Viper II-ről minden!
  • Dikkma
    Elolvastam a tesztet, király. Nem is gondoltam volna, hogy a Viper II ennyire állja a sarat egy MX-el és egy Radeonnal szemben is!
  • Bilux
  • Bilux
    Pedig ma méregettem már az ellenállást is és a pot is meg van már...
  • Bilux
    Driver support az nem mi..?
  • Bilux
    De milyen bejelentés..?
  • Phyre
    Azt hogy lassacskán lesz bejelentés.
  • Bilux
    erre a kijelentésedre lennék kifáncsi..:)
  • Bilux
    már nem kell sokat várnotok, hogy kiderüljön mik kedvenc cégünk :) további tervei. De azért ne legyetek túlontúl optimisták... :).

  • Bilux
    Phyre most mire gondolsz..????
  • Phyre
    Még mielőtt valaki hiú ábrándokba ringatná magát, az előző hozzászólás messze nem azt jelenti :(, hogy lesz Columbia. A jelentése: már nem kell sokat várnotok, hogy kiderüljön mik kedvenc cégünk :) további tervei. De azért ne legyetek túlontúl optimisták... :).
  • Phyre
    Szívesen válaszolnék (már egy ideje), de nem lehet. Ebből aztán mindenki leszűrheti amit akar.
  • kowajano
    Columbiábol mi igaz?
    vajon lesz belöle valami?
  • Bilux
    Hát a grfikonok meg a szöveg meg esetleg kevés is..... :)))))))
    Na most komolyan marha jó lett mint mindig !!!
  • Phyre
    Ha vizitelt valaki (nem lévén fórum), vélemények? Sok a grafikon, esetleg kevés (kivégzés terhe mellett lehet ezt mondani :)), mi kéne, meg ilyesmik. (Bocs az ismétlésért, ha valaki az S4 topicot is olvassa :))
  • Bilux
  • Bilux
  • kowajano
    Bilux ugyanezeket állitottam én is de a textura eltünt. referencia drivert vagy diamondod használsz?
  • Bilux
    Registry Entry Function Possibilities Recommended Comment
    2k Large Texture Support ON, OFF ON Allows the use of large textures.
    AA Auto AGP ON, OFF OFF Seriously hinders performance.
    AC Auto Texture Compression ON, OFF OFF Automatic compression of textures to S3TC format. Can corrupt D3D games and movies.
    AGP Sets AGP Value 1X, 2X, 4X Set to 4X unless your m/b only supports 2X Sets default AGP Bus speed.
    AGPSB AGP Sidebanding ON, OFF ON Uses bandwidth for textures. Transitions in textured scenes are smoother.
    AGPSIZE Sets AGP Aperture Size 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8 Set to half of system memory Size in MB of system RAM to use if using AGP textures.
    AM Auto Mipmapping ON, OFF Try it and if you have problems turn it off. Increases visual quality and speed. May cause problems in some games.
    AP Auto Palette ON, OFF Doesn't work Not Working. Supposed to enable paletted.
    AT Auto Trilinear Filtering ON, OFF If you want better image quality turn it ON but if you want better performance turn it OFF Increased image quality, performance hit when enabled.
    ATB Auto Triple Buffer ON, OFF ON Allows Vsync “OFF” without visual distortion.
    BusThrottle AGP Bus Throttling ON, OFF ON No comments
    COB Clear On Buffer ON, OFF ON Speed increase. Possible stability decrease.
    DB Detail Bias 0.0 0.5 The higher number the better performance the lower number the better image quality.
    DDSW Direct Draw Software Mode ON, OFF OFF Severe performance hit in 2D games.
    FB Flip Blit ON, OFF ON Increases performance when combined with Fast Draw.
    FD Fast Draw ON, OFF ON Renders triangles faster when enabled
    ICD3DNOW 3D NOW Support ON, OFF ON 3D NOW Support for AMD CPU'S.
    ICD3DNOW_DW 3D NOW Double Word 00=OFF, 01=ON 01 3D NOW Support for AMD CPU'S.
    ICDAZ OpenGL Auto Z-Buffer Clear ON, OFF ON No comments
    ICDAZ_DW Open GL Auto Z-Buffer Double Word 00=OFF, 01=ON 01 No comments
    ICDFOGTABLE Fogtable ON, OFF, AUTO AUTO OpenGL Fog Table
    ICDFOGTABLE_DW Fogtable Double Word 00=OFF, 01=ON 00=OFF, 01=ON, 02=AUTO OpenGL Fog Table
    ICDHWTL Hardware T&L ON, OFF, AUTO OFF Can incrase performance on older systems. Can cause graphic problems
    ICDHWTL_DW Hardware T&L Double Word 00=OFF, 01=ON, 02=AUTO 00 Can incrase performance on older systems. Can cause graphic problems
    ICDSIMD SSE Support ON, OFF ON Single Instruction-Multiple Data. For Intel CPU'S
    ICDSIMD_DW SSE Support Double Word 00=OFF, 01=ON 01 Single Instruction-Multiple Data. For Intel CPU'S
    ICDTEXTURESIZE Texture Size 16, 32, AUTO AUTO Texture BPP (bits per pixel)
    ICDTEXTURESIZE_DW Texture Size Double Word 00=OFF, 01=ON, 02=AUTO 02 Texture BPP (bits per pixel)
    ICDUSEKTX KTX Buffer ON, OFF ON A small speed increase when enabled.
    ICDUSEKTX_DW KTX Buffer Double Word 00=OFF, 01=ON 01 A small speed increase when enabled.
    ICDWBUFFER Wbufer ON, OFF ON No comments
    MCS3Modes Has to do with Motion Compression. ON, OFF ON Related to DVD
    MCS3Timer Has to do with Motion Compression. ON, OFF ON Related to DVD
    OS Over Sampling (FSAA) ON, OFF Doesn't work Doesn't work
    OSX Over Sampling Rate 2X, 4X Doesn't work Doesn't work
    TC Auto S3TC Minimum size 16, 32, 64 Don't use Don't use
    TM Auto Mipmap Minimum Size 16, 32, 64 32 Set to 32 if you are using AM.
    TSL Top Scan Line ON, OFF ON May eliminate some artifacts.
    VT VidTex Only ON, OFF OFF Uses On-Board Ram for Texturing (disables AGP texturing). Increases performance except for 32MB Texturing.
    VPESupport ?? ON, OFF OFF Speed increase when turned off.
    WC Write Combining ON, OFF ON Speed increase if enabled.
    WF Wait for Flip ON, OFF ON Metal Enhancement
    WV Wait for V-Sync ON, OFF ON Toggles Vsync on/off. May experience tearing when OFF with out ATB ON.
  • kowajano
    Bilux nemtom mit állitottál registryben
    megnéztem azt az oldalt amit Phyre mondott állitottam registryn és annyit értem el hogy a játék nem fagyott de a háttér texturázása eltünt uttal együtt tök fekete lett
  • kowajano
    Koko mért nem unreaal topic ba kérded ott biztos többet tudnak segiteni
  • Dikkma

    Pont most írok neked levelet, merthogy jött egy levél, hogy sikerült-e berakni a képeket. Hát, sikerült.
  • koko
    Segítségeteket szeretném kérni abban a kérdésben, hogy az Unreal Tournamentnek hány CD-je van.

    Elore is köszi.
  • Bilux
    Phyre én beirtam mindet ami a faq-ban volt és ment
    ezen én is meglepődtem..:)
    Csak a sideband-ot ne engedélyezzétek mert kifagyassza a gépet..!!
  • kowajano
    a Rally Mastersel semmi bajom nem volt talán azért mert akkor még más drivert használtam
    azért kösz megnézem hátha találok valami okosságot
  • Phyre
    de annyira ne örülj, én semmit sem találtam benne. A swedish... nekem is fagy, csakúgy mint az ugyanazt az engine-t használó Rally Masters (illetve a 9.01.09-el asszem jó).
  • kowajano
    tudsz mondani linket? ahol találhato FAQ
  • Bilux
    nem fagy csak a registrybe be kell írni pár dolgot amit benchnarman vagy hogy híják faq-jában leirt.. és akkor megy!
  • kowajano
    tom de azért jol hangzik :)))
    már Phyre is irta hogy ezer éves
    mellesleg ezen a kártyán gyönyörüen fagy a swedish touring car championship 2 nevezetü játék
  • Bilux
    Te ez 2000 januári hír....
  • kowajano
    a savageworld ön http://s3.nextmill.com/
  • Bilux
    Aranyos a kis dög..:)
  • Bilux

  • Bilux
    Te Phyre hogyan kel azt angolul kérdezni ,hogy mikor készül el az új driver/persze ha elkészül/
    a ViperII-hez???
    Meg akarom kérdezni az összes embert..:))
  • Bilux
    Aha köszi...:)
    A rádijó teszted mikor lessz kész..?? :)
  • Phyre
    Az R102 helyére egy potmétert forrasztottak, így változtatható a feszültség. A kártya hátoldalát mutató képen a bekarikázott rész az ellenállások, de ez feliratozva van. Az értékeket célszerű kimérni, ahelyett hogy én mondok valamit, mert kártyáról kártyára változik (illetve nem, de többféle van).

    kowajano híre egy iszonyú régi darab, ebből már semmi sem lesz.
  • Bilux
    Ezt hol olvastad???
  • kowajano
    na és ez mi akar lenni? titokban vmit csinál az S3?

    SDN has the specs of the upcoming Viper II Z400 product, and claims it's from an S3 dev. Not sure if the actual card will be like this, but it's a pretty likely step up from the Viper II Z200. Here's the deal:

    Diamond Viper II LE Z400
    Savage2000+ Chipset
    64mb 5ns SyncDram
    400mhz RAMDAC
    175mhz Clock, 150mhz Memory Clock
    Full AGP 4x abilities, also AGP 2x/1x ready
    S3TC, S3T&L, Direct3D, OpenGL Compatibilities
    Analog and Digital Outputs, Digital Flat Panel Port
    Composite Out & S-Video Output

    The Savage2000+ will probably be a newer revision Savage2000 chip, that can be run on higher clock speeds. I'm not sure if the T&L bugs that exist in the current revision will be fixed 100%, guess we'll have to wait and see.

  • Bilux
  • Bilux
    Ebből a lényeget el tudnád mondani?
    Konkrét ellenállás értéket is mondhatsz ha tudsz az R105-re...
  • Bilux
    Modifying and practicing overclocking on a graphical card can damage it irreparably.

    It does some time, I read in a forum as somebody had managed to put a ViperII to 166MHz, this had obtained it clearing two resistance and replacing them by others, this way profit to increase the voltage to which the card works, so I decided to also modify my card. Until then, the only modifications that had done on my ViperII, they were to put a ventilator in the dissipator (this is very important) and small radiators to him in the memory, these sticks them using a little (very little) glue in the corners and thermal silicone by everything, not if this measurement improves the endurance of the card in situation of overclocking, but as the cost is minimum, not this of more. It is necessary to try to have all chilliest possible one.

    I found as the exit voltage is regulated:

    Vout=Vref·(1+R2/R1)+I Adj ·r2
    The Vref is typically 1.25V, and I ADJ 50uA or what is the same 50·10-6 To, which does that the second I finish is despicable, so I solely consider the first one I finish. The resistance that regulate it are noticeable in the grafica card like R1=R104 and R2=R105, are very small resistance, which can scare to but of one, personally I am scared, how I am going to enter has with my tin soldering iron, but those technical problems leave them for the end and would begin to make theoretical measurements and calculations.

    With the help of multímetro I obtained the values of the resistance, R104=108.2 W and R105=58.7 W , with the expression that relates the values of the resistance I calculate that it works to a 1.93V. voltage Which I look for is a voltage of greater exit, in addition I want to be able to choose it to my taste and necessity, chooses to replace R105 by a potentiometer (a variable resistance), this way and using multímetro to measure the resistance I can obtain the voltage that wishes.
    The gain control of the music apparatuses is a potentiometer, I took one broken radio, I disassembled it and I measured the possible values of resistance that could obtain with that potentiometer and I saw that they served to me, since he was quite stable and it could obtain from almost 0 W to very high values of the order of the K W . Takes off it, me cost a little, since there am to admit that the tin welder is not mine, and much less to use it to desoldar...

    After clearing I welded it to him a pair of threads, to be able to connect it?cómodamente? the hollow which it must have when it loosen the resistance R105. approached the point without return, had to clear the resistance, I decided to try a little before entering task, disassembles an old disquetera of 3.5? that towards much that had let work and with joy it can see multitude of that type of resistance, I tried all the process several times, to clear the resistance and to weld threads, to even return to put the resistance, just in case something failed, and all the tests finished in success, was much but simple of which it had thought, simply it warmed up the edges of the resistance and doing pressure of displacement they did not take in loosen, once loose was left the tin that maintained them united to the board, so simply it had to place upon the?montoncitos? of tin the thread that had welded to the potentiometer, to touch with the soldering iron and remained united perfectly.

    When already tapeworm confidence sufficient takes card and I repeated what it had done before, I had problems to loosen resistance, it gave to the sensation of that was of another type, that tapeworm small legs inserted in the board, but finally loosen and I could see that it was just as those of the tests, I took the potentiometer and I welded them, I had much taken care of of which the threads in their part without cover did not touch anything, finally I placed a plastic underneath the potentiometer to avoid that it caused some short circuit. In the end I am left this...

    and sight more close by:

    Quite miserly, but very efficient the plastic....vale... tapeworm haste to prove it and was first that I found, by the way, for the peculiar ones, is the sticker of monitor;D

    The operation had been a success. Single it was to regulate the potentiometer and to prove the card. I began raising a little, I put 70 to him W , Vout of 2,05 V. Llegaba the moment from greater voltage, thorn the card, connect the ventilator, the cable of the monitor and ignite the computer, goes perfectly, slight lightening, I put it to 155 and I prove 3dmark2000, goes perfectly, before it had never obtained that went to 155MHz, I put it to 160MHz and also it goes, I put it to 166 and when beginning, the computer is hung. I extinguish and I raise a little but the resistance, I put it to 80, I take the computer, all good, return to put it to 166MHz, prove 3dmark2000 and works, I raise 170MHz becomes to hang. Again I modify the value of the potentiometer to 95 W , return to prove to 170MHz and works, I raise 175MHz and it is hung, finally I decide to leave it thus, a voltage superior to the 2.4V seems to me excessive. The final result is the totally stable card working Core to 170MHz and the memory to 200MHz , when before the maximum that could obtain to era 150MHz of Core and 186MHz in the memory. Not this nothing badly, considering that the cost to be 0 ptas and I can choose the voltage to which I want that the card works. Now benchmark only reduces to make a few to be able to evaluate the increase of yield. Soon I will include, now this forming or my computer, finish pillar celeron 600, at the moment goes by 927MHz, but or we will see..., because that when it has all or, them coat, at the moment in 3DMark2000, I obtain a Fill rate of 671 MTexel/s.