Cat #4689 ezeken igen:
http://downloads.scifinews.de/files/Serien/Star_Trek_Enterprise/Episoden-Trailer_und_Szenenbilder/Staffel_4/4x18_-_In_a_Mirror_Darkly_Part_1/078.jpg -
#4688 Itt pont nem látszik a TOS-os mini, meg az új egyenruha sem egyben... (hülye képek :() -
#4687 érdekes :) -
#4686 darkly 2 képek -
#4685 darkly képek -
#4684 hol írjam alá? :) -
#4683 képet! -
#4682 Mondom, kéne csinálni egy ilyen agresszív Terran empire-es, dark Star Trek sorozatot ! Én tuti nézném és a mai viszonyoknak is jobban megfelel :( ! -
#4681 Úgyám ! De a régi TOS egyenruha is érdekesen állt vulkáni hősnőnkön ! :DDD -
Cat #4680 nekem a csajok jöttek be a legjobban, rendszeresíteni kéne azt az uniformist :D -
#4679 Így van ! Egy-két pillantra dublőrködtek csak ! -
#4678 ugyolvastam a first contact jeleneteit vágták össze, csak ahol apro modositások vannak, ott változtatták meg. -
#4677 **** SPoiler (jelöld ki!)
Star Trek Enterprise s4e18-19 (In a Mirror, Darkly Part 1-2)
Atomkirály, hogy jönnek a vulkániak, leszállnak, Zefram Cochrane előrelép, a vulkáni üdvözli a szokásos kézmozdulattal és mondattal, Cochrane megpróbálja utánozni, nem megy, előrenyújtja a kezét kézfogásra... NA eddig az eredeti First Contact mozifilm is lehetne (még a színész is ugyanaz egy apró részt kivéve), ámde Cochrane kézfogás helyett benyúl a kabátja alá, előkapja a shotgun-t és durr mellbe a meglepett vulkáni követet !!! Áááááááááááááá ! Gyjó volt !
Belekeverték a TOS-t, a TNG-t (sőt áttételesen a DS9-et és a VOY-t is), jómunkásember folytatása volt ez a régi tükörsztorinak...
A legjobb mégis az, hogy még a film főcíét is megváltoztatták nagyon stílusosan erre a két részre, hiszen ez a "sötét" Enterprise sztori a tüköruniverzumban ! Megjegyzem nekem ez jobban bejött néhol, mint a "világos" storyline ! :DDD A vulkániak mint rabszolgafaj, a Terran birodalom élén a császsárral, a rettegett csillagflotta, hmmm... Kéne egy új sorozat !
Egy kis info:
NOTE: This is the 700th television episode of "Star Trek" produced.
This story, set in an alternate universe, serves as a prequel to the original series episode "Mirror, Mirror" and the subsequent DS9 follow-ups. It is also a sequel to the TOS episode "The Tholian Web," which features the U.S.S. Defiant vanishing from the 23rd century.
The mirror universe was created by writer Jerome Bixby for the original series episode "Mirror, Mirror," which first aired Oct. 6, 1967. This was followed up in several DS9 episodes: "Crossover," "Through the Looking Glass," "Shattered Mirror," "Resurrection," and "The Emperor's New Cloak." The mirror universe has also been featured in several novels and fan stories.
The term "Terran Empire" to refer to Earth's conquests did not originate in the TOS episode, but the DS9 episode "Crossover," in which we learn humanity controlled not only the Vulcans, but also the Klingons, Cardassians and Bajorans!
This episode takes place entirely in the mirror universe, without any interplay with the regular Star Trek realm.
Will reportedly discuss the origins of the mirror universe.
Will feature the U.S.S. Defiant from TOS episode "The Tholian Web." The idea to feature the Defiant was originally put forth in the season 2 Enterprise episode "Future Tense."
Part one of a two part arc.
It's rumored that that the opening credits will be different, and there will be a tie-in to Star Trek: First Contact.
In a Mirror, Darkly is taken from The Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:12 "For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then we will see face to face." In Biblical times mirrors were polished metal and gave an inferior reflection compared with the silvered glass we use today.
This is the first mirror-universe episode since DS9's "The Emperor's New Cloak"
The opening credits WILL be different for both this episode and the conclusion.
Phlox tortures a Tholian in this episode
Features scenes from the end of the movie Star Trek: First Contact, including some of James Cromwell as Zefram Cochrane.
We learn that Tholians have a spider-like set of multiple legs.
The origin if the Agony Booth, seen being utilized on the Mirror Chekov in "Mirror Mirror," is presented in this episode.
T'Pol's line "Threats are illogical." exactly echoes Sarek's line in the TOS episode "Journey to Babel."
Tucker's face is scarred by delta radiation - a direct reference to the source of Captain Pike's disfigurement in "The Menagerie."
The position and condition of the two dead Defiant crewmen are exactly the same as they were in the TOS episode "The Tholian Web."
More detail: almost all of the opening sequence is lifted from First Contact. However, additional shots with Franc Ross (Grizzled Human) are inserted, a body double is used for James Cromwell (when he draws the gun and shoots), and the Vulcan ship was partially created for the bit where Franc Ross and the other humans board it.
The Vulcan starship wasn't actually recreated, but in fact the original set pieces were still in storage!
In the "alternate" opening credits, the exploding submarine clip is taken from the 2000 Paramount picture U-571.
Also in the "alternate" opening credits, the clip showing skyscrapers being attacked from above was lifted from the Voyager episode "Dragon's Teeth".
Staying in form, in this episode instead of a beagal Porthos is a Rottwieler
NOTE: The mirror Soval has a goatee just like the mirror Spock.
First appearance of the Gorn since TOS episode "Arena".
Day 6 of the shooting schedule for this episode was when word came down that the series is being cancelled by UPN as of the end of this season.
Writer Mike Sussman plays a dead Defiant crewmember.
The Tholians were also featured in the Enterprise episode "Future Tense."
In the Washington, DC metro area, pre-empted due to a Washington Nationals baseball game against the New York Mets at 7:00 pm eastern on WDCA 20.
The crew is shown wearing TOS era uniforms
Tholians were not featured until In A Mirror, Darkly (1) They were in Future Tense but you never see the Tholian just the ship
T'Pol defiantly states, "It may take centuries, but humanity will pay for its arrogance." One century later, the Terran Empire renounces its warlike ways after the standard universe Kirk crosses over and convinces the mirror universe Spock to try to get the Terran Empire to abandon violence. Within the next 80 years after that, the pacified Terran Empire falls to the Cardassians and Klingons and humanity is reduced to slaves.
Delusion-Archer taunting Mirror-Archer by saying he will end up flying a moon shuttle echoes McCoy's line from "The Corbomite Maneuver," "What am I, a doctor or a moon shuttle conductor?"
The colored pipe schemes of the access corridors bring to mind the access corridors of "Star Trek V."
Archer's "Raise Them!" line after learning the shields were working was reminiscent of Khan in ST2.
While it was definitely possible for the Defiant to contain information about the mirror universe, since "Mirror, Mirror" took place a year before "The Tholian Web," Archer's line about no information about the Terran Empire existing implies details of the crossover from Kirk's mission logs had not been widely spread at that point. Those mission logs were eventually studied at Starfleet Academy, since Bashir knows about the crossover in "Crossover."
Stealing the Defiant's plans with the intent to build one for the rebellion echoes what would happen 200 years later, when the human rebellion steals the Defiant plans from DS9, then builds their own.
On the original series, every ship had its own different insignias. These were the insignias for the Defiant. When Starfleet standardised the insignias, they honoured the Enterprise by basing it on that ship's logo (which is the explaination for why future series all have the chevron logo).
When Soval said to T'Pol, "it is agreeable to see you again," it was reminiscent of the same greeting Sarek made to Spock in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home."
Scott Bakula had previously worked with Gregory Itzin (Admiral Black) on Quantum Leap. Itzin played producer Sam Phillips of Sun Records in the episode "Memphis Melody." It was Phillips who gave Elvis Presley (played by Scott, who as Sam Beckett leaped into Elvis) his big break.
As of this episode, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry has appeared in, or been the computer voice for, all five "Star Trek" series.
Jonathan Archer's historical background from the computer screen: Rank at retirement: Admiral, Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command Former assignments: Commanding officer, Enterprise NX-01, 2150-2160 Ambassador to Andoria, 2169-2175 Federation Councilman, 2175-2183 President, UFP 2184-2192 Birthplace: Upstate New York, North America, Earth Parents: Henry and Sally Archer
_Vegeta_ #4676 Tokjo :D -
#4675 Avatar: _:D
#4674 Nem láttam a mai két részt. Tegnap este a www alatt ugyanis egyszercsak elment a tv is, meg az internet is :( Ma 1 óra körül hozták helyre -
#4673 nem emlékszek rá -
_Vegeta_ #4672 Jajj holnap szombat. Nefelejtsetek el felkelni reggel. :D -
#4671 Szerintem is. Csak a filmben Borg-ról volt szó, nem vezli kráser-ről :) -
Cat #4670 :D
ez gondolom az a rész, amikor szakadás történik a téridőben, és megjelenik ezer darab enterprise :D
Data hűvös hangon: "Számításaim szerint a szektor 48 órán belül megtellik Enterpriseokkal" -
#4669 -
#4668 Igen? Akkor majd Masaka elvisz téged -
#4667 ez sz@r rész -
#4666 Ha két rész egyben van, és közötte lennie kéne egynek, akkor biztos a reklám volt az -
#4665 nemtom. Egy biztos: A mostani vetítések során lementek. -
#4664 az egyiket nem is vehettem volna, mert a két mellette levő 1 napon volt
a következőket is ugyanarra a kazettára vettem, mégis kimaradt egy, mondom, biztos időanomália, és a jövőhetit vette fel -
#4663 ezért mondtam, hogy beleszámoltad-e? Most megnéztem, következményt lásd lent -
#4662 Inkább olyan, mintha azt a két részt fel sem vetted volna... -
#4661 az később volt, a 7 . szezonban -
#4660 Beleszámoltad az egyik háromrészes hétvégét is? -
#4659 nemtom, lehet. Miért is? -
#4658 Nem, mert a Suspicions egyben van a Second Chanses-szel -
#4657 Akkor időanomália van a videómban, mert a jövőből vesz fel részeket -
#4656 Az nem lehet, hogy megnézted a Suspicions-t, majd a Rightful Heir-t felülírtad a Second Chances-sel? -
#4655 Nem tudom. De abban speciel biztos vagyok, hogy láttam mindkét részt. A Megfagyott időt meg vártam is :) -
#4654 De akkor hol van a kazettámról, ami kimaradt ?? -
#4653 Láttam nemrég! Vagy szerinted csak halucináltam?
Esetleg a sorrendet összebarmolták, de biztos vagyok benne, hogy mindkét részt vetítették -
#4652 Pedig de, mivel a kazettámon a Second Chances után a Descent Part I jön, márpedig sorban vettem fel -
#4651 Nem igaz, egyiket sem hagyták ki! -
#4650 Jaja, az előző szezonban többet is, pl . a Rightful Heir-t meg a Timescape-t