#9828 És ez miért baj?Kérhetsz tőle protekciós pénzt :-9 -
#9827 Mi történt?
Mint szoktam, meg lehet erre-arra kérni hogy segítseg ezt-ezt.
Legutóbb a Falador Király kardja c. küldiben bluritott szerettem volna valakinek kihozni a jeges bányából.
(1)Szo-szó kihoztam, de azt írta ki amikor 'trade'-val át szerettem volna adni, hogy ezt az objektumot nem lehet tradelni.
(2)Erre gondoltam ledobom, aztán hátha megjelenik neki, és akkor felveheti. ... De nem jelent meg neki.
Így kénytelenek voltunk együtt lemenni, és nekem kellett fedeznem, ha valaki megtámadta (volna mert szerencséje volt).
Nem egy jóindulatú ember lehet ez az Andrew -
#9826 Woodcutting 59 xp271429 ezzel az 504-dik vagyok de szerintem mar 491-diknek kellene lennem
Firemaking 59 xp271557 ezzel 263-dik vagyok de ezzel mar a 255-diknek kellene lennem
#9825 amúgy 70-ért adtam amorcenak :(( -
#9824 2 db van ha jelentkezel ingyen megkapod :)) -
#9823 Szerintem ne aggódj, fog az még lejjebb is menni
#9822 Ezt Így kell megadni:
Felmentek az árak. Nézd meg http://runetipit.board.dk3.com/viewtopic.php?topic=10563&forum=28&65
#9821 I'm such an evil little bastard...heh heh heh. -
#9820 Whoa man, you guys just don't have what it takes, now, do you?Heh heh, nobody here, still?You're making my job of flooding all the easier! -
#9819 Uh, whatever, I'm falling out, catch ya later! -
#9818 Ha ha ha, you people are such huge wusses, being asleep after 11 PM, jesus, it's 1 AM, and you guys are NOWHERE.What ARE you doing anyway?Oh, yeah i speak English after midnight, it's a hobby, and i know English words better than Hungarian anyway.You might wanna ask around for OWA though, i got CC Main Theme too - both kill your ears to heaven. -
#9817 MEGVAN AZ OWA! (One Winged Angel - FF VII, Sephiroth's Theme !!! - ) , és ITT A LATIN SZÖVEG :
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Sors immanis
Et inanis
Sors immanis
Et inanis
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,|Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias |Generosa
Veni, veni, venias,|Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias |Generosa
Veni, veni, venias,|Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias |Generosa
Veni, veni, venias,|Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias |Generosa
KÖSZÖNÖM, le is van írva, MINDEN dalnak lesz leírása, GWA-HA-HA!Akinek kell szóljón, AIM-en átadom, az ICQ erre fika. -
#9816 Most mondom előre : HA VALAKI A #9999 - et ellopja, AZT MEGÖLÖM!Have a nice day :-) -
#9815 Ez még MINDÍG csak a fizetősöknek jár ki csak, rohadnának meg.A fele mondjuk ha jól vettem ki az ingyenben benne lesz, de bekaphatják, érted... -
#9814 jók vagyünk bazsi!! -
#9813 szóval...:
Nema csend es hullaszag...:)
itt volt és maradt...:)
és marad is míg akar...:) -
#9812 és marad is míg akar...:) -
#9811 itt volt és maradt...:) -
#9810 Nema csend es hullaszag...:) -
#9809 TOk jo! -
#9808 -
#9807 HEY, ÚJ HÍREK!!!:This Is not in the game yet but will be soon :) No date has been released yet.
Upgrading your chracter to member status costs just $5/month or $45 for an entire year.
If after trying members RuneScape you decide it's not for you, you can simply switch back to freeplay RuneScape. Of course if you do this any members-only items or skills will be disabled, but they will NOT be removed. This means if you subsequently decide to resume your membership the members items and skills you gained before will start working again.
Heres a few details of what you can expect in Members version.
New Features
Herblaw: The herblaw skill allows you to mix a variety of potions, poisons and antidotes. Everything from super-attack potions to poison to put on the tips of your arrows.
Duelling: Duelling allows two players to agree to a fight outside the wilderness. Either for an agreed prize, or just for fun. In addition to agreeing on the stake you can optionally select other options such as: no-retreating, no-prayers, no-magic or even no-weapons!
Sound effects: Optional sound effects are finally available. There are currently 37 different sound effects on actions such as combat, cooking, magic, doors, mining, smithing, etc. Even more sound effects are planned in future updates.
More fishing: Higher level fish to catch. Do you think you've got what it takes to catch a shark? Or perhaps you'll get lucky and net yourself a suprise treasure chest.
Double size bank: Twice as much bank space to store your items in, and what with all the new members items and features your going to need it!
As well as all the new herbs and potions you can make we've introduce a new range of weapons. Including the dragonstone amulet, the dragon-sword and the dragon-axe.
New Quests
Druidic Ritual: Before you can start using the herblaw skills you must help the druids complete their ritual.
Lost city: Rumour has it that there is a hidden city under the swamp, can you find out how to get in? The fairy market inside apparently has some (literally) out-of-this-world deals!
Witches house: A boy asks you to fetch his ball from behind a small house... This apparently simple task turns out to be much more difficult than expected when you realise the house in question is owned by a particularly crazy witch...
Hero's quest: Prove yourself as a hero by completing this difficult quest! Only once you have completed the multiple challenges given to you, can you enter the hero's guild to buy the new Dragon-axe.
Merlin's crystal: Merlin has been imprisoned inside a giant crystal. Free him and become one of the knight's of the round table.
New Locations
Wilderness locations:
We've filled the wilderness with new exciting places to fight and collect treasure, including the overgown village, bandit camp, dark-warrior castle and red-dragon lava island!
Quest locations:
We've added a variety of new locations and scenes which as well as providing settings for the new quests are also exciting places to explore and train. These include: Zanaris underground city, Entrana island, Arthur's castle, Fort Grymwold.
New towns and villages:
Lots of new towns including the pirate town of Brimhaven, Catherby village, and the town of Taverley
HUGE members dungeon:
By far the biggest dungeon in RuneScape, this collosal labyrinth of passageways and caverns becomes more and more dangerous the futher down you go making it the ultimate place to try your combat skills. Includes lots of new powerful monsters and scenary.
New guilds:
The crafting guild is a great place to practice your crafting skills, and is available to players with 40 crafting or higher. The hero's guild is similar to the champions guild except even harder to enter, and so only available to the most elite RuneScape players.
New Monsters!
If the poison scorpions don't get you, then perhaps the level-200 black dragon will! We've added 19 new monsters, and there's something for everyone. As well as new super-strong monsters, there's lots of new opponents for lower level players too.
New monsters are:
red-dragon, druid, ice-queen, giant-bat, black-dragon, bandit, chaos-druid, white-wolf, baby-dragon, poison-scorpion, ice-spider, black-demon, guard-dog, shape-shifter, blue-dragon, dark-warrior, grey-wolf, poison-spider, thug.
In addition to loads of great new features in the game, members also benefit from
No adverts!
Priority customer support
Moderated members-only servers
Scammers and cheats will be kicked out
As a member you will be helping fund further RuneScape developments and features. In return we intend to add even more features and upgrades to the members-area as fast as we can!
Planned member improvements in the near future include a fletching skill (make a variety of bows and arrows), and the option to purchase, furnish, and improve your own house in the game!
Thanks to Sir ams for informing us all -
#9806 ______________
Hungary van silvered?? ha van, mennyi? és mennyiért?
______________ -
#9805 1 : Akarok RS-ezni, de vmiért nemtok, lassú az egész, not connected-et jelez.
2 : Mondom EVIL ZONE - nem FF 8! -
Cht #9804 -
Cht #9803 ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Már megint nem csíptelek el! -
#9802 Enochers
Chicken Feather
Joined: Feb 21, 2002
Posts: 11 Posted: 2002-02-21 13:40
I will retype my offer so its not so confusing:
2k coal
220 mith
220 iron
rune ore
1.1k raw lobs
15 cooked lobs
200 nautre
50 chaos
205k gp
Rune long
Rune plate
Addy kite
and if u craft this as well:
25 silver bars
50 gold bars
50 cosmic runes
20 saphires
20 emeralds
10 rubies
Please trade me My name is same in game. Pm me.
#9801 nézd meg ezt:http://runetipit.board.dk3.com/viewtopic.php?topic=10563&forum=28&65 -
#9800 bazz hungary -*síp*- felmentek az árak!! -
Nuki #9799 FF8?
Érdeklődöm :) -
#9798 woodcutting 59 xp251550
firemaking 57 xp205719
Cht #9797 Ha úgyse runescapézol nem adnád kölcsön a stuffod? -
#9796 Gwahahaha!
Evil Zone - Erjetzvaju; Midori's theme : Rough.
Nagyon jó kis dallam, akinek kell írjon, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagyon coooooooooooooooooool!
#9795 ja, és ott van Black Battle Axe-om, Iron vagy Steel Chain Mailem, Black Kite-om, és KB félmillió XP-t használtam fel eddig. -
#9794 ARENASCAPE adataim : LV 45.
ATT 45 DEF 41, STR 45-50?, HP 46, RANGED 50 (Höhö!), MAGIC 45, PRAYER 40-45, MEG AMIT KIHAGYTAM :40-45 :-).860-1000 Fame.Változó, heh heh. -
#9793 Gondoltam mindenkinek megvan ^_^. -
Cht #9792 HÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁT??????????????????????????????????????????????????? -
#9791 Ajándék :
Castlevania : SOTN - "I am the Wind" szöveg :
Just like the wind,
I've always been
Drifting high up in the sky that never ends
Through thick and thin,
I always win
'Cause I would fight both life and death to save a friend
I face my destiny every day I live
And the best in me is all I have to give
Just like the sun (Just like the sun)
When my day's done
Sometimes I don't like the person I've become
Is the enemy within a thousand men?
Should I walk the path if my world's so dead ahead?
Is someone testing me every day I live?
Well, the best in me is all I have to give
I can pretend (I can pretend)
I am the wind (I am the wind)
And I don't know if I will pass this way again
All things must end
Goodbye, my friend
Think of me when you see the sun or feel the wind
I am the wind,
I am the sun
And one day we'll all be one
I am the wind,
I am the sun
And one day we'll all be one
I am the wind,
I am the sun
And one day we'll all be one
I am the wind,
I am the sun
One day we'll all be one
(Repeat to end)
Az angol verzióból idéztem, amit én írtam.
Cool, nem?Van még vagy 30 dal szöveg, a Bust A Move 1 /2 t is beleszámítva KB 150. -
#9790 Látccik ! * -
#9789 Látcc