A nem hivatalos (privát) szerverekkel kapcsolatban máshol keress információt! A topik olvasói nem tudnak semmit a privát szerverekről, ezekről kérdezni felesleges és büntetőpont jár érte.

Magyar Rajongói Oldal

  • shala
    szevasztok ! most töltöttem le a játékot , és kb fogalmam sincs róla mit is kéne csinálni,ti honnan tanultatok meg játszani ?:)mert gondolom nem a maygar lineage2 honlaprol
  • pityogo2
    nem inkább 9
    ne fejjel lefelé nézd a monitort...
  • Gugger
    akkor kb. holnap reggel 6 !?
  • Nexushun
    A Soulore-böl lehet Soulshots-t csinálni?
  • DooDoo
    nemírták még sehol h mennyi lesz a havidíj, meg a game?
  • yal
    visszaszamlalo obig
  • Valen
    NexusHUN> amikor a hajó megérkezik, kiírja, hogy a halyó 10 percig a kikötőben van, utánna elmegy. Aztán szól 5 percel az elmenés elött, aztán meg 1 percel az elmenés elött. Legvégül mielött elindul a hajó, zól hogy hamarosan (1 sec) indul a hajó :))
  • yal
    en csak lvl 20tol fogok partyzni:)
  • pityogo2
    ki lesz még orc fighter?
  • DooDoo
    ok akkor majd holnap veled együtt csinálom a küldetéseket :)) te is harcos leszel ugye?
  • yal
    bazze mi jutott eszembe..
    nem is voltam meg DE varosban kuldeteseket sem vagom:)
    lehet meg csinalok egy karit es korbenezek nehogy holnap ezert maradjak le
  • pityogo2
    egymás cseszegetése helyett inkébb találjatok ki j alt+numbill kombinációkt 8)
  • dzsonesz
    befejezni azonnali hatallyal kulomben vegrehajtunk 1 vegbeltukrozest 1 tu154 essel....
  • Sanca
    Mint mar mondtam, tobbet nem akarok kommunikalni veled. Ahogy latod a tobbieket sem erdekli a flame, ezert nem reagalol a kommentedre, el se olvasom. Az meg hogy te mit gondolsz rolam, nem erdekel.
  • HUNrricane
    Én is benne vagyok a törpe fejlesztésében. Nagyon jó ötletnek tartom.
  • dzsonesz
    okej fejlesszuk a torpet minden nap kap 1 nyalokat
  • gPROject
    mondjuk a klánból valaki mindig beáldozna egy napot, amikor nem a saját kariját, hanem a törpét fejlesztené
    ennyit mindenki megtehet a klánért
  • gPROject
    a törpéről jut eszembe, hogy csinálhatnának a klánok egy-egy közös accot törpének, és mindig vinné valaki egy kicsit + ha valaki éppen nem játszik akkor kiülhetne vele árulni illetve vásárolni
  • dzsonesz
    Na szeva all!
    Több mint valoszinu mondhatni 1000% h enis elofizetek
  • DooDoo
    én is gondolkozok előfizetésen, de akkor lehet úgykéne hogy vki akinek van olyan kártyája az fizeti, vagy vmi, mert nekem nincs semmi ilyesmim
  • gPROject
    ha azzal a tipusú bankkártyával elő lehet fizetni, mint ami nekm van, akkor igen
  • DooDoo
    najo DE abysswarlker néni leszek :)

    1. Gugger | Ork Monk
    2. ValenHUN | (HUman Fighter vagy DE Mage)
    3. MaDFoX | ork sámán
    4. Iluvator | Human warrior
    5. Lawahun | Orc monk VAGY de mage
    6. HUNrricane | (vlszg) Elf Íjász
    7. Cromac | Human ?
    8. ApplePie | Human Knight
    9. semoHUN | Human Mage
    10. Slipknot | abyss walker
    11. agyhalal | Human Warrior
    12. Birka | DE Fighter
    13. Sonic | DE fighter vagy De mage
    14. GumboHUN | Orc mage
    15. Sis3 | DE mage vagy human mage
    16. Kog | DE Fighter
    17. HUNnia Human |Paladin or Dark Avenger
    18. DooDoo | DE AbyssWalker
  • Dagobert
    Radiátorból nálunk már lesz elég :) De ha kezdettől fogva velünk lennél akkor valami human. Amúgy meg valami nagy dmgs DE, azt nemtom melyik jó ezekből.
  • HUNrricane
    Nem akarsz inkább Elf Swordsinger lenni? Klánnak nagyon jól jönne egy.
  • Dagobert
    Csak fontolgatom. Ez főleg attól függ kik lesznek még és mennyien.
  • DooDoo
    Eldöntöttem h harcos leszek de még mindig nemtudom mien.. Abyss Walker, Blade Dancer, vagy Gladiator?
  • HUNrricane
    Ki szeretne még elöfizetni a L2-re.. (SiS-en kivül)
  • gPROject
    1. Gugger | Ork Monk
    2. ValenHUN | (HUman Fighter vagy DE Mage)
    3. MaDFoX | ork sámán
    4. Iluvator | Human warrior
    5. Lawahun | Orc monk VAGY de mage
    6. HUNrricane | (vlszg) Elf Íjász
    7. Cromac | Human ?
    8. ApplePie | Human Knight
    9. semoHUN | Human Mage
    10. Slipknot | abyss walker
    11. agyhalal | Human Warrior
    12. Birka | DE Fighter
    13. Sonic | DE fighter vagy De mage
    14. GumboHUN | Orc mage
    15. Sis3 | DE mage vagy human mage
    16. Kog | DE Fighter
    17. HUNnia Human |Paladin or Dark Avenger

    Én viszont valószínű, hogy a 4. 5. 6. szerver valamelyikén játszom majd, attól függően melyiken lesz jobb a ping. Nincs kedvem állandoan restartolni és kinlódni, hogy normálisan lehessen játszani.
    Mikor elkezdtem a japán bétánval játszani, még full grafikán lehetett nyomni, pár hét múlva már a min. frame rate(vagy mi) bekapcsolásánál is szaggatott és lagolt, szinte játszhatatlan volt.Lehet itt sem lesz jobb, de majd elválik mi lesz.
  • Nexushun
    Azt is megmondja hogy mikorra várható a hajó? Mert nekem nem mond semmit.
  • Dagobert
    Az hogy havonta nem kell fizetni még elképzelhető, de ahogy már mondtad, én is arra tippelek hogy az lesz mint a diablo 2nél. Mig a Ln2 átment 3 vérfrissítésen, a GW csak most kezdi el az elsőt.
    Ha már megveszi valaki a szoftvert egyszer, utána elvileg már a kiadót sem érdekli hogy folytatod a játékot vagy nem. Majd átmennek az LN2höz :)
    Persze én marhára örülnék ha mindez nem lenne igaz.
  • Gorii
    ez az ingyenesseg sztem csak pr fogas
  • Dagobert
    Igen, igen. ArenaNet valami leányvállalata vagy egy részlege az NCSoftnak. Emiatt az ember feltenné a kérdést, miért akarja az NCSoft maga alatt vágni a fát?
    Viszont el tudnám képzelni hogy Lineage a távol-keleti piacra készül, a GuildWars meg nyugatra inkább.
    -most olvasom az ArenaNet oldalán hogy egyszeri dij(szoftver megvétel) mindenképp lesz. De még igy is fenntartani több szervert erre, meg az embereket fizetni akik folyamatosan fejlesztik is pénz.
  • pityogo2
    na nemááá. ez már kezd kissé dedós lenni... így összerugni a port kb 1.-őbe csináltam....
    nemigazmá, hogy nem tudtok kibékülni... ne lenne neéhz... mindegyikőtőktől 1 mondat, és máris Hawaii lenne...
  • Nexushun
    Ezt beszéljétek már meg privátban. Nem ide való a személyeskedés.
  • Gorii
    jajmar legyen beke , nem ovi :)
  • Ferro_TwL
    "Szal igen tragarul irtam a dolgokat, mivel neten ennyire meg soha senki nem idegesitett fel mint te Ferro, pedig jo ideje nyomom mar."

    Hat nem tudod, hogy ha ezen te idegeskedsz akkor hajra.

    "Ekkor elkezdodott a 'csata' azaz a pure pk-zas(az hogy a csapat tobbsege eselytelen embereket tamadott be), ezt en nem akartam, nem birtam csinalni(azzal nincs semmi bajom hogy mas csinalta). Ezert irtom hogy akkormar inkabb az emberekhez menjunk, ahol en is tudok olyanokat gyilkolaszni, akikhez megfelelo a lelkiismeretem(ok is benne vannak a dologba)"

    Most erre mit mondjak. Miert mit valtal, hogyan fogunk Pk-ni, nem ertem minek jottel akkor (nez dmeg a tobbi klnat nekik milyen jo osszejott). A fair kuzdelem amit meg annyira akartal, ugyanaz volt amit mi csinaltunk csak forditva:) Ezert mondtam, hogy ilyen ez a jatek, elobb utobb a Pk-rol uldozott lett, nem kell nyavalyogni, es odavinni az egesz csapatot a biztos pusztulasba.

    "Na ez a legdurvabb. Meg jo hogy most keltem, es tegnap korabb mentem aludni, mer ha tegnap valaszolok erre akkor lehet hogy sg bann lett volna.
    En egy szoval se mondtam tegnap hogy nem mondtam hogy nem akarok az emberek szigetere menni. Azt mondtam hogy megis menjunk oda. Megvaltozott a velemenyem, ennyi."

    HU most megijdetem, hogy olyan durvat tudsz irni, hogy sg ban lett volna belole lol:)
    Nem arrol van/volt szo, hogy megvaltozott a velemenyed :elozsor kijelented tuti nem megyek oda, aztan meg mikor majdnem mindeki piros megis menjuk oda. HOgyan mennek oda pirosan az NPC-k nem allnak szoba velunk. Es mikor mondom, hogy enis ezt mondtam meg az elejen csak te nem akartad pofatlanul odairod, hogy te ilyet nem mondtal.
    Az, hogy megvaltodztad a velemyend szived joga, de ne akor mikor latod, hogy a tobbiek ugyse tudnak oda menni es utanna ne mond, hogy te ezt nem mondtad.

    "Azt irtam hogy nekem ahhoz nincs kozom hogy 1 lvl 40+ kari felelesztett ujra es ujra, es te hagytad. Ha ennyi eszed van en mit csinaljak"

    Sanc ha nem tudnad csak csapattag tud felelszteni, idegen nem. Igen ha ennyi eszed van, akkor irj meg ilyenek okosagokat.

    " masik meg hogy amikor tenyleges, fair kuzdelem volt akkor tobbet oltem nmy-bol, meg tobb dmg-t osztottam"

    Jaj persze te aztan tobbet oltel, tudom te vagy az erosebb meg minden. Mint az oviban, komolyan mondom. Te tudod mit en elhiszem neked, mindekit megoltel ott sot meg a vegen talan piros is lettel. (Most nem azart de Dago shadowja elobb lett piros mint te:D)

    "Vegezetul azt hogy en kivel rugtam ossze a port ezelott es ezutan ahhoz neked semmi, de semmi kozod."

    Mar megbocsas de kozom van. Ugyanis vele szoktam partyzni es beszelgetni veled meg nem surun (mondjuk nem veltelenul) es igy kozvetve velem is kicsesztel.

    Bocs akit ez nem erdekel, de szerintem mar ugyis tul nyugodt volt a topic:), meg holnaptol majd az usa open miatt annyi uzenet lesz, hogy eltunik a sulyesztoben az egesz.

    A klanrol meg annyit, hogy en nem hagyom ott a klant egy hozzad hasonlo miatt, de veled tobbet egyutt jatszani nem kivanok, bar gondolom ez kolcsonos. Csak ne lassalak ne halljalak es boldogon jatszom tovabb:)
    Szoval reszemrol te nem szolsz hozzam en hozzad es Peace!
  • Gorii
  • Gorii
    most tok ugyanez volt japo is 99% ban , mivel azis preludes
  • Birk@
    Bocsi hosszú! A Lényegteleneket kivágtam

    Prelude features

    <Addition of New Territory and Hunting Grounds>
    1. A new territory that is about 1/5 of the size of the existing Lineage II World has been added. Embark on an adventure to new places you have never been before, such as the Ivory Tower, Oren Castle, the Town of Oren, Enchanted Valley, the Hunters’ Village, and the Sea of Spores. You can reach the new regions by passing through the Death Pass which is connected to the northern region of Giran.
    2. The Forgotten Temple is added to the western part of the wastelands.

    < Addition of New Skills >
    A total of 147 new skills have been added. Also, it is now possible for existing skills to be upgraded to a higher level.

    < Change of Skill Effects >
    1. Now the effects of the crystallize skill is applied differently. For example, in order to destroy a grade C item, you must now have the crystallize stage 2 skill.

    2. A change has been made so that when using an area of effect skill, all other characters including chaotic and temporary chaotic characters will receive damage. (This excludes the attacker’s own party members)

    3. The shield stun’s MP consumption rate has increased by about 1/10 of its existing rate.
    4. The re-use time of hate and of focus force has been decreased.
    5. The re-use time of resurrection, a type of resurrection magic, has been increased by four times.
    6. The appearance of graphic effects for spoil, iron punch, mortal blow and poisoning have been modified.

    < Quests >
    1. The quest for 2nd class transfer has been added. In order to qualify for the 2nd class transfer, you must first complete 3 types of quests intended for your race and class. After collecting three marks that you receive as rewards for completing quests, and go to the NPC that facilitates characters of level 40 + with their 2nd class transfer, you will be able to complete the 2nd class transfer. More detailed information regarding the quests for 2nd class transfer is available from the Lineage II’s official home page.
    2. A newly added quest called “Get a pet” is a quest to obtain a pet. In order to fulfill the quest, you should go find Martin, the pet guardian in Gludin village.
    3. If you are currently working on 14 quests at the same time, and if you attempt to start on the 15th quest, you will receive a notice informing you that you are not allowed to work on any more quests at the same time. Please note that if you would like to pursue another quest at this point, you will have to give up one of the quests you are currently working on.

    < NPCs >
    1. Many new monsters have been added. NPCs of the villages in new regions and NPCs that are needed for the 2nd class transfer quests have been placed throughout the game. Also, in the case of village NPCs, their attire has been modified in various styles to reflect their occupation.

    2. The position of monsters in Gludio has been modified.
    1) The total number of monsters in the Gludio region has been increased. Therefore, now you will encounter monsters at a higher frequency in this region.
    2) By equally distributing the levels of monsters in Gludio, we made the region a good hunting environment for characters after their class transfer.
    3) We have changed the places and locations to which monsters of turek orc campsites and monsters of Ol Mahum campsites flee.
    4) The placement of monsters in the Grim Ruins and the Ruins of Despair has been modified.

    3. With the latest update, monsters for high level players have been placed in the Enchanted Valley and near the Hunters' Village.
    4. Monsters that can be hunted by mid to high level characters who are readying themselves for the 2nd class transfer and by upper 50 level characters have been placed in the Sea of Spores, the Ivory Tower, and the Town of Oren.
    5. Monsters that can be hunted by characters of mid 20 level and up have been placed in the Forgotten Temple.
    6. We have changed the locations of monsters that appear in the Dragon Valley in Giran.
    7. Now, in some regions, the number of monsters will increase at night. These regions include the Dragon Vallue, Gludio Territory, the Grim Ruins, the Ruins of Despair and the Execution Ground of Dion.
    8. Orphen, a boss level monster, has been added to the game. If you go to the Sea of Spores, you will be able to find Orphen. Please note that due to the magic force field surrounding Orphen’s encampment, characters’ moving speed will always get dropped near the area.
    9. A group style event monsters have been added. Each group consists of a captain and soldiers.

    < Items >
    1. At a boutique store in Giran, some of the grade C items can be purchased by paying with crystals.
    2. The spiritshot that boosts magic power and magic casting speed has been added. It functions in the same way as a soulshot.
    3. The items that come in sets that one can use to obtain additional benefits such as an increase of HP, MP and moving speed have been added.
    4. Now, blacksmiths in each village can make dual-swords type items.
    5. One piece type clothing items have been added.
    6. The method of making items by using a recipe has been changed. Now, when making a lower level grade D item, one does not need to use a grade D crystal. And when making a lower level grade C item, one can use a grade D crystal.
    7. The races other than the dwarven race can now get some items made by village blacksmiths.
    8. When a scavenger is using spoil or sweeper skills, the probability of obtaining an item from a corpse has more than doubled. Up until now, one could obtain ingredient items only from a corpse. But, after the update, it is now possible to obtain other items such as weapons, armor and accessories from a corpse.
    9.The appearance of several items such as Brigandine, Mithril set etc. has been modified.
    10.The maps of Aden and Elmore have been modified to include new regions, and bugs have been fixed.
    11. When crystallizing enchanted items, a change has been made so that now the more an item is enchanted, the more crystals one can obtain. When one’s attempt to enchant fails, the same rule will apply.
    12. The graphical effects that appear while one is using a scroll of escape, antidote, or a soulshot have been modified.
    13. Until now, recipes and some ingredients have not had any weight. But with the new update, now they will have some weight assigned to them.

    < Taming Monsters >
    The pet system in which a character can obtain and raise a pet has been added. The term “taming” means that a player adopts a specific NPC available in the game and controls it semi-permanently. (From here, a tamed monster will be called a pet.)

    < Addition and Modification of Systems >

    1. The option to select the method of obtaining items after creating a party has been added. first come first serve / random looting
    2. An alliance system has been added. Only a clan of level 5 and above can create an alliance. Once an alliance is created, it can admit any clan to the alliance regardless of a clan’s level. (/alliance invite, /alliance quit, /alliance expel, /alliance dissolve, /alliance register emblem, /alliance information)
    3. A private store has been able to sell items only. With the update, now a private store can purchase items also. Currently, unless a store already carries an item a character wants to buy, the item cannot be purchased from the store. A dwarf can register up to 5 items on a purchase list and other races can register up to 4 items on a purchase list.
    4. A new function to prevent mistakes and fraud has been added to private stores. When a character is registering an item at a private store, if there is a big difference between the price of an item being ordered and the item’s actual value, a window to double-check the item will appear. Likewise, when you are buying an item from a private store, if there is a big difference between the price you pay for it and the actual value of the item you are buying, the verification window will appear. With the strengthening of our system security that has been implemented with the current update, and with your taking extra precaution during sale and purchase of items, we hope to stop any more unnecessary heartache due to a mistake or fraud during exchanges.
    5. Various abnormal states that have been applied to characters will no longer disappear after restarting a PC and logging into the game again. For example, when a character is under a shield that is supposed to last for 10 minutes and your PC restarts before the shield time is up, when you log into the game again, the shield effect will last only for the remaining time.
    6. During a PvP, the duration of chaotic state being applied has been slightly changed. The duration of chaos applied to a character that initiates an attack to another general character has doubled. Since this change was made to impose slightly more penalty to the player who initiates an attack, when the attacked character fights back, the existing duration of a chaotic state will be applied.
    7. The guaranteed item looting time for a character or a party that inflicts the most damage has increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. And the character that inflicted damage will have additional 10 seconds of looting time after that. Please note that if no damage was given, looting can begin about 15 seconds after an attack.
    8. A chaotic character cannot interact with a village merchant NPC, gate keeper etc. However, they can still interact with gatekeepers located at dungeons.
    9. When there is no action taken for 10 minutes in the character selection screen, the login will automatically be terminated.
    10.A character that belongs to a clan can no longer be deleted.
    11. When creating a clan or an alliance, grand masters and grand elders located in each village will no longer discriminate against different races. Now an elf can go to a grand elder in the dark elven village and create a clan or an alliance.
    12.When you restart or login while in water, your character’s breathing gauge will start at 1/10 of its normal rate.
    13.The moving speed in the water has been reduced to about half that of the moving speed while a character is on land.
    14.The teleport fee to move from the Dark Elven village to the Town of Gludio has been reduced.

    < Interface >
    1. The point-of-view in the game has been more diversified. In addition to the existing point-of-views, the first person point-of-view and the remote point-of-view have been added. Now you can control point-of-view of your character with PageUP/PageDown keys (first person, basic, long range) With the change of point-of-views, the maximum distance one can zoom out by using a mouse wheel button has been shortened slightly.
    2. The “enter chatting” option has been added. From Game - Options, you can select the “enter chatting” option. When you switch to enter chatting method, the hot-keys on the shortcut bar will change accordingly from number 1 through 0 and the shortcut keys that were used with ALT key can now be used without pressing the Alt key. Also, the movement of a character can now be controlled by W, A, S, D keys. In order to chat by using this option, first press the Enter key and then enter your texts.
    3. The position of all the windows in the game that can be moved around is now automatically saved. (Except Option window). Also, the game option in the option window has a new function to return the position of the windows to their initial positions.
    4. In addition to existing social actions, the actions to express “affirmation,” “denial” and “polite greeting” have been added. In addition, now, shortcut keys can be assigned to social actions.
    5. The interface that is related to summoners is added. Its function is similar to the interface of the Pet system.
    6. Toggle skills such as War cry / Accuracy are now indicated as an abnormal state.
    7. In the shortcut bar, the graphic effects have been improved to be able to view the results after one’s skill/spell casting action is over.
    8. When selecting a character in the character selection screen, now a character’s status values are more accurately displayed.
    9. At a private store, while selling or buying an item, if a private store’s window is opened again, the store will stop its operation and the character will stand up. While a store is in an open state, a character cannot exchange items with another character.

    < Sound >
    1. Various background music pieces have been added.
    As you enter a village, buildings located in villages, major terrains, regular ships etc. now you can listen to the music that is suitable for each situation. Various musical pieces for login window, character selection window, character creation initial window and character creation window for different races have also been added. With the addition of more diversified background music, players can enjoy and experience Lineage II even more vividly.
    2. With the addition of new skills, new sounds to go with the skills have also been added.
    3. In addition, sounds for new monsters have been added.

    < Various bugs have been fixed. >
    1. When you restart your PC after your character dies, if the character gets resurrected, the character’s HP is set to 1. This problem has been fixed.
    2. The peace zones in villages had somewhat inaccurate settings. Now, the peace zones are more precisely set up.
    3. A bug has existed that allowed one to create an item without a recipe as long as the item creation window is opened. This bug has been fixed.
    4. If a character performs quest related calculation or exchanges items while the character’s inventory is fully filled with 80 items, an NPC can take away an item from the character’s inventory in a normal way, but cannot give back reward items and other items to the character. During a quest, please double-check the number of items in your inventory window so that you will not miss the chance to receive reward items.

    < Game Tip >
    In the game, if you cannot see some windows such as the acquired skills window, inventory window etc., press the Initialize the Interface button. Then, all the windows will appear in their original positions. When you cannot see a specific window, try using this method.

    When making dual-sword type items, the enchant value does not get retained in the final products. In other words, if you use two +3 swords of revolution to make dual-swords of revolution, the resulting items will be the same as two unenchanted swords of revolution. Please remember this fact so that you will not inadvertently waste enchanted weapons by using them to make two-handed swords.

    < Announcement>
    1. If you attempt to enter a petition in a server that has already received its maximum number of petitions, you may receive a message stating that your petition has already been registered.

    If this occurs, please wait for a while and try registering your petition again. We will try our best to process all petitions we receive as soon as possible.

    Thank you.
  • Gorii
    ahogy nezem ehhez is koze van az ncsoft-nak :)