#7 ezek a képek már azok a képek ? ez most milyen műfaj ? -
neuro #6 Egy 125 dolláros játéknak valószínűleg tényleg tök szar lehet a single része. Főleg hogy több hadsereg is használja kiképzésre. -
neuro #5 Kint van aranylemezen a Steel Beasts Pro PE tankszimulátor. -
#4 jaa és kizárólag a multi részére gondoltam a single az semmibe se jó -
#3 ez jobb lesz mint a battlefield mármint játékélményre és most ne gyertek ez sokkal jobb mert szimulátor a bf meg ratyi arcade dumával -
#2 ez most magyarul kérném szépen! -
neuro #1 Csak hogy ne a T-72-es topikban folytassuk, ha már kint lesz a játék:
Steel Beasts Pro PE Has Gone Gold
Mountain View, CA, February 9, 2006 - Software developer eSim Games, LLC
announced today that the Personal Edition of their armor simulation "Steel
Beasts Professional" has gone gold. Shipping will begin as soon as duplication
and printing are complete.
"We're happy about the release and proud of the Personal Edition", said
president and lead programmer Al Delaney. "SB Pro PE fills a gap in individual
training and distance learning projects of some of our customers, whom we can
now support even better with our solutions. In addition, the Personal Edition is
available to anybody interested in contemporary armored and mechanized combat
tactics, and can be ordered directly from our web site."
The Personal Edition is the sum of a number of software customizations on the
original Steel Beasts simulation game which were ordered by several armies over
the past three years. Noticeable improvements over the original simulation game
include support for 3D accelerator hardware (for higher screen resolutions and a
better representation of the virtual environment), improved artwork, and the
addition of a number of armored vehicles that were never before modeled in
detail by any other commercially available software - including two variants of
the Leopard 1, the Leopard 2A5, the M2/M3A2 Bradley, the FIST vehicle for
artillery support, and various M113 and Humvee versions.
"With these additions Steel Beasts Professional can now rightfully characterized
as a combined arms simulation", Technical Director Nils Hinrichsen pointed out.
"Previously we had a focus on main battle tanks, but we are broadening the
perspective step by step without giving up our attention to detail. And there's
even more down the road. Our concept of Steel Beasts Pro is that whenever we add
a special feature for a certain customer, we will make it available to all other
customers as well. We call it 'informal joint development'. For example, the
Swedish Army has commissioned a development contract for the CV9040 IFV, one of
the world's leading armored fighting vehicles. Once that we have finished the
work on it, we will offer an upgrade to everybody - including our customers of
the Personal Edition - that will include this new virtual vehicle. This extends
the product lifetime of the Professional series for as long as there is interest
among our customers to see improvements!"