18 Wheels of Steel Haulin
fulcrum falcon #281 Vmi levegő nyomást mér mert rá van írva h air psi. -
#280 Azt szeretném kérdezni látom hogy van itt ien hűtővízmérő!
ÉS ha túlsok fék gázt nyomsz akkor fel tud forrni a hűtővíz??
Az tök pöri lenne!
ÉS még van mellette egy ien jelző de abból nem vettem ki hogy mi az! -
#279 18 WOS-ban láthattad :P
:P -
Vlala #278 ööö... én lehet, hogy kicsi vagyok hozzá, vagy csak hülye, de ez totál Convoy. A kamionok egy az egyben, a bemutatóterem krómkorongját is láttam már egy-két 16 WoS-ban... -
rgida666 #277 új képek -
rgida666 #276 Courtesy of SCS Software company I have had the pleasure to participate in testing of 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' game.
There was nearly 4 weeks ago when I saw this game the first time. It was fascinating adventure with 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' game and nice cooperation with SCS. The information was confidential for a long time.
Now you can meet some secrets. Not all of course ;-)
Lefordítaná valaki? -
fulcrum falcon #275 Azon kívül hogy idén adják ki van valami pontosabb dátum? -
#274 najóvan ezen ne vesszünk össze, várjuk együt lelkesen a megjelenést -
Bankrupt #273 Csak annyit kellett volna tenned, hogy a keresőbe beírod: 'megjelenés', vagy legalább az #1-t megnézed... -
#272 Mosd ki a szádat és állj a sarokba! -
#271 anyád láma -
Bankrupt #270 http://www.trucksims.dk/
Innen van a kép, de nem hiszem hogy fék lenne, mert az scs oldalán volt ennek az oldalnak a linkje.. -
#269 "Buying trucks and trailers is pos(S)ible."
Pótokat is lehet venni? az nem lenne rossz, ha egy pótunk lenne és abba kéne pakolni a rakományt -
#268 "Low beam and full beam mode inluded by pressing [L] key."
LOL. Még az official szövegekben is hiba van. ( * included * ) -
#267 "New generation of Prism3D engine is used, with a lot of improvements and total overwrites of several areas."
Nem a prism3d graph engine-ből kéne az utolsó leheletet is kisajtolni, hanem lecserélni alatta a motort egy újabbra. Mert így természetesen ugyanúgy fog kinézni, mint a pttm meg a convoy, annyi különbséggel, hogy csillogni-villogni fog a bloomtól minden benne, mint a riska f@sz@. -
rgida666 #266 Features
New generation of Prism3D engine is used, with a lot of improvements and total overwrites of several areas.
The game world covers continental US from coast to coast, and several locations in Canada. Mexico is not included.
Border checkpoint included in game.
One big map is available in the game. The map is similar to Convoy but it is rebuild.
The number of cities is the same like in Convoy [41].
You can choose up to 32 trucks!
You can dispatch more than 85 different loads.
The roads more or less is based on real road network.
There are 24 companies in game
Much more kind of trucks on the road [32]
All truck interiors have more details now!
More real looking cross roads and highway system.
The improved world editor is a part of the game’s executable.
Police AI and car AI was rewritten. Police is more active now. Something similar to Hard Truck 2.
Police HUD is included in game.
New physics and collision system is rewritten.
Dashboard HUD and internal has more details now!
Low beam and full beam mode inluded by pressing [L] key.
Buying trucks and trailers is posible.
Sleeping time is included.
You can play in Free or Compaign Mode.
New parkings, scales, truckstops etc.
Vast majority of the elements in the environment is rebuilt from scratch, so you can indeed expect to run into a whole lot of new things.
#265 Már az is elég lenne, ha csak LAN módot raknának bele, és akkor hamachi-n lehetne nyomni. -
#264 Lesz multiplayer mód benne? -
rgida666 #263 Ezek szerint visszakanyarodnak a jó öreg PTTM-hoz. -
#262 Sziasztok Demo mikorra várható? -
#261 szinte minden a szokásos, de azért van pár érdekes dolog:
1. "Like in Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel you have Sleeping Mode but as an option" - ha jól tudom, a HT: 18WoS-ben az alvás mód akárhol használható volt, ha itt is úgy lesz, és nem a hotel ikonra kell ráállni, akkor ez egy nagy plusz!
2. "Show/Hide Notebook
újra lesz notebook, remélem itt is lehet kamiont venni majd
3. "Voice Command
Ezek szerint újra lesz cb, bár én nem sok hasznát vettem
a végére a legmeglepőbb és eddig nekem a legjobb újításnak számító:
4."Look Up
Mouse Up
Look Down
Mouse Down"
azaz a felfelé és lefelé nézés! remélem nem vmi hülyeség lesz, hanem egy hasznos opció, majd meglátjuk ^^ -
#260 18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin
Like its predecessor called 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America, this game is developed by the Czech company SCS Software® and published by Valusoft®.
In 18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin, the aim of the game is to make money by delivering cargoes across America. Compete with other truck drivers for prestigious cargoes; keep you boss happy; upgrade your truck; and eventually, form a trucking company and hire other drivers to do the work for you! The game has several operational modes:
Employee Mode
Employee mode takes the hassle of finding new contracts for yourself, and puts it in your bosses hands! Your boss will assign delivery tasks to you, which you should attempt to complete as promptly as possible if you want to keep said boss happy! In this role, you will not be able to pick and choose your cargoes as you wish, nor will you be able to improve or exchange your truck - it belongs to the company - however should you manage to raise $100,000 for yourself, during the course of your deliveries, you will be able to use this cash to become an Owner-Operator.
Owner-Operator Mode
Owner-Operator mode puts you firmly in charge of deciding what goods you wish to deliver, and to which destinations. You can take out loans; you can buy, sell, upgrade, or even downgrade your truck - it belongs to you. You can even keep track of which cargoes you want to deliver - ahead of time - using the Planning feature of your notebook. It's fun to be your own boss!
Company Boss Mode
You must have silver prestige at least to become the boss. Take charge of a fleet of trucks and truck-drivers. Only, you'll have to find these people first, and of course, neither they nor their trucks come free of charge. Deliver your own cargoes whilst managing your company and employees. Become the biggest trucking-empire in the States and beyond!
When the game has loaded, you must choose New Game button and fill in a dialog box with some parameters like: Your Name and Face, Headquarters and Operation Mode. In the beggining game Employee Mode is available only. Now you must set "Game Rules" for your current game like:
Simulate Fatigue
Whilst playing with this enabled, your driver can become tired and experience blackouts, until they are rested.
Enable Police
If you do not wish to be held up or chased by police in the game, disable this.
Enable Timed Jobs
If you do not want to have any penalties for late delivery of cargoes, disable this.
Upgrade Anywhere
Allows you to upgrade your truck at any time and any place in the game.
It is not possible to change any of these rules during the course of gameplay. Press Start button..
Your first cargo job will be displayed to you some seconds after starting the game - in the top-left corner of the screen you will see a green box showing the job assigned to you. In this box, you can see the type of cargo, in this case Tableware. Underneath, there is the company logo of the company from which you will pick up the cargo. Next to the logo, is the city in which the cargo will be e.g. Seattle, and the time from which the cargo will be available for pickup. If the cargo is ready for pickup, you will see the words Awaiting pickup on the box. It is now up to you to locate and pick-up your first cargo.
Take it and have great fun.
Driver HUD
Like in Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel you have Sleeping Mode but as an option. On the left of the Driver HUD you can see the eye icon. This icon indicates how tired the driver is at any moment. As your driver becomes tired, the eye will begin to blink and close, as a warning for your driver to take a rest. The Driver HUD is located in the top-right corner of the screen.
Next to the eye icon is the truck health indicator. You can see a icon of a truck here which is light blue. When your truck takes damage, this icon will gradually fill red.
Alongside the truck health indicator, is your prestige rating icon but it is not available if you are playing in Employee mode.
0-25% Prestige - Dark Star
25-50% Prestige - Bronze Star
50-75% Prestige - Silver Star
75-100% Prestige - Gold Star
System requirements
Minimum System Requirements are the *very* minimum specs that your computer needs to run the software. If you try to use the program when your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements, you will experience a wide array of unpredictable results.
Processor: 1.4 GHz Pentium 4 or compatible
RAM: 512 MB
Free Hard Drive Space: 200/540 MB Free (online/box version)
Graphics Card: 64 MB graphics accelerator
Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible sound card
DirectX 9
Recommended System:
Processor: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 or compatible
Graphics Card: 128 MB graphics accelerator
Note that for maximum enjoyment SCS Software suggests playing the game with a force-feedback wheel and pedals control system.
Up Arrow, W
Down Arrow, S
steering left
Left Arrow, A
Steering right
Right Arrow, D
Shift Up (manual)
Left Shift or Right Shift
Shift Down (manual)
Left Ctrl or Right Ctrl
Parking Brake
Motor Brake
4-Way Flasher
Right Turn Signal
Left Turn Signal
Toogle Lights
Toogle Wipers
Start/Stop Engine
Trailer Attach/Detach
Show/Hide Map
Show/Hide Notebook
Voice Command
Cruise Control
Inside Camera
Free Rotate Camera
Bumper Camera
Top Camera
Drive-by Camera
Next Camera
Camera Rotate
Right Shift + Mouse
Look Left
Mouse Left or Numpad /
Look Right
Mouse Right or NumPad *
Look Up
Mouse Up
Look Down
Mouse Down
Show/Hide Mirrors
Show/Hide HUD
Take Screenshot
Game Option
#259 A demo-jába ennek is ilyen tetű időlimitet fognak tenni, mint amilyen a convoyban volt? Nem lenne túl jó. Mért nem lehet, egy nem időlimites demót kiadni? Fájna az scs-nek? -
#258 #256, Megjelenési dátum: 2006 tél.. lá**
#196, nem látni a kamion elejét :O -
rgida666 #257 szeptember -
#256 bocs h nem olvasok vissza, már biztos mondták, de mikorra várhatóa játék megjelenése? -
#255 Ez a szokásos:
18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' cheats
To enter a cheatcode, you must edit config.cfg file in advance located in your "$MyDocuments/18 WoS Haulin" directory. Remember, you must create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the config.cfg file in C:\Documents and Settings\jarek\My documents\18 WoS Haulin" in WINXP for example. Change the following line in the file to enable console window (if it is set off)
used g_console "1"
and then save the config.cfg file.
Begin game play and press the ~ (tilde) key to display the console window. Type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. After this press ~ key to close console.
cheat points
you get $ 500,000 to your account
18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' tips
To enter a map editor, you must edit config.cfg file in advance located in your "$MyDocuments/18 WoS Haulin" directory. Remember, you must create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the config.cfg file in C:\Documents and Settings\jarek\My documents\18 WoS Haulin" in WINXP for example. Change the following line in the file to enable console window
used g_console "1"
and then save the config.cfg file.
Begin game play and press the ~ (tilde) key to display the console window. Type
edit america3
and you'll be transfered to map editor ;-).
Itt van a képen kilométer/mérföld számláló, csak nullán áll. Vajon fog mérni? mert ha nem, hülyén néz ki, hogy mutatja a 0-át :), érdekes lenne, tudnánk mérni, mennyit megyünk :) -
#253 gondoltam:D
Énnekem ez a gamma nemnagyon teccik.
Tök ugyan az mint a convoy baszott nagy terelőnyilakkal lezárva az út meg ilyen baromságok nálam még akkoris a pttm a nyerő.
Talán ezis azlesz 1x ha lesz hozzá 1 csomó kiegészítő de addigis csak a pttm a legjobb... -
#252 ne reménykedj :P -
#251 És ezt a gammát tényleg vinnifogja a 64 mbos videókari?? -
rgida666 #250 Szintén -
#249 ha így lesz, én elégedett leszek, mert azért a képek alapján lesz 1-2 újítás is... (levegő, hűtővíz) -
#248 ... -
rgida666 #247 graf: Convoy, játékmenet: PTTM -
#246 Egyenlőre nem vagyok elragadtatva... mintha új ruhát adtak volna a Convoyra... -
#245 Ez azóta ott van, mióta él az oldal. A #219 (lefordítva #221)-ből is kiderül, hogy hamarosan megjelenik. (az info a truckpol oldalon volt, tehát vehetjük hivatalosnak.) Szerintem tartani fogják a tendenciát, és szeptemberben fog megjelenni. -
#244 Sections to come:
free demo download
support links
game features overview
E szerint hamarosan jön egy demo is. -
#243 illetve most megtaláltam, de nem a hivatalos oldalon... -
#242 Nekem nem tetszik. Honnan van a kép, mert átnéztem az összes ismert forrásomat, és sehol sem találtam...nem fék?