Might and Magic X Legacy

  • morzsi555
    [URL=http://www.celestialheavens.com/viewpage.php?id=818]Might & Magic X: Legacy Q&A #2[/URL]

    "CH: What will the graphics be like? What kind of engine are you using?
    Answer: The Unity engine is our tool of choice. The art direction is based on Heroes VI and Duel of Champions, to create a sense of consistency between the games. "

    "We are heavily inspired both by World of Xeen and Mandate of Heaven. Due to our grid-based movement we might be a little closer to the World of Xeen gameplay whereas for instance our skill system is closer to Mandate of Heaven. "

    " there will definitely be a visual in the inventory showing the character (a bit like in MM9, but better!). "

    "At Limbic the Might & Magic X core team is 16 people. We are getting support from various partners including other Ubisoft studios and outsourcing partners. It's really hard to give a reliable estimations but in total we would guess we have around 25+ people working on the game right now."

    " So far the game has always been described as a digital title. But we are discussing about releasing a boxed collector edition. So far, we can't confirm it as it's too early. We'll keep you updated."

    " Alright, about modding: We plan to release an editor for Might & Magic X."
  • morzsi555
    RPG Codex interjú

    "Since there have been several "eras" as far as the gameplay of the series is concerned, we had to think hard about the kind of game we wanted to make. Several pitches were made, more or less faithful to the original games, but we finally decided to go for a gameplay similar to the World of Xeen episodes. We still kept some ideas of the later games, notably our skill system is similar (though not identical) to the skill system featured in Might & Magic 6-7."

    "For Might & Magic X - Legacy, we tried to maintain this tradition of accessibility. Accessibility, by the way, is not to be confused with simplification. Accessibility is not about making the game less complex, but making it easier to use and understand. So Might & Magic X has detailed tooltips, clear signs and feedback, drag-and-drop interface, quick-action bar, etc. Nothing extraordinary, but important features players are used to finding in modern RPGs."

    "Might & Magic X starts with a smaller area. This is the "tutorial" area, which we call "Act I". Here you’ll explore your first town, get your first quests, complete your first dungeons, learning how to play along the way. When Act I is over, the rest of the world opens and what you do next is really up to you. If you want to go to that mountain over there despite the fact it’s notoriously full of angry Cyclopes, nothing will stop you."

    "There will be no scaling of the monsters depending on your level. We feel it’s one of the great pleasures in RPGs to become a demi-god and then return to those Cyclopes and teach them a lesson. However as you progress through the main story some new creatures and monsters may appear in some areas."

    "But it doesn’t mean there's no connection to the older games of the series. Actually, if you know the "ancient universe" you should keep your eyes open while exploring the world of Might & Magic X..."

    "Legacy will feature 12 basic classes, 3 per race. Each of these classes will also have a promotion quest, allowing, for instance, your Freemage to become Archmage."

    "As mentioned before, the skill system is close to the system seen in MM6-7, with skill points and Expert-Master-Grandmaster tiers. There are more than 20 skills, and of course, for any specific skill, depending on the character’s class, he might not be able to become a master or grandmaster – or learn the skill at all. "

    "There are no random encounters in Legacy. Like in World of Xeen, you can have up to 3 monsters on the same tile. The number of monsters you’ll face will depend on the area and the level design. We have dungeons where monsters are not that numerous but very tough, and others where you will find yourself surrounded and blocked by melee enemies while their companions use ranged attacks against you."

    "No, there will not be "always-online" copy protection! Buy, download, play, that’s it."

    "However, implementing Uplay is a Ubisoft corporate policy and Might & Magic X - Legacy will not be different from any other Ubisoft title. So yes, Uplay will be in and you’ll need to be online for ONE time activation."

  • morzsi555
  • morzsi555
    Might & Magic X Legacy Interview
  • kissssss
    ha legalább a M&M 3 szintjét sikerülne összehozni/elérni én már annak is örülnék.
  • MaRee
    Fúúúúúúú nagyon várom!!! Csak ne legyen rövid, ha 25 órás lesz, mint ahogy valaki lntebb írta, akkor egy forintot nem adok ki érte, az biztos.
  • morzsi555
    CH: What is the estimated release date?
    Answer: The game will be released within the year.

    CH: Is there a multiplayer option and how will it work?
    Answer: No. We will not have any multiplayer features. It's a straight forward single player game.

    CH: Will movement be tile based?
    Answer: Yes, the movement is tile based. It's a WASD walk with QE turning you left and right. Holding the right mouse button enables you to use the "free-look" but when you move it snaps back to the default camera position.

    CH: Will there be an online aspect of the game?
    Answer: No. Buy, download, play. Depending on a the distribution platform we probably have achievements. Aside from this Uplay is required like in all other Ubisoft titles. However, Uplay needs you to be online for a one time activation.

    CH: Can you arrange party formations?
    Answer: No, not in terms of "melee in the front, casters in the back". What you can influence is the turn order of your party members like "who acts when". Aside from this we have certain abilities/skills which have an impact on the combat flow. Think of crowd-control, stun, aggro reset. etc.

    So it's more about what you decide to do with your characters instead of the formation: If you have a meat shield make him take the hits due to his abilities/skills.

    CH: Will the wizards have a magic book? How will learning of spells work? Answer: Yes - casters have spellbooks. You need to raise your magic skills (aka. spell school) with skill points from level-ups. Then you have to find the right trainer to get access to a higher tier. Finally you need to locate the right person to buy new spells. Sounds complicated? Well, noone said it's easy to be a caster!

    CH: How is this RPG different from "Dark Messiah"?
    Answer: Uhm, that's probably a long list... Please don't make me explain it in detail. "Might and Magic X: Legacy" is a turn-based, tile-based, 4-party, story-telling, non real time cRPG. "Dark Messiah" is "Dark Messiah" - an awesome game but really something different.

  • csgj
    Hm... Hát a Might and Magic VI-os irányítás jobban tetszett volna, de így is jó lesz. :-)
  • pikman
    Jó lesz ez.
  • Wootan
    Nem rossz! Mondjuk nekem a rajzos, pasztelles stílus jobban bejött volna. A külső helyszínek így is szépek. Viszont a szörnyek/belső terek kissé cukormáz bevonat hatásúak.
  • Micsu
    magyarul nem lesz wizardy :D
  • morzsi555
  • gandrus
    Az Acromaggel mennyit játszottam anno MMVIII-ban. :)

    De nekem akkor is a hatodik rész az etalon, és nem csak a M&M sorozatból, hanem valamennyi rpg közül. ;)
  • Wootan
    Szerintem az irányítás a legkevesebb. Anno a Land of Lore-al is rohadt jókat játszottam. A sztori legyen jó, meg a karakterek fejlesztése, meg az egyéb kis pluszok. MM7-8ban sok jó dolog volt.
  • gandrus
    Én is a hatosra hasonlító részre számítottam, bár az iránygombok a bal oldalon azért gyanúsak voltak. Különösen, hogy hat van. Tipikusan MM I-V.
    Ezek után engem se érdekel annyira, mint ha egy MMVI stílusú Might & Magic lenne, de valószínűleg így is megveszem. Azért remélem nem számítanak (sok)milliós eladásra, mert ez a műfaj még inkább rétegműfaj, mint egy MMVI stílusú lett volna.
  • kissssss
    "- No blasters / sci-fi elements."

    na jó csak hülyéskedek

    az eddig látottak alapján talán esetleg valami jó is kisülhet ebből az újraéledésből, de a végső ítélet úgyis a piratebajos verzió fogja kihirdetni.
  • Wootan
    Ha ezek igazak, akkor akár jó is lehet a játék.
  • morzsi555
    I played the demo at PAX yesterday and talked to the lead dev. Heres the info I garnered:

    - Plays more like the pre-mandate of heaven games with a grid style movement system instead of free roam.
    - there are 12 classes (didn't tell me what they were) and then "advanced" classes for each of them. I suppose this is like the system in 6-7-8 where you do a quest to promote from a Knight to a Champion or whatever.
    - there will be 23 dungeons.
    - aiming for september release
    - there is no training. When you level up you just get your skill points then and there.
    - You still will level your skills and have to train to expert, master, and grand master. Expert and master you just go find the trainer and pay gold when you have the necessary skill points, and for grandmaster there will be a quest.
    - It will be totally non-linear after the initial area where it teaches you how to play. Kind of like 7, where you were confined to the island until you completed the first quest.
    - In the demo you never had more than 2-3 monsters at a time. I asked if this is representative of the whole game, and he said "it depends on the level. Sometimes you will be surrounded, sometimes it is just a few more powerful enemies." Was kind of vague.
    - The movement is like Grimrock, but Grimrock was still a real time game. This is turn based 100% of the time, which imo makes the combat much more interesting.
    - There is a skill bar, but its not like WoW or other MMOs where you have special attacks... the abilities that were on the skill bar were just melee attack, ranged attack, defend (idk what this did, never used it), and then you can put spells and potions on there too.
    - I looked but didn't see any "self" magics in the skill trees of the characters I had, but I didn't pay attention to what classes I had in my party. its possible I just didn't have a character who could learn them.
    - No blasters / sci-fi elements.
    - There will be hirelings. You can have two in your party at once. They don't fight with you, just provide your party with a bonus. For a price of course.
  • lammaer
    Hopp, akkor Eye of Beholder lett belőle ;)
  • morzsi555

    Grid based-es lesz sajnos, mint az első 5 rész vagy a Legend of Grimrock. Így már annyira nem is érdekel, mm6 szintű mászkálásra és hybrid harcrendszerre számítottam. :/
  • gandrus
    Hacsak nagyon el nem szurnak valamit, en megjeleneskor megveszem, az biztos. Erre biztatok mindenkit, mert akkor meg esely is lehet folytatasra.
  • Micsu
    mivel spórolnak, nem egy magas költségű játék lesz, én örülök hogy az ubi bemerte vállalni
  • Wootan
    Elvileg a játék egy területen (Agyn Peninsula) fog játszódni, Karthal város és annak környékén. 4 faj lesz (ember, elf, törpe, ork), mindnek 3 féle class-a. Lesznek dungeonok is csapdákkal, meg fejtörőkkel.

    A megjelenés meg szeptemberben várható. Majd meglátjuk mi lesz belőle. Lehet ez csak egy próba, hogy megnézzék mennyire van igény ilyen játékra. Mindenesetre jól néz ki, az tény.

  • gandrus
    Olvastam, és én is erre gondoltam. De ha jó lesz, akkor már ezzel is kiegyezek. Nem is számítottam MMVI szintű remekműre, de azért egy rövidebb, (feltételezem) logikai feladványoktól mentes Might & Magic is több, mint a semmi.
  • Wootan
    Interjúban ~25 óra játékidőt írtak. Azért az egy M&M játékhoz elég karcsú szerintem. MM6-ban emlékeim szerint lazán benne volt 150 órám első végigjátszásra. Persze lehet terveznek hozzá kiegészítőket DLC-ket.
  • gandrus
    Jól néz ki. :)
  • morzsi555
  • morzsi555
    Might and Magic X Legacy returns to the series' roots with a modern development process
  • morzsi555

  • gandrus
    Az jó. :) Nagyon jóó! :D
  • morzsi555
    A hivatalos oldal alján csak 'PC Digital Download' jelzés van.
  • gandrus
    Az bíztató, hogy egér+billentyűzet van mindegyik monitor előtt, és nem kontroller. :)
  • morzsi555
    Kép az ubisoft standjáról. Talán ma már lesz valami info.
  • csgj
    A kilencedik tényleg nem volt jó valamiért...
    Remélem, ez jól sikerül!
  • gandrus
    Nekem a hatodik rész (Mandate of Heaven) a kedvencem a sorozatból, a hét és a nyolc is elég jók voltak. A kilencedik nagyon nem tetszett, az első ötöt meg nem próbáltam.

    Nagyon tetszene egy új, jó M&M. :)
  • zsotesz
    Ennek a hírnek most megörültem, nekem a 7 a kedvencem,ez tuti vétel lesz, csak jönne már
  • csgj
    Szerintem olyan lesz. És a Might and Magic VI nagyon lekötött régen... :-D Bár már akkor is volt vagy három éves a progi, amikor játszottam. :-D
  • gandrus
    Nekem valós idejűnek tűnt, de értem mire gondolsz. :)
    Én arra gondoltam, amikor entert nyomtál, mert az teljes mértékben más volt.
    Ha olyan lesz, mint az M&MVI, akkor tökély.
  • Molnibalage
    Ha jól megfigyeled a rendszert az MM6 is körökre osztott volt...
  • darkling
    Dettó! Az a pár rövid csatajelenet megvett kilóra.