/4 = 58,25
    58,25 kiseb vagy egyenlo a rangedednel, ami 63
    tehat (58+59+58+58+63)/5 + (53+43)/8 = 71,2
    Eskuszom, hogy ezt halasztam ki a html scriptbol.
    [html][head][title]Attack Level Calculator[/title]
    function dothemath() {
    var att = Math.floor(document.stats.att.value)
    var def = Math.floor(document.stats.def.value)
    var str = Math.floor(document.stats.str.value)
    var hit = Math.floor(document.stats.hit.value)
    var ran = Math.floor(document.stats.ran.value)
    var mag = Math.floor(document.stats.mag.value)
    var pra = Math.floor(document.stats.pra.value)
    var lvl = (mag+pra)/8+(ran > ((att+def+str+hit)/4))?(att+def+str+hit+ran)/5:(att+def+str+hit)/4
    var level = Math.floor(lvl)
    var dec = lvl-level
    var help = 1 - dec
    var major = Math.ceil(help /.25)
    var minor = Math.ceil(help /.125)
    var html = "A szinted " + level + ""
    if (document.all) statsect.innerHTML = html
    if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("statsect").innerHTML = html



    [DIV align="left"]

    [TABLE border=0]
    [FORM name=stats]
    [TR][TH vAlign=bottom align=right]Attack: [TD][INPUT size=30 name=att][/TD]
    [TR][TH vAlign=bottom align=right]Defense: [TD][INPUT size=30 name=def][/TD]
    [TR][TH vAlign=bottom align=right]Strength:[TD][INPUT size=30 name=str][/TD]
    [TR][TH vAlign=bottom align=right]Hits: [TD][INPUT size=30 name=hit][/TD]
    [TR][TH vAlign=bottom align=right]Ranged: [TD][INPUT size=30 name=ran][/TD]
    [TR][TH vAlign=bottom align=right]Magic: [TD][INPUT size=30 name=mag][/TD]
    [TR][TH vAlign=bottom align=right]Prayer: [TD][INPUT size=30 name=pra][/TD]

    [div id="statsect"][/div][p]

    [input type="button" value="combat" onClick="dothemath()"][/form]

  • Hangianix
    Kar, hogy nem jo ez a szamitas, mert:
    12+59=71 De akkor en miert vagyok csak 70-s? ;-)))