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9Dragons WIKI
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#13567 Nekünk bye-bye maki event kéne már lassacskán. -
#13566 kíváncsi leszek hogy lesz-e valami bye-bye Acclaim event.. =)
Ha nem lesz akkor majd én rendezek.. =) -
#13565 BARIIII!!! 6x ON!!! -
kalidor #13564 hatszoros két óráig....gyertek. :D -
#13563 Ha ezen múlik bojkottáljuk a tagfelvételt.
Annyit megér. -
szabi34 #13562 acclaim már lemondott az eventekről is vagy mi van? :(
lehet szeptemberig leállok... kitudja mi lesz itt o.O -
#13561 Hát abba belehalnának ugyanis nem tudnának kit piszkálni.. =) -
Exxtazy #13560 ROFL
Ezen hatalmasat nevettem!
De ha belegondol az ember, semmit sem lehet tenni ez ellen.
Vagy max nem vesztek fel több embert FS-be:D -
#13559 van ez így... =D De új karit kezdek aminek nem tudjátok majd a nevét és úgyis FS tag leszek.... =DDD -
#13558 Eu pvp szero? ha nemlesznek 1. nap 200 as karik tuti ottleszek:) -
#13557 Reméltem hozzád nem jut el a hír és lemondasz 9dről, de a fene az SG-be :( -
#13556 Szóval akkor összefoglalva:
1. Ez az új cég csökkenti az item mall árakat akkor több játékos fog venni premit azaz több pénzük lesz. =)
2.Ha a gold sellereket és hackereket kiszedik a játékból nem sok veszteségük lesz. =)
3.Ha ilyen patcheket dobnak a piacra Lefosom a bokám.... =)
4.De ne igyunk előre a medve bőrére hisz : Ember tervez...... -
szabi34 #13555 Vééégre! ezt régóta vártam már.Remélem jó kezekbe kerül végre a játék.
És minél hamrabb jönnek az új szerók. EU pvp-t már várom is -
#13554 Raven jöhet, meg Smoke is meg Phew is meg Nevermore is... Kihagytam valakit? -
#13553 "Also, we brought some of the employees from the previous publisher over to our team and they will be on the forums as well"
Ajjaj... -
#13552 Biztos Tornadora gondolt, akit leoltottam a **cibe fórumon mert képes volt {VGM]Tornadot írni a karinévhez... :D -
#13551 Mert hasonló lesz a 9dhez, nem csak grindelésből fog állni, szebb graf, stb. Most olvastam, hogy a kínai beta nem soká indul, angolról nincs szó sajna.
"Yes we will keep the VGM's and Mod's from the current community. We don't want to change things that work, the VGM's and Mod's from the current community are fantastic and our main objective is to make everyone as happy as possible."
vgmek és a modok fantasztikusak? lol. -
#13550 Honnan tudod, hogy az az lesz? O.o -
#13549 Faszomba már, jelenjen már meg a Project 9, unom már, hogy nincs alternatíva 9d-re. -
#13548 Csak egy teória.:
Akinek most sok pénze van az az új játszótéren előnnyel fog indulni?
Ha rendeznek pár dolgot (pl goldspammereket), akkor valszeg normalizálódni fog a piac. Vagy tévednék? Továbbá. Remélem lelövik gift systemet. :D -
#13547 Te foglalkoztatnál impotens Disney alkalmazottakat?
Egy szart! Kapnak Donald/Miki/Goofy jelmezeket azt mehetnek Disneylandbe! -
#13546 És arról van hír, hogy Fugen és a többi pöcs is átkerül-e? Mert ha igen, akkor a szarnak adtak egy pofont. -
#13545 mondjuk elnézve a honlapjukat elég..."érdekes" játékaik vannak (köztük valami török nyelvű RoM koppintás) elfér még egy :D -
kalidor #13544 Edit: 2. Do we get a European PvP server?
Short answer: Yes.
És gyorsabb szerók. :)
We will eventually get new servers for the game, for the transition, we may just host the servers that the game is currently running on. From what I can tell, the servers we will be using in the future will be faster than the ones 9D is currently running on -
#13543 a lényeget meg lehet tanulni abból is: mobra kattintani és ütni, medizni :) -
#13542 Azt a fost ne nevezzük semminek szerintem. -
van most is olyan amit tutorial mapnak lehet csúfolni :) -
#13540 Hát szeptemberben kiderül, na én mentem grind -.- -
#13539 Lehet érdemes lesz folytatni?
Bár nem mintha mondtam volna h abbahagyom... ; ))) -
#13538 Leszarom, a coinjaim vigyék át és boldog leszek.
Ha meg jobb lesz mint acclaim akkor minek az offsale.
Olvasd el miket akarnak, tibet, új dungi, új skillek stb stb.
Ha a fele meglesz 2011ig akkor kb le a kalappal. -
kalidor #13537 Ez nagyon nem ártott...Bár azért vedd figyelembe, hogy egyáltalán nem biztos, hogy lesznek offsalek gamersfirstnél. -
#13536 Yes we will keep the VGM's and Mod's from the current community. We don't want to change things that work, the VGM's and Mod's from the current community are fantastic and our main objective is to make everyone as happy as possible. We agree about the potential of the game, plus we will be releasing new content, lowering prices in the item mall (NO I WONT BE MORE SPECIFIC!), and nurturing the community to become more involved with the development of the game.
kalidor #13535 Vazze nem ezt másoltam be??? :D -
#13534 Megelőztél, de én kiemeltem a lényeget :D -
kalidor #13533 Lehet ezért nem volt egy ideje patch...Csinálták indyék, csak nem adták oda acclaimnak. :) -
#13532 Acclaimnak vége, mostantól GamersFirst van!
Capsolom a legjobbat!
"GamersFirst and Indy21 Bring You The Best Martial Arts MMORPG
9Dragons Changes Hands To Today’s Leading Free2PlayPublisher
Irvine, Calif.– August 24, 2010 – GamersFirst, today’s most popular Free2Play online game destination, announced its partnership with Korean game developer, Indy21, to publish 9Dragons. 9Dragons, the hit martial arts MMORPG, previously published by Acclaim Games, will be published by GamersFirst come September 2010. Current 9Dragons players will be able to continue playing with all items and characters intact after the transition.
9Dragons is a Martial Arts MMORPG set during the Ming Dynasty of feudal China. Players explore the vast expanse of the lands as a member of one of the legendary clans of Chinese Martial Arts and challenge each other for ownership of immense Fortresses in massive PvP battles.
Players can fully immerse themselves in the robust powerful storyline that details the history of ancient China and their respective clans. Tilt the balance of power between the White and Black clans and participate in quests that lead each player on a journey of enlightenment and martial art mastery.
“9Dragons is the most authentic Martial Arts MMO on the market with a very active and fun community,” say Tracy Spaight, Executive Director of Publishing for GamersFirst. “INDY21 clearly made significant investments in best-in-class resources to create this stunning Martial Arts MMO. GamersFirst looks for great Free2Play MMO titles with strong and dedicated communities and with 9Dragons we noticed a rare opportunity to incorporate a new MMO genre to the GamersFirst catalogue in addition to working with INDY21.”
In addition to the solid foundation of existing PvE and PvP gameplay, the changing of hands will also include several new key features over the next quarter, including:
• NEW HIGH LVL DUNGEON ENCOUNTER “Vault of the Ice Dragon”
• ‘Most Wanted’ list – useful in avoiding—or becoming—one of the most dangerous and skilled players in PvP
“We chose GamersFirst, because it is a company that understands the Free2Play market and communicates with its gamer community,” said Yong-Nam Jin, CFO at Indy 21. “We have seen GamersFirst build Free2Play MMO’s with the same type of strong community presence that exists within 9Dragons and are looking forward to continuing the success of the game.”
Look out for details on the launch date for 9Dragons on GamersFirst at www.gamersfirst.com. You can also sign up on our Facebook fan site at www.facebook.com/gamersfirst
About INDY21
Founded in 2000, INDY21 began the development of a Full 3D role-playing online game 9Dragons. Now, 9Dragons has become of the most successful Free2Play MMORPG’s in its genre and has launched in the Americas , Europe and Southeast Asia. Staying true to their values and strong spirit, INDY21 has turned their passion of martial arts into a leading MMORPG, taking hold of the MMO world on a Global level.
About GamersFirst
GamersFirst is the leading Free2Play® MMO publisher in the Western hemisphere. Serving more than 30 million players, GamersFirst.com is where gamers decide the price of the games they love to play–even when that price is “free.” Powered by GamersFirst CONNECT, the end-to-end game publishing, game operations and game community platform made available to all of GamersFirst’s Development Partners, GamersFirst.com features the hit MMOs; Knight Online, Sword 2, War Rock and OurWorld and future hits including 9Dragons, MKZ, Victory and Taikodom. Read more about the company and find all of their games at http://www.GamersFirst.com"
kalidor #13531 Bye bye acclaim, remélem ennél csak jobb jöhet. :) -
#13530 Acclaim BESZOPTAAAA!!
Elvesztette 9D-t!!
Szeptembertől Gamefirsté. Minden acc/kari/cucc megy át hozzájuk. És elég sok mindent kiadnak... -
kalidor #13529 GamersFirst and Indy21 Bring You The Best Martial Arts MMORPG
9Dragons Changes Hands To Today’s Leading Free2PlayPublisher
Irvine, Calif.– August 24, 2010 – GamersFirst, today’s most popular Free2Play online game destination, announced its partnership with Korean game developer, Indy21, to publish 9Dragons. 9Dragons, the hit martial arts MMORPG, previously published by Acclaim Games, will be published by GamersFirst come September 2010. Current 9Dragons players will be able to continue playing with all items and characters intact after the transition.
9Dragons is a Martial Arts MMORPG set during the Ming Dynasty of feudal China. Players explore the vast expanse of the lands as a member of one of the legendary clans of Chinese Martial Arts and challenge each other for ownership of immense Fortresses in massive PvP battles.
Players can fully immerse themselves in the robust powerful storyline that details the history of ancient China and their respective clans. Tilt the balance of power between the White and Black clans and participate in quests that lead each player on a journey of enlightenment and martial art mastery.
“9Dragons is the most authentic Martial Arts MMO on the market with a very active and fun community,” say Tracy Spaight, Executive Director of Publishing for GamersFirst. “INDY21 clearly made significant investments in best-in-class resources to create this stunning Martial Arts MMO. GamersFirst looks for great Free2Play MMO titles with strong and dedicated communities and with 9Dragons we noticed a rare opportunity to incorporate a new MMO genre to the GamersFirst catalogue in addition to working with INDY21.”
In addition to the solid foundation of existing PvE and PvP gameplay, the changing of hands will also include several new key features over the next quarter, including:
• Dedicated tutorial map for easing new players into the 9Dragons experience
• New high level dungeon encounter “Vault of the Ice Dragon”
• Updated “Tibet” map
• Brand new Kung Fu patterns to master
• ‘Most Wanted’ list – useful in avoiding—or becoming—one of the most dangerous and skilled players in PvP
“We chose GamersFirst, because it is a company that understands the Free2Play market and communicates with its gamer community,” said Yong-Nam Jin, CFO at Indy 21. “We have seen GamersFirst build Free2Play MMO’s with the same type of strong community presence that exists within 9Dragons and are looking forward to continuing the success of the game.”
Look out for details on the launch date for 9Dragons on GamersFirst at www.gamersfirst.com. You can also sign up on our Facebook fan site at www.facebook.com/gamersfirst
About INDY21
Founded in 2000, INDY21 began the development of a Full 3D role-playing online game 9Dragons. Now, 9Dragons has become of the most successful Free2Play MMORPG’s in its genre and has launched in the Americas , Europe and Southeast Asia. Staying true to their values and strong spirit, INDY21 has turned their passion of martial arts into a leading MMORPG, taking hold of the MMO world on a Global level.
About GamersFirst
GamersFirst is the leading Free2Play® MMO publisher in the Western hemisphere. Serving more than 30 million players, GamersFirst.com is where gamers decide the price of the games they love to play–even when that price is “free.” Powered by GamersFirst CONNECT, the end-to-end game publishing, game operations and game community platform made available to all of GamersFirst’s Development Partners, GamersFirst.com features the hit MMOs; Knight Online, Sword 2, War Rock and OurWorld and future hits including 9Dragons, MKZ, Victory and Taikodom. Read more about the company and find all of their games at http://www.GamersFirst.com
#13528 Hmm.. tetszetős.. =)
Mi az ,hogy megszűnik? =O